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Etude de Eps1 et Eps2, deux exopolysaccharides du biofilm chez Bacillus thuringiensis / Eps1 and Eps2, two biofilm exopolysaccharides in Bacillus thuringiensis : a comprehensive studyMajed, Racha 18 May 2017 (has links)
Les exopolysaccharides - des polymères de sucres exportés - sont impliqués dans des fonctions essentielles de la physiologie bactérienne. Ce sont en effet des composants majeurs, respectivement, de la paroi bactérienne, des polymères secondaires attachés à cette paroi, des capsules, et de la matrice du biofilm. Bacillus thuringiensis est une bactérie entomopathogène, appartenant au groupe Bacillus cereus, capable de former un biofilm à l’interface air-liquide. Ce biofilm comporte deux structures distinctes: une pellicule flottant sur le milieu de culture et, en périphérie, en continuité avec celle-ci, un anneau adhérent sur les surfaces solides. Pour identifier les exopolysaccharides constitutifs de la matrice du biofilm chez cette bactérie, j'ai recherché, dans le génome séquencé de la souche 407 de B. thuringiensis, les différents loci chromosomiques susceptibles d'être impliqués dans la production de ces exopolymères. Deux loci ont étés identifiés, que nous avons appelé eps1 et eps2. Le locus eps1 avait déjà été décrit comme n'ayant aucun rôle dans la formation des biofilms chez B. cereus et sa fonction était restée inconnue. Nous avons montré que l'exopolysaccharide Eps1, dépendant du locus eps1, forme une capsule en phase stationnaire et en condition d'hypoxie. Cette capsule, qui présente des propriétés adhésives importantes sur des surfaces biotiques et abiotiques, permet l'adhésion du biofilm sur les surfaces solides et est requise pour la formation de l'anneau du biofilm. En accord avec ces résultats, nous avons observé que Eps1 n'est présent que dans l'anneau du biofilm. En revanche, l'exopolysaccharide Eps2 dépendant du locus eps2 est un élément essentiel de la matrice du biofilm et est nécessaire pour la formation de la pellicule. Enfin, à l'aide de marqueurs fluorescents, nous avons montré que deux souches mutantes capables de ne produire, respectivement, que Eps1 ou Eps2, se distribuent de façon hétérogène dans le biofilm lorsqu'elles sont mises en co-culture. En effet, la souche ne produisant que Eps1 est localisée dans l'anneau tandis que la souche ne produisant que Eps2 est localisée dans la pellicule. L'étude de la régulation de la transcription des loci eps1 et eps2 montre que ces deux loci sont régulés de façon identique. Le répresseur SinR, qui contrôle la formation de la composante protéique de la matrice du biofilm chez B. thuringiensis, n'a aucun effet sur la transcription de eps1 et eps2 chez cette bactérie. En revanche, cette transcription est activée par Spo0A et réprimée par AbrB. Enfin, le régulateur CodY réprime l’expression de ces loci en phase exponentielle, mais stimule cette expression en phase stationnaire tardive. Nos résultats montrent également un rétrocontrôle négatif d’Eps2 sur la production d’Eps1, suggérant l'existence d'une bascule ne permettant la production, au niveau d'une cellule isolée, que d'un seul de ces exopolysaccharides. / Exopolysaccharides - polymers of exported sugars - are involved in essential functions of bacterial physiology. Exopolysaccharides are in fact major components, of the bacterial wall, secondary polymers attached to this wall, the capsules, and finally the biofilm’s matrix. Bacillus thuringiensis is an entomopathogenic bacterium of the cereus group, capable of forming a biofilm at the air-liquid interface. This biofilm has two distinct structures: a floating pellicle on the culture medium and, at the periphery, in continuity with the pellicle, a ring adhering to the solid surfaces. To identify the exopolysaccharides, which constitute the biofilm matrix in B. thuringiensis, I investigated the various chromosomal loci in the sequenced genome of B. thuringiensis strain 407. Two loci have been identified and were called eps1 and eps2. To date, no role in the formation of biofilms in B. thuringiensis had been attributed to eps1 locus. Our data showed that the exopolysaccharide Eps1, depending on the eps1 locus, forms a capsule in the stationary phase and in hypoxic conditions. This capsule, which has significant adhesive properties on biotic and abiotic surfaces, allows adhesion of the biofilm to the solid