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Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Schallausbreitungsmodelle auf die LärmprognoseZiemann, Astrid 11 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Eine wichtige Aufgabe des Umweltschutzes besteht in der Überwachung von Geräuschimmissionen. Die Grenzen der bisher verwendeten, operationellen Verfahren zeigen sich vor allem darin, dass der Einfluss der Atmosphäre auf die Schallausbreitung nur unzureichend berücksichtigt wird. In dieser Studie wird deshalb ein Modell aus dem Bereich der geometrischen Akustik zur Einbeziehung des Atmosphärenzustandes in die Schallprognose vorgestellt. Das Modell SMART (Sound propagation model of the atmosphere using ray-tracing) bestimmt die durch Schallstrahlenrefraktion modifizierten Schallausbreitungsbedingungen für ein Gebiet entsprechend der vorgegebenen thermischen Atmosphärenschichtung und den Vertikalprofilen von Windgeschwindigkeit und –richtung. Ein wichtiger Schritt bei der Weiterentwicklung von SMART war die Implementierung eines Refraktionsgesetzes, welches die Schallstrahlenbrechung an Schichtgrenzen in einem zweidimensional geschichteten, bewegten Medium exakt beschreibt. Die Unterschiede in der Schallstrahlenberechnung zwischen diesem Modell und früheren Simulationen machen sich insbesondere für Entfernungen von der Schallquelle zwischen 1 und 3 km bemerkbar. Da in diesem Bereich eine verstärkte Lärmbelastung gegenüber vorangegangenen Simulationen auftritt, wird die Verwendung des physikalisch exakten Refraktionsgesetzes für eine bewegte Atmosphäre im Rahmen von Lärmschutzuntersuchungen empfohlen. / An important problem regarding the environmental protection is the immission control of noise. The applicability of currently operational methods is limited because the influence of
the atmosphere on the sound propagation is only insufficiently taken into account. Thus, a
geometrical sound propagation model is presented in this study to include the state of the atmosphere
into the forecast of noise immission.
The model SMART (Sound propagation model of the atmosphere using ray-tracing) calculates
the modified sound propagation conditions due to sound-ray refraction for an area according
to the given thermal stratification of the atmosphere and the vertical profiles of wind
speed and wind direction. An important step during the further development of the model
SMART was the implementation of a refraction law, that is exactly valid for the sound-ray refraction
at the boundary between two layers with different properties inside a twodimensional,
stratified moving medium. Maximal differences between simulations with this
model and former investigations occur at a distance of 1-3 km away from the sound source. A
stronger noise immission is also notable in this area. Because of this result it is recommended
to use the presented physically more exact refraction law for a moving atmosphere within the
scope of noise immission control.
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Interne Moden der atmosphärischen Komponente interdekadischer KlimavariabilitätKlingspohn, Martin 28 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Hypothese getestet, ob ein Teil der atmosphärischen Komponente interdekadischer Klimavariabilität durch die Anregung interner, atmosphärischer Moden, speziell von singulären Moden eines linearen, stationären Atmosphärenmodell, begründet
werden kann. Die Analysen basieren auf einem linearen, baroklinen quasigeostrophischen Modell, wobei der Grundzustand aus Daten einer Langzeitintegration des ECHAMl/LSG abgeleitet wird. Sie beziehen sich auf eine detektierte Oszillationsmode mit einer Periode von 18 Jahren in dieser GCM Integration. Es zeigt sich, daß der führende rechte singuläre Vektor des linearen baroklinen Modells signifikant mit der interdekadischen Anomalie der atmosphärischen Zirkulation über der Nordhemisphäre korreliert. Damit kann ein Anteil von über 40% der räumlichen Varianz dieser interdekadischen Mode erklärt werden. / In the present paper we examine the hypothesis that a part of the atmospheric component of interdecadal variability is manifested in the exitation of internal, atmospheric modes, in particular in singular modes of a linearized, steady-state atmospheric model. This hypothesis is tested by using a baroclinic quasigeostrophic model, for which data from the dimate model ECHAMl/LSG are utilized to define the long-term mean basic state. The analysis refers to the interdecadal oscillation with a period of 18 years in this GCM-integration. A significant projection is found of the first singular vector and the interdecadal
mode of atmospheric circulation. This singular vector is able to explain about 40% of the spatial variance of the interdecadal anomaly over the Northern Hemisphere.
