Spelling suggestions: "subject:"appointment."" "subject:"appointed.""
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Les effets des liens personnels interconseils sur la performance de l'entreprise : une analyse comparée entre France et Allemagne / Der Einfluss von Aufsichtsratsverflechtungen auf die Unternehmensperformance : ein deutsch-französischer VergleichPrinz, Enrico 02 July 2010 (has links)
Bien que le thème des liens interconseils fasse régulièrement l’objet de discussions supposant un effet disciplinaire négatif du cumul de mandats, l’inventaire de la littérature empirique ne permet pas d’obtenir une image claire concernant l’impact des réseaux d’administrateurs sur la performance des entreprises liées. La divergence des résultats s’explique tant par la mobilisation de grilles théoriques négligeant des éléments importants des liens personnels, que des divers critères utilisés pour mesurer la création de valeur. Dans l’objectif d’obtenir des réponses plus concluantes concernant l’impact du partage d’administrateurs communs sur la création de valeur de la firme, nous avons modélisé, à l’aide d’une structure théorique « bi-céphale », les contributions potentielles des liens interconseils à la performance. Notre modèle repose sur la théorie synthétique de la gouvernance. Il mobilise deux voies d’intervention disciplinaire (la surcharge temporelle des « cumulards » et l’effet de réputation exercé par le marché du travail des administrateurs externe) et trois leviers cognitifs (l’apport d’informations et de connaissances, l’apport de compétences généralistes et spécifiques, ainsi que leur combinaison et l’exploitation). À ces facteurs s’ajoutent différentes variables médiatrices et de contrôle. Pour tester la validité de notre modèle, nous avons mené une étude empirico-comparative des liens interconseils existant entre les plus grandes entreprises françaises et allemandes, observés sur la période 2001-2005. Dans la partie descriptive, nous avons examiné, tant pour un échantillon bi-national que pour des sous-échantillons, les caractéristiques des réseaux d’administrateurs contemporains de part et d’autre du Rhin. La partie empirique teste, à l’aide de régressions en données de panel, l’influence des liens sur deux mesures de performance (un critère ex ante et un indicateur ex post). Les tests montrent que les effets de liens interconseils varient selon le type de mandats cumulés. De surcroît, le modèle confirme les contributions supposées importantes des administrateurs multimandats en termes cognitifs et leur impact majoritairement favorable sur la création de valeur. L’anticipation des effets des liens interconseils par les marchés s’avère plus forte que ce que montre l’analyse de leur influence sur la mesure de performance ex post. / Although interlocking directorates are regularly associated with a negative connotation, empirical evidence is far away from offering convincing answers about the performance effects of directorship interlocks. The huge variety of contradicting results can be explained both by the use of different theoretical frameworks and different value creation measures. In order to shed more light on the question of the role of busy directors, we develop a two-pillar model explaining the potential contributions of directorship interlocks to shareholder value creation. Based on a synthetic view of corporate governance, the model uses two disciplinary (work overload of busy directors and incentive effects coming from the external labor market of corporate directors) as well as three cognitive intervention levers (provision of information and knowledge, provision of general and specific competences, combination and exploitation of those elements). Moderating and controlling variables are added. The appropriateness of the model is tested through a 5-year comparison (2001-2005) of director networks within the largest French and German companies. We first present, both for a bi-national sample and national sub-samples, the major characteristics of the identified interlocks. In the empirical part, we conduct a panel data analysis checking for the influence of busy directors on corporate performance. We use two performance