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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obtenção de sílicas mesoporosas altamente ordenadas a partir das cinzas da casca de arroz e do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar / Obtaining highly ordered mesoporous silica from rice husk and sugar cane bagasse ashes

Juliana Ferreira de Oliveira 11 December 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe o uso das cinzas de dois resíduos agroindustriais - casca de arroz e bagaço de cana-de-açúcar - como fonte de sílica (SiO2) para a síntese de sílicas mesoporosas altamente ordenadas. Esta aplicação, além de agregar valor aos resíduos, busca uma alternativa ao tetraetil ortossicato, uma fonte de sílica dispendiosa, cuja obtenção resulta em danos ambientais. Amostras de cascas arroz de quatro procedências distintas foram caracterizadas por termogravimetria/ termogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e análise elementar de CHN. Com base nestes resultados, duas amostras foram selecionadas para obtenção de sílica. Outras duas amostras de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar de origens diferentes foram também caracterizadas por esta metodologia. Para melhor entender as etapas de degradação térmica da matéria orgânica, os resultados de TG/DTG foram associados aos de FT-IR e um estudo cinético por TG foi realizado. Diferentes tratamentos em meio ácido, com o objetivo de remover impurezas e reduzir o tempo necessário para calcinação dos materiais, foram realizados. O método escolhido para cada um dos materiais foi definido a partir dos testes e por avaliação de resultados de TG/DTG. As cinzas obtidas após calcinação em mufla dos materiais com e sem tratamento ácido prévio, foram caracterizadas por MEV/EDS, DRX e isotermas de adsorção/dessorção de N2. As cinzas das amostras com tratamento apresentaram maior pureza que as não tratadas e, para as obtidas a partir casca de arroz, foram amorfas e com alta área superficial BET (200-300 m2.g-1). A síntese de sílicas mesoporosas foi testada empregando-se as cinzas isoladas de amostras tratadas em meio ácido utilizando três rotas sintéticas diferentes. Em uma delas foi possível obter um material de morfologia esférica, com área superficial BET de cerca de 500 m2.g-1 e diâmetro de poro médio (BJH) de 4 nm. A caracterização por espalhamento de raios X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) revelou um ordenamento hexagonal dos poros. Um material de mesma morfologia foi obtido empregando-se silicato de sódio comercial ao invés das cinzas. Os materiais obtidos possuem potencial para diversas aplicações, destacando-se o uso no empacotamento de colunas para cromatografia líquida, encapsulação de fármacos com liberação controlada, catálise e suporte para deposição de materiais. / This work proposes the use of ashes of two agro-industrial wastes - rice husk and sugar cane bagasse - as a source of silica (SiO2) for the synthesis of highly ordered mesoporous silicas. This application, besides adding value to waste, aims an alternative to ortossicato tetraethyl, an expensive source of silica, whose obtaining causes environmental damage. Samples of rice husks from four different sources were characterized by thermogravimetry / derivative thermogravimetry (TG / DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and elemental CHN analysis. Based on these results, two samples were selected to obtain silica. Two other samples of sugar cane bagasse from different sources were also characterized by this methodology. To better understand the steps of thermal degradation of organic matter, the results of TG / DTG were associated with FT-IR and a kinetic study was performed by TG. Different treatments in an acid medium were carried out with the aim of removing impurities and reduce the time required for calcination of the materials. The method chosen for each material was defined from the tests and from evaluation of the results of TG / DTG. The ash obtained after the calcination of materials in muffle furnace, with and without prior acid treatment, were characterized by SEM / EDS, XRD and isotherms of adsorption/desorption of N2. The treated samples ashes showed higher purity than those not treated, and for those obtained from rice hulls were amorphous and with high BET surface area (200-300 m2.g-1). The synthesis of mesoporous silicas were tested employing the isolated ash samples treated in acid medium using three different synthetic routes. In one of them it was possible to obtain a spherical morphology material with BET surface area of 500 m2.g-1 and average pore diameter (BJH) of 4 nm. The characterization by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) showed a hexagonal ordering of the pores. A material with the same morphology was obtained employing commercial sodium silicate instead of the ash. The synthetized materials have potential for many applications, including packaging of liquid chromatography columns, encapsulation of drugs with controlled release, catalysis and support for deposition of materials.