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Dry deposition by an atmospheric model with horizontal subgridHinneburg, Detlef, Mölders, Nicole 02 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Two modules have been developed which qualify mesoscale atmospheric models for simulating the chemical transport at resolutions much higher than the model grid. Compared with total fine-grid application this method proves to be nearly so efficient but more economic. The modules solve the chemical transport equations (a) and submit the horizontal subgrid (b) for the meteorological and chemical calculations: (a) The chemical transport module considers the triad NO-N02-03 together with a simplified hydrocarbon chemistry. Involved are chemical reactions, anthropogenic and biogenic emission, dry deposition, passive transport, and turbulent diffusion. For these calculations a special vertical subgrid was introduced within the lowest atmospheric model layer. lt eliminates the frequently used approach of constant vertical particle fluxes near the surface. (b) The horizontal-subgrid module splits the horizontal model grid equidistantly into subgrid cells. The vertical surface fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat, radiation, soil heat and wetness, and chemical components are explicitly treated on this subgrid. The subgrid-averaged surface fluxes are employed for the (coarser) normal-grid calculations of the atmospheric meteorological variables. In contrast to the meteorological quantities, the chemical components and processes are perf ormed at all model layers on the horizontal subgrid. Several results are compared to conventional simulations of variable model resolution. / Zwei Programm-Module für mesoskalige Atmosphärenmodelle sind entwickelt worden, die Chemie-Transport-Vorgänge in höherer als der normalen Modellgitter-Auflösung simulieren. Im Vergleich zu hochaufgelösten Standardmodell-Anwendungen erweist sich diese Methode als effizienter. Die Module lösen die Chemie-Transport-Gleichungen (a) und schaffen das horizontale Untergitter für die meteorologischen und chemischen Berechnungen (b): (a) Im Chemie-Transport-Modul wird die Triade NO-N02-03 gemeinsam mit einer vereinfachten Kohlenwasserstoff-Chemie betrachtet. Berücksichtigt werden chemische Reaktionen, anthropogene und biogene Emissionen, trockene Deposition, passiver Transport und turbulente Diffusion. Für diese Berechnungen wurde innerhalb der untersten Modellschicht ein
spezielles vertikales Untergitter eingeführt, um die in Oberflächennähe häufig angewendete Näherung konstanter Stoffflüsse zu eliminieren.
(b) Das Untergitter-Modul unterteilt das horizontale Modellgitter in Unterzellen, auf welche die Berechnung der Boden- und Oberflächenflüsse bezogen wird. Die vertikalen Oberflächenflüsse von Impuls, sensibler und latenter Wärme, Strahlung, Bodenwärme und -feuchte sowie der chemischen Komponenten werden explizit im Untergitter bestimmt. Die über die Unterzellen gemittelten Flüsse werden für die im (gröberen) Modellgitter ablaufenden Berechnungen
der meteorologischen Größen genutzt. Im Gegensatz dazu werden die chemischen Komponenten und Prozesse in allen Modellschichten vollständig auf dem Untergitter behandelt. Einige Ergebnisse dieser Methode werden im Vergleich mit Standard-Simulationen unterschiedlichen Auflösungsgrades gezeigt.
