Spelling suggestions: "subject:"armadillo"" "subject:"armadilhas""
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Desarrollo, secuencia de osificación y evolución del esqueleto apendicular de Dasypodidae (Mammalia, Xenarthra), su comparación con otros TheriaGalliari, Fernando Carlos 03 June 2013 (has links)
Entre los Xenarthra actuales, los más diversos son los Dasypodidae, tanto en número de especies como en abundancia y distribución latitudinal. También ellos son los que tienen el registro paleontológico más antiguo, que comienza en el Paleoceno tardío. Entre esta diversidad de dasipódidos claramente se reconocen dos clados principales muy bien diferenciados al menos desde el Eoceno medio-tardío (ca. 45 Ma), el de los Dasypodinae y el de los Euphractinae. Ellos están especialmente definidos por caracteres provenientes del estudio de los osteodermos que componen sus corazas, y por ciertas características de su arquitectura craneana. Por el contrario, los estudios comparativos referidos al esqueleto apendicular, en particular los autopodios, son escasos. El concepto de heterocronía (el cambio evolutivo en la cronología del desarrollo), es un tema central para completar la unión entre evolución y desarrollo. La heterocronía de secuencias analiza el orden en el que ocurren los eventos del desarrollo, considerándose un evento como cualquier acontecimiento que ocurra en un momento de la ontogenia. Solo recientemente los xenartros han sido estudiados parcialmente en este aspecto. Los mecanismos que conducen a diferencias en una secuencia de desarrollo (e.g. en una secuencia de osificación) y el impacto potencial de estas diferencias en la diversidad morfológica en adultos, particularmente en sus autopodios, permanece pobremente conocida, siendo así un gran campo de exploración. Las hipótesis de trabajo consideradas son: 1- los caracteres del esqueleto apendicular de los Dasypodidae tienen valor filogenético, 2- los principales eventos cladogenéticos en los Daypodidae se ven reflejados en sus carpos y tarsos, 3- las heterocronías son las responsables de los cambios de esos carpos y tarsos. Se persiguieron los siguientes objetivos a fin de someter a prueba las hipótesis planteadas: a) primario, estudiar el desarrollo ontogenético comparado del esqueleto apendicular de Dasypodidae (Mammalia, Xenarthra), a fin de comprender la evolución y cladogénesis de la familia, identificando heterocronías en el desarrollo que puedan ser analizadas en un contexto filogenético; b) secundarios: 1- estudiar el desarrollo ontogenético comparado del esqueleto apendicular (en especial carpos y tarsos), en Dasypodinae y Euphractinae; 2- estudiar el desarrollo de estructuras homólogas en otros xenartros no Dasypodidae; 3- estudiar la morfología comparada de carpos y tarsos de las especies actuales e interpretar adecuadamente sus homologías en base a estudios embriológicos; 4- definir modelos morfológicos a base de datos embriológicos para Dasypodidae; 5- estudiar el material homólogo de taxones extinguidos sin representantes actuales de Dasypodinae (e.g. Stegotheriini) y Euphractinae (e.g. Eutatini); 6- identificar posibles heterocronías en el desarrollo y analizarlas en el contexto temporal de diversificación de los principales clados; 7- seleccionar caracteres para análisis filogenéticos combinados con otras fuentes de datos (e.g. moleculares y morfológicos); y 8- comparar con otros terios y evaluar sus relaciones filogenéticas.