surfaces, thus forming of the biofilm ring. Consistently with these results, we observed that Eps1 is present only in the biofilm ring. We found that Eps2 exopolysaccharide depending on the eps2 locus is an essential element of the biofilm matrix and is necessary for the formation of the pellicle. We have shown using fluorescent markers that two mutant strains capable of producing only type of exopolysaccharides Eps1 or Eps2 are distributed heterogeneously in the biofilm when they are cocultured. The mutant strain producing only Eps1 is localized in the ring while the mutant strain producing only Eps2 is located in the pellicle. Our data show that the transcription of eps1 and eps2 loci is regulated identically by the same set of regulators. The SinR repressor, which controls the formation of the protein component of the biofilm’s matrix in B. thuringiensis, has no effect on the transcription of eps1 and eps2 in this bacterium. The transcription is activated by Spo0A and repressed by AbrB. The CodY regulator represses the expression of these loci in exponential phase, but activates it in the late stationary phase. Our results also show a negative feedback from Eps2 on the production of Eps1, suggesting the existence of a switch, allowing only one of these exopolysaccharides to be produced in an isolated cell.
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Approche combinatoire pour la caractérisation des souches de Bacillus cereus à l'origine d'infections chez l'Homme / Combinatory approach for the characterization of Bacillus cereus strains involved in human infectionsGlasset, Benjamin 08 December 2016 (has links)
Bacillus cereus est une bactérie connue pour être le deuxième agent responsable de Toxi-Infections Alimentaires Collectives (TIAC) en France depuis 2012. Plusieurs cas d'infections locales et systémiques à B. cereus ont également été signalés. Par sa capacité à former des biofilms et à sporuler, B. cereus pose de vrais problèmes en agroalimentaire et en santé publique en résistant aux procédures de nettoyage et désinfection. Il reste néanmoins beaucoup d’interrogations sur les différences de toxicité observées chez les souches de B. cereus, des souches étant inoffensives pour l’Homme alors que d’autres sont mortelles. Or, les industries agroalimentaires et les hôpitaux ont besoin de savoir si une souche retrouvée dans leur environnement présente un danger et nécessite une intervention qui pourra avoir des répercussions économiques et humaines. Pour répondre à ces enjeux, mon travail a consisté à collecter et caractériser 564 souches isolées dans le cadre de TIAC et 56 souches isolées suite à des cas d’infections non-gastro-intestinales dans le but de les comparer avec des souches environnementales de B. cereus non reliées à des infections et identifier ce qui les différencie.A la suite de l’analyse complète des données épidémiologiques et cliniques des souches de B. cereus ainsi que leur typage et leur caractérisation sur un modèle de caractérisation génétique basé sur la détection de dix gènes présumés impliqués dans la virulence, des souches d’intérêts ont été sélectionnées pour faire l’objet d’une étude approfondie de toxicité et de transcriptomique. Cette première partie du travail a également permis d’approfondir les connaissances portant sur les foyers de TIAC causés par B. cereus et aussi de mettre en évidence des cas de contaminations croisées survenues au sein de plusieurs hôpitaux français pouvant conduire au décès du patient.L’étude portant sur la toxicité in vitro des souches sur trois modèles cellulaire eucaryotes a montré des différences significatives entre des B. cereus qui ont causé des infections et ceux non reliés à des infections. L’étude de trancriptomique différentielle a permis d’identifier une liste de marqueurs qui pourraient être utilisés, après validation, pour différencier les souches pathogènes et environnementales considérées comme non pathogènes. À la suite d’un transfert de connaissance et de méthode, ces marqueurs pourront être utilisés par les laboratoires de terrain en agro-alimentaire et les laboratoires d’analyses médicales pour aider à la prise de décision en cas de contamination à B. cereus. / Bacillus cereus is the second cause of foodborne outbreaks (FBO) in France since 2012. Several cases of local and systemic infections caused by B. cereus were also reported. By its ability to form