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Verwendung der Simulationsergebnisse des Modells SMARTBalogh, Kati, Ziemann, Astrid, Wilsdorf, Michael, Viertel, René 05 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Schallstrahlenmodell SMART (Sound Propagation Model for the Atmosphere using Ray Tracing) simuliert die Schallausbreitung in der Atmosphäre unter der Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse der frequenzabhängigen Schallabsorption in der Luft, des frequenzabhängigen Bodeneinflusses und der Refraktion durch vertikale Gradienten im Wind- und Temperaturfeld. Die Ergebnisse des Modells werden zum Beispiel auf Truppenübungsplätzen zur Schallortung und zur Einschätzung der allgemeinen Schallausbreitungssituation verwendet. Des Weiteren wurde eine Untersuchung einer Regionalisierung von Schallausbreitungsverhältnissen durchgeführt. Daraus ergab sich eine Einteilung Deutschlands in verschiedene Gebiete mit unterschiedlichen mittleren Schallausbreitungsbedingungen. Die Schallquellenhöhe befand sich für diese Untersuchungen am
Boden. SMART ist aber auch in der Lage die Schallausbreitung für weitaus höherliegende Schallquellen zu simulieren. So wurden Simulationen für die Emissionshöhe von 140 m durchgeführt. Es zeigten sich große Unterschiede zu einer bodennahen Schallausbreitung. / The sound propagation model SMART (Sound Propagation Model for the Atmosphere using Ray Tracing) simulates the sound propagation in a stratified atmosphere. In addition to the geometrical spreading and the stratification of the atmosphere, the properties of the ground also strongly affect the sound propagation. Further the absorption in the air is dependent for the frequency of the sound signal. The results of the model are used on drill grounds of the German Federal Armed Forces, on the one side for a locating of sound sources and on the other side for an estimation of the conditions of the sound propagation. Furthermore, there was a study to find regional differences in the model results. This leads to a classification of Germany in different areas with the same mean conditions for sound propagation. The sound source for this study was positioned at the ground surface. SMART also can be used for the simulation of a sound propagation with a high-placed sound source. So there was a study for an emission height of 140 meter. There were shown great differences to a sound propagation near the ground.
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Grand Challenges in Understanding the Interplay of Climate and Land ChangesLiu, Shuguang, Bond-Lamberty, Ben, Boysen, Lena R., Ford, James D., Fox, Andrew, Gallo, Kevin, Hatfield, Jerry, Henebry, Geoffrey M., Huntington, Thomas G., Liu, Zhihua, Loveland, Thomas R., Norby, Richard J., Sohl, Terry, Steiner, Allison L., Yuan, Wenping, Zhang, Zhao, Zhao, Shuqing 04 1900 (has links)
Half of Earth's land surface has been altered by human activities, creating various consequences on the climate and weather systems at local to global scales, which in turn affect a myriad of land surface processes and the adaptation behaviors. This study reviews the status and major knowledge gaps in the interactions of land and atmospheric changes and present 11 grand challenge areas for the scientific research and adaptation community in the coming decade. These land-cover and land-use change (LCLUC)-related areas include 1) impacts on weather and climate, 2) carbon and other biogeochemical cycles, 3) biospheric emissions, 4) the water cycle, 5) agriculture, 6) urbanization, 7) acclimation of biogeochemical processes to climate change, 8) plant migration, 9) land-use projections, 10) model and data uncertainties, and, finally, 11) adaptation strategies. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effects of LCLUC on local to global climate and weather systems, but these putative effects vary greatly in magnitude and even sign across space, time, and scale and thus remain highly uncertain. At the same time, many challenges exist toward improved understanding of the consequences of atmospheric and climate change on land process dynamics and services. Future effort must improve the understanding of the scale-dependent, multifaceted perturbations and feedbacks between land and climate changes in both reality and models. To this end, one critical cross-disciplinary need is to systematically quantify and better understand measurement and model uncertainties. Finally, LCLUC mitigation and adaptation assessments must be strengthened to identify implementation barriers, evaluate and prioritize opportunities, and examine how decisionmaking processes work in specific contexts.
