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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matériaux de construction en zone tropicale humide : Potentialités de sous-produits ou de matériaux naturels locaux en substitution ou addition à la matrice cimentaire / Construction materials in tropical humid zone : Potential by-products or local natural materials in substitution or addition to the cementitious matrix

Rodier, Loïc 01 December 2014 (has links)
L’incorporation de sous-produits agricoles ou de matériaux naturels dans la matrice cimentaire confère des propriétés intéressantes aux composites élaborés. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’élaborer un matériau pouvant répondre aux exigences mécaniques, thermiques et de durabilité des matériaux de construction en zone tropicale humide. Dans un premier temps, l’activité pouzzolanique d’une pouzzolane naturelle, de cendres de tronc de bambou et de cendres de bagasse de canne à sucre ont été évaluées. L’influence de leur incorporation a été ensuite étudiée sur les propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité des mortiers exposés à des ions chlorures et sulfates. Dans un second temps, l’influence de l’ajout de fibres de bagasse sur les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques des composites a été étudiée en fonction de différents paramètres (teneur en fibres, environnement de vieillissement, type de matrice cimentaire).Les résultats obtenus ont permis de montrer que les matériaux étudiés possèdent une activité pouzzolanique et qu’il est possible de les incorporer au ciment afin de lutter contre la corrosion. De plus, les composites élaborés avec des fibres de bagasse sont plus isolants que ceux élaborés sans fibres. Cependant, du point de vue des propriétés mécaniques, l’incorporation de fibres de bagasse diminue les contraintes à la flexion des composites. / The incorporation of crop wastes or natural materials in the cement matrix confers interesting properties to composites prepared. The aim of this thesis is to develop a material that can reach the mechanical, thermal and durability requirements for building materials in the humid tropical zone. Firstly, pozzolanic activity of a natural pozzolan, bamboo stem and sugar cane bagasse ashes has been determined. Influence of their incorporation on mechanical properties and durability of mortars exposed to chloride and sulphate ions was studied. Secondly, influence of addition of bagasse fibers on thermal and mechanical properties of composites was studied as a function of various parameters (fibers content, curing, type of cement matrix).These results has shown that the materials studied have pozzolanic activity and it is possible to incorporate them into the cement to fight against corrosion. Moreover, composites elaborated with bagasse fibers are more insulating than those elaborated without fibers. However, from the viewpoint of mechanical properties, incorporation of bagasse fibers decreases flexural strength of composites in the present work and under the conditions producing procedures that were adopted.

Estudo de viabilidade técnica da utilização de cinzas da queima da casca de Pinus em obras de pavimentação asfáltica / Study of the technical feasibility of the use of ash of the Pinus burning in hot-mix asphalt