Uso de um lodo de cromo proveniente da indústria de curtume na fabricação de vidros sodo-cálcicos. / Use of tannery sludge containing chromium compounds in soda-lime glass fabrication.

Marvin Marco Chambi Peralta 12 August 2014 (has links)
A indústria de produção de couro gera uma grande quantidade de resíduos com características poluentes e de elevada periculosidade, entre os quais se destacam os resíduos curtidos (aparas, serragem e pó de couro curtido) e os lodos provenientes das estações de tratamento de efluentes (lodos de cromo, lodos primários e lodos secundários). Estes resíduos possuem uma considerável quantidade de compostos de Cr(III) na sua composição, os quais, sob condições oxidantes, podem transformar-se em Cr(VI), que é altamente tóxico para animais, plantas e seres humanos. No entanto, estes resíduos constituem uma potencial fonte alternativa de cromo (tradicional pigmento industrial) que poderia ser aproveitada pela indústria de vidros e de esmaltes. No presente trabalho foi realizado o estudo das propriedades físicas e químicas de um lodo de cromo proveniente do distrito industrial do município de Franca/SP, com o intuito de avaliar a viabilidade da utilização das cinzas da incineração deste resíduo como uma potencial fonte alternativa de cromo na fabricação de vidros sodo-cálcicos coloridos para embalagens. Fluorescência de Raios X (FRX), Difração de Raios X (DRX), análises termodiferencial (DTA) e termogravimétrica (TG/DTG), análise elementar, análise granulométrica, determinação de poder calorífico pelo método da bomba calorimétrica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) foram usados para determinar as características físicas e químicas do lodo de cromo. A incineração do resíduo foi realizada numa mufla elétrica a 800 C, utilizando um cadinho de alumina. A determinação da concentração de íons Cr(VI) presentes no lodo e nas cinzas foi realizada através do método colorimétrico utilizando difenilcarbazida. Vidros sodo-cálcicos contendo as cinzas da incineração do lodo de cromo foram preparados por meio da fusão das matérias-primas industriais (areia, barrilha e calcário) em cadinhos de alumina a 1500 C por 1h, sob condições similares às utilizadas no processo industrial de produção de vidros comerciais de coloração verde (composição, adição de ferro e condições redutoras). Para fins de comparação, foram preparadas também amostras de vidros contendo cromita (tradicional fonte industrial de cromo utilizada pela indústria de vidros) sob condições semelhantes. As amostras de vidros foram caracterizadas em termos de composição química por FRX, MEV, DRX, coordenadas colorimétricas (sistema CIEL*a*b*) e absorção óptica. Os resultados de FRX mostraram que as cinzas apresentam um teor de cromo de aproximadamente 47% em massa de Cr2O3, valor não muito distante do teor de cromo observado na composição da cromita (cerca de 43% em massa de Cr2O3). Os vidros preparados utilizando cromita e as cinzas da incineração de lodo de cromo apresentaram bandas de absorção óptica semelhantes no intervalo analisado (200-3300 nm), sem a presença aparente da banda de absorção óptica entorno de 370 nm, característica do íon Cr6+. Estes resultados sugerem que sob condições adequadas de incineração do lodo, bem como formulação e fusão do vidro, é possível utilizar-se as cinzas obtidas como fonte alternativa de cromo para a fabricação de vidros coloridos do sistema soda-cal-sílica. / Leather production industry generates large quantities of solid wastes with pollutant characteristics and hazardous conditions, such as tanned wastes (Chrome shaving, chrome splits and buffing dust) and sludges from wastewater treatment process (Tannery sludge, primary and secondary sludge). These wastes containing Cr(III), which, under oxidizing conditions, can turn into Cr(VI), an extremely toxic and cancerigenous form of the element. However, these wastes are a potential source of chromium (traditional industrial pigment) which could be used by the glass and ceramic enamels industries. In the present work was studied the physical and chemical properties of a tannery sludge from the industrial district of the city of Franca, São Paulo State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the feasibility of using the ashes from incineration of this waste as a potential alternative source of chromium for the manufacturing of soda-lime glasses. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Xray Diffraction (XRD), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG/DTG), elemental analysis, granulometric analysis, determination of calorific value by the bomb calorimeter method and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of tannery sludge. The tannery sludge incineration was performed using an alumina crucible in a electric oven at 800 C. Colorimetric method using diphenylcarbazide were conducted to determinate the Cr(VI) concentration in the waste and the ashes from incineration. Soda-lime glass containing the ashes from incineration of tannery sludge was prepared by melting of industrial raw materials (sand, soda ash and limestone), in alumina crucibles at 1500 C for 1 hour, under similar conditions to those used in the industrial production process of commercial green container glasses (composition, addition of iron and reducing conditions). For comparison purposes, glasses containing chromite (traditional industrial source of chromium used by the glass industry) were also prepared under similar conditions. The glass samples were characterized in terms of chemical composition by XRF, MEV, DRX, color (CIEL*a*b* system) and optical absorption. The FRX results revealed that the ashes are composed by about 47 wt% Cr2O3. This amount is not so far from the chromium content observed in the composition of chromite (about 43 wt% Cr2O3). The glasses containing chromite and the ashes from the incineration of the tannery sludge exhibited approximately similar optical absorption bands in the analyzed range (200-3300 nm), without the presence of optical absorption band around 370 nm, characteristic of Cr 6+. These results suggests that under appropriate incineration conditions of the sludge, as well as formulation and melting of glass, is possible use the chromium-rich ashes from incineration of tannery sludge as an alternative source of chromium for the manufacturing of colored glasses of the soda-lime-silica system.

