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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem gör vad inom revisionsteam? / Who does what in the audit team?

Bärlund, Sara, Prantner, Antonia January 2016 (has links)
Tidigare forskning/studier om en revisors bedömningfokuserar i stor utsträckning enbart på enskildarevisorer, trots att mycket av revisionen sker i team. Teorin som finns om teamarbete inom revisioninnehåller framförallt uppfattningar kring hur arbetetska fördelas och hur teamarbetet är tänkt att fungera, samt beskriver fyra traditionella roller inomrevisionsteam. Dock förekommer det få studier om vilka olika medlemmar som finns inom ett revisionsteam i praktiken och vad dessa medlemmar faktiskt gör. Studiens syfte är att beskriva vilka roller det finns inom revisionsteam och hur arbetsdelningen ser ut mellan teammedlemmarna. Studien är kvalitativ och har en induktiv ansats med deduktiva inslag. För att besvara syftet har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med respondenter från olika revisionsbyråer samt material från olika revisionsbyråers hemsidor och jobbannonser inom revision har använts. Slutsats: Antal medlemmar och roller i ett revisionsteam påverkas av byrå-, uppdrags- och kontorsstorlek, erfarenhet hos enskilda teammedlemmar samt klient. Dessa faktorer påverkar också vad respektive roll gör. Inom ett revisionsteam finns det minst en påskrivande revisor och en revisorsassistent. De traditionella rollerna som omnämns i teorin förekommer också i praktiken, men ibland med andra benämningar och ansvarsområden. Revisorsassistenter utför den största delen avgranskningen, medan de överordnade revisorerna ansvarar mer för administrativt arbete såsom att planera revisionen, fördela ut arbete eller ansvara för klientrelaterade aktiviteter. / Problem: Previous research/studies that has been done onauditor’s judgments, focuses largely on individualauditors only, despite the fact that much of the auditis done in teams. The theory about teamwork inauditing includes above all perceptions of how thework is divided in the team and how teams aresupposed to work, it also describes four traditionalroles in auditing. However, there are few studiespublished about what different kinds of membersexist in practice within audit teams and what thesemembers actually do. Aim: The aim of the study is to describe which roles existswithin the audit team and how the job splitting isdone between teammembers. Method: It is a qualitative study that has an inductiveapproach but includes some deductive elements. Tobe able to answer the aim of the study, semistructuredinterviews were conducted withrespondents from different audit firms, as well asusing materials obtained from audit firms websites’and job advertising within the audit area. Conclusion: The number of members and roles in an audit team isaffected by assignment-, firm- and office size butalso by the experience of the individual member andthe client. These factors also affect what each roledoes. In an audit team there has to be at least oneengagement leader and one junior auditor. Thetraditional roles that is known in the theory are alsopresent in the empirical data, but sometimes withdifferent titles and different fields ofresponsibility.The junior auditors are the ones that dothe biggest part of the audit, while the superiorauditors are responsible for administrative work likeplaning, job splitting, or is responsible forclientrelated activities.

Does The Perfect Team Composition Exist? : Investigating Diversity in Soft and Hard Skills in Relation to Efficiency;A Quantitative Study Within the Swedish Audit Profession

Andersson, Julia, Hasselgren, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
Background/Problematization: The audit profession and its credibility have been threatenedby audit failures and corporate collapses, and the inability to detect and deter fraud has beenproven costly to audit firms. Regarding the complexity of detection and deterrence of fraud,researchers have suggested the brainstorming session as a fundamental assignment. Where ithas been shown that the brainstorming session seldom is a function of one single individual;it is rather a team effort. Prior researchers within audit team research have investigated teamcomposition in terms of demographic factors whereas other domains of research have movedbeyond this small and narrow view and are now investigating team composition regardingdiversity in soft and hard skills. This is yet to be explored within the audit profession and theresearchers hope to fill this void and provide useful insights through this dissertation. Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation is to explain how a diverse set of soft skills and adiverse set of hard skills affect the efficiency in the brainstorming session and how thisrelationship is contingent on a tall organizational hierarchy. Methodology: The researchers have adopted a positivist research philosophy together with adeductive research approach. The quantitative method has been used to collect data where theresearchers applied the use of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent out to individualswithin the audit profession where the authors aimed for audit associates and senior associates.The response rate was 20 %. The data were further analysed through a Spearman CorrelationMatrix, component principal analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and hierarchicalmoderated multiple regression analysis. Findings: The findings indicate a positive correlation between diversity in soft skills andefficiency in the brainstorming session where the tall organizational hierarchy has amoderating effect on this relationship.

