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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’importance de la vulnérabilité : essai sur la signification et les implications de la catégorie de vulnérabilité dans la philosophie morale et politique contemporaine / The importance of vulnerability : an essay on the signification and the implications of the category of vulnerability in moral and political contemporary philosophy

Garrau, Marie 18 November 2011 (has links)
Les usages de la catégorie de vulnérabilité se sont multipliés ces dernières années, dans le champ de la philosophie morale et politique, ainsi que dans le champ des sciences sociales. Partant de l’hypothèse selon laquelle ces usages signalent l’émergence d’une nouvelle conception du sujet, distincte de la conception qui sous-tend la tradition politique libérale mais aussi la tradition morale de l’autonomie comme maîtrise de soi, ce travail tente de cerner la signification de cette catégorie et d’analyser les implications éthiques et politiques d’une anthropologie du sujet vulnérable. Confrontant les conceptions de la vulnérabilité que l’on peut dégager des travaux de Martha Nussbaum, d’Axel Honneth et des théoriciennes du care telles que Carol Gilligan et Joan Tronto, il soutient que la catégorie de vulnérabilité doit être comprise comme une catégorie duale : d’un point de vue anthropologique, elle renvoie à la situation d’exposition et de dépendance dans laquelle se trouvent les sujets humains en tant que sujets incarnés et relationnels et signifie que l’autonomie qui leur est accessible dépend fondamentalement de la manière dont les autres se rapportent à eux ; d’un point de vue sociologique, elle désigne les effets subjectifs induits par des situations sociales dans lesquelles les sujets sont privés des conditions nécessaires au développement et au maintien de leur autonomie. Cette conception de la vulnérabilité est ensuite vérifiée négativement par le biais d’un examen des approches sociologiques de la vulnérabilité, plus particulièrement des sociologies de la désaffiliation, de la disqualification sociale et de la domination. Enfin, elle est mise au service d’un retour à la théorie normative dont l’enjeu est de dégager les principes et les institutions d’une société qui prendrait en compte la vulnérabilité des sujets dans sa double dimension. Dans ce cadre, nous soutenons que le néorépublicanisme de Philip Pettit peut, à condition d’intégrer les apports des théories du care et de la reconnaissance, permettre de poser les bases d’une politique de la vulnérabilité visant la promotion des conditions relationnelles et sociales de l’autonomie. / The notion of vulnerability has recently become central in contemporary moral and political philosophy and in contemporary sociology. This work starts from the assumption that this notion carries with it a new conception of the subject, distinct both from the liberal conception and from the conception promoted by the moral tradition that defines autonomy as self-mastery. In order to define the concept of vulnerability, we first compare the way Martha Nussbaum, Axel Honneth, and care theorists such as Carol Gilligan and Joan Tronto use that notion. This comparison leads us to develop a dual conception of vulnerability according to which vulnerability should be understood as an anthropological category and a sociological one: vulnerability primarily refers to the situation of exposition and dependence in which corporeal and relational subjects are necessarily placed; that we are vulnerable means that our autonomy is dependent on the way others treat us. But vulnerability can also refer to the subjective effects produced by social situations or social contexts that deprive the subject of the conditions that are necessary for the development of her autonomy. We then show that this conception can be confirmed by an analysis of the way sociology makes use of the notion. We focus on the sociology of disaffiliation, social disqualification and domination. Finally, we try to highlight the normative implications of our conception of vulnerability. We argue that neorepublicanism, as developed by Philip Pettit, can help us to define a politics of vulnerability committed to the promotion of the relational and social conditions of autonomy, if we rework it by including in it the major contributions of care ethics and recognition theory.

Libéralisme et service public / Liberalism and public service

Siffert, Antoine 18 November 2015 (has links)
Loin de s’opposer, libéralisme et service public sont indissociables. La notion de service public scelle l’emprise du libéralisme sur le droit de la puissance publique. Le service public aboutit à la désacralisation de la puissance publique et la subordonne aux finalités du libéralisme. Au service de l’individu et du marché, la puissance publique soutient l’autodétermination de la société. Institution libérale par excellence, le service public révèle aussi les contradictions du libéralisme. / Far from being contradictory liberalism and public services go hand in hand. The notion of public service seals the impact of liberalism on public law. Public service allows the desacralisation of public power and underpins it to the objectives of liberalism. Public power upholds the fulfillment of society, serving both the individuals and the markets. As a perfect example of a liberal institution, public service also reveals the contradictions of liberalism.

