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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolic basis of MYC-induced apoptosis

Su, Huizhong January 2018 (has links)
Programmed cell death, known as apoptosis, is widely accepted as a key tumour suppression mechanism. The oncogene MYC promotes cell growth and proliferation but also sensitises cells to apoptosis, which limits its oncogenic potential. MYC-induced apoptosis requires the pro-apoptotic BCL2 family proteins BAX/BAK and can be blocked by anti-apoptotic family members such as BCL2 and BCL-xL. Previous studies have identified glutamine withdrawal as a trigger for MYC-induced apoptosis. Through untargeted metabolomic analyses of cells with perturbed BCL2 family member composition and of cells undergoing glutamine-dependent MYC-induced apoptosis, we found that nucleosides and nucleotides were altered in correlation with apoptotic status. Glutamine is an important biosynthetic substrate and energy source and we show global transcription and translation of the cells decreased upon glutamine withdrawal. However, MYC-activated cells promote transcription and translation even in the absence of glutamine and thus still drive huge demand for energy. Deregulated MYC promotes nucleotide catabolism and depletes cellular energy charge upon glutamine withdrawal, indicating energy shortage driven by MYC. Nucleotide conversion and remodeling by adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) protects cellular energy charge and inhibits MYC-induced apoptosis. These results indicate a homeostatic model for MYC-induced apoptosis based upon mitochondrial energy supply and demand. We propose that the transcriptional activity of MYC drives huge demand for energy to support global transcription and translation and thereby sensitises cells to apoptosis under conditions of limiting energy supply.

Characterization of IKAP/hELP1-dependent pathways/ Caractérisation des mécanismes moléculaires impliquant la protéine IKAP/hELP1 et le complexe ELongator

Cornez, Isabelle 11 June 2008 (has links)
Characterization of IKAP/hELP1-dependent pathways. Abstract An extensive characterization of the signal transduction pathways is required to better understand how cells respond to various stimuli. While the human genome is completely sequenced, it is still necessary to combine those informations with a full knowledge of the biological roles played by the proteins. Importantly, a deregulation of the signal transduction pathways underlie a variety of human diseases such as cancer or neurodegenerative disorders. IKAP/hELP1 is the largest subunit of Elongator and is required for the functional integrity of this complex. The histone acetyltransferase activity of Elongator helps the transcriptional machinery to move on the template of still poorly characterized genes to transcribe. In yeast, Elongator has also been involved in tRNA modifications as well as in exocytosis. In humans, Familial dysautonomia, an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defects in the development and maintenance of neurons of the autonomic and sensory systems, results from a loss-of-function of IKAP/hELP1. Recent work in our laboratory linked this disease to a cell migration defect of IKAP/hELP1 depleted cells. The aim of this work is to investigate the role of Elongator in signal transduction. In the first part, we wanted to know whether Elongator was required for the regulation of gene expression in response to DNA damage. We demonstrated that some p53-dependent genes were aberrantly expressed upon Elongator deficiency in colon cancer-derived cells. Moreover, we showed that these IKAP/hELP1 depleted cells were not more sensitive to apoptosis in response to persistent DNAdamage. In the second part of this work, to better characterize IKAP/hELP1, we tried to validate its potential interaction with the RanBP2 nucleoporin which is a component of the nuclear pore complex. Given its mainly cytoplasmic localization and its role in the nucleus, we studied the translocation of IKAP/hELP1 between both of these cellular compartments. We determined a potential nuclear export signal on the C-terminal part of IKAP/hELP1. This might allow us to further explore the link between the distinct roles and the localization of the Elongator complex. / Caractérisation des mécanismes moléculaires impliquant la protéine IKAP/hELP1 et le complexe Elongator. Résumé Létude des voies de signalisation permet de mieux comprendre comment une cellule réagit face à divers stimuli. Alors que le génome humain est complètement séquencé, la caractérisation des différentes voies de signalisation cellulaire est à ce jour toujours incomplète et nécessite une meilleure connaissance de leurs principaux acteurs, les protéines. Ceci est dautant plus important quun dérèglement de lactivation de ces voies de signalisation peut conduire à des pathologies aussi diverses que le cancer ou des maladies neurodégénératives. IKAP/hELP1 est la plus grande sous-unité du complexe Elongator et est essentielle pour lassemblage fonctionnel de celui-ci. Le complexe Elongator grâce à son activité dacétylation des histones qui permet laccès à la chromatine, participe à lélongation de la transcription de gènes, ceux-ci restant à ce jour peu caractérisés. Récemment chez la levure, Elongator a été décrit comme prenant part à dautres évènements cellulaires aussi divers que la modification des ARNs de transfert qui permet une traduction fidèle des protéines, ou que lexocytose. Chez lhomme, une neuropathologie génétique, la dysautonomie familiale, est la conséquence directe dune perte de fonction de la protéine IKAP/hELP1. Notre laboratoire a récemment fait le lien entre cette maladie qui affecte le développement et la survie du système nerveux autonome et sensoriel, et un déficit des capacités migratoires de cellules exprimant trop faiblement la protéine IKAP/hELP1. Le but de ce travail est de poursuivre la caractérisation des rôles biologiques du complexe Elongator. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons examiné le rôle dElongator dans la modulation de lexpression de gènes suite à un dommage à lADN. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence une altération du profil dexpression de plusieurs gènes connus pour être sous la dépendance de p53, une protéine activée en réponse à divers signaux de stress, dans des cellules dérivées de cancers du colon et déficientes pour Elongator. De plus, nous avons déterminé que ces cellules déplétées pour IKAP/hELP1 nétaient pas plus sensibles à lapoptose, en réponse ou non à des dommages persistants à lADN. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons tenté de valider, sur base de résultats obtenus chez la levure, son interaction potentielle avec une protéine du pore nucléaire, RanBP2. Etant donné sa localisation majoritairement cytoplasmique et sa fonction dans le compartiment nucléaire, nous avons étudié le transport dIKAP/hELP1 entre le noyau et le cytoplasme. Nous avons pu déterminer un site dexport nucléaire potentiel sur lextrémité C-terminale dIKAP/hELP1 qui nous permettra dexplorer le lien entre les différentes fonctions et la localisation du complexe Elongator.