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Originally endemic to South America, the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) has recently expanded its range northward to Illinois. With this range expansion comes concern from both wildlife managers and the general public regarding potential incoming pathogens and unknown impacts on native wildlife. My research, conducted during 2018-2020 in southern Illinois, addressed the following 3 objectives intended to provide information regarding this novel species: (1) test for the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi and Mycobacterium leprae, (2) model the potential distribution of armadillos, and (3) attempt several different armadillo capture methods. For Objective 1, I tested roadkilled specimens for T. cruzi and M. leprae, 2 pathogens known to infect humans, using PCR and ELISA, respectively. All 81 samples tested for T. cruzi and all 25 samples tested for M. leprae were negative. The latter case is consistent with the enemy release hypothesis, suggesting armadillos have evaded parasites present in their native environment due to geographical distance. The absence of T. cruzi in the sampled individuals implies dispersing individuals are more robust than those at the center of their range. For Objective 2, I used MAXENT to model potential armadillo distribution in 51 counties in southern Illinois using 39 presence locations. Modeling identified low-intensity development to be the most important predictor of armadillo presence. For Objective 3, I attempted to capture armadillos using spotlighting on roads, staking out burrows, unbaited single-door cage traps, and unbaited double-door cage traps. Based on trap nights per capture, I found the use of double-door cage traps to be the most efficient method. My study will aid in managing colonizing armadillo populations by presenting information regarding dynamics of disease transmission, predicting areas of armadillo presence, and capture methods.
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Comparative Morphology of the Forelimb Digging Apparatus in Armadillos (Xenarthra: Cingulata, Dasypodidae)Marshall, Sarah K. 24 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Reproduction, Energy Budget, and the Sibling Effect in Nine-Banned Armadillo, Dasypus NovemcinctusLengyel, Megan S. 13 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Physiological Variability in Juvenile Nine-Banded Armadillos: Responses to Simulated Burrow Conditions During DevelopmentSpencer, Megan A. 17 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Ecología comportamental de los dasipódidos en el pastizal pampeano, con particular consideración de los hábitos alimenticios : enfoque eco-morfo-fisiológicoCiuccio, Mariano 01 December 2014 (has links)
Los armadillos (Orden Xenarthra), son mamíferos euterios, neotropicales, americanos. Más
allá de su interés zoológico y biómédico, y sus particularidades morfológicas y fisiológicas,
su ecología es casi desconocida a nivel regional y nacional. Desde Abril de 2004 hasta
Septiembre de 2007 se relevó un área (600 ha.) a 17 km. al Norte de la ciudad de Bahía
Blanca comprobándose la presencia de Chaetophractus vellerosus (pichi llorón), C. villosus
(peludo), Zaedyus pichiy (pichi común) y Dasypus hybridus (mulita).Se realizaron 169
avistajes y 79 capturas, registrándose diferencias en la cantidad a lo largo del año y
durante los distintos horarios del día, lo cual indicaría una separación de nichos entre
especies en el uso de los recursos. C. vellerosus, considerado extinto en gran parte de la
Provincia de Buenos Aires, no estaba citado para el área de estudio. Su hallazgo resulta de
interés ecológico y de conservación para la especie y el ecosistema del pastizal pampeano.
Se midieron 109 cuevas (D. hybridus= 17; C. villosus= 60; Z. pichiy= 26) sin encontrar
diferencias significativas entre especies. Se encontró una asociación de las cuevas a los
senderos, las de C. villosus hacia a los arroyos y Z. pichiy hacia los montes.
Se identificaron seis componentes en los microhábitats de los registros: Estepa graminosa
alta (EGA), Estepa graminosa baja (EGB), Arbusto, Suelo desnudo, Árbol, Roca y Agua. Se
observó mayor cobertura de los ítems EGA y EGB para las cuatro especies. El ítem suelo
desnudo presentó una baja cobertura en los sitios de registros de mulitas.
Se colectaron y analizaron 68 heces (C. vellerosus=0, D. hybridus=7, Z. pichiy=14 y C.
villosus=47) identificándose los siguientes ítems: Coleópteros, Himenópteros, Ortópteros,
Larvas, Plumas, Material vegetal, Otros restos. Analizado su frecuencia de ocurrencia
absoluta y relativa se observó que los himenópteros aportaron en mayor medida a la
composición de la dieta de la mulita, mientras que en peludos y pichis fue el material
vegetal seguido por los coleópteros e himenópteros.
