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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of intestinal microflora and occurrence of diarrhoea in sucking foals: effects of Bacillus cereus var. toyoi supplementation

John, Jenny, Roediger, Kathrin, Schroedl, Wieland, Aldaher, Nada, Vervuert, Ingrid January 2015 (has links)
Background: Almost all foals develop transient diarrhoea within the first weeks of life. Studies indicated different viral, bacterial, and parasitic causes, such as rotavirus, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, and Cryptosporidium are discussed. But little is known about the development of intestinal microflora in foals. The present study investigated whether the supplementation with Bacillus cereus var. toyoi would modify the developing intestinal microflora and consequently reduce diarrhoea in foals. From birth, the foals were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: placebo (10 mL isotonic NaCl, n = 8), low dosage (LD; 5 × 108 cfu B. cereus var. toyoi, n = 7) and high dosage (HD; 2 × 109 cfu B. cereus var. toyoi, n = 10). Treatment groups were supplemented orally once a day for 58 days. Faeces scoring and sampling were performed within the first 24 h after birth and on day 9, 16, 23, 30, 44, 58 of the foal’s life and also on the first day of diarrhoea. Culture-plate methods were used to analyse the bacterial microflora. Results: Eighty-eight per cent of the foals developed diarrhoea (placebo 7/8, LD 5/7, HD 10/10) during the first 58 days of life. Bacillus cereus var. toyoi supplementation had no effect on bacterial microflora. Clostridium perfringens and enterobacteria were equally prevalent in foals with diarrhoea and those who were not afflicted. Conclusions: We conclude that the supplementation of B. cereus var. toyoi had no effect on the occurrence of diarrhoea and health status in the foals.

Mécanismes d'acquisition du fer de l'hôte chez Bacillus cereus : rôle du couple bacillibactine-FeuA et expression des gènes impliqués dans l'homéostasie du fer in vivo durant l’infection intestinale chez l’insecte. / Mechanisms of host iron acquisition in Bacillus cereus : role of bacillibactin-FeuA in iron uptake and expression of genes involved in iron homeostasis in vivo during insect gut infection.

