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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vittnet, plikten och döden : En analys av de svenska vittnesskyddsåtgärderna i ljuset av artikel 2 EKMR / Depositions, duties and death : An analysis of the Swedish witness protection measures in light of article 2 ECHR

Klerfelt Johansson, Emanuel January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige pågår en intensiv debatt om organiserad brottslighet och dess förmåga att hota vittnen till tystnad. Denna debatt kretsar huvudsakligen kring straff- och processrättsliga aspekter och saknar ett konstitutionellt rättighetsperspektiv avseende statens skyldigheter att skydda människor under dess jurisdiktion. På så vis förbigår debatten de dramatiska förändringar som skett i det svenska konstitutionella landskapet under senaste tre årtiondena. Förändringar som till stor del varit ett resultat av en europeisering av den svenska rätten och bidragit till att enskildas fri- och rättigheter stärkts. Mot bakgrund av detta analyseras i denna uppsats de åtgärder som finns till skydd för vittnen i svensk rätt. I centrum för analysen står rätten till liv enligt art. 2 i Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (EKMR) och därmed förbunden rättspraxis. I uppsatsen presenteras inledningsvis hur vittnenas ställning, skyldigheter och rättigheter ser ut i svensk rätt. Därefter presenteras och analyseras innehållet i rätten till liv såsom den finns inskriven i art. 2 EKMR, inklusive en genomgång av den praxis som är mest relevant i fråga om vittnesskydd. De svenska vittnesskyddsåtgärderna analyseras därefter i ljuset av denna praxis, med fokus på om åtgärdernas är fullt förenliga med de krav som ställts i Europadomstolens praxis. Dessutom tillkommer en kort analys av huruvida systemet erbjuder ett tillräckligt skydd utifrån den hotbild som idag finns mot vittnen och andra bevispersoner i Sverige. I korthet finner denna analys att art. 2 EKMR innehåller en tämligen begränsad skyldighet för staten att aktivt agera för att skydda vittnen och andra hotade bevispersoner. De svenska regleringarna lever i huvudsak upp till denna skyldighet, eftersom staten tillsett att det finns straffrättslig lagstiftning på plats, samt genom dess operativa/praktiska åtgärder i form av personsäkerhets- och sekretessarbete. Det finns dock utrymme för förbättringar, särskilt i fråga om allvarlig men icke-organiserad brottslighet, såsom viss ungdomsbrottslighet, våld i nära relationer och hedersvåld. Delar av de författningar som reglerar personsäkerhetsarbetet kan behöva förändras för att dessa grupper ska tillförsäkras ett ändamålsenligt skydd, som fullt lever upp till de krav som ställs enligt art. 2 EKMR. Det finns också anledning att stärka upp de processuella garantierna för vittnen och andra bevispersoner som ansöker om personsskyddsåtgärder. / There is an ongoing and quite intense political debate regarding criminal gangs threatening witnesses to silence in Sweden. This debate has mainly focused on criminal and procedural law, lacking a constitutional perspective regarding the obligation of the state to protect people under its jurisdiction. As such the discussion also ignores some dimensions of the dramatic changes to the Swedish constitutional landscape that have taken place during last three decades. These changes, to a large extent results of Europeanization have meant that the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals have been strengthened. Against this background, this thesis intends to analyze the system in place to protect witnesses in Sweden, from a modern constitutional perspective. Regarding the disposition of the thesis, firstly it presents the situation for and responsibilities of witnesses, as well as the regulations of measures that are meant to protect them. This is followed by a brief introduction to the contents of the right to life as it is enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and a presentation of the most relevant case law from the European Court of Human Rights pertaining to witness protection. The Swedish system for protecting witnesses is then analyzed in light of aforementioned case law.  Lastly the thesis opens up for an analysis of deficiencies within the Swedish system, specifically in regard to compliance with the demands that are contained within the ECHR and whether the system is adequate considering the situation for witnesses. In summary this analysis finds that art. 2 ECHR contains a fairly limited obligation for states to protect witnesses and other persons who have been threatened because they have provided information to the judicial system. The Swedish measures mainly live up to that obligation. There is however room for improvement, especially regarding serious but non-organized crime, such as domestic violence, honor crimes and some forms of juvenile delinquency. There is also a need to strengthen the procedural safeguards for witnesses applying for protection.

