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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scottish soldiers from the Battle of Dunbar 1650: a prosopographical approach to a skeletal assemblage

Millard, A.R., Annis, R.G., Caffell, A.C., Dodd, L.L., Fischer, R., Gerrard, C.M., Graves, C.P., Hendy, J., Mackenzie, L., Montgomery, J., Nowell, G.M., Radini, A., Beaumont, Julia, Koon, Hannah E.C., Speller, C.F. 17 December 2020 (has links)
Yes / After the Battle Dunbar between English and Scottish forces in 1650, captured Scottish soldiers were imprisoned in Durham and many hundreds died there within a few weeks. The partial skeletal remains of 28 of these men were discovered in 2013. Building on previous osteological work, here we report wide-ranging scientific studies of the remains to address the following questions: Did they have comparable diet, health and disease throughout their lives? Did they have common histories of movement (or lack of movement) during their childhoods? Can we create a collective biography of these men? Strontium and oxygen isotope analysis of tooth enamel investigated childhood movement. Carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of incrementally sampled dentine addressed childhood diet and nutrition. Metaproteomic analysis of dental calculus investigated oral microbiomes and food residues; this was complemented by microscopic analysis of debris in calculus from ingested materials. Selected individuals were examined for dental microwear. The extent of hydroxylation of proline in collagen was examined as a potential biomarker for scurvy. An osteobiography for each man was created using the full range of data generated about him, and these were synthesised using an approach based on the historical method for a collective biography or prosopography. The childhood residences of the men were primarily within the Midland Valley of Scotland, though some spent parts of their childhood outside the British Isles. This is concordant with the known recruitment areas of the Scottish army in 1650. Their diets included oats, brassicas and milk but little seafood, as expected for lowland rather than highland diets of the period. Childhood periods of starvation or illness were almost ubiquitous, but not simultaneous, suggesting regionally variable food shortages in the 1620s and 1630s. It is likely there was widespread low-level scurvy, ameliorating in later years of life, which suggests historically unrecorded shortages of fruit and vegetables in the early 1640s. Almost all men were exposed to burnt plant matter, probably as inhaled soot, and this may relate to the high proportion of them with of sinusitis. Interpersonal violence causing skeletal trauma was rare. Based on commonalities in their osteobiographies, we argue that these men were drawn from the same stratum of society. This study is perhaps the most extensive to date of individuals from 17th century Scotland. Combined with a precise historical context it allows the lives of these men to be investigated and compared to the historical record with unprecedented precision. It illustrates the power of archaeological science methods to confirm, challenge and complement historical evidence. / The excavation and post-excavation programme was primarily funded by Durham University, with the palaeoproteomic analysis funded through the Wellcome Trust www. wellcome.ac.uk (108375/Z/15/Z to CFS).


Owens, Michael Ulmer. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Importing Napoleon: Engineering the American Military Nation, 1814-1821

Romaneski, Jonathan 02 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Wenkriteria vir konvensionele landgevegte