biofilms and spores, B. cereus arises real problems in the food industry and public health by resisting to cleaning and disinfection procedures. It remains many questions about the toxicity differences observed among B. cereus strains, several are harmless to humans while others can cause death. But the food industry and hospitals need to know if a strain found in their environment is unsafe and requires intervention that can have an economic and human impact. Face to these challenges, my work was to collect and characterize 564 strains isolated from FBO and 56 strains isolated from patients following cases of non-gastrointestinal infections in order to compare them with environmental strains of B. cereus and identify what differentiates them to others.By a full analysis of epidemiological and clinical data of B. cereus strains and their molecular typing and characterization by a genetic model based on the detection of ten genes potentially involved in virulence, interest strains have been selected to deal with toxicity and transcriptomic in depth. This first part has also allowed increasing knowledge about FBO caused by B. cereus and also to highlight cross-contaminations occurred in several French hospitals leading to death.The in vitro toxicity studies performed on three eukaryotic cell models showed significant differences between toxicity levels of B. cereus strains that have caused infections and those no linked to infections. The differential trancriptomic study has allowed identifying a list of markers that could be used, after validation, for differentiating pathogenic strains from those considering as non-pathogenic. Following the transfer of knowledge and methods, these markers could be used by food safety laboratories and medical laboratories to be a decision aid in case of B. cereus contamination.
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Application of Fluorescent Antibody Methods for the Enumeration and Identification of Bacillus CereusFerebee, Robert Newton 08 1900 (has links)
This particular work is proposed as a test of the expedience of using the fluorescent-antibody technique as a method for enumeration and identification of certain strains of B. cereus that have been found to be effective in preventing taste and odor in water supplies resulting from certain Actinomycete blooms.
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Pesquisa de pátogenos oportunistas em medicamentos tópicos: padronização e análise comparativa de metodologiasVIEIRA, Daniela Cristina de Macedo 19 November 2007 (has links)
Com a ampla disseminação da AIDS, uma grande gama de microrganismos
tem aparecido como patógenos emergentes, causando importantes infecções em
pacientes imunocomprometidos. Por exemplo, Rhodococcus equi, um agente incomum
de infecções em humanos, tem sido isolado em pacientes imunocomprometidos. A
presença deste microrganismo oportunista em produtos farmacêuticos não tem tido
considerável atenção. No presente trabalho, o método de reação em cadeia da
polimerase (PCR) foi comparado com métodos convencionais para rápida detecção de
três espécies bacterianas em amostras de cremes tópicos contaminadas artificialmente.
As amostras foram incubadas por 24 horas a 37ºC. Depois da incubação em caldo com
10% de tween 20, amostras foram semeadas em meio para crescimento seletivo.
Identificação bioquímica de Bacillus cereus e Rhodococus equi foram feitas utilizando o
sistemas de identificação API 20E® e API Coryne®, respectivamente. Para identificação
de Micrococcus luteus foram utilizados os testes de catalase, oxidase, morfologias das
colônias e o sistema Gram. O DNA foi extraído usando o método do fenol-clorofórmio.
Os iniciadores utilizados contendo a seqüência específica foram para B. cereus (BC1 e
BC2), R. equi (COX-F e COX-R) e para M. luteus (ML-ISR-R e ML-ISR-F) foram
utilizados na reação de PCR. Para validação da metodologia molecular, as seqüências
dos produtos de PCR foram determinadas e analizadas utilizando-se os programas
Blastn e Blastx. Foi observado uma alta similaridade (E .value 0,0) e uma alta
identidade ( > 99%) para as bactérias utilizadas neste estudo. Os métodos convencional
e de PCR detectaram B. cereus, R. equi e M. luteus em todas as amostras
contaminadas artificialmente. O tempo para completar o método de PCR incluindo o
preparo de amostras e a amplificação específica do DNA bacteriano foi de 27 horas.
