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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des plasmas créés par l'interaction laser X - matière

Galtier, Eric 15 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse met à profit l'émergence des nouvelles sources de lumière de 4ème génération, les lasers à électrons libres, pour créer et caractériser un état de matière sous conditions extrêmes encore mal connu : la matière dense et tiède (WDM). Une expérience a permis d'étudier les transitions entre les différentes phases solide/WDM/plasma et de caractériser le mécanisme responsable de la thermalisation. L'impulsion laser XUV FLASH, de durée et d'énergie égales à environ 20 femtosecondes et 30 µJ respectivement, est micro-focalisée sur une cible solide et entraîne un chauffage isochore. L'intensité, supérieure à 10^16 W/cm^2, n'a encore jamais été atteinte dans un tel contexte expérimental. Les spectres d'émission d'un plasma d'aluminium sont étudiés pour la première fois à l'aide d'un code couplant un algorithme génétique et un code de physique atomique, afin de remonter à l'évolution temporelle complète de l'interaction entre le laser XUV et la matière solide, et ce malgré l'intégration temporelle des spectres expérimentaux. La première preuve expérimentale de l'importance de l'effet Auger est établie pour le chauffage isochorique d'une cible d'aluminium. La première observation de l'émission X d'une cible de nitrure de bore irradiée sous conditions extrêmes a donné lieu à une étude préliminaire du phénomène. En parallèle, l'effet des électrons supra-thermiques sur la distribution des populations électroniques dans les niveaux d'énergie des ions est analysé et montre une importante similitude avec le processus de photo-ionisation à l'oeuvre dans l'interaction laser XUV-matière.

Origine de l'émission des électrons Auger lors du bombardement ionique des solides

Viaris de Lesegno, Patrick 27 November 1981 (has links) (PDF)
Les premières observations de l'émission d'électrons Auger au cours du bombardement ionique d'une cible solide remontent à 1965 (Snoek et al. 11) dans le cas d'électrons caractéristiques des particules projectiles, et à 1967 (Hennequin et al. 12) dans le cas d'électrons caractéristiques des atomes cibles. Il existe actuellement une soixantaine de publications sur le sujet, mais les publications étrangères n'apparaissent qu'à partir de 1974, certains auteurs semblant même avoir incidenment redécouvert le phénomène. L'émission Auger lors de collisions en phase gazeuse a fait aussi l'objet de nombreuses études durant la même période. La connaissance précise des conditions mécaniques de la collision et l'existence d'états électroniques bien définis, tant avant qu'après la désexcitation par effet Auger, facilitent considérablement l'interprétation des expériences. La théorie de Fano et Lichten 1960 est maintenant bien établie : certaines des orbitales moléculaires formées lors de la collision de deux particules sont promues vers des niveaux moins liés et, après interaction avec une orbitale incomplète, peuvent conduire à la formation d'un trou électronique interne dans l'un ou l'autre des partenaires. Plus généralement, ce sont les progrès récents de la physique des collisions qui permettent maintenant de comprendre l'ensemble du mécanisme de l'émission Auger à partir des solides. Il existe naturellement un lien entre -l'émission d'électrons Auger et l'émission d'ions secondaires durant le bombardement ionique d'un solide. Ce lien est même direct dans le cas des ions rapides ou multichargés qui sont formés par désexcitation Auger, à l'extérieur de la cible, d'atomes éjectés ayant conservé un trou électronique interne : c'est le modèle de l'émission cinétique de Joyes 1975. C'est d'ailleurs à la suite d'une suggestion de Castaing, et pour interpréter l'émission d'ions secondaires, que l'étude de ce lien a été entreprise tant sur le plan expérimental que théorique. L'émission Auger permet en outre d'atteindre une meilleure connaissance des collisions les plus violentes à l'intérieur d'un solide, et c'est dans cet esprit que le présent travail a été réalisé. Plus précisément, nous avons cherché à mieux déterminer dans quelle mesure les conclusions théoriques de la physique des collisions peuvent être utilisées pour rendre compte des résultats expérimentaux relatifs à l'émission Auger des solides et prévoir l'influence de la nature de la cible et du projectile sur les caractéristiques de cette émission. D'abord un rappel théorique nécessaire à l'interprétation des résultats expérimentaux, nous suivrons les étapes conduisant à l'émission d'un électron Auger à la suite de l'impact de l'ion primaire sur les atomes de la cible : la création d'une cascade de collisions dans le solide, l'excitation d'un niveau électronique interne au cours d'une collision violente, la désexcitation par effet Auger au cours de la migration de la particule excitée et enfin la sortie de l'électron à l'extérieur de la cible. Puis la description des propriétés des dispositifs expérimentaux que nous avons réalisés pour cette étude. Ensuite, dans les deux chapitres suivants, nous étudierons les collisions responsables de l'émission des électrons Auger caractéristiques soit du projectile, soit de la cible. Dans le premier cas (chapitre III), nous nous intéresserons essentiellement à l'émission des électrons Auger de l'argon lors du bombardement de diverses cibles par des ions Ar d'énergie comprise entre 2 et 16 keV et pourrons montrer ainsi le bon accord entre les expériences sur les solides et les interprétations théoriques fondées sur les collisions atomiques et la promotion des orbitales moléculaires. Une fois établi cet accord, il nous sera possible (chapitre IV) d'étendre cette interprétation à l'émission des électrons Auger caractéristiques de la cible, pour lesquels la situation est compliquée par le fait que l'énergie de collision est mal connue et qu'un doute peut subsister sur la nature de la collision responsable de l'excitation : collision symétrique entre deux atomes identiques de la cible ou collision asymétrique entre l'ion incident et l'un des atomes de la cible. Dans le cas des métaux légers, magnésium et aluminium, nous montrerons que la proportion des collisions asymétriques est une fonction croissante de l'énergie des ions incidents, mais reste faible dans notre domaine d'énergie (2 - 16 keV). Les résultats que nous présentons ont pour la plupart fait l'objet de publications antérieures.