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Observations de la composition atmosphérique par mesures infrarouges en occultation solaire depuis la station d’izana (Tenerife) et la nouvelle plateforme Oasis à Créteil / Measurements of atmospheric trace gases using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy at Izaña (Tenerife) and using a new observatory (OASIS) at Créteil near Paris (France)Viatte, Camille 05 May 2011 (has links)
Pour quantifier l'influence des activités humaines sur le climat et en particulier sur la composition chimique de l'atmosphère, il est primordial de disposer de mesures continues et homogènes. C'est pourquoi l'objet de ce travail de thèse a consisté, dans un premier temps, à installer une nouvelle station d'observation (OASIS pour Observations Atmosphériques par Spectrométrie Infrarouge Solaire) sur le toit de l'Université Paris-Est à Créteil, pour mesurer des spectres d'absorption solaire dans l'infrarouge, en vue d'analyser les concentrations de gaz traces et leurs différentes variabilités temporelles. Cette étude est centrée sur deux molécules clés de l'atmosphère impliquées, à diverses échelles, dans les problèmes environnementaux actuels : l'ozone (O3) et le monoxyde de carbone (CO). Le développement de la méthode expérimentale et l'adaptation du code d'inversion (PROFFIT) a permis de restituer les colonnes totales et partielles de ces deux espèces. Pour valider les performances de cet instrument et de la méthode employée, les résultats des analyses de OASIS ont été comparés avec diverses données corrélatives provenant de mesures au sol (SAOZ pour l'O3), de satellites (IASI, GOME-2, OMI, pour l'O3, et MOPITT et IASI pour le CO) et de modèles globaux (REPROBUS pour l'O3 et MOCAGE pour le CO). Les résultats ont montré de très bons accords et prouvent la qualité du spectromètre à moyenne résolution, de la station OASIS, pour mesurer les concentrations de l'O3 et du CO atmosphérique. Une partie de ce travail a également concerné la validation des performances des instruments spatiaux actuels de détection de l'ozone atmosphérique, grâce à la campagne de mesures (avril-mai 2009) que j'ai réalisée à Izaña (Tenerife). Cette station, située en région sub-tropicale, à 2370 m d'altitude et en milieu non pollué, est intégrée dans le réseau NDACC, et possède un spectromètre à haute résolution spectrale. Les concentrations d'ozone issues des inversions de ses spectres ont été comparées aux données fournies par un instrument au sol (Brewer, situé sur le même site) et par plusieurs instruments satellitaires (IASI, OMI, GOME-2). Les résultats ont présenté d'excellents accords. Les diverses variabilités temporelles observées à Izaña et à Créteil (saisonnière, inter-journalière, diurne et événements extrêmes) ont été interprétées et les capacités respectives de ces instruments (haute et moyenne résolution spectrale) ont fait l'objet d'une discussion détaillée / In the frame of atmospheric composition change related to human activities, homogeneous and continuous atmospheric measurements have to be performed. This is why a new observatory (called OASIS for Observation of the Atmosphere by Solar occultation Infrared Spectroscopy) has been installed on the roof of the University of Paris-Est in order to analyze concentrations and variations of key atmospheric trace species, such as ozone and carbon monoxide. Development of experimental methodology and adaptation of inversion code (PROFFIT) allow to retrieved total and partial columns of these gases. Results are compared to different data from ground-based (SAOZ for O3), satellites (IASI, GOME-2, OMI, for O3, and IASI and MOPITT for CO) and from atmospheric model calculations (REPROBUS for O3 and MOCAGE for CO). Very good correlations were found, showing that a middle resolution instrument, such as OASIS is able to monitor atmospheric trace gases with a good accuracy. Then, thanks to a measurements campaign (April-May 2009), realized at Izaña (Tenerife, clear atmospheric conditions) observatory which is equipped with high resolution spectrometer, we provide valuable information about the performance of various total column ozone measuring instruments from ground (Brewer) and space (IASI, OMI, GOME-2). All temporal O3 and CO variabilities (seasonal, day-to-day, diurnal and extreme events) observed at both sites, such as respective high and middle resolution instruments capabilities were discussed in details
