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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Armadilha magneto ótica de rubídio e mistura de quatro ondas no vapor atômico

ALVAREZ, Ammis Sánchez 04 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-12T17:11:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Ammis.pdf: 2193663 bytes, checksum: 132bcda3d18c7d64c2a148645f123479 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-12T17:11:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Ammis.pdf: 2193663 bytes, checksum: 132bcda3d18c7d64c2a148645f123479 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-04 / Facepe / Neste trabalho apresentamos a caracterização de uma armadilha magneto ótica de átomos de Rb construída em nosso laboratório, juntamente com o seu princípio de funcionamento. O resfriamento é feito com lasers de diodo e tem como mecanismo básico a força de pressão de radiação, que é gerada pelos processos de absorção e emissão de fótons, juntamente com a ação de um campo magnético e a polarização dos feixes. O sistema consiste em três pares de feixes contrapropagantes nas direções x, y e z, com polarizações s+ e s, e um campo magnético que varía linearmente no espaço. Conseguimos armadilhar aproximadamente 108 átomos com um tempo de carga da ordem de 2 seg. Em paralelo realizamos medidas de mistura de quatro ondas degenerada em um vapor de átomos de Rb, na configuração de feixes quase-copropagantes. O sinal gerado no processo não linear foi estudado em função da frequência de um dos feixes enquanto o outro tinha sua frequência fixa; e se mostrou independe de qual dos feixes esta sendo sintonizado. Medidas simultâneas da transmissão do feixe de prova indicam que o processo não linear ocorre só na transição cíclica e envolve o grupo de átomos selecionados pelo feixe de frequência fixa. / In this work we present a characterization of magneto optical trap of 87Rb atoms built in our lab, along with its operating principle. The cooling is done with a diode laser and its basic mechanism is the force of radiation pressure, which is generated by the processes of absorption and emission of photons, together with the action of a magnetic field and polarization of the beams. The system consists of three pairs of counterpropagating beams in the x, y and z directions with s+ and s polarizations, and a magnetic field that varies linearly in space. We were able to trap about 108 atoms with a charging time of approximately 2 sec. In parallel we performed degenerate four wave mixing measures in a Rb vapor atoms using a quasi-copropagating beams configuration. The signal generated in the nonlinear process was studied as a function of one of laser’s while keep the other with a fixed frequency; and it showed independent of which of the beams is being tuned. Simultaneous measurements of the transmission of the probe beam indicates that the nonlinear process occurs only in the cyclic transition and involves the group of atoms selected by the beam with fixed frequency.

Isotope effects in atomic spectroscopy of negative ions and neutral atoms: a theoretical contribution / Effets isotopiques en spéctroscopie atomique d'ions négatifs et d'atomes neutres: une contribution théorique