Nya utbildningskrav - Hur påverkas rekryteringen? : En kvalitativ studie om de nya utbildningskravens påverkan på rekryteringen av revisorer

Eriksson, Emelie, Hermodsson, Oscar, Frykholm, Paulina January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Nya utbildningskrav – Hur påverkas rekryteringen? En kvalitativ studie omde nya utbildningskravens påverkan på rekryteringen av revisorer Författare: Emelie Eriksson, Paulina Frykholm och Oscar Hermodsson Handledare: Linus Axén och Rickard Wilhelmsson Nyckelord: Revisor, professionsteori, revisorsutbildning, revisionskvalité, kompetens,rekrytering, revisorsteam Bakgrund: I takt med omvärldsförändringar som globalisering, teknisk utveckling och nya regler för finansiell och icke-finansiell rapportering, står den traditionella revisorsrollen inför en förändring och revisionsbranschen behöver anpassas utefter detta. Den 1 juli 2018 ändrade Revisorsinspektionen utbildningskraven för att bli auktoriserad revisor. De nya utbildningskraven innebar att från tidigare omfatta totalt åtta år med akademisk och praktiskutbildning, till de nuvarande kraven på sex år med akademisk och praktisk utbildning. Man tar även bort kravet att man ska ha en kandidatexamen inom huvudområdet företagsekonomi. Med de nya kraven kan huvudområdet vara inom valfritt ämne men behöver innehålla vissa obligatoriska områden. De sänkta kraven har lett till reaktioner från olika håll. Exempelvis menas det att de sänkta utbildningskraven kan gynna revisorsbranschen på kort sikt, men att det finns en risk att revisionens kontrollfunktion och förtroendet för branschen försvagas. Dessutom menas det att de nya utbildningskraven påverkar revisorernas professionella karaktär och yrkets status kan riskera att försämras liksom revisionskvaliteten. Å andra sidan argumenteras det för att det ger en bredare bas för rekrytering då framtidens revisorer kan behöva kompetenser som tidigare saknats samt att attraktionskraften till yrket kan öka. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur rekryteringen av revisorer påverkats av denya utbildningskraven utifrån aspekterna utbildning, kompetens och team. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi där semistruktureradeintervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Den deduktiva ansatsen tillämpades i första hand med inslag från den induktiva. Slutsats: Uppsatsens resultat visar att de nya utbildningskraven har gjort det enklare att kunna bli auktoriserad revisor utifrån ett akademiskt perspektiv. Likaså påvisas även att revisionsbyråerna har ett större urval av potentiella framtida revisorer som kan rekryteras till byråerna till följd av de nya utbildningskraven där flera utbildningsbakgrunder med olika kompetenser ges möjlighet, vilket anses som positivt enligt respondenterna. Utifrån respondenterna föredras grundläggande kunskaper inom ekonomi ochredovisning då dessa kunskaper utgör en god grund för att lyckas inom yrket. Vidare konstateras det att personliga egenskaper är det som väger tyngst vidrekrytering av revisorer i jämförelse med utbildning och tidigare erfarenheter. Dessutom anses den praktiska utbildningen vara det som väger tyngst för att så småningom bli auktoriserad revisor genom godkänt slutprov.De kompetenser som anses lämpliga för en kandidat beskrivs vara att manhar en god social kompetens och att man har en god analytisk förmåga. / Title: New Education Requirements – How is the Recruitment Affected? A Qualitative Study on the Impact of the New Educational Requirements on the Recruitment of Auditors Authors: Emelie Eriksson, Paulina Frykholm and Oscar Hermodsson Supervisors: Linus Axén and Rickard Wilhelmsson Keywords: Auditor, profession theory, auditor education, audit quality, competence, recruitment, audit teams Introduction: As the world changes in consequences of globalization, technological development and regulations in financial and non-financial reporting, the traditional role of auditor is facing a change and the industry of auditing demands to adapt accordingly. On July 1, 2018, the Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors changed the educational requirements to become an authorized auditor. The new educational requirements implied that from previously including a total of eight years of academic and practical education, to the current requirements of six years of academic and practical education. Also, the requirement to have a bachelor’s degree in the main field of business administration has been removed. With the new requirements, the main field can be in any subject but it demands to contain a certain of mandatory topics. The lowered requirements have led to various reactions from different sides. For example, it is believed that the lowered education requirements may benefit the audit industry in the short term, but there is a risk that the audit’s control function and trust towards the industry will be weakened. In addition, it is believed that the new educational requirements affect the professional character of the auditors as well as the status of the profession are at risk of deteriorating and likewise the audit quality. On the other hand, it is argued that it provides a broader base for recruitment as future auditors may need skills that previously were lacking and the attractiveness of the profession may increase. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the recruitment of auditors has been affected by the new educational requirements based on the aspects of education, competence and team. Method: The study is based on a qualitative research strategy where semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection method. The deductive approach was primarily applied with elements from the inductive approach. Conclusion: The results of the thesis show that the new educational requirements have made it easier to become an authorized auditor from an academic perspective. Likewise, it is also shown that the audit firms have a larger selection of potential future auditors who can be recruited to the firms as a result of the new educational requirements, where multiple educational backgrounds with different competences are given the opportunity, which is considered as positive according to the respondents. Based on the respondents, basic knowledge in economy and accounting is preferred as this knowledge constitutes a good basis for succeeding in the profession. Furthermore, it is stated that personal characteristics are the single most important factor which matters the most when recruiting junior auditors in comparison to education and previous work experience. In addition, the practical training is considered to be the most important factor to become an authorized auditor by passing the final exam. The competences that are considered as suitable for a candidate are described as having good social skills as well as having good analytical skills.