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Avaliação do processo por embalagem do tipo atmosfera modificada na conservação da carne bovina porcionada / The use of modified atmosphere packaging in order to improve the shelf life of case ready beefBaracat, Rosana Salles 17 November 2006 (has links)
O uso de atmosfera modificada (ATM) na embalagem de cortes cárneos tem sido uma alternativa para melhorar a qualidade do produto. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi observar a vida útil de carnes armazenadas neste tipo de embalagem. Foram retiradas 96 amostras de 4 novilhos anelorados, divididas em três tratamentos: Tratamento 1 (T1) referente às amostras analisadas no dia da desossa; Tratamento 2 (T14) referente às amostras analisadas aos 14 dias de armazenamento; Tratamento 3 (T28) referente às amostras analisadas aos 28 dias de armazenamento. Cada tratamento tinha oito amostras de cada um dos quatro músculos estudados: Longissimus dorsi (Contrafilé) LD, Quadricepis femoris (Patinho) QF, Semitendinosus (Lagarto) - ST e Supraspinatus (Peixinho) SS, sendo quatro delas (A, B, C e D) usadas para análises de força de cisalhamento, perdas de água ao cozimento e por exsudação, pH e cor, e as outras quatro para análises microbiológicas. As amostras foram embaladas em sacos do tipo masterpack com mistura de gases na proporção de 75% O2 e 25% CO2 e armazenadas por 28 dias em câmara de resfriamento com temperatura de 0 a 1ºC. Ao longo do período de armazenamento foi observada uma redução linear da força de cisalhamento nos músculos LD, ST e QF, e uma associação quadrática em relação ao músculo SS, com um aumento da força após 14 dias. Em relação às perdas de água ao cozimento houve uma interação significativa entre o tempo de armazenamento e os músculos, e as perdas por exsudação apresentaram uma relação linear com o tempo de armazenamento, com valores crescentes de perdas do T1 em relação ao T2 e T3. Os valores de pH apresentaram uma associação linear e quadrática em relação ao tempo de armazenamento. Para as características de cor, o tempo de armazenamento apresentou associação linear e quadrática com o croma L*, quadrática com o croma a* e linear e quadrática com o croma b*. Não foram detectadas presenças de Salmonella e de Coliformes fecais, e nem de Clostridium em nenhuma das amostras analisadas, e as contagens detectadas de Coliformes totais estão abaixo do limite especificado para carne crua. Desta forma, foi concluído que carnes armazenadas em ATM, por um período de até 28 dias, não comprometem a qualidade visual e sensorial dos produtos. / Modified atmosphere packaging and case ready beef have been used to improve quality of beef cuts. With this objective in mind this work was designed to study the shelf life of this kind of packaging on beef cuts and 24 samples from 4 Nellore steers, were collected from each muscle: Longissimus dorsi (LD), Quadriceps femoris (QF), Semitendinosus (ST) and Supraspinatus (SS) in a total of 96 samples which were packaged in masterpack bags with a MAPAX gas with 75% O2 and 25% CO2 and aged for 1, 14 or 28 days or treatment T1 samples analyzed on day 1, T14 samples analyzed on day 14 and T28 samples analyzed on day 28, respectively. Every treatment had 8 samples from every one of the 4 muscles studied (A, B, C, e D). Four samples were used for shear force, cooking losses, pH and color and, the other 4 samples for microbiological analyses. A linear decrease in shear force with aging time was observed for LD, ST and QF muscles. A quadratic association for the SS muscle was seen after 14 days of aging. For cooking losses there was a significant interaction between aging time and muscle, as exudative loss showed a linear relation with aging time, improving loss, when comparing T1 in relation to T2 and T3. Differences were observed for pH showing a linear and quadratic relation with aging time. Muscle color among treatments and results were within acceptable values for both characteristics and results. No Salmonellae, Clostridium or Fecal Coli forms were observed in any of the samples as well as total Coli forms were within acceptable ranges for raw beef.