Bardini, Vivian Silveira dos Santos 21 May 2008 (has links)
O processo industrial para fabricação de MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - utiliza como combustível a casca de madeira Pinus, cuja queima gera um resíduo cinzas de granulometria fina, que constitui um problema ambiental por conter algumas substâncias em quantidade acima da permitida pela NBR 10004:2004, que o classifica como resíduo de classe II A - não inerte. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é testar a hipótese de que o resíduo cinzas podem ser utilizadas como fíler em misturas asfálticas, mediante a verificação das propriedades de interesse à engenharia através de ensaios de laboratório: resistência à tração por compressão diametral, módulo de resiliência, vida de fadiga, dano por umidade induzida, estabilidade e fluência Marshall. Foram realizados ensaios para determinação da massa específica das cinzas - resíduo, inclusive com picnometria de gás hélio. Primeiramente, o fíler mineral foi substituído em massa pelo resíduo, optando-se, em função dos resultados preliminares, pela equivalência em volume. As dosagens Marshall, para as misturas contendo resíduo, resultaram em um teor ótimo de ligante praticamente constante, independentemente do teor utilizado (3,5% e 6,0%). Quanto às propriedades mecânicas, nos ensaios de resistência à tração, os maiores valores foram verificados para as misturas contendo 3,5% de fíler mineral, enquanto as misturas contendo cinzas - resíduo - apresentaram os menores valores. Os maiores valores de módulo de resiliência foram das misturas contendo maiores teores de fíler, sendo que o fíler mineral resultou em maior módulo de resiliência do que o resíduo. Na avaliação do dano por umidade induzida, apenas as misturas contendo 6,0% de fíler mineral se mostraram não susceptíveis, enquanto que as misturas contendo resíduo foram as que apresentaram maior susceptibilidade. O resíduo também diminuiu a vida de fadiga, sendo a diferença para as misturas com fíler mineral mais acentuada para o menor teor de fíler. Apesar dos resultados indicarem uma piora de características com a utilização do resíduo, os valores obtidos ainda se situam, na maioria dos casos, acima dos limites mínimos estabelecidos pelas normas técnicas, encorajando pesquisas adicionais, principalmente em função do problema ambiental representado pelas cinzas da queima da casca de Pinus. / The industrial production of MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - uses Pinus wood skin as a fuel, which, after the burning process, generates a fine gradation residue, an ash that is an environmental problem due to the content of some substances, above the quantity allowed by the NRB 10004:2004, and it is classified as a class II-A - non-inert product. The general purpose of this work is to test the hypothesis that the residue can be use as a filler in hot-mix asphalt, through the evaluation of technological properties by laboratory tests such as indirect tension, resilient modulus, fatigue life, moisture susceptibility, Marshall stability and creep. The evaluation of specific gravity of the residue was done by the gas pycnometer method. Initially, the substitution of the mineral filler by the residue was done in terms of weight, but the preliminary results showed that the best option was the substitution in terms of volume. The Marshall mix design for mixtures containing the residue resulted in a binder content approximately constant for both residue contents considered in this work (3.5% and 6.0%). The indirect tension test results showed higher values for mixtures containing 3.5% of mineral filler, being the lowest values associated to mixtures that use residue. The higher the filler content, the higher the resilient modulus and mixtures with mineral filler presented higher resilient modulus values. Only the mixture with 6.0% of mineral filler passed the moisture susceptibility test, and mixtures with residue presented higher moisture susceptibility. The residue also weakened the fatigue life, being the difference higher for mixtures with lower filler content. Although the results show a worsening of asphalt mixtures properties due to the use of the residue as a filler, for most of the obtained results the value remained above the minimum acceptable by technical standards, encouraging further researches on this subject, mainly due to the environmental problem associated to the burning of Pinus wood skin.

Comparison of electricity production between semi-submersible and spar-buoy floating offshore wind turbines

Saracevic, Nermina January 2018 (has links)
The paper compares electricity production between the semi-submersible and the spar-buoy floating wind turbine systems under normal, stochastic and extreme wind conditions at Utsira Nord site located on the Norwegian continental shelf in the North Sea. The analysis of complex behavior of the floating wind turbine system and the fluid-structure interaction is performed in aero-servo-hydro-elastic code ASHES. The results indicate a slightly better energy performance of the semi-submersible than the spar in all load cases but one. The pitch and heave degrees of freedom are evaluated as the most relevant for the power output. It is shown that pitch and heave platform motions have smaller displacement in the semi-submersible floater than in the spar under average environmental conditions and at the rated wind speed operating range. The simulation also confirmed that the energy yield is very sensitive to the magnitude of the loads: the spar performed best under mild environmental conditions, while the semi-submersible was better under medium environmental conditions. Small difference in energy yield is attributed to the same baseline blade and external controller properties used for both floaters where generator torque was kept constant to limit the power excursions above the rated power. The method proposed under this paper has demonstrated that a good approximation of the energy performance of the floating wind turbine system can be performed in a fast and effective manner.