Para o método convencional foi necessário de 72 a 96 horas para o isolamento e
identificação bioquímica dos microrganismos pesquisados. A rápida detecção de PCR
para B. cereus, R. equi e M. luteus mostrada neste trabalho sugerem o uso desta
metodologia em controle de qualidade microbiológica de produtos tópicos não estéreis,
especialmente utilizados por pacientes imunocomprometidos. / With the ample dissemination of the AIDS, a wide range microorganisms has
blunted as emergent pathogens, causing important infection in immunocompromised
patients. For example, Rhodococcus equi, an unusual cause of infection in humans, has
been isolated from HIV-infected patients. The presence of these opportunistic
microorganisms in pharmaceutical products has not receiv considerable attention. In the
present work PCR assay were compared with standard microbiological methods for
rapid detection of three bacterial species from artificially contaminated sample of topical
creams. Artificially contaminated samples were incubated for 24 horas at 37º C. After
incubation in broth with 10% tween 20, samples were streaked on seletive growth
media. Biochemical identification of Bacillus cereus and R. equi was performed using
API 20E® and API Coryne® identification systems, respectivelly. For Micrococcus luteus
identification, colony an Gram-stained morphology of the bacterium and the biochemical
tests of catalase and oxidase were used.DNA was extracted using phenol-chloroform
method. DNA primers containing the specific sequences of the BC1 and BC2 for B.
cereus, COX-R and COX-F for R. equi and ML-ISR-F and ML-ISR-F for M. luteus were
used for detection in the PCR reaction. In order to validate this methodology, DNA
sequences of the products were determined. The sequences of the cloned PCR
products were analysed using Blastn and Blastx programs. It was observed a marked
similarity (E.value 0,0) and a high identity (> 99%) to the bacteria used in the study.
Both the PCR and the standard enrichment tests method detected B. cereus, R. equi
and M. luteus in all of the deliberately contaminated samples. The time to complete the
PCR assay including sample preparation and PCR amplification of the specific DNA
bacterial targets was 27 h. Standard plating methods required 72-96 h for the bacteria
to be isolated, purified and biochemecally identified. Rapid PCR detection of B. cereus,
R. equi and M. luteus showed in this work suggests the use of this methodology in the
microbiology control of non-sterile topical products, specially intended for use with
immunocompromised patients.
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Mikrobiell undersökning av mjukglassBerthling, Lisa, Tybell, Emma January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Production of a cloned xylanase gene in Bacillus cereus and its performance in kraft pulp prebleachingTremblay, Louis January 1993 (has links)
Xylanase production from a Bacillus subtilis gene cloned into a strain of Escherichia coli was measured. Although this gene was expressed in E. coli at several temperatures, efficient normal xylanase secretion did not occur, the observed protein release apparently depending on cell leakage or lysis. Screening for a better microbial protein secretor free of cellulase selected B. cereus #259. The strain had wild plasmids that were hard to eliminate using acridine orange and elevated temperature curing techniques. While still bearing 5 wild plasmids, attempts to transform B. cereus #259 were unsuccessful using conventional methods and electroporation. Another strain, B. cereus #518, found to be free of wild plasmids, was then used. A bidirectional vector shuttle plasmid (pMK3) was employed to carry the cloned gene into this B. cereus strain. Transformation was carried out by high voltage electroporation. Xylanase production by the new B. cereus clone was similar to that from E. coli, but was shown to be continuously and normally secreted. The xylanase gene products from the E. coli and B. cereus hosts were shown to function identically. Both xylanases improved the delignification of unbleached softwood and hardwood kraft pulps, thus reducing the Cl$ sb2$ required to achieve a given degree of bleaching, without altering the physical properties of the fibers. Using a target kappa number lignin content) of 5, xylanase pretreatment of aspen kraft pulp led to a 22% saving of chlorine. Adsorbable organic halogens in the bleachery effluent were also lowered by more than 50%.
