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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Balanço de nutrientes e avaliação de parâmetros biogeoquímicos em áreas alagadas construídas para o tratamento de esgoto" / Budgets of nutrients and evaluation of biogeochemical parameters in a constructed wetland used for sewage treatment

Sandra Furlan Nogueira 05 September 2003 (has links)
Um sistema de áreas alagadas construídas para o tratamento de esgoto, situado na cidade de Piracicaba e pertencente ao SEMAE (Serviço Municipal de Água e Esgoto), foi investigado. Esse sistema, composto por três estágios de tratamento: fossa séptica; canteiros plantados com arroz (substrato solo e fluxo de efluente sub-superficial vertical) e canal com aguapés (fluxo de efluente horizontal superficial), operou com uma taxa de aplicação de 414 L.m-2.dia-1 de esgoto doméstico. Este trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar parâmetros biogeoquímicos, verificar a eficiência do sistema quanto à remoção de poluentes e apresentar o seu balanço de massa de nutrientes. Para tanto, os seguintes parâmetros biogeoquímicos no efluente foram monitorados durante um ano hidrológico: temperatura, pH, condutividade, oxigênio dissolvido (OD), material particulado (MP), demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO5), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e frações dissolvidas, particuladas e totais de carbono (C), nitrogênio (N) e fósforo (P). Nas plantas e no solo foram monitorados os acúmulos de C, N e P. O sistema apresentou como desempenho no tratamento do esgoto as seguintes taxas anuais de remoção de carga orgânica e nutrientes: 81% para MP, 89% para DBO5, 86% para DQO, 76% para CT, 70% para NID+NPT e 80% para PT. Quanto a qualidade do efluente final, ou seja, as alterações propiciadas pelo sistema nas concentrações finais de carga orgânica e de nutrientes, encontramos os seguintes decréscimos medianos anuais: 60% para MP, 77% para DBO5, 76% para DQO, de 51% para CT, 45% para NID+NPT e 60% para PT. No balanço de massa de C, a eficiência do sistema em remover cargas de C foi de 84%. A fossa séptica reteve 16% e o substrato dos canteiros e canal retiveram 48% desse total. A diferença de 18% encontrada no balanço de massa pode ser atribuída principalmente às perdas gasosas e ao acúmulo de C no substrato, abaixo dos 20 cm amostrados. No balanço de massa de N, a eficiência do sistema em remover cargas de N foi de 75%. A fossa séptica reteve 4%, o substrato dos canteiros e canal retiveram 25% e as plantas (arroz e aguapé) exportaram ou imobilizaram 11% desse total. A diferença de 35% encontrada no balanço de massa pode ser atribuída às perdas gasosas, ao acúmulos de N em sub superfície e acréscimos de NOD no sistema. No balanço de massa de P, a eficiência do sistema em remover cargas de P foi de 86%. A fossa séptica reteve 5%, o substrato dos canteiros e canal retiveram 54% e as plantas exportaram ou imobilizaram 7% desse total. A diferença de 20% encontrada no balanço de massa, pode ser atribuída ao acúmulo de P em forma de compostos orgânicos refratários ou adsorvido ao substrato. Contudo, mesmo diante dos resultados de despoluição favoráveis, concluiu-se que a capacidade do sistema em tratar o esgoto a longo prazo passará a ser limitada pela deficiência na oxigenação do efluente e do substrato e pela colmatação do substrato. / It was investigated a constructed wetlands system for the treatment of sewage, placed in the city of Piracicaba, which is serviced by SEMAE (Municipal Service of Water and Sewage). The system, composed of three treatment phases: septic tank; rice beds (soil substratum and flow of vertical sub-superficial effluent) and channel with water hyacinth (flow of superficial horizontal effluent), operated with a load of 414 L.m-2.day-1 of domestic sewage. The aim of this work was to evaluate biogeochemical parameters in order to verify the efficiency of the system to remove pollutants and to present its mass budgets of nutrients. For so much, the following biogeochemical parameters in the effluent were monitored for one hydrological year: temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), particulate material (PM), biochemical demands of oxygen (BOD5), chemical demands of oxygen (COD) and dissolved fractions, particulate fractions and total of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). In the plants and in the soil the accumulations of C, N, and P were monitored. The performance of the system presented the following annual rates of organic load and nutrient removal in the treatment of sewage: 81% for PM, 89% for BOD5, 86% for COD, 76% for TC (total carbon), 70% for DIN+TPN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen plus total particulate nitrogen), and 80% for TP (total phosphorus). The quality of the final effluent, meaning the alterations propitiated by the system in the final concentrations of organic load and of nutrients, the following annual median decrease was found: 60% for PM, 77% for BOD5, 76% for COD, 51% for TC, 45% for DIN+TPN and 60% for TP. In the mass budget of C, the efficiency of the system in removing loads of C was 84%. The septic tank retained 16% and the substratum of the rice beds and channel retained 48% of that total. The difference of 18% found in the mass budget can be attributed mainly to the gaseous losses and the accumulation of C in the substratum, below the 20 cm sampled. In the mass budget of N, the efficiency of the system in removing loads of N was of 75%. The septic tank retained 4%, the substratum of the rice beds and channel retained 25%, and the plants (rice and water hyacinth) exported or immobilized 11% of that total. The difference of 35% found in the mass budget can be attributed to the gaseous losses, to the accumulations of N in sub surface and increments of NOD in the system. In the mass budget of P, the efficiency of the system in removing loads of P was of 86%. The septic tank retained 5%, the substratum of the rice beds and channel retained 54% and the plants exported or immobilized 7% of that total. The difference of 20% found in the mass budget can be attributed to the accumulation of P in the form of refractory organic compositions or sorbed to the substratum. However, even before the results of favorable depuration, it is concluded that the capacity of the system in treating sewage in the long term will become limited by the deficiency in the aeration of both the effluent and the substratum and for the clogging the substratum.

