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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dança na escola e a construção do co(rpo)letivo : respingos sobre um processo educativo que dança (dançante que educa?)

Corrêa, Josiane Gisela Franken January 2012 (has links)
O estudo discute o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em Dança na Educação Básica. Tendo por objetivo principal investigar como ocorre o processo de construção dos corpos dançantes na escola de ensino formal, a pesquisa desenvolve-se numa abordagem qualitativa, empírica e reflexiva, que se propõe a problematizar as relações entre os saberes teóricos e práticos que envolvem a disciplina de Dança no meio escolar, considerando seus referenciais, objetivos, conteúdos e procedimentos didáticos. O estudo “deságua” na configuração do termo “co(rpo)letivo”, idealizado pela autora, que caracteriza um corpo dançante na escola. A parte empírica da pesquisa ocorre no Instituto de Educação General Flores da Cunha, escola da Rede Estadual de Ensino de Porto Alegre – RS, onde alunos de uma turma do 1⁰ ano do Ensino Fundamental participam de aulas de Dança ministradas no 2⁰ semestre de 2011. Considerando essa experiência prática, são analisados materiais (vídeos, fotos, relatórios de observação), na perspectiva de autores como: Freire (1996), Tardif e Levasseur (2011), Imbernón (2011), Becker (2008), Gil (2004), Marques (2010), Strazzacappa (2006), Tiriba (2008), dentre outros. Ao tratar de temas inerentes à inserção da Dança na escola, a pesquisa compreende fatores como: perfil docente, possibilidades e dificuldades da ação pedagógica, conteúdos e processos históricos de Dança, Educação e Sociedade. A partir destas questões e reflexões propõe-se um entrelaçamento de saberes na tentativa de ampliar as possibilidades de trabalho em Dança na Educação Básica, problematizar mitos a respeito do ensino da Dança e pesquisar o universo que engloba a sua prática. Os resultados obtidos no estudo levam a considerar que a construção de corpos dançantes na escola, vincula-se ao comprometimento por parte da instituição educacional com um ensino de Dança de qualidade; ao oferecimento de condições para que o aluno crie e acredite no seu próprio potencial; e do desenvolvimento de propostas contínuas e atualizadas em relação às tendências artísticas da Dança. Nessa perspectiva, as especificidades que demarcam o corpo na escola, indo ao encontro da noção de “co(rpo)letivo”, são, de modo geral, o envolvimento num processo de construção de saberes em Dança numa escola de Educação Básica promotora de vivências coletivas de aprendizado, em sintonia com o processo de criação e recriação da autonomia do corpo, e de experimentação da Dança de modo investigativo, crítico e criativo. / The study discusses the process of teaching and learning of Dance in Elementary Education. Since the main objective is to investigate how the construction process of dancing occurs in formal school education, the research develops a qualitative, empirical and reflexive approach which intends to debate the relationship among the theoretical and practical knowledge which involve the discipline of dancing at school considering its benchmarks, objectives, contents and teaching procedures. The study leads to the configuration of the term "co(rpo)letivo", idealized by the author, that represents a dancing body at school. The empirical part of the research occurs at the Instituto de Educação General Flores da Cunha, State School of Porto Alegre - RS, where students of the 1⁰ year class of the elementary school attends classes in Dance which was held in the 2⁰ semester of 2011. Considering this practical experience, materials are analyzed (videos, photos, class reports) from the perspective of authors such as Freire (1996), Tardif and Levasseur (2011), Imbernon (2011), Becker (2008), Gil (2004) Marques (2010), Strazzacappa (2006), Tiriba (2008), among others. By addressing issues concerning the insertion of Dance at school, the research includes factors such as: teaching profile, possibilities and difficulties of pedagogical action, content and historical processes of Dance, Education and Society. From these questions and reflections, the research proposes an interweaving of knowledge in order to expand Dance possibilities in Elementary Education, discuss myths related to teaching Dance and understand the universe that encompasses its practice. The results obtained in this study lead to the conclusion that the construction of dancing bodies in school are linked to the commitment by the educational institution with a qualified teaching of dance; offering the conditions for the student to create and believe in their own potential, and the development of continuous and updated proposals related to the artistic trends of Dance. From this perspective, the specifics that outline the body at the school, meeting the concept of "co(rpo)letivo" are, in general, the involvement in a process of knowledge construction in a dance at a Basic Education that promotes collective learning in line with the process of creation and recreation of body’s autonomy, and also the experimentation in Dance, in an investigative, critical and creative way.

