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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coleta, processamento e análise de dados batimétricos visando a representação computacional do relevo submerso utilizando interpoladores determinísticos e probabilísticos / Collection, processing and analysis of bathymetric data for to computational representation of relief submerged using deterministic and probabilistic interpolators

Ferreira, Italo Oliveira 04 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 3508986 bytes, checksum: 2db52e3d22de47fb05b83ccb8acf0b34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Over 80% of international trade is transported by waterways and Brazil is no different. Only this statement might already be sufficient to justify any study on the area of marine geodesy. However, especially in Brazil knowledge about the reliefs submerged is still scarce. Such knowledge is acquired through bathymetric surveys, focus of this work. The methodology exposed covers all stages of realization of a singlebeam bathymetric survey, fully automated: data collection by applying a dual frequency echo sounder and technical RTK (Real Time Kinematic), processing, data analysis and generation Model Digital Depth (MDP) of an impoundment of Ribeirão São Bartolomeu located on the campus of UFV. At work methods are used for topography and bathymetry data acquisition on the relief of the site and the depth of the impoundment. These were processed and analyzed for the subsequent generation of MDP using deterministic and probabilistic interpolators. Regarding the three-dimensional modeling of the relief submerged studies have been performed to quantify the errors in the modeling through automatic kriging and compare the efficiency of kriging and inverse distance weighted in different sampling grids. It was found that the bathymetric surveys have ideal characteristics for the application of geostatistics. As main results verified that the Kriging systematically conducted by the analyst respecting all the conditions required by it, the bathymetry location represented more accurately compared to other methods studied. Through this work it was also possible to obtain an estimate of the volume of water and sludge reservoir fluidly deposited on the submerged bottom. / Mais de 80% do comércio internacional é transportado por vias aquáticas e no Brasil não é diferente. Somente esta afirmação já poderia ser suficiente para justificar qualquer estudo relativo à área de Geodésia Marinha. Contudo, principalmente no Brasil, o conhecimento a cerca dos relevos submersos ainda é escasso. Tal conhecimento é adquirido através de levantamentos batimétricos, foco deste trabalho. A metodologia exposta abrange todas as etapas de realização de um levantamento batimétrico monofeixe, totalmente automatizado: coleta dos dados aplicando um ecobatímetro de duas frequências e técnica RTK (Real Time Kinematic), o processamento, a análise dos dados e a geração do Modelo Digital de Profundidade (MDP) de um represamento do Ribeirão São Bartolomeu localizado no campus da UFV. No trabalho são utilizados métodos de topografia e batimetria para a aquisição de dados sobre o relevo do local e da profundidade do represamento. Estes foram processados e analisados para a posterior geração do MDP utilizando interpoladores determinísticos e probabilísticos. No que concerne à modelagem tridimensional do relevo submerso foram realizados estudos visando quantificar os erros cometidos na modelagem através da krigagem automática e comparar a eficiência da krigagem e do inverso ponderado da distância em diferentes GRIDs amostrais. Foi possível constatar que os levantamentos batimétricos apresentam características ideais para a aplicação da Geoestatística. Como resultados principais verificou-se que a Krigagem sistemática, realizada pelo analista respeitando-se todos os pressupostos exigidos pela mesma, representou a batimetria local de forma mais acurada comparativamente aos outros métodos estudados. Através deste trabalho também foi possível obter uma estimativa do volume de água do reservatório e de lama fluídica depositada no fundo submerso.