Wagner, William John 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is onderneem met die doel om 'n model te ontwikkel waarmee die wenner in 'n konvensionele landgeveg voorspel kan word. Gegewe die omvang van die vakgebied oorlog, is die studie beperk tot die taktiese vlak en fokus op landgevegte tydens konvensionele oorlogvoering. As eerste stap in die ontwikkelingpsproses, is die faktore wat wen kan bepaal krygskundig nagevors. Die sogenaamde honderdgevegte-datastel is saamgestel uit data van 100 gevegte uit die twintigste eeu en net vroeer, met die klem op gevegte waarin Suid-Afrikaanse magte betrokke was. Verskeie statistiese tegnieke is ondersoek om 'n geskikte tegniek vir die ontleding van die data te vind. Die ondersoek het aangetoon dat logistiese regressie die beste tegniek is vir die data. 'n Ontwikkelingsproses met drie voorspellers is ook saamgestel. Verskeie modelle is ondersoek, naamlik 1 'n Voorspellingsmodel met eensydige sub-modelle sonder gevegshouding, met en sonder opponentdata. I 2 'n Voorspellingsmodel met eensydige sub-modelle met gevegshouding, met en sonder opponentdata. 3 'n Voorspellingsmodel met tweesydige sub-modelle met opponentdata.. Die ontwikkelingsproses lewer verskeie modelle wat baie goed presteer sensitiwiteit > 80%). 'n Finale keuse lewer die volgende resultaat: 1 Vir die geval waar opponentdata nie beskikbaar is nie, is 'n eensydige submode! sonder gevegshouding ontwikkel waarvan die resultaat teen 'n skeidingsgrens gemeet word om die uitslag te bepaal. Die model het 'n sensitiwiteit van 85%, maar kan net 'n wen of gelykop, of, verloor of gelykop voorspel. 2 Vir die geval waar opponentdata beskikbaar is, is 'n eensydige sub-model ivsonder gevegshouding ontwikkel wat in staat is om, deur die opponente se uitslag met mekaar te vergelyk, die wenner aan te wys. Hierdie model het 'n sensitiwiteit van 83,8% Verskeie statistiese en krygskundige gevolgtrekkings word gemaak, die belangrikste waarvan dat die gekose modelle wel daartoe in staat is om gevegsvoorspellings akkuraat te kan uitvoer. Die modelle kan ook aangewend word om gevegte te ontleed en tendense te verklaar. Krygskundig bevestig die resultaat die noodsaaklikheid van die maneuvreringsbenadering en goeie leierskap. Die resultaat van die studie het wye aanwendingspotensiaal op die gebied van die krygskunde, krygsfilosofie, krygspele en militere operasionele navorsing en laat ruimte vir interessante en noodsaaklike verdere navorsing in operasionele navorsing sowel as in die krygskunde. / The aim of this study is to develop models for the efficient prediction of the outcome of a land battle. The study is confined to conventional warfare at the tactical level. The first step was to identify the variables that may determine victory. Thirty such variables enjoying the support of various military historians and philosophers were selected. The hundred-battle data set, consisting of coded data for a hundred twentieth-century battles, was compiled. The thirty variables were encoded for each combatant. Since the outcome and most of the prediction variables are binary but a few are continuous, ordinary linear regression could not be used and several statistical and other techniques were evaluated. Logistic regression was found to be the best. A formalized development and selection process was applied to a number of broad model classes. These were 1 prediction models with one-sided sub-models without combat posture and with (without) opponent data 2 prediction models with one-sided sub-models with combat posture and with (without) opponent data 3 prediction models with two-sided sub-models without combat posture and with opponent data. The process provided several very good models and the following were selected. Without opponent data. A one-sided sub-model without combat posture, utilizing a discriminator was selected. It determines the outcome with a sensitivity of 85%. However, it only predicts victory or a draw, defeat or a draw. With opponent data. A one-sided sub-model without combat posture was selected. It predicts the outcome of battle by comparing the results of the two opponents. This model vishowed a sensitivity of 83,8%. Several statistical and military scientific conclusions followed, the most important being that the chosen models can accurately predict battle outcome or post facto determine the outcome. The models can also be used to analyze battles. In this role they confirm the importance of maneuver warfare and good leadership. The results of this study can be applied in military science, military philosophy and war gaming. The work fuses military philosophy with statistical analysis, is a first in the field and offers the possibility of breaking out of the mind-set of personal views and biases prevalent in military science. The method as such can be applied to different data bases representing war at other levels or with other technologies. / Philosophy / D.Phil. (Philosophy)