B-cell Lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) Is an Essential Regulator of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis

Ceizar, Maheen 19 September 2012 (has links)
Of the thousands of dividing progenitor cells (PCs) generated daily in the adult brain only a very small proportion survive to become mature neurons through the process of neurogenesis. Identification of the mechanisms that regulate cell death associated with neurogenesis would aid in harnessing the potential therapeutic value of PCs. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is suggested to regulate death of PCs in the adult brain as overexpression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), an anti-apoptotic protein, enhances the survival of new neurons. To directly assess if Bcl-2 is a regulator of apoptosis in PCs, this study examined the outcome of removal of Bcl-2 from the developing PCs in the adult mouse brain. Retroviral mediated gene transfer of Cre into adult floxed Bcl-2 mice eliminated Bcl-2 from developing PCs and resulted in the complete absence of new neurons at 30 days post viral injection. Similarly, Bcl-2 removal through the use of nestin-induced conditional knockout mice resulted in reduced number of mature neurons. The function of Bcl-2 in the PCs was also dependent on Bcl-2-associated X (BAX) protein, as demonstrated by an increase in new neurons formed following viral-mediated removal of Bcl-2 in BAX knockout mice. Together these findings demonstrate that Bcl-2 is an essential regulator of neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus.

The theoretical modeling, design, and synthesis of key structural units for novel molecular clamps and pro-apoptotic alpha helix peptidomimetics

Weiss, Stephanie Tara 01 June 2006 (has links)
This dissertation presents the theory and practice of designing, synthesizing and using peptidomimetics to disrupt protein-protein interactions. Our general strategy is to design and synthesize peptidomimetics that will mimic peptide secondary structures (alpha-helices and beta-sheets). Chapter One is a theoretical examination of the feasibility of using beta-sheet mimics called molecular clamps to inhibit substrate-receptor interactions by blocking the substrate rather than the receptor or enzyme. Several natural and synthetic examples of this approach are given in support of this concept. We also present the results of a kinetic modeling study and a consideration of which types of systems would be the best candidates for a substrate-targeted inhibitor approach. