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Filtragem otima na estimação de direção de chegada de ondas planas usando arranjo de sensores / Optimum filtering on direction of arrival estimation of plane waves using array of sensorsKrummenauer, Rafael 16 July 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Amauri Lopes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T06:28:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Krummenauer_Rafael_M.pdf: 1711180 bytes, checksum: e9aa73aac9d705c24c2bec02b202f76e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Esta dissertação trata do problema de estimação de direção de chegada (DOA) de ondas planas usando um arranjo linear uniforme de sensores. Estamos interessados em situações nas quais a relação sinal-ruido 'e baixa e o espaçamento angular entre as fontes de sinal 'e pequeno. Baseamos nossa proposta nos m'etodos MODE, MODEX e MODEX Modificado, que
sao metodos eficientes existentes na literatura. Inspirados em conceitos de filtragem linear e no criterio da maxima verossimilhança, propomos um procedimento que ameniza o efeito do ruido no resultado da estimação. Este procedimento consiste em filtrar os dados recebidos e modificar adequadamente a função de verossimilhan¸ca utilizada no processo de obtenção das estimativas. Simulações numericas mostram que o desempenho do metodo proposto 'e melhor que aqueles correspondentes aos m'etodos MODE, MODEX e MODEX Modificado, alcançando menores valores de erro quadratico medio e de polarização / Abstract: This work deals with the problem of estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) of plane waves using a uniform linear array of sensors. We are concerned with situations where the signal-to-noise ratio is low and the signal sources are spatially close. Our proposal is based on MODE, MODEX and Modified MODEX, that are efficient methods proposed in the literature. Inspired in concepts of linear filtering and in the maximum likelihood criterion, we propose a procedure that reduces the effect of noise in the estimation result. This procedure consists on filtering the received data and on modifying the likelihood function used to obtain the estimates. Numerical simulations show that the performance of the proposed method is better than those of MODE, MODEX and Modified MODEX methods, achieving lower mean square error and lower bias / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Uso de filtragem em metodos de estimação de DOA atraves de arranjo de sensores / Filtering on DOA estimation using array of sensorsSilva, Francislei Jose da 13 July 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Amauri Lopes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T08:58:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Silva_FrancisleiJoseda_M.pdf: 1914501 bytes, checksum: f819de68e8cb02f4b9bc4a46d9787202 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Este trabalho aborda o problema de estimação da direção de chegada (DOA) de ondas planas usando arranjo de sensores. Existem diversos estimadores para DOA relatados na literatura. Dentre os estimadores de alta resolução, se destacam os métodos MODE e MODEX, que possuem como base o estimador de máxima verossimilhança (MLE). Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento dos métodos MODE, MODEX e de uma versão melhorada do MODEX, o método MODEX Modi?ed. Estes dois últimos estimadores produzem várias estimativas candidatas e usam o critério de máxima verossimilhança para selecionar aquelas que representam as melhores estimativas para os ângulos de chegada. Entretanto, para uma relação sinalruído baixa, estes métodos sofrem uma forte degradação na escolha das candidatas. Na busca de reduzir esta degradação, é apresentada uma proposta de ?ltragem nos sinais captados pelos sensores, com o objetivo de melhorar a relação sinalruído. São propostos dois projetos de ?ltro FIR: um por alocação de pólos e zeros, e outro por amostragem em freqüência. Os resultados obtidos mostram que esta proposta de ?ltragem é válida e que se consegue reduzir signi?cativamente a SNR do limiar de desempenho apresentado pelos métodos MODEX e MODEX Modi?ed. / Abstract: This work deals with the estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA) of plane waves using array of sensors. There are various estimators for DOA reported in literature. The MODE and MODEX methods, based on the maximum likelihood criterion, are the best high resolution DOA estimators. This work presents the development of these methods as well as of an improved version of the MODEX, named MODEX Modi?ed. MODEX and MODEX Modi?ed produce some estimates that are candidates for the DOA estimation and use the maximum likelihood criterion to select the best ones. However, for low signaltonoise ratio, the selection process suffers a strong performance degradation. In order to reduce this degradation, this work proposes to ?lter the received signals aiming to improve the signaltonoise ratio. Two FIR ?lters are considered: one composed by poles and zeros and another obtained by sampling in the frequency domain. Simulation results show that this proposal improves signi?cantly the performance of both MODEX and MODEX Modi?ed. / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Caracterização quantiqualitativa das condições bioclimáticas e produtivas nas operações pré-abate de frangos de corte / Quantiqualitative characterization of bioclimatic and productive conditions on poultry preslaughter operationsJosé Antonio Delfino Barbosa Filho 07 May 2008 (has links)
