Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annat teknik""
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Factors Affecting the Implementation of Additive Manufacturing Technology in Healthcare.Dsouza, Erol Christopher, Hardi, Yash Rajesh January 2021 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) has made it possible for patients to have personalized healthcare treatment such as implants, surgical guides etc., which was not possible previously. Despite the massive opportunity of custom-made implants, some factors made their use in clinical practice more difficult. Keeping this in focus the purpose of our thesis is i) To identify stakeholders relevant to AM in healthcare ii) Identify barriers for AM in healthcare iii) Propose a business framework based on barriers and stakeholder identification. A literature review delineated current barriers for AM in general as well as specific to healthcare. Additionally, different dimensions that AM impacts in healthcare and the current business frameworks used were explored. A case study design was applied using deductive reasoning. The Data was collected from semi-structured interviews with the help of snowball purposive sampling. Also, a part of the studies relied on archival data. CFIR framework was employed for data collection, and an interview guide was prepared using the same. The stakeholder analysis model and new business concepts were also utilized under the theoretical framework. Data from the interview was analysed by thematic analysis. The main themes were the Inner setting, Intervention characteristics, Network, Individual professional characteristics, and Outer setting. The study results are categorized based on the technology used for printing, i.e., Metal printing and Polymer printing. Metal printing superseded polymer printing in terms of the number of barriers. Moreover, in terms of the ‘Inner setting,’ common barriers for both printing technologies were lack of training for medical professionals w.r.t AM machines and lack of skilled personal for handling the design software. In terms of ‘Intervention characteristics’, lack of infrastructure (not good enough scanner for scanning patients) and lack of user-friendly software were few common barriers for both printing technologies. The theme ‘Individual professional characteristics’ contained barriers like lack of entrepreneurial mindset (lacking in individuals who take initiatives and invest time), laggard’s attitude (individuals not willing to change the way they work), technological barrier due to generation gap, and lack of practical experience. Lack of demand and lack of legal framework were barriers for metal printing in the context of the ‘Outer setting’. Lastly, with evidence of AM facing numerous barriers, it becomes paramount to examine those barriers at different levels critically during its implementation. Addressing and tackling them with a solution regarding business frameworks and knowledge of relevant stakeholders can alleviate some of the hurdles.
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‘Väsentlig följd av avvikelse' som mellanbegrepp i väsentlighetsprincipen i ÅRL : Om bedömning av när upprättare av finansiell rapport enligt regelverket K3 får avvika från redovisningsbestämmelserHarn, Susanna January 2021 (has links)
Mellanbegrepp inom juridiken utgör ett effektivt sätt att koppla rättsfakta (grunder) till rättsliga följder. Ett intressant mellanbegrepp inom redovisning är ‘väsentlig följd av avvikelse’ som återfinns i den allmänna väsentlighetsprincipen (2kap 3a§ Årsredovisningslagen (SFS 1995:1554) [ÅRL]) vilken ger företag vissa rättigheter att avvika från redovisningsbestämmelser när följden av avvikelsen inte är väsentlig. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att underlätta bedömning av när en avvikelse från en viss bestämmelse får göras genom att applicera teorin om grundöppna mellanbegrepp på den allmänna väsentlighetsprincipen i 2 kap 3a§ ÅRL för ett företag som tillämpar Bokföringsnämndens K3-regelverk vid upprättande av årsredovisning och/eller koncernredovisning. Uppsatsen visar ett förslag på hur en struktur för bedömning kan skapas för detta med hjälp av teorin om mellanbegrepp och en resonemangsmodell för flerdimensionellt beslutsfattande. Ett begreppsligt nätverk struktureras för mellanbegreppet ‘väsentlig följd av avvikelse x’ och möjliga grunder och följder analyseras. Följden är att ‘avvikelse x är inte tillåten’. Grundsidan utgörs av ytterligare mellanbegrepp, ‘rimligen förväntad påverkan på användares beslut’ med grund i ‘väsentlig påverkan på rättvisande bild’. En avvikelses förväntade påverkan på användares beslut enskilt såväl som med andra relaterade avvikelser struktureras med två aggregationsträd. Tre möjliga grunder för en avvikelses påverkan på rättvisande bild diskuteras; påverkan utifrån postens eller felets relativa värde, påverkan utifrån inkonsekvent hantering i förhållande till liknande uppgifter och poster samt påverkan utifrån postens karaktär. Bedömningen struktureras genom att tillämpa en resonemangsmodell för flerdimensionellt beslutsfattande. Med modellen