Carette, Thomas 15 December 2010 (has links)
<p>Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des effets isotopiques dans les atomes neutres et ions négatifs. En particulier, nous ciblons notre recherche sur le calcul ab initio des déplacements isotopiques (DI) sur les électroaffinités des éléments des blocs p des deuxième et troisième périodes (B à F et Al à Cl). Ces derniers sont les systèmes les plus susceptibles d'être l'objet d'études expérimentales de haute précision.</p><p><p><p>Le premier chapitre se concentre sur une étude didactique du problème atomique et des effets isotopiques. Nous concluons par une description détaillée des motivations de notre thèse.</p><p><p><p>Le second chapitre présente le modèle Hartree-Fock (HF) et son extension multi-configurationelle (MCHF). Nous y énonçons le théorème de Brillouin et sa généralisation à un ansatz MCHF. Pour ce faire, nous formulons de manière originale le principe d'invariance d'une fonction d'onde CAS (Complete Active Set) par rapport aux rotations d'états d'orbitales. De cette formulation, nous caractérisons la famille des solutions CAS n'interagissant pas avec une fonction d'état de configuration (CSF) particulière et démontrons sa multiplicité. Finalement, nous appliquons notre technique d'analyse à l'étude de modèles concrets et prédisons l'apparition de minima locaux correspondant à chacune de ces solutions GBT. Introduisant le concept de quasi-symétrie de la fonctionnelle d'énergie, nous expliquons l'origine de fortes perturbations du "coeur" atomique dans des modèles particuliers.</p><p><p><p>Les troisième et quatrième chapitres fournissent les outils méthodologiques de base utilisés dans la deuxième partie de notre thèse qui présente des résultats quantitatifs originaux.</p><p><p><p>Le cinquième chapitre traite des DI et structures hyperfines des termes les plus bas de S, S-, Cl, Cl-, Si et Si-.</p><p><p><p>Dans le sixième chapitre, nous rapportons un profond désaccord entre théorie et expérience au sujet de la structure hyperfine de transitions de l'azote dans le infrarouge lointain. Nous montrons que les simulations basées sur nos valeurs de constantes isotopiques sont compatibles avec les spectres enregistrés moyennant une réassignation des raies faibles à des signaux de "cross-overs". Sur cette base, nous déduisons un nouvel ensemble de constantes hyperfines pour les états considérés, en bon accord avec nos valeurs théoriques, en nous basant uniquement sur les données expérimentales.</p><p><p><p>Le septième chapitre est une étude globale des configurations de plus basse énergie du C et C- (i.e. tous les états liés de ce dernier). Par une étude détaillée de nos incertitudes, nous obtenons des estimations très fiables et de grande précision pour un ensemble de propriétés. En particulier, nous présentons les valeurs de structure fine et hyperfine du C-, ainsi que les probabilités de transitions intra-configurationelles fournissant une base solide pour l'étude spectroscopique de ce système.</p><p><p><p>Dans le huitième chapitre, nous étudions la périodicité du déplacement spécifique de masse sur l'électroaffinité dans le Tableau Périodique des Eléments. Nous avançons les contributions dominantes qui interviennent dans cette grandeur et analysons les principales limitations des techniques de calcul actuelles dans ce contexte.</p><p><p><p>Nous présentons nos conclusions générales et les perspectives de notre travail dans le neuvième chapitre.</p><p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Spectroscopic Study of Highly Ionised Plasmas : Detailed and Statistical Approaches / Etude spectroscopique des plasmas hautement ionisés : approche détaillée et statistique

Na, Xieyu 16 November 2017 (has links)
La description des propriétésspectrales des plasmas hautement ionisés –comme ceux rencontrés en fusion nucléaire,en astrophysique et en expérimentationlaser-plasmas –peut nécessiter différentstypes d’interprétation, parmi lesquelsl’approche détaillée ou raie-par-raieimpliquant de la diagonalisation del’Hamiltonien du système et, l’approchestatistique basée sur la caractérisation desstructures spectrales à travers les momentsde distribution.Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d'étudier etde mettre en œuvre les méthodes statistiquestraitant des cas où de nombreuses raies seregroupent en faisceaux de transition nonrésolus (UTA pour Unresolved TransitionArray).Pour cela, des études analytique et numériqueont été menées. D’une part, les momentsd’ordre élevé de la distribution d’énergies spinorbiteont été obtenus, en utilisant lestechniques de calcul de moyennes qui fontintervenir les résultats de la secondequantification et de l’algèbre de momentangulaire. D’autre part, après avoir implémentéun programme de post-traitement des donnéesatomiques produites par le code FAC (FlexibleAtomic Code), en mode détaillée comme enmode UTA, les spectres d’émission et / The description of spectralproperties of highly ionized plasmas – asthose studied in stellar atmospheres, facilitiesfor nuclear fusion, or laser-plasmasexperiments – may require different types ofinterpretation, among which the detailed line by-line accounting which relies on Hamiltoniandiagonalization and the statistical approachbased on the characterization of spectralstructures through distribution moments.My PhD work aims at developing statisticalmethods dealing with situations whereabundant lines gather in Unresolved TransitionArrays (UTA).To this end, analytical and numerical analysishave been carried out. On one hand, high-ordermoments of spin-orbit energy have beenderived using averaging calculation techniquesbased on second quantization results andangular momentum algebra. On the other hand,after implementing a post-processing programfor both detailed and UTA computations of theFlexible Atomic Code (FAC), emission andabsorption spectra of tungsten plasmas havebeen studied in tokamak-equivalentthermodynamic conditions.Results of this thesis should hopefully stimulatefurther analysis on averages computationinvolving complex transition processes.