Vnímání ženské nahoty v 2. polovině 19. století v kontextu francouzského umění / Perception of female nudity in the second half of the 19th century in the context of French art

Bažantová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to analyze the perception of a naked female body in French society of the 2nd half of the 19th century. The work focuses on discovering, highlighting and interpreting the theme of female nudity in artistic works of this period, which provoked strong reactions and influenced contemporary culture. The first part is consecrated to the position of women in the 2nd half of the 19th century society on historical, social and cultural backgrounds and its changes in the ambience of the first wave of the women's movement. The attention is brought to some significant representatives of early feminism and to the goals and innovations these personalities were aiming to achieve. The second part of the thesis describes and analyzes selected works of art on the theme of female nudity. First, it deals with the works of academic painters who were the bearers of traditional artistic ideals and academic rules for displaying naked female body. Their artistic production is nowadays somewhat underestimated. In art history, however, it plays an important role. Therefore, the value of their work for the study of the perception of a naked female body is not omitted. The interest then turns to the Impressionism, the outstanding 2nd half of the 19th century art movement. In the center of...


LA MARTINA, ANDREA 20 April 2020 (has links)
La presente ricerca intende affrontare due questioni tra loro interconnesse. La prima potrebbe definirsi, ormai, un esercizio ineludibile per tutti coloro che intendono confrontarsi con le categorie fondamentali del diritto del lavoro: alludiamo, quindi, alla nota questione della collocazione sistematica e, prima ancora, del modo d’essere delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente. Si tratta, infatti, di un tema che ha visto cimentarsi l’intera “accademia” del diritto del lavoro e, tuttavia, sembra adesso possibile svolgere una sintesi ragionata sulle opinioni presentate dalla dottrina, grazie alla visuale privilegiata di chi si approccia a tale esercizio “a valle” dell’intervento di interpretazione “autentica” dell’art. 15 del d.lgs. 81 del 2017 nonché dei primi pronunciamenti giurisprudenziali. Il secondo quesito che si intende affrontare è ben espresso dall’ultimo spunto ricostruttivo offerto in merito alla vicenda delle collaborazioni etero organizzate, e cioè se la nuova disciplina offra «maggiore tutele alle nuove fattispecie di lavoro che, a seguito della evoluzione e della relativa introduzione sempre più accelerata delle recenti tecnologie, si stanno sviluppando». L’art. 2 del d.lgs. 81/2015, disponendo che “si applica” la disciplina del rapporto di lavoro subordinato “anche” ai rapporti di collaborazione che si concretano in prestazioni di lavoro esclusivamente personali e continuative, a condizione che le modalità di esecuzione siano organizzate dal committente anche in relazione ai tempi ed al luogo di lavoro, è destinato ad operare nell’area assai controversa del lavoro personale continuativo prestato nell’altrui interesse. E ciò, allo scopo di mettere ordine al noto problema delle prestazioni di lavoro sulla frontiera tra subordinazione e autonomia, al quale il lavoro a progetto non aveva saputo dare una risposta adeguata. Nel presente elaborato, si procederà, anzitutto, alla ricostruzione dello summa divisio che caratterizza la nostra materia e con la quale devono, sempre, confrontarsi tutte le “nozioni” che intercettano e descrivono un modo d’essere di una prestazione di lavoro. 4 In secondo luogo, ripercorreremo, sinteticamente, le vicende del lavoro coordinato che hanno preceduto l’introduzione della figura delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente e ciò, per un duplice ordine di considerazioni: da un lato, è la formulazione della norma dell’art. 2 del d.lgs. 81 del 2015 a richiamare elementi di fattispecie delle collaborazioni “autonome” ex art. 409 c.p.c., per cui è ineludibile riferirsi al modello genetico per chiarire il significato e le divergenze della nuova disciplina; dall’altro, da un punto di vista certamente “cronologico” e, come si vedrà, anche “logico”, la disciplina delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente eredita l’ingrata funzione anti elusiva del lavoro a progetto. Allo scopo di comprendere il terreno elettivo delle collaborazioni etero organizzate, e quindi la “zona grigia”, sarà opportuno spiegare, brevemente, i mutamenti avvenuti nei paradigmi economico – produttivi che hanno contribuito allo scollamento del modo di prestare lavoro rispetto al binomio oppositivo accolto