Determinação do assoreamento do reservatório da PCH Cachoeirão / Determination of siltation in the SHP Cachoeirão reservoir

Brito, Geanne Moreira 21 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 3312573 bytes, checksum: ed584b61ed8559e202f6757198d90e5e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-21 / Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais / All reservoirs formed by dams are subject to the process of sedimentation. Sediment accumulation reduces reservoir s useful volume and causes modifications in its elevation x area x volume (EAV) curves, which must be periodically updated. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the siltation process in SHP (Small Hydropower Plant) Cachoeirão reservoir and to update its operational data. The methodology consisted of comparing the results obtained before and after the reservoir filling, using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and the fuction TIN (Triangulated irregular network), allowing to generate the EAV curves and to identify the total volumes of sediment deposited in the reservoir and the sediment level in the water intake. From this comparison, it was determined that, during 13 years of operation, the volume of sediment deposited on Cachoeirão s lake was equal to 0.866 hm3. This value represents a reduction of 15.9% in the original storage capacity of the reservoir. The softwares Sediment and Dposit were also used to assess the siltation process in SHP Cachoeirão and their results indicated an underestimation of the deposited sediments volume, in comparison to field results. The sediments accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir presented a variable grain size distribution, ranging from sand size observed in particles deposited closer to the start of backwater, until clay size, observed in particles deposited near to the dam axis. The study also concluded that the expected useful lifetime of the reservoir should not be achieved, unless preventive measures are taken to reduce the amount of sediment that enters the reservoir. / Reservatórios formados por barragens estão sujeitos ao processo de assoreamento. O acúmulo de sedimentos reduz o volume útil do reservatório e provoca alterações em suas curvas cota x área x volume (CAV), que devem ser atualizadas periodicamente. Nesse contexto, este estudo objetivou avaliar o processo de assoreamento no reservatório da PCH Cachoeirão e atualizar os seus dados operacionais. A metodologia empregada consistiu na comparação dos resultados obtidos antes e depois do enchimento do reservatório, com a utilização de Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) e função TIN (Triangulated irregular network), que possibilitou gerar as CAV, e identificar volumes de sedimentos totais e níveis de sedimentos na tomada d ́água. A partir dessa comparação, determinou-se que em 13 anos de operação o volume de sedimento depositado no lago da PCH Cachoeirão foi de 0,866 hm3. Esse valor representa uma redução de 15,9% na capacidade de armazenamento original do reservatório. Os softwares Sediment e Dposit também foram utilizados para avaliar o assoreamento da PCH Cachoeirão e seus resultados indicaram uma subestimativa do volume de sedimentos depositado, em relação aos resultados observados em campo. Os sedimentos acumulados no fundo do reservatório apresentaram distribuição granulométrica variável, desde partículas na fração areia, depositadas próximas ao início do remanso, até partículas na fração argila, depositadas próximas ao eixo da barragem. O estudo permitiu concluir que a vida útil esperada para o reservatório não deverá ser alcançada se medidas preventivas, que reduzam a quantidade de sedimentos que adentra o reservatório, não forem tomadas.

Estudo do assoreamento e sua relação com a vida útil do reservatório Represa Velha, CEPTA/IBAMA, Pirassununga/SP /