Characterization And Utilization Potential Of Class F Fly Ashes

Acar, Ilker 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, characterization of two class F fly ashes (FA) from &Ccedil / atalagzi and Sug&ouml / z&uuml / thermal power plants were carried out and their utilization potentials in three different fields were examined. Characterization of sintered samples and determination of their utilization potentials in ceramic industry is the first research area in this thesis. For this purpose, the class F fly ash samples were first pressed into cylindrical specimen without the addition of any organic binders or inorganic additives, and then sintered to form ceramic materials. Effects of sintering temperature and time on sintering characteristics were investigated. In the experiments, the cylindrical specimens were first preheated to 300oC for 1 h to remove moisture and any other gases. The specimens were then fired at the temperatures of 1000oC, 1050oC, 1100oC and 1150oC for the sintering times of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 hours. Heating rate of 10oC/min was kept constant throughout the experiments. Quality of sintered samples was evaluated in terms of ceramic specifications such as density, water absorption, porosity, shrinkage and splitting tensile strength. In addition, mineralogical and microstructural changes during sintering were determined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses. According to literature data, better microstructure, the highest density and strength with the lowest porosity, water absorption and shrinkage values are the indications of the optimum sintering conditions. Based on these specifications, Sug&ouml / z&uuml / fly ash gave better results compared to &Ccedil / atalagzi fly ash, and the optimum conditions were achieved at the sintering temperature of 1150oC for the sintering time of 1.5 hours for both samples. Pozzolanic reactivity of the fly ashes and their utilization potentials in civil engineering applications were also examined in detail during this study. For this purpose, &Ccedil / atalagzi (CFA) and Sug&ouml / z&uuml / (SFA) fly ashes were first subjected to a specific hydraulic classification process developed at CAER (University of Kentucky, Center for Applied Energy Research) to recover ultrafine fly ash particles. The overflow products with average particle sizes of 5.2 &mu / m for CFA and 4.4 &mu / m for SFA were separated from the respective as-received samples with average particle sizes of 39 &mu / m and 21 &mu / m. After the classification stage, the pozzolanic activities of these ultrafine fly ash fractions (UFA) and as-received samples were examined by preparing a number of mortar (mixture of Portland cement (PC), FA or UFA as partial cement replacement, sand and water) and paste (mixture of PC, FA or UFA as partial cement replacement and water) specimens. Control samples containing only PC were also prepared and tested through the experiments for the comparison of the results. In the mortar experiments, three different PC replacement ratios by FA and UFA (10%, 20% and 30%) were used to examine the effects of FA and UFA samples on the fresh and hardened mortar properties such as water requirement, compressive strength, drying shrinkage and water expansion. These mortar tests indicated that ultrafine fractions of &Ccedil / atalagzi (CUFA) and Sug&ouml / z&uuml / (SUFA) fly ashes provided more than 10% reduction in water demand compared to the control sample for 30% PC replacement. The mortar cubes containing CUFA and SUFA samples exhibited also higher strength development rates after 14 days compared to the ones with as-received samples and PC only. At the end of the curing age of 112 days, both CUFA and SUFA provided more than 40% increase in compressive strength compared to the control sample for the PC replacement ratios higher than 20%. As a comparison, SUFA gave better results than CUFA in both water demand and compressive strength tests. The mortar bars prepared with the both FA and UFA samples exhibited very low shrinkage and expansion values. These values decreased generally with increasing PC replacement ratio especially after 14 days. In the paste experiments, thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) of the paste specimens prepared by using only with 20% PC replacement were carried out to determine pozzolanic reactivity of the samples. The difference between the remaining Ca(OH)2 (portlandite) contents in the paste specimens containing the fly ashes and the reference PC paste was used as a measure of pozzolanic reactivity. After 112 days, 68.56% and 62.68% Ca(OH)2 content of PC only pastes were obtained with the pastes containing CUFA and SUFA samples, respectively, corresponding to 11% and 13% more Ca(OH)2 consumptions in reference to the respective as-received samples. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were also performed for comparison of main portlandite peak intensities in the paste specimens containing FA or UFA with those in the PC only paste during cement hydration. According to these XRD analyses, portlandite content in PC/UFA pastes decreased significantly after 14 days compared to the PC only paste. All of these tests and analyses showed that a highly reactive lower cost pozzolan with very fine particle size and higher surface area compared to regular fly ash pozzolans can be produced from both &Ccedil / atalagzi and Sug&ouml / z&uuml / fly ashes using a relatively simple hydraulic classification technology. Cenosphere recovery potentials from &Ccedil / atalagzi and Sug&ouml / z&uuml / fly ashes were also studied in this thesis. Determination of cenosphere content was done under optical microscope by particle counting on the basis of point and area. Based on the point-counting data, CFA and SFA samples originally contain 11.30% and 4.50% cenospheres, respectively. Variations of cenosphere contents in the fly ash samples were examined by using float-sink, screening and air classification tests. The results pointed out that cenosphere contents decreased with decreasing size and increasing density for both samples. According to the float-sink tests, &Ccedil / atalagzi fly ash has much more floating products and more cenospheres than Sug&ouml / z&uuml / fly ash for the same density interval. Based on the air classification results, cenospheres were concentrated in the underflow products, and cenosphere contents increased with increasing air pressure and decreasing motor speed for both samples. The most efficient cenosphere separation technique among the examined methods was screening. Cenosphere contents of CFA and SFA increased to 21.65% and 11.83%, respectively by only using simple screening through 38 &mu / m.