En las lenguas de Z. pichiy y D. hybridus se diferenciaron papilas filiformes simples (cónicas)
y ramificadas, fungiformes y caliciformes. No se hallaron papilas foliadas. Las papilas
filiformes cónicas se localizan en la punta de la lengua, bordes laterales y tercio posterior de
la misma, y las ramificadas sobre toda la lengua. Las papilas fungiformes, escasas, están
entre las filiformes ramificadas. En el tercio posterior de la lengua se observan dos papilas
caliciformes. Las papilas filiformes cumplen un rol mecánico, siendo las demás papilas
gustativas con poros gustativos visibles. La presencia y distribución de las diferentes papilas
coincide básicamente con lo observado previamente en C. villosus y C. vellerosus.
La ultraestructura de la mucosa intestinal de C. villosus es la típica de mamíferos. Pudo
reconocerse y caracterizarse el tipo de células que cubren la mucosa. Las diferencias observadas entre las distintas porciones del intestino responderían a características
funcionales de las mismas.
Los resultados expuestos aportan datos valiosos para futuros planes de conservación de
las diferentes especies de armadillos presentes en el sudoeste de la provincia de Buenos
Aires. / Armadillos (Order Xenarthra) are eutherian mammals, neotropical, exclusively American.Beyond their zoological and biomedical interest and morphological and physiological
particularities, their ecology is little known. Since April of 2004 to September of 2007 an
area (600 ha) placed 17 km North from Bahia Blanca city was surveyed. The presence of
Chaetophractus vellerosus (Screaming Hairy Armadillo), C. villosus (Large Hairy Armadillo),
Zaedyus pichiy (Pichi) and Dasypus hybridus (Southern Long-Nosed Armadillo) was
established. In whole, 169 sightings and 79 captures were recorded. Differences of
sightings along the year and during day/night time would mark a strong niche separation
according to the schedule of resource use. C. vellerosus, listing as extint in most of Buenos
Aires province, was not previously recorded in the area. This finding is of great ecological
and conservation importance for the species and the grasslands ecosystem.
A total of 109 shelters were identify and measured (D. hybridus= 17; C. villosus= 60; Z.
pichiy= 26), but they didn`t show significant differences in size. It was finding a significant
association between the shelters of the three species and the trails of the area. C. villosus
shows a significant association to the stream, while Z. pichiy was associated with patches of
In the sites of sightings six items of habitat were identified: High grassland (HG), short
grassland (SG), shrubbery, bare soil, trees, rocks and water. HG and SG predominantly
covered the sites used for the four species of armadillos. Only bare soil showed a low
coverage in sites of D. hybridus.
Sixty-eight feces of armadillos (C. vellerosus=0, D. hybridus=7, Z. pichiy=14 y C. villosus=47)
were collected, identifying the following items: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Larvae,
Feathers, Plant material, Other debris. Analyzing absolute and relative frequency of
occurrence of the different items was founded that in D. hybridus, hymenoptera are the most
important contributors to the diet while in C. villosus and Z. pichiy plant material appears on
first place, followed by coleoptera and hymenoptera.
The dorsum of the tongue of Dasypus hybridus and Z. pichiy show conical and branched
filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae. No foliate papillae were seen. Conical filiform papillae
are placed in the apex, lateral edges and to the posterior third of the tongue. Branched
papillae are distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue. Fungiform papillae are
distributed between filiform papillae. Only two vallate papillae were observed, placed in the
posterior third of the tongue. The presence of taste buds on fungiform and vallate papillae
indicate that both are involved in the sense of taste, while the filiform ones have a
mechanical and protective role. The presence and distribution of papillae basically coincides
with the previously observed in C. villosus and C. vellerosus.
The ultrastructure of the intestinal mucosa of C. villosus responded to the typical mammal
model. The kind, shape and number of cells at the mucosa surface were described.