A produção de carne de frango no Brasil é, atualmente, um dos setores mais importantes do agronegócio, sendo que a sua expansão e a manutenção dos mercados externos está diretamente relacionada à qualidade do produto final. As interações das variáveis ambientais com as etapas das operações pré-abate são importantes fatores a serem considerados, uma vez que perdas poderão ocorrer durante este processo. Sendo assim, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi acompanhar em condições comerciais, durante duas estações do ano (inverno e verão), todas as etapas das operações pré-abate de frangos de corte, através do monitoramento constante das variáveis ambientais (temperatura e umidade relativa) e das perdas na chegada na linha de abate (DOAs). Um total de 16 carregamentos foi monitorado, desde a pega das aves até a espera no abatedouro, sendo as condições de transporte avaliadas considerando-se fatores como a distância (perto média e longa) e os turnos (manhã, tarde e noite). Para a obtenção de um perfil das variáveis ambientais ao longo da carga dos caminhões, miniestações meteorológicas e loggers foram instalados em toda a extensão da mesma, o que permitiu conhecer o microclima a que as aves foram submetidas, bem como a visualização do perfil do Índice Entalpia de Conforto (IEC), que possibilitou a classificação das regiões da carga de acordo com os limites de conforto térmico para frangos de corte na sexta semana. Os dados de temperatura, umidade relativa e do IEC ao longo da carga foram analisados utilizando-se a geoestatística por meio da krigagem ordinária para a obtenção dos demais pontos da carga. Foi realizada também a análise de componentes principais (ACP) como forma de validar os perfis obtidos. Sendo assim, foi possível comprovar que o turno da tarde foi o mais crítico sob o ponto de vista ambiental, para todas as etapas das operações pré-abate analisadas, independentemente da estação do ano (inverno ou verão), que existe uma tendência de aumento das mortes na chegada quando as distâncias de transporte são mais longas (maior tempo de transporte) e que as partes central e traseira da carga do caminhão foram as mais problemáticas para as aves sob o ponto de vista microclimático, sendo as mais propícias à ocorrência de perdas. / Nowadays, the Brazilian poultry meat production is one of most important agribusiness sectors, which expansion and maintenance of the trade market is directly related with the final product quality. The interactions of environmental factors with preslaughter operations are important factors to be considered, once those losses can occur during this process. Thus, the aim of this research was to attend in commercial conditions, during two seasons of the year (winter and summer), the whole poultry preslaughter operations, through continuous monitoring of environmental variables (temperature and relative humidity) and deaths on arrival (DOA´s). A total of 16 loads was monitored, since catching until lairage on slaughterhouse, which transport conditions evaluated considering factors as distance (short, medium and long) and periods of the day (morning, afternoon and night). For the acquisition of environmental variables profile through the lorries, data loggers were installed within the truck, allowing a knowledge of microclimate where the animals were submitted and the profile viewing of Enthalpy Comfort Index (ECI), which allowed a classification of lorry regions in agreement with thermal comfort limits for poultry on the sixth week of development. The data set of temperature, relative humidity and ECI within the truck were analyzed, by the using of geostatistics, through the ordinary kriging method, for the obtainment of other points on the lorry. A principal components analysis (PCA) was realized, with the objective to validate the obtained profiles. Therefore, was possible to confirm that afternoon was the most critical period under environmental view, for all stages of preslaughter operations analyzed, independent of season (winter or summer), there is an increasing trade of DOA when transport distances were farther (greater time of transport) and the centered and bottom parts of lorry were the most problematic for the chickens, under microclimatic aspects, thus, more auspicious for occurring of losses.