Mentinės javų kombaino varpų kultuvės darbo tyrimai / The investigation of vane-type re-thresher of combine harvester

Baliūnas, Alvydas 21 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrėjų duomenimis į javų kombaino valytuvo varpų sraigę patenka didelė dalis iškultų grūdų, kurie tiekiami į perkūlimo mechanizmą ir papildomai žalojami. Perkūlimui grąžinamų nuokulų kiekis ir sudėtis priklauso nuo javų kombaino konstrukcinių ir technologinių parametrų bei augalų savybių. Javų kombainuose naudojamos dvi pakartotinio kūlimo sistemos: nuokulos nukreipiamos pakartotinai kulti į kūlimo aparatą arba į varpų kultuvę. Dalis tyrėjų teigia, kad kombainuose su varpų kultuve grūdai yra žalojami mažiau. Tačiau kitų mokslininkų rezultatai byloja, kad vienas iš didžiausių varpų kultuvės trūkumų yra tas, kad joje ženkliai žalojami grūdai. Mokslininkų tyrimais nustatyta, kad tiekiamų į perkūlimo mechanizmą nuokulų sudėtis yra kombaino teisingo sureguliavimo viena pagrindinių rodiklių. Kombainu dirbant mažesniu nei optimalus greitis į varpų sraigę patenka daugiau iškultų grūdų, kurių sužalojimas yra didesnis. Šiame darbe gamybiniais bandymais nustatyta, kad padidinus kombaino darbinį greitį nuo 2 kmh-1 iki 5 kmh-1, tiekiama į varpų kultuvę kviečių nuokulų masė sumažėjo beveik du kartus. Grūdų sužalojimui įtakos turi ir varpų kultuvės rotoriaus sukimosi dažnis, kurio optimali skaitinė reikšmė yra 1300 min-1. Įvertinus atliktų laboratorinių tyrimų rezultatus galima teigti, kad javų kombaine varpų kultuvės rotoriaus dažnis galėtų būti reguliuojamas. Varpų kultuvės galios sąnaudos priklauso nuo tiekiamų nuokulų srauto. Padidinus nuokulų srautą į varpų kultuvę nuo 0,2 kgs-1 iki... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The volume and composition of the material in the tailings returns is directly responsive to the major combine settings, and dependent on the throughput and crop conditions. The research has shown that tailings returns frequently contain loose grain that does not need to be rethreshed. Loose grain in the tailings is more susceptible to damage when it is returned to an aggressive threshing cylinder or re-thresher. Published data other authors is showed some evidence that grain damage could be reduced with the use of an auxiliary tailings re-thresher instead of returning the tailings to the main threshing cylinder. The amount and composition of the tailings are strong indicators on how a combine is performing. Low throughput and its consequential grain damage can cause dramatic increases in combine losses. High levels of damaged grain in the tailings indicate excessive speed of rethreshing or inadequate throughput. The rational value of rotational speed of vane-type re-thresher of combine harvester is 1300 min-1 and it’s should be changeable. Power consumption was found to be dependent on rethresher throughput. When the feedrate is changes from 0.2 kgs-1 to 1.0 kgs-1, the power consumption for rethreshing of wheat increases from 1.53 kW to 2.44 kW.