Consentino, Laurent 28 June 2019 (has links)
L’apport de fer est essentiel pour la plupart des organismes vivants, incluant la majorité des bactéries pathogènes. Cependant, le fer libre est toxique : il est lié à des protéines de stockage et de transport (e.g. ferritine, hémoprotéines…) et voit son homéostasie finement régulée. Afin d’extraire le fer de ces protéines, les bactéries utilisent divers systèmes tels que des protéines de surface ou encore des sidérophores. Bacillus cereus est une bactérie Gram-positive sporulante, pathogène opportuniste chez l’homme, 2ème cause en France de toxi-infection alimentaire collective. Chez B. cereus, la protéine de surface IlsA et le sidérophore bacillibactine (BB) sont impliqués dans l’acquisition du fer de la ferritine exogène et elles sont importantes pour l’infection de l’insecte modèle Galleria mellonella. Mes travaux présentaient deux parties : tout d’abord, l’étude de l’import du complexe BB-Fe3+ dans la cellule par FeuA, protéine de liaison de ce complexe à la surface de la bactérie, souligne le rôle central du couple BB-FeuA. La délétion des gènes codants pour ces deux molécules limite l’acquisition par B. cereus du fer de la ferritine, de l’hème, de l’hémoglobine et du fer inorganique in vitro. En revanche, elle présente un phénotype de virulence in vivo comparable à la souche de référence dans le cas d’injection intra-hémocœlique de larves de G. mellonella. Ce résultat surprenant suggère un probable rétrocontrôle sur l’expression de facteurs de virulence lorsque B. cereus ne produit ni BB ni FeuA, et se trouve par conséquent fortement carencé en fer. Le second volet de mes travaux s’intéresse à l’expression des gènes liés à l’homéostasie du fer in vivo, au cours de l’infection de l’intestin de larves de G. mellonella axéniques. Nous avons choisi une approche de type microgénomique, en prélevant les échantillons par microdissection laser, sur de façon à prélever de petits échantillons dans une zone définie, puis en analysant l’expression de quelques gènes ciblés par RT-qPCR et ddPCR à 3h et 16h post ingestion. Nos résultats montrent que : i) la colonisation intestinale de G. mellonella est impactée lorsque B. cereus est dépourvu du couple BB-FeuA ; ii) ilsA est exprimé lors de l’infection intestinale ; iii) les gènes ciblés impliqués dans l’homéostasie du fer sont activés dès le début de l’infection, suggérant un rôle dans l’adaptation et la pathogénicité ; iv) une faible modulation de l’expression est observée entre les deux temps. Ces travaux ouvrent de nouvelles connaissances fondamentales sur l’homéostasie du fer et des perspectives quant à l’utilisation de nouvelles techniques pour l’étude in situ des interactions hôte-pathogène. / Iron acquisition is essential for most living organisms, including many pathogenic bacteria. However, free iron is toxic: it is bound into storage or transport proteins (e.g. ferritin, hemoproteins…) and iron homeostasis is tightly regulated. To scavenge iron from these sources, bacteria possess several systems to acquire the bound iron, by surface proteins or siderophores. Bacillus cereus is a sporeforming Gram-positive bacterium, opportunistic human pathogen, 2nd cause of food-borne disease in France. It has been demonstrated that the B. cereus surface protein IlsA and the siderophore bacillibactin (BB) are involved in iron acquisition from ferritin and that these two molecules are important for infection of the insect model G. mellonella. My thesis project focused on two parts: first the study of the BB-Fe3+ complex import into the cell by the siderophore binding protein FeuA highlights the central role of both BB and FeuA. The deletion of the genes encoding for these two molecules limits iron acquisition by B. cereus from ferritin, heme, hemoglobin and inorganic iron in vitro. On the other hand, the virulence phenotype during intra-haemocelic infection of G. mellonella is similar to the Wild-type strain. These results suggest a possible feedback on the expression of virulence factor genes when B. cereus is unable to synthetize both BB and FeuA, and therefore are under high stress. The second part of my work focused on the expression of genes involved in iron homeostasis in vivo, during gut infection of germ-free larvae of G. mellonella. We chose to perform a microgenomic approach, using laser-capture microdissection to get small samples in targeted areas, and then analysing the expression of chosen genes by RT-qPCR and ddPCR at two time points post ingestion The results show that : i) the colonisation of G. mellonella gut is impacted when B. cereus is deprived of both BB and FeuA ; ii) ilsA is expressed during gut infection ; iii) iron homeostasis is involved in adaptation and pathogenicity from the early step of infection of the insect gut ; iv) only weak gene expression modulation occured between the two timepoints This work gives new fundamental knowledge about B. cereus iron homeostasis, and highlights the use of new techniques regarding the in situ study of host-pathogen interactions.

Estudo de biofilmes e células planctônicas de Bacillus cereus frente a um sanificante à base de composto de quaternário de amônio utilizado na indústria de laticínios / Study of Bacillus cereus biofilmes and planktonic cells front to a quaternary ammonium based sanitizer used in the dairy industry