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Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) based algorithms and Steered Response Power (SRP) based algorithms are two most commonly used methods for sound source detection and localization. SRP is more robust under high reverberation and multi-target conditions, while TDOA is less computationally intensive. This thesis introduces a modified TDOA algorithm, TDOA delay table search (TDOA-DTS), that has more stable performance than the original TDOA, and requires only 4% of the SRP computation load for a 3-dimensional space of a typical room. A 2-step adaptive thresholding procedure based on a Weibull noise peak distributions for the cross-correlations and a binomial distribution for combing potential peaks over all microphone pairs for the final detection. The first threshold limits the potential target peaks in the microphone pair cross-correlations with a user-defined false-alarm (FA) rates. The initial false-positive peak rate can be set to a higher level than desired for the final FA target rate so that high accuracy is not required of the probability distribution model (where model errors do not impact FA rates as they work for threshold set deep into the tail of the curve). The final FA rate can be lowered to the actual desired value using an M out of N (MON) rule on significant correlation peaks from different microphone pairs associated is a point in the space of interest. The algorithm is tested with simulated and real recorded data to verify resulting FA rates are consistent with the user-defined rates down to 10-6.
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Massive MIMO, une approche angulaire pour les futurs systèmes multi-utilisateurs aux longueurs d’onde millimétriques / Massive MIMO, an angular approach for future multi-user systems at millimetric wavelenghtsRozé, Antoine 17 October 2016 (has links)
La densification des réseaux allant de pair avec le déploiement de petites cellules, les systèmes Massive MIMO disposent de caractéristiques prometteuses pour accroître la capacité des réseaux au travers des techniques de formation de faisceau, appelées beamforming. Les transmissions aux longueurs d’onde millimétriques (mmWave) sont, quant à elle, très convoitées car, non seulement les bandes passantes exploitables sont extrêmement larges, mais le canal de propagation est principalement Line-of-Sight (LOS), ce qui correspond à la visibilité directe entre le terminal et la station de base. L’attrait que peut avoir un système multi-utilisateurs Massive MIMO à de telles fréquences provient, en partie, du faible encombrement du réseau d’antennes, mais aussi du fort gain de beamforming dont il permet de bénéficier afin de contrecarrer les fortes pertes en espace libre que subissent les signaux à de telles longueurs d’onde. Dans un premier temps nous montrons comment l’augmentation de la fréquence porteuse impacte les performances de deux précodeurs connus. Au travers d’une modélisation déterministe et géométrique du canal, on simule un scénario Outdoor à faible mobilité et à forte densité de population en mettant en avant l’influence du trajet direct et des trajets réfléchis sur les performances. Plus précisément on prouve qu’en configuration purement LOS, le précodeur Zero-Forcing est beaucoup plus sensible à la structure du réseau d’antennes, et à la position des utilisateurs, que le Conjugate Beamforming (aussi connu sous le nom de retournement temporel). On introduit alors un précodeur basé uniquement sur la position angulaire des utilisateurs dans la cellule en référence à la station de base, puis l’on compare ses performances à celles des deux autres. La robustesse d’une telle implémentation à une erreur d’estimation d’angles est illustrée pour un scénario spécifique afin de souligner la pertinence des solutions angulaires, une direction étant plus facile à estimer et son évolution dans le temps plus prévisible.On décrit dans un second temps comment la connaissance des positions angulaires des utilisateurs permet d’accroître la capacité de la cellule par le biais d’un procédé d’allocation de puissance reposant sur une évaluation de l’interférence que chaque faisceau génère sur les autres. On prouve à l’aide de simulations que l’obtention de cette interférence, même exprimée sous une forme très simplifiée, permet d’améliorer très nettement la capacité totale de la cellule. Enfin, nous introduisons les systèmes Hybrides Numériques et Analogiques ayant récemment été proposés afin de permettre à une station de base de conserver un large nombre d’antennes, nécessaire à l’obtention d’un fort gain de beamforming, tout en réduisant le nombre de chaînes Radiofréquences (RF). On commence par décrire une solution permettant à un terminal de former un faisceau dont la direction s’adapte à sa propre inclinaison, en temps réel, pour toujours viser la station de base. On compare ensuite les performances de tels récepteurs, associés à des stations de base Massive MIMO, avec celles d’une solution hybride connue, le nombre de chaînes RF des deux systèmes étant identiques. Principalement, la flexibilité et la capacité d’évolution de ces systèmes est mise en avant, ces deux atouts étant particulièrement pertinents pour de nombreux environnements à