Bufon, André Gustavo Mazzini. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim / Banca: Harry Edmar Schulz / Banca: Swami Marcondes Villela / Banca: José Sávio Colares de Melo / Banca: Sâmia Maria Tauk-Tornisielo / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como finalidade aplicar análise espacial, visando elaborar um modelo estocástico para determinação do tempo de vida útil de um reservatório de pequeno porte localizado no Centro de Pesquisa e Gestão de Recursos Pesqueiros Continentais (CEPTA/IBAMA)/Pirassununga (SP). Para elaboração do modelo foram utilizados dois métodos: densidade aparente do sedimento utilizando câmaras de sedimentação e batimetria do reservatório. As variáveis estudadas revelaram para o potencial hidrogeniônico (pH) concentrações entre 8,71 e 2,15; oxigênio dissolvido no fundo entre 12,48 e 0,20 mg.L-1; temperatura da água no fundo entre 28,85 e 16,00ºC; transparência da água entre 1,30 e 0,25 m; material em suspensão total entre 618,30 e 2,45 mg.L-1; material em suspensão inorgânico entre 425,80 e 0,20 mg.L-1; material em suspensão orgânico entre 192,60 e 2,15 mg.L-1 e condutividade elétrica da água no fundo entre 40,00 e 5,00 æS.cm-1. Quanto aos resultados da batimetria, verificou-se que houve perda significativa de profundidade durante o ano de 1998. Ao comparar as análises de batimetria e material em suspensão total (MST) verificou-se a perda da profundidade durante os 4 anos estudados de -1,32 m e pela câmara de sedimentação observou-se um ganho de sedimento de 584,05 mg.L-1. Como conclusão obteve-se o valor de 50 anos como o tempo de vida útil da represa. / Abstract: The purpose of this work is to apply space analysis aiming elaborate a stochastic model for time determination of useful life of a small size reservoir at the Centre of Research and Administration of Continental Fishing Resources (CEPTA/IBAMA)/Pirassununga (SP). For model elaboration were used two methods: apparent density of the sediment using reservoir sedimentation and bathymetry cameras. The studied variables revealed for the pH concentrations between 8,71 and 2,15; oxygen dissolved in the bottom between 12,48 and 0,20 mg.L -1; water temperature in the bottom between 28,85 and 16,00ºC; water transparency between 1,30 and 0,25 m; material in total suspension between 618,30 and 2,45 mg.L-1; material in inorganic suspension between 425,80 and 0,20 mg.L-1; material in organic suspension between 192,60 and 2,15 mg.L-1 and electric conductivity of water in the bottom between 40,00 and 5,00 æS.cm-1. Regarding bathymetry results, it verified that there was significant loss of depth during the year of 1998. When comparing bathymetry and material analyses in total suspension it was verified depth loss during the 4 years studied of -1,32 m and by the sedimentation camera a sediment gain of 584,05 mg.L-1 was observed. As conclusion it obtained the value 50 year as time of useful life for dam. / Doutor

Corrections atmosphériques pour capteurs à très haute résolution spatiale en zone littorale / Atmospheric corrections for high resolution sensors for coastal applications

Bru, Driss 01 December 2015 (has links)
La zone littorale concentre des enjeux socio-économiques et environnementaux majeurs. Pour comprendre la dynamique des systèmes associés et prévoir leurs évolutions, en particulier dans un contexte de forte pression anthropique et de changement climatique, il est nécessaire de s’appuyer sur des systèmes d’observation pérennes fournissant des données robustes. Par son emprise spatiale, la télédétection de la couleur de l’eau a démontré ces dernières années son fort potentiel pour l’observation du littoral et tend à devenir une composante centrale des systèmes d’observation. Néanmoins, les capteurs à très haute résolution spatiale (noté par la suite THRS), adaptés à l’observation petite échelle des processus physiques et bio-géochimiques qui caractérisent la dynamique de la zone littorale, présentent encore de fortes limitations nécessitant des développements techniques et scientifiques importants. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, je vais m’intéresser au problème des corrections atmosphériques. Ces dernières représentent une étape clé du traitement du signal en télédétection de la couleur de l’eau. Elles permettent d’extraire du signal total mesuré par un radiomètre embarqué sur une plateforme spatiale, le signal marin. Ce signal, qui ne représente qu’environ 10% du signal total, est ensuite utilisé pour mesurer, à partir de modèles d’inversion, des paramètres physiques et bio-géochimiques caractérisant les systèmes aquatiques marins et continentaux. Or, les méthodes de corrections atmosphériques développées pour les missions standards en couleur de l’océan sont le plus souvent inadaptées ou inopérantes pour les capteurs THRS du fait de caractéristiques instrumentales moins poussées (faible résolution spectrales et faible rapport signal sur bruit). Mon travail a été d’abord de développer une méthode de corrections atmosphériques innovante basée sur la construction d’un modèle aérosol local, le modèle ISAC. Ce modèle aérosol est le résultat de l’étude des variations des propriétés optiques et microphysiques des aérosols sur Arcachon, basée sur 4 années de données AERONET. Cette méthode a par la suite été appliquée sur des images Landsat 8 et les résultats obtenus ont été évalués avec d’autres méthodes standards de corrections atmosphériques. Puis, une comparaison avec des données terrain a permis de valider et de montrer les bonnes performances de la méthode. Enfin, les images corrigées avec la méthode ISAC ont été utilisées afin d’évaluer les performances d’un modèle d’inversion permettant d’extraire la bathymétrie. / The coastal area accumulates major socio-economic and environmental issues. To understand the dynamics of the associated systems and predict their evolution, particularly in a context of strong human pressure and climate change, it is necessary to rely on long-termobservation systems providing robust data. By its spatial extent, ocean color remote sensing has demonstrated in recent years its strong potential for the observation of the coast and tends to become a central component of observation systems. However, very high resolution sensors (hereafter named THRS), suitable for small-scale observation of the physical and biogeochemical processes that characterize the dynamics of the coastal zone, still have strong limitations requiring important technical and scientific developments. As part of my PhD, I will focus on the atmospheric correction issues. The latter represent a key step of the signal processing in ocean color remote sensing. They are used to extract the marine signal from the total signal measured the sensor through an onboard radiometer. This signal, which only represents about 10% of the total signal, is used to measure, from inversion models, physical and biogeochemical parameters characterizing the marine and continental aquatic systems. However, atmospheric correction methods developed for ocean missions are often inadequate or ineffective for THRS sensors due to lower instrumental characteristics (low spectral resolution and low signal to noise ratio). My work was first to develop an innovative atmospheric correction method based on the elaboration of a local aerosol model, the ISAC model. This aerosol model is the result of the study of variations of the optical and microphysical properties of aerosol over Arcachon, based on four years of AERONET data. This method has later been applied to Landsat 8 images and the results were evaluated with other standard methods. Then, a comparison with field data was used to validate and demonstrate the good performance of the method. Finally, the ISAC’s corrected images were used used to evaluate the performance of an inversion model to extract bathymetry.