Spontaneous and stimulated X-ray Raman scattering

Sun, Yu-Ping January 2011 (has links)
The present thesis is devoted to theoretical studies of resonant X-ray scattering and propagation of strong X-ray pulses. In the first part of the thesis the nuclear dynamics of different molecules is studied using resonant X-ray Raman and resonant Auger scattering techniques. We show that the shortening of the scattering duration by the detuning results in a purification of the Raman spectra from overtones and soft vibrational modes. The simulations are in a good agreement with measurements, performed at the MAX-II and the Swiss Light Source with vibrational resolution. We explain why the scattering to the ground state nicely displays the vibrational structure of liquid acetone in contrast to excited final state. Theory of resonant X-ray scattering by liquids is developed. We show that, contrary to aqueous acetone, the environmental broadening in pure liquid acetone is twice smaller than the broadening by soft vibrational modes significantly populated at room temperature. Similar to acetone, the "elastic" band of X-ray Raman spectra of molecular oxygen is strongly affected by the Thomson scattering. The Raman spectrum demonstrates spatial quantum beats caused by two interfering wave packets with different momenta as the oxygen atoms separate. It is found that the vibrational scattering anisotropy caused by the interference of the "inelastic" Thomson and resonant scattering channels in O2. A new spin selection rule is established in inelastic X-ray Raman spectra of O2. It is shown that the breakdown of the symmetry selection rule based on the parity of the core hole, as the core hole and excited electron swap parity. Multimode calculations explain the two thresholds of formation of the resonant Auger spectra of the ethene molecule by the double-edge structure of absorption spectrum caused by the out-of- and in-plane modes. We predict the rotational Doppler effect and related broadening of X-ray photoelectron and resonant Auger spectra, which has the same magnitude as its counterpart-the translational Doppler effect. The second part of the thesis explores the interaction of the medium with strong X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) fields. We perform simulations of nonlinear propagation of femtosecond XFEL pulses in atomic vapors by solving coupled Maxwell's and density matrix equations. We show that self-seeded stimulated X-ray Raman scattering strongly influences the temporal and spectral structure of the XFEL pulse. The generation of Stokes and four-wave mixing fields starts from the seed field created during pulse propagation due to the formation of extensive ringing pattern with long spectral tail. We demonstrate a compression into the attosecond region and a slowdown of the XFEL pulse up to two orders of magnitude. In the course of pulse propagation, the Auger yield is strongly suppressed due to the competitive channel of stimulated emission. We predict a strong X-ray fluorescence from the two-core-hole states of Ne created in the course of the two-photon X-ray absorption. / QC 20110426

Estacas hélice segmentada: execução, verificação de integridade e estudo do comportamento. / Segmented flight auger piles: execution, integrity verification and behavior study.

Alexsander Silva Mucheti 10 December 2008 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta o histórico e o desenvolvimento dos equipamentos de estacas hélice segmentada, que surgiram no ano de 2002. Atualmente já existe um número representativo de equipamentos em operação no mercado, confirmando a boa aceitação do processo pelo meio técnico. São detalhados os aspectos executivos deste tipo de fundação e investiga-se o risco de sua execução no aspecto operacional, no que se refere à integridade da estaca, caso não sejam observados padrões ou regras adequadas pelas empresas executoras. Foram executados ensaios de integridade (PIT) em 10 estacas hélice segmentadas, instaladas em São Bernardo do Campo SP, com particularidades executivas diversificadas e em terreno com características distintas, que permitiram verificar a confiabilidade dos gráficos de monitoração da perfuratriz. Ainda neste trabalho, apresenta-se resultado de prova de carga instrumentada, feita numa estaca hélice segmentada de 30 cm de diâmetro e 12 m de comprimento, instalada no Campo Experimental de Fundações e Mecânica dos Solos da UNICAMP. A estaca foi submetida a carregamentos lento e rápido, estáticos e à compressão, e seus resultados são comparados com os de provas de carga em estacas tipo hélice contínua, de mesmo comprimento, feitas anteriormente no local. Ao término, apresentam-se algumas recomendações baseadas na pesquisa e no acompanhamento de obras, podendo-se assim, avaliar padrões de boa e má execução. / This work presents the history and development of segmented flight auger equipment, which appeared in 2002 in Brasil. Nowadays there is already a considerable number of equipments being operated in the market, confirming the well acceptance of the process in the technical field. The executive aspects on this type of foundation are detailed and it is investigated the risk of its execution in the operational aspect regarding the pile integrity, in case patterns or adequate rules are not observed by the pile companies. Pile integrity tests have been carried out in 10 segmented flight augers installed in São Bernardo do Campo SP, with executive particularities in diversified fields with distinguished characteristics, which allowed to check the reliability of monitoring graphs from the drilling machine. In addition, it is shown the result of an instrumented loading test, carried out on a segmented flight auger of 30 cm diameter and 12 m length, installed at the Experimental Field of Foundation and Soil Mechanics at UNICAMP. The pile was submitted to slow and quick static loading compression tests. A comparison is made with the results of load tests on continuous flight auguer, of the same length, done before on this site. Finally, some recommendations are presented based on the research and on the follow-up of constructions, allowing to evaluate patterns of good and bad execution.

