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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spectral analysis and resolving spatial ambiguities in human sound localization

Jin, Craig January 2001 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation provides an overview of my research over the last five years into the spectral analysis involved in human sound localization. The work involved conducting psychophysical tests of human auditory localization performance and then applying analytical techniques to analyze and explain the data. It is a fundamental thesis of this work that human auditory localization response directions are primarily driven by the auditory localization cues associated with the acoustic filtering properties of the external auditory periphery, i.e., the head, torso, shoulder, neck, and external ears. This work can be considered as composed of three parts. In the first part of this work, I compared the auditory localization performance of a human subject and a time-delay neural network model under three sound conditions: broadband, high-pass, and low-pass. A “black-box” modeling paradigm was applied. The modeling results indicated that training the network to localize sounds of varying center-frequency and bandwidth could degrade localization performance results in a manner demonstrating some similarity to human auditory localization performance. As the data collected during the network modeling showed that humans demonstrate striking localization errors when tested using bandlimited sound stimuli, the second part of this work focused on human sound localization of bandpass filtered noise stimuli. Localization data was collected from 5 subjects and for 7 sound conditions: 300 Hz to 5 kHz, 300 Hz to 7 kHz, 300 Hz to 10 kHz, 300 Hz to 14 kHz, 3 to 8 kHz, 4 to 9 kHz, and 7 to 14 kHz. The localization results were analyzed using the method of cue similarity indices developed by Middlebrooks (1992). The data indicated that the energy level in relatively wide frequency bands could be driving the localization response directions, just as in Butler’s covert peak area model (see Butler and Musicant, 1993). The question was then raised as to whether the energy levels in the various frequency bands, as described above, are most likely analyzed by the human auditory localization system on a monaural or an interaural basis. In the third part of this work, an experiment was conducted using virtual auditory space sound stimuli in which the monaural spectral cues for auditory localization were disrupted, but the interaural spectral difference cue was preserved. The results from this work showed that the human auditory localization system relies primarily on a monaural analysis of spectral shape information for its discrimination of directions on the cone of confusion. The work described in the three parts lead to the suggestion that a spectral contrast model based on overlapping frequency bands of varying bandwidth and perhaps multiple frequency scales can provide a reasonable algorithm for explaining much of the current psychophysical and neurophysiological data related to human auditory localization.

Spectral analysis and resolving spatial ambiguities in human sound localization

Jin, Craig January 2001 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation provides an overview of my research over the last five years into the spectral analysis involved in human sound localization. The work involved conducting psychophysical tests of human auditory localization performance and then applying analytical techniques to analyze and explain the data. It is a fundamental thesis of this work that human auditory localization response directions are primarily driven by the auditory localization cues associated with the acoustic filtering properties of the external auditory periphery, i.e., the head, torso, shoulder, neck, and external ears. This work can be considered as composed of three parts. In the first part of this work, I compared the auditory localization performance of a human subject and a time-delay neural network model under three sound conditions: broadband, high-pass, and low-pass. A “black-box” modeling paradigm was applied. The modeling results indicated that training the network to localize sounds of varying center-frequency and bandwidth could degrade localization performance results in a manner demonstrating some similarity to human auditory localization performance. As the data collected during the network modeling showed that humans demonstrate striking localization errors when tested using bandlimited sound stimuli, the second part of this work focused on human sound localization of bandpass filtered noise stimuli. Localization data was collected from 5 subjects and for 7 sound conditions: 300 Hz to 5 kHz, 300 Hz to 7 kHz, 300 Hz to 10 kHz, 300 Hz to 14 kHz, 3 to 8 kHz, 4 to 9 kHz, and 7 to 14 kHz. The localization results were analyzed using the method of cue similarity indices developed by Middlebrooks (1992). The data indicated that the energy level in relatively wide frequency bands could be driving the localization response directions, just as in Butler’s covert peak area model (see Butler and Musicant, 1993). The question was then raised as to whether the energy levels in the various frequency bands, as described above, are most likely analyzed by the human auditory localization system on a monaural or an interaural basis. In the third part of this work, an experiment was conducted using virtual auditory space sound stimuli in which the monaural spectral cues for auditory localization were disrupted, but the interaural spectral difference cue was preserved. The results from this work showed that the human auditory localization system relies primarily on a monaural analysis of spectral shape information for its discrimination of directions on the cone of confusion. The work described in the three parts lead to the suggestion that a spectral contrast model based on overlapping frequency bands of varying bandwidth and perhaps multiple frequency scales can provide a reasonable algorithm for explaining much of the current psychophysical and neurophysiological data related to human auditory localization.