visas hur en upprättare av årsredovisning kan resonera vid prövning av om en avvikelse från en viss bestämmelse är tillåten. Genom att steg för steg se om avvikelsen leder till högre påverkan än vad som är godtagbart på någon aspekt av relevans för väsentlighet hos följd av avvikelse kan upprättare utreda om avvikelsen inte uppfyller något villkor som är nödvändigt för att avvikelsen ska vara tillåten. / Intermediate concepts are used within the law as a means of effectively connecting legal grounds to legal consequences. A particularly interesting intermediate concept within accounting is ‘material consequence of deviation’ which is found in the general materiality principle (2nd Ch. 3a§ The Annual Accounts Act [AAA] of 1995) which gives companies some rights to under certain circumstances deviate from the law of accounting when the consequence of deviating is deemed to not be material. The purpose of this essay is to facilitate assessment of when this deviation is allowed by applying the theory of ground open intermediate concepts on the general materiality principle (2nd Ch. 3a§ AAA of 1995) for a company that applies The Swedish Accounting Standards Board´s K3 regulations for financial reports. The thesis shows an approach to how a structure for decision making can be set up using the theory of intermediate concepts and a model of reasoning for multicriteria decision making. A network of intermediate concepts surrounding ‘material consequence of deviation x’ is presented and possible grounds and consequences analyzed. The consequence is that ‘deviation x is not allowed’. The grounds are also intermediate concepts; ‘reasonably expected influence on users' decisions’ with the ground ‘material consequence on the true and fair view of the company’. A deviation’s expected influence on users’ decisions alone as well as with related deviations is structured in two aggregation trees. Three possible grounds are discussed for the influence of a deviation on a true and fair view of the company; influence based on the item’s or error’s relative value, influence based on inconsistent handling in relation to similar items and influence based on the characteristics of the item. The assessment is structured by applying a reasoning model for multi criteria decision making. With the model it is shown how a preparer of financial reports can reason when assessing if a deviation from a certain regulation is allowed. By step by step assessing if the deviation leads to higher influence than what is acceptable in any aspect of relevance for materiality of a consequence of deviation, preparers can assess if there are any criteria that the deviation does not fulfill which is necessary for the deviation to be allowed.
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Research about Product phase-out Strategy practices in the Swedish software market : Case study of Software product managers in SwedenElshaikh, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
Product elimination had been mostly associated with industrial products, considering their material end-of-life, but recently it had been also associated with the software products, a common perception, is that, product managers are speculative of eliminating their products, due to many reasons, which result in significant lose for those companies, previous publications had shed some light on the benefits of end-of-life practices and how it can enhance the overall product portfolio performance. Purpose – This study is an attempt to investigate how the software product managers in approach the product end of life in Sweden, focusing on the reasons for doing it, how the decisions are made, and the different processes used. Also trying to understand the perceptiveness of it among product managers and customers. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on 5 in-depth interviews with Product managers with diverse level of experiences, from 5 different companies. Findings – Indicates that most of the companies considers product elimination as an ad-hoc project that triggers by some problem, and mostly not approaching it in a strategically, nevertheless they all agree on its importance and benefits. Originality/value – This study represents the first empirical attempt to shed light on the end-of-life aspect and generates insights about the practices used with the software market in Sweden. Keywords Product life-cycle, Product end-of-life, Product elimination, Product Portfolio, Product manager.
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Commercialization: Understanding Business Ecosystem Members : Observations from a biotech startupRutley, Nick January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Betydelsen av ledaregenskaper hos närmaste chef för skogsmaskinförares arbetsmiljö och prestation / The importance of leadership for forest machine operators when it comes to working environment and performanceMalmström, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
En kvantitativ studie kring ledares olika egenskaper och deras betydelse för arbetsmiljön samt arbetsprestationen hos anställda skogsmaskinförare.
