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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fine-Needle Aspiration Diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Lymph Node Involved With Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma: Case Report and Review of the Literature

McElroy, Clinton, Velilla, Rowena, Chaudhary, Humera, Al-Abbadi, Mousa A. 01 January 2009 (has links)
Diagnosis of two distinct malignant entities existing concurrently and at the same location (synchronous malignancy) by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is unusual but may occur. Small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia (SLL/CLL) in particular is associated with an increased incidence of secondary tumor, likely due to associated immunodeficiency. Co-occurrence of some carcinomas such as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), may show especially aggressive behavior. A 57-year-old Caucasian male presented with recurrent upper extremity lymphedema and diffuse lymphadenopathy ofthe axillary and cervical regions. FNA ofa large cervical lymph node was diagnostic for both atypical lymphocytic proliferation and SCC. Flow cytometric analysis showed the atypical lymphocytic proliferation to be positive for CD5, CD23, CD19, CD20, HLA-DR, CD38, and the population was kappa light chain restricted. These cells were negative for CD-10 and FMC-7 antigens, suggesting a phenotype of B-cell SLL/CLL. We report a rare occurrence of metastatic SCC to a lymph node infiltrated by SLL/CLL. The diagnosis was achieved by a combination of cytomorphologic examination of FNA smears, immunohistochemical staining of cell block material, and flow cytometry on the sample obtained by FNA. To the best of our knowledge, only three cases of SCC metastasis to SLL/CLL diagnosed by FNA have been reported in the English literature. Though rare, awareness of such a possibility and careful cytological examination under the appropriate clinical conditions is warranted.

Temporal Characteristics of Oropharyngeal Swallowing in Toddlers with Dysphagia

Han, Hyeju 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Development and validation of prediction models for the discharge destination of elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia / 誤嚥性肺炎の高齢患者における退院先予測モデルの開発と検証

Hirota, Yoshito 24 July 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(社会健康医学) / 甲第24844号 / 社医博第133号 / 新制||社医||13(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科社会健康医学系専攻 / (主査)教授 近藤, 尚己, 教授 川上, 浩司, 教授 平井, 豊博 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Public Health / Kyoto University / DFAM


IRWIN, LINDSAY K. 13 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Unsteady Analysis of a Counter-Rotating Aspirated Compressor Using Phase-Lag and Non-Linear Harmonic Methods

Knapke, Robert D. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Penetration-Aspiration Scale for Different Bolus Consistencies in Poststroke Patients

Trent, Allison L. 02 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Fremdkörperaspiration bei Kindern

Link, Sarah 07 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden retrospektiv 66 Fälle stattgehabter Fremdkörperaspirationen aus den kinderchirurgischen Akten und Ambulanzakten der Jahre 1997 bis 2008 des Universitätsklinikums Leipzig rekonstruiert und im Hinblick auf die nachfolgend genannten Kriterien statistisch ausgewertet: Geschlecht und Alter der Kinder, Indikation zur Bronchoskopie, Einweisungsart, Dauer bis zur Diagnosestellung, endoskopische Sichtbarkeit des Fremdkörpers, Entfernungsschritte, erforderliche Nachbeatmung, Anhalt durch Röntgenbefund, auskultatorischer Anhalt, anamnestischer Anhalt, Eigen- oder Fremdanamnese, das Vorhandensein von Husten und die Dauer bis zur Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus. Die Kriterien wurden standardisiert und mittels des Statistikprogramms SPSS 18 ausgewertet. Anhand der ausgewerteten Daten wurde ein Algorithmus zur innerklinischen Vorgehensweise bei Verdacht auf Fremdkörperaspiration erstellt, welcher eine interdisziplinäre Arbeitsrichtlinie (Standard Operation Procedure, SOP) für andere Kinderzentren liefern kann. Das geschärfte Bewusstsein für die Häufigkeit einer Fremdkörperaspiration vor allem bei Kindern und die damit verbundene problemorientierte Diagnostik und Therapie soll mit einer einschlägigen Arbeitsrichtlinie in Zukunft mehr Kindern als bisher zunutze gemacht werden.

