Spelling suggestions: "subject:"austria""
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« Au service d’un autre roi » : les troupes étrangères allemandes au service du royaume de France (1740-1763)Portelance, Philipp 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Nationale und regionale Identität von Fernsehprogrammen. Eine Analyse der Programminhalte von ZDF, ORF 2, BR und MDR. / National and Regionale Identity of TV Programmes. A Content Analysis of the TV Channels of ZDF, ORF 2, BR and MDR.Ihle, Holger 13 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Der Literaturskandal: Symbolisches Kapital und Selbstbezug am Beispiel Thomas BernhardsRiendeau, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse la réception de l’auteur autrichien Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) au regard des scandales qui ont marqué sa carrière. Tantôt identifié comme l’imprécateur de l’Autriche, tantôt comme écrivain exceptionnel, il aura remis en question le rôle de son pays dans le national-socialisme et multiplié les attaques ad hominem. Il aura tenu un rôle ambigu dans l’espace public. Tout en insistant sur le caractère fictif de ses œuvres, il se mettait en scène de façon provocatrice dans le discours public ainsi que dans sa fiction.
Ce mémoire s’intéresse au fonctionnement du scandale en tant qu’événement social complexe ayant lieu dans l’espace public. Les chercheurs s’entendent pour considérer le scandale comme un trouble ou une irritation résultant d’une transgression, apparente ou avérée. Il s’agit en outre d’un phénomène intégré dans l’ordre social et géré par les médias, caractérisé par l’actualisation des valeurs morales.
Dans la présente étude, il est postulé que le capital symbolique (cf. Bourdieu) joue un rôle d’a priori et de catalyseur dans les scandales. Une accumulation initiale de capital symbolique assure une visibilité médiatique automatique. Le capital d’identité de Thomas Bernhard – soit la personnalisation du capital symbolique – est hybride et complexe, de sorte qu’il est difficilement appréciable. La difficile appréciation du capital de l’auteur se traduit par l’incertitude des journalistes et du public quant à son message : réactions dispro-portionnées, critique du particulier perçue comme mise en cause de l’universel. Toute dé-claration, toute œuvre de Bernhard est assujettie à ses prestations « scandaleuses » antérieu-res. Ce mémoire insiste sur le caractère autoréférentiel du scandale et s’intéresse aux actes de langage performatifs (cf. John L. Austin). Le corpus comporte des romans de Bernhard, leurs recensions, des articles de quotidiens, des lettres de lecteurs, des documents juridiques ainsi que la correspondance entre Bernhard et Siegfried Unseld. / This master’s thesis analyzes the reception of the Austrian author Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) and focuses on the scandals that punctuated his career. Acclaimed exceptional writer, he was, however, often referred to as Austria’s injurer. He called into question the in-volvement of his country in National Socialism and proliferated ad hominem attacks on politicians. His role in the public sphere was ambiguous: whilst insisting on the fictive character of his works, he staged himself provocatively.
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to show the functioning of scandals as com-plex social events taking place in the public sphere. Scholars consider scandals as public offenses resulting from real or apparent transgressions. Scandals are integrated into the so-cial order and are handled by the media. They trigger actualization of moral values.
This study postulates that symbolic capital (cf. Bourdieu) plays a role in scandals. It is both the prerequisite and the catalyst for successful scandalization. An initial accumula-tion of symbolic capital insures quasi automatically media attention. The identity capital of Thomas Bernhard – i.e. the personalization of his symbolic capital – is hybrid and intricate. This renders its interpretation difficult. The complexity of the capital configuration leads to an ambivalent appreciation of the author’s message by journalists and the public. Reactions are disproportionate and Bernhard’s particular though hyperbolic criticism is perceived as a questioning of universal values. Each and every declaration or work by Bernhard is subor-dinated and appreciated in regards to his preceding “scandalous” achievements. This mas-ter’s thesis emphasizes the autorefential nature of scandals and devotes a special interest to performative speech acts (cf. John L. Austin). The corpus includes some of Bernhard’s plays and novels, book reviews, newspaper articles, letters to the editor, court transcripts and Bernhard’s correspondence with his publisher Siegfried Unseld. / Diese Magisterarbeit untersucht die Rezeption des Autors Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989) angesichts der Skandale, die seine Karriere kennzeichneten. Bernhard galt zugleich als Österreich-Beschimpfer und als außergewöhnlicher Literat. Er stellte die Rolle Österreichs im Nationalsozialismus in Frage und griff wiederholt prominente Österreicher persönlich an. Einerseits bestand er auf den fiktionalen Charakter seiner Werke, andererseits inszenier-te er sich provokativ in der Öffentlichkeit.
Das Interesse der Arbeit gilt dem Funktionieren des Skandals als komplexes sozia-les Ereignis, das in der Öffentlichkeit obwaltet. Konsens herrscht in der Forschung darüber, dass ein Skandal ein auf einem realen oder vermuteten Normbruch beruhendes Ärgernis ist. Es handelt sich um ein im Gesellschaftssystem eingeschriebenes Phänomen, das von den Medien behandelt und zum Auslöser von Kontroversen über normative Fragen wird.