Simulace poslechového prostoru, azimutu a vzdálenosti zvukového zdroje pro vícekanálové ozvučovací systémy / Simulations of auditory space and azimuth&distance of sound source, for multichannel sound systems

Orlovský, Kristián January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at simulation of auditory space. It describes the most frequently used panning method: Vector Base Amplitude Panning. Also is focused on image source method, which allows computing the parameters of direct sound wave and reflections in rectangular room. This method is compared with ray–tracing method, which is also often used. It deals with the matter of the frequency – dependent absorption of materials in reflection of the sound wave against the wall. On the basis of these information two applications were designed in MATLAB development environment. The first one allows the simulation of auditory space. The other one is the application for sound source panning by its azimuth and distance.

Resolution of lateral acoustic space assessed by electroencephalography and psychoacoustics

Bennemann, Jan, Freigang, Claudia, Schröger, Erich, Rübsamen, Rudolf, Richter, Nicole 01 August 2022 (has links)
The encoding of auditory spatial acuity (measured as the precision to distinguish between two spatially distinct stimuli) by neural circuits in both auditory cortices is a matter of ongoing research. Here, the event-related potential (ERP) mismatch negativity (MMN), a sensitive indicator of preattentive auditory change detection, was used to tap into the underlying mechanism of cortical representation of auditory spatial information. We characterized the MMN response affected by the degree of spatial deviance in lateral acoustic space using a passive oddball paradigm. Two stimulation conditions (SCs)—specifically focusing on the investigation of the mid- and far-lateral acoustic space—were considered: (1) 65° left standard position with deviant positions at 70, 75, and 80°; and (2) 95° left standard position with deviant positions at 90, 85, and 80°. Additionally, behavioral data on the minimum audible angle (MAA) were acquired for the respective standard positions (65, 95° left) to quantify spatial discrimination in separating distinct sound sources. The two measurements disclosed the linkage between the (preattentive) MMN response and the (attentive) behavioral threshold. At 65° spatial deviations as small as 5° reliably elicited MMNs. Thereby, the MMN amplitudes monotonously increased as a function of spatial deviation. At 95°, spatial deviations of 15° were necessary to elicit a valid MMN. The behavioral data, however, yielded no difference in mean MAA thresholds for position 65 and 95°. The different effects of laterality on MMN responses and MAA thresholds suggest a role of spatial selective attention mechanisms particularly relevant in active discrimination of neighboring sound sources, especially in the lateral acoustic space.

Potilaiden kokemukset henkilökohtaisesta tilastaan ja sen säilymisestä sisätautien vuodeosastoilla

