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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem kränker vem? : Territoriell integritet eller rätten till liv. En prövning avseende 15 § 1 st. IKFN-F i förhållande till artikel 2 EKMR

Nolén, Marita January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Vittnet, plikten och döden : En analys av de svenska vittnesskyddsåtgärderna i ljuset av artikel 2 EKMR / Depositions, duties and death : An analysis of the Swedish witness protection measures in light of article 2 ECHR

Klerfelt Johansson, Emanuel January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige pågår en intensiv debatt om organiserad brottslighet och dess förmåga att hota vittnen till tystnad. Denna debatt kretsar huvudsakligen kring straff- och processrättsliga aspekter och saknar ett konstitutionellt rättighetsperspektiv avseende statens skyldigheter att skydda människor under dess jurisdiktion. På så vis förbigår debatten de dramatiska förändringar som skett i det svenska konstitutionella landskapet under senaste tre årtiondena. Förändringar som till stor del varit ett resultat av en europeisering av den svenska rätten och bidragit till att enskildas fri- och rättigheter stärkts. Mot bakgrund av detta analyseras i denna uppsats de åtgärder som finns till skydd för vittnen i svensk rätt. I centrum för analysen står rätten till liv enligt art. 2 i Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (EKMR) och därmed förbunden rättspraxis. I uppsatsen presenteras inledningsvis hur vittnenas ställning, skyldigheter och rättigheter ser ut i svensk rätt. Därefter presenteras och analyseras innehållet i rätten till liv såsom den finns inskriven i art. 2 EKMR, inklusive en genomgång av den praxis som är mest relevant i fråga om vittnesskydd. De svenska vittnesskyddsåtgärderna analyseras därefter i ljuset av denna praxis, med fokus på om åtgärdernas är fullt förenliga med de krav som ställts i Europadomstolens praxis. Dessutom tillkommer en kort analys av huruvida systemet erbjuder ett tillräckligt skydd utifrån den hotbild som idag finns mot vittnen och andra bevispersoner i Sverige. I korthet finner denna analys att art. 2 EKMR innehåller en tämligen begränsad skyldighet för staten att aktivt agera för att skydda vittnen och andra hotade bevispersoner. De svenska regleringarna lever i huvudsak upp till denna skyldighet, eftersom staten tillsett att det finns straffrättslig lagstiftning på plats, samt genom dess operativa/praktiska åtgärder i form av personsäkerhets- och sekretessarbete. Det finns dock utrymme för förbättringar, särskilt i fråga om allvarlig men icke-organiserad brottslighet, såsom viss ungdomsbrottslighet, våld i nära relationer och hedersvåld. Delar av de författningar som reglerar personsäkerhetsarbetet kan behöva förändras för att dessa grupper ska tillförsäkras ett ändamålsenligt skydd, som fullt lever upp till de krav som ställs enligt art. 2 EKMR. Det finns också anledning att stärka upp de processuella garantierna för vittnen och andra bevispersoner som ansöker om personsskyddsåtgärder. / There is an ongoing and quite intense political debate regarding criminal gangs threatening witnesses to silence in Sweden. This debate has mainly focused on criminal and procedural law, lacking a constitutional perspective regarding the obligation of the state to protect people under its jurisdiction. As such the discussion also ignores some dimensions of the dramatic changes to the Swedish constitutional landscape that have taken place during last three decades. These changes, to a large extent results of Europeanization have meant that the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals have been strengthened. Against this background, this thesis intends to analyze the system in place to protect witnesses in Sweden, from a modern constitutional perspective. Regarding the disposition of the thesis, firstly it presents the situation for and responsibilities of witnesses, as well as the regulations of measures that are meant to protect them. This is followed by a brief introduction to the contents of the right to life as it is enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and a presentation of the most relevant case law from the European Court of Human Rights pertaining to witness protection. The Swedish system for protecting witnesses is then analyzed in light of aforementioned case law.  Lastly the thesis opens up for an analysis of deficiencies within the Swedish system, specifically in regard to compliance with the demands that are contained within the ECHR and whether the system is adequate considering the situation for witnesses. In summary this analysis finds that art. 2 ECHR contains a fairly limited obligation for states to protect witnesses and other persons who have been threatened because they have provided information to the judicial system. The Swedish measures mainly live up to that obligation. There is however room for improvement, especially regarding serious but non-organized crime, such as domestic violence, honor crimes and some forms of juvenile delinquency. There is also a need to strengthen the procedural safeguards for witnesses applying for protection.