Diese Arbeit geht von der Annahme aus, dass das symbolische Kapital (vgl. Bourdieu) eine Vorbedingung des Skandals ist. Eine ursprüngliche Akkumulation symbolischen Kapitals sichert mediale Aufmerksamkeit. Das Identitätskapital Bernhards – die Personalisierung seines Kapitals – war hybrid und komplex, sodass es nur schwierig einzuschätzen war. Diese erschwerte Einschätzung seines symbolischen Kapitals führte zur Unsicherheit der Journalisten und des Publikums bezüglich seiner Botschaft: Immer wieder kam es zu überzogenen Reaktionen. Vor allem Bernhards hyperbolische Kritik des Beson-deren wurde pauschal als Infragestellung des Allgemeinen (des Österreichischen) wahrge-nommen. Jedwede Äußerung und jedwedes Werk Bernhards wurde vor dem Hintergrund seiner vorhergehenden »skandalösen« Leistungen gedeutet. Diese Arbeit betont den selb-streferentiellen Charakter und den pragmatischen Gehalt (vgl. John L. Austin) des Skan-dals. Der Korpus erfasst Texte von Bernhard, Rezensionen, Zeitungsartikel, Leserbriefe, Gerichtsprotokolle, Rechtsprechung und Bernhards Briefwechsel mit seinem Verleger Siegfried Unseld.
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Ökonomie zwischen Wissenschaft und Ethik : eine dogmenhistorische Untersuchung von Léon M. E. Walras bis Milton Friedmann /Kraft, Michael Gerhard. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Wirtschaftsuniv., Diss.--Wien, 2004.
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La remise en cause du modèle classique de la finance par Benoît Mandelbrot et la nécessité d’intégrer les lois de puissance dans la compréhension des phénomènes économiques / The questioning of the traditional model of finance by Benoit Mandelbrot and the need to integrate the power laws in the understanding of economic phenomenaHerlin, Philippe 19 December 2012 (has links)
Le modèle classique de la finance (Markowitz, Sharpe, Black, Scholes, Fama) a, dès le début, été remis en cause par le mathématicien Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010). Il démontre que la loi normale ne correspond pas à la réalité des marchés, parce qu’elle sous-estime les risques extrêmes. Il faut au contraire utiliser les lois de puissance, comme la loi de Pareto. Nous montrons ici toutes les implications de ce changement fondamental sur la finance, mais aus-si, ce qui est nouveau, en ce qui concerne la gestion des entreprises (à travers le calcul du coût des capitaux propres). Nous tentons de mettre à jour les raisons profondes de l’existence des lois de puissance en économie à travers la notion d’entropie. Nous présen-tons de nouveaux outils théoriques pour comprendre la formation des prix (la théorie de la proportion diagonale), des bulles (la notion de réflexivité), des crises (la notion de réseau), en apportant une réponse globale à la crise actuelle (un système monétaire diversifié). Toutes ces voies sont très peu, ou pas du tout exploitées. Elles sont surtout, pour la pre-mière fois, mises en cohérence autour de la notion de loi de puissance. C’est donc une nou-velle façon de comprendre les phénomènes économiques que nous présentons ici. / The classical model of finance (Markowitz, Sharpe, Black, Scholes, Fama) has, from the be-ginning, been challenged by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot (1924-2010). It shows that the normal distribution does not match the reality of the market, because it underesti-mates the extreme risks. Instead, we must use the power laws, such as the Pareto law. We show the implications of this fundamental change in the finance, but also in the manage-ment of companies (through the calculation of cost of capital). We try to update the underly-ing reasons for the existence of power laws in economics through the concept of entropy. We present new theoretical tools to understand price formation (the theory of diagonal proportion), bubbles (the notion of reflexivity), crisis (network concept), providing a com-prehensive response to the current crisis (a diversified monetary system). All these ways are very little or not at all exploited. They are mostly for the first time, made consistent around the notion of power law. This is a new way of understanding economic phenomena present-ed here.
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Strategie vstupu firmy na zahraniční trh / Strategy of Entrance of Company on Foreign MarketGebauerová, Jaroslava January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with strategies for firms entering the foreign market. In the theoretical part of the work the various strategies and their pros and cons are discussed, together with the dynamics of entering a new market. The analytical part of the work comprises an analysis of the Austrian market and an internal analysis of the company AQUAL Ltd. selected for the practical application. Its SWOT analysis and description of its entrance to a foreign market according to the SMART method are performed. Proposals are given the gradual development of the strategy of entrance, including the reasons for choosing a mixed strategy, and aspects of the operation and management of the company abroad are described; important is the definition of activities of the manager for Austria. Finally, conclusions are given summarizing the prerequisites and expected benefits of the entrance, the goals fulfilled and the contributions provided in this work.
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The rise of Big Data in Austrian tax consultancies : How stakeholders of Austrian tax consultancies assess the potential influence of Big DataBuchner, Marc January 2020 (has links)
The fact is that every individual leaves behind vast amounts of data, companies collect this data and use the knowledge gained from it in a variety of ways. One area that is lucrative for the use of Big data is the financial sector. A prominent example of the use of Big data is real-time stock market insights. However, there are still industries in which Big data is not yet used for various reasons. One of these industries is the tax consulting sector, which will be the focus of this research. With its high entry hurdles, direct dependence on the legislator, and the associated atypical data sets, the tax consulting sector represents a special use case within the financial sector. Because big data has not been used in the tax consulting sector yet and that the setting is atypical compared to other sectors, a closer analysis of potential influences on services, the working environment, and quality is of particular interest here. This analysis is the core of this study and was carried out using an interpretative qualitative approach in the form of a case study. In this case study, the three most important stakeholders of Austrian tax consultancies- employers, employees, and clients - were interviewed on the one hand through interviews and on the other hand through a survey with open-ended questions. The results were then compared in the discussion with the changes that studies in other fields have identified. The results of the study showed that the stakeholders predominantly assume that the quality of services will improve significantly through the use of big data, especially in accounting and business management services. Stakeholders also predicted a positive development concerning the range of services offered. It was also predicted that the range of services offered could increase on the one hand and that services of a business management nature could benefit enormously on the other. In the area of the working environment, employees said that increased training activity and process adaptation would be the only significant changes. In the area of risks, all three stakeholder groups agreed and mentioned data protection. Interesting differences between the three stakeholder groups were on the one hand that the employers gave very detailed answers, which allows the assumption that they have already thought carefully about the topic of big data. On the other hand, in contrast to the other two groups, the employees did not primarily think of their area (work environment) in the analysis, but of that of the clients and thus of the provision of the service. This underlines the strong focus on client satisfaction and encourages a more intensive involvement in the design process. In contrast to other studies, this thesis analyses the influences on the areas not from a retrospective point of view, but a prospective point of view. This approach allows an unbiased look at the opinions of stakeholders and thus provides the best possible information for the design of big data tools for the tax consulting sector. Besides, by comparing this with changes found in other studies, it is possible to estimate how the use of big data in the tax consulting sector differs from other sectors.
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Liberation or Occupation? Jews in the occupied territories of the Kingdom of PolandZieliński, Konrad 07 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Do You Know the Storm?: The Forgotten Lieder of Franz SchrekerWallace, Alicia 05 1900 (has links)
Franz Schreker (1878-1934) was a Jewish-Austrian composer of great success during the first decades of the twentieth century. Schreker’s reputation diminished after 1933 when Hitler came to power and, in 1938, his compositions were labeled Entartete Musik (“degenerate music”) by the Nazis in a public display in Düsseldorf. The Third Reich and post-war Germany saw Schreker as a decadent outcast, misunderstanding his unique style that combined elements of romanticism, expressionism, impressionism, symbolism, and atonality. This study of Schreker’s Lieder will pursue two goals. First, it will analyze the Mutterlieder (before 1898), the Fünf Gesänge (1909), and the first piece from Vom ewigen Leben (1923) stylistically. Schreker composed nearly four dozen Lieder, incorporating a wide range of styles and ideas. By studying and performing these songs written at various points in his career (including early songs, songs written after he met Schoenberg, and his last songs during the height of his fame), I hope to develop a clearer understanding of how Schreker synthesized the many cultural forces and artistic movements that seem to have influenced his compositional style. Second, this study will consider the sociopolitical circumstances that fueled the disintegration of his reputation. This disintegration occurred not just during the Third Reich, but also afterwards, notably in an often discussed essay by Theodor Adorno. Only in the last thirty years have scholarly voices critical of such rejections of Schreker emerged. My ultimate goal, then, is to join this reevaluation, studying and contextualizing this repertory to develop a new understanding of an oft-neglected chapter in the history of the German Lied.
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Tunel Blanka: Inženýrskogeologické problémy a rizika ražby / The Blanka tunnel, geological hazadrs and problems during boringSedláček, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The Blanka tunnel has two boring sections: Brusnice tunnel and Královská obora tunnel. Both tunnels were boring in difficult geologycal conditions, but the geology conditions of these tunnels are not same. Also they had not the same hazards during boring. There was used a spectrum of different technical works with hazard reduction purpose and safety process of boring. There were three serious accidents, wnich everyone made a creater on the surface, but they have not the same causes. This text has a task to describe a geological survey before and during the boring of both tunnels. How other reasons affected the process of boring? How the tunnels were bored? What events preceded the everyone of three major failure? This text does not deal with economical things of boring and effects of specific personal influence on the process of boring. Key words Tunnel, excavation, Blanka, Brusnice, Letná, Stromovka park, Vltava river, underground water, geology, ordovik, New Austrian Tunnelling method, pilot tunnel, calotte, bench, bottom, arche, bolt, lining, grouting, collapse of ceiling, failure, tube, shale, quarzite, soil, loess, ballast, clay
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