L'autonomie financière des pouvoirs politiques : contribution à l'analyse du financement public de la politique / Financial autonomy of political powers : contribution to the analysis of public financing of politics citizenship

Laupretre, Damien 20 December 2017 (has links)
La politique n'a pas de prix, mais elle a un coût. Activité humaine, elle suppose également le concours d'acteurs qui doivent d'abord vivre et pourvoir aux besoins immédiats de leur condition. De telles considérations ne sauraient être abandonnées aux vicissitudes personnelles ni plus qu'aux aléas de la conjoncture. Car le financement de la politique détermine autant les moyens de celle-ci que ses fins. Orientée vers l'intérêt général, soumise à de strictes exigences fonctionnelles, elle excluait tout palliatif financier. La politique suppose ainsi l'autonomie : une autonomie réelle, donc une autonomie financière. S'exerçant par l'entremise d'autant de pouvoirs spécifiques, il restait à satisfaire cette exigence dans le cadre toujours particulier de leur régime juridique respectif. Mais au-delà d'une nécessaire analyse juridique du phénomène en tant que tel, il apparaît bien qu'un pouvoir politique fondamental en ait encore été exclu : à savoir, la citoyenneté. Mettre à jour le cadre juridique de son autonomie financière demeurait donc une tâche essentielle. Au dévoilement d'une logique théorique implacable pouvait alors répondre la mise à jour d'autant de pratiques historiquement datées, l'ensemble débouchant sur la structuration actuelle du droit positif. Par cette triple exigence, on pouvait alors participer à l'effort général qui s'est donné pour tâche de contribuer à éclaircir un objet aussi complexe que celui du financement public de la politique / Politics has a cost. But its mode of financing is not neutral : because it seeks the general interest, it must allow the autonomy of political activity and personnel political. This requirement can therefore be presented in the form of a general legal principle, which is organized differently for each particular political power. But if these different financial statuses are generally known, this is not the case of the one that applies to citizenship. It was therefore essential to determine the nature of it. This requires first to set the conceptual framework, then to study the historical practice, and finally to show the current legal mechanisms. This demonstrates the necessary existence of a general principle of financial autonomy of political powers, which also applies to citizenship

Facing the bittersweet symphony of diabetes : contribution des théories d’autorégulation sur l’ajustement au diabète de type 1 / Facing the bittersweet symphony of diabetes : contribution of the self-regulation theories in adjustment to type 1 diabetes

Recchia, Sophie 05 November 2010 (has links)
Le patient atteint de diabète de type 1 s’ajuste à la maladie afin de maintenir un équilibre glycémique vital. La présente thèse explore, dans le cadre des modèles théoriques d’autorégulation, les déterminants psychosociaux associés à cet ajustement. A cette fin, l’étude en ligne intitulée MONDIAB a été développée et mise en oeuvre. Les patients atteints de diabète de type 1 ont complété un questionnaire évaluant leur vécu à deux reprises. Au total, 321 patients âgés de 16 à 65 ans ont répondu au premier questionnaire, dont 120 patients ont participé à la deuxième évaluation six mois plus tard. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme de trois études empiriques identifiant les corrélats de l’ajustement comportemental, physiologique et émotionnel du patient. Une première étude montre que le contrôle perçu, la motivation autonome, ainsi que l’interaction de ces deux facteurs sont des prédicteurs de l’autocontrôle glycémique et de la diète diabétique. Une deuxième étude indique que le soutien de l’équipe soignante influence indirectement le taux d’hémoglobine glyquée du patient à six mois. Cet effet indirect est médiatisé par un renforcement de la motivation autonome ainsi que de la compétence perçue du patient. Une troisième étude met en évidence l’impact de la perturbation des buts de vie, des styles de coping ainsi que du sentiment d’autoefficacité et du soutien social perçu sur le bien-être psychologique du patient. En conclusion, les résultats de la présente thèse soulignent l’importance de la prise en compte des déterminants psychosociaux dans la compréhension et l’amélioration de l’ajustement au diabète de type 1 / Patients with type 1 diabetes need to adjust to the disease in order to maintain an adequate glycemic control. Based on the assumptions of self-regulation theory, the present thesis explores the role of psychosocial factors in adjustment to type 1 diabetes. For this purpose the online study MONDIAB has been developed and implemented. Patients who met the criteria for participation and who agreed to the study completed a questionnaire related to their personal experiences at two time intervals. Altogether, 321 patients aged between 16 and 65 years filled in the first questionnaire, thereof 120 patients participated in the second survey six months later. Results are presented by a means of three empirical studies that identify correlates of patients’ behavioral, physiological and emotional adjustment. The first study shows that perceived control, autonomous motivation, as well as the interaction of these factors serve as predictors for gylcemic control and diabetes diet. A second study points out the indirect effect of autonomy supportiveness of health care providers on patients’ glycosylated hemoglobin six months later. This indirect effect is mediated by a reinforcement of both patients’ autonomous motivation and perceived competence. The third study underlines the impact of goal disturbance, coping styles and self-efficacy, as well as perceived social support on patients’ well-being. In conclusion, the results of the present thesis elucidate the importance of considering psychosocial factors for understanding and improvingadjustment to type 1 diabetes

