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An apparatus for studying interactions between Rydberg atoms and metal surfacesCarter, Jeffrey David January 2007 (has links)
A system suitable for studying interactions between ⁸⁷Rb Rydberg atoms and metal surfaces has been constructed. This thesis describes the design and construction of the apparatus, and some test results. Atoms in a vapor cell magneto-optical trap are transferred to a macroscopic Ioffe-Pritchard trap, where they will be RF evaporatively cooled and loaded into a magnetic microtrap (atom chip). Confinement of cold clouds at controllable distances (5–200 μm)} from a metal surface is possible. The effects of atom-surface interactions can be studied with Rydberg atom spectroscopy.
Some functionality of the apparatus has been demonstrated. Approximately 1.5×10⁷ atoms were loaded into a mirror MOT, and about 6×10⁶ atoms were optically pumped to the |F=2, m_F=2> hyperfine ground state and confined in a macroscopic Ioffe-Pritchard trap. The temperature of the cloud in the trap was 42 ± 5 μK, and the 1/e lifetime is 1–1.5 s. Forced RF evaporation has been used to measure the magnetic field at the trap minimum, but RF evaporative cooling has not yet been demonstrated.
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An apparatus for studying interactions between Rydberg atoms and metal surfacesCarter, Jeffrey David January 2007 (has links)
A system suitable for studying interactions between ⁸⁷Rb Rydberg atoms and metal surfaces has been constructed. This thesis describes the design and construction of the apparatus, and some test results. Atoms in a vapor cell magneto-optical trap are transferred to a macroscopic Ioffe-Pritchard trap, where they will be RF evaporatively cooled and loaded into a magnetic microtrap (atom chip). Confinement of cold clouds at controllable distances (5–200 μm)} from a metal surface is possible. The effects of atom-surface interactions can be studied with Rydberg atom spectroscopy.
Some functionality of the apparatus has been demonstrated. Approximately 1.5×10⁷ atoms were loaded into a mirror MOT, and about 6×10⁶ atoms were optically pumped to the |F=2, m_F=2> hyperfine ground state and confined in a macroscopic Ioffe-Pritchard trap. The temperature of the cloud in the trap was 42 ± 5 μK, and the 1/e lifetime is 1–1.5 s. Forced RF evaporation has been used to measure the magnetic field at the trap minimum, but RF evaporative cooling has not yet been demonstrated.
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Técnicas de resfriamento e aprisionamento de átomos aplicadas a átomos de estrôncio / Techniques for cooling and trapping of atoms applied to strontium atomsMaria Luiza Miguez 20 September 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve os métodos usados para obtenção de uma amostra ultra-fria de átomos de estrôncio. Os métodos usados para preparar a amostra são: um desacelerador Zeeman e duas armadilhas magneto-ópticas (MOT). O primeiro MOT operando na transição 1S0−1 P1 (azul) e o segundo na transição 1S0−3P1 (vermelha). Com relação ao primeiro estágio, se faz necessário o uso de um laser de comprimento de onda de 497nm, que através da transição 3P2−3D2 recuperam os átomos que sofrem transição para os chamados estados escuros. O último estágio é uma armadilha de dipolo para átomos de estrôncio usando apenas um feixe laser com comprimento de onda de 1064nm. O carregamento dessa armadilha é feito transferindo uma amostra atômica já pré-resfriadas. Explicamos de que maneira é feita a análise e aquisição dos resultados apresentados. Ressaltamos ainda a importância dos resultados obtidos para o projeto atual e para projetos futuros. / The present work describes the methods used to obtain a sample of ultra cold atoms of strontium. The methods necessary for obtaining the sample are: a Zeeman decelerator and a two step magneto-optical trap (MOTs). The first MOT works on the blue transition 1S0−1P1 while the second is operating on the red transition 1S0−3P1 transition. In the first stage a laser operating at 497nm is used to drive the 3P2−3D2 transition in order to prevent atoms accumulating in the 3P1 dark state. The last stage, after cooling, consists in a dipole trap for strontium atoms using only one laser beam with 1064nm wavelength. This trap is loaded by the transfer of a pre cooled atomic sample. We explain how the analysis and acquisition of the presented data are made. We also emphasize the importance of the obtained results for the current project as well as for future ones.