nel nostro codice civile. Allo stesso tempo, si dovrà dare conto delle diverse “stagioni della giurisprudenza” nazionale sulla subordinazione perché, in un sistema a «categorie mutualmente esclusive e complessivamente esaustive», le flessioni di un polo comportano ripercussioni complementari all’altro capo. A questo punto, si affronterà in dettaglio la prima questione del presente elaborato. Si tenterà di delineare i tratti fisionomici delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente e, conseguentemente, si analizzeranno partitamente i requisiti costitutivi della fattispecie fotografata dal primo comma dell’art. 2 del d.lgs. 81 del 2015: esclusiva personalità della prestazione; continuità ed etero-organizzazione “anche” dei tempi e del luogo della prestazione. Dopo aver qualificato il modo d’essere collaboratori etero organizzati, si potrà affrontare con maggiore consapevolezza la questione dell’inquadramento teorico, non prima però di aver svolto qualche considerazione sulla tecnica legislativa impiegata dal Legislatore. La questione dell’inquadramento teorico delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente è stata ed è tuttora al centro del dibattito segnalato in apertura, anche a seguito della prima applicazione giurisprudenziale della disposizione. 5 Conseguentemente, non si potrà fare a meno di fornire e incasellare le principali letture proposte dagli operatori del diritto, osservando come le stesse si risolvono, in ultima analisi, nella riconduzione delle collaborazioni ex art. 2 del d.lgs. 81 del 2015 ora all’area del lavoro subordinato ora a quella del lavoro autonomo. A prima vista, siffatta diatriba potrebbe sembrare prima di risvolti pratici posto che, a prescindere da qualsivoglia ricostruzione dogmatica si scelga, alle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente si applicherà, comunque, la disciplina del rapporto di lavoro subordinato come stabilito espressamente dall’art. 2, d.lgs. 81/2015. E, tuttavia, è bene sin d’ora ricordare che secondo alcuni orientamenti, di cui si darà conto, la scelta esegetica inciderebbe in ordine alla selezione delle norme dello statuto del lavoro subordinato concretamente estendibili alle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente. Una volta fornita l’interpretazione “autentica” delle collaborazioni etero organizzate e chiarito il quantum di disciplina della subordinazione che si applica a mente dell’art. 2, si potrà procedere all’indagine sulla seconda questione oggetto del presente elaborato: si metterà l’interpretazione raggiunta alla prova del mondo del lavoro digitale. Specificatamente, si analizzerà il modello operativo ed organizzativo del lavoro prestato nelle piattaforme digitali, identificandone elementi comuni e tratti differenziali sia rispetto al tradizionale lavoro “sconnesso” e sia tra le differenti ed eterogenee realtà che lo “rappresentano”. Si procederà, quindi, a verificare se le tradizionali categorie dell’autonomia e della subordinazione siano in grado di “intercettare” tale fenomeno lavorativo e di produrre un sistema di tutela soddisfacente, sperimentando altresì la nuova disposizione delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente. Da ultimo, anticipando gli esiti deludenti della verifica sopra tratteggiata, si prenderà posizione sulle tecniche di regolazione del lavoro digitale e sulle modalità di imputazione delle tutele al prestatore di lavoro nella piattaforma. / This thesis aims to address two interrelated research questions. The first one has now become an inescapable intellectual exercise for anybody dealing with the fundamental categories of labor law. Specifically, we allude to the well-known topic of the systematic effects and, before that, of the way of being of the collaborations hetero-organized by the client introduced by art. 2, Legislative Decree n. 81/2015. Indeed, the entire "academy of labor law” has been offering multiple interpretations since the introduction of this legal category without coming to an agreed solution. However, it is now possible to carry out a final synthesis of the doctrine thanks to the privileged view of whom investigates this research question after the "authentic" interpretation provided by art. 15 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2017 and the first rulings. The second research question that we will address concerns the analysis of the provisions governing the hetero-organized work and, specifically, if this new category offers a better (or, at least, sufficient) protection on the new digital work scenarios in comparison with the traditional rights of subordinate work. Article. 