A biogeoquímica do Rio Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. / The biogeochemistry of ji-Paraná river, Rondonia.

Nei Kavaguichi Leite 20 April 2004 (has links)
As mudanças no uso da terra que ocorreram no estado de Rondônia nas últimas décadas transformaram a paisagem da região. Especialmente ao longo da BR-364, o que antes era constituído quase que exclusivamente por florestas, hoje apresenta extensas áreas cobertas por pastagens, com impactos ainda desconhecidos no ambiente aquático. O presente trabalho procurou identificar a importância relativa das características naturais e antrópicas da bacia de drenagem na biogeoquímica das águas do rio Ji-Paraná e seus principais tributários, levando-se em consideração que a composição química de um rio reflete os processos que ocorrem em sua bacia de drenagem. Para isto, foi utilizada uma abordagem comparativa, na qual se avaliaram as diferenças entre sistemas com distintos usos e cobertura do solo, além das variações sazonais ao longo do período de estudo (1999-2002). Em relação às variações espaciais, as menores concentrações de analitos foram encontradas nos rios drenando áreas com solos mais arenosos e menor fertilidade, enquanto as maiores foram encontradas nos rios localizados na região central da bacia, com os solos mais argilosos e férteis. Em relação às variações temporais, observou-se que os rios em cujas bacias predominam florestas apresentaram correlações positivas entre a descarga e as concentrações de íons, enquanto que, para os rios em cujas bacias predominam pastagens, apesar de apresentarem correlação, esta foi negativa. Estes resultados poderiam indicar um controle da química destas águas apenas por processos naturais. Entretanto, analisando as variações dos nutrientes C, N e P, observou-se que a presença humana já começa a influenciar a biogeoquímica destes rios. / Land use changes that occurred in the state of Rondonia in the last decades transformed the landscape of this region. Mainly along the road BR-364, what was almost all forest before is now covered with extensive pastures, with impacts in the aquatic systems that are still not known. This dissertation aims the identification of the relative importance of the natural and anthropogenic characteristics of the basin in the biogeochemistry of the Ji-Paraná river and its main tributaries, assuming that the chemistry of river waters reflects what happens in its basin. To achieve that, a comparative approach was used, in which differences between systems with distinct soils and land use/cover were analyzed, as well as seasonal variations during the period of this study (1999-2002). Regarding spatial variations, the lowest concentrations of ions were found in rivers draining areas with sandy and less fertile soils, whereas the highest ones were found in rivers located in the central part of the basin, draining soils with higher clay content and more fertile. In relation to seasonal variations, it was observed that rivers draining basins in which forests predominate show positive correlations between discharge and ionic content, while rivers draining basins with large areas of pastures, showed inverse correlations between discharge and concentrations of ions. These results indicate that the natural characteristics of these basins might be the main controlling factor of river biogeochemistry. However, variations in nutrient concentrations, such as C, N and P, also indicate that human influences are already present in these systems.