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in the Vacuum-Ultraviolet Wavelength Regime for the Application in Planetary Exploration

Kubitza, Simon 22 April 2021 (has links)
Diese Arbeit handelt von der Anwendbarkeit laserinduzierter Plasmaspektroskopie (englisch: laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, LIBS) mit Detektion im vakuumultravioletten Spektralbereich (VUV), im Folgenden VUV-LIBS genannt, im Bereich der Planetenforschung. Für LIBS wird ein gepulster Laser auf die zu untersuchende Probe fokussiert. Dabei wird Probenmaterial abgetragen, verdampft und teilweise ionisiert. Die im Plasma enthaltenen Atome und Ionen werden elektronisch angeregt und strahlen in der Folge Licht charakteristischer Wellenlängen ab, welches spektroskopisch analysiert werden kann. Diese Analyse erlaubt einen Rückschluss auf die im Plasma und somit in der Probe enthaltenen chemischen Elemente. Mit LIBS können alle Elemente detektiert werden. Allerdings sind insbesondere die Nichtmetalle schwerer zu detektieren, deren intensivste Emissionslinien im VUV-Bereich liegen, d.h. bei Wellenlängen kürzer als 200 nm, der oft nicht untersucht wird. In diesem Spektralbereich wird ein Großteil der Strahlung von der irdischen Atmosphäre absorbiert. Auf atmosphärelosen Himmelskörpern wie dem Mond ist dies nicht der Fall, sodass für die Elemente C, Cl, H, N, O, P und S eine verbesserte Detektierbarkeit erwartet wird als mit konventionellem LIBS im typischerweise untersuchten Spektralbereich über 200 nm. Die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass VUV-LIBS in der Tat eine verbesserte Detektierbarkeit für S und Cl im Kontext einer Mondmission bewirken kann. Für eine umfassende Beurteilung der Methode in dieser Anwendung und zur Verbesserung der Nachweisgrenzen sind jedoch weitere Untersuchungen mit einem verbesserten Messaufbau notwendig. Da wichtige gesteinsbildende Elemente wie Ca, Na und Mg im VUV-Bereich keine oder nur schwache Emission zeigen, liegt das größte Potenzial von VUV-LIBS möglicherweise in der Kombination mit LIBS in anderen Spektralbereichen oder mit anderen analytischen Methoden. / This thesis investigates the application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) with detection in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectral range for in-situ space exploration. For LIBS, a pulsed laser is tightly focused onto the sample, thereby ablating material and exciting a luminous plasma. The atoms and ions contained in the plasma radiate light of characteristic wavelengths, which can be analysed with spectrometers. The spectral analysis allows to identify the chemical elements in the plasma, which are assumed to be representative for the elements contained in the sample. With LIBS, all elements can be detected. However, especially the non-metal elements are challenging to detect because their strongest lines are located in the VUV spectral range, i.e. below 200 nm, which is often not investigated. Detection in this range brings its own challenges, since large parts of the radiation spectrum are absorbed by the atmosphere surrounding the sample. On celestial bodies without an atmosphere, such as the Moon, the ambient conditions are well suited for VUV-LIBS analyses. In such a scenario, a better detectability for the otherwise challenging elements C, Cl, H, N, O, P and S is expected compared to LIBS in the usually employed detection range above 200 nm. The results shown in this thesis indicate that VUV-LIBS is promising for the improved detection of light elements such as S and Cl in a lunar context. However, more extensive studies with an optimized set-up are necessary to properly assess the true capabilities of the method and to further reduce the detection limits. Although emission from the most abundant chemical elements in geological samples, Al, Si and O, could be reliably detected in all samples containing them, VUV-LIBS might in the end be best used in combination with LIBS in the UV-VIS range or with other analytical techniques, because the major rock forming elements Ca, Na and Mg hardly show emission lines in the VUV spectral range.