Análise da viabilidade do uso de cinzas agroindustriais em matrizes cimentícias: estudo de caso da cinza da casca da castanha de caju / Feasibility analysis of using agroindustrial ashes in cementitious materials: case study of ash of the rind of the cashew nut

Sofia Araújo Lima 27 May 2008 (has links)
Atualmente, o aproveitamento de resíduos na construção civil tem sido estimulado devido essa atividade ser um dos maiores consumidores de materiais naturais em seus processos e produtos. As cinzas agroindustriais ocupam lugar de destaque dentre os resíduos com possibilidades de aplicação em materiais cimentícios, pois algumas, como a cinza da casca do arroz, apresentam propriedades pozolânicas, contribuindo para a redução do consumo de cimento Portland. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal a avaliação da viabilidade técnica do uso de cinza agroindustriais em matrizes de cimento Portland, tendo como estudo de caso a cinza da casca da castanha de caju (CCCC). As cascas das castanhas de caju, resíduos da produção das castanhas, são incorporadas novamente ao processo, e, nas caldeiras, irão gerar calor para a decorticação de novas castanhas. A CCCC é o resíduo colhido no fundo da grelha das caldeiras, resultante da queima das cascas de castanhas. Atualmente, esse resíduo é utilizado como adubo em plantações de caju, sendo uma pequena parte destinada à aterros sanitários comuns. Foram realizados ensaios para avaliar a composição físico-química da CCCC; analisar o potencial pozolânico; analisar a retração por secagem e da profundidade de carbonatação de argamassas confeccionados com CCCC; e determinar a capacidade de estabilização/solidificação da CCCC pela matriz cimentícia. A partir dos resultados, pode-se apontar como características principais da CCCC: i) não apresentar potencial pozolânico; ii) favorecer a incorporação de ar em matrizes cimentícias; iii) ocasionar solubilidade de metais pesados e Fenol quando no estado in natura; iv) contribuir para o aumento da retração por secagem e da carbonatação em argamassas; v) liberar Cromo e Sódio mesmo quando estabilizada/solidificada em pastas em teores de até 10% de substituição. Por essas considerações, a CCCC não apresentou viabilidade técnica para uso em matrizes cimentícias. / Nowadays, the use of wastes on civil building has been stimulated for it to be one of most consumers of raw materials in their processes and products. The agroindustrial ashes have a prominent place among the wastes with possibilities of application in cementitious materials, because some ashes, such rice husk ash, have pozzolanic activity, and they contribute to reduce the Portland cement consumption. This work aimed to study the evaluation of technical feasibility of the agroindustrial ashes for use in Portland cement matrices, using the ash of the rind of the cashew nut (ARCN) as case study. The rinds of cashew nut (wastes of nuts\' production) are burned again during the heating process, and in boilers, they will generate heat for shelling other nuts. The ARCN is the waste collected from the boiler grid, resulted from burning of the rind of nuts. This waste is used as compostes in plantings of cashew and a little part of it is dumped in landfill sites. Tests were made for evaluation of physico-chemical composition of ARCN; for analyse of pozzolanic activity; for analyse of drying shrinkage and carbonation in mortars made with ARCN; and the analyse of the stabilization/solidification of ARCN in pastes. After the analyse of results, it may be pointed as main features of ARCN: i) not show pozzolanic activity; ii) to promote air entrainment in cementitious matrices; iii) to cause heavy metals and Phenol solubilization as in raw state; iv) to increase the drying shrinkage and carbonation in mortars; and, v) to let out Chrome and Sodium when stabilizated/solidificated in pastes in levels of replacement until 10%. For all these considerations, the ARCN haven\'t showed technical feasibility for use in cementitious matrices.