MicroartrÃpodes do solo em um agroecossistema irrigado com Ãgua da exploraÃÃo de petrÃleo no semiÃrido / Soil microarthropods in an agroecosystem irrigated with water from oil exploration in the semiarid region

Raimundo Nonato Costa Ferreira 11 September 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa AgropecuÃria / Em regiÃes Ãridas e semiÃridas com campos de exploraÃÃo petrolÃfera, a Ãgua obtida junto com petrÃleo, conhecida como âÃgua produzidaâ (AP), vem sendo considerada para irrigaÃÃo. Devido a importÃncia dos microartrÃpodes para o funcionamento do solo, foram avaliadas as perturbaÃÃes promovidas pela AP sobre esses organismos. No capÃtulo I, foi avaliado se irrigaÃÃo com AP filtrada e AP tratada por osmose reversa, comparado com Ãgua do subsolo captada, altera a estrutura da assembleia de microartrÃpodes do solo em culturas de mamona e girassol em perÃodo seco e chuvoso. A abundÃncia e a riqueza de tÃxons de microartrÃpodes foram afetadas pela irrigaÃÃo e a sazonalidade na mamona. A estrutura da assembleia foi alterada durante a estaÃÃo chuvosa no girassol, e nas duas estaÃÃes na mamona. As perturbaÃÃes promovidas pela AP indicam que a mesofauna do solo pode ser utilizada no monitoramento ambiental da irrigaÃÃo. No capÃtulo II, foi avaliado o efeito da irrigaÃÃo com AP, da AP tratada por osmose reversa e do glutaraldeÃdo, utilizado no tratamento de osmose reversa, sobre os tÃxons da mesofauna na cultura de abacaxi ornamental. Avaliou-se, atravÃs de testes ecotoxicolÃgicos, a reproduÃÃo de Folsomia candida e Enchytraeus crypticus em solo coletado nos tratamentos apÃs um ano de irrigaÃÃo e em solo contaminado com glutaraldeÃdo. A AP influenciou Hymenoptera, Cosmochthonius sp, e Entomobryomorpha. A AP tratada por osmose reversa reduziu a reproduÃÃo de F. candida e E. crypticus e a AP filtrada afetou a reproduÃÃo de E. crypticus. O glutaraldeÃdo reduziu a reproduÃÃo de F. candida. Este estudo revela que a AP e o glutaraldeÃdo afetam os tÃxons da mesofauna reduzindo sua reproduÃÃo no solo. No capÃtulo III as respostas ambientais de Ãcaros Mesostigmata e do restante dos microartrÃpodes foram comparadas. MicroartrÃpodes foram coletados em parcelas irrigadas com as trÃs Ãguas e cultivadas com girassol e mamona e na vegetaÃÃo nativa durante a estaÃÃo seca e chuvosa. As respostas da abundÃncia e riqueza das duas assembleias em relaÃÃo a irrigaÃÃo e sazonalidade foram similares. Os Ãcaros foram afetados pela sazonalidade no girassol e pela irrigaÃÃo na mamona e o resto dos microartrÃpodes por ambos os fatores. Essas assembleias podem ser acessadas para monitorar sazonalidade uso do solo. / In arid and semiarid lands with continental oil fields, the water obtained with oil, known as "produced water" (PW), has been suggested as an alternative source for irrigation. Because the relevance of microarthropods assemblage for the soil, in this study was evaluated the disturbances promoted by the PW on those edaphic organisms. In Chapter I, was assessed whether the irrigation with PW filtered and PW filtered and then treated by reverse osmosis, comparing with groundwater from AÃu aquifer, changes the mesofauna in sunflower and castor bean crops during dry and rainy seasons. PW and seasonality changed the abundance and richness in castor bean. In the sunflower crop, the assemblage structure was different from the aquifer in PW treated by reverse osmosis during the rainy season, while in castor bean that difference occurred in both seasons. Disturbances promoted by PW on mesofauna can be used for environmental monitoring of irrigation. In Chapter II the effects of PW filtered, PW filtered and then treated by reverse osmosis and the glutaraldehyde, commonly used in treatment of PW by reverse osmosis, on microarthropods taxa was assessed in an ornamental pineapple crop. Ecotoxicological tests evaluated the survival and reproduction of Folsomia candida and Enchytraeus crypticus on soil samples collected in the treatments after a year of irrigation and in soil contaminated with glutaraldehyde. PW influenced Hymenoptera, Cosmochthonius sp. and Entomobryomorpha. The PW treated by reverse osmosis reduced reproduction of F. candida and E. crypticus and the PW filtered affected the reproduction of E. crypticus. Glutaraldehyde reduced the reproduction of F. candida. Our study reveals that AP and glutaraldehyde affect the mesofauna taxa reducing their reproduction. In chapter III the environmental responses of total microarthropod and Mesostigmata mites were compared. Microarthropods were assessed in irrigated plots under castor bean and sunflower cultivation, and native vegetation during the dry and rainy seasons. The response of the two assemblages to irrigation and seasonality was similar. Mites were affected by seasonality in the sunflower and by irrigation in castor bean crops, while the total microarthropod have been affected by both factors. Mesostigmata mites or total microarthropd assemblages can be assessed to monitor seasonality and land use.

