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A Study of the Short-term Variability of Seawater pCO2 near ÖstergarnsholmPersson Söderman, Jennie January 2014 (has links)
In this study, an analysis of upwelling and biological activities impact on the seawater pCO2 variability was done to improve the knowledge about the pCO2 variability in seawater in the Baltic Sea. During upwelling activity, CO2 rich waters are upwelled to the surface. This influences air-sea CO2 flux and thus the net uptake/emission of CO2 by the sea. pCO2 and SST measurements from a SAMI sensor, located at the Östergarnsholm site in the Baltic Sea, and SST satellite data, was used to identify periods affected by upwelling activity. A strong variability due to upwelling activity was observed on the pCO2 concentration. The frequency of upwelling activity at the Östergarnsholm site was estimated to be around 20 % of the time from May-November. The relationship between pCO2 and SST during upwelling activity was found to depend of the month. In November, this relationship can be used to characterise the effect of upwelling, but for the other months there are no differences between the none- upwelling periods and the upwelling periods. Another type of period, characterized by a diurnal variability of pCO2 mainly driven by the biological effect, was also observed. / I denna studie undersöktes hur uppvällning och biologisk aktivitet påverkar koncentrationen av pCO2 i havet. Detta gjordes för att få ökad förståelse för korttidsvariationen av pCO2 i Östersjön. Under uppvällning pressas CO2-rikt vatten upp till ytan. Detta påverkar flödet av CO2 mellan hav och atmosfär och då även det totala upptaget/utsläppet av CO2 från havet. I studien användes pCO2 och SST mätningar från en SAMI-sensor, placerad vid Östergarnsholm i Östersjön, och en del satellitdata för att identifiera perioder påverkade av uppvällning. Det observerades att uppvällnings inverkan på koncentrationen av pCO2 varierar kraftigt. Frekvensen av uppvällning vid Östergarnsholm uppskattades vara ungefär 20 % av tiden under maj-november. Relationen mellan SST och pCO2 under perioder med uppvällning observerades variera från maj-november. I november kan denna relation användas till att uppskatta effekten av uppvällning men under de andra månaderna är relationen under uppvällning för lika relationen under icke- uppvällning. Även en annan slags perioder observerades; under dessa perioder observerades en dygnscykel av pCO2, driven av biologisk aktivitet.
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Lietuvos Baltijos jūros priekrantės zonoje žiemojančių vandens paukščių populiacijų gausos dinamika ir erdvinis pasiskirstymas / Abundance dynamics and spatial distribution of wintering waterbirds in Lithuanian coastal waters of the Baltic SeaVyšniauskas, Vaidas 30 June 2009 (has links)
Žiemojantys vandens paukščiai Lietuvos pajūryje 2006, 2007 ir 2008 m. žiemojimo laikotarpiu tirti naudojant standartinę apskaitų nuo kranto metodiką. Gausiausiai stebėtos rūšys buvo: nuodėgulė, ledinė antis, didysis dančiasnapis, ausuotasis kragas, klykuolė, sibirinė gaga. Darbe yra pateikiama 2006, 2007 ir 2008 metų žiemos stebėjimo sezonų duomenų analizė, kurioje yra nagrinėjama vandens paukščių rūšinė sudėtis tiek 2006, 2007 ir 2008 metais atskirai, bei tarp atskirų teritorijų skirtingais metais. Palangos priekrantė 2006, 2007 ir 2008 metų stebėjimo sezonais buvo svarbi didžiųjų dančiasnapių, ausuotųjų kragų, klykuolių, ledinių ančių ir sibirinių gagų susitelkimo vieta. Priekrantė ties Kuršių nerija 2006–2007 metų stebėjimo sezonais buvo