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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evropská unie na Blízkém východě: Role EU v izraelsko-palestinském mírovém procesu / The European Union in the Middle East: The role of the EU in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process

Matulová, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd / Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1 info@fsv.cuni.cz, tel: 222 112 111 www.fsv.cuni.cz Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací http://www.cuni.cz/UK-3470.html a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 29/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není v elektronické verzi k dispozici.

Autonomní správa inteligentní domácnosti / Autonomous Management of Intelligent Home

Punčochářová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Currently, the topic of smart home is not new and there are many solutions for this problem on a market. Emphasis is placed on miniaturization of the individual elements of an intelligent system and control logic of the system as a whole. This is associated with requirement for ensuring management capabilities of the system in case of failure of the connection between some of the functional elements and the control member.  This work deals with design and implementation of modifications in intelligent home gateway in an existing BeeeOn project to ensure its autonomy even in case of loss of internet connection. The problem of loss of ability to manage the household is solved by adding the possibility to establish direct communication with the gateway and the introduce automation ability into gates to control household without the participation of the controlling member. This extension brings autonomy into the system and allows user to have the household under control even in case of loss of internet connection. It leads to increase system security and quality of service in general.

Les nouvelles technologies au prisme de la notion de convivialité d'Ivan Illich / New technologies through the prism of Ivan Illich’s concept of conviviality

Mayrand, Basile 26 June 2019 (has links)
En plus d’un siècle, la philosophie de la technique a pris un essor considérable. De nombreuses critiques sont venues récemment enrichir notre vision du progrès technologique. Cependant, malgré une grande effervescence intellectuelle autour de ces sujets, l’impact des réflexions philosophiques sur les nouvelles technologies est-il réel ? Cette thèse utilise la notion de convivialité, créée par Ivan Illich (1926-2002), pour interroger les nouvelles technologies. L’intérêt de cette recherche repose sur le présupposé selon lequel les technologies modernes, et les systèmes techniques qu’elles constituent, instancient des valeurs morales souvent de manière implicite. C’est pourquoi, tout au long de ce travail, nous défendons l’idée qu’il est erroné de considérer les nouvelles technologies comme de simples outils moralement neutres. La thèse s’articule autour des trois axes constitutifs du concept de convivialité : la survie, l’équité et l’autonomie créatrice. Nous montrons dans un premier temps en quoi les nouvelles technologies représentent plus un danger pour la survie qu’une opportunité. Dans un second temps, nous découvrons qu’elles menacent également le principe d’équité. Dans un troisième temps, nous démontrons que l’orientation actuelle du développement technologique s’inscrit bien souvent aux antipodes de l’autonomie créatrice. Néanmoins, cette tendance ne paraît pas irréversible par nature. L’espoir d’une réorientation, nous permet de conclure sur l’idée qu’une prise en compte effective de la convivialité dans la conception des nouvelles technologies passe vraisemblablement par l’institutionnalisation du concept, au risque de l’exposer à des effets de contre-productivité. / For more than a century, philosophy of technology has grown significatively. Many critics have enriched our vision of technological progress. However, despite a contemporary intellectual effervescence on these subjects, is the impact of these philosophical reflections on new technologies real? This thesis uses the concept of conviviality, created by Ivan Illich (1926-2002) in the 1970s, to question new technologies, and specifically those often mentioned under the NBIC acronym (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science). The purpose of this research work is based on the philosophical premise that modern technologies, and the technical systems they constitute, instantiate moral values. Therefore, throughout this work, we defend the idea that it is wrong to consider new technologies as mere morally neutral tools. The thesis is articulated around the three axes constituting the concept of conviviality: survival, justice and self-defined work. We first show how new technologies are more a danger to survival than an opportunity. In a second step, we discover they also threaten the principle of justice as Illich conceives it. Thirdly, we show that the current direction of technological development is often at odds with self-defined work. However, this trend does not seem irreversible per se. The hope of reorientation allows us to conclude on the idea that an effective and sustainable consideration of conviviality in the design of new technologies would passes by the institutionalization of the concept, at the risk of exposing it to the effects of counterproductivity.