Base-cations in relation to weathering of phyllosilicates and forest management in Swedish forest ecosystems /

El Make, Mahmoud, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2000. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Biomassa para fins energéticos em uma indústria de painéis de madeira / Biomass for energy purposes in a wood panel industry

Hansted, Ana Larissa Santiago 24 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi ( ri.bso@ufscar.br) on 2017-10-24T11:28:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HANSTED_Ana_Larissa_2017.pdf: 1877023 bytes, checksum: c3a1a7b3f4c03cc2997fbd0cfcc7e536 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi ( ri.bso@ufscar.br) on 2017-10-24T11:28:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 HANSTED_Ana_Larissa_2017.pdf: 1877023 bytes, checksum: c3a1a7b3f4c03cc2997fbd0cfcc7e536 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi ( ri.bso@ufscar.br) on 2017-10-24T11:28:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 HANSTED_Ana_Larissa_2017.pdf: 1877023 bytes, checksum: c3a1a7b3f4c03cc2997fbd0cfcc7e536 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-24T11:29:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HANSTED_Ana_Larissa_2017.pdf: 1877023 bytes, checksum: c3a1a7b3f4c03cc2997fbd0cfcc7e536 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The bark is a residue that can be used as fuel by industry. One of the problems of the use is the contamination. The purpose of this paper was the physico-chemical characterization of eucalyptus bark used as a fuel in a wood panel industry, relating the high heating value (HHV) with the ash content. Six treatments were provided according to the particle size: T1 (850µm to 425 µm / unwashed), T2 (250 µm / unwashed), T 3 (<150 µm / unwashed), T4 (850µm to 425 µm / washed), T5 (250 µm / washed), T6 (<150 µm / washed). The material was assessed regarding moisture content. The treatments were subjected to HHV and proximate analysis. The ashes were analyzed under SEM - EDS in order to identify the components/contaminants. The data obtained in this study were statistically analyzed using the software R. The material presented moisture content of 70% on a dry basis, which is considered high for use in bioenergy. Contaminants comp onents such as calcium and silica were identified in the ash material. The proximate analysis showed a significant difference among treatments, the ash content presented values from 2.63% (T1) to 13.86% (T3). The process of washing the bark was efficient f or the reduction in ash content only in the particle size <150 µm. The separation in particle size extracts of the bark presented a good technique to reduce the contaminants. / A casca de eucalipto é um resíduo que pode ser usado como combustível pela indústria. Um dos problemas da utilização deste resíduo é a contaminação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização físico - química da casca do eucalipto utilizada como combustível em uma indústria de painéis de madeira reconstituída. Para diminuir os contaminantes, foi feita uma lavagem da casca em água corrente. Foram realizados seis tratamentos de acordo com o tamanho de partícula e processo de lavagem: T1 (850µm a 425µm / não lavado), T2 (250µm / não lavado), T3 (<150µm / não lavado), T4 (850µm a 425µm / lavado), T5 (250µm / lavada), T6 (<150µm / lavada). O material foi avaliado quanto ao teor de umidade no momento da coleta. Os tratamentos foram submetidos a análise química imediata e determinado o poder calorífico superior (PCS). As cinzas foram analisadas em MEV - EDS, a fim de identificar os componentes/contaminantes. Os dados obtidos neste estudo foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando o software R. O material apresentou teor de umidade de 70% em base seca, o que é considerado elevado para utilização na bioenergia. Componentes contaminantes, tais como o cálcio e sílica foram identificados nas cinzas do material. A análise química imediata mostrou uma diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, o teor de cinzas apresentou valores de 2,63% (T1) a 13,86% (T3). O processo de lavagem da casca foi eficiente para a redução do teor de cinzas apenas no tamanho de partícula <150µm. A separação da casca em diferentes tamanhos de partículas forneceu resultados satisfatórios para redução dos contaminantes.