Differences detected between the portions of the intestine would be related to functional
The results of this thesis provide valuable data for future conservation projects.
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Chaetophractus villosus reservorio y/o transmisor de algunas enfermedades infecto-contagiosas y/o zoonóticas que afectan a los rumiantes y al hombreKin, Marta Susana 10 December 2015 (has links)
Diferentes enfermedades infecto-contagiosas, comunes en los animales silvestres,
pueden afectar a los animales domésticos y al hombre. Por lo tanto, su estudio es de
gran interés sanitario. Muchas de las patologías presentes en los animales silvestres
resultan de su condición de hospedadores y/o reservorios de los organismos causantes
de esas enfermedades. En Argentina existe un limitado conocimiento del rol que pueden
jugar las especies silvestres en el mantenimiento y la diseminación de las enfermedades
infecto-contagiosas. Debido a su abundancia en áreas de ganadería y su contacto
frecuente con el hombre y los animales domésticos, es de gran interés estudiar al
armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) como posible reservorio
y/o transmisor de esas enfermedades. Importa evaluar, entre otras, neosporosis,
brucelosis, fiebre aftosa, tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis,
chagas, triquinelosis e hidatidosis. Estas enfermedades afectan tanto al hombre como a
los rumiantes domésticos, impactando en forma significativa sobre la rentabilidad de las
empresas ganaderas de cría.
El objetivo general de este trabajo fue investigar la presencia y los niveles de
exposición a las enfermedades infecto-contagiosas mencionadas anteriormente en
Chaetophractus villosus, para determinar su importancia en la epidemiología de las
mismas. El área de estudio incluyó la región central de la provincia de La Pampa
Se estudiaron 150 ejemplares provenientes de 12 sitios ubicados en los
departamentos Atreucó, Capital y Toay. Los resultados evidenciaron que el 56% de los
individuos de Chaetophractus villosus estuvieron expuestos a Mycobacterium bovis, el
32% a Neospora caninum, el 12% a Echinococcus granulosus y el 16% a Brucella
aislándose Brucella suis biovar 1. Por otra parte, se registró la presencia de anticuerpos
contra Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis en el 53,3% de los ejemplares y
contra Toxoplasma gondii en el 27,3%. Se detectó además la presencia de anticuerpos
contra Leptospira en el 23,3% de los individuos muestreados, registrándose anticuerpos
contra L. interrogans serovares Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola y Hardjo, y Leptospira
borgpetersenii serovar Castellonis. Asimismo, se registró la presencia de anticuerpos
contra Trypanosoma cruzi en el 4% y larvas de Trichinella spiralis en el 25,3% de los
individuos. Todos estos resultados son los primeros que se registran en la provincia de La Pampa para C. villosus. Más aún, en el caso de M. bovis, N. caninum, E. granulosus
y Brucella suis biovar 1, los resultados aquí presentados representan el primer registro
para Xenarthra. No se detectaron anticuerpos contra el virus de la Fiebre Aftosa. Se
demostró experimentalmente que C. villosus se infecta con N. caninum y con B. suis
biovar 1 aislándosela del útero, cuerno uterino, vulva uretral, cola del epidídimo,
hígado, bazo, pulmón, ganglio mesentérico, ganglio axilar, riñón y de orina.
La presencia de las zoonosis indicadas representa un riesgo para los vertebrados
que predan sobre Chaetophractus villosus, para los animales domésticos con los cuales
comparte el mismo hábitat, y para los seres humanos cuando lo manipulan o consumen.