Le contrôle des transferts de fonds par les émigrés sénégalais : Processus d'individualisation et réaménagement de la solidarité communautaire en situation migratoire / Control of remittances by Senegalese emigrants : Process of individualisation and reorganization of community solidarity in migratory situation

Mangane, Abdourahmane 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les transferts d’argent des émigrés attirent l’intérêt des organismes internationaux qui les considèrent comme une manne financière à mettre au service du développement des pays d’origine. Ils constituent également un objet d’étude qui occupe une place centrale dans la littérature scientifique notamment dans le domaine de l’économie. Dans cette thèse, les transferts d’argents seront considérés dans une perspective socio-anthropologique, mettant en perspective les remises des émigrés par rapport au processus d’individualisation à l’oeuvre en situation migratoire et dans les sociétés africaines. Les enquêtes par entretien semi-directif réalisées qui viennent en appoint des observations classiques et netnographiques permettent de mettre en évidence le sens que les émigrés accordent à l’aide financière individuelle et collective qu’ils apportent à leurs proches, les différentes stratégies qu’ils mettent en place pour en contrôler l’usage, et les interprétations qu’ils font des normes de redistribution communautaire. / The remittances of migrants attract the interest of international organizations which consider them a financial windfall for the development of countries of origin. They are also an object of study which occupies a central place in the scientific literature, especially in the field of economics. In this thesis, remittances are considered from a socio-anthropological perspective, putting into perspective the remittances of emigrants in relation to the process of individualisation at work in migratory situation and in African societies.Semi-directive interviews carried out in addition to classical and netnographic observations make it possible to highlight the meaning that the emigrants give to the individual and collective financial assistance they provide to their family, the different strategies employed by the emigrants to control the use of remittances, and their own interpretations of the standards of community redistribution.

Limity smluvní svobody v občanském právu / Limitations on Freedom of Contract in the Civil Law

Juřicová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
OF DISSERTATION IN ENGLISH Doctoral Student: JUDr. Kateřina Juřicová Topic of Dissertation: Limitations on Freedom of Contract in the Civil Law Supervisor of Dissertation: Prof. JUDr. Jan Dvořák, CSc. Doctoral Programme of Study: Theoretical Legal Sciences - Civil Law, Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, katedra občanského práva Date of Closing of Dissertation: 31.12.2019 The dissertation covers the limitations on freedom of contract in civil law and provides with the summary and following analysis of both general and specific limitations on freedom of contract in civil law. The general limitations consist of mandatory rules and stipulations prohibited by law. As part of the analysis of the general limitations both character and distinction between mandatory and non-mandatory rules are analyzed, as well as the criteria for the provisions to be designated as mandatory such as statutory prohibition, stipulations contrary to good morals, public order or the law concerning the status of persons, including the right to protection of personality rights. Similarly, the list of specific limitations on self-authorship describes legal relationships between landlord and tenant, employer and employee or consumer and entrepreneur, various cases in the community property of spouses or contracts with minors,...

Návrh autonomní dřevostavby

Grégr, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Thesis designs an autonomous timber house RD Zeleny Vrch. The building is intended as a residential dwelling for a four-member family, the build up area is 120 square meters and it’s located in the land register held at Babice u Rosic. A topic is firstly researched in literature review which sums up features of the autonomous and low-energy houses and environmental impacts. Construction systems and technologies used in the design are researched next. The project then contains a building solution in a state of documentation for building permission, thermal properties calculations and technological solutions for maintaining of house autonomy and user comfort. As last the price of the building is estimated. Discussion evaluates designed project regarding used building materials, used technologies, user comfort and possible alternative solutions.

Pravidlo mrtvého dárce a jeho význam v současné etice transplantací / The meaning of the dead donor rule in current transplantion ethics

Rusinová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents current understanding of the concept of death and criteria for diagno- sis of death in the context of organ donation. We will argue that 1) the dead donor rule should not be the necessary condition for retrieving organs for transplantation and 2) it should be permissible to retrieve organs from patients that are imminently dying (not dead yet), with respect to the principle of autonomy and non-maleficence. We will first present the impossibility and current inconsistencies in determining the exact "moment of death" and we will then demonstrate that current organ donors do not fulfill biological criteria for death and that the dead donor rule is not respected in clinical practice. We suggest that in the context of recent major technological advances in the field of critical care medicine the dead donor rule becomes irrelevant and does not contribute to the transplantation ethics. The legal concept of death and the biological phenomenon of death become more and more distant. We argue that declaring death is not necessary for ethically justified policy in transplantation. Both the societal trust and the protection of vulnerable individuals can be ensured by different ethical principles (i.e. the principle of autonomy and the principle of non- maleficence). The sound ethical...