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Molecular typing of virulence genes in enterotoxigenic Bacillus cereusGracias, Kiev S. January 2007 (has links)
Bacillus cereus causes emesis and/or diarrhea following ingestion of contaminated food due to the production of emetic toxins and enterotoxins. SYBR Green I is used as an intercalating dye and its florescence increases as a result of DNA amplification during real-time PCR. A second-derivative plot is obtained at the end of the PCR run, where amplicons are differentiated based on their DNA melting temperature (Tm). DNA was extracted from Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) and 2.5% Nonfat Dry Milk (NFDM)-grown B. cereus at cell densities of 10',106,105,104,0,102, and 101 cfu/ml. In order to detect the multiple virulence determinants in pathogenic B. cereus, specific primers were used to target three enterotoxigenic genes (hblC, nheA, and hblA), followed by melt-curve analysis to confirm identity. Conditions used for this experiment allowed for the reproducible distinction of melt curves (characteristic Tm) for each amplicon (hblC = 74.5°C in TSB and 75°C in NFDM; nheA = 78°C; and hblA = 85.5°C in TSB and 84°C in NFDM) with an assay sensitivity of 106 CFU/ml in TSB and 10' CFU/ml in NFDM. B. cereus, nheA expression was examined in cells grown in TSB using transcript-specific, real-time nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) with SYBR Green II. NASBA was applied to ascertain relative levels of nheA expression, when cells were subjected to subinhibitory levels of chloramphenicol as a stressor. B. cereus demonstrated consistently high levels of nheA expression at 15 hours when grown in TSB containing subinhibitory concentration (SIC) chloramphenicol (15.625 mg/ml). Relative levels of nheA expression differed in stressed B. cereus cells grown during the 30 hours incubation. / Department of Biology
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Έκφραση, καθαρισμός και βιοχημικός χαρακτηρισμός της Ν-ακετυλογλυκοζαμινικής απακετυλάσης (BC2929) του Bacillus cereusΜπούρα, Κωνσταντίνα 11 July 2013 (has links)
O bacillus cereus είναι ένα παθογόνο, θετικό κατά Gram βακτήριο, ομόλογο με τον Bacillus anthracis. Ο στόχος της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να διαλευκάνει το ρόλο που παίζει η πεπτιδογλυκάνη, και συγκεκριμένα οι απακετυλάσες της, και με βάση τις εκτεταμένες ομολογίες τους να συνεισφέρπυν στη κατανόηση της φυσιολογίας του B. anthracis. / Bacillus cereus is an opportunistic pathogenic, Gram positive bacterium, closely related to Bacillus anthracis. The goal of this study is to shed light on the role of bacterial peptidoglycan deacetylases and furthermore based on the extensive homologies to contribute to our understanding of the physiology of B. anthracis.
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Caracterização bromatológica e avaliação de compostos bioativos presentes na batata da serra (Ipomoea Convolvulácea L.) produzida na Chapada Diamantina-BARocha, Andson Barreto 05 March 2013 (has links)
111 f. / Submitted by Cynthia Nascimento (cyngabe@ufba.br) on 2013-03-05T12:34:07Z
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Andson Barreto Rocha.pdf: 796502 bytes, checksum: 0c7799e8e5dd1d51139c8f94d6a67de9 (MD5) / FAPESB / Um dos sérios problemas enfrentados pelo homem nos países em fase de
desenvolvimento é a escassez de alimentos, e por isso, fontes extrativistas
regionais são alternativas encontradas pela população local para suprir a carência
nutricional demandada pelo organismos. A Batata da Serra (Ipomoea
Convolvulácea L.) é uma raiz tuberosa nativa das regiões montanhosas que há
décadas vem sendo consumida pela população da Chapada Diamantina-BA e
seus turistas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade
microbiológica, bromatológica, e bioquímica em relação à atividade antioxidante da
batata da serra (Ipomoea Convolvulácea L.) in natura e suas respectivas farinhas.