2 of Legislative Decree 81/2015, by establishing that "subordinate work protective statute" also "applies" to collaborative work performed continuously and exclusively by an individual worker, providing that the methods of execution are hetero-organized by the client “also in relation to time and place of work”, will intercept the activities falling in the very controversial area of continuous personal work in the interest of a second party. By doing this, this new legal category should address the “ancestral” question of the qualification of the workers performing on the frontier between subordination and autonomy, to which the so called “project work” category had proven not to be able to give an adequate solution. Consequently, we will proceed first to a brief historical analysis of the traditional labor law categories of subordinate work and autonomy against which any new legal category has to be compared. Secondly, we will review the main stages and regulations of the work carried out under a coordinate way with the client that precede the legal category of the collaborations hetero-organized by the client for the following purposes: on the one hand, the legal words used by the art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2015 inevitably recall requirements of the “old” category of the autonomous collaborations pursuant to art. 409 c.p.c. Therefore, it is mandatory to investigate the “genetic model” to clarify the meaning of the new discipline. On the other hand, both from a "chronological" and "logical" point of view, the provisions for the collaborations hetero-organized by the client “inherit” the anti-elusive spirit and goal of the “project work”. In order to understand the targeted work performances of the hetero-organized collaborations, it will be useful to explain the changes that have taken place in the economic-productive paradigms that have contributed to the detachment of the way of working with respect to the binary system model between subordinate work and autonomy accepted in our civil code. At the same time, we will analyze and categorize the main historical stages of the Italian Jurisprudence on qualification of works since in a system of "mutually exclusive and overall exhaustive categories", the decline of a legal category generates a complementary effect on the other. At this point, the first research question will be discussed in details. We will attempt to outline the key “features” of the collaborations hetero-organized by the client and, consequently, we will analyze the requirements of the work scenario “portrayed” by the first paragraph of art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2015: an exclusively personal work; continuity and hetero-organization "also" of the time and place of the collaboration. Once identified the key features of the new category, it will be possible to challenge the research question concerning the theoretical framework where the collaborations hetero-organized by the client should fall. To address this question, we will first provide the principal interpretations proposed by the legal practitioners which, eventually, link the new category of the collaborations pursuant to art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2015 to one of the traditional binary categories of subordinate work or self-employment. At first glance, such radical opposition does not seem to yield any practical implications given that, the collaborations hetero-organized by the client will be ruled according to the provisions set for subordinate work as established expressly by the art. 2, Legislative Decree 81/2015. Nevertheless, it has to be acknowledged that according to some doctrines the theoretical framework choice affects the provisions that can be concretely extended to the collaborations hetero-organized by the client. Once provided the "authentic" interpretation of the new legal category and clarified the “quantum” of discipline of the subordination work that applies to hetero-organized works as per art. 2, it will be possible to proceed with the second research question: we will test the new category against the digital work scenario. Specifically, we will analyze the operational and organizational model of the work performed within a “digital work platform”, identifying common elements and differential traits with respect to both traditional "offline-work” and all the multiple forms in which the digital works take place. We will therefore proceed to verify if the traditional binary categories of autonomy and subordination are able to "intercept" and “qualify” this recent work phenomenon and contribute to a fair protection of digital workers. Finally, anticipating the disappointing outcomes of the above mentioned investigation, we will take a position on digital job regulation techniques thus suggesting a possible way to protect the employee in the working platforms.