Rosqvist, E. (Eerika) 11 April 2003 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to describe Finnish patients' experiences of the regulation of personal privacy in hospital with the concept 'personal space'. The central topics of interest included the personal space and it's preservation. The right of self-determination while inpatients in hospital enables the patient to preserve personal space. Patients' experiences of personal space and it's preservation were examined by describing the significance of the preservation of personal space, other factors connected with personal space preservation, patients' means to protect their personal space preservation in the interaction with nursing staff, and the tactile, auditory, visual, and olfactory failure of personal space preservation. Patients' personal space was observed from the point of view of triangulation, and quantitative and qualitative data were integrated in the research. The purpose was to provide fresh knowledge in Finnish nursing science on patients' personal space and it's preservation in hospital, as well as to introduce the factors and concepts connected with the phenomenon of personal space to a wider public. The research material was collected in the internal medicine wards of a university hospital. The collection of data was carried out by means of a structured interview (N = 250) and the observation (N = 25) of interactive situations between patients and nursing staff. The structured questions of the interviews were analysed in the software SPSS for Windows 10.1.2. The results were presented as frequency and percentage distributions. The averages used were the mean, the mode, and the median. Cross-tabulation and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used to find out the correlation between variables. The significance of sum variables measuring auditory, visual, and olfactory invasion was tested by means of the t-test on independent groups, the one-way variance analysis, Mann-Whitney's U-test, and χ2-independence test. The open questions of the interviews and the observations were analysed with deductive-inductive content analysis. Patients' right of self-determination in relation to the nursing procedures on their own body was best implemented among the young and more educated patients. The patients protected their personal space with verbal messages related to pain and the right of self-determination, and with non-verbal messages related to body positions, gestures, expressions, eye contact as well as its avoidance, and to the use of hospital screens. The screens were used for the protection of one's own privacy and intimacy, but also for the protection of co-patients' privacy and intimacy. For the majority of the patients, the inviolability of their tactile and olfactory space were particularly important. The personal space had been invaded tactily, auditorily, and olfactorily. Significant factors affecting the experience of personal space were the patient's sex and age, the size of the patient room, the patient's coping capability in hospital, the number of treatments, and mood during hospitalisation. The failure of personal space preservation made the patients feel, above all, hurt and treated as objects. The patients found it justified for the nursing staff to touch them when assisting, but also thought that unnecessary extra taction does not belong to nursing practice. Taction by the nursing staff was mainly experienced as gentle and pain-reactive, as well as respectful of the patient's body. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata suomalaisten potilaiden kokemuksia yksityisyyden säätelystä sairaalassa henkilökohtaisen tilan avulla. Mielenkiinnon kohteina olivat henkilökohtainen tila ja sen säilyminen. Potilaan itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutuminen hoidon aikana mahdollistaa henkilökohtaisen tilan säilymisen. Potilaiden kokemuksia henkilökohtaisesta tilastaan ja sen säilymisestä selvitettiin kuvaamalla henkilökohtaisen tilan säilymisen merkityksellisyyttä, henkilökohtaisen tilan säilymiseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä, potilaiden keinoja suojata henkilökohtaisen tilansa säilyminen ja henkilökohtaisen tilan säilymisen taktiilista, auditiivista, visuaalista ja olfaktorista epäonnistumista. Potilaan henkilökohtaista tilaa tarkasteltiin triangulaation näkökulmasta ja tutkimuksessa yhdistettiin kvantitatiivinen ja kvalitatiivinen aineisto. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli saada uutta suomalaista hoitotieteellistä tietoa potilaan henkilökohtaisesta tilasta ja sen säilymisestä sairaalassa sekä tehdä tunnetuksi henkilökohtaisen tilan ilmiöön liittyviä tekijöitä ja käsitteitä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin yliopistollisen sairaalan sisätautien klinikan vuodeosastoilla. Aineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla haastattelulla (N = 250) ja havainnoimalla (N = 25) potilaan ja hoitotyöntekijän välisiä vuorovaikutustilanteita. Haastattelujen strukturoidut kysymykset analysoitiin SPSS for Windows 10.1.2 -ohjelmalla. Tulokset esitettiin frekvenssi- ja prosenttijakaumina. Keskilukuina käytettiin keskiarvoa, moodia ja mediaania. Muuttujien välisten riippuvuuksien selvittämiseksi käytettiin ristiintaulukointia ja Spearmanin korrelaatiokerrointa. Auditiivista, visuaalista ja olfaktorista loukkaamista mittaavien summamuuttujien merkitsevyyden testaamiseksi käytettiin riippumattomien ryhmien t-testiä, yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä, Mann-Whitneyn U-testiä ja χ2-riippumattomuustestiä. Haastattelujen avoimet kysymykset ja havainnoinnit analysoitiin deduktiivis-induktiivisella sisällön analyysillä. Potilaiden itsemääräämisoikeus suhteessa omaa kehoa koskeviin hoitotoimenpiteisiin toteutui parhaiten nuorten ja enemmän koulutettujen potilaiden kohdalla. Potilaat käyttivät henkilökohtaisen tilansa suojaamiseksi erilaisia kipuun ja itsemääräämisoikeuteen liittyviä verbaalisia viestejä ja kehon asentoihin, eleisiin, ilmeisiin, katsekontaktiin ja sen välttämiseen sekä väliverhojen käyttämiseen liittyviä nonverbaalisia viestejä. Väliverhoja käytettiin suojaamaan omaa yksityisyyttä ja mahdollistamaan oma intimiteettisuoja, mutta myös suojaamaan potilastoverin yksityisyyttä ja mahdollistamaan hänelle intimiteettisuoja. Potilaat kokivat merkityksellisenä erityisesti taktiilisen ja olfaktorisen tilan säilymisen loukkaamattomana. Henkilökohtainen tila oli tullut loukatuksi taktiilisesti, auditiivisesti ja olfaktorisesti. Henkilökohtaisen tilan kokemiseen merkityksellisenä olivat yhteydessä potilaan sukupuoli, ikä, potilashuoneen koko, selviytymiskyky sairaalassa, hoitokertojen määrä ja mieliala sairaalassa. Henkilökohtaisen tilan säilymisen epäonnistuminen aiheutti potilaille etenkin pahaa mieltä ja itsen kokemista esineeksi. Potilaat oikeuttivat hoitotyöntekijän kosketuksen autettaessa, mutta turha ja ylimääräinen kosketus ei kuulu hoitotyöhön. Hoitotyöntekijän kosketus koettiin pääasiallisesti hellävaraiseksi, kivut huomioon ottavaksi ja kehoa kunnioittavaksi ja arvostavaksi.

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