Rossi, Ana Cláudia Ribeiro 11 August 2008 (has links)
O Bacillus cereus é um patógeno amplamente distribuído na natureza, relacionado a intoxicações alimentares e causador da coagulação doce do leite. A intoxicação pode ocorrer após a ingestão de alimentos nos quais a bactéria produziu a toxina. Em laticínios, o B. cereus é problemático por sua habilidade de formar esporos resistentes ao calor e sobreviver aos tratamentos térmicos, como a pasteurização e UHT. As espécies de Bacillus são freqüentemente isoladas de leite pasteurizado e UHT e evidências indicam que os biofilmes formados nas superfícies dos equipamentos de processamento são uma das principais fontes de contaminação. No biofilme, as células ou esporos aderidos, têm aumentada sua resistência e podem resistir ao processo de sanificação, se tornando focos de disseminação de bactérias no processo. A matriz polimérica do biofilme reage e neutraliza os agentes sanificantes, expondo as bactérias em seu interior a doses subletais, podendo levar a aquisição de resistência. Neste estudo, biofilmes de células vegetativas B. cereus foram desenvolvidos na superfície de aço inoxidável, tipo 304, com filme de condicionamento de leite. A adesão média das células foi de 1,4 x 105UFC/cm2. Também foram desenvolvidos biofilmes de esporos, com adesão média em aço inoxidável de 1,4 x 104UFC/cm2. Foi avaliada a resistência das células vegetativas e esporos de B. cereus em biofilmes, ao processo simulado de higienização por clean in place (CIP) realizado em laticínios. Após a limpeza a adesão das células vegetativas em aço inoxidável foi reduzida a aproximadamente 1CFU/cm2. Após a sanificação, os resultados permaneceram inalterados. A contaminação remanescente foi relacionada com a maior resistência das células nos biofilmes formados. Após a limpeza e sanificação a adesão média dos esporos foi de 8,9 x 101 UFC/cm2 e 3,3 x 101 UFC/cm2, respectivamente. Tendo em vista este resultado, foi observado que esporos de B. cereus são mais difíceis de remover de superfícies de aço inoxidável do que células vegetativas, com procedimentos CIP. Finalmente, foi realizada a exposição de células vegetativas de B. cereus a três concentrações subletais (3,9; 1,8 e 0,9µg/mL) de cloreto de alquil amidopropil dimetil benzil amônio para avaliação da adaptação pelo método da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM). A aquisição de resistência foi avaliada pela comparação do valor inicial de CIM (7,4µg/mL), com os valores finais, após 28 dias de exposição. Após o período de adaptação, o valor de CIM encontrado foi o dobro do original (14,9µg/mL) indicando aquisição de resistência ao sanificante pela cepa. Foi constatado ainda que o cultivo da cepa na menor concentração subletal apresentou resultados mais coerentes, sugerindo que exposição a doses subletais mais brandas resulta em uma maior resposta adaptativa. / Bacillus cereus is a pathogen widely distributed in the environment and a serious problem in the dairy industry because of its ability to form heat-resistant spores that can survive pasteurization and UHT treatments. This bacteria is responsible for foodborne diseases in man due to production of toxins that may cause gastroenteritis, diarrhoea and vomiting. In addition, B. cereus is responsible for spoilage of pasteurized milk and cream referred to as \"sweet curdling\". Bacillus strains are frequently isolated from pasteurized and UHT treated milk and evidence indicates that biofilm formed on processing equipment surfaces are major sources of milk contamination. In biofilms, adherent cells and spores acquire increased resistance and persist to the sanitization process, becoming sources of bacteria dissemination in food processing. The extracellular polymeric matrix neutralizes the sanitizing agents and exposing the bacteria in biofilms to sublethal concentrations can lead to an increased resistance. In this study, biofilms of B. cereus vegetative cells were developed in a 304 stainless steel (SS) surface with a milk conditioning film. The mean adhesion of cells on SS surface was 1.4 x 105CFU/cm2. Biofilms of B. cereus spores were also developed, and the mean adhesion found was 1.4 x 104CFU/cm2. The resistance of B. cereus vegetative cells and spores in biofilms to a simulated clean-in-place (CIP) procedure used in dairy industry was evaluated. After cleaning procedure, the population of vegetative cells in the SS surface was reduced to approximated 1 CFU/cm2. After sanitizing procedure, the cell count remained unaltered. The remaining contamination was related with the increased resistance of cells in the developed biofilms. After cleaning and sanitizing procedures, the mean of spore adhesion found was 8.9 x 101 CFU/cm2 and 3.3 x 101 CFU/cm2, respectively. These results show that B. cereus spores are more difficult to remove from SS surfaces than vegetative cells using CIP procedures. Finally, B. cereus vegetative cells were exposed to three different sublethal concentrations (3.9; 1.8 and 0.9µg/mL) of alkyl amidopropyl dimethyl benzyl ammoniun cloride, for evaluation of adaptation, using the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) test. The acquired resistance was evaluated by comparing the initial MIC value (7.4µg/mL) with final MICs, after 28 days of exposure. After the adaptation period, with exception of an experiment where the MIC was threefold the original value (29.8µg/mL), in the other experiments the MICs found was double (14.9µg/mL) of the original MIC, indicating acquisition of resistance by the B. cereus strain. It was observed that the growth of cells in the mildest sublethal concentration (0.9µg/mL) resulted in more consistent effects, suggesting that the exposure to mildest sublethal concentrations results in higher adaptive responses.

