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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le compromis austro-hongrois de 1867 : étude sur le dualisme /

Eisenmann, Louis, January 1904 (has links)
Thèse--Sciences politiques et économiques--Dijon, 1904. / Bibliogr. pp. XIII-XX.

Taclīkī-zāde's " Şehnāme-i hümāyūn " : a history of the Ottoman campaign into Hungary : 1593-94 /

Talikizade Mehmed Suphi. Woodhead, Christine. January 1983 (has links)
Diss. : Philosophy : University of Edinburgh : 1979. - Bibliogr. p. 97-100.

Structural functions of the pedal-point and ostinato in Arnold Schoenberg's music, 1899-1913

Halton, Jonathan David January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

British opinion and the Austro-Prussian War

Reinhardt, Hazel H. January 1965 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1965. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Bibliography: l. 67-73.


Crnković Gabor 27 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Doktorska teza pod naslovom<br />A Monarchia-irodalom sztereot&iacute;pi&aacute;inak<br />tov&aacute;bb&iacute;r&aacute;sai &eacute;s kult&uacute;rak&ouml;zis&eacute;ge a kort&aacute;rs<br />vajdas&aacute;gi magyar novellairodalomban<br />(Stereotipi u knjževnosti Austro-Ugarske,<br />njihova aktualizacija i interkulturalnost u<br />savremenim novelama mađarske književnosti u</p><p>Vojvodini se bavi stereotipi u knjiţevnosti</p><p>Austro &ndash; Ugarske, njihova aktualizacija i<br />interkulturalnost u savremenim novelama<br />maĎarske knjiţevnosti u Vojvodini bavi se<br />proučavanjem vezanim za istorijski period<br />vladavine Austro &ndash; Ugarske Monarhije.<br />Knjiţevnost iz perioda Monarhije izrodila je<br />značajne stereotipe. Istraţivanje se u mnogome<br />zasniva na proučavanju ovih stereotipa. U radu<br />dokazujem Lacanova teorija odrazapribliţavajući<br />se nauci imagologije i identiteta.<br />Doktorski rad proučava i paralelne pojave koje<br />se javljaju uporedo sa knjiţevnim stereotipima<br />Austro &ndash;Ugarske.<br />Uzajamno dejstvo identiteta je ključni elemenat<br />rada koji je usko vezan sa stereotipima.<br />Pomenute teorijske činjenice praktično<br />istraţujem u savremenim novelama Jano&scaron;a<br />Hercega, Erţebet Juhas, Ildiko Lova&scaron;, Atile<br />Balaţa, Otoa Tolnaia, &Scaron;andora Majoro&scaron;ija,<br />I&scaron;tvana Nemeta, Nandora Giona, Arona Bluma,<br />Đule Mirniča i Or&scaron;olje Benčik.<br />Rad je i delimično komparatistički osvrt na<br />austrijsku i srpsku knjiţevnost. Teorijski deo<br />rada obuhvata tri povezane kategorije:<br />stereotipija, inagologija i identitet.<br />Unutar kategorije stereotipa posebno poglavlje<br />posvećeno je vrstama austro-ugarskih stereotipa<br />(nacionalni, etnički,s ocijalni, ekonomski itd.)<br />Oni su u istraţivanju definisani, razvrstani a<br />obja&scaron;njeno je i njihovo poreklo. Rad se bavi i<br />kratkim, istorijskim pregledom vaţećih<br />dru&scaron;tvenih, socijalnih normi toga perioda koje<br />neposredno utiču na izolovanost koja je opisana<br />&nbsp;u novelama. Upotrebljen je komparatistički stav<br />u istraţivanju pomenutih stereotipa u novelama.<br />Istraţivanje ima za cilj da dokaţe da se<br />savremeni maĎarski pisci iz Vojvodine često<br />bave aktualizacijom stereotipa iz Austro-<br />Ugarske knjiţevnosti. Posebno etničkim<br />stereotipima, stereotipima nastalih tokom<br />istorijskog suţivota naroda kao i ekonomskim<br />stereotipima .<br />Interkulturalnost stereotipa u knjiţevnosti<br />Austro-Ugarske je takoĎe segment istraţivanja.<br />Sadrţaj teksta odaje slikovitost, likovni je izraz<br />jezika. Knjiţevnost i slikarstvo povezani su<br />intermedijalnom vezom , te se istraţivanje bavi<br />i likovnim, slikovnim pojavnim oblicima jezika<br />u novelama.</p>

La France et le complexe danubien habsbourgeois : 1867-1918 : une étude à partir de l'historiographie récente en langue française /

Deschenes, Dany, January 1997 (has links)
Mémoire (M.E.S.R.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1997. / Bibliogr.: f. 127-144. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Aufbruch wider die Türken : ein ungewöhnlicher Solddienst am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts : Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Obwaldens und der Kompanie Schönenbüel /

Ruckstuhl, Viktor. January 1991 (has links)
Diss.--Philosophische Fakultät I--Zürich--Universität, 1990/91.