Asimismo, podrían afectar a sus poblaciones naturales. Los resultados de este trabajo
proporcionan información de interés epidemiológico y para la elaboración de planes de
manejo de la especie. / Different common infectious diseases in wild animals can affect domestic animals
and humans, so their study is of great public health interest. Many of the diseases
present in wildlife result from their status as hosts and/or reservoirs of organisms that
cause these diseases. In particular, in Argentina there is little knowledge of the role they
can play these wild species in maintaining and disseminating them. Due to its
abundance in areas of livestock and frequent contact with humans and pets, it is of great
interest to study the big hairy armadillo (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) as a possible
reservoir and / or transmitter of these diseases. Import assess, among others,
neosporosis, brucellosis, foot-and-mouth (FMD) disease, tuberculosis, paratuberculosis,
leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, Chagas disease trichinosis and hydatidosis that impact
significantly on the profitability of livestock breeding companies.
The overall objective of this work was to investigate the presence and levels of
exposure to the infectious diseases mentioned above in the big hairy armadillo, to
determine its importance in their epidemiology. The study area included the central
region of the province of La Pampa
Hundred and fifty specimens from 12 sites in Atreuco, Capital and Toay
departments were studied. The results showed that 56% of C. villosus are exposed to
Mycobacterium bovis, 32% to Neospora caninum, 12% to Echinococcus granulosus and
16% to Brucella suis biovar 1. Moreover, antibodies to Mycobacterium avium subsp
paratuberculosis in 53.3% of the specimens and Toxoplasma gondii in 27.3% were also
recorded. Presence of Leptospira was detected in 23.3% of individuals sampled,
registering antibodies against L. interrogans Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola and
Hardjo serovars and Leptospira borgpetersenii Castellonis serovar.
In addition, antibodies against Trypanosoma cruzi in 4% and larvae of Trichinella
spiralis in 25.3% of subjects were established. All these results are the first ones
obtained in the province of La Pampa for C. villosus.
Furthermore, in the case of M. bovis, N. caninum, E. granulosus and Brucella suis
biovar 1, results here presented constitute the first record for Xenarthra. No antibodies
against FMD virus were detected. It was experimentally demonstrated that C. villosus
infected with N. caninum and B. suis biovar 1; they were isolated from the uterus,
uterine horn, urethral vulva, cauda epididymis, liver, spleen, lung, mesenteric lymph
node, axillary lymph node, kidney and urine.
The presence of all those zoonoses represents a risk for vertebrates that prey on big
hairy armadillo, for pets with which it shares the same habitat, and for humans when
handled or consumed. They could also affect natural populations. The results of this
study provide information of epidemiological interest and for the development of
management plans for the species.
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Uso de hábitat por tatus em área de floresta de restinga do sul do BrasilNitta, Carlos Hiroshi 28 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-01-31 / Nenhuma / Os tatus (Cingulata: Dasypodidae), apesar da diversidade de espécies, 21 espécies, e ampla distribuição, da Argentina até a metade sul dos EUA, passando pela América Central, as informações sobre a utilização dos ambientes por estes animais é escassa. A escavação e utilização de buracos no solo é uma característica ecológica relevante para o grupo, podendo estas estruturas serem consideradas indicadores conspícuos da presença desses animais. No presente estudo investiguei a densidade, direção, morfometria e microhabitat das tocas, em diferentes tipos de formação vegetal. O trabalho foi desenvolvido durante 13 meses (Out/06 a Nov/07) no Parque Estadual de Itapuã, na Grande Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. O tatu-galinha (Dasypus novemcinctus) parece ser a espécie mais abundante neste local, onde ainda ocorre ao menos uma outra espécie, tatu-de-rabo-mole-grande (Cabassous tatouay). As características físicas e ambientais de 72 tocas, no campo (n = 31), mata (n = 22) e Restinga (n = 19), encontradas foram analisadas. A densidade de tocas não variou significativamente entre estes ambientes. Embora o tatu-galinha seja apontado como uma espécie de áreas florestadas no presente estudo, as áreas abertas foram utilizadas com a mesma intensidade que mata e restinga. Dentre as variáveis ambientais o número de árvores e porcentagem de cobertura de solo por arbustos tiveram