Časopis Květen / Magazine Květen

Mečíř, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
Kveten was a monthly magazine for literature and art (and by its third year also for "life"), which was published under the auspices of the Union of Czechoslovak Writers from September 1956 to June 1959. It was founded as a magazine for "aspiring writers", but quite soon this concept proved to be unsustainable and members of the editorial board started to give the magazine its own new look, which got even a more comprehensible form during the II. Czechoslovak Writers Congress, after young poets (and theorists) manifested the "Poetry of Everyday Life". It was, however, defined quite generally and maybe even vaguely, which is the fact the authors were struggling with during the following year. At the same time they are exposed to the pressure of official authorities as "anti-revisionism" began to destroy liberal environment that prevailed around 1956. Kveten tried to resist this tendency. In addition, at that time young theorists found a firmer basis, which gradually became unacceptable for the regime. At the beginning of 1959 there comes a wave of heavy critcism and results in abolishing the magazine. In my thesis I demonstrate through archival research, oral history and semiotic analysis that despite the abolition the management of Kveten maintained the principle of "partiality" and is guilty rather for...

Ocupação coletiva de imóvel rural e desapropriação agrária / Collective occupation and expropriation of property rural land

SOUZA JÚNIOR, Edson José de 28 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:25:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao edson j de s junior.pdf: 836945 bytes, checksum: be97d59eb6330faa0cfc3bdfc15e9218 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-28 / This paper proposes a study about the interpretation of legal provisions that establish the new regulatory framework of one of the mean legal institutions of official performance allusive to agrarian reform, that is the expropriation by social interest to the agrarian reform. This reform is also known as agrarian expropriation, especially under the perspective of the consequences of collective occupation of rural property in the process of inspection or administrative assessment, or that is about to judge the respective action of agrarian expropriation. One concern that guided this study was to indicate the list of government initiatives to try to contain conflicts in the field, as well as to check to the most diverse jurisdictional understandings these incursions resulted. As theoretical support of this work, the normativity, the relevance of the principle of human dignity and of the nature protection and the centrality that the principle of social function bears in the current stage of "evolution" of parental rights were analyzed. This occurred without forgetting that there was an expansion of the content, inserted in a context of class struggle, a process of flows and inflows, advances and setbacks. We sought to accomplish an interpretation more in line with the normativity of the constitutional provisions, in view of the binding and normative force of the constitutional principles, especially of the social function of property. The intention was to resolve the apparent conflict between fundamental rights, since the balance between the respective constitutional values, aiming to achieve the right to access to land as social right, therefore, fundamental right. / O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre a interpretação dos dispositivos legais que constituem o novo marco normativo de um dos principais institutos jurídicos de atuação oficial alusivo à reforma agrária, que é a desapropriação por interesse social para fins de reforma agrária. Esta também é conhecida por desapropriação agrária, notadamente sob o prisma das consequências da ocupação coletiva do imóvel rural em vias de vistoria ou avaliação administrativa, ou que está por ajuizar a respectiva ação de desapropriação agrária. Uma preocupação que norteou o presente trabalho foi indicar o rol de iniciativas governamentais na tentativa de conter os conflitos no campo, bem como verificar os mais diversos entendimentos jurisdicionais que estas incursões ocasionaram. Como suporte teórico do trabalho, analisaram-se a normatividade, a relevância do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e da proteção à natureza e a centralidade que o princípio da função social ostenta no atual estágio de evolução do direito pátrio. Isso sem desprezar que houve uma ampliação do conteúdo, inserido num contexto de luta de classe, num processo de fluxos e influxos, avanços e retrocessos. Buscou-se realizar uma interpretação mais consentânea com a normatividade das disposições constitucionais, numa perspectiva da força vinculante e normativa dos princípios constitucionais, notadamente da função social da propriedade. A intenção foi solucionar a aparente colisão entre direitos fundamentais, a partir da ponderação entre os respectivos valores constitucionais, visando concretizar o direito ao acesso à terra como direito social, portanto, o direito fundamental.

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