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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obraz české politiky v německých a rakouských denících na příkladu prezidentských voleb v roce 2013 / The image of the czech polities in german daily newspapers illustrated by the example of the presidential election in 2013

Niedermeierová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis The Image of the Czech Politics in German and Austrian Daily Newspapers Illustrated by the Example of the Presidential Election in 2013 is to analyse the media coverage of the first direct presidential election in Czech Republic in 2013 in German and Austrian daily newspapers. German periodicals Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Die Welt and Austrian newspapers Der Standard, Die Presse and Salzburger Nachrichten were chosen for the analysis. German and Austrian press paid extraordinary attention to this election mainly because of the topic of the expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia after the Second World War, which was reopened during the pre-election discussions. Moreover, one candidate, the former Czech minister of foreign affairs Karel Schwarzenberg, spent most of his life in Austrian exile which was another reason for the German and Austrian media interest in this election. The diploma thesis analyses articles about Czech election that appeared in the selected newspapers in the period from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013. It focuses on the amount of space devoted to the topic in the selected newspapers and on the coverage of the election considering both content and formal aspects. It analyses also which topics came to the fore and how...

Peněžní expanze a ekonomické krize: Rakouský pohled / Monetary Expansion and Economic Crises: An Austrian Perspective

Jára, Karel January 2014 (has links)
The study of economic crises has been a major topic of interest in economics since at least the Great Depression and it has come to the fore once again after the latest crisis of late 2000s. It has also been one of the key themes for the Austrian school of economics in the form of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT), which puts emphasis on monetary factors influencing capital structure of the economy. In this thesis we provide a comprehensive exposition of the distinctive points of Austrian approach to the study of markets, the ABCT's propositions and conclusions and also the most important criticism of the theory and replies to it. The theoretical part is accompanied by an empirical illustration on the economy of the United States of America in the period starting at the end of the latest crisis. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Vojenští zběhové v době osvícenského absolutismu ve světle dokumentů Českého gubernia a dalších pramenů / Army Deserters in the Era of the Enlightened Absolutism Regarding the Documents of the Czech Gubernium and Other Sources

Švehelka, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issues of military deserters from the imperial-royal army at the period of the enlightened absolutism, thus during the reign of Maria Theresa and her sons Joseph II and Leopold II. Based on written as well as printed sources, originated mainly from the activity of the supreme provincial offices of the Kingdom of Bohemia at this time, an explanation on the questions of deserters' punishments, their limited pardons and mutual exchanges, made between the Habsburg Monarchy and her allies, has been offered. Moreover, the attention has been paid to the state's approach to the inhabitants that either provided aid to the deserters, or vice versa participated in their pursuit and capture. The last part of the text has been devoted to the registries of military deserters who originated from Bohemia, with the main emphasis on the Seven Years' War, because these registries have been preserved mostly for this conflict. Key words military deserters, enlightened absolutism, enlightened reforms, Czech Gubernium, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years' War, Maria Theresa, Joseph II

Rakouská versus německá němčina. Jednoduchý jazykový management v interakcích mezi rakouskými a německými rodilými mluvčími / Austrian versus German German. Simple Language Managenent in Interactions between Austrian and German Native Speakers

Grycová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Since at least 1986, from the International German Teachers conference in Bern, the German language has been recognized among linguists as a pluricentric language. Therefore, it is possible to speak about more language centres, and also about national and equal varieties of one language. In connection with the decentralization of power and regionalization in the world, as well as the accession of Austria to the European Union, which brought above all the "Protocol Nr. 10" with 23 specific Austrian words, the nineties experienced a boom in the production of pluricentric oriented literature. Many papers were also being focused on the research of the Austrian German. However, despite the declared equality of national varieties, their speakers are often not sure about the existence of more standard varieties, their characteristics or equality. These views, attitudes and evaluations as well as potential problems associated with the national varieties, will be described and analyzed by using the tools of the Language Management Theory. The starting points are authentic interviews of Austrian and German native speakers. An important focus of the research is also the way in which the pluricentric concept works at the micro level and how and what national varieties the speakers themselves are constructing....

Strategický management ve veřejné správě / Strategic Management in Public Administration

Hapala, Marek January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on implementation evaluation of strategic management on the level of local regional authorities. According to extensiveness of this issue, it's concretely targeted on usage of modern methods of management and quality, which have been discused a lot during last years. In the theoretical part of this thesis there are mentioned basic principles that include individual requirements to current public administrational reform. Further the most important methods and tools are presented here (authorities are aspiring to use them to improve their own services). The practical part is mainly focused on research of current modern methods use on czech regional authorities. These methods are being consequently compared with effected similar research on austrian regional authorities. Research evaluation is applied for convenient comparing example to extrapolation of another classifications and recommendations.