Faser och teman i en hiphopares liv : Berättelser om hiphop som ungdomskultur

Andersson, Jessica January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats är en narrativ studie om hiphopkulturen som ungdomskultur. Målet med undersökningen har varit att förstå hur hiphoparna blir en del av den egna kulturen och hur de ser sig själva som medlemmar av hiphopkulturen. Som insamlingsmetod har jag använt mig av tre fokusgrupper samt en enskild intervju. Informanterna har varit 20-26 år och kommer från två mellanstora städer i Sverige.</p><p>Det resultat som framkommit är att hiphoparen gör en slags karriär inom kulturen. För att kunna göra denna karriär är hiphoparen beroende av mer erfarna personer. Det finns även ett beroende av det övriga samhället för att kunna lyckas. Tankarna kring den egna kulturen kan sammanfattas i fyra olika huvudteman: Genus, Attribut, Äkthet och Battle.</p> / <p>This is a narrative study of the hiphop culture as a youth culture. The aim has been to understand how and why young people in middle-sized Swedish towns become hiphopers and also how they look at themselves as members of the hiphop culture.</p><p>The research methods applied are three focus group interviews and one single person interview. The participants are between 20 and 26 years. The hiphoper makes a kind of a career in the culture. To be able to make the career, the hiphoper is dependent of other people with better skills as well as of the society. The thoughts of the hiphopers in question can be summarized in four main themes: gender, attribute, genuine and battle.</p>

Faser och teman i en hiphopares liv : Berättelser om hiphop som ungdomskultur

Andersson, Jessica January 2005 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en narrativ studie om hiphopkulturen som ungdomskultur. Målet med undersökningen har varit att förstå hur hiphoparna blir en del av den egna kulturen och hur de ser sig själva som medlemmar av hiphopkulturen. Som insamlingsmetod har jag använt mig av tre fokusgrupper samt en enskild intervju. Informanterna har varit 20-26 år och kommer från två mellanstora städer i Sverige. Det resultat som framkommit är att hiphoparen gör en slags karriär inom kulturen. För att kunna göra denna karriär är hiphoparen beroende av mer erfarna personer. Det finns även ett beroende av det övriga samhället för att kunna lyckas. Tankarna kring den egna kulturen kan sammanfattas i fyra olika huvudteman: Genus, Attribut, Äkthet och Battle. / This is a narrative study of the hiphop culture as a youth culture. The aim has been to understand how and why young people in middle-sized Swedish towns become hiphopers and also how they look at themselves as members of the hiphop culture. The research methods applied are three focus group interviews and one single person interview. The participants are between 20 and 26 years. The hiphoper makes a kind of a career in the culture. To be able to make the career, the hiphoper is dependent of other people with better skills as well as of the society. The thoughts of the hiphopers in question can be summarized in four main themes: gender, attribute, genuine and battle.

The military career of General François-Étienne Kellermann, cavalryman of the Empire from 1813 through 1815 /

Bonura, Michael A., January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Florida State University, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-114). Also available online: http://etd.lib.fsu.edu/theses/available/etd-04102006-155557

Fifth Air Force light and medium bomber operations during 1942 and 1943 building the doctrine and forces that triumphed in the battle of the Bismarck Sea and the Wewak Raid /

Gann, Timothy D. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis--School of Advanced Airpower Studies, 1992. / Shipping list no.: 1998-0921-M. "November 1993." Includes bibliographical references. Also available via Internet from the Air University Press web site. Address as of 10/22/03: http://aupress.au.af.mil/SAAS%5FTheses/Gann/gann.pdf; current access is available via PURL.

The military career of General François-Étienne Kellermann, cavalryman of the Empire from 1813 through 1815 /

Bonura, Michael A., January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Florida State University, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-114). Also available online: http://etd.lib.fsu.edu/theses/available/etd-04102006-155557