As frações avaliadas foram a casca de batata da serra in natura (CBS), polpa in
natura (PBS), assim como das respectivas farinhas de polpa e casca (FPBS) e
(FCBS). As análises bromatológicas seguiram as metodologias oficiais do Instituto
Adolfo Lutz e da AOAC. O conteúdo de água da polpa in natura foi de 96,83% e
92,66% para a CBS. Os teores de cinza encontrados para as farinhas foram de
8,10% para FPBS e 7,74% para a FCBS e para a CBS e PBS 1,35% e 0,50%
respectivamente. A PBS apresentou o menor teor de carboidratos, 2,38% seguida
da CBS, FCBS e FPBS e suas respectivas quantidades 4,24; 75,05 e 86,36%. As
concentrações de fibras totais em ordem crescente foram de 14,44, 22,39, 34,21 e
47,91% respectivamente para as frações CBS, PBS, FPBS e FCBS. A mesma
ordem crescente de concentração foi constatado para a fração fibra insolúvel e
solúvel da batata da serra. Tendo para a fração solúvel 2,04% para a CBS, 2,52,
3,82 e 6,60% para a PBS, FPBS e FCBS respectivamente, e para a fração insolúvel
o percentual de fibra foi 8,71 para a CBS, 17,35% para a PBS, já a FPBS
apresentou teor de 27,35%, valor este menor que o encontrado para a FCBS,
39,03%. O maior índice de contaminação foi encontrado nas amostras da CBS,
prevalecendo nas três classes de microrganismos estudadas, com teores de 105
UFC.g-1 para mesófilos, 104 UFC.g-1 para Bacillus Cereus e 106 UFC.g-1 para bolores
e leveduras. Para as frações PBS, FPBS e FCBS os níveis encontrados
apresentaram abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. No
tratamento estatístico aplicado entre a fração casca e suas respectivas farinhas
constatou-se em nível de 5% diferença significativa para bolores e leveduras, no
entanto o mesmo não foi constatado para a polpa e sua farinha, que apesar de não
diferirem entre si, apresentou níveis seguros do ponto de vista microbiológico, 103 e
101 UFC.g-1 respectivamente. Em relação aos teores de Bacillus Cereus a CBS
apresentou maiores teores de 104 UFC.g-1, seguidos da FPBS e FCBS com índices
de contaminação da ordem de 103 UFC.g-1 e a PBS com níveis de 102 UFC.g-1. Os
menores teores de mesófilos foram apresentados nas frações PBS, FCBS e FPBS,
estes na ordem de 103 UFC.g-1 e índices mais elevados 105 UFC.g-1. Em relação
aos teores de compostos fenólicos e a atividade antioxidante de extratos da casca
e da polpa da batata da serra liofilizada e suas respectivas farinhas constatou-se
que a farinha de casca de batata da serra obtida em estufa a 50°C (FCBSE)
apresentou o maior teor de compostos fenólicos totais (CFT), equivalente a 29,24
mg de ácido gálico por 100g, seguidos da polpa de batata da serra liofilizada
(PBSL), casca de batata da serra liofilizada (CBSL) e farinha de polpa de batata
da serra seca em estufa (FPBSE), sendo suas respectivas concentrações 5,37,
3,86 e 3,41 mg de ácido gálico por 100g. Na análise da atividade antioxidante através do método do DPPH, a % AA não apresentou diferenças significativas
entres as frações PBSL, CBSL, FPBSE para o teste de Tukey a 5% de
significância. As % AA foram respectivamente 19,86, 11,00 e 22,87%. Houve
diferença significativa para este ensaio apenas entre a FCBSE e as demais
amostras, onde o percentual de AA foi de 88,78%, corroborando esta com o maior
teor de compostos fenólicos apresentados para a mesma fração avaliada.