La scolarisation avec le mini-ordinateur Xo face au défi de l'efficacité de la supervision pédagogique : Cas du projet d’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation de base (PAQUEB) au Cameroun / The secularization using the small computer Xo to the primary school facing the challenges of the efficaciousness of the educational supervision : Case of the Project for the improvement of the Quality of the basic education (PAQUEB) in Cameroon.

Taptue, Pierre 03 October 2018 (has links)
RESUME :La présente recherche s'intéresse particulièrement aux impacts induits par la scolarisation avec les Xo sur l’efficacité de la supervision pédagogique dans les écoles du projet PAQUEB au Cameroun. La mise en œuvre de cette scolarisation avec les Xo est observée à travers trois principales variables que sont l’organisation administrative, structurelle et actantielle de l’ensemble du processus de supervision pédagogique. Plus spécifiquement son impact sur l’efficacité des structures et des acteurs de la chaine de supervision pédagogique en termes de préservation /amélioration/ détérioration de son efficacité (Modèle ASPID d’intégration pédagogique des technologies en contexte éducatif. (Karsenti, 2014, Vo 92). Pour respecter la falsification de ces variables énoncée par Karl Popper, nos données sont collectées auprès de deux sous échantillons d’écoles : le premier formé des écoles du projet PAQUEB qui ont réalisé l'intégration au quotidien des Xo et leurs usages effectifs dans leurs pratiques pédagogiques ; le second formé d’écoles hors du projet PAQUEB.Nous partons du fait que la supervision pédagogique est une activité clé pour l’amélioration ou tout au moins la préservation de la qualité de l’enseignement et des résultats scolaires. Or, les innovations techno pédagogiques qui imposent aux acteurs de l’éducation des efforts supplémentaires d’appropriation sont aussi porteuses d’affordance (s) et de risque de détérioration de l’efficacité de la supervision pédagogique pas toujours maîtrisé(es). Alors, Quel(s) impact(s) pourrai(en)t avoir l’appropriation des innovations techno pédagogiques (cas du Xo) sur l’efficacité de la supervision pédagogique, gage de la qualité de l’enseignement et des résultats scolaires ?Notre méthodologie : Nous nous sommes attelés à la compréhension du sens que les acteurs de la supervision pédagogique donnent à leurs expériences vécues face à cette innovation techno pédagogique (Strauss & Corbin, 1990; Savoie-Zajc, 2000). Nous avons recouru aux données, informations et documents collectées auprès des acteurs des écoles pilotes du PAQUEB.Nos observations de scènes de classes supervisées et des situations hors classe avec la grille d’appréciation ont été centrés sur les comportements et attitudes au regard de nos indicateurs où signes de supervision dans la classe et non pas sur le climat général de la classe ou hors classe dans nos vidéo. Nos outils de collecte administrés ont conduit au dépouillement, à la codification et aux traitements nécessaires pour extraire les réponses à nos questions de recherche.Quelques résultats :-L’organisation administrative dans la scolarisation avec les Xo a mis sérieusement à mal l’efficacité de la supervision pédagogique entre autres … aucune disposition spécifique de motivation pour les enseignants des écoles du PAQUEB. Des faits qui ont confirmé notre hypothèse H1.-L’organisation structurelle et infrastructurelle de la scolarisation avec les Xo a impacté l’efficacité de la supervision pédagogique d’où la confirmation de notre hypothèse H2.