Detecção de Bacillus cereus em leite e avaliação da germinação de seus esporos à temperatura ambiente e sob refrigeração após processo de fervura / Detection of Bacillus cereus in milk and evaluation of the germination of its spores to the ambient and refrigeration temperatures after process of boil

Watanuki, Milena Martinelli 25 June 2008 (has links)
A análise microbiológica atua como ferramenta fundamental para a obtenção de dados sobre a qualidade, sanidade, higiene e segurança na produção de alimentos; desta forma, tem sido adotada na indústria alimentícia para o controle de qualidade. Por sua composição completa e balanceada, o leite é um substrato ideal para o desenvolvimento de diversos grupos de microrganismos. Com o objetivo de pesquisar bactérias da espécie Bacillus cereus em amostras de leite fluido, bem como a capacidade de germinação de esporos e a multiplicação dessa bactéria após processo de fervura, com manutenção das amostras à temperatura ambiente e à temperatura de refrigeração por períodos de 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 horas, foram analisadas 75 amostras de leite, conforme as metodologias recomendadas por Silva et al. (2007). Destas, 46 amostras (61,3%) mostraram-se com algum grau de contaminação pela bactéria antes de serem submetidas à fervura. Por sua vez, as amostras mantidas à temperatura ambiente após a fervura, tiveram suas contagens bacterianas, principalmente a partir da 8a hora, superiores à contagem inicial, inclusive atingindo níveis capazes de desencadear uma toxinfecção alimentar, demonstrando a ocorrência da germinação dos esporos e a multiplicação das células vegetativas. Por outro lado, alíquotas dessas mesmas amostras mantidas sob refrigeração (7ºC) não atingiram populações preocupantes, enfatizando, desse modo, a importância da necessidade da refrigeração do leite após a fervura. / The microbiological analysis acts as basic tool for the attainment of data on the quality, health, hygiene and security in the food production, in such a way, she has been adopted in the nourishing industry for the quality control. For its complete and balanced composition, milk is an ideal substratum for the development of diverse groups of microorganisms. With the objective to search cereus bacteria of the Bacillus species in fluid milk samples, as well as the capacity of germination of spores and the multiplication of this bacterium after boil process, with maintenance of the samples to the ambient temperature and the temperature of refrigeration for periods of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours, 75 milk samples had been analyzed, as the methodologies recommended for Silva et al. (2007). Of these, 46 samples (61.3%) had revealed with some degree of contamination for the bacterium before being submitted to the boil. In turn, the samples kept to the ambient temperature after the boil, had its bacterial countings, mainly from 8a hour, superiors to the initial counting, also reaching levels capable to unchain an alimentary toxinfection, demonstrating to the occurrence of the germination of the spores and the multiplication of the vegetative cells. On the other hand, aliquot of these same samples kept under refrigeration (7ºC) had not reached preoccupying populations, emphasizing, in this manner, the importance of the necessity of the refrigeration of milk after the boil.