Faisabilité technique et environnementale de l'utilisation dans des matériaux de construction cimentaires de cendres d'incinération de boues de station d'épuration / Technical and environmental feasibility of the utilization of incineration sewage sludge ashes in cementitious materials

Chen, Maozhe 05 June 2012 (has links)
Des quantités importantes de cendres (4,12 million kg en France en 2008) sont issues de l’incinération des boues de station d’épuration. La valorisation de ces cendres comme matière première secondaire pour l’élaboration de matériau dans le domaine du bâtiment et des travaux publics (BTP) a été étudiée dans cette thèse. La caractérisation physique et chimique des cendres et l’étude de leur réactivité ont révélé un comportement intermédiaire entre le ciment et le sable, proche du comportement de matériaux pouzzolaniques. Les tests de lixiviation réalisés sur les cendres ont montré qu’à l’exception du Se et du Mo, les éléments présents dans les cendres sont solubilisés à des concentrations inférieures aux seuils définis règlementairement pour les déchets inertes ou non-dangereux. Les liens entre la solubilisation des éléments et la minéralogie des matériaux ont été étudiés à travers la modélisation géochimique réalisée sous PhreeqC. L’influence du taux de substitution du ciment par les cendres sur les propriétés mécaniques des matériaux a également été étudiée. L’indice d’activité à 28 jours de la cendre est conforme à la spécification de la norme EN 450-1. La résistance du mortier diminue quand le taux de substitution augmente à cause de la faible teneur en CaO dans les cendres et de l’apport supplémentaire d’eau nécessaire. Pour le béton avec un taux de substitution de 10 %, la résistance est comparable à celle du béton témoin. L’essai de durabilité des matériaux cimentaires incorporant les cendres révèle une forte diminution de résistance mécanique sous l’effet de la sollicitation au gel/dégel. Une évaluation environnementale de ces matériaux a été réalisée par l’essai de lixiviation à l’échelle du laboratoire et à l’échelle pilote. Les quantités relarguées cumulées des éléments polluants et des anions sont inférieures aux seuils sans impact environnemental, acceptables en construction aux Pays-Bas et en France. / High quantity (4.12 million kg in France in 2008) of ashes produces from the incineration of sewage sludge. The reutilization of these ashes as secondary raw materials in the building and public works was studied. A physical, chemical, mineral, and behavioral characterization showed that the sewage sludge ash have an intermediate behavior between the cement and sand, near the pozzolan. Most elements had lower release rates than limited value of inert waste or non-hazardous waste, with the exception of the leachable fraction of Se and Mo. A relationship between solubilization of elements and mineralogy of materials were studied by modeling for phase identification of the ashes. A technique part was studied to evaluate the influence of the residue (sewage sludge ash) on the mechanical properties of materials. The activity index of the ash met the specification of EN450-1 in 28 days. The strength of the mortar decreased when the substitution increased due to the high amount of water added and the low CaO content in the ash. For concrete with a substitution of 10%, the compression strength was comparable to the blank sample, and was satisfactory to the threshold of construction projects. However, the durability test showed a strong decrease of mechanical strength for the concrete containing the ashes after a freeze/thaw. An assessment of environmental impacts associates with the observation of the leaching behavior of these materials. The leaching test at laboratory scale and pilot scale were investigated. The cumulative leaching quantities of each pollutant and anions were below the threshold, without significant environmental impact, acceptable for the construction in Netherlands en in France.