Respekt autonomie a intimita pacienta jako základní komponenty uchování lidské důstojnosti. / Respect for patient autonomy and intimacy as basic components of human dignity.

PETROVICOVÁ, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, the attention is focused mainly on the physical aspect of a person and human dignity is less emphasized. The medical professionals should treat the patients with respect, dignity and understanding. This work points at the issues of maintaining patient autonomy and intimacy as the basic components of the preservation of human dignity. For the purposes of the thesis, the aim was to find to what extent the nurses find it possible to preserve patient autonomy, intimacy and the promotion of human dignity in the hospital environment. The thesis was handled by the qualitative research method with the use of interviews with the nurses and the patients of Department of Surgery and Department of Aftercare. The research file consisted of 10 general nurses, included 5 nurses from the Department of Surgery and 5 nurses from the Department of Aftercare. The research also addressed 10 patients from the Department of Surgery and 10 patients from the Department of Aftercare. Data collection was based on interview with prepared questions. The interviews which allowed the research to collect valuable information were recorded in two ways; either with the help of a voice recorder, or by a written record. Then the data processing itself occurred which consisted of a literal transcript of the information. The important data were emphasized and highlighted using the method called "a pencil and paper." By means of marking of individual words we used the method of "encoding" where the information has been grouped and which subsequently resulted in concepts as autonomy, intimacy and human dignity. The accomplished research brought different views of the nurses on the possibility of preserving the autonomy of the patients. The Department of Surgery offers more autonomy of the patients than those from the Department of Aftercare where patient autonomy is not sustained. The majority of patients (the Department of Surgery, the Department of Aftercare) is at least aware of the possibility to decide on their own, even under the circumstances where all the initiative is, as a result, conveyed by the doctors. Another concept that expressed our interest was the dignified care. Nurses show respect to patients through a humane approach, including information, interest, a quiet environment and a smile. This behaviour was also confirmed by the patients who mentioned only positive experience with the conservation and the promoting of their dignity. Many patients reported that this care is provided at the place where they are hospitalized. Unfortunately, according to the nurses, in some cases the lack of possibility to support patient dignity is caused by insufficient number of the staff, insufficient time and inappropriate facilities. The nurses are trying to maintain a professional approach which is based on decent behaviour focused on respect for human dignity. As the last concept, we present intimacy and privacy. The nurses evaluate the preservation of intimacy as possible and at the same time as an important aspect of the dignified care. Most often intimacy is maintained by means of roller blinds, doors and shutters. However, it is the number of people in the room that both the nurses and the patients see as a chief problem. The patients continue to highlight the efforts and the emphasis that the nurses put to maintain intimacy and privacy. According to the accomplished researched, it was found that the current nursing care may fulfil the rights for human dignity at an average level. The results of the current and potential further research could be available to the management of the hospital care to provide the employers with the information as a means for the identification and elimination of the identified barriers. This would increase the level of quality provided by nursing care and awareness of the fact that a person with all his/her needs remains the focus of our attention.

Postavení Padánie v Itálii

Novák, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is about Padania (i.e. north regions of Italy) and about its position within Italy. Thesis will mainly focus on comparison of social, economic and other factors between Italian regions, then historical development of Italy and its regions with emphasis on differences between regions and on the scenarios that could arise, if Padania gets any form of autonomy and have impact on Italy internal organization.

Consciência e cidadania: a (re) produção do conhecimento no ensino superior.