Characterizing Benthic Habitats Using Multibeam Sonar and Towed Underwater Video in Two Marine Protected Areas on the West Florida Shelf, USA

Brizzolara, Jennifer L. 14 June 2017 (has links)
This study investigates a way to characterize the geology and biology of the seafloor in two Marine Protected Areas on the West Florida Shelf. Characterization of benthic habitats needs to include sufficient detail to represent the complex and heterogeneous bottom types. Characterizations can be interpreted from multiple data sets and displayed as benthic habitat maps. Multibeam sonar bathymetry and backscatter provide full spatial data coverage, but interpretation of such data requires some form of ground truth (to characterize the habitat). Imagery from towed underwater video provides continuous transects of seafloor data, which provide a more efficient method than data from sediment grabs, stationary cameras, or video from slow-moving remotely-operated vehicles while a ship is on station. Two Marine Protected Areas, Steamboat Lumps and Madison-Swanson, were previously mapped by the USGS using a 95 kHz multibeam sonar system. Researchers at the University of South Florida, using a 300 kHz high-resolution multibeam sonar in 2002 and a 400 kHz high-resolution multibeam sonar in 2016, filled in the northeast triangular portion of Madison-Swanson. Bathymetry and backscatter data were compared to towed underwater-video observations. A modified version of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS), utilizing a scale-based hierarchy, was used for habitat characterization of video images. Identifiers from the geoform and substrate components of CMECS, as well as substrate-influencing biologic components, were characterized using still images at 15-second intervals from towed underwater video collected using the Camera-Based Assessment Survey System (C-BASS). These characterizations were then georeferenced (located in three-dimensional space) for comparison with bathymetry and backscatter data. In Steamboat Lumps, eight substrate variations were identified from video, while in Madison-Swanson 27 substrate variations were identified, including many combinations of hard and soft substrate types. Four new hard-bottom textures are identified from video in Madison-Swanson: exposed high-relief, moderate-relief, and low-relief hard bottom, as well as covered low-relief hard bottom identified by the presence of attached biota. Hard- and mixed-bottom substrate types identified from video are more heterogeneous than can be resolved from 95 kHz Kongsberg EM 1002 multibeam sonar bathymetry and beam-averaged backscatter. However, in soft bottom areas, more changes are evident in beam-averaged backscatter than are visible in video, though this may be attributed to changes in sonar settings. This does not appear to be the case with high-resolution and ultra-high resolution multibeam sonars, such as the 300 kHz Kongsberg EM 3000 and the 400 kHz Reson SeaBat 7125, which can use time-series rather than beam-averaged backscatter. Analyses of the multibeam bathymetry data indicate that 94.5% of Steamboat Lumps is “flat” (slope < 5°) versus “sloping” for the remaining area (5° < slope < 30°). Only 87% of Madison-Swanson is “flat” versus “sloping”. Both marine protected areas have very low rugosity, i.e., the surface of the seafloor is nearly planar.