Avaliando a atividade antioxidante pelo método de oxidação frente ao sistema
beta-caroteno:ácido linoléico não constatou diferença significativa no % AA entres
as amostras, sendo que a CBSL apresentou a maior atividade (25,91%). A
atividade antioxidante da PBSL foi a menor (19,32%) e superiores a esta a
FCBSE (21,85%) e a FPBSE (22,53%). Quando se comparou a eficácia dos
métodos frente às amostras analisadas constatou se que não houve diferença
significativa entre estes, quando se analisou a fração polpa, liofilizada ou
submetida a secagem em estufa. No entanto para a fração casca, os métodos
diferiram entre si a 5% de significância para a fração liofilizada e seca em estufa.
O maior teor de nitrato foi encontrado na PBS, seguido de sua farinha, com teores
de 124,33 e 114,77 mg.100g-1 de matéria seca. A fração da casca e sua farinha
apresentou baixa concentração deste composto antinutricional, 39,77 e 30,77
mg.100g-1 respectivamente. As maiores concentrações de taninos foram reveladas
na fração da casca da batata da serra, sendo sua farinha responsável por
apresentar maior teor, 10,13 mg.100g-1 e a menor concentração de tanino foi
evidenciada na PBS, 1,25 mg.100g-1
. Pelo exposto conclui-se no presente estudo
que a quantificação dos compostos fenólicos, a confirmação da atividade
antioxidante, o baixo índice glicêmico, os teores satisfatórios de fibras alimentares,
solúveis insolúveis e totais, a qualidade microbiológica apresentada pela polpa e sua
farinha e a riqueza dos nutrientes existentes, assim como a ausência de fatores
antinutricionais na Batata da Serra contribuirá para a aumentar a disposição ao
consumo de alimentos seguros e ricos em nutrientes capaz de suprir as carências
nutricionais da população consumidora do rizoma, além de agregar valor a essa
matéria-prima com o beneficiamento de extratos para utilização na indústrias de
alimentos para a elaboração de produtos de conveniência atrativos a exemplo dos
sucos, bebidas lácteas enriquecidas com batata da serra, néctares, farinhas, doces,
alimentos estes que estão dentre os mais propícios ao desenvolvimento junto à
realidade local. / Universidade Federal da Bahia.Faculdade de Farmácia. Salvador-Ba, 2012.
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Modelagem determinística do crescimento de Bacillus cereus em função do pH e temperatura / Deterministic modeling of Bacillus cereus growth as a function of pH and temperatureVasconcelos, Anna Carolina Motta 12 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2017-11-13T13:04:13Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-06-12 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Bacillus cereus tem causado preocupação na indústria de alimentos, sendo que esse patógeno causa duas síndromes distintas que atingem os humanos, a diarreica é ocasionada que pelas toxinas não hemolítica (nhe), hemolítica (hbl) e citotoxina (cytk) e a emética, causada pela toxina denominada de cereulide. Estudar o comportamento de micro-organismos frente às várias mudanças dos parâmetros ambientais é fundamental para compreender e obter maiores conhecimentos do comportamento microbiano. Assim, modelos preditivos podem ser usados como ferramentas para descrever tais informações, além de prever o crescimento, sobrevivência e, ou inativação de micro-organismos na cadeia produtiva de alimentos. Com base nisso, esse trabalho consistiu em descrever matematicamente a multiplicação microbiana de 11 estirpes de B. cereus em função do pH (4,9; 5,5; 6,5; 7,0) e temperatura (15 oC, 25 oC, 32 oC e 37 oC), determinar as curvas de crescimento das 11 estirpes de B. cereus em caldo nutriente, modelar as curvas de crescimento determinandoo tempo de lag e a taxa de crescimento empregando o modelo primário de Baranyi e Roberts e modelar a taxa de crescimento e tempo de lag em função do pH e temperatura empregando os modelos secundários de Raiz Quadrada e Arrhenius–Davey modificado. O inóculo foi padronizado realizando leitura da densidade óptica (D.O) em espectrofotômetro no comprimento de onda de 630 nm, em que a absorbância foi ajustada para 0,100, equivalente a 1,0 