Public perception and response to extreme heat events

Porter, Raymond E. 03 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In the United States extreme heat events have grown in size and stature over the past 20 years. Urban Heat Islands exacerbate these extreme heat events leaving a sizable portion of people at risk for heat related fatalities. The evidence of this is seen in the Chicago heat wave of 1995 which killed 500 people over the course of a week and the European heat wave of 2003 which killed 7,000 people in the course of a month. The main guiding questions then become how government and the media can most effectively warn people about the occurrence of extreme heat events? Should extreme heat warnings be issued by T.V., newspaper or by radio? Even if warnings are issued will the population at large still change their behavior? Another possible question is whether people most vulnerable to extreme heat will change their behavior? A survey in 2010 by NASA will be the main basis for this analysis. This survey set out to see how well people in Phoenix, Philadelphia, and Dayton responded to extreme heat alerts by changing their behavior.

Spatiotemporal analysis of extreme heat events in Indianapolis and Philadelphia for the years 2010 and 2011

Beerval Ravichandra, Kavya Urs 12 March 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Over the past two decades, northern parts of the United States have experienced extreme heat conditions. Some of the notable heat wave impacts have occurred in Chicago in 1995 with over 600 reported deaths and in Philadelphia in 1993 with over 180 reported deaths. The distribution of extreme heat events in Indianapolis has varied since the year 2000. The Urban Heat Island effect has caused the temperatures to rise unusually high during the summer months. Although the number of reported deaths in Indianapolis is smaller when compared to Chicago and Philadelphia, the heat wave in the year 2010 affected primarily the vulnerable population comprised of the elderly and the lower socio-economic groups. Studying the spatial distribution of high temperatures in the vulnerable areas helps determine not only the extent of the heat affected areas, but also to devise strategies and methods to plan, mitigate, and tackle extreme heat. In addition, examining spatial patterns of vulnerability can aid in development of a heat warning system to alert the populations at risk during extreme heat events. This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative methods used to measure extreme heat events. Land surface temperatures obtained from the Landsat TM images provide useful means by which the spatial distribution of temperatures can be studied in relation to the temporal changes and socioeconomic vulnerability. The percentile method used, helps to determine the vulnerable areas and their extents. The maximum temperatures measured using LST conversion of the original digital number values of the Landsat TM images is reliable in terms of identifying the heat-affected regions.

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