-L’organisation des acteurs dans la scolarisation avec les Xo impacte l’efficacité de la supervision pédagogique. Entre autre, la structure hiérarchique-fonctionnelle (top down) des relations d’assistance entre les acteurs a volé en éclat. D’où la confirmation de notre hypothèse H3.En définitive nous en arrivons à la conclusion globale selon laquelle, la scolarisation avec les Xo à impacté de façon significative l’efficacité de la supervision pédagogique dans les écoles du PAQUEB, d’où une validation totale de notre hypothèse principale. / ABSTRACT :This research particularly focuses on the impact that the instruction through Xo lays on the effectiveness of pedagogic supervision in schools of the PAQUEB project in Cameroon. The implementation of the said instruction through Xo has been observed using three main variables namely: the administrative organization, structural and active organization of the overall pedagogic supervision process. More specifically, its impact on the effectiveness of structures and operators of the pedagogic supervision chain in terms of preservation/improvement/ deterioration of its effectiveness (ASPID model) of pedagogic integration of technologies in the educational context. (Karsenti, 2014, Vol 92). In order to comply with the falsification of those variables stated by Karl Popper, our data were collected on two sub-samples of schools. The first was made up of schools of the PAQUEB project which have integrated Xo and the effective use of the latter in their pedagogic practices on a daily basis. The second is based on schools out of the PAQUEB project.We consider that pedagogic supervision is a key activity for the improvement in general, or just for the preservation of the teaching quality and school results as well. Whereas the technologic innovations which impose extra appropriate efforts to education operators are also affordance holder and, a risk of determination of pedagogic supervision effectiveness is not always mastered. Therefore, what could be the impacts that the appropriation of techno pedagogic innovations have (the case of Xo) on the effectiveness of pedagogic supervision to school results in order to guarantee the teaching aim?Our Methodology : We set out to understand the sense that pedagogic supervision operators give to their lived experiences concerning the techno pedagogic innovation (Strauss and Corbin, 1990; Savoie-Zajc, 2000). In that respect, we had had recourse to many types of data information and documents collected from operators of pilot schools of the project.To do this, our effectiveness appreciation grid was designed from the exploitation of the various sources. Thanks to that grid, our supervised classroom observation as well as out of classroom situations which involved all the operators. We focused our observations on behaviors and attitudes regarding our indicators or supervision signs.Some results:-The administrative organization in the instruction through Xo has seriously crippled the pedagogic supervision’s efficiency(training and retraining of teachers, posting of teaching staff of PAQUEB, teachers and Head-teachers as well) without them being replaced by teachers trained to the use of Xo, no specific motivational provisions for teachers of the PAQUEB project, facts that confirmed our hypothesis H1-The structural and infrastructural organization of instruction through Xo has had an impact on pedagogic supervision’s efficiency; hence the confirmation of our 2nd hypothesis H2.-Operators’ organization in the instruction through Xo has an impact on the pedagogic supervision’s efficiency. The functional hierarchy (top-down) structure in assistance relations between operators has been broken. Hence the confirmation of hypothesis H3.To sum up, we have reached the overall conclusion that, instruction through Xo has significant had an impact on the pedagogic supervision’s effectiveness in the PAQUEB schools, hence a total validation of our main hypothesis.

Utilização de jogos sérios na aprendizagem de matemática / Use of serious games in math learning