Melhorias qualitativas na modelagem de levantamentos batimétricos em reservatórios por meio da ferramenta computacional \"CAV-NH\" / Qualitative improvements in the modeling of bathymetric survey in reservoirs through computational tool \"CAV-NH\"

Artur José Soares Matos 23 August 2012 (has links)
A água doce é um recurso mineral finito e essencial para sustentar a vida na terra. Para um bom gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos em uma bacia hidrográfica é importante que se conheça a curva Cota-Área-Volume (CAV) dos reservatórios. Concessionárias de energia e empresas públicas se pautam nesta relação em suas tomadas de decisões considerando os usos múltiplos que os reservatórios apresentam atualmente. Devido ao processo de assoreamento que o reservatório apresenta, é necessário que esta relação seja atualizada com certa frequência, tendo como base os levantamentos batimétricos atualizados. Entretanto, quanto maior o espaçamento entre as seções batimétricas maiores são as falhas que a modelagem do terreno apresenta e maiores os erros que as curvas CAV apresentam. Este estudo visa aprimorar os procedimentos realizados para modelagem de dados batimétricos em reservatórios, apresentando o método denominado Inserção de Malha de Pontos (IMP), que gera uma malha de pontos entre as seções levantadas corrigindo os efeitos de borda gerados pelo interpolador TIN. Com o intuito de otimizar e reduzir o tempo de obtenção dos resultados também é apresentada a ferramenta computacional CAV-NH, desenvolvida em linguagem Python, que utiliza a biblioteca do Arcgis 9.3 para realizar a modelagem do terreno e calcular a curva CAV como resultado final. Para a avaliação e validação do método foi realizada uma batimetria detalhada do reservatório do Lobo-SP, com intervalos entre as seções batimétricas de 10 metros, a qual foi comparada com diferentes espaçamentos até o intervalo de 600 metros. O método também foi aplicado aos reservatórios de Bariri e Ibitinga para a verificação de sua eficácia. Para todos os 1830 casos analisados houve uma melhora significativa na precisão, tendo uma redução no erro do volume calculado maior que 50% para o caso do distanciamento de 200 metros entre as seções, para a cota 703 metros. As análises indicam que o método IMP provê uma modelagem mais condizente com o relevo do terreno de fundo, obtendo-se uma maior acurácia e possibilitando a diminuição do trabalho de coleta de dados em campo sem prejudicar o cálculo do volume do reservatório. O CAV-NH foi utilizado em todas as simulações e se mostrou uma ferramenta de fácil utilização, proporcionando uma maior agilidade em todo processo. Conclui-se que o método IMP juntamente com a ferramenta computacional CAV-NH são importantes contribuições para a definição de uma curva Cota-Área-Volume de qualidade, sendo esta de grande importância para sistemas de suporte à decisão e para um bom gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos. / Freshwater is a finite mineral resource and essential for sustaining life on earth. For proper water resource management in the watershed, it is important to know the reservoirs Elevation-Area-Volume (EAV) curve. Energy companies and government agencies use this curve for their decision-making, considering the multiple uses of the reservoirs. Due to the reservoir sedimentation process, it is necessary to update this curve frequently, based on the bathymetric surveys. However, a greater space between transects causes failures in the terrain model and also in the EAV curve. This study aims to improve the procedures used for modeling reservoir survey data, introducing the method called Insertion of Mesh Points (IMP), that generates a mesh of points between transects correcting the edge effects caused by TIN interpolation. In order to optimize and reduce work time for obtaining the results, a computational tool CAV-NH, which was developed in Python language, is also presented. It employs the Arcgis 9.3 library to generate the terrain model and obtain the EAV table. For the evaluation and validation of the method, a detailed bathymetry of the Lobo reservoir was carried out, with 10 meter intervals of survey lines, which was compared with different survey lines spacing up to 600 meters. To verify its effectiveness the method was also applied to Bariri and Ibitinga reservoirs. For all 1830 cases analyzed there was a significant accuracy improvement. For the case of 200 meter line spacing and 703 meters elevation, the error of volume obtained was reduced by more than 50%. The analysis showed that the IMP method provides a terrain model more suited, resulting in greater accuracy and allowing the work reduction of reservoir survey without affecting the volume calculation. The CAV-NH was used in all simulations and proved an easy tool to use, providing greater agility in the whole process. It is concluded that the IMP method and the computational tool CAV-NH are important contributions to achieve a quality relationship of elevation-area-volume.