measures: one ex ante, the other ex post. Empirical tests indicate that the performance effect of interlocks depend on the type of board seats accumulated. Moreover, statistical modeling confirms the existence of cognitive contributions of director networks and shows mostly positive effects on value creation. Also, markets seem to anticipate director effects – both negative and positive – in a stronger way than an ex post performance analysis shows. / Obgleich das Thema „personelle Unternehmensverflechtungen über den Aufsichtsrat“ re-gelmäßig im Fokus öffentlicher Diskussionen steht – wobei in der Regel eine negative Wirkung der Mandatekumulation auf die Kontrolleffizienz des Überwachungsgremiums und damit letztlich auf die Unternehmensperformance unterstellt wird –, zeigt eine Analyse der empirischen Litera-tur, dass insbesondere in Kontinentaleuropa eine klare Schlussfolgerung hinsichtlich der Wirkung von Mehrfachmandaten auf die Wertschöpfung für die Aktionäre nicht möglich ist. Ursache für die starke Divergenz der Ergebnisse scheint sowohl die Verwendung verschiedener theoretischer Erklärungsmodelle als auch die Mobilisierung unterschiedlicher Messgrößen der Unternehmens-performance zu sein. Mit dem Ziel aussagekräftigere Ergebnisse zur Rolle der Mehrfachmandate und ihres Einflusses auf die Wertschöpfung zu erhalten, untersucht die nachfolgende Studie unter Zuhilfenahme eines 2-Säulen-Modells die verschiedenen potenziellen Wirkungen von Aufsichts-ratsverbindungen auf den Shareholder Value. Das erklärende Modell basiert auf einer erweiterten Governance-Theorie. Hierbei werden neben zwei traditionellen, die Disziplin im Kontrollorgan beeinflussenden Aspekte (zeitliche Überlastung der Mehrfachmandatsträger, Reputationseffekt des externen Arbeitsmarktes für Aufsichtsräte), drei kognitiv-strategische Einflüsse (Zugang zu Informationen und Kenntnissen, Einbringung genereller und spezifischer Kompetenzen, Zusam-menführung und Nutzbarmachung dieser Faktoren) modelliert. Außerdem werden diverse Media-tor- und Kontrollvariablen hinzugefügt. Die Gültigkeit des entwickelten Modelles wurde in einer vergleichen empirischen Analyse der Aufsichtsratsverflechtungen der größten deutschen und französischen Aktiengesellschaften für den Zeitraum 2001-2005 überprüft. Im deskriptiven Teil werden sowohl für eine 2-Länder-Stichprobe als auch für die nationalen Stichproben die Haupt-merkmale der Aufsichtsratsnetzwerke auf beiden Seiten des Rheins dargestellt. Im empirischen Teil wird mittels Panel-Regressionen der Einfluss der Verflechtungen auf zwei Performancemaβe untersucht (ein ex ante- und ein ex post-Indikator). Die Analysen zeigen, dass die Wirkung der Verflechtungen von der Art der zugrunde liegenden Mandatekumulation abhängen. Auf kogniti-ver Ebene können die unterstellten positiven Einflüsse von Mehrfachmandaten auf die Perfor-mance mehrheitlich bestätigt werden. Zudem kann festgestellt werden, dass die Kapitalmärkte deutlich stärker auf personelle Verflechtungsaspekte reagieren als es eine ex post-Analyse der Wertschöpfung vermuten lässt.
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Strategy for reducing the missing of appointments among on anti-retroviral therapy in Limpopo Province, South AfricaLowane, Mygirl Pearl 20 September 2019 (has links)
PhDH / Department of Public Health / Background: Since the introduction of three-tiered systems appointments, there are a large number of missed appointments among Human immunodeficiency virus-positive clients on Antiretroviral. However, no one knows why these clients missed their scheduled times. Missing of appointments predicts poor adherence and is associated with poor clinical outcomes.
Objectives: The proposed study aimed at developing a strategy for reducing the missing of appointments among adults on Antiretroviral Therapy in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The objectives of the study are to determine patients’ behaviour, the socio-environmental and economic factors that contribute to the missing of appointments and develop strategies to enhance compliance with appointments by Human immunodeficiency virus-positive clients on Antiretroviral therapy in the Limpopo Province.