Mejoramiento de la resistencia a compresión y flexión de concreto sostenible a elevadas temperaturas, con adición de cenizas puzolánicas / Improvement of the compressive and flexural strength of sustainable concrete at elevated temperatures, with the addition of pozzolanic ash

Julon Zambrano , Neiser Aldeir, Marcañaupa Quispe, Elvis Smith 21 August 2021 (has links)
El presente artículo de estudio analizó la resistencia al fuego del concreto con adición de cenizas de cascara de arroz (CCA) y bagazo de caña de azúcar (CBCA). Se adoptó un método experimental como diseño de investigación, que produjo setenta y dos probetas cilíndricas (72) y cincuenta y cuatro vigas (54), para ensayos a compresión y flexión respectivamente. Se utilizaron cenizas en porcentajes de 5% y 10% y además una combinación binaria de 5% y 5% de ambas cenizas como reemplazo parcial de cemento. Las muestras fueron ensayadas luego de 28 días de curado a temperaturas de 24 °C (ambiente), 300 °C y 500 °C, con una duración de 2h de exposición y luego de 24 horas de enfriamiento al aire libre. Los resultados muestran un aumento de resistencia promedio a la compresión y flexión de hasta un 95% y 25%, respectivamente, luego de ser expuestos a temperaturas elevadas con respecto a las muestras de control. / This study article analyzed the fire resistance of concrete with the addition of rice hull ash (CCA) and sugarcane bagasse (CBCA). An experimental method was adopted as the research design, which produced seventy-two cylindrical specimens (72) and fifty-four beams (54), for compression and bending tests respectively. Ashes were used in percentages of 5% and 10% and a binary combination of 5% and 5% of both ashes as a partial replacement for cement. The samples were tested after 28 days of curing at temperatures of 25 ° C (ambient), 300 ° C and 500 ° C, with a duration of 2 hours of exposure and after 24 hours of cooling in the open air. The results show an increase in average resistance to compression and flexion of up to 95% and 25%, respectively, after being exposed to high temperatures compared to the control samples. / Trabajo de investigación


BRUNO DA CRUZ TRINDADE 14 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa se propõe a uma investigação exploratória na utilização de resíduos carbonizados, como matéria prima para reconstrução de peças perdidas no incêndio que, em setembro de 2018, destruiu parte do acervo do Museu Nacional (MN) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), através de tecnologias de Manufatura Aditiva. O que tornou este trabalho possível foi a existência de arquivos digitais obtidos em pesquisas anteriores através de processos não invasivos e não destrutivos de obtenção de superfícies tridimensionais de diversas peças do acervo do museu. A principal contribuição se caracteriza pela possibilidade de recriar peças do acervo do museu, bem como agregar diferentes valores simbólicos aos objetos reproduzidos com resíduos provenientes do próprio MN, através de experimentos realizados com pesquisadores do Laboratório de Processamento de Imagem Digital do Museu Nacional, do Núcleo de Experimentação Tridimensional – NEXT da PUC Rio e do Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia. A pesquisa apresenta uma análise por Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS) de amostras desse material, com a identificação de sua composição, e segue três linhas de trabalho focadas em processos diferentes de Manufatura Aditiva, o que resultou no desenvolvimento de um filamento termoplástico extrudado, uma massa argilosa em pó e uma linha que combina processos de fabricação digitais e analógicos. As peças produzidas foram exibidas em exposições relacionadas ao Museu Nacional. / [en] This research proposes an exploratory investigation on the use of carbonized residues, as feedstock in Additive Manufacture technologies, for the reconstruction of pieces lost in the fire that destroyed part of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro National Museum(MN) s collection, in September 2018. This work was possible due to the existence of digital files, from previous researches, which were generated through non-invasive and non-destructive processes for obtaining threedimensional surfaces of several pieces from the museum s collection. The main contribution of this work is characterized by the possibility of recreating pieces which incorporate symbolic and imagetic affective aspects to objects reproduced with MN s fire accident residues, through experiments carried out by researchers both from Digital Image Processing Laboratory, of the National Museum, and the National Institute of Technology. This research presents an analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDS) of samples of this material, identifying its composition, and it follows three guidelines focused on different Additive Manufacturing processes, which resulted in the development of an extruded thermoplastic filament, a clay powder and a line that combines digital and analog manufacturing processes. All used in the recreation of pieces shown in exhibitions related to the National Museum.