x 10 8 UFC·mL -1 . Após o ajuste, foram feitas diluições em caldo BHI para a obtenção de 1,0 x 10 5 UFC·mL -1 . A multiplicação microbiana foi observada utilizando o equipamento Elisa com leitura de densidade óptica em 600 nm, até que todas as estirpes alcançassem a fase estacionária. Como resultados, foram obtidas 704 curvas para caracterizar o crescimento das estirpes. O modelo de Baranyi e Roberts (1994) ajustou bem os dados para todas as temperaturas estudadas com coeficiente de determinação (R 2 ) > 0,95. Pode ser observado neste trabalho que as maiores taxas de multiplicação ( máx ) acontecem nas temperaturas de 32 oC e 37 oC e nos valores de pH entre 6,5 e 7,0 e a 15 oC nota-se que a taxa de multiplicação foi menor e o tempo de permanência na fase lag ( ) foi maior. Foram obtidos bons ajustes do modelo secundário da Raiz Quadrada aos dados dos parâmetros máx em função da temperatura e do pH, com valores de R 2 maiores que 0,75, e menores que 0,96, para todos os casos. Com relação ao modelo secundário de Arrhenius–Davey modificado, os modelos podem ser considerados ótimos aos dados dos parâmetros em função da temperatura e do pH, apresentando valores de R 2 maiores que 0,88, e menores que 0,99. Portanto, observando o exposto acima, os modelos apresentados nesta pesquisa possuem boa confiabilidade para predizer os parâmetros de crescimento das diferentes estirpes de B. cereus. / Bacillus cereus has caused concern in the food industry, and this pathogen causes two distinct syndromes that affect humans, the diarrhea that is caused by non- hemolytic toxins, hemolytic (hbl) and cytotoxin (cytk) and emetics, caused by cereulide toxin. The study of the behavior of microorganisms in the face of various changes in environmental parameters is fundamental to understanding and gaining knowledge of microbial behavior. Thus, predictive models can be used as tools to describe such information, in addition to predicting the growth, survival, or inactivation of microorganisms in the food production chain. Based on this, this work consisted in describing mathematically the microbial multiplication of 11 strains of B. cereus as a function of pH (4.9, 5.5, 6.5, 7.0) and temperature (15 oC, 25 oC, 32 °C and 37 °C), determine the growth curves of the 11 strains of B. cereus in nutrient broth, model the growth curves determining lag time and growth rate using the Baranyi and Roberts primary model and model the rate of growth and lag time as a function of pH and temperature using the modified Secondary Root and Arrhenius- Davey models. The inoculum was standardized by reading the optical density (O.D.) in a spectrophotometer at the wavelength of 630 nm, where the absorbance was adjusted to 0.100, equivalent to 1.0 x 10 8 CFU • mL -1 . After adjustment, dilutions were made in BHI broth to obtain 1.0 x 10 5 CFU • mL -1 . Microbial multiplication was observed using the Elisa equipment with optical density reading at 600 nm until all strains reached the stationary phase. As results, 704 curves were obtained to characterize the growth of the strains. The model of Baranyi and Roberts (1994) fitted the data well for all temperatures studied with coefficient of determination (R2)> 0.95. It can be observed in this work that the highest multiplication rates ( max ) occur at temperatures of 32 °C and 37 °C and at pH values between 6.5 and 7.0 and at 15 °C it is noted that the multiplication rate was lower and the residence time in the lag ( ) phase was higher. Good adjustments of the secondary model of the Square Root were obtained for the parameters max as a function of temperature and pH, with R 2 values higher than 0.75 and less than 0.96 for all cases. With respect to the modified Arrhenius-Davey secondary model, the models can be considered optimal for the parameter data as a function of temperature and pH, with R 2 values greater than 0.88 and less than 0.99. Therefore, considering the above, the models presented in this research have good reliability to predict the growth parameters of the different strains of B. cereus.
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