forte densité de population. / As wireless communication networks are driven toward densification with small cell deployments, massive MIMO technology shows great promises to boost capacity through beamforming techniques. It is also well known that millimeter-Wave systems are going to be an important part of future dense network solutions because, not only do they offer high bandwidth, but channel is mostly Line-of-Sight (LOS). The attractiveness of using a multi-user Massive MIMO system at these frequencies comes partly from the reduced size of a many antenna base station, but also from the high beamforming gains they provide, which is highly suited to combat the high path losses experienced at such small wavelengths. First we show how raising the carrier frequency impacts the performance of some linear precoders widely used in Massive MIMO systems. By means of a geometrical deterministic channel model, we simulate a dense outdoor scenario and highlight the influence of the direct and multi-paths components. More importantly we prove that, in a Line-of-Sight (LOS) configuration, the discriminating skill of the well-known Zero Forcing precoder is much more sensitive to the antenna array structure and the user location than the Conjugate Beamforming precoder, also known as Time-Reversal. A precoder based on the knowledge of the angular position of all users is then introduced and compared to the other precoders based on channel response knowledge. Its robustness against angle estimation error is illustrated for a specific scenario and serves to back up the importance such a solution represents for future dense 5G networks, angular information being easier to estimate, and more so to keep track of.After that, we show how the knowledge of Directions of Arrival can be used to increase the sum capacity of a multi-user transmission through leakage based power allocation. This allocation uses an estimation of inter-user interference, referred to as Leakage, and we show through simulations how this factor, even under its most simplified form, improves realistic transmissions. Moreover this solution is not iterative and is extremely easy to implement which makes it particularly well suited for high deployment scenarios.Finally we introduce the Hybrid Analog and Digital Beamforming systems that have recently emerged to retain a high number of antennas without as many Radio Frequency (RF) chains, in order to keep high beamforming gains while lowering the complexity of conceiving many antenna base stations. We first describe a user equipment solution allowing the system to form a beam that adapts to its own movement so that it always focuses its energy toward the base station, using an on-board analog array and an Inertial Measurement Unit. Then we compare the performance of a known Hybrid solution with a fully digital Massive MIMO system, having as many RF chains as the Hybrid system, but serving user equipments with beamforming abilities. Mostly we emphasize how such a system allows for great flexibility and evolution, both traits being invaluable features in many future networks.
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[pt] Em sistemas de comunicações móveis, a modulação digital em
fase (PSK)é amplamente utilizada em esquemas de transmissão
em rádio-propagação. Trabalhos anteriores consideraram
alguns métodos baseados no critério de máxima
verossimilhança (MV) para estimação de direção-de-chegada de
sinais genéricos que atingem um conjunto (array) de
sensores. Esta tese propõe um novo estimador MV para a
direção-de-chegada, desenvolvido especificamente para
sistemas de comunicação PSK. Dois modelos de transmissão
são concebidos para estimação dos parâmetros: um mais
idealizado, considerando todas as portadoras alinhadas no
tempo com o receptor, e outro que considera este
desalinhamento na forma de retardo. O número de parâmetros
a serem conjuntamente estimados é significativamente
reduzido ao se calcular o valor esperado dos sinais medidos
no array de antenas com relação µas fases de modulação
(dados de informação). O desempenho do estimador em vários
cenários simulados é apresentado e comparado ao desempenho
do estimador MV clássico desenvolvido sem considerar uma
estrutura específica para o sinal. Limitantes de Cramér-Rao
para os cenários de portadora única também são calculados.
O método proposto se mostra mais robusto por apresentar
melhor desempenho que o estimador MV clássico em todas as
simulações. / [en] In mobile communication systems, phase shift keying (PSK)
modulation is widely used in digital transmission schemes.
Previous works have considered several maximum likelihood
(ML) methods for the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation
of generic signals reaching a phased-array of sensors. This
thesis proposes a new ML DOA estimator designed to be used
in PSK communication systems. Two transmission models are
considered for parameter estimation: a simpler one,
considering all carrier clocks time-aligned with the
receiver clock, and another that considers this
misalignment as a delay for each carrier. The number of
parameters to be jointly estimated is significantly reduced
when the expected value of the antenna array measured
signals with respect to the modulation phases is evaluated.