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Emissões atmosféricas de grupos motogeradores na região metropolitana de São Paulo / Atmosphere emissions from motogenerator groups study from at São Paulo Metropolitan RegioBarros, Marcia Aparecida Tezan Moraes 16 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho faz uma avaliação preliminar do possível impacto ambiental causado pela utilização de grupos motogeradores movidos a diesel em uma Região Metropolitana como São Paulo, que sofre com uma forte degradação da qualidade do ar, provocada por poluentes semelhantes aos emitidos por estes equipamentos, provenientes das emissões geradas por veículos automotores leves e pesados e por processos industriais. Durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi feita uma revisão dos principais conceitos de poluição do ar relevantes para análise da situação, bem como uma pesquisa da qualidade do ar na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, com base nos relatórios de Qualidade do Ar emitidos pelo órgão de controle ambiental. Foram elaborados inventários e diagnósticos relativos aos grupos motogeradores cadastrados pela concessionária de energia elétrica e pelo órgão de controle ambiental, constando as características técnicas e estimativas das emissões de poluentes atmosféricos destes grupos. Ainda foram identificadas metodologias de avaliação do impacto ambiental provocado por estas emissões. Finalmente, em face da ausência de regulamentação ambiental específica para grupos motogeradores, discutiu-se a necessidade da adoção de medidas de controle para este tipo de fonte de poluentes atmosféricos. / This work makes a preliminary evaluation of the possible environmental impact caused by the use of motogenerator groups moved by diesel in a metropolitan region as São Paulo, that suffers a strong degradation in its air quality, provoked by pollutants similar to the ones emitted by these equipments, proceeding from the emissions generated by light and heavy weighing vehicles and industrial processes. During the development of this work the main concepts of air pollution relevant to the analysis of the situation were reviewed. A research of the air quality in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo was realized based on the Air Quality Reports emitted by the Agency of Environmental Control. Inventories and diagnosis relative of motogenerator groups registered by the Concessionaire of Electric Energy and the Agency of Environmental Control were elaborated and evidenced the technical characteristics and estimates of the emissions of atmospheric pollutants of these groups. Methodologies for the evaluation of environmental impacts provoked by these emissions were also identified. Finally, face to the absence of environmental regulations specific to these motogenerator groups, the adoption of controlling measures for this type of environmental pollutants source was discussed.
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Modelamento dos processos de conversão gás-partícula e de formação de núcleos de condensação de nuvens na Amazônia / Modeling of the gas-particle conversion processes and formation of cloud condensation nuclei in the Amazon.Rizzo, Luciana Varanda 11 October 2002 (has links)
A região amazônica constitui um complexo ecossistema, integrando a floresta, o sistema hídrico e a atmosfera. A região tem passado por profundas mudanças no uso do solo, com a troca de floresta por pastagens e culturas agrícolas, alterando o funcionamento natural do ecossistema. Tais alterações vêm sendo estudadas pelo Experimento de Grande Escala da Biofera-Atmosfera na Amazônia (LBA). Fazendo uso do modelo MAPS (Model for Aerosol Process Studies), do tipo caixa de dimensão zero, foram simulados os processos dinâmicos de produção de aerossóis orgânicos a partir de precursores gasosos (VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds), e da formação de núcleos de condensação de nuvens (CCN - Cloud Condensation Nuclei) na Amazônia. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que o processo de conversão gás-partícula altera as propriedades físico-químicas da população de aerossóis e CCNs. A oxidação dos monoterpenos, compostos orgânicos voláteis emitidos pela vegetação, leva à produção de aerossóis secundários na moda fina. A conversão de floresta para pastagem reduz as emissões de monoterpenos, com uma conseqüente diminuição na produção de novas partículas orgânicas. Em 24 horas de simulação, o modelo MAPS calcula uma concentração de 2.0 ug/m POT.3 de aerossóis orgânicos secundários para o ambiente de floresta, em comparação com o valor de 0.69 ug/m POT.3 previsto para o ambiente de pastagem. A produção de aerossóis orgânicos secundários, devido à conversão gás-partícula, traz conseqüências para os processos de produção de CCN e formação de nuvens. A partir de uma população natural de aerossóis constituída majoritariamente por compostos orgânicos, o modelo prevê a ativação de 90% das partículas à supersaturação de 