Zur Bedeutung des Sehrtschen Magentodes beim Ertrinken

Laturnus, Jan Moritz 28 July 2004 (has links)
METHODE: Aus den Protokollen von Ertrunkenen des Sektionsgutes der Jahre 1991-2000 der Rechtsmedizinischen Institute der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (n=129) und der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald (n=209) wurde versucht die Häufigkeit und Bedeutung von Mageninhalt in den Luftwegen zu beurteilen. In diesem Zusammenhang sollte auch die Herkunft und Verwendung des Begriffs des "Sehrtschen Magentodes" durch eine Literaturrecherche ergründet werden. Der "Sehrtsche Magentod" ist per definitionem ein Erstickungstod durch Aspirieren von erbrochenem Mageninhalt beim Ertrinken. RESULTS: Von den 129 Ertrunkenen in Berlin fanden sich 8, unter den 209 Ertrunkenen in Greifswald fanden sich 12 mit Mageninhalt in Kehlkopf, Trachea oder Bronchien. Es konnte ein Hinweis auf ein mögliches häufigeres Auftreten von Mageninhalt in den Luftwegen bei Ertrunkenen mit einer Mageninhaltsmenge > 500ml gefunden werden. Es fanden sich keine Hinweise dafür, daß es häufiger zum Auffinden von Mageninhalt in den Luftwegen bei Ertrinken in kaltem Wasser, in Salzwasser oder bei starker Alkoholisierung kommt. Des weiteren wurden bei den Fällen mit Mageninhalt in den Luftwegen der Lungenbefund auf die Frage einer vitalen Aspiration kasuistisch-deskriptiv untersucht und diskutiert. Unterschiede zwischen Berlin und Greifswald hinsichtlich der statistischen Verteilung von Alter, Geschlecht, Art, Ort und Zeitpunkt des Ertrinkens, Liegezeit im Wasser, toxikologischen Befunden, Lungenbefund und Magenbefund wurden herausgearbeitet. / The coronial files of drownings from the period 1991-2000 in Berlin (n=129) and Greifswald (n=209) were analysed to assess the frequency and significance of the occurrence of gastric content in the air passages of the deceased. In this context the origin and use of the term "Sehrtscher Magentod" was also clarified by means of a literature review. The "Sehrtscher Magentod" per definition occurs through asphyxiation as vomited stomach content is aspirated during the drowning. RESULTS: From 129 drownings in Berlin, 8 showed signs of gastric content in the air passages (larynx, trachea, bronchis), whilst in Greifswald this figure amounted to 12 out of 209. The study revealed a possible higher occurrence of gastric content in air passages where the deceased were found to have a gastric content quantity exceeding 500ml. Drownings in cold or salt water, or with a high blood alcohol concentration, did not show signs of a possible higher occurrence of gastric content in the air passages. Furthermore, the lung content of those cases showing gastric content in the air passages was examined and discussed regarding the question of a vital aspiration talking in a casuistic descriptual approach. Differences between the two cities with regards to the statistical distribution of age, gender, nature, location and time of drowning, toxicological findings, and lung and gastric features are also included in the study.

Les aspirations intrusives dans l’anglais des apprenants francophones / Intrusive tokens of aspiration in French learners’ L2 English