The estimator performance in several simulation scenarios
is presented and compared to the performance of a classic
ML estimator designed for all sorts of signal models.
Cramér-Rao bounds for single carrier scenarios are also
evaluated. The proposed method robustly outperforms the
classic ML estimator in all simulations.
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Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging of frontotemporal lobar degenerationBeaumont, Helen January 2015 (has links)
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is a heterogeneous group of illnesses which can be difficult to diagnose. Modern diagnostic criteria require the presence of imaging abnormalities, but these are not always seen in the early stages of the illness. Hence there is a need to consider the use of more advanced MR techniques. This thesis reports the results of a multimodal MRI study of patients with FTLD, and considers two things: how well data from the different modalities can classify patients, and how well the different modalities can identify affected tissue. FTLD is thought to involve alterations in cerebral blood flow, but it is possible that microvascular changes will alter additional perfusion parameters, such as the time taken for blood to reach the tissue (the arrival time). Multi-time point arterial spin labelling (ASL) measurements have the ability to extract the relevant parameters. I consider the parameters involved in modelling these data, and report the accuracy of cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurement achievable in a clinically acceptable time. FTLD patients have atrophy in the frontal and temporal lobes, regions problematic for MRI because of susceptibility artefacts caused by adjacent air spaces. I consider two ASL MR read-out sequences (gradient-echo and spin-echo)and show that spin-echo images give higher signal in frontal and temporal regions than gradient-echo. ASL, T1-weighted and diffusion-weighted images were collected for a group of 17 FTLD patients and 18 controls. I found decreased CBF in highly atrophied regions of cortical grey matter in patients, but this deficit was not seen when corrected for atrophy. An increased arrival time was seen in regions adjacent to the atrophied regions, but a decreased arrival time was seen in the atrophied regions; this is a novel finding. The diffusion metrics of fractional anisotropy (FA) and particularly mean diffusivity (MD) are found to be highly sensitive to differences in FTLD patients. I speculate that this is an increased sensitivity to atrophy because of the increased signal from cerebrospinal fluid. I combine the regional values of all the modalities in a classification method to distinguish patients from controls, and establish a combination of region and modality that classified 21/22 subjects correctly. This exploratory study is the first time all three modalities have been combined in a study of FTLD patients; it shows that combining MR modalities may lead to improved classification of FTLD patients and better identification of affected tissue.
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Mesure de la distribution du champ en chambre réverbérante par la théorie des perturbations : application à l'étude des directions d'arrivée / Field measurement within reverberation chamber by using perturbation theory : application to Angle of arrival study caseNasserdine, Mohamed M'Madi 25 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur les techniques de mesure des champs en cavité électromagnétique et plus précisément en chambre réverbérante. En raison de la perturbation induite sur la distribution du champ au sein d'une cavité résonante par la présence d'un objet, les techniques de mesure de champ classiques utilisant une antenne souffrent d'une précision limitée. Par conséquent, nous proposons une nouvelle technique de mesure de la distribution du champ électrique basée sur la théorie des perturbations. Elle consiste à mesurer les variations de la fréquence de résonance de la cavité pour chaque position de l'élément perturbateur introduit dans la cavité, puis à en déduire la variation de l'amplitude du champ électrique. Le choix