Santos, Sergio Luis Tamassia dos 07 March 2018 (has links)
As mudanças que as inovações tecnológicas têm promovido em nossas vidas tem se tornado cada vez mais profundas e rápidas. O convívio social, os ambientes de trabalho, as opções de entretenimento transformam-se continuamente. As crianças de hoje são nativos digitais, convivendo com videogames, smartphones e computadores algumas vezes até antes de sua alfabetização. A educação, que é uma das bases que propiciou esta revolução, e, de uma forma mais especifica o ensino de matemática, essencial no campo de ciências e engenharia, tem a necessidade de acompanhar estas mudanças, através da adoção de novas tecnologias e métodos em sala de aula. Este trabalho tem por objetivo buscar uma resposta para uma das questões levantadas por este cenário: qual a real efetividade do uso de jogos sérios eletrônicos como auxiliares no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de matemática na educação básica? Através de uma revisão sistemática apresentamos um panorama do estudo acadêmico sobre o tema nos últimos cinco anos, concluindo que realmente os jogos sérios eletrônicos são ferramentas de alavancagem no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de matemática, apontando caminhos futuros a serem explorados dentro da realidade brasileira. / Technological innovations have promoted changes our lives, in a way ever deeper and faster. Social networking, work environments, entertainment options are continually changing. Todays kids are digital natives, playing video games, using smartphones, and computers sometimes even before their literacy. Education, which is one of the foundations for this revolution, and, more specifically, the teaching of mathematics, which is essential in the field of science and engineering, has the need to follow these changes through the adoption of new technologies and methods in classroom. This paper aims to find an answer to one of the questions raised by this scenario: what is the real effectiveness of the use of serious electronic games as aids in the teaching-learning process of mathematics in basic education? Through a systematic review we present a panorama of the academic study on the subject in the last five years, concluding that serious electronic games are actually powerful tools in the teaching-learning process of mathematics, pointing out new paths to be explored within the Brazilian reality.

Uma experiência de inferência estatística informal na escola básica / A statistical inference informal experience in high school

Rodrigues, Vinicius Alves 14 December 2016 (has links)
Esta é uma dissertação do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Matemática, do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo. A pesquisa proposta se enquadra na linha de pesquisa Estatística no Ensino Fundamental e Médio. Será analisado o desenvolvimento de tópicos de Inferência Informal via um ambiente de investigação em um experimento de sala de aula, dentro do contexto da Educação Básica. Usamos os estudos feitos sobre investigação de Ponte (2007), que serão relacionados com as características do pensamento sobre Inferência Informal estudadas por Makar e Rubin (2009). Para o desenvolvimento do conteúdo de Estatística foi feito uma dinâmica em grupo com o auxilio de três folhas de atividades. Para a análise foram aplicados Testes de Atitudes e Testes de Conteúdos ambos aplicados em dois momentos, no início e no final das atividades. Os resultados indicaram que a proposta apresentada proporcionou uma dinâmica interessante entre os estudantes, aumentando o interesse e a motivação. O material desenvolvido nesta dissertação ficará acessível a todos os professores e pode contribuir na direção da melhoria do aprendizado de conceitos Estatísticos na Educação Básica. / This is a dissertation in the Professional Master Program in Teaching Mathematics of Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of São Paulo. This is part of research line called Statistical in elementary, middle and high schools. It will be analyzed the development of Informal Inference topics via a research environment in a classroom experiment, within the context of Basic Education. We will use the inquiry studies of Ponte (2007) connecting to thinking characteristics of Informal Inference mentioned by Makar and Rubin (2009). For the development of the Statistical contents the students work in group with the help of three activity sheets. For the analysis we applied Attitudes and Contents Tests in two moments, at the beginning and end of the activities. The results indicated that the proposal provided better relationship among students, increasing their interest and motivation. The material developed in this dissertation will be accessible to all teachers and it can contribute to improve the learning of Statistics concepts in Basic Education.

Perceptions of Educational Equality in Tennessee: A Comparison of City School Systems vs. County School Systems in Northeast Tennessee.