Method: A qualitative research design was used to address the study objectives. Non-probability purposive sampling was used to sample health care centres in Limpopo Province, patients, Professional Nurses and Community Health Workers. Individual interview and focus group discussions strengthened the triangulation of data obtained from the participants. Creswell’s model provided details for data analysis and interpretation.
Trustworthiness and Ethics: Measures to ensure data quality, such as credibility, dependability, conformability and transferability, were observed. The researcher ensured compliance with ethical standards to protect the rights of the participants. Approval for this study was obtained from the University of Venda Research Ethics Committee and the Limpopo Department of Health Research Ethics.
Results: The study revealed various factors that contribute to the missing of appointments by Human immunodeficiency virus positive-clients on Antiretroviral Therapy. Specific socioeconomic, behavioural, environmental and health service-related factors appear to prevent adherence to appointments. These factors include a lack of family support and client engagement, the absence of financial means, and cultural and religious beliefs. Lack of client involvement in planning their care and poor referral of clients to community health workers were ranked high as being the most contributing factors to clients missing their appointments.
Strategy development: Phase 2 of this study dealt with the development of the strategy aimed at reducing the missing of appointment by adults on Antiretroviral Therapy based on
the findings of the study. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats matrix was triangulated in Political, Environmental, Social, Technological and Legal analysis to develop this approach to reduce the missing of appointments among adults on Antiretroviral therapy. A transtheoretical framework illustrated how to implement the strategy. Validation of the developed strategy ensured that the system is free of errors and checked the applicability of the strategies utilising a quantitative design. A simple random sampling approach was used to select the population to participate in this study using the questionnaire developed by the researcher. Almost all respondents agreed that the strategy would facilitate reduced missing appointments by adults on Antiretroviral therapy.
Recommendations: Clients involvement and engagement throughout the process of a treatment plan is essential to identify some of the barriers that might contribute to poor adherence to appointment by clients on Antiretroviral therapy. Community health workers and nurses should be capacitated with knowledge and skills to identify the clients at risk of defaulting treatment and appointments and provide counselling that will facilitate behaviour modifications. / HWSETA
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Bucking the Trend: Why Lyndon Johnson’s Supreme Court Appointments are Outliers in the Ideological Relationship Between Modern Presidents and the Justices they NominateGlennon, Colin 01 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Cancelled surgeries and payment by results in the English National Health ServiceMcIntosh, Bryan, Cookson, G., Jones, S. January 2012 (has links)
No / OBJECTIVES: To model the frequency of 'last minute' cancellations of planned elective procedures in the English NHS with respect to the patient and provider factors that led to these cancellations. METHODS: A dataset of 5,288,604 elective patients spell in the English NHS from January 1st, 2007 to December 31st, 2007 was extracted from the Hospital Episode Statistics. A binary dependent variable indicating whether or not a patient had a Health Resource Group coded as S22--'Planned elective procedure not carried out'--was modeled using a probit regression estimated via maximum likelihood including patient, case and hospital level covariates. RESULTS: Longer waiting times and being admitted on a Monday were associated with a greater rate of cancelled procedures. Male patients, patients from lower socio-economic groups and older patients had higher rates of cancelled procedures. There was significant variation in cancellation rates between hospitals; Foundation Trusts and private facilities had the lowest cancellation rates. CONCLUSIONS: Further research is needed on why Foundation Trusts exhibit lower cancellation rates. Hospitals with relatively high cancellation rates should be encouraged to tackle this problem. Further evidence is needed on whether hospitals are more likely to cancel operations where the procedure tariff is lower than the S22 tariff as this creates a perverse incentive to cancel. Understanding the underlying causes of why male, older and patients from lower socio-economic groups are more likely to have their operations cancelled is important to inform the appropriate policy response. This research suggests that interventions designed to reduce cancellation rates should be targeted to high-cancellation groups.