influência no número de tocas encontradas em mata. A direção das tocas foram predominantemente sul nas áreas de floresta (mata e restinga) e significativamente diferentes das áreas de campo (campoXmata p = 0,002; campoXrestinga p = 0,001). Sugerindo que esta espécie possa mudar o comportamento e aumentar o nicho na ausência ou relaxamento de predadores e competidores. / Armadillos ( Cingulata : Dasypodidae ), despite the diversity of species , 21 species , and wide distribution , from Argentina to the southern half of the United States through Central America, information on the use of animals in these environments is scarce. The excavation and using holes in the ground is an important ecological nature of the group, these structures may be considered conspicuous indicators of the presence of these animals. In the present study I have investigated the density, direction, morphometric and microhabitat of the burrows in different types of plant formation. The study was conducted during 13 months (Oct/06 to Nov/07) in Itapuã State Park, in Porto Alegre , RS , Brazil . The nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) seems to be the most abundant species at this site, which is still at least one other species, the greater naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous tatouay). The physical and environmental characteristics of 72 holes, fields (n = 31), forest (n = 22) and Restinga (n = 19), found were analyzed. The density of burrows did not vary significantly between these environments. Although the nine-banded is touted as a kind of wooded areas in the present study, the open areas were used with the same intensity that forest and dunes. Among the environmental variables the number of trees and percentage of ground cover shrubs influenced the number of burrows found in the woods. The direction of the burrows were predominantly southern areas of forest (forest and Restinga) and significantly different from field areas (fieldXforest p = 0.002; fieldXrestinga p = 0.001). Suggesting that this species can change behavior and increase the niche or relaxation in the absence of predators and competitors.
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Natural history of the pichi (Zaedyus pichiy) in Mendoza Province, ArgentinaSuperina, Mariella 15 December 2007 (has links)
The pichi Zaedyus pichiy (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) is a poorly known, diurnal armadillo inhabiting arid and semi-arid regions of Argentina and Chile that has endured substantial population declines. My objective was to elucidate different aspects of the natural history of Z. pichiy as a first step towards establishing a conservation plan. Wild and captive pichis were studied. Body temperature of wild pichis averaged 35.2±1.2 °C and was highly variable (range 32.2 – 38.3 °C). Temperature measurements of semi-captive males showed that pichis can survive energetically challenging periods by entering hibernation or daily torpor. Stomach contents of poached animals revealed that pichis feed predominantly on insects but also ingest plant material, vertebrates and arachnids. This opportunistic, omnivorous feeding strategy allows them to thrive where food type and availability vary seasonally. The reproductive cycle of pichis was studied by means of histological and fecal hormone analyses. Pichis are seasonal breeders that produce one yearly litter of 1 to 2 offspring, and the initiator of breeding season seems to be an increase in daylength. The absence of regular estrous cycles and corpora lutea in non-pregnant females, and immediate mating attempts after pairing, all suggest that pichis are induced ovulators. Clinical examinations and hematological, serological and coproparasitological analyses of free-ranging pichis, and necropsies and histological examinations of confiscated pichis and roadkills, indicate that the populations are currently in good health. While parasites were often found, no severe pathologies were observed. Infections with potentially zoonotic diseases were rare: only a few pichis were seropositive for Trypanosoma cruzi, none had antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii, and none of the histologically examined individuals presented lesions attributable to these pathogens. Elevated ambient humidity levels often caused moist dermatitis with epidermal detachment in captive pichis. Poaching is currently considered to have a much higher negative impact on the wild populations than disease epidemics. Mortality due to heavy poaching activity may be difficult, if not impossible, to compensate by the current birth rates. This preliminary database on the natural history and reproduction of pichis will assist efforts to conserve this little-known species of armadillo.