Schindler, Kimberly J. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Gulf of Mexico (GoMx) is among the most productive regions for offshore oil and natural gas recovery. In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) drilling rig exploded, burned for three days, sank, and released over 4 million barrels of oil in the subsequent 84 days before it was capped. Some oil was buoyant enough to float to the ocean surface, where some was removed via a myriad techniques. Importantly, a plume of oil remained suspended in the water column at approximately 1,100 m water depth, where it drove a marine snow event, and deposited large quantities of oil on the seafloor. The northern GoMx seafloor is complex and dynamic. Submarine canyons, mounds, channels, and salt domes dominate the seafloor along the continental slope surrounding the DWH well. Using high-resolution bathymetric data, variables derived to characterize the seafloor (water depth, distance, slope, and aspect), and spatial relationships between seafloor stations and the DWH well, relationships between concentrations, fluxes and inventories of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and other seafloor variables were hypothesized to be statistically significantly related. The most significant seafloor characteristic to predict distributions was water depth, followed by distance, relative aspect, and slope.

Improved Methodologies for Modeling Storage and Water Level Behavior in Wetlands

Nilsson, Kenneth Allan 23 March 2010 (has links)
Wetlands are important elements of watersheds that influence water storage, surface water runoff, groundwater recharge/discharge processes, and evapotranspiration. To understand the cumulative effect wetlands have on a watershed, one must have a good understanding of the water-level fluctuations and the storage characteristics associated with multiple wetlands across a region. An improved analytical method is presented to describe the storage characteristics of wetlands in the absence of detailed hydrologic and bathymetric data. Also, a probabilistic approach based on frequency analysis is developed to provide insight into surface and groundwater interactions associated with isolated wetlands. The results of the work include: 1) a power-function model based on a single fitting parameter and two physically based parameters was developed and used to represent the storage of singular or multiple wetlands and lakes with acceptable error, 2) a novel hydrologic characterization applied to 56 wetlands in west-central Florida provided new information about wetland hydroperiods which indicated standing water was present in the wetlands 62% of the time and these wetlands were groundwater recharge zones 59% of the time over the seven year study, 3) the smallest extreme value probability distribution function was identified as the best-fit model to represent the water levels of five wetland categories in west-central Florida, 4) representative probability models were developed and used to predict the water levels of specific wetland categories, averaging less than 10% error between the predicted and recorded water levels, and 5) last, based on this probability analysis, the various wetland categories were shown to exhibit similar means, extremes and ranges in water-level behavior but unique slopes in frequency distributions, a here to for new finding. These results suggest that wetland types may best be differentiated by the regular variability in water levels, not by the mean and/or extreme water levels. The methods and analytical techniques presented in this dissertation can be used to help understand and quantify wetland hydrology in different climatological or anthropogenic stress conditions. Also, the methods explored in this study can be used to develop more accurate and representative hydrologic simulation models.