Atomic data and plasma spectroscopy

Oelgoetz, Justin Ryan 14 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Estabilização de lasers de diodo para utilização em espectroscopia atômica. / Stabilization of diode lasers for use in atomic spectroscopy.

Tuboy, Aparecida Marika 13 July 1990 (has links)
Um dos primeiros requisitos para utilização de lasers de diodo em espectroscopia é sua estabilização térmica. Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um sistema de controle de temperatura para laser de diodo que permite estabilização melhor que 0.01&#176C. O controle é feito através de um sistema sensor e um elemento Peltier como atuador. Lasers somente estabilizados em temperatura (estabilização primária) foram utilizados para realização de espectroscopia de vapores atômicos de Rb e Cs. / One of the first requisites for utilization of diode lasers in spectroscopy is its thermal stabilization. In this work, we develop a diode laser temperature controlling system, which yields stabilization better than 0.01&#176C. The controlling is obtained by means of a sensor system and a Peltier element as actuator. Lasers stabilized in temperature only (primary stabilizations) were utilized in the spectroscopy of atomic vapors of Rb and Cs.

Estabilização de lasers de diodo para utilização em espectroscopia atômica. / Stabilization of diode lasers for use in atomic spectroscopy.

Aparecida Marika Tuboy 13 July 1990 (has links)
Um dos primeiros requisitos para utilização de lasers de diodo em espectroscopia é sua estabilização térmica. Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um sistema de controle de temperatura para laser de diodo que permite estabilização melhor que 0.01&#176C. O controle é feito através de um sistema sensor e um elemento Peltier como atuador. Lasers somente estabilizados em temperatura (estabilização primária) foram utilizados para realização de espectroscopia de vapores atômicos de Rb e Cs. / One of the first requisites for utilization of diode lasers in spectroscopy is its thermal stabilization. In this work, we develop a diode laser temperature controlling system, which yields stabilization better than 0.01&#176C. The controlling is obtained by means of a sensor system and a Peltier element as actuator. Lasers stabilized in temperature only (primary stabilizations) were utilized in the spectroscopy of atomic vapors of Rb and Cs.

A sensor for combustion thermometry based on blue diode lasers

Burns, Iain Stewart January 2006 (has links)
Spatially-resolved measurements of flame temperature have been demonstrated with diode lasers for the first time. The technique is based on the use of blue diode lasers to perform laser-induced fluorescence on indium atoms seeded to the flame. Temperature measurements have been carried out in laminar flames both by the two-line atomic fluorescence technique, and also by a novel line-shape thermometry method that requires the use of only a single diode laser. The first part of this work involved the development of blue extended cavity diode lasers with favourable tuning properties. Two custom-designed extended cavity diode lasers (ECDL) have been built, emitting at wavelengths of around 410 nm and 451 nm respectively. These devices are capable of mode-hop free tuning over ranges greater than 90 GHz. The performance of these devices exceeds that of commercially available systems and a patent application has been filed. High resolution fluorescence spectroscopy has been performed on both the 52P1/2→62S1/2 and 52P3/2→62S1/2 transitions of indium atoms seeded at trace quantities into atmospheric pressure flames. In both cases, the spectra obtained show excellent agreement with a theoretical fit based on the individual hyperfine components of the transition. The two ECDLs have been used to build a sensor for the measurement of temperature in combustion systems. It is much simpler, more compact, less expensive, and more versatile than any previously existing device. The two lasers were used sequentially to probe indium atoms seeded to the flame. The ratio of the resulting fluorescence signals is related to the relative populations in the two sub-levels of the spin-orbit split ground state of indium, and thus to the temperature. Temperature measurements have been successfully performed in a laminar flame and the data thus obtained do not need to be corrected by any ‘calibration constant’. This novel thermometry technique offers a robust alternative to traditional methods involving bulky high power lasers. A further development has been made by demonstrating a fluorescence line-shape thermometry technique requiring only a single diode laser excitation source. Progress has been made towards the goal of rapid temperature measurements appropriate to the study of turbulent flames. This involved the development of a simple technique for actively locking the wavelength of the blue diode laser to a resonance line of the tellurium molecule. A high-speed thermometry system would work by rapidly switching between the two locked laser beams using an optical modulator.