Musik, Sprache und Natur in Theorien französischer Aufklärer: Die Kontroverse Rameau – Rousseau und darüber hinaus (Chabanon, Morellet, Marmontel)

Sühring, Peter 29 June 2021 (has links)
Ist Musik wirklich eine autonome Kunst, unabhängig von nicht-musikalischen Bedeutungen und Zeichensystemen? Sie ist es wirklich, weil sie von der menschlichen Fähigkeit herrührt, jegliche Sache von Geist und Charakter auf eine ihr eigene Weise und mit nur ihr eigenen Mitteln darzustellen. Rein-musikalische Ereignisse können geschaffen werden, die mit außermusikalischen Assoziationen verknüpft werden können, aber nicht müssen. Diese Hypothese wird mit Theorien aus der Französischen Aufklärung konfrontiert. Die beiden berühmtesten unter ihnen, die kontroversen Positionen von Rameau und Rousseau, erklärten, dass Musik von Natur und Sprache bedingt ist – aber in verschiedenen Graden und auf unterschiedlichen Wegen. Noch radikalere Theorien von Chabanon, Morellet, Marmontel bestritten dies, wie auch spätere musiktheoretische Äußerungen bis ins 19. und 20.Jahrhundert hinein (Nietzsche, Jacobsthal, Alain). Rameaus Theorien werden als bis ins 20.Jahrhunderts hinein wirksam aufgezeigt. Goethe wird durch seine Kommentare zu Diderots Rameaus Neffe als ausgleichender Richter über die Kontrahenten vorgestellt. / Is music really an autonomous art, independently of non-musical semantic or sign systems, like human language? It is indeed, for music stems from humans' artistic ability to present each matter relating to thought or character in its own manner and with its own instruments. Only pure musical events will be created, which can but need not be managed without extramusical associations. This hypothesis is confronted with musical theories from the French Enlightenment. The two most renowned of these, the controversial positions of Rousseau and Rameau, state that music is conditioned by nature and language but to different degrees and in different ways. Even more radical theories by Chabanon, Morellet, and Marmontel disputed this, as did later statements on music theory up to the 19th and 20th centuries (Nietzsche, Jacobsthal, Alain). Rameau's theories are shown to be effective well into the 20th century. Through his comments on Diderot's Rameau's nephew, Goethe is introduced as a balancing judge over the opponents.

Autonomie člověka a narativní pojetí bioetiky / Autonomy of Man and the Narrative Understanding of Bioethics

Šípová, Karolína January 2012 (has links)
My work is a critical view of a modern principle of personal autonomy and an idea of autonomous man, which stems from philosophy of liberalism. The practice of personal autonomy in bioetics, which takes over the features of this political concept and does not comprise a metaphysical question about a man seems to empty a concept of humanity. My work tries to turn attentation to this problem and show the difficulties of personal autonomy when presented from the secular point of view. I want to offer then the concept of narrative ethics as a vision of supplementing the concept of modern principal bioetics.

Současná maďarská menšina na Slovensku a slovenská v Maďarsku / Contemporary Hungarian minority in Slovakia and Slovak in Hungary

Ander, Adam January 2012 (has links)
The thesis presents theoretical approaches to the issue of national minorities and seeks to include two specific cases - Slovakia and Hungary - into this theoretical spectrum. Slovak and Hungarian minorities in Hungary and Slovakia respective are characterized at the same time. Territorial delimitation is obvious, time delimitation is primarily based in the first decade of the new millennium, ending in 2010. Theoretical part of the thesis is divided into two parts - first dealing with national and ethnic minorities (various classifications, terminology and characteristics), second with possible approaches of states to their national minorities (discussed are all conceivable approaches from the least favorable to the friendliest one). The practical part is divided into two main chapters, namely by surveyed countries - Slovakia and Hungary. Both of these chapters deal with national minorities in a given country, with the characteristics of these minorities and their legal status. Analysis of legal statuses of these minorities is based on international treaties, constitutions and laws of both countries. While Slovakia provides its minorities only with individual rights, Hungary introduced quite unusual system of personal cultural and schooling autonomy. The conclusion attempts to find the most...

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