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Pesquisa de Mycobacterium leprae em tatus selvagens da espécie Dasypus novemcinctus no Estado do Espírito SantoAntunes, João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula 05 November 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-11-05 / Introdução: Mycobacterium leprae foi a primeira bactéria a ser indicada como agente etiológico de uma doença infecciosa. A hanseníase permanece até os dias de hoje uma doença enigmática e que não é completamente entendida. A
identificação do M. leprae é difícil, particularmente por sua inabilidade de cultivo in vitro. Pacientes multibacilares são as principais fontes do bacilo. A transmissão natural da hanseníase entre tatus foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1975, no sudeste dos EUA. Esta descoberta sugeriu a possibilidade do tatu-galinha desenvolver uma função na transmissão da hanseníase em humanos. A procura dos reservatórios da
hanseníase é a principal estratégia para eliminação da doença, tal como os pacientes multibacilares e as fontes ambientais. Então, realizou-se um estudo de prevalência em 69 tatus selvagens da espécie Dasypus novemcinctus, capturados no estado do Espírito Santo, no período de julho de 2004 a julho de 2005. Objetivos: Procurou-se avaliar a presença do M. leprae nos tatus da espécie D. novemcinctus no estado do Espírito Santo, através de achados de sinais clínicos de infecção na necropsia e na técnica de PCR, utilizando dois pares de primers: 18 kDa e ML1/ML2, bem como avaliar e comparar os dois pares de primers utilizados para a detecção da infecção. Métodos: Após anestesiados, os tatus foram pesados, definidos os sexos, submetidos ao exame clínico e coleta de fragmento de tecidos para a técnica de PCR. Sessenta e cinco tatus foram necropsiados e fragmentos de fígado, baço, cérebro e linfonodos foram analizados pela técnica de PCR. Resultados e Conclusões: Em 95% dos animais estudados foi evidenciado pelo menos um sinal clínico da hanseníase. Através da técnica de PCR foi detectada 6% (4 animais) de positividade na pesquisa de DNA de M. leprae, utilizando os primers ML1/ML2. Dos 4 animais positivos no PCR convencional, somente dois permaneceram positivos pela técnica de Real Time PCR e confirmados pelo
seqüenciamento. O método diagnóstico mais sensível para detecção de M. leprae foi o PCR, utilizando os pares de primers ML1/ML2. Estes resultados sugerem a infecção adquirida naturalmente nos tatus da espécie D. novemcinctus no estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. / Introduction: Mycobacterium leprae, was the first agent to be linked to an infectious disease, and leprosy still today an enigmatic disease which is not fully understood. Multibacillary patients are thought to be the main source of M. leprae. Identification of M. leprae is difficult, partly due to the inability of the bacillus to grow in vitro. The natural transmission among nine-banded armadillos in the southern parts of the United States has been described since 1975. This discovery suggested the possibility that the nine-banded armadillo plays a role in the transmission of human leprosy. The search of M. leprae sources is the main point of strategy for leprosy elimination, such as multibacillary patients and environmental sources. It was realized a prevalence study in 69 nine-banded armadillos, Dasypus novemcinctus, from state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, during 2004 to 2005. Objectives: Assess the M. leprae infection in armadillos from D. novemcinctus from state of Espírito Santo through the clinical signs of leprosy found in the necropsy and PCR technique using two set of primers, ML1/ML2 and 18 kDa, such as compare the set of primers. Methods: After anesthesia, the armadillos were weighed, sex was determined, clinical exam was made and samples were collected for PCR. Tissue samples (liver, spleen, brain and lymph nodes) from 65 nine-banded armadillos were collected to looking for natural infection of M. leprae by PCR technique. Results and
Conclusion: 95% of the armadillos had at least one clinical sign for leprosy in wild armadillos. Four (6%) animals were positive in conventional PCR. Two animals that were positive in conventional PCR remained positive in Real Time PCR, and
confirmed by sequencing. The best method to detect M. leprae was the PCR using the ML1/ML2 set of primers. These results suggest the infection acquired naturally in D. novemcinctus from state of Espírito Santo, Brazil.
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