Contribution à l'étude de la qualité de l'audit : une approche fondée sur le management des équipes et le comportement des auditeurs / Contribution to the Study of disfunctional behaviors of financial Auditors

Gaddour, Inès 21 November 2016 (has links)
Cette étude développe et teste empiriquement un modèle explicatif des comportements dysfonctionnels des auditeurs financiers. La revue de la littérature permet d'identifier les principaux facteurs ayant un impact significatif sur les dysfonctionnements (pression budgétaire et des délais...). Cette recherche propose d'étendre le périmètre des déterminants sous un angle relationnel et managérial. À cette fin, elle mobilise principalement l'approche de la relation supérieur - subordonné (LMX), mais aussi le role modeling et le style d'évaluation de la performance des auditeurs.Notre étude repose sur un questionnaire soumis aux auditeurs seniors opérant dans les grands réseaux de commissariat aux comptes constituant les principaux acteurs du marché de l'audit en France, plus précisément d'origines anglo-saxonne (Big 4) et française (Mazars).Pour tester nos hypothèses, la méthode d'estimation retenue est celle de type Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR).Les analyses soulignent que les trois dimensions du LMX, à savoir affection, loyauté et contribution ont un impact négatif et significatif sur les comportements adaptatifs (respectivement comportements non professionnels : CNP, mauvaise gestion de l’équipe d’audit : MGE et comportements réducteurs de qualité : QTB). En outre, les résultats mettent en lumière que, sous l’effet de mimétisme, les comportements managériaux adoptés par un supérieur réduisent le MGE, le QTB et le CNP. De plus, il a été observé qu’une perception favorable du soutien organisationnel et une évaluation axée sur des critères sociaux entraînent respectivement moins de QTB et de MGE. Enfin, certains résultats confirment ceux des recherches antérieures quant à l’impact du style d’évaluation basée sur des critères techniques, de l’engagement affectif, et de la pression liée au budget et aux délais sur les comportements dysfonctionnels. / This study develops and empirically tests an explanatory model in order to study the dysfunctional behaviors of financial auditors.The literature review allows to identify the main factors having a significant impact on malfunctions (budget pressure, time deadline pressure...). This research proposes extending the scope of the determinants in a relational and managerial perspective. To this end, it mobilizes mainly Leader-Member Exchange theory (LMX), but also the role modeling and the assessment style of auditors performance.Our study is based on a questionnaire which was sent to senior auditors who work in the large auditing networks which constitute the main actors of the audit market in France, specifically of Anglo-Saxon (Big 4) and French (Mazars) origins.To test our hypotheses, the estimation method of Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) was applied.The results show that the three dimensions of Leader Member-Exchange (LMX), namely affection, loyalty and contribution have a negative and significant impact on the adaptive behaviors (respectively unprofessional behaviors: CNP, mismanagement of the audit team: MGE and Quality-Threatening Behavior: QTB). Also, results highlight under the effect of mimetic, managerial behaviors adopted by a superior have been shown to reduce the MGE, but also QTB and CNP. In addition, it was revealed that a favorable perception of organizational support and an evaluation focused on social criteria result in less QTB and MGE respectively.Finally, the analyses confirm the results of previous research concerning the impact of the style assessment based on technical criteria, affective commitment, budget pressure and time deadline pressure on such types of behavior.

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