Investigation of Specialized Laser and Optical Techniques to Improve Precision Atomic Spectroscopy of Helium

Currey, Ronnie 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to develop both Yb and Tm fiber laser sources with all fiber cavities. Both wavelength ranges provide useful laser sources for optical pumping of helium. The goal is to develop Tm laser sources operating at 2058 nm to optically quench 3He (2058.63 nm) and 4He (2058.69 nm) singlets (21S0). We also have developed Yb laser sources at 1083 nm to optical pump the triplet states of helium and laser cool an atomic beam of helium.

High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Atoms Using Coherent Control

Chanu, Sapam Ranjita January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The subject of this thesis is the study of coherent interaction of light with matter (atoms) to improve the precision measurements and techniques. Special attention is drawn to get the narrow subnatural electromagnetically induced transmission (EIT), electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) and nonlinear magneto-optic rotation (NMOR) caused by alkali atoms contained in a vapor cell. Subnatural polarization rotation introduces by a strong circularly polarized light in the absence of any external magnetic field was also studied. A detailed theoretical treatment, given in this dissertation, allows to associate each of the features of the spectra with a special physical mechanism. Many quantum phenomena related to interferences, coherences, optical pumping etc. experiments are studied using home-built diode lasers. This thesis also describes laser cooling and trapping of rubidium atoms using two techniques. Deflection of cold atoms horizontally from MOT using pushing beams are discussed in close consideration for the improvements in the precision measurements. This thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1, an introduction to the importance of sub-natural narrow resonance and simplified technique in the precision measurement will be discussed. In Chapter 2, an introduction to EIT, EIA and NMOR resonance are discussed. This chapter will provide a basic theoretical background of atom-field interactions, especially for Λ-type and N -type systems and its steady state solution using density matrix analysis and experimental tools. The most important notion of laser cooling of atoms, ions or molecule i.e., exchange of momentum between light and atoms combining with the Doppler effect will be discussed. In Chapter 3, the observation of subnatural EIT and subnatural EIA in closed and open degenerate two-level system using room temperature vapor cell filled with Rb will be presented. Physical mechanisms that contribute to EIT and EIA, and the contrast of our results from the coherent population trapping (CPT)–type resonances are discussed in detail in appendix A.2 according to our experimental results. In Chapter 4, the narrowing of subnatural EIT and subnatural EIA linewidth in closed and open systems again in degenerate two level transition, using the “Laguerre-Gaussian” control beam instead of generally studied Gaussian beam, will be discussed in detail. In Chapter 5, the conversion between subnatural EIT to subnatural EIA in a degenerate Λ system will be discussed. The physical mechanism created by the introduction of a coherent counter propagating control laser to the co-propagating probe and the control laser are studied. The effect of polarization and axial velocity Doppler averaging will also be studied. In Chapter 6, we will discuss the sensitive technique for precise measurement of small magnetic fields using the NMOR, by chopping the resonant laser beam. We will study the sensitivity and the potential application of this technique in the measurement of an atomic electric-dipole moment. In Chapter 7, we will be studying about the induced optical rotation by a circularly polarized control laser on the linearly polarized probe laser. The effect of the intensity of the control laser beam on the higher order optical rotation will also be studied. In Chapter 8, we will be studying about the cooling and trapping of 87Rb in magneto-optic trap. We will be studying two techniques of trapping of atoms in MOT. The cold cloud of atoms from the MOT are deflected horizontally by using different configuration of pushing beam are studied. A brief summary and outlook of my thesis work will be discussed at Chapter 9.

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