Desenvolvimento de argamassas com substituição parcial do cimento Portland por cinzas de algaroba geradas do APL (Arranjo Produtivo Local) de confecções pernambucano

PIRES, Dannúbia Ribeiro 15 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-06-27T17:06:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Dannúbia Ribeiro Pires (PPGECAM_CAA).pdf: 1569346 bytes, checksum: de291d5949502da801c8fef00fcf2b43 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-27T17:06:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Dannúbia Ribeiro Pires (PPGECAM_CAA).pdf: 1569346 bytes, checksum: de291d5949502da801c8fef00fcf2b43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-15 / Facepe / A grande demanda de cinza de algaroba gerada nas lavanderias pertencentes ao APL de Pernambuco e sua constituição química prioritária de carbonato de cálcio, caracterizando seu efeito filler, impulsionaram a verificação do comportamento do sistema cimentício quando da substituição do cimento pela cinza nas argamassas de revestimento. O objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o resíduo, atualmente descartado no ambiente, em materiais cimentícios, de modo a contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável, reduzindo o impacto produzido pelo armazenamento e descarte inadequado. Além disso, pretende-se contribuir para a redução da emissão de CO2 causada pelas indústrias cimenteiras e minimizar os custos dos produtos com cimento Portland. Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a influência da substituição do cimento Portland em diferentes porcentagens (0%, 5%, 10% e 20%) nas propriedades nos estados fresco e endurecido das argamassas, aplicando no traço (1-X):2:X:9 (cimento: cal: cinza: areia), em volume, comumente utilizado para emboço e argamassa de assentamento em obras da região. A cinza foi caracterizada física e quimicamente. As propriedades analisadas no estado fresco foram: reologia das argamassas (reometria de mistura, de cisalhamento e compressiva - squezze flow), densidade de massa e teor de ar incorporado e aderência inicial das argamassas no substrato; e no estado endurecido foram: resistência à tração por compressão diametral, resistência potencial de aderência à tração, módulo de elasticidade dinâmico, porosidade e permeabilidade. De acordo com os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa, a presença da cinza favoreceu, em todas as porcentagens estudadas, a redução no teor de água de amassamento, mantendo a trabalhabilidade das argamassas. As argamassas com teores de 5% de cinza preservam as propriedades do sistema compatíveis com as propriedades da argamassa de referência. Porém, até 10% é possível a introdução deste resíduo, em substituição ao cimento, sem prejuízos aos sistemas cimentícios, proporcionando alterações mínimas em relação à argamassa de referência, sendo promissor o uso desse resíduo em materiais cimentícios. / There is a considerable production of algaroba wood ash in the laundries of the local productive arrangement on the clothing industry in the Agreste Region of Pernambuco. It is possible to apply it as filler due to its mainly chemical constitution as calcium carbonate. Based on these facts, it was evaluated the mortars behaviour when cement is partial replaced by algaroba ashes. This work objectives reuse this residue, currently discarded in the environment, in cementitious materials. In this way, it contributes to the sustainable development by reducing the impact by storage and improper disposal. Moreover, it is intended contributes to reducing CO2 emissions caused by cement industries and minimize the costs of products with Portland cement. This study investigates the influence of the gradual replacement of cement by algaroba ash (0%, 5%, 10% and 20%). It was evaluated the properties of mortars in fresh and hardened states. The mix by volume (1-X):2:X:9 (cement, lime, ash, sand) was studied, taking into account that these alternative mortars can be applied on regional building sites as rendering plaster and laying mortar. The ashes were characterized physically and chemically. It was carried out in the fresh state: rheology of mortars (mixture, compressive and shear rheometers - squeeze flow), mass density, a content of entrained air and initial adherence of the mortars to the substrate; and in the hardened state: diametrical traction, potential adherence, dynamic modulus of elasticity, porosity and permeability. The results indicate that the presence of the ashes decreases the quantity of mixing water required to keep the workability of the mortars, regardless the content of cement replacement content by algaroba ash. The mortar with 5% ash content preserving system properties compatible with the properties of the reference mortar. However, it is possible to partial substitute the cement by algaroba ash until 10% in the studied mortars, when comparing to the reference system, algaroba ashes are a promising material to incorporate in a cementitious system.