de la forme de l'objet perturbateur, de ses dimensions et de son matériau constitutif est effectué à partir des résultats des simulations et des mesures dans un cas canonique, de façon à adapter le banc de mesure au cas étudié. Cette technique de mesure est ensuite appliquée avec succès au cas d'une chambre réverbérante équipée d'un brasseur de modes, ainsi qu'à des mesures de champ à l'intérieur d'un boitier inséré dans la cavité. Cette approche a permis, via un post-traitement basé sur l'utilisation de l'algorithme MUSIC, de déterminer avec une grande précision les directions d'arrivée des champs dans la chambre réverbérante / This work deals with field measurement techniques in large electromagnetic enclosures namely reverberation chambers. Due to the perturbation of the field distribution within a resonant cavity due to the presence of an introduced object, conventional field measurement techniques employing an antenna suffer from a limited accuracy. Therefore we propose a new measurement technique of the electric field distribution based on the perturbation theory; it consists of a measure of the cavity resonant frequency variation when displacing a small perturbing object within the cavity, and leads to the electric field distribution. The choice of the perturbing object shape, dimension and material is discussed with the help of simulation and measurement results in a canonical case in order to adapt the measurement setup to the studied case. This technique is then successfully employed in a reverberation chamber equipped with a mode stirrer, as well as to measure the field within a metallic box placed in the cavity. Using a post-processing based on MUSIC algorithm, this approach has permitted to determine accurately the field directions-of-arrival in the reverberation chamber
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Optische Synchronisation am CW-Beschleuniger ELBEKuntzsch, Michael 06 July 2015 (has links)
Moderne Experimente in der Kurzzeitphysik erfordern eine hochpräzise Synchronisation der beteiligten Strahlungsquellen, um dynamische Prozesse und atomare Strukturen aufzulösen. Die Komplexität und räumliche Ausdehnung einer linearbeschleuniger-getriebenen Strahlungsquelle wie ELBE verlangt nach neuen Konzepten, um die anspruchsvollen Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Kernbestandteile der vorliegenden Arbeit sind die Konzeption, der Aufbau und die Inbetriebnahme eines gepulsten optischen Synchronisationssystems zur Verteilung eines Phasenreferenzsignals.
Dieses System bildet eine wesentliche Grundvoraussetzung für wissenschaftliche Experimente mit einer Auflösung im Bereich von wenigen zehn Femtosekunden. Darüber hinaus wurde der Prototyp eines Ankunftszeitmonitors am ELBE-Beschleuniger entwickelt und charakterisiert. Mit diesem Diagnoseelement wurden erstmals Messungen der Elektronenpulsankunftszeit mit einer Auflösung von wenigen Femtosekunden am ELBE-Strahl möglich. Die implementierte Datenanalyse erlaubt einzelpulsaufgelöste Messzyklen mit bisher unerreichter spektraler Bandbreite am kontinuierlichen (CW) Elektronenstrahl. Ferner wurde eine Methode zur Datenerfassung entwickelt, die unter Verwendung der Lockin-Technik besonders rauscharme Messungen hervorbringen kann.
Abschließend wurde der ELBE-Beschleuniger hinsichtlich Ankunftszeit und Energiestabilität umfassend untersucht. Dabei wurden die erweiterten Möglichkeiten, die ELBE als CW-Beschleuniger bietet, ausgeschöpft. Der Fokus lag besonders auf der spektralen Analyse der Störungen bei verschiedenen Kompressionszuständen der Elektronenpulse. Diese methodische Untersuchung wurde sowohl für den thermionischen Injektor als auch für die supraleitende Fotoelektronenquelle durchgeführt.
Die präsentierten Messergebnisse ermöglichen ein erweitertes Verständnis für die wirkenden Störmechanismen während der Elektronenpulspropagation und stellen den Ausgangspunkt für systematische Verbesserungen der Strahlqualität dar. Ein beschriebener Grundlagenversuch belegt, wie der ELBE-Elektronenstrahl in Zukunft aktiv stabilisiert werden kann, um die erforderliche Zeitauflösung zu erreichen. Intrinsische Strahlinstabilitäten können dadurch signifikant reduziert werden.