Wenkriteria vir konvensionele landgevegte

Wagner, William John 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is onderneem met die doel om 'n model te ontwikkel waarmee die wenner in 'n konvensionele landgeveg voorspel kan word. Gegewe die omvang van die vakgebied oorlog, is die studie beperk tot die taktiese vlak en fokus op landgevegte tydens konvensionele oorlogvoering. As eerste stap in die ontwikkelingpsproses, is die faktore wat wen kan bepaal krygskundig nagevors. Die sogenaamde honderdgevegte-datastel is saamgestel uit data van 100 gevegte uit die twintigste eeu en net vroeer, met die klem op gevegte waarin Suid-Afrikaanse magte betrokke was. Verskeie statistiese tegnieke is ondersoek om 'n geskikte tegniek vir die ontleding van die data te vind. Die ondersoek het aangetoon dat logistiese regressie die beste tegniek is vir die data. 'n Ontwikkelingsproses met drie voorspellers is ook saamgestel. Verskeie modelle is ondersoek, naamlik 1 'n Voorspellingsmodel met eensydige sub-modelle sonder gevegshouding, met en sonder opponentdata. I 2 'n Voorspellingsmodel met eensydige sub-modelle met gevegshouding, met en sonder opponentdata. 3 'n Voorspellingsmodel met tweesydige sub-modelle met opponentdata.. Die ontwikkelingsproses lewer verskeie modelle wat baie goed presteer sensitiwiteit > 80%). 'n Finale keuse lewer die volgende resultaat: 1 Vir die geval waar opponentdata nie beskikbaar is nie, is 'n eensydige submode! sonder gevegshouding ontwikkel waarvan die resultaat teen 'n skeidingsgrens gemeet word om die uitslag te bepaal. Die model het 'n sensitiwiteit van 85%, maar kan net 'n wen of gelykop, of, verloor of gelykop voorspel. 2 Vir die geval waar opponentdata beskikbaar is, is 'n eensydige sub-model ivsonder gevegshouding ontwikkel wat in staat is om, deur die opponente se uitslag met mekaar te vergelyk, die wenner aan te wys. Hierdie model het 'n sensitiwiteit van 83,8% Verskeie statistiese en krygskundige gevolgtrekkings word gemaak, die belangrikste waarvan dat die gekose modelle wel daartoe in staat is om gevegsvoorspellings akkuraat te kan uitvoer. Die modelle kan ook aangewend word om gevegte te ontleed en tendense te verklaar. Krygskundig bevestig die resultaat die noodsaaklikheid van die maneuvreringsbenadering en goeie leierskap. Die resultaat van die studie het wye aanwendingspotensiaal op die gebied van die krygskunde, krygsfilosofie, krygspele en militere operasionele navorsing en laat ruimte vir interessante en noodsaaklike verdere navorsing in operasionele navorsing sowel as in die krygskunde. / The aim of this study is to develop models for the efficient prediction of the outcome of a land battle. The study is confined to conventional warfare at the tactical level. The first step was to identify the variables that may determine victory. Thirty such variables enjoying the support of various military historians and philosophers were selected. The hundred-battle data set, consisting of coded data for a hundred twentieth-century battles, was compiled. The thirty variables were encoded for each combatant. Since the outcome and most of the prediction variables are binary but a few are continuous, ordinary linear regression could not be used and several statistical and other techniques were evaluated. Logistic regression was found to be the best. A formalized development and selection process was applied to a number of broad model classes. These were 1 prediction models with one-sided sub-models without combat posture and with (without) opponent data 2 prediction models with one-sided sub-models with combat posture and with (without) opponent data 3 prediction models with two-sided sub-models without combat posture and with opponent data. The process provided several very good models and the following were selected. Without opponent data. A one-sided sub-model without combat posture, utilizing a discriminator was selected. It determines the outcome with a sensitivity of 85%. However, it only predicts victory or a draw, defeat or a draw. With opponent data. A one-sided sub-model without combat posture was selected. It predicts the outcome of battle by comparing the results of the two opponents. This model vishowed a sensitivity of 83,8%. Several statistical and military scientific conclusions followed, the most important being that the chosen models can accurately predict battle outcome or post facto determine the outcome. The models can also be used to analyze battles. In this role they confirm the importance of maneuver warfare and good leadership. The results of this study can be applied in military science, military philosophy and war gaming. The work fuses military philosophy with statistical analysis, is a first in the field and offers the possibility of breaking out of the mind-set of personal views and biases prevalent in military science. The method as such can be applied to different data bases representing war at other levels or with other technologies. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Phil. (Philosophy)

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