Utilização do método de condutividade elétrica para análise da pozolanicidade da cinza do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar

SILVA, Emerson José da 17 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-22T13:13:31Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Emerson Silva - Versão definitava.pdf: 2135263 bytes, checksum: 0a3cbcc3e5c3ecb44715e0fbc253bd60 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-22T13:13:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Emerson Silva - Versão definitava.pdf: 2135263 bytes, checksum: 0a3cbcc3e5c3ecb44715e0fbc253bd60 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / Muitos estudos acerca do aproveitamento de resíduos e sua utilização em matrizes cimentícias têm sido desenvolvidos, na busca de um destino adequado, uma vez que a construção civil é um dos maiores consumidores de materiais naturais em seus processos e produtos. As cinzas agroindustriais ocupam lugar de destaque dentre os resíduos com possibilidades de aplicação por apresentarem propriedades pozolânicas, como por exemplo, cinzas volantes, sílica ativa entre outros, contribuindo para a redução do consumo de cimento Portland e sustentabilidade da indústria de materiais cimentícios. O bagaço da cana-de-açúcar é um dos subprodutos do processo de produção da cana-de-açúcar, sendo o Brasil o maior produtor mundial. Neste trabalho foram produzidas cinzas a partir do beneficiamento por queima controlada e moagem da cinza do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (CBCA) coletada em uma usina do estado de Pernambuco para avaliar a sua aplicação como adição mineral em matrizes de base cimentícia. A cinza coletada foi submetida a um processo prévio de secagem em estufa e peneiramento para retirada de materiais contaminantes (folhas, pedras e outros). Parte do material passante não sofreu tratamento térmico, sendo denominada CAN, o restante foi dividido em quatros frações, cada fração submetida a uma temperatura de queima: 300°C, 400°C, 500°C e 600°C, sendo denominadas CB300, CB400, CB500 e CB600, respectivamente. Após a queima, cada cinza passou por um processo de peneiramento/moagem e foi submetida a análises de fluorescência de raios X, difração de raios X, massa específica real por picnometria a gás e área superficial específica por B.E.T (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller). A reatividade das cinzas foi avaliada por meio de medições de condutividade elétrica em solução saturada de Ca(OH)2/cinzas e o índice de atividade com cal (IAC), foi baseado na ABNT NBR 5751 (2012). Os resultados por condutividade elétrica indicam tendência de reatividade do material estudado, quando comparado a pozolana de referência - MTC. O IAC das amostras com CBCA mostraram resultados satisfatórios apenas para as cinzas moídas por 7 horas. A moagem mostrou ser de fundamental importância para o aumento do potencial pozolânico da CBCA. A temperatura de calcinação se mostrou relevante quando da aplicação de 500ºC, acima deste valor ocorreu o decréscimo dos índices de pozolanicidade. / Many studies about waste recovery and your use in cement matrices have been developed on the search for a appropriate destination, since the civic construction is one of the largest consumers of natural materials in their processes and products. The agroindustrial ashes occupy prominent place among the residues with application possibilities for presenting pozzolanic properties, such as fly ash, silica fume among others, contributing for the reduction of the consumption of cement Portland and sustainability of cementitious materials industry. The bagasse of the sugarcane is one of the byproducts of the production process of sugarcane, with Brazil being the world's largest producer. In this work were produced ashes from the beneficiation by controlled burning and grinding of ash from sugarcane bagasse (CBCA) collected in a mill of Pernambuco to evaluate your application as mineral addition in cement-based matrices. The collected ash was submitted to a previous drying process in a kiln and sieving for removing contaminant material (leaves, stones and other) part of the passing material did not suffer thermal treatment, called CAN, the remainder was divided into four portions, each portion submitted to a firing temperature: 300 ° C, 400 ° C, 500 ° C and 600 ° C, called CB300, CB400, CB500 and CB600, respectively. After burning, each ash passed through a process of sieving/milling and was submitted to X-ray fluorescence analysis, X-ray diffraction, real specific mass by gas pycnometry and specific surface area by BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller). The reactivity of the ash was evaluated by means of electrical conductivity measurements in saturated solution of Ca(OH)2 / ashes. The activity index with lime (AIL), based on the ABNT NBR 5751 (2012). The results by electrical conductivity indicates tendency of reactivity of the studied material, when compared to the pozzolan of reference - MTC. The AIL of de samples with CBCA showed satisfactory results just for milled ashes for 7 hours. The milling showed to be of fundamental importance for improve the pozzolanic potential of the CBCA. The temperature showed to be relevant whe the application of 500ºC, above this value occurred decrease of pozzolanicity index.