Vplyv americkej hypotekárnej krízy na ekonomiku Českej republiky / Impact of the American mortgage crisis on the economy of Czech republic

Roháč, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis clarifies main causes of the mortgage market meltdown in the USA as a starter to the global financial problems. The objective of the thesis is to analyze the American mortgage and housing market price bubble according to the views of the Austrian school of economics, which claims that problems were caused by inappropriate intervention of the U.S. Federal Government, Federal Reserve System and other government institutions in the markets. Furthermore, the thesis criticize the actions and measures taken by the U.S. government to stabilize the economy, which only seeks to alleviate the consequences, not to prevent the causes. Last chapter of the thesis analyze the impact of the subsequent financial crisis and global economic downturn on financial market, real economy and international trade of Czech republic.

Analýza vývoje na rakouském kapitálovém trhu a jeho měnových souvislostí (v období do roku 1918)." / The analysis of development of the Austrian capital market and its monetary consequences (in the period before 1918)

Čajka, Martin January 2005 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is considered with the development of capital markets in Austria before 1918. The Austrian capital market originated during the 18th century as the place for distribution of government securities. In 1771 the Vienna Stock Exchange was established as the first organized place for securities trading in the former Austrian Monarchy. The government securities remained the major investment instrument traded till 1918. In primary decades the Austrian capital market was nearly connected with the development of Austrian currency especially in times before the Austrian state bankruptcy in 1811 and then in times of the following effort of the Austrian government aiming the correction of Austrian currency. This aiming culminated in establishing of the Privileged Austrian National Bank as the first central bank in the former Austrian Monarchy. From about 1830 private securities were traded in the Vienna Stock Exchange as well. In primary decades these private securities were especially represented by equities and bonds of railway companies. The peak of private emissions related to the Austrian capital markets could be documented round 1870 in the framework of the so called founder times. These founder times were ended in Mai 1873 by the crisis on the Vienna Stock Exchange. After 1873 the Austrian capital market went back to the situation from the early 19th century, i.e. it can be seen the dominant role of government securities connected with the decrease of importance of the Austrian capital market as the place for company finance funding. After 1880 there is the origin of the very strong connection between the industrial companies on the one side and the banking sector on the other side which was typical not only for the former Austrian -- Hungarian Monarchy but also for German Empire and for other Middle European countries. The decrease of importance of the private securities was also caused by the nationalization of the Austrian railway companies after 1879. During the World War I the Vienna Stock Exchange as well as other stock exchange in the Monarchy was out of business. During this time the Austrian public debt was multiplied and the Austrian currency under strong inflation. After 1918 the Vienna Stock Exchange lost much from its former importance to the prejudice of the Prague Stock Exchange above all.

Sopa de letras nazista: a apropriação imediata do real e a mediação pela forma na ficção de Thomas Bernhard / A study of the work of Thomas Bernhard, based mainly in two of his novels, Holzfällen: eine Erregung (1984), and Auslöschung: ein Zerfall (1986)

Flory, Alexandre Villibor 07 December 2006 (has links)
Esta tese estuda a obra do escritor Thomas Bernhard, especialmente a partir de dois de seus romances, a saber Holzfällen. Eine Erregung (1984) e Auslöschung. Ein Zerfall. (1986). Pela mediação entre forma literária e forma social, pretende-se desvendar dinâmicas históricas inscritas na forma literária elaborada pelo escritor austríaco. Por um lado, o autor busca \"politizar a estética\" por meio de uma estética da provocação formal, com o que cita diretamente a sociedade e quebra as fronteiras bem delimitadas entre ficção e realidade. Por outro lado, dadas as condições históricas específicas da Áustria após a Segunda Guerra, e apoiando-se na formulação adorniana da arte como historiografia inconsciente de nosso tempo, Bernhard cria uma obra que procura ler a contrapelo (Benjamin) e atualizar esta rica tradição num momento propício, culminando em sua obra dos anos 80. / The present dissertation is a study of the work of Thomas Bernhard, based mainly in two of his novels, Holzfällen. Eine Erregung (1984), and Auslöschung. Ein Zerfall (1986). The intention is to uncover the historical dynamics inscribed in the literary form developed by the Austrian author through the mediation between literary and social form. On the one hand, Bernhard seeks to \"politicize the esthetics\", making use of an esthetics of formal provocation that makes direct references to real people of the Austrian society, effacing the sharp distinction between fiction and reality. On the other hand, in the specific context of the historical condition of Austria after the Second World War and based on Adorno\'s concept of art as the unconscious historiography of our time, Bernhard writings seek to renew this rich tradition in a way that is opposed to the traditionally accepted one (Benjamin) and to bring it up-to-date in a propicious context. The higher point of this achievement is the work he produced during the decade of 1980.