Harrison, Timothy Wade 15 December 2007 (has links)
The majority of city and county school systems throughout Tennessee and the United States at one time or another experience a budget crisis. In the state of Tennessee, school systems are funded through the Basic Education Program, established in 1992 as part of the Tennessee Education Improvement Act. The lawsuit of 1988, Tennessee Small School Systems v. McWherter, created the Basic Education Program. Through the years, the Basic Education Program has provided extra teaching positions, materials, and supplies and has provided the funding formula for school systems throughout the state. Many high-ranking administrators contend that the Basic Education Program has outlasted its time. School administrators from both city and county school systems indicate the program needs to be restructured to meet the current needs of the schools and students throughout the state of Tennessee. The purpose of this mixed-method study was to explore the perceptions of educational equality and the advantages/disadvantages of the Basic Education Program. Through quantitative data, city and county school systems were compared for per-pupil spending, average teacher salary, and student achievement in the advanced proficient category for math and reading/language. These data were collected from the Tennessee Department of Education website and the Tennessee Education Association website. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with high-ranking administrators from city and county school systems in Northeast Tennessee. These administrators were purposively selected from systems containing both city and county schools. The findings of this study demonstrated that city school systems have higher per-pupil spending and higher teacher salaries than county systems. City school systems have higher student achievement levels in the advanced proficient category than county school systems. Interview participants agree that educational equity does not exist between city and county school systems in the state of Tennessee. The participants in this study express that although the Basic Education Program in Tennessee was effective, at one time, it should be restructured or redefined to meet the current needs of all students in the state of Tennessee.

Adult Literacy in Tennessee: An Analysis by Gender, Age, and Race

Keesler, Amy R 01 May 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the state of adult literacy in Tennessee. The field of adult education underwent a transition as the testing procedure and the test changed to correlate with the induction of the Common Core standards in public schools. Adult students face many barriers to overcome to be successful. The research questions posed guided the analysis of demographic data on student who completed the GED prior to the changes. Data were provided from the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development database. The demographics and scores included those of adults who had passed the GED test from 2008 through 2013. A series of 2-way chi square analysis were used to examine pass rates using the characteristics of race and ethnicity, gender, and age. A sample of 2,000 was randomly selected from a population of 60,000. The data showed that in the state of Tennessee there are significantly more males than females who pass the test each year. Although all ethnicities are permissible to take the GED, more Caucasians and African Americans take and pass the test in this state. Takers of the GED in the state of Tennessee are to identify their age while completing the exam. The majority of adults taking the GED from 2008 through 2013 were in the age group of 19 to 24. Many test takers only need to attempt to pass the test the first time. Out of 2,000 randomly sampled males and females, the data showed that a higher proportion of males than females pass the test in the first attempt. There was no significant difference between the randomly sampled age groups on number of attempts. The data did indicate that Caucasian testing candidates pass the GED significantly more often on the first try than African American candidates.

Problems affecting the implementation of adult basic education and training policy in the Limpopo Province

Mabasa, Dennis January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.Edu.) --University of Limpopo, 2002. / Refer to the document

Transformational Leadership Skills Needed by Private Basic School Proprietors in Ghana

Adu-Gyimah, Moses 01 January 2016 (has links)
Survival of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) is a critical issue for business leaders. The Ghana Statistical Service reported that over 60% of SMEs, including Ghanaian small and medium scale private basic schools, fail during their first 5 years of operation. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the transformational leadership skills that proprietors of Ghanaian small and medium scale private basic schools have used to enhance employee performance for sustainability beyond 5 years. The conceptual framework for this study was Bass and Avolio's transformational leadership theory. Data collection included semistructured interviews to elicit narratives from 3 proprietors from 3 different Ghanaian private basic schools about what leadership skills they used to enhance employee performance. Data also came from a review of relevant school documents and a reflective journal. The data were analyzed with Yin's 5-step data analysis technique. Data analysis included identification of key themes and triangulation of data from interviews and relevant school documents. The main themes revealed that leaders used idealized influence, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation to enhance employee performance for sustainability of the schools. Findings indicate school leaders can enhance employee performance when they adopt transformational leadership, particularly when leaders articulate a clear vision, encourage teamwork, and involve followers in decision-making. Social implications include helping proprietors of Ghanaian private basic schools enhance employee performance for sustainability beyond 5 years to improve student education, enhance employment, and contribute to improved living standards.