La protéine Fnr et le système à deux composants ResDE, des régulateurs majeurs de la synthèse des entérotoxines de Bacillus cereus

Esbelin, Julia 02 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Bacillus cereus est un pathogène opportuniste à l'origine de deux types de toxi-infections alimentaires classées en syndrome émétique ou diarrhéique. Le syndrome diarrhéique résulte de la production d'entérotoxines (Hbl, Nhe et CytK) au niveau de l'intestin grêle de l'hôte, caractérisé par une atmosphère anaérobie et un faible potentiel d'oxydo-réduction (POR). La capacité de B. cereus à se développer et à produire des entérotoxines dans ces conditions est sous le contrôle de deux systèmes qui agissent, en partie, indépendamment du régulateur pléiotrope connu, PlcR (Phospholipase C Regulator). Il s'agit du système à deux composants ResDE et de la protéine Fnr (Fumarate Nitrate Reductase). Le but de cette étude a été de caractériser d'un point de vue fonctionnel l'implication du régulateur Fnr et du système ResDE dans la toxinogenèse de B. cereus. Les résultats ont montré que la régulation de la transcription de hbl et nhe était sous le contrôle direct et indirect de Fnr et de ResD. En aérobiose, la fixation de Fnr (forme Apo) sur les régions promotrices des gènes de structure des entérotoxines (pnhe et phbl) et des gènes de régulation (presDE, pfnr et pplcR) dépend des conditions redox. L'affinité de ResD pour pnhe, phbl, presDE, pfnr et pplcR dépend des séquences de ces régions promotrices et son affinité pour les régions promotrices presDE et pfnr dépend de son état de phosphorylation. ResD et ApoFnr sont capables de se fixer simultanément sur les régions promotrices étudiées et sont également capables d'interagir physiquement en l'absence d'ADN. Nous avons proposé un modèle de régulation de la toxinogenèse dans lequel ResDE et Fnr pourraient agir en synergie. Enfin des expériences de double hybride ont permis de mettre en évidence que la protéine PlcR pourrait interagir in vivo avec les régulateurs ResD et Fnr. La régulation de la toxinogenèse impliquerait donc la formation d'un complexe multi-moléculaire

The Role Cranberry Proanthocyanidins Play in the Primary Attachment of Bacteria to Surfaces: Bacillus cereus Model

Jones, Anthony Robert 30 November 2008 (has links)
The development of a proanthocyanidin (PAC) treatment, along with the understanding of its mechanism of action, would provide an alternative method of preventing attachment to and colonization of surfaces by microorganisms, as well as potentially disrupting preexisting biofilms. The purpose of this research is to examine the role a cranberry proanthocyanidin plays in the primary attachment of Bacillus cereus to an abiotic surface. This technology could be employed in food processing plants where a premium is placed on maintaining a sanitized work environment to prevent product contamination. A biofilm assay showed that a surface treated with proanthocyanidins actually promoted rather than prevented the attachment of Bacillus cereus. This was further made evident by the fact that the surface hydrophobicities of B. cereus cells grown in media supplemented with proanthocyanidins were greater than those grown in its absence. In addition, light microscopy analysis showed a greater degree of sporulation of B. cereus cells when grown on TSA plates supplemented with PACs. These results suggest that proanthocyanidins may be inducing endospore formation in Bacillus cereus leading to increased attachment and surface hydrophobicity values.

Diversitat de Bacteris Verds del Sofre en llacunes salines i osmoadaptació amb N(epsilon)-acetil-ß-lisina