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Laser Cooling And Trapping Of Yb Towards High-Precision MeasurementsPandey, Kanhaiya 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Vers la manipulation optique d'atomes ultra-froids d'ytterbium excités dans des états de Rydberg / Towards optical manipulation of ultra-cold Ytterbium atoms excited into Rydberg statesZuliani, Alexandre 25 November 2015 (has links)
Les propriétés exacerbées des atomes de Rydberg ont permis d'étendre les possibilités offertes par les atomes froids dans la création de gaz d'atomes en très forte interaction, avec des applications notamment en simulations quantiques, dans la physique à N corps ou dans la réalisation de portes quantiques grâce au phénomène de blocage dipolaire. L'utilisation des atomes de Rydberg froids est cependant actuellement limitée par le fait qu'il n'est pas possible de continuer d'appliquer les techniques expérimentales de manipulation optique avec les atomes à un électron actif. L’attention de la communauté des atomes de Rydberg froids s’est donc récemment portée sur les atomes à deux électrons actifs qui offrent la possibilités, une fois l’un des deux électrons excité vers un état de Rydberg, de disposer d’un second électron optiquement actif qu’il va être possible de manipuler par laser. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étendre les techniques de manipulation optique aux atomes à deux électrons actifs excités dans des états de Rydberg, dans le cas de l’atome d’ytterbium. Elle présente d’une part la conception et l’assemblage du dispositif expérimental permettant l’obtention d’une source d’atomes de Rydberg froids d’ytterbium. A terme, ce montage permettra la manipulation optique de ces atomes de Rydberg. D’autre part, elle présente le développement d’un modèle numérique implémentant la théorie du défaut quantique à plusieurs voies pour permettre la détermination théorique du spectre énergétique de l’ytterbium ainsi que son comportement sous l’effet de perturbations extérieures. / The exacerbated properties of Rydberg atoms have extended the possibilities offered by cold atoms in creating atomic gases in very strong interaction with applications including quantum simulations in many-body physics or in achieving of quantum gates with the dipole blocking phenomenon. The use of cold Rydberg atoms is however currently limited by the fact that it is not possible to continue to apply the experimental techniques of optical manipulation with the atoms to an active electron. The attention of the Rydberg atoms cold community is recently focused on the two active electron atoms offering possibilities, once one of the two electrons excited to a Rydberg state, to provide a second optically active electron that it will be possible to manipulate with laser light.The objective of this thesis is to extend the optical manipulation techniques to atoms with two active electrons excited in Rydberg states, in the case of the ytterbium atom. It has on the one hand the design and assembly of the experimental apparatus for obtaining a source of cold Rydberg ytterbium atoms. Ultimately, this device will allow the optical manipulation of these Rydberg atoms. Furthermore, it presents the development of a numerical model that implements the multichannel quantum defect theory to the theoretical determination of the energy spectrum of ytterbium and its behavior under the influence of external perturbations.
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Spectroscopie Rydberg et excitation du coeur isolé d'atomes d'ytterbium ultra-froids / Rydberg spectrocopy and isolated core excitation of ultra-cold ytterbium atomsLehec, Henri 18 December 2017 (has links)
Les atomes de Rydberg constituent des objets idéaux pour l’étude des systèmes physiques en interaction à longue portée. Transposer à ces atomes très excités les techniques habituelles d’imagerie et de piegeage des atomes froids offrirait de nouvelles opportunités pour le domaine de la simulation quantique. Notre approche consiste à utiliser un atome à deux électrons de valence optiquement actifs tel que l’ytterbium. En effet, les transitions optiques du coeur ionique de cet atome ouvrent la voie à de nombreuses perspectives pour la manipulation optique dans l'état de Rydberg. Lorsque l’atome est doublement excité, il peut néanmoins auto-ioniser puisque son énergie se situe au delà de la première limite d’ionisation. La possibilité de s’affranchir totalement de l’autoionisation est une question ouverte.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons en premier lieu les contributions apportées au montage de l’expérience,du refroidissement des atomes d’ytterbium sur la raie d’intercombinaison à l’excitation dans des états de Rydberg. A cause des interactions entre électrons de valence, la spectroscopie de ces états très excités est plus complexe dans l'ytterbium que dans les atomes alcalins. Une étude expérimentale couplée à une analyse par théorie du défaut quantique à plusieurs voies (MQDT) a été réalisée sur diverses séries Rydberg (s, p, d et f). Cette étude, prérequis essentiel, a permis d’améliorer la précision de plus de deux ordres de grandeur sur la spectroscopie des séries étudiées.L’excitation du coeur ionique a ensuite été mise en place sur la transition 6s1/2 → 6p1/2 . Nous avons alors étudié expérimentalement et théoriquement l’excitation du coeur isolé pour des états de Rydberg de grand moment orbital (l = 5 - 9). Cette étude a montré que l'auto-ionisation est dominée par le couplage au continuum de l'état de coeur 5d3/2. Par opposition a l'atome de baryum, pour lequel l'autoionisation chute rapidement avec le moment orbital de l'électron Rydberg, nous avons montré que cette tendance est moins marquée sur l'ytterbium. Grace à cette étude, nous pourrons déterminer les états pour lesquels la manipulation optique par laser est possible. / Rydberg atoms offer an ideal platform for the study of long-range interacting systems.However, usual techniques for imaging and trapping are unavailable in alkali Rydberg atoms. Our approach rely on the use of a two-optically-active-valence-electrons atom such as ytterbium. Ionic core transitions of this atom offer new perspecives for optical manipulation in the Rydberg state. However,questions remain open, especially on the possibilities of avoiding the autoionization, process which occurs when the atom is doubly excited.In this thesis, we report on the construction of the experiment, from the cooling and trapping of theatoms to the excitation in Rydberg states. Because of the interactions between valence electrons, the spectroscopy of these highly excited states is relatively complicated. An experimental study, coupled to a multi-channel quantum defect analysis (MQDT) has been done on the s,p,d and f Rydberg series. This study produced an improvement on the precision of the spectroscopy of this series by more than two orders of magnitude. We then studied the isolated core excitationon the 6s1/2 -> 6p1/2 transition for Rydberg states of large orbital quantum numbers (l=5-9). This study showed that auto-ionisation is mostly due to the coupling to the continuum of the 5d3/2 core state. In opposition to the barium atom, where auto-ionisation drops rapidly with the orbital quantum number, we have shown that ytterbium is less favourable to that extent. Thanks to this study we will be able to determine which states are good candidates for the optical manipulation.
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Continuous Beam of Laser-Cooled Ytterbium Atoms for Precision MeasurementsRathod, Ketan D January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
What if an elementary particle such as an electron had an intrinsic electric dipole moment (EDM)? Existence of such an EDM would be an indication of time-reversal symmetry
violation in the laws of Physics. The Standard model of Physics is considered incomplete, and theories that go beyond the standard model predict existence of such EDM’s within experimental reach. Experiments that search for their existence serve as a test bed for these theories. Use of laser-cooled Yb atoms launched in a fountain for EDM search has been proposed earlier.
This thesis describes the main experimental work on generating a continuous cold
beam of Yb atoms using laser cooling. Such cold beams are ideal for performing EDM
experiments and have several advantages over the more common pulsed fountain. We
demonstrate two ways to achieve this (i) extracting the beam from atoms trapped in 2-
dimensions and (ii) deflecting the atomic beam using 1D-optical molasses. We find that
the latter method gives a longitudinal temperature of 41 mK, which is a factor of 3 better than the former one. We also demonstrate the implementation of Ramsey’s separated oscillatory field technique in a thermal beam to measure the larmor precession frequency with high precision. This serves as a first step towards implementation with cold beam.
Extending the work reported here, we suggest future experiment for measuring an EDM.
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Synthesis of Bioactive Nitrogen Heterocycles and Functionalized Nanomaterials for Biological and Catalytic ApplicationsKrishnan, Anand 15 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Chemistry,Durban University of Technology, 2014. / Aromatic heterocycles are highly important structural units found in a large number of biologically active natural compounds, pharmaceuticals and catalytic compounds. They have a crucial role in organic syntheses, which results in the generation of high value products. Among heterocycles, those containing nitrogen are the most indispensable structural motifs and are widely used against dreaded diseases such as Malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS and Cancer. The inclusion of highly electronegative atoms such as fluorine in these organic molecules render them very reactive towards proteins. Furthermore these molecules exhibit strong interactions with surfaces of quantum range particles of elemental gold. Various approaches for the synthesis of novel gold nanoparticles linked to potent bioactive molecules are documented and their application as drug delivery systems are of immense value to human health. Also many chemical and physical methods are available for the synthesis of gold, silver and palladium nanoparticles however these methods are usually laborious and produce toxic by-products. The green approach is to use plant extracts to synthesise various size and shape nanoparticles which could be used in biological and catalytic systems.