RÄTTEN TILL LIV. En biopolitisk diskursanalys av fosterdiagnostik och abort i Skandinavien i relation till Downs syndrom

Sandberg, Axel January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en diskursanalys av fosterdiagnostik och abort som erbjuds av staten och regleras i lagen i tre skandinaviska länder. Eftersom antalet barn födda med Downs syndrom har sjunkit markant under det senaste decenniet samtidigt som möjligheterna för och användandet av nya fosterdiagnostiska metoder har ökat är avsikten att skapa fördjupad kunskap om vad detta innebär genom att belysa trenden ur ett biopolitiskt perspektiv. Detta sker med utgångspunkt från Michel Foucaults begrepp biomakt och governmentalitet med fokus på tillgänglighet, rådgivning och användning av fosterdiagnostiska metoder. Uppsatsen redogör för etosdiskursen som en del av den alltomfattande governmentalitetsdiskursen vilket blottlägger en förklaring av en rationalitet karaktäriserad av vår tid som yttrar sig i en strävan att undvika barn med kromosomavvikelser. / The essay is a discourse analysis of obstetric diagnosis and abortion offered by the state and regulated by laws in three Scandinavian countries. As the number of childbirths with Down’s syndrome has fallen sharply in recent decades, while the opportunities for and use of new Foetus diagnostic methods have increased, the intention is to create in-depth knowledge of what this means by highlighting the development from a biopolitical perspective. This is based on Michel Foucault's concept of biopower and governmentality with focus on availability, counselling and use of foetus diagnostic methods. The essay explains the ethos discourse as part of the allinclusive government discussion which shows exposes an explanation of a rationality characterizing to our time that expresses itself to avoid children with chromosomal disorders.

Ekonomiska sanktioners förhållande till vissa mänskliga rättigheter / The relationship between economic sanctions and certain human rights

Lidman, Adam January 2022 (has links)
Economic sanctions are an instrument that states can use to punish or influence other states. Such sanctions may include the freezing of assets of individuals and organizations but may also in some cases constitute total bans on trade with the state hit by the sanctions. Being hit by sanctions means that the targeted person risks having their human rights restricted. This is because sanctions are a kind of "punishment" with the aim of getting the entity who is hit to stop a certain be-havior. The risk with this "punishment" is that the restriction of human rights is far too disproportionate in relation to the purpose of the sanctions. This paper examines the extent to which those who are hit by sanctions have their human rights restricted. The focus of the paper is on two rights. The right to life and the right to a fair trial. Both comprehensive and targeted sanctions are discussed in the paper. Furthermore, the paper argues that comprehensive sanctions are prob-lematic and that they risk leading to violations of the right to life. The paper also argues that targeted sanctions are also problematic in relation to human rights, even if these are less problematic than comprehensive sanctions. This is because targeted sanctions are fraught with restrictions on the right to a fair trial, and that the entity hit by targeted sanctions cannot be guaranteed a fair trial if he wishes to overturn the sanction decision. In addition, the paper explores the role of the European Court of Justice as a sanctions review body and explores future solu-tions that could improve the legal certainty of targeted sanctions.

Klimatet – än sen då? En utredning av svenska statens skyldighet att vidta åtgärder för att begränsa klimatförändringarna och den globala uppvärmningen. / Who cares about the climate? An investigation into the Swedish state’s obligation to take measures to limit climate change and global warming.

Berg, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Utan spaning, ingen aning – hemlig visuell och avlyssnande observation mot våld i nära relationer i ljuset av artikel 2 och artikel 8 Europakonventionen. / No spying, no clue – secret visual and listening surveillance against domestic violence in regard to article 2 and article 8 the European Convention on Human Rights.