Triadó i Margarit, Xavier 29 July 2008 (has links)
L'objectiu principal del treball de recerca és aprofundir en el coneixement del grup de Bacteris Verds del Sofre (BVS) des del punt de vista de la relació amb la salinitat. L'estudi s'ha restringit als representants halotolerants o halòfils del grup amb tres línies de treball que corresponen a diferents àmbits de coneixement, com són la descripció del biòtop i la riquesa específica de les comunitats de BVS en els ambients naturals, l'avaluació de la significació taxonòmica de la capacitat de desenvolupament en ambients salins en el marc de discussió de la taxonomia-filogenètica del grup, i l'anàlisi de les estratègies fisiològiques desenvolupades per a l'osmoadaptació en medi salí. / The aim of this work is to extend the knowledge of Green Sulfur Bacteria (GSB), specifically those halotolerant and/or halophilic members of the group found in saline environments. The study has been carried out from three different perspectives, corresponding to different knowledge areas: describing the specific richness of GSB communities and environmentally relevant parameters of their habitats, evaluating the taxonomic significance of the requirements and tolerance of salts in the media and discussing the group's classification criteria, and analyzing the physiological responses developed for the osmoadaptation (in particular those related to the accumulation of compatible solutes) in saline media.

Exploration of the Peptidoglycan O-Acetylation Pathway in Bacillus cereus, and Inhibition of De-O-acetylation as a Potential Novel Antibacterial Target

Pfeffer, John 14 January 2013 (has links)
The O-acetylation of peptidoglycan (PG) is currently known to occur in greater than 50 eubacterial species, including numerous pathogens. This modification, which occurs at the C-6 hydroxyl of the N-acetylmuramoyl residues within the heteropolymer’s glycan backbone, serves as a cell wall autolytic regulatory mechanism, and contributes to pathogenesis and persistence within a host. Despite these significant physiological and pathobiological roles however, the identity of the pathway(s) responsible for the modification was only recently elucidated, for which two unrelated systems were identified, viz., the O-acetylpeptidoglycan (OAP) cluster-encoded multi-component system typical of Gram-negative species and the singular OatA of Gram-positives. As part of the OAP PG O-acetylation system, our group previously identified O-acetylpeptidoglycan esterase (Ape) as an enzyme responsible for the removal of the modification, permitting the continued metabolism of the PG sacculus. Herein, studies were performed to assess the postulated viability of this class of enzyme as a novel antibacterial target. Specifically, recombinant Ape1 from Neisseria gonorrhoeae was purified to homogeneity and the inhibitory effect of purpurin, a natural product identified as such, evaluated in detail. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that the compound elicited a competitive mode of inhibition (Kic ~3.7 μM), while the in vivo treatment of an array of environmental and pathogenic species was found to result in growth arrest for those cells containing both O-acetylPG and Ape. Evaluation of modification levels, cell wall morphology, and viability indicated a bacteriostatic effect. Taken together these data provide proof of principle that this class of enzyme presents a worthy therapeutic target. In addition to the presence of an Ape, the OAP system further differs from that of OatA through the use of two PG O-acetyltransferases. While purported to be mutually exclusive and evolutionarily divergent, in silico genomic analyses indicated their potential copresence in Bacillus anthracis and other closely related organisms. Indeed, purpurin-mediated differential growth inhibition between several such isolates and other bacilli indicated Ape activity therein. To investigate this possibility, the hypothetical Ape3 protein from Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987 was overproduced, purified, and its function assessed. Data from activity assays involving natural and synthetic substrates indicated that the protein possesses basal esterase activity in vitro. Phenotypic analysis of B. anthracis mutants deficient in each of the organism’s putative integral membrane PG O-acetyltranslocases subsequently indicated that Ape3 preferentially functions as a PG O-acetyltransferase (Pat) in vivo and that the OAP-mediated system is required for the separation of daughter cells following division. In addition, the presence of an Oat homologue was also confirmed. Thus, this is the first report of a bacterium known to possess both types of PG O-acetylation systems. / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Effect of carvacrol on hblC and nheA gene expression in Bacillus cereus for the treatment of endophthalmitis

Nimmer, Pierre S. 13 August 2011 (has links)
Access to abstract permanently restricted to Ball State community only / Access to thesis permanently restricted to Ball State community only / Department of Biology

Bacillus cereus in the housing environment of dairy cows : contamination routes, effect of teat-cleaning, and measures to improve hygiene in the cubicles and alleys /

Magnusson, Madeleine, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Alnarp : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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