Monteiro, José Antônio de Magalhães 14 March 2007 (has links)
Le present travail définit le theme d´une recherche sur les possibilitités de l`éducateur de l´avenir á l´Université Féderale de Alagoas. Le theme fondamental de la dissertation c´est celui-lá de la vérification si préocupation didactique de l´UFAL est arrivé d`une forme innovatrice, ou vers une forme repetitive et achevée de l´enseignement ou si elle arrive peut-être vers une mélange des deux formes de transmetre la connaissaence. Pour verifier les hipothéses ont etés appliqués chez les étudiants de 8 cours des unités d´education de l`Université dans les cours de sciences naturelles, des sciences humaines et des sciences sociales. Le travail est assuré par diverses tendences théoriques et pédagogiques en travail d´analise à partir des sujets: l´autonomie intelectuelle, politique et de la citoyenneté. Son organisation est la suivante: Chapitre 1= l environnement, l´éducation et la formation de la citoiyenneté. Chapitre II: les fondements politiques,, didactiques et les raisons légales de la formations des maîtres et des géstions de soutient de l environnement. Chapitre III la formation du profissionel de l`education á l´UFAL: une perspective critique d´analise. Finalement le travail cherche definer la raison sociale de l´UFAL dans l´entrainnement du profissionel de l´education pour agir en société, la formation de l´autonomie ce n´est pas á priori, mais un procès de la conquête, si intelectuelle, mais aussi politique, c´est qu´arrive avec la necessite de l´exercice de la citoyenneté. / O trabalho apresentado define como tema central uma investigação sobre a capacitação do futuro educador oriundo da Universidade Federal de Alagoas. O tema central, portanto, da presente dissertação é a verificação se a preocupação pedagógica da UFAL se caracteriza por uma postura inovadora ou, se ao contrário tende à conservação de uma prática pronta e repetidora do ensino ou ainda se a prática dessa instituição de ensino superior apresenta uma condição de mistura das tuas tendências opostas. Para corroborar ou não as assertivas acima anunciadas foram aplicados questionários entre estudantes de oito cursos das áreas de ciências naturais e exatas, ciências humanas e ciências sociais. O estudo perpassa várias correntes teóricas e pedagógicas operando a analise da fala dos alunos a partir de três categorias: autonomia intelectual, política e cidadania. Sua organização compõe-se de três capítulos. Capitulo I meio ambiente, educação e formação da cidadania. Capitulo II Fundamentos políticos pedagógicos e bases legais da formação de educadores e gestores da sustentabilidade ambiental. Capitulo III A formação do licenciando da UFAL: Numa perspectiva crítica de análise. Em suas conclusões, o trabalho define que, no cumprimento do papel social da UFAL na formação do profissional da educação para atuação na sociedade, a construção da autonomia não constitui um dado a priori e sim um processo, inclusive a conquista tanto intelectual quanto política, o que se coaduna com o necessário exercício da cidadania.

Autonomie vůle v kolizní úpravě mezinárodního práva soukromého / Autonomous will in conflict of laws in international private law

Kolářová, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
Autonomous will in conflict of laws in international private law Abstrakt This thesis deals with the traditional private law principle of autonomy of will in conflict of laws in private international law. Its expression is the choice of the applicable law, which is one of the connecting factors. This institute has been known since the Middle Ages, but due to the legislative activity of the European Union, it has recently appeared in areas where it has not previously been. The choice of the applicable law allows participants to choose the law that best suits their needs. The objectives of this work are to map the development of the choice of law and the reasons which led to it. Another objective is to explore the various existing restrictions on the choice of law and to consider their necessity. In the first half of my work I deal with the principle of autonomy of will and the choice of the applicable law in general. I examine both the history of this institute and its advantages, as well as its possible division and limitations. I also mention the debate on the necessity of the presence of an international element in the legal relationship. In the second half of the thesis I examine the concrete form of choice of applicable law in both contractual and non-contractual obligations, inheritance and family law....