svarbi žiemojančioms nuodėgulėms, ledinėms antims ir ausuotiesiems kragams. Taip pat nagrinėjau žiemojančių vandens paukščių pasiskirstymą Lietuvos Baltijos jūros priekrantėje ties Palanga, bei ties Kuršių nerija tais pačiais, bei skirtinagais tyrimų sezonais. Ledinių ančių pagrindinės sankaupos stebėtos ties Giruliais ir mažesnė dalis iki Palangos tilto, nuodėgulių - ties Juodkrante ir Smiltyne. Klykuolių didesnės sankaupos stebėtos tarp Karklės ir Palangos tilto. Ausuotųjų kragų pasiskirstymas priekrantėje sąlyginai tolygus tiek ties Kuršių nerija, tiek ties Palanga. / Wintering wterbirds in Lithuanian costal waters were investigated in 2006–2007–2008 standart land-based surveys were used. Abuot 11900 in 2006, 6600 in 2007 and 4192 in 2008 waterbirds were cuonted. 20 species were recorded wintering in Lithuanian inshore waters of the Baltic sea. Velvet Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Goosander, Great Crested Grebe, Goldeneye, Steller‘s Eider were the most numeruos species. Analysis of the wintering waterbird species composition in diferent years in the same study site and in different years in the same site in 2006–2007–2008 wintering seasons is presented. The coastal waters off the Palanga were important for wintering Long-tailed Ducks, Goosanders, Great Crested Grebes, Goldeneyes, Steller‘s Eiders in 2006–2007–2008 seasons. The coastal waters off the Curonian Spit were important for wintering Velvet Scoters, Long-tailed Ducks, Great Crested Grebes. Distribution of wintering waterbirds in the Lithuanian inshore waters in 2006–2007–2008 wintering seasons was also analysed. The greatest concentrations of Long-tailed Ducks were observed near the Giruliai and smaller numbers – all the way to Palanga bridge in the north, Velvet Scoters – between Juodkrante and Smiltyne. The greatest concentrations of Goldeneyes were observed between Karkle and the Palanga bridge. Great Crested Grebes were rather evenly distributed along the coastal waters both off the Palanga and the Curonian Spit coasts.
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Baltijos šalių turizmo plėtra atsižvelgiant į pajūrio regiono ypatumus / Tourism Development In The Baltic Countries Considering Specifies Of The Coastal RegionsHausmann, Thomas 11 November 2009 (has links)
Pagrindinė disertacijoje nagrinėjama sritis – turizmo vystymasis Pabaltijo šalyse. Ypatingas dėmesys buvo skirtas Lietuvos turizmo perspektyvoms. Dėl ypatingos Pabaltijo regiono geografinės padėties pajūrio turizmas čia ypač svarbus, todėl turizmo produktų kūrimo galimybes lemia geopolitinė šalies padėtis. Remiantis šiuo požiūriu, Lietuva yra tranzitinė šalis, esanti tarp Vakarų Europos ir Nepriklausomų Valstybių Sandraugos šalių. Lietuva taip pat svarbi kaip transporto koridorius tarp Šiaurės ir Pietų dėl ją kertančių dviejų didelių autostradų („VIA Baltica“ ir „VIA Hanziatica“). Geografinė Lietuvos padėtis ir iki šių dienų sukurta turizmo ūkio infrastruktūra sudaro palankias sąlygas turizmo plėtrai, o ypač atvykstamajam turizmui. Ši tezė ir buvo tiriamojo darbo tikslų ir uždavinių pagrindinė sąlyga. / The goal of the thesis – to unroll the key characteristics of the functioning of tourism system and tourism development of the BALTIC TOURISM INDUSTRY, especially in the coastal region of Lithuania, based on theoretical and empirical research; to identify and assess the quality level of the product or services currently on supply by Lithuanian enterprises as well as investigating opportunities and prospects of further development of Lithuania‘s tourism with the focus on the Baltic coastal region.
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Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's use of the 'byliny' (Russian oral epic narratives) in his opera SadkoReeve, Brian January 2005 (has links)
This thesis analyses the background in folk music, folk literature and folk art of Rimsky-Korsakov's sixth opera Sadko (1897). Attention is especially focused on the folk genre of the bylina, or Russian legendary and mythical oral epic narrative, from the field of which, uniquely in Russian opera, the plot of the opera is drawn. Furthermore, many incidental details of libretto and staging are derived from these epics, and, too, lengthy vocal extracts declaimed in the style of a typical Russian peasant bard. Rimsky-Korsakov also drew, however, on many other genres of folk music and folk art for his opera, and this thesis demonstrates that there is hardly one detail of this work, including cast list and stage directions, which does not derive from the Russian folk tradition. However, some critics have maintained that the measured oral unfolding of an epic narrative does not lend itself readily to adaptation for the stage, and that there are long periods of stasis in the action of the opera. The thesis rebuts this assertion by examining Rimsky-Korsakov's artistic and aesthetic conceptions, and by demonstrating that, through his adaptation of such epic material for the musical theatre, the composer was attempting to create a new genre of stage art, in which the conventional dramatic canons were to be set aside. This thesis, therefore, firstly analyses the genre of the bylina in detail, then studies Rimsky-Korsakov's background in the culture of his period, which led to his profound immersion in Russian folk culture. Subsequent to this, the other major sources of the opera Sadko are examined, as are Rimsky-Korsakov's collaboration with Mamontov's Private Opera Company, which premiered this work, owing to the composer's difficulties with the Imperial Theatres. Following an analysis of the score and libretto to ascertain how the composer incorporated his sources into his work, the thesis concludes with an evaluation of the alleged dramatic weakness and static quality of the score, and an analysis of whether the attempt to transfer an oral linear narrative to the stage was in fact successful.
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Vabalų (Insecta, Coleoptera)fauna ir paplitimas Lietuvos pajūrio buveinėse / Beetle (Insecta, Coleoptera) fauna and its distribution in seashore habitats of LithuaniaFerenca, Romas 06 October 2014 (has links)
Baltijos pajūris išsiskiria savita gamta, specifinėmis, tik šiam regionui būdingomis buveinėmis, kurias sukuria švelnus jūrinis klimatas, nederlingi ir druskingi smėlio dirvožemiai, vyraujantys vakarų vėjai. Darbo tikslas – ištirti Baltijos pajūrio buveinių vabalų (Insecta, Coleoptera) fauną, pasiskirstymą buveinėse ir jų sezoninę dinamiką. Vabalai tirti 2008-2010 m. 10 skirtingų Baltijos pajūrio buveinių. Baltijos pajūrio buveinėse nustatytos 1206 vabalų rūšys, priklausančios 70 šeimų, kas sudaro 32,7 % nuo visų žinomų vabalų Lietuvoje. Atrastos 52 naujos Lietuvos faunai vabalų rūšys, priklausančios 16 šeimų. Rūšis Cryptocephalus ochroleucus Fairm. yra nauja visam Rytų Pabaltijui ir Fenoskandijai. Didžiausia vabalų įvairovė nustatyta sengirėje (174 rūšys), mažiausia – pilkosiose kopose apaugusiose samanomis ir kerpėmis (20 rūšių). Atvirose Baltijos pajūrio buveinėse dominuoja termofilinės, psamofilinės vabalų rūšys. Stenotopinės vabalų rūšys (89) ir halobiontinės (27 rūšys) yra būdingos atviroms pajūrio buveinėms, o halobiontinės rūšys – pilkosiose ir baltosiose kopose su Leymus arenarius. / The Baltic Sea coast typical habitats formed by a mild sea climate are characterized by infertile and saline sands, predominant western winds and are peculiar only to this region. The aim of the study is to investigate the beetle (Insecta, Coleoptera) fauna of seashore habitats of Lithuania, beetle distribution in different habitats. The material was collected during the study period of 2008–2010 in 10 different localities of Curonian Spit. Research territories were selected so that investigated plots covered all habitats of the Baltic Sea coast. After analyzing and generalizing the material collected in the Baltic seashore habitats a total of 1206 beetle species belonging to 70 families, or 32.7% of all known Lithuanian beetle fauna were determined; 52 beetle species of 16 families were recorded first time for Lithuania. Cryptocephalus ochroleucus Fairm. is a new species in the Eastern Baltic region and in Fennoscandia. The old-growth mixed forest distinguished by the greatest species number (174 beetle species) and grey dunes overgrow with lichens, mosses and Poaceae exibited the lowest species number (20 beetle species). The open habitats of the Baltic Sea coast were dominated by termophilic psamophilic beetle species. Stenotopic (89 species) and halobiontic (27 species) beetle species were typical only of open seashore habitats. Halobiontic species were the most abundant in the grey / white dunes with Leymus arenarius.