Exare, Christelle 31 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit les aspirations intrusives, saillantes mais labiles, souvent représentées par /h/ ou [h], dans l’anglais L2 des francophones (par exemple : I hate pasta au lieu de I ate pasta). Le phonème /h/ est débile dans les langues indo-européennes. Historiquement, la consonne subit une lénition progressive, avec une forte variation linguistique et extralinguistique (diatopique, diastratique et diachronique). La fricative glottale /h/ à l’attaque de mot en anglais L1 est caractérisée par i) l’ouverture de la glotte et ii) la configuration supraglottale de la voyelle suivante. Dans cette étude, les réalisations des attaques de mot en anglais sont étudiées à partir de trois sortes de données : i) un texte lu par 8 anglophones et 10 francophones, ii) la parole spontanée de 25 francophones et iii) un test de perception passé par 30 francophones. La fréquence d’apparition des aspirations intrusives montre une forte variabilité inter- et intra-locuteurs. Elles sont retrouvées exclusivement i) en position initiale absolue ou ii) après un phone vocalique. Une pause, une glottalisation ou une aspiration sont trois procédés qui conduisent à augmenter l’écart temporel entre deux voyelles en hiatus. Une glottalisation ou une aspiration ont en commun de correspondre à une tension glottale. Les aspirations illicites semblent être des traces d’hypercorrection qui pourraient être dues i) à une assimilation incomplète du contraste phonétique [ʔ] ~ [h] de l’anglais, ii) à la réparation phonologique facultative de *#V, iii) à un geste de constriction glottale n’atteignant pas sa cible (glottalisation inchoative) et à un geste intrusif d’ouverture glottale. La correction phonétique proposée par le professeur recherche la prise de conscience par l’apprenant i) du contrôle de la glotte pour l’aspiration, la glottalisation et le maintien d’un voisement modal en frontière morphologique, et ii) des particularités syllabiques du français et de l’anglais qui font des frontières de mot des points d’achoppement potentiels en anglais L2. / This dissertation describes some salient, yet variable, intrusive tokens of aspiration, often represented by /h/ or [h], in French learners’ L2 English productions (e.g. : I hate pasta instead of I ate pasta). The phoneme /h/ is weak in Indo-European languages. Historically, the consonant has undergone progressive lenition and exhibits strong intralinguistic and extralinguistic --diachronic, dialectal and stylistic-- variation. The glottal fricative /h/ at English word onsets is characterised by i) an open glottis and ii) the supraglottal configuration of the following vowel. In the present study, the onsets of English words are analysed in three types of data: i) a text read by 8 native English speakers and 10 French learners of English, ii) spontaneous speech elicited from 25 French learners and iii) a perception test taken by 30 French-speaking students. The frequency of intrusive tokens of aspiration at L2 English word onsets shows high inter- and intra-speaker variability. Importantly, however, they only surface i) in strict initial position or ii) after a vocalic sound. A pause, some glottalisation or some aspiration are three processes that contribute to increasing the time span between two vowels in a hiatus context. Glottalisation and aspiration both correspond to glottal tension. Illicit tokens of aspiration can be considered as occurrences of hypercorrection, which may result from : i) incomplete assimilation of the English [ʔ] ~ [h] contrast, ii) optional phonological repair of *#V, iii) a glottal constriction gesture that fails to reach its target (i.e. inchoative glottalisation) and an intrusive gesture of glottal opening. Phonetic corrective feedback in L2 learning is proposed. It aims at raising the learner’s awareness of i) glottal control for aspiration, glottalisation, and continuous modal voicing across word boundaries and ii) some syllabic specificities of French and English that make word boundaries potential stumbling blocks in French learners’ L2 English.

A study of factors affecting educational aspiration for selected students in China

Zhao, Qian (Joy) 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Higher education is considered significant in economic development of a country. In light of Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological system model, this study is designed to study the factors that might influence higher education aspiration for the students living in Bazhou Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China. The results of this study find that the senior high school students living in this region have extraordinarily high aspiration, even when taking into account their Confucian culture. Not only do 95% of the participants aspire to college education after high school, but also 62% of them plan to attend graduate schools in addition to college education. The majority of the participants consider it important to obtain a foreign graduate degree from universities in America or Canada. The results report parents' expectations are the predominant influences on education aspiration along with factors such as parental education level, age, GPA, and family financial support. It is also notable that influential factors in previous studies like SES, peer advice, relatives, school advice, are not supported by the results from this study. Factors like favorite subject, least-liked subject, living location, and location of the available college are explored in this study for the first time in relation to education aspiration, and are found to not be important. The findings of this study add knowledge to understanding higher education aspiration in the context of China. The researcher highly recommends that China continue to expand its higher education access, especially in poorer or remote areas, to balance government control and market force, and to extend counseling to high schools. It implicates that US higher education institutions should take an active part in the process of China's higher education development for mutual benefit.

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