La décentralisation au Gabon : bilan et perspectives / Decentralization in Gabon : Assessment and prospects

Medzo-Me-Ntetome, Olivia 17 September 2012 (has links)
Alors que l'adoption de la loi n°15/96 sur la décentralisation marquait l'ambition duGabon de mettre en place un véritable processus d'autonomisation de la gestion des collectivités territoriales, sa mise en oeuvre n'a, à ce jour, pas encore donné sa pleine mesure.Bien au contraire, la décentralisation au Gabon paraît bloquée, voire dans l'impasse. Et c'est essentiellement à la tentative d'explication de cette impasse et à l'évaluation des moyens de redynamisation de ce processus que cette étude a entendu se consacrer.Ayant relevé que les difficultés rencontrées dans l'approfondissement de ce processus de décentralisation sont de plusieurs ordres, c'est-à-dire à la fois juridiques, structurelles, socio-économiques et politiques, elle constate qu'une véritable redynamisation de celle-ci est fortement soumise à une refonte totale de ses différents aspects : transfert des compétences, pouvoir de tutelle, mode de financement des collectivités locales, etc...Pour autant, elle débouche sur une interrogation centrale. Celle de savoir si finalement l'avenir de la décentralisation au Gabon réside nécessairement dans son approfondissement. Autrement dit, au regard des difficultés observées, n'y a-t-il pas lieu de revenir sur l'ensemble du processus et de s'interroger sur sa faisabilité réelle et sur sa nécessité ? / While the adoption of law 15/96 on the decentralization marked the ambition ofGabon to establish a genuine process of empowerment ok local government management its implementation has, to date, no yet reached its full potential. On the contrary, decentralization in Gabon appears blocked or stalled. And this is essentially the attempt to explain this impasse and to evaluate the means of revitalizing the process that this thesis will concentrate heard.Having noted that the difficulties in deepening the decentralization process aremanifold, that is to say at once legal, structural, socio economic and political, it finds that a genuine revival oh that is highly subject to a complete overhaul of its various aspects: transferring skills, supervisory power, mode of financing local government, etc...However, it leads to a central question. Whether ultimately the future ofdecentralization in Gabon is necessarily in their depth. In other words, given the difficulties observed, there does not need to repeat the whole processus and question its feasibility and its actual need?

L'univers féminin adolescent d'un quartier populaire en Seine-Saint-Denis / The teenage feminine world of a working-class neighborhood in Seint-Saint-Denis

Baudry, Katia 18 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif de donner vie et corps à l’univers féminin adolescent dans un quartier populaire de la banlieue parisienne. Il s’agit de s’extraire du prisme de la victimisation et du regard androcentrique par lesquels les filles sont essentiellement observées, pour ne regarder qu’à travers l’axe des relations filles-filles, et s’apercevoir que la construction de l’identité collective et individuelle s’élabore, pendant la période de l’adolescence, et dans le contexte d’un quartier populaire de la banlieue parisienne, selon différentes stratégies, collectives et individuelles avec une confrontation directe aux parents, à l’école, aux pairs, au travail et au groupe. Ce travail est le fruit d’une longue expérience de terrain en tant qu’éducatrice spécialisée en Prévention spécialisée. La démonstration réalisée dans cette étude s’est concentrée exclusivement sur le vécu, le ressenti de 49 adolescentes, âgées de 11 à 17 ans, dont 18 réparties en trois groupes d’âges différents : 11-12 ans, 15-16 ans et 16-17 ans, sans qui cet univers resterait encore invisible aux regards des adultes. La méthodologie empruntée privilégie les méthodes d’enquête qualitative relevant de l’école de Chicago. Il ressort de cette étude la création par les adolescentes d’un entre soi féminin adolescent, culturel, territorial et social comme famille de substitution pour grandir, se protéger, vivre des expériences en dehors des cercles de sociabilités. / The aim of this research is to give life and body to the teenage feminine world in a working-class area of the Parisian suburbs. It is a question of extracting from the prism of the victimization and the Androcentric glance by which the girls are essentially observed, to look only through the axis of the girls-girls relationship, and realize that the construction of the identity Collective and individual development, during the adolescence period, and in the context of a working-class neighbourhood of the suburbs of Paris, according to different strategies, collective and individual with a direct confrontation with parents, at school , peers, work and group. This work is the result of a long field experience as a specialized prevention educator. The demonstration carried out in this study focused exclusively on the experience, the feeling of 49 teenage girls, aged 11 to 17 years, of which 18 divided into three groups of different ages: 11-12 years, 15-16 years and 16-17 years, without whom this universe would still remain Invisible to the eyes of adults. The borrowed methodology focuses on the qualitative survey methods of the Chicago school. It emerges from this study the creation by teenage girls of a female teenager, cultural, territorial and social as surrogate family to grow, protect themselves, live experiences outside the circles of sociability.

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