Determinação da composição química da radiação cósmica primária com o observatório Pierre Auger

Peixoto, Carlos Jose Todero 10 October 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Ourivio Escobar / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T19:37:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Peixoto_CarlosJoseTodero_M.pdf: 3956031 bytes, checksum: 4eff2bec5351ea343548019fb3497fbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: A compreensão da radiação cósmica - a saber: os mecanismos de produção/aceleração e os processos de propagação - passa pela determinação de três grandezas: a energia dessa radiação, sua direção de chegada e sua composição química. Essas três "frentes de trabalho":desafiam a experiência, a capacidade e a responsabilidade de vários grupos de físicos de partículas do mundo todo. Este trabalho se refere à composição do primário da radiação cósmica no âmbito da Colaboração Auger. Ele não tem a ambição de encontrar uma técnica denitiva para a obtenção deste parâmetro. Aliás, determinar a composição química do primário é algo difícil, tendo em vista a dependência de modelos de interação hadrônica e a impossibilidade (atual) de sua caracterizac¸ são evento a evento. Dos vários parâmetros usados para se estimar essa composição, tentamos analisar cinco deles: Xmax, t10-50 , t50-90 ,t10-90 , Plocal. Estes foram obtidos por meio de simulação¸ de Monte Carlo, através dos códigos CORSIKA e AIRES. A rede de detectores de superfície foi simulada usando-se o programa SAMPLE. Os resultados das simulações foram comparados, quando possível, a dados experimentais fornecidos pelo Engineering Array do sítio sul do Observatório Auger / Abstract: The understanding of cosmic radiation - the production/acceleration mechanism and the propagation processes - involves the determination of three parameters: the energy of this radiation, its arrival direction and the chemical composition. These three tasks have challenged the experience, the skill and responsibility of several groups of particle physicists over the whole world. This work refers to the primary cosmic ray composition in the scope of the Auger Collaboration. It does not intend to present a denite technique to obtain this parameter. As a matter of fact, to determine the primary composition is something difcult, considering the hadronic model dependence and the impossibility (nowadays) of its description event by event. Among the several parameters used to estimate the composition, we attempted to investigate ve of them: Xmax, t10-50 , t50-90 ,t10-90 , Plocal. They were obtained through Monte Carlo simulation with two different codes: CORSIKA and AIRES. The surface array was simulated by the SAMPLE program. The simulation results were compared, when possible, to experimental data from the Engineering Array of the Auger Observatory / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física

Semiconductor optoelectronic infrared spectroscopy

Hollingworth, Andrew Roy January 2001 (has links)
We use spectroscopy to study infrared optoelectronic inter and intraband semiconductor carrier dynamics. The overall aim of this thesis was to study both III-V and Pb chalcogenide material systems in order to show their future potential use in infrared emitters. The effects of bandstructure engineering have been studied in the output characteristics of mid-IR III-V laser diodes to show which processes (defects, radiative, Auger and phonon) dominate and whether non-radiative processes can be suppressed. A new three-beam pump probe experiment was used to investigate interband recombination directly in passive materials. Experiments on PbSe and theory for non-parabolic near-mirror bands and non-degenerate statistics were in good agreement. Comparisons with HgCdTe showed a reduction in the Auger coefficient of 1-2 orders of magnitude in the PbSe. Using Landau confinement to model spatial confinement in quantum dots (QDs) "phonon bottlenecking" was studied. The results obtained from pump probe and cyclotron resonance saturation measurements showed a clear suppression in the cooling of carriers when Landau level separation was not resonant with LO phonon energy. When a bulk laser diode was placed in a magnetic field to produce a quasi quantum wire device the resulting enhanced differential gain and reduced Auger recombination lowered Ith by 30%. This result showed many peaks in the light output which occurred when the LO phonon energy was a multiple of the Landau level separation. This showed for the first time evidence of the phonon bottleneck in a working laser device. A new technique called time resolved optically detected cyclotron resonance, was used as a precursor to finding the earner dynamics within a spatially confined quantum dot. By moving to the case of a spatial QD using an optically detected intraband resonance it was possible to measure the energy separation interband levels and conduction and valence sublevels within the dot simultaneously. Furthermore this technique has been shown that the inhomogeneous broadening of the photoluminescence spectrum is not purely affected by just size and composition. We suggest that other processes such as state occupancy, In roughing, and exciton binding energies may account for the extra energy.