Influence of Nontraditional and Natural Pozzolans (NNPs) on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Mortars and Concretes

Alberto Castillo (12323243) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Concrete is the second most consumed material in the world after water and is an essential element of constructed infrastructure. Over 14 billion m3 of concrete are being produced annually, resulting in a serious impact on the environment. The production of cement, which is the main component of concrete, is responsible for 5 – 8 % of global CO2 emissions. As a result, several global initiatives have been undertaken to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This carbon neutrality target coincides with the Paris Agreement's goal to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. A well-known, and successful strategy to reduce CO2 emissions in the concrete industry is to use supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) as a partial replacement for cement. However, it is projected that in 2030 the demand for two of the most commonly used SCMs, fly ash and slag cement, will exceed their supply. Using nontraditional and natural pozzolans (NNPs) can help to close this supply gap, but there is a lack of knowledge regarding the reactivity and long-term performance of these materials.</p> <p>The purpose of this research was to perform experiments on several NNPs, some of which can be supplied in commercially viable quantities with the objective of evaluating their performance in cementitious systems (mortars and concretes) with the goal of accurately assessing their potential for use as alternative SCMs. The mortar study was performed using a total of 11 different NNPs, belonging to 4 distinctive groups and distributed as follows: 3 from the group of calcined clays (CCs) - CC1, CC2, and CC3, 3 from the group of natural pozzolans (NPs) - NP1, NP2 and NP3, 2 from the group of fluidized bed combustion (FBCs) ashes - FBC1 and FBC2, and 3 from the group of bottom ashes (GBAs) - GBA1, GBA2, and GBA3.</p> <p>The concrete study was performed on 4 different materials, one from each of the previously mentioned groups. The materials selected for concrete study were the worst-performing members of each group, as determined by the analysis of the test results obtained from mortars. These included CC2, NP3, FBC1, and GBA3 materials. This approach was adopted under the assumption that achieving adequate concrete characteristics with lowest-quality materials will all but assure satisfactory performance of concretes with higher-quality materials. </p> <p>The findings generated from this research indicate that several of the NNPs used in this study present a viable alternative to traditional SCMs. As an example, out of the 11 NNPS, 9 were found to conform to the requirements of the ASTM C618-19, the standard specification currently used to assess the suitability of coal fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolans for use in concrete. Results obtained from tests performed on mortars demonstrated that, when used at the replacement level of 25%, all 11 NNPs produced mixtures with characteristics similar to those obtained from the plain cement (OPC) mortar. For that reason, this level of replacement was selected to prepare concrete specimens. The results collected from concrete specimens showed that, when compared to plain concrete, mixtures with all 4 NNPs attained comparable (or improved) mechanical (compressive and flexural strength), durability (freeze-thaw resistance), and transport (formation factor and rate of water absorption) properties. As in the case of traditional SCMs, the mixtures with NNPs were found to require extended curing times to fully realize their property-enhancing potential associated with pozzolanic reactions. Overall, the best performing materials were those from the CCs group, followed by those belonging to, respectively, NPs, GBAs, and FBCs groups. </p>

Beyond the memory: the era of witnessing – analyzing processes of knowledge production and memorialization of the Holocaust through the concepts of translocal assemblage and witness creation

Gerber, Myriam Bettina 09 May 2016 (has links)
This paper considers the symbiotic relationship between iconic visual representations of the Holocaust – specifically film and Holocaust sites – and processes of Holocaust memorialization. In conjunction, specific sites and objects related to the Holocaust have become icons. I suggest that specific Holocaust sites as well as Holocaust films can be perceived as elements of one and/or multiple translocal assemblage/s. My focus in this analysis is on the role of knowledge production and witness creation in Holocaust memorialization. It is not my intention to diminish the role of Holocaust memorialization; rather, I seek to look beyond representational aspects, and consider the processual relationships involved in the commemoration of the Holocaust in institutions, such as memorial sites and museums, as well as through elements of popular culture, such as films. Furthermore, I analyze the tangible and intangible layers of memories and meaning present in Holocaust films and sites through the lens of palimpsests. These conceptual frameworks allow me to consider how visual representations of the Holocaust, such as film, and site inform each other? How are specific representations of Holocaust sites and objects shaping and informing the commemoration of the Holocaust in the 21st century? / Graduate / 0326 / 0335 / 0751 / myriamt@uvic.ca