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Integration of an Attitude Simulation Framework in a Multi Satellite Formation Flying Simulation FrameworkSavran, Niyazi January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Digital nudging : Ett test av valarkitektur i online-miljöVincze, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Valarkitektur är ett verktyg för nudging som handlar om att påverka individers beteenden i en önskad riktning utan att vilseleda, manipulera eller ta bort valmöjligheter. Valarkitektur handlar om att konstruera valsituationer så att det blir lätt att göra rätt, med en vänlig knuff i rätt riktning. Nudging och valarkitektur har sitt ursprung i beteendeekonomi och är något som växt fram från hur beslut fattas med eventuella felbedömningar och misstag. I vår moderna och digitaliserade tid fattas dagligen beslut i online-miljöer som också behöver designas smart för bästa utfall utifrån satta mål. I detta arbete testas valarkitektur på en redan befintlig webbshop för att undersöka hur en ny utformning av användargränssnittet påverkar konsumenters köp av biobaserade plastprodukter. Den nya designen, som testades under en månad, innebar två förändringar där en var visuell och en var informativ. Förändringarna gjordes utifrån tre designprinciper för digital nudging ur litteraturen. Resultatet tyder på att den nya designen kan ha bidragit till att produkterna gjorda av biobaserad plast ökade både i antal visningar och försäljning, utan att dölja andra alternativ och utan att vilseleda eller manipulera konsumenten. Testet utgår från en itererad modell i fyra steg, även den ur litteraturen, och kan vidareutvecklas eller återupptas i en annan kontext. / Choice architecture is a tool for nudging that involves affecting individuals’ behaviors in a desired direction without misleading, manipulating or removing choices. Choice architecture is about constructing choice situations so that it becomes easy to do right, with a friendly nudge in the right direction. Nudging and choice architecture originate in behavioral economics and are something that has emerged from how decisions are made with possible miscalculations and mistakes. In our modern and digitized era, decisions are made daily in online environments that also need to be smartly designed for the best outcomes based on set goals. In this thesis choice architecture is tested on an existing web shop to investigate how a new user interface design affects consumers' purchases of bio-based plastic products. The new design, which was tested over a month, involved two changes where one was visual, and one was informative. The changes were based on three design principles for digital nudging from the literature. The results show that the new design may have contributed to the increase in products made of bio-based plastics both in terms of views and sales, without hiding other options and without misleading or manipulating the consumer. The test is based on a four-step iterated model, also from the literature, and can be further developed or resumed in a different context.
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A pilot framework for BRM training / En pilot-mall för BRM träningAldén, Gustaf January 2020 (has links)
Human error has been a key factor in grounding- and collision incidents in the past and continues to present a challenge to the maritime industry in the present day. The feasibility of a pilot framework for Bridge Resource Management (BRM) training lies at the heart of this study, its objective being to gauge the possibility of the construction of such a model. The result is thought to open up for further research and highlight the most relevant and effective BRM tools that can be used, by the bridge team, to prevent collision and grounding. The study was carried out in two stages. Firstly, four key personnel within the shipping industry were interviewed. These respondents were tasked with prioritising what they regarded as the most effective BRM tools. Secondly, the effectiveness of these tools was tested on marine incident cases. A document analysis was carried out on six collision and grounding cases, as investigated by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). The majority of the respondents were in agreement regarding which three BRM tools they regarded as the most relevant and effective. The result from the interviews was repeated in the result from the document analysis. The conclusions that were drawn are that: it is possible to construct a pilot framework for BRM training and it is also possible to measure the effectiveness of the BRM tools. Additionally, suggestions for further research that arose from this thesis pertain to the study of the relationship between different BRM tools.