Söderström, Anna January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Kärnvapenavskräckning och rätten till liv : Hotar eller skyddar kärnvapenavskräckning rätten till liv / Nuclear Deterrence and the Right to Life : Is nuclear deterrence a threat or protection for the right to life

Costelius, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar om huruvida kärnvapenavskräckning hotar eller skyddar rätten till liv. Genom insamlade pro- och contra-argument skapas en diskussion kring kärnvapenavskräckning där centrala argument identifieras. Argumenten analyseras sedan i en argumentationsanalys samt slutsats utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv med fokus på rätten till liv. Rätten till liv definieras utifrån General Comment No. 36 (2018) som berör artikel 6 rätten till liv inom den internationella konventionen om de medborgliga och politiska rättigheterna. / The essay analyses whether nuclear deterrence threatens or protects the right to life. By collecting pro- and contra-arguments it has been possible to create a discussion around nuclear deterrence as well as to identify key arguments within the two groups. The central arguments are then analyzed in an argumentation analysis and conclusion from a human rights perspective with a focus on the right to life. The right to life is defined from the General Comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life.

The Cubicle Warrior : Drones, Targeted Killings, and the Implications of Waging a "War on Terror" from a Distance Under International Law

Haenflein, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Analys av nyckelrättigheter i väpnade konflikter : Hur nyckelrättigheter respekteras i det pågående kriget i Syrien / Analysis of Key Rights in Armed Conflicts : How to key rights are respected in the ongoing Syrian war

Arfors, Karl January 2021 (has links)
Abstract This essay has been about investigating and analyzing key rights in armed conflicts and howthey are respected in the Syrian war. The essay brings up three key rights and they are- the right to life- torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment- protection of cultural propertyRegarding these rights, questions are formulated- How have the human key rights been respected in the Syrian war?- How does the protection for the key rights look within IHL?- What do the prospects for an acceptable situation look like in short term?The Syrian war started in mars 2011 as a result of the Arabic spring. The situation for Syria’spopulation has gotten worse since the war’s beginning. It has not gotten better during thesenine years despite hard work from UN and other humanitarian organizations. There was along battle against IS who has been defeated, but there are different actors in Syria thatcontinue to fight.Syria’s president Al-Assad is one of them that bears to biggest responsibility for Syria’scrisis, but he gets supported by for example Russia and Iran. Russia was in Syria to fight IS,but fought rebel groups instead, because they were a threat to Al-Assad. Al-Assad wanted itto look like he was protecting Syria from terrorism. He released islamic prisoners to fightthem. Some of the worst battles has happened in Aleppo, which is the most important cityfinancially.A lot of countries are militarily involved and that does not make it better when it’s abouthuman rights in Syria. When I investigate the respect of international humanitarian law inSyria, it shows that fighting parties fail hard to respect IHL. Cruel crimes against the keyrights has happened since the violence got worse. It is a lot of casualties, people get torturedin prisons and a lot of old culture gets destroyed.Syria’s economy has and continues to fall. Syria has the most refugees in the world since thesecond world war, and this civil war is the worst humanitarian crisis in modern time. Syriahad 20 million residents when the war began and now 11 million people is on flight. Syria has100 armed groups, and they are divided. Syria’s population miss access to survival needs andtheir everyday is life threatening. One cause to fatalities in Syria is lack of food, water andcare. At the same time as USA started to pull their forces back, Turkey took in their forces.Turkey thinks that USA approved the offensive when they pulled their forces back, but USAdenies that. Turkey will not interrupt the offensive, but USA wants it to be suspended.In my investigation I have used a legal dogmatic method in form of articles and based on thesources I have interpreted the key rights and their compliance in Syria. I have used literaturestudies in form of news articles, printed literature and books. Key rights in armed conflict andIHL have big roles in this essay. Literature about key rights within international human rightslaw and its application in the Syrian war is central in the analyze. A SWOT analysis is used toget structure for the description and leads to the conclusions used to answer the given questions. 6(37)In the essay I explain the situation in Syria, IHL and key rights role and situation in Syria andwhat the conflict looks like today. My sources highlight events in different areas in Syria, whichare used in the analysis and as answers to the questions:- In armed conflicts it’s very hard to protect the studied key rights and the war in Syria is noexception. There are plenty of tragic examples on how people are killed or tortured. Manyinvaluable cultural heritage has been systematically destroyed or stolen.- IHL was developed to reduce human suffering and to demand a human acting from fightingparties. In an armed conflict it is IHL that rules.- In the Syrian war there’s only one solution that UN has come up with and is pushing for it tobe implemented. That solution is a Syrian owned and Syrian led political process.

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