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Synchronized MAC layer for ultra-wideband wireless sensor network : Design, implementation, analysis, and evaluationMonge, Alessandro January 2013 (has links)
The necessity of interconnecting objects more and more, possibly with high mobility, has pushed the telecommunications industry to recently develop new wireless standards in order to guarantee tracking of devices and to provide integration with well-known worldwide networks such as the Internet. Within these standards the role played by power consumption is implicit, hence power consumption needs to be as low as possible in order to fulfill long-life requirements and to offer the opportunity of locating and moving smart objects in the coverage area while relying only on batteries as the device's power source. Considering the importance of identifying and tracking these smart objects with high accuracy and high precision, this document propose an implementation of an IEEE 802.15.4a MAC layer, exploiting ultra-wideband wireless technology, with a time synchronization algorithm included for precise Time Difference of Arrival indoor positioning. Nevertheless, this thesis demonstrates the advantages of using UWB for indoor wireless communication, due to its accuracy in localization and its robustness against interference. A demonstration network has been analyzed consisting of four main base stations optimistically displaced at the corners of a room gathering timestamps from a central tag moving within the space where the UWB signal is within range. These timestamps are collected in one of the base station which plays the role of the coordinator and sends this information to a server which computes the position of the tag using TDOA formulation. The main focus of this work is the synchronization algorithms used to synchronize the four base stations and secondly to synchronize the coordinator with the tag. Particular interest is placed on the protocol, the kind of messages exchanged, and the procedure used to maintain a good level of synchronization and to avoid unwanted clock drifts. Moreover the thesis gives some hints of potential future improvements and proposes a possible solution for large-scale scenarios involving the installation of additional base stations for higher coverage and integration of a larger number of tags, with a focus on synchronization, collision avoidance, and routing procedures to better Fit the situation of a larger network and more tags. As a result, all the assumptions and the methodologies applied give evidence of how difficult it is to meet contemporary requirements for position accuracy, low power consumption, limited memory, and small message exchange when utilizing low-power and lossy networks and to address problems which need to be further studied in the future. The results of this thesis project offer a good proof of the possibility to reach high accuracy in terms of localization when exploiting UWB radio technology and redundant time synchronization algorithms with the help of TDOA measurements. / Nödvändigheten av sammankopplade objekt mer och mer, eventuellt med hög rörlighet, har drivit telekombranschen till nyligen utveckla nya tråadlösa standarder för att garantera spåarning av enheter och att ge integration med välkända världsomspännande nätverk som Internet. Inom dessa standarder roll strömförbrukningen är implicit, måaste därför strömförbrukningen ska vara såa låag som möjligt för att uppfylla låang livslängd krav och erbjuda möjligheten att lokalisera och flytta smarta objekt i täckningsområadet medan enbart med hjälp av batterier som enhetens strömkälla. Med tanke påa vikten av att identiera och spåara dessa smarta objekt med hög noggrannhet och hög precision, detta dokument föreslåa ett genomförande av en IEEE 802.15.4a MAC-lager, utnyttja ultrabredbandsteknik tråadlös teknik, med en tidssynkronisering algoritm ingåar för exakt tidsskillnaden för ankomst inomhus positionering. Ändåa visar denna avhandling fördelarna med att använda UWB för inomhus tråadlös kommunikation, påa grund av dess noggrannhet i lokalisering och robusthet mot störningar. En demonstration nätverk har analyserats beståar av fyra huvudsakliga basstationer optimistiskt förskjutna i hörnen av ett rum samla tidsstämplar fråan en central tagg flyttar inom utrymme där UWB signalen är inom räckhåall. Dessa tidsangivelser samlas i en av basstationen som spelar rollen av samordnare och skickar denna information till en server som beräknar position taggen med TDOA formulering. Tyngdpunkten i detta arbete är att synkronisering algoritmer som används för att synkronisera de fyra basstationer dels att synkronisera samordnaren med taggen. Särskilt intresse läggs vid protokollet, den typ av utbytta meddelanden och det förfarande som används för att upprätthåalla en god nivåa av synkronisering och för att undvika oönskade klocka drivor. Dessutom avhandlingen ger nåagra tips om potentiella framtida förbättringar och föreslåar en möjlig lösning för storskaliga scenarier som innebär installation av ytterligare basstationer för högre täckning och integration av ett större antal taggar, med fokus påa synkronisering, att undvika kollision och routing förfaranden för att bättre passa situationen i ett större nätverk och fler taggar. Som ett resultat, som tillämpas alla antaganden och metoder vittnar om hur svåart det är att uppfylla dagens krav påa positionsnoggrannhet, låag strömförbrukning, begränsat minne, och småa utbyte av meddelanden vid användning med låag effekt och förstörande nätverk och att ta itu med problem som måaste studeras vidare i framtiden. Resultaten fråan denna avhandling projekt erbjuder en bra bevis påa möjligheten att nåa hög noggrannhet vad gäller lokalisering vid utnyttjande UWB radioteknik och redundanta tid algoritmer synkronisering med hjälp av TDOA mätningar.
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