Problems affecting the sustainability of income-generating project at Hlatlolang ABET Centre

Mokgotho, Raisibe Francina January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.) (Adult Education) --University of Limpopo, 2010. / This report is a description of a research carried out at Hlatlolang ABET Centre, which is located at Makotse village, a rural area in the Limpopo Province. The research was conducted with the aim of investigating the problems affecting sustainability of income-generating projects at Hlatlolang ABET centre. In order to achieve the aim outlined above; I formulated the following main research question: • What are the problems affecting the sustainability of income-generating projects at Hlatlolang ABET centre? I decided to undertake an exploratory and evaluative study in order to answer the question outlined above. I wanted to understand the kinds of problems affecting sustainability of income-generating project at Hlatlolang ABET centre. The intention of this study was to investigate the problems affecting the sustainability of income-generating project at Hlatlolang ABET centre. I investigated the aims and objectives of introducing and incepting the project and how much they achieved as was envisaged. In the introduction and background of my study I tried to outline the factors that might have led to poverty such as delivering of basic services to the people creating jobs and others. To direct this study, I wrote the research questions concerning the sustainability of the income-generating project at Hlatlolang ABET centre at Makotse village. I briefly stated the scope of this study before I concluded the chapter. In chapter 2; I formulated assumptions about factors that could be affecting the sustainability of income-generating project at Hlatlolang ABET centre. After I conducted exploratory interviews with the respondents, the following were identified as possible factors that could be affecting the sustainability of income-generating project at Hlatlolang ABET centre: ignorance, shortage of training/skills to run the project, illiteracy, lack of sense of ownership and lack or insufficient needs analysis done. The definition of key concepts is given. The defined concepts are: sustainability, income-generating projects, poverty, and illiteracy and ABET. Finally I concluded the chapter by outlining what transpired in theoretical framework. In chapter 3, I stated the instruments which I used to collect data from various role players in different phases of data collection. In this chapter there is an explanation of how data collected from different phases was analysed using qualitative data analysis method. In my conclusion I discussed my main learning areas as well as the difficulties that were encountered during the research process. Chapter 4 is about the findings of the study. An overview of where the study takes place, the description of the project and its programmes are clarified. I made an explanation of a link between key concepts and critical factors. These critical factors were identified as possible problematic areas that could be affecting the sustainability of income-generating project Hlatlolang ABET centre. There is a report about the findings made from the critical factors before the chapter could be concluded. In chapter 5; there is an integration of information from the previous chapters where the problems affecting the sustainability of income-generating project at Hlatlolang ABET centre are integrated. This chapter is about the conclusion and recommendations about the problems affecting sustainability of the income-generating project Hlatlolang ABET centre. I concluded the chapter by mentioning issues that need to be further researched particularly the ones that will increase sustainability of the income generating projects for poverty to be eradicated. / Not listed

The integration of strategy formulation and implementation in the Greater Sekhukhune District Department of Basic Education, Limpopo Province

Machabaphala, Sello Nelson January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) --University of Limpopo, 2010 / This research report is based on integration of strategy formulation and implementation in the Greater Sekhukhune District Department of Basic Education, Limpopo Province. The purpose of this research is to investigate the key drivers in the formulation and implementation of strategies and how can they be integrated to achieve the formulated goals and objectives of Greater Sekhukhune District Department of Basic Education. This report deals only with qualitative research method. The major findings of the study are that there are key drivers of strategy formulation and key drivers of strategy implementation and their outcomes. The key drivers of strategy formulation are the vision and mission statements, long-term objectives, and generation and selection of grand strategies; whereas the key drivers of strategy implementation are leadership, organizational culture and organizational structure .The integration of these key drivers is essential for the implementation of strategies, leading to improved service delivery to various stakeholders. The report concludes that in order to approach strategy formulation and strategy implementation in an integrated manner, the following should take place : (1) managers and staff members who are responsible for strategy implementation should also be involved in strategy formulation processes ; (2)organizational culture should be changed to create a conducive environment for the managers and the employees to be motivated to render quality services at service points ; (3) leadership and management to guide vision and mission of the district; (4) organizational structure to ‘fit’ implementation of strategies for efficiency and effectiveness of the integration of strategy formulation and implementation to achieve formulated goals and objectives.

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