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Regional cooperation organizations in a multipolar world. Comparing the Baltic and the Black Sea regionsMelchiorre, Tiziana January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the phenomenon of regionalism around the Baltic and the Black Sea since the end of the Cold War with a comparative approach and by applying an extended neorealist theory that includes geopolitics and historical legacy. The main focus is regional organizations, the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), which defines the geographical and political borders of the Baltic and the Black Sea region. These regional organizations are treated as international regimes. The three main varibales taken into consideration in this study are the distribution of power among the big states, the geographical location and the historical legacy that directly and indirectly affect the relations among the states in each region. These variables are consistently applied to the following four sector analysed in this study: hard security, energy, economic development, and environment. While the last three sectors are areas of cooperation within the CBSS and the BSEC, hard security is not. Its inclusion in this study is because of the fact that it strongly affects the power relations among the states in the two regions and that it is strictly linked to the other three sectors. Although the CBSS and the BSEC have established ad hoc Working Groups with the aim to make cooperation working effectively, regional states cooperate to the extent that it brings relative gains according to the neorealist theory. The analysis shows that the two regimes created around the Balti and the Black Sea are ineffective despite the fact that the CBSS has managed to create stronger cooperative links among its members compared to the BSEC.
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Vladimir Nabokov's comic quest for realityWalenda, Marianne Kate January 1980 (has links)
Nabokov once said that "reality" is "one of the few words which mean nothing without quotes." He has often expressed his scepticism as to whether it is ever possible to know a thing: all one can do is to collect as many facts and data about a thing as possible, accumulate information about it and thus try to get nearer its reality. But even though one may know a lot about an object, one can never know everything about it: "It's hopeless", Nabokov says and concludes, "... we live surrounded by more or less ghostly objects." What applies to things applies in an even higher degree to persons. More often than not the complexities of their souls and characters escape us and we see not real persons, but "phantoms": images of people that are the products of our own minds and that are shaped by our own interests and expectations. Nabokov's questioning enters the provinces of metaphysics when he inquires into the nature of space and time, when he asks whether life may not be an illusion, a dream; whether life is just a succession of meaningless coincidences, or whether it has some sensible and meaningful pattern. Finally he inquires into the nature of death and poses the question whether death is indeed the end of everything. According to Nabokov, it is only the artist who, through his art, can penetrate to the true reality of things and who can answer these philosophical questions, since it is he who approaches the world free from all preconceived ideas which are imposed upon ordinary minds by custom or science or even philosophy. By using comic devices, most notably parody, Nabokov frees the reader's mind from all conventional ideas and stock responses, making it possible for him to follow his depicted artists in their exploration of true reality.
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The incomplete text and the ardent core : the role of unfulfilment in the work of Vladimir NabokovMadocks, Rodney January 1980 (has links)
Three related elements of Nabokov's art are introduced at the beginning of the study: Nabokov's monist philosophy and the self-contained structures of his art, the necessity of the co-operation of the reader to bring the 'objective existence' of the novel into being and lastly the development of the consciousness as the measure of his characters in relation to the master consciousness Nabokov. All three of these elements are shown to depend on a law of unfulfilment operating in his work, which always seeks to match one mode with its provisional opposite. The abstract basis of this idea is then explained in terms of Nabokov's use of mirror images which (it is shown) educates the reader by teaching him what not to do before he can fully experience Nabokov's deeper structures. The three-fold mirror basis of his work (the artist - the work - the reader) is next related to the tripartite Hegelian method of philosophy. Hegel's ideas are shown to be explainable in mirror terms and the accordance between both writers is demonstrated. The unfulfilling theme is identified with the antithetic phase of the syllogism. These Hegelian and mirror insights are then applied to two novels: The Gift and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. The conclusion seeks to define the experience of the reader's apprehension of Nabokov's art using the Hegelian vocabulary that has been developed. This study demonstrates that Nabokov evolved an informal yet developed metaphysic which must be understood as an avenue to the meaning of his art. The three-fold Hegelian formula, arrived at through the discovery of the role of unfulfilment in his work, provides the Nabokov reader with an indispensable key to the solution of Nabokov' s "riddles with elegant solutions".
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Behaviour and movements of the Baltic grey seal : implications for conservation and management /Sjöberg, Mikael, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Pigment and thiamine dynamics in marine phytoplankton and copepods /Wänstrand, Ingrid, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.
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