Análise da pozolanicidade por meio da difração de raio-x em pastas de cimento portland e com substituição por cinza do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar

GÓES, Pablo Borba de Barros 25 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-08-09T13:01:25Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissetação.Pablo.final.pdf: 2088555 bytes, checksum: 6d0fea4fe26c7d709925fe51c4d992e9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-09T13:01:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissetação.Pablo.final.pdf: 2088555 bytes, checksum: 6d0fea4fe26c7d709925fe51c4d992e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-25 / A incorporação de resíduos diversos dentro de seus processos produtivos tem sido uma tendência na construção civil, esse processo visa a diminuição dos custos de produção e da deposição de resíduos no meio ambiente, dentro desta ótica as cinzas vegetais tem sido bastante estudadas devido as suas possíveis propriedades pozolânica. Para este estudo foi utilizada a cinza do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar (CBCA) proveniente do estado de Pernambuco, esse material foi submetido a um processo de secagem em estufa a 100°C e um peneiramento para retirar matérias contaminantes como folhas, madeiras e outros. O material foi dividido em quatro partes e submetido a um processo de calcinação nas temperaturas de 300°C, 400°C, 500°C e 600°C e chamadas de CB 300, CB 400, CB 500 e CB 600, a parte do material que não passou por esse tratamento foi denominada de CAN. Posteriormente a CBCA passou por um peneiramento em peneiras de malha #200 e #400 e a moagem em um moinho de bolas e por fim essas amostras foram submetidas aos ensaios de caracterizações físicas (Área específica, BET (BrunauerEmmett-Teller) e Massa específica) e caracterização química (D.R.X. e termogravimetria) e ensaios de consistência e resistência a compressão. A existência de atividade pozolânica foi testada através dos ensaios de D.R.X. e resistência a compressão segundo as normas da ABNT NBR 5751 (2012). No ensaios químicos (D.R.X.) ficou constatada a possível existência de atividade pozolânica do material estudado apenas nas cinzas moídas a sete horas, no ensaio de resistência a compressão apenas as cinzas moídas a sete horas apresentaram desempenho satisfatório. O estudo mostrou a importância do processo de moagem do material e de como o mesmo influencia na atividade pozolânica, já o processo de calcinação teve resultados abaixo do esperado principalmente nas temperaturas a partir de 500°C, já que as amostras apresentaram resultados melhores nas temperaturas de 300°C e 400°C. / The incorporation of various waste in their production processes has been a trend in the construction industry, this process is aimed at reducing production costs and waste disposal on the environment, within this perspective plant ash has been widely studied because of its potential pozzolanic properties. For this study we used sugar cane bagasse ashes (CBCA) from the state of Pernambuco, this material was subjected to a drying process in oven at 100 ° C and sieving to remove contaminating materials such as leaves, wood and others. The material was divided into four parts and subjected to a calcination process at temperatures of 300 ° C, 400 ° C, 500 ° C and 600 ° C and calls CB300, BC400, BC500 and BC600, the portion of the material which has not undergone this treatment was designated CAN. Subsequently the CBCA passed a sieve of sieve mesh # 200 and # 400 and grinding in a ball mill and finally the samples were subjected to physical characterization assays (specific surface area, BET (Brunauer-EmmettTeller) and Mass specific) and chemical (DRX and thermogravimetry) and consistency tests and compressive strength. The existence of pozzolanic activity was tested by the D.R.X. tests, thermogravimetry and compressive strength according to ABNT NBR 5751 (2012). In chemical assays (XRD and thermogravimetric analysis) was found to contain the reactivity of the material studied compared to pozzolan reference metakaolin (TCM), as compared to compressive strength testing only the ash grinded to seven hours (M7H) showed satisfactory performance. The study showed the importance of the process of grinding the material and how the same influence on the pozzolanic activity, since the calcination process results below mainly expected at temperatures from 500 ° C, since the samples showed better results in temperatures 300 ° C and 400 ° C.