0.5%, evidenciando o papel dos aerossóis biogênicos orgânicos no processo de formação de nuvens na Amazônia. O material particulado das estações seca e chuvosa da Amazônia apresenta características muito diversas, ) no que diz respeito à distribuição de tamanho e de espécies químicas. A partir das propriedades físico-químicas dos aerossóis de queimadas, o modelo calculou uma concentração de 250 partículas de CCN por cm POT.3 a uma supersaturação de 0.15%, em oposição às 100 partículas de CCN por cm POT.3 produzidas a partir de aerossóis naturais, sob condições idênticas de umidade. A maior quantidade de CCNs na estação seca interfere nos processos físicos de produção de nuvens, podendo provocar uma diminuição da taxa de crescimento de gotas, um aumento no tempo de residência das nuvens, e a conseqüente redução da taxa de precipitação na Amazônia. / The Amazon Forest is a very complex ecosystem, which integrates its vegetation, its hydrological system, and the atmosphere. The Amazonian vegetation, with its natural metabolism, emits a large amount of biogenic particles and trace gases to the atmosphere. The region is passing through deep changes with respect to land use and land cover. The conversion of forest to pasture or agricultural land alters the ecosystem natural behavior. Using a zero dimensional box model named MAPS (Model for Aerosol Processes Studies),the dynamical processes of gas-to-particle conversion and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) formation have been simulated for Amazonia. The parameters that constraint the model were based on data collected during the Large Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazon (LBA). This work shows that gas-to-particle conversion processes affects the physical and chemical properties of natural aerosol population. Oxidation of monoterpenes, volatile organic compounds emitted by vegetation, causes a fine mode secondary organic aerosol production. The conversion of forest to pasture land reduces monoterpene emissions, diminishing the production of new organic particles as consequence. In 24 hours of simulation, the model predicts a secondary organic aerosol concentration of 2.0 g/m³ for forest, and 0.69 g/m³ for pasture environment. The production of secondary organic aerosol, due to gas-to-particle conversion, influences CCN population and cloud processes formation. From a natural aerosol population composed mainly by organic compounds, the model predicts that 90% of the particles activates at 0.5% of ambient supersaturation, showing the important role of organic aerosol on CCN formation in Amazon. Dry and wet season particulate matter in Amazonia shows very distinct characteristics of size and chemical species distribution. From a typical burning season aerosol, the model predicted a concentration of 250 CCN/cm³ at a supersaturation of 0.15%. With similar humidity conditions, a concentration of 100 CCN/cm³ was calculated from natural wet season aerosol. The increased number of CCN during the dry season affects cloud formation, and can reduce the growth rate of droplets, enlarge cloud lifetime, and consequently diminish cloud precipitation rates.
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Determinação de traços de dióxido de enxofre e sulfeto inorgânico no meio ambiente por titulação biamperométrica / Determination of trace amounts of sulfur dioxide and inorganic sulfide in the environment by biamperometric titrationValente, Jose Pedro Serra 29 November 1983 (has links)
A titulação biamperométrica mostra possibilidades mais amplas que as relatadas em livros-texto, podendo-se analisar traços com elevadas precisão e exatidão. Duas aplicações foram demonstradas no presente trabalho: as determinações de SO2 e S-- inorgânico em efluentes, com enormes vantagens sobre os respectivos métodos espectrofotométricos. Em poucos minutos pode-se determinar 13 ppb de SO2 (recolhidos em TCM) com precisão de 7,7% e de 10 ppb de H2S (após separação do efluente) com precisão de 8,1%. Foram efetuadas anâlises de amostras naturais gentilmente cedidas pela CETESB e confrontadas com os métodos de referência, encontrando-se perfeita concordância nos resultados. / The biamperometric titration as studied, shows wider possibilities than classical interpretation reported in the text-books. This technique studied in this thesis shows tremendous applications in trace analysis, with higer accuracy and precision. In the present thesis, two applications of The technique were made: the determinations of SO2 in the atmosphere and inorganic S-- in waters, with advantages over the respective spectrophotometric methods. In few minutes one can determine 13 ppb the SO2 (absorved in TCM) with 7,7% accuracy and 10 ppb the S-- (after recovery in ZnAc2) with 8,1% accuracy. Natural samples offered by CETESB (Environmental Protection Agency of the State of São Paulo) and the results found were in good agreement with those obtained by the reference methods.
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