Tidally Generated Internal Waves from Asymmetric Topographies

Hakes, Kyle Jeffrey 17 November 2020 (has links)
Internal waves are generated in stratified fluids, like the ocean, where density increases with depth. Tides are one of the major generation mechanisms of internal waves. As the tides move water back and forth over underwater topography, internal waves can be generated. The shape of the topography plays a major part in the properties of the generated internal wave and the type of wave and energy is known for multiple symmetric topographies, such as Gaussian or sinusoidal. In order to further understand the effects topographic shape plays, the effect of asymmetry on internal waves is investigated. First, two experimental methods are compared to evaluate which will capture the relevant information for comparing waves generated from oscillating asymmetric topographies. Two experimental methods are often used in internal wave research, Synthetic Schlieren (SS) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Both SS and PIV experimental methods are used to analyze a set of experiments in a variety of density profiles and with a variety of topographies. The results from these experiments are then compared both qualitatively and quantitatively to decide which method to use for further research. In the setup, the larger field of view of SS results in superior resolution in wavenumber analysis, when compared to PIV. In addition, SS is 25% faster to setup and significantly cheaper. These are the deciding factors leading to the selection of SS as the preferred experimental method for further tests regarding tidally generated internal waves from asymmetric topographies. Previous experimental and theoretical research on tidally generated internal waves has most often used symmetric topographies. However, due to the complex nature of real ocean topography, the effect of asymmetry can not be overlooked. A few studies have shown that asymmetry can have a significant effect on internal wave generation, but topographic asymmetry has not been studied in a systematic manner up to this point. This work presents a comparison of tidally generated internal waves from nine different asymmetric topographies, consisting of a steeper Gaussian curve on one side, and a wider Gaussian curve on the other. The wider curve has varying amplitude from 1 to 0.6 of the steeper curve's amplitude, and two oscillation frequencies are explored. First, kinetic energy density in tidally generated internal waves is compared qualitatively and quantitatively, in both physical and Fourier space. When compared to similar symmetric topographies, the asymmetric topographies varied distinctly in the amount of internal wave kinetic energy generated. In general, internal wave kinetic energy generated from asymmetric topographies is higher for waves generated at a lower frequency than at a higher frequency. Also, kinetic energy is higher in internal waves on the relatively steeper side of the topography. There is very little kinetic energy in the higher wavenumbers, with most of the internal waves being generated at the lower wavenumbers. The amplitude does not make an appreciable difference in the wavenumber at which the internal waves are generated. Thus, the differences quantified here are due solely to changing slope, showing a significant impact of a relatively slight asymmetry.

Environmental Controls on Depositional Patterns of Isolated Carbonate Platforms

Kerr, Jeremy M 31 August 2018 (has links)
This dissertation explores the influence of the environment on the lateral spatial patterning of facies in modern isolated carbonate platforms through six studies. The first study describes the creation of a database of benthic habitat and bathymetric maps derived from multispectral satellite imagery and the field data used calibrate and validate the mapping algorithms. The second study develops and assesses a new approach for remotely-deriving water depth from multispectral satellite imagery without the need for ground-truth information. The third study identifies a criterion for distinguishing between facies belts and mosaics and deploys the criterion to investigate the co-occurrence of these arrangements within modern carbonate depositional systems. The fourth study explores the geologic history of an isolated carbonate platform in the Bahamas, Cay Sal Bank, to understand why the lateral spatial pattering observed in this site differs from the patterns observed in neighboring platforms. The fifth study explores the distribution of carbonate facies in relation to wave energy and water depth for two detached ramps in the Red Sea, Ras Al-Qisbah and Al Wajh. The last study investigates the recovery of scleractinian communities along the coasts of two islands in the Galapagos archipelago, Darwin and Wennman (Wolf) Islands, following a large-scale disturbance in the 1980s. Together, these six studies provide new insight into the spatial patterning of facies within modern carbonate depositional systems and the influence of the environment on the observed arrangements.

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