Síntese, caracterização, de nanomaterial zeolítico de cinzas de carvão organomodificado e aplicação como adsorvente na remediação de água contaminada por Rodamina B e Azul Direto 71 / Synthesis, characterization of organo-modifiedzeolitic nanomaterial from coal ash and application as adsorbent on remediation of contaminated water by rhodamine B and direct blue 71

ALCANTARA, RAQUEL R. 27 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2017-10-27T12:15:25Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-27T12:15:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A síntese de zeólitas a partir de cinzas leves e pesadas de carvão mineral foi realizada por tratamento hidrotérmico alcalino, as quais foram nomeadas ZCL e ZCP, respectivamente. As zeólitas organomodificadas ZML e ZMP foram obtidas a partir da modificação superficial de ZCL e ZCP, respectivamente, utilizando o surfactante catiônico brometo de hexadeciltrimetilamônio. A partir das soluções remanescentes geradas na síntese de ZCL e ZCP foi possível sintetizar duas novas zeólitas. As características físicoquímicas dos nanomateriais zeolíticos sintetizados, bem como de suas respectivas matérias primas, tais como: capacidade de troca catiônica, massa específica, área específica, composição química, mineralógica e morfológica, entre outras, foram determinadas. Os adsorventes ZML e ZMP foram utilizados na remoção dos corantes Azul Direto 71 (DB71) e Rodamina B (RB) de soluções aquosas em sistema de batelada. Desta forma, quatro sistemas DB71/ZML, RB/ZML, DB71/ZMP e RB/ZMP foram investigados. Os modelos de pseudoprimeira ordem e pseudo-segunda ordem foram aplicados aos dados experimentais para o estudo da cinética de adsorção. O modelo de pseudosegunda ordem foi o que melhor descreveu o processo de adsorção de todos os sistemas corante/zeólita organomodificada. O equilíbrio da adsorção foi analisado a partir de quatro modelos de isoterma, sendo eles: Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin e Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R). Os resultados mostram que os modelos de Freundlich e Langmuir melhor descreveram os dados experimentais dos sistemas DB71/ZML e DB71/ZMP, respectivamente. Para os sistemas com RB, o modelo de D-R foi o que melhor se ajustou para ambos adsorventes ZML e ZMP. O planejamento fatorial 24 foi aplicado para a análise dos seguintes fatores que influenciam o processo de adsorção: concentração inicial do corante (Co), pH, dose de adsorvente (M) e temperatura (T). De acordo com as condições estudadas concluiu-se, com o intervalo de confiança igual a 95%, que para o sistema DB71/ZML, os fatores e suas interações que mais influenciam foram C0, M, pH, pH*M, pH*C0, M*C0, pH*M*C0, nessa ordem. No sistema DB71/ZMP, a ordem de influência foi: M, C0, pH, pH*M, pH*C0, M*C0, pH*M*C0. Para os sistemas RB/ZML e RB/ZMP, os resultados foram: M, C0, M*C0, pH, pH*M e M, C0, M*C0, respectivamente. O equilíbrio de adsorção foi atingido em cerca de 40 min para todas as amostras. As porcentagens de remoção do DB71 estavam na faixa de 50 80% e 20 50% para ZML e ZMP, respectivamente. A faixa de porcentagens de remoção do RB variou entre 60 80% e 30 50% para ZML e ZMP, respectivamente. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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