Chemistry and physics of diamond surfaces

Domke, Andreas January 1999 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the chemistry and physics of C(100) surfaces of diamond. The polished and cleaned C(100) surface is examined by surface microscopy (Atomic-force Microscopy), electron diffraction (Low-energy Electron Diffraction) and photoemission (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ultra-violet Photoelectron Spectroscopy). Results are presented on the presence of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen/deuterium on the C(100) surface. Finally, the valence band structure of diamond is probed by angle-resolved photoemission. We have confirmed by AFM that the grooves from the soft polishing process are present on a polished C(100) surface and found sporadic traces of hard polish on a surface polished in the soft polishing direction. XPS studies have verified heating cycles by electron beam bombardment as a suitable cleaning procedure for pure reconstructed C(100) surfaces. By allowing the crystal to cool slowly, the first experimental evidence of quarter-order LEED spots have been found, which suggest that buckled dimerisation might have occurred similar to those on Si(100) and Ge(100). We present the first experimental electron spectroscopy results for a nitrogen impurity in diamond by showing the N KLL Auger spectrum. An attempt to smooth a C(100) surface of diamond by an atomic hydrogen plasma did not succeed. AFM studies showed no evidence for the surface smoothing reported in other studies, but the results enable us to explain the different plasma published in the literature. The valence band of diamond is investigated by off-normal ARUPS. The features observed are consistent with possible transitions, which are determined using bulk band structure calculations and comparison with the experimental binding energies.

Kalibrace fluorescenčních detektorů kosmického záření s použitím astronomických metod / Kalibrace fluorescenčních detektorů kosmického záření s použitím astronomických metod

Kotíková, Irena January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the possibilities of a new method of astronomical calibration at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina. Its goal is to use stars as objects with known brightness to calibrate the fluorescence detectors and compare these results with the existing calibration. The analysis was done using computer programs which use the star catalog and experimental background data to compare the current calibration with our method. Results that are presented conclude that the calibration using stars is consistent with the existing calibration, however, the error of the new method is much higher. Nevertheless, there is a good potential for scale - it could be used for all past and future data. Potential improvements to this method and its error are suggested.

Theorie der spinpolarisierten Core-Level Spektroskopie für Photo- und Auger-Elektronen

Schlathölter, Thorsten 15 September 2000 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine Theorie der spinpolarisierten Core-Level Spektroskopie für Photo- und Auger-Elektronen entwickelt, die die Berechung von Photoemissionsspektren (XPS) und Auger-Spektren (AES) komplexer einkristalliner Festkörper ermöglicht. Die Photoemissionstheorie basiert auf dem Einstufenmodell nach Pendry, stellt jedoch eine vollrelativistische Verallgemeinerung dar, mit der z.B. auch ferromagnetische Systeme untersucht werden können. Der implementierte Formalismus wird verwendet, um unterschiedliche Systeme zu untersuchen. Zunächst wird die Möglichkeit erörtert, Photoelektronenbeugung zu simulieren. Dies geschieht am Beispiel einer Ni100-Oberfläche. Weiterhin werden die verschiedenen Arten des magnetischen Dichroismus erörtert und am Beispiel von Fe-2p und Fe-3p XPS-Spektren diskutiert. Eine letzte Anwendung beschäftigt sich mit komplexeren, ferromagnetischen Strukturen, sogenannten Heusler-Legierungen. Bei den untersuchten Systemen handelt es sich um Mn-basierte Heusler-Legierungen, die einen ferromagnetischen Grundzustand besitzen. In diesen Systemen ist die Austauschaufspaltung in den Core Niveaus so groß, daß sie experimentell aufgelöst werden kann. Die entsprechenden Rechnungen zeigen eine starke Abhängigkeit der Spektrenform von der Richtung der magnetischen Feldachse. Sämtliche Rechungen werden mit experimentellen Daten verglichen und zeigen eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird ein Formalismus zur Beschreibung des Auger-Prozesses entwickelt. Erste Anwendungen auf einfache Systeme (Pd, Cd, Ag) zeigen auch hier eine gute Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Ergebnissen.

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