A simple one-pot two component and three component reaction using formyl quinoline, 2-aminothiophenol, thiosemicarbazone and trifluoromethylbenzaldehyde as a reactant to synthesise quinoline, pyridine and pyran based bioactive small molecules; these products are a quinoline type bearing a benzothiazole moiety, quinoline thio semicarbazone ligand, fluorine substituted dihydro pyridine, fluorine substituted dihydropyran and fluorine substituted pyridine derivatives. In total, fifteen compounds were synthesized eleven of which were novel; all compounds were characterized by spectroscopic techniques. In vitro anti-bacterial activities of the synthesized compounds were investigated against a representative panel of pathogenic strains. Compounds 6, 7, 8, 11 and 13 exhibited excellent anti-bacterial activity compared with first line drugs. Potent p53–MDM2 interaction inhibitors 2-thio-1,2-dihydroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazone and fluorine substituted new pyridine scaffold were successfully identified by structure-based design.
An efficient one-pot four component route to the synthesis of trifluorinated pyrrolophenanthroline and fluoroquinoline pyrrolophenanthrolines was designed. In this reaction 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid (DMTIL) was used as a reaction medium; no catalyst was required. The structure of the pyrrolophenanthrolines was deduced by IR and NMR analysis. These compounds were studied with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) through molecular docking. Hydrophopic, electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interaction played a crucial role in the binding to sub domain of BSA. Interaction studies of DMTIL with BSA by emission, absorption, synchronous fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD) and three dimensional emission (3D) spectroscopic techniques were under taken. The results from emission titration experiments revealed the existence of a strong interaction between BSA and DMTIL ionic liquid. It showed that compounds with lesser number of hydrogen bonds are found to be more active which is attributed to hydrophobic interaction and electrostatic interaction which also played a vital role in DMTIL binding to sub domain IB of BSA.
A novel copper-loaded boron nitride nanosheet (Cu/BN) catalyst was prepared and fully characterized. It was used as an efficient and chemoselective catalysts for the synthesis of α-aminophosphonates by the Kabachnik-Fields reaction; twenty one α-aminophosphonates were synthesised. The enhanced catalytic activity and product yield was attributed to the increase of surface acidity. Overall, this methodology offered competitive advantages such as recyclability of the catalyst without further purification or without using additives or cofactors, low catalyst loading, broad substrate applicability and high yields. The application of this new nanocatalyst in organic synthesis will provide a novel pathway for the synthesis of pharmaceutically important compounds.
Gold nanoparticle surfaces were modified with self-assembled monolayers of important thiol and disulfide bioactive molecules since considerable interest is due to their potential application as anti-cancer agents. Herein, a carbazole was conjugated to lipoic acid by using an amide coupling catalyst HBTU and DIEA reaction. The structure of the carbazole thio octanic acid (CTN) was identified by IR and NMR. CTN was attached to the gold nanoparticles surface and the capping behaviour was characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, TEM, DLS and FTIR. The cytotoxicity of CTNAuNPs on A549 cell lines was determined using the MTT assay. The results suggest CTN and CTNAuNPs possess anti-proliferative properties in the cancerous A549 cells.
Furthermore a dual thiol ligand was synthesized by using equimolar 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) and amino oxadiazole thiol (AXT). This dual ligand was attached to the gold nanoparticles surface (DTAu) and the capping behaviour was characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, TEM, DLS and FTIR. The cytotoxicity of DTAu on A549 cell lines was determined using the MTT assay. The results suggest dual ligands (4-ATP, AXT) and DTAu possess anti-proliferative properties in the cancerous A549 cells.
South African indigenous plants and agroforestry waste were also used in the synthesis of silver, gold and palladium nanoparticles (NPs). Green protocols such as the use of environmentally benign solvents and non-hazardous reagents were an added advantage to physical and chemical means. Furthermore these reactions were rapid and the size and shape of the NPs could be manipulated by choosing the correct medium. The formulation of natural medicinal compounds capped onto NPs was assessed for their anti-cancer activity, in A549 lung cancer line, and catalytic reduction of dyes and nitrobenzene derivatives were studied. These NPs displayed:
Significant cytotoxicity to lung cancer cells with minimal effect on normal healthy cells.
Outstanding catalytic reduction of pharmaceutical and textile waste effluents such as dyes and nitro aromatic compounds.
In addition, palladium nanoparticles containing capped Moringa olifera compounds were used effectively in the Suzuki coupling reaction of iodobenzene and phenylboronic acid. The reaction was rapid and was conducted in an aqueous medium.
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Quantum interference and coherent control in dissipative atomic systemsPaspalakis, Emmanuel January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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The quantum dynamics of proton transfer in the hydrogen bondJenkinson, Richard I. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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