CRISTIAN CHACÓN QUISPE 04 October 2013 (has links)
[pt] A gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) e seu consequente reaproveitamento ou não é um problema existente no Brasil e no mundo. No Brasil, a produção de energia mediante incineração de RSU ainda está na sua etapa inicial, como por exemplo, com a implantação da Usina Verde no campus da UFRJ, com a consequente produção de subprodutos, como as cinzas volante e de fundo. Este estudo apresenta o comportamento de um solo coluvionar argiloso estabilizado com cinzas de RSU sob carregamento estático, tendo como principal objetivo avaliar a influência destas cinzas misturadas com o solo para possíveis aplicações em obras geotécnicas. Para isso foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física, química e mecânica, como ensaios de compactação Proctor Normal e ensaios triaxiais consolidados isotropicamente drenados (CID), para o solo puro e misturas solo-cinza. Foram avaliadas as influências do teor de cinzas (20 por cento, 30 por cento e 40 por cento de cinza volante e de cinza de fundo), bem como do tempo de cura (30 e 60 dias). Os resultados mostram que todas as misturas solo-cinza apresentam melhores parâmetros de resistência, em comparação do solo puro, onde as misturas solo-cinza volante apresentaram melhores resultados quando comparadas às misturas solo-cinza de fundo. A variação de teor de cinza adicionado ao solo, sem cura, mostra que para maiores teores de cinza volante a coesão diminui e ocorre o contrário com a cinza de fundo. Com relação ao tempo de cura, na maioria dos casos houve melhora do comportamento das misturas solo-cinza em comparação ao obtido sem cura. O teor de cinza (volante ou de fundo), tempo de cura e a tensão de confinamento influenciam na deformação volumétrica das misturas solo-cinza, apresentando menores deformações volumétricas para maiores teores de cinza e maiores tempos de cura. As misturas com 40 por cento de cinza volante e 30 por cento de cinza de fundo apresentaram as melhores características de resistência e poderiam ser utilizadas como estabilizante no solo estudado, cumprindo exigências geotécnicas e ambientais, além de rebaixar os custos de obra e dar um destino mais nobre para as cinzas de RSU. / [en] Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and its subsequent reuse or not is an existing problem in Brazil and the world. In Brazil, the production of energy through incineration of MSW is still in its initial stage, for example, with the implementation of Usina Verde on campus at UFRJ, with the consequent production of byproducts, such as fly and bottom ashes. This study presents the behavior of a colluvial clayey soil stabilized with ashes from MSW under static load, with the main objective to evaluate the influence of these ashes mixed with the soil for possible applications in geotechnical works. For this characterization were performed physical, chemical and mechanical tests, as Proctor compaction tests Normal isotropically consolidated and drained triaxial (CID) for the pure and soil-ash mixtures. Were evaluated the influence of the ash content (20 per cent, 30 per cent and 40 per cent fly ash and botton ash) and of curing time (30 and 60 days). The results show that all mixtures soil-ash have better shear strength compared to the pure soil, where the soil- fly ash mixtures showed better results compared to mixtures of soil- bottom ash. The variation of the ash content added to the soil, without curing, shows that higher levels of ash the cohesion decrease and the opposite occurs with the bottom ash. Respect to the curing time, in most cases there was as improvement of the behavior of mixtures soil-ash compared to that obtained without curing. The ash content (fly or bottom), curing time and confinement stress influence the volumetric deformation to soil-ash mixtures, showed lower volumetric deformations to higher concentrations of ash and longer curing times. The mixtures with 40 per cent fly ash and 30 per cent bottom ash, showed the best characteristics of strength and could be used as stabilizer in the studied soil, compliance requirements geotechnical and environmental, in addition to lower labor costs and give a nobler destiny for the ashes of MSW.

Accumulation of elements in Salix and other species used in vegetation filters with focus on wood fuel quality /

Adler, Anneli. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2007. / Thesis documentation sheet inserted. Appendix reproduces four papers and manuscripts co-authored with others. Includes bibliographical references. Also issued electronically via World Wide Web in PDF format; online version lacks appendix.

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