Družstevní bankovnictví v České republice a Rakousku / Cooperative banking in the Czech Republic and Austria

Král, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is a cooperative banking in the Czech Republic and Austria. This sector is in the Czech banking system made by credit unions and in Austria made by cooperative banks. Working with the theoretical part deals with the origin and historical development of these institutions, examines the legal environment in both countries, which does not neglect the influence of The European Union directives, and briefly describes the Austrian banking market with the accent on the functioning of the local supervisors. The practical part analyzes the current status and role of the cooperative banking institutions in the Czech and Austrian territory and compares the cooperative sector and banks sector. Finally, it made a brief summary and evaluation of the most important conclusions, where emphasis is placed on a comparison between the Czech and Austrian cooperative banking and their mutual differences.

Naviguer en temps de révolution : le Chevalier de L'Espine (1759-1826), de l'Indépendance américaine au service de l'Autriche. Un destin au prisme de l'archéologie et de l'histoire / Navigating in revolutionary times : chevalier de L’Espine (1759-1826) from the American Independence into the service of Austria. : a destiny through the prism of Maritime archaeology and History.

Prudhomme, Florence 13 September 2019 (has links)
Au tout début du XXIe siècle, une équipe d’archéologues plonge sur l’épave d’un petit navire de guerre du XVIIIe siècle, au nord de l’actuelle République Dominicaine. Sa coque est de fabrication américaine, ses canons sont écossais et les boutons d’uniformes sont français. Après avoir suivi quelques fausses pistes, la recherche aux Archives nationales permet de résoudre l’énigme : il s’agit de la corvette française Dragon du chevalier de l’Espine, détruite en janvier 1783 à l’issue d’un court combat contre des vaisseaux britanniques assurant le blocus nord de Saint-Domingue. Cette identification sert de catalyseur à une recherche historique dont le chevalier Joseph de L’Espine du Puy (1759-1826) constitue le personnage central. L’enquête révèle le destin de l’officier de la Marine L’Espine, en amont puis en aval de son fait d’armes de janvier 1783. Jeune chevalier de Malte et officier de la Marine de Louis XVI, L’Espine participe à la guerre de l’Indépendance américaine, effectue un passage obligé dans la Marine de Malte, et participe à des missions secrètes françaises de renseignement naval. La Révolution française vient briser ses espérances et l’oblige à l’exil. En Autriche, il gagne la confiance des hautes autorités autrichiennes en s’engageant sans ambiguïté contre les armées de la France à partir de 1795. L’Espine devient rapidement l’un des cerveaux d’une Marine de guerre autrichienne remise en question à chaque traité signé entre la France et l’Autriche. Promu Feldmarschall-Leutnant en 1813, L’Espine décide de ne pas rentrer en France à la Restauration. Nommé Gouverneur de Milan en novembre 1825, il y meurt le 31 décembre 1826. / At the very beginning of the 21st century, a team of archaeologists dived on the wreck of a small 18th century warship in the north of the current Dominican Republic. Its hull is of American manufacture, its guns are Scottish and the buttons of uniforms are French. After having followed some false leads, the research in the National Archives makes it possible to solve this enigma: it concerns the French corvette Dragon of Chevalier de L’Espine, destroyed in January 1783 after a short action against British vessels ensuring the northern blockade of Santo Domingo. This identification serves as a catalyst for a historical research of which Chevalier Joseph de L'Espine du Puy (1759-1826) constitutes the central character. The investigation reveals the fate of the Navy officer L'Espine upstream and downstream of his gallant action in January 1783. Young Knight of Malta and officer of the Navy of Louis XVI, L'Espine participated in the American Revolution, did a mandatory service in the Navy of Malta, and took part in French naval intelligence secret missions. The French Revolution ruined his hopes and forced him into exile. In Austria, he won the confidence of the high Austrian authorities by unambiguously engaging with the armies of France from 1795. L'Espine quickly became one of the brains of an Austrian Navy questioned at each treaty signed between France and Austria. Promoted to Feldmarschall-Leutnant in 1813, L'Espine decided not to return to France at the Restauration. Appointed Governor of Milan in November 1825, he died there on December 31, 1826.

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