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The application of affirmative action policies in the South African Correctional Services DepartmentMakgoba, Matsemela Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
attitudes amongst the members of different races towards the implementation of
affirmative action in the Correctional Services Department of South Africa. A
literature study on affirmative action was completed and thereafter a questionnaire
was developed. An emperical study was done by questionnaire on the determination of
perceptions and attitudes of members of the South African Correctional Services
Department towards the application of Affirmative Action policies.
serious problems if not correctly managed. It was established that the success in any
affirmative action strategy rests on the understanding and acceptance of cultural
diversity as manifested in perceptions and attitudes. Management information
systems needs to be effective and efficient at all times. Changing perceptions and
attitudes increased passion and job satisfaction.
Recommendations are made for further research on aspects highlighted by the
findings. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)
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[pt] O estudo tem como foco a negociação de identidades em situação de conflito em contexto de consulta médica pediátrica de crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH), em atendimento de rotina conduzido pela médica. O objetivo consiste em criar inteligibilidades sobre os conflitos familiares consequentes do transtorno e as identidades projetadas/negociadas por pais, crianças e adolescentes com TDAH, para si e para o outro. A pesquisa está ancorada em linhas teóricas da fala-em-interação em atendimento clínico. Situa-se na Linguística Aplicada das Profissões, em articulação com a Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, em contexto institucional, com a Sociolinguística Interacional e com os estudos discursivos sobre identidades. A metodologia da pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e interpretativista, com gravação em vídeo de quatro consultas pediátricas, tem caráter etnográfico, mediante observação participante na antessala de atendimento. Os dados foram transcritos de acordo com convenções da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica. Os resultados das análises mostram a prática profissional da médica nos enquadres de consulta clínica e de orientação psicoeducativa. A médica realiza tanto atividades relacionadas a tarefas de avaliação física e comportamental das crianças e dos adolescentes, em ações que visam ao tratamento medicamentoso e psicológico do TDAH, quanto atos comunicativos como formuladora, mediadora e conselheira na intermediação de conflitos emergentes da inter-relação TDAH, família e escola, resultantes do comportamento dos filhos nas relações familiares e do baixo rendimento acadêmico destes no contexto escolar. Os pais se alinham junto à médica, no enquadre de transtornos escolares dos filhos, e estabelecem enquadres conflitantes junto aos filhos; projetam para si identidades cujos atributos oscilam entre participativos, compreensivos e responsáveis, e impacientes, frustrados e esgotados. As identidades que projetam para os filhos apresentam-se, por vezes, contraditórias, entre filhos amorosos, perspicazes e irritantes; e alunos inteligentes, ineptos e displicentes. As crianças e os adolescentes, embora se alinhem com a médica, nos enquadres de consulta e orientação, rejeitam o estigma de TDAH e projetam para si identidades de alunos e filhos respeitosos e intelectualmente capazes; e para seus pais, na maioria das vezes, de pais impacientes e exigentes em sua educação. O estudo proporciona maior entendimento da complexidade e das múltiplas atividades da atuação profissional da médica na consulta pediátrica, e contribui para uma melhor compreensão das experiências cotidianas de pais, crianças e adolescentes com TDAH, marcadas por conflitos desestruturantes da harmonia entre esses atores sociais nos contextos da escola e da família. / [en] The study focuses on the negotiation of identities during conflict situations in the context of pediatric appointments for children and teenagers diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), in routine care conducted by the doctor. The main purpose consists on creating intelligibilities about the family conflicts resultant from the disorder and the identities projected/negotiated by the parents, children and teenagers with ADHA, for themselves and others. The research is based on theoretical lines of speech-in-interaction regarding clinical care. It is situated on Professions Applied Linguistics, in articulation with the Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis, in an institutional context, in Interational Sociolinguistics and on discursive studies about identities. The research methodology, of a qualitative and interpretive nature, with video recording of four pediatric appointments, has an ethnographic character, by a participant observation in the Doctor’s office waiting room. Data were transcribed in accordance with conventions of the Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis. The analyzes results indicate the professional practice of the Doctor concerning clinical care and the psycho-educative orientation. The Doctor carries out activities related to physical evaluation and behavior tasks of children and teenagers, in actions that aim at the ADHA medicated and psychological treatment, and also the communicative acts as a formulator, mediator and advisor when