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Knowledge engineering in the virtual enterprise : exploring a maturity-based decision supportJohansson, Christian January 2007 (has links)
In product development, lead-time reduction, cost reduction, and quality improvement are issues that companies want to improve on to increase competitiveness. One recent approach to reach this - particularly in the aerospace industry where the complexity of product offers is steadily increasing - is to manage risk by forming virtual enterprises. A virtual enterprise is a network of partner companies that join on equal terms when an opportunity arises to develop a product offer, e.g. a jet engine offer, in a more agile manner than if any of the partners would realise it by themselves. They therefore team up to share risk, investment and resources - to in return also share revenue and profit. A driver for the formation of the virtual enterprise is the ability to effectively utilise partner knowledge assets. However, when sharing and managing knowledge effectively across the virtual enterprise, current practices have yet to evolve to meet the needs of knowledge workers, who may come from different aerospace companies, have different roles, belong to different disciplines and that may also be situated in geographically dispersed locations. Improving product development includes allowing developers from all disciplines to know - as early as possible in the product development process - more about the customer needs, the desired product properties, and the downstream impact of the decisions they choose to make throughout the process. Knowing about the impact in downstream phases would allow for significant time and cost savings due to the avoidance of unnecessary and expensive rework that would otherwise occur much further on in the product's life cycle. Among other things, a virtual enterprise can start organising and mapping the knowledge assets available in their teams, and information overload can be managed by assuring that the right knowledge ends up with the right person, to mention but a few things that can facilitate the everyday work of engineers and their colleagues. When working in a product development project, the virtual enterprise needs to assess the quality of the created knowledge as early as possible to devise the correct actions early. In this thesis, a Gated Maturity Assessment technique including the concept of knowledge maturity has been developed as an example of an improved stage-gate decision-making process. With this approach development teams are able to assess the knowledge maturity level in the content and rationale that is put forward as a basis for a decision - as opposed to only assessing the raw data of the results (i.e. thrust, weight, fuel burn, etc.). Knowledge maturity is used to support decision makers when in the process of assessing a decision base to make a decision whether to go ahead, abort the process, or order rework to be done. Naturally, if the decision base is poor, a decision to go ahead should probably not be taken, as the consequences might be negative. In assessing maturity, decision makers can determine at decision points if the knowledge base is good enough to move forward to the next step in the jet engine component design, if there is need for rework, and what specific areas need to be improved. Decision makers can divert and focus resources to areas of importance due to, for instance, too low maturity levels. Knowledge maturity is a way to - using a criteria scale that prescribes the knowledge needed at each level - help development teams assess and visualise how well they know what they know, and subsequently, what they need to know. This thesis explores the feasibility of using knowledge maturity as a way of supporting knowledge engineering in the context of a development process in aeronautics. / Godkänd; 2007; 20071126 (ysko) / Fastelaboratoriet - VINNEXC
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Det etablerade modeföretagets användning av Instagram - att skapa tilltalande innehåll / The established fashion company's use of Instagram - create attractive contentLundgren, Rebecca, Sundin, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Innehållsmarknadsföring är ett begrepp som syftar på en strategi för att anpassa innehållet till målgruppens intresseområde, där målet är att skapa förtroende och driva försäljningen framåt. Enligt Clark på sociala mediekonsult förvaltningen lades det upp 94 miljoner bilder och videos dagligen på Instagram år 2018. Utöver detta finns över 25 miljoner företagskonton registrerade på kanalen. Mängderna av alla olika konton samt alla bilderna som läggs upp gör det svårare för företagen att uppmärksammas genom bruset av innehåll och nå sin eftersträvade målgrupp. Cassels är ett familjeföretag som är återförsäljare av kläder från olika varumärken och säljer även egna märken. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en strategi kan tas fram för skapandet av innehåll för publicering på Instagram till Cassels butik i Norrköping och deras eftersträvade målgrupp. För att besvara syftet har en designprocess utvecklats baserat på en enkätundersökning med målgruppen och semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Designen har utvärderats genom intervjuer med respondenter från Cassels eftersträvade målgrupp. Studien visar att en strategi för publicering av innehåll på Instagram bör planeras med tanke vad det bör innehålla och vilken tidpunkt det bör publiceras, samt bidra till enhetlig och sammanhängande tonalitet i flödet. Innehållet som skapas bör vara inspirerande, fotograferat med engagemang, och bra kvalité som exempelvis bra ljus och skärpa. Bildtexterna bör vara personliga, informativa och anspela på en känsla.
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