Čeští lékaři v rakousko-uherské armádě mezi lety 1867 - 1918 / Czech doctors in austro-hungarian army from 1876 to 1918

Matějček, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Main topic of this thesis is Czech doctors in Austro-Hungarian army since the formation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the end of the First World War. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on development of Austro- Hungarian medical service and military medical corps. The second part is concerned with the manner a military doctor was perceived by his surroundings. It also explores how the doctor perceived himself. The third part decsribes the Czech civilian doctors' view of the army and its military doctors. Furthermore, it focuses on the attitude of civilian doctors to the army, war and Austro-Hungarian Empire, especially during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and the First World War (1914-1918).

Čeští lékaři v rakousko-uherské armádě mezi lety 1867 - 1918 / Czech doctors in austro-hungarian army from 1876 to 1918

Matějček, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Main topic of this thesis is Czech doctors in Austro-Hungarian army since the formation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the end of the First World War. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the development of Austro-Hungarian medical service and military medical corps. The second part is concerned with the manner a military doctor was perceived by his surroundings. It also explores how the doctor perceived himself. The third part centers on the relationships between civilian and military doctors and civilian and military medicine. The fourth part describes the Czech civilian doctors' view of the army and its military doctors. Furthermore, it focuses on the attitude of civilian doctors to the army, war and Austro-Hungarian Empire, especially during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and the First World War (1914-1918).

Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929) et l'identité autrichienne : la construction d'une identité collective de 1890 à 1918 / Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929) and the austrian identity : the construction of a collective identity from 1890 to 1918

Marx, Karl 25 June 2009 (has links)
La présente étude s'intéresse à la manière dont le poète et le dramaturge Hugo Von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929) a conçu l'identité "autrichienne" au double sens du terme, à la fois comme identité de l'entité politique que constituait la partie occidentale de la monarchie habsbourgeoise (cisleithanie) et comme identité assignée au groupe des autrichiens germanophones. En s'inscrivant en faux contre une vision rétrospective, qui fait de lui un parangon de l'"austriacité", elle montre qu'il n'a pas conçu la communauté des allemands d'Autriche comme limitée et souveraine, c'est-à-dire conforme à une conception nationale moderne ultérieure, mais qu'il les a d'abord imaginés comme membres de cette communauté plus large délimitée par l'état habsbourgeois et qu'il est resté somme toute attaché à une conception traditionnelle de l'ordre politique et social. Cette étude de cas se veut ainsi une contribution à la problématique historiographique de la formation nationale des autrichiens germanophones. Dans une première partie, elle retrace les conceptions identitaires premières de Hofmannsthal de 1890 à 1901 : elle met en évidence les catégories de l'identité collective présentes dans ses réflexions esthétiques. La seconde partie est consacrée à la période qui va de 1902 à la veille de la première guerre mondiale : elle montre la politisation progressive de Hofmannsthal qui le conduit à défendre et émettre une représentation de l'Autriche, mais elle décrit aussi la force du paradigme culturel allemand pour un producteur culturel germanophone, qui va jusqu'à conditionner sa critique de la culture. La dernière partie est consacrée à la période de la première guerre mondiale, durant laquelle le problème de l'identité collective des autrichiens germanophones atteint son paroxysme / This study describes the way the poet and playwright Hugo Von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929) conceived the "austrian" identity in both senses of the word, as the identity of the political entity descrbed by the west part of the habsburg monarchy (cisleithan austria) and as the identity assigned to the group of the german-austrians. In opposition to a retrospective vision, which makes him a paragon of "austriacity", it shows that he has not conceived the group of german-austrians as limited and sovereign, in conformity with the late and modern concept of nation, but that he initially thought of them as members of the wider community bounded by the habsburg state and that he has remained after all committed to a traditional conception of political and social order. This case study is therefore a contribution to the historiographical problem of nationbuilding by the german-austrians. The first part retraces the early conceptions of identity from 1890 to 1901 : it shows the categories of collective identity present in his aesthetic considerations. The second part is devoted to the period from 1902 to the eve of the first world war : it shows the gradual politicization of Hofmannsthal that leads him to defend and elaborate a representation of austria, but il also describes the strength of the german cultural paradigm, wihich determines his cultural critic. The last part is devoted to the period of the first world war, during which the problem of the collective identity of german-austrians reaches its climax

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