intermediating conflicts emerging from the ADHA, family and school inter-relation, resultant from the behavior of the children in family relation and the their low academic performance in the school context. The parents align with the Doctor, in the framings of their children school disorders, and stablish conflicting framings together with their children; they project to themselves the identities whose attributes oscillate between participative, comprehensive and responsible, and impatient, frustrated and exhausted. The identities that project toward children are occasionally presented as contradictory, among the children considered lovely, insightful and annoying; and intelligent, inept and ungracious students. Children and teenagers, although being aligned with the Doctor, in the framings of appointments and orientation reject the ADHA stigma and project to themselves the identities of students and children considered to be respectful and intellectually capable; and for their parents, most of the time, identities of impatient and demanding parents regarding education. The study provides a greater understanding of the complexity and the multiple activities of the professional performance of the Doctor during the pediatric care, and contributes for a better understanding of the daily experiences of parents, children and teenagers with ADHA, marked by destabilizing conflicts of harmony between these social authors in the school and family contexts.
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The political / administrative interface: the relationship between the executive mayor and municipal managerSurty, Fatima January 2010 (has links)
<p>Local government is arguably the most significant sphere of government to lay citizens, as it is the point of contact of citizens with their government. Local government enables a direct link between the general public and the basic services that they are entitled to by means of their constitutional and legislatively entrenched rights. It is the only sphere of government that allows and encourages face-to-face engagement between citizens and their governors, providing the necessary platform for interaction, contact and communication. It is imperative therefore that this tier of government operate optimally and competently, as it represents a reflection of the operation of government wholly. Research unfortunately illustrates that public perceptions of local government are negative, with levels of trust in local government being substantially lower than those in provincial and national governments. The responsibility for failure to perform would lie squarely on the shoulders of those individuals leading any institution. The leading incumbents driving a municipality are the political and administrative heads, i.e. executive mayor and municipal manager.</p>
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The political / administrative interface: the relationship between the executive mayor and municipal managerSurty, Fatima January 2010 (has links)
<p>Local government is arguably the most significant sphere of government to lay citizens, as it is the point of contact of citizens with their government. Local government enables a direct link between the general public and the basic services that they are entitled to by means of their constitutional and legislatively entrenched rights. It is the only sphere of government that allows and encourages face-to-face engagement between citizens and their governors, providing the necessary platform for interaction, contact and communication. It is imperative therefore that this tier of government operate optimally and competently, as it represents a reflection of the operation of government wholly. Research unfortunately illustrates that public perceptions of local government are negative, with levels of trust in local government being substantially lower than those in provincial and national governments. The responsibility for failure to perform would lie squarely on the shoulders of those individuals leading any institution. The leading incumbents driving a municipality are the political and administrative heads, i.e. executive mayor and municipal manager.</p>
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L’accès adapté au sein du réseau de cliniques universitaires de l’Université de Montréal : une étude observationnelleMartel, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The application of affirmative action policies in the South African Correctional Services DepartmentMakgoba, Matsemela Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
attitudes amongst the members of different races towards the implementation of
affirmative action in the Correctional Services Department of South Africa. A
literature study on affirmative action was completed and thereafter a questionnaire
was developed. An emperical study was done by questionnaire on the determination of
perceptions and attitudes of members of the South African Correctional Services
Department towards the application of Affirmative Action policies.
serious problems if not correctly managed. It was established that the success in any
affirmative action strategy rests on the understanding and acceptance of cultural
diversity as manifested in perceptions and attitudes. Management information
systems needs to be effective and efficient at all times. Changing perceptions and
attitudes increased passion and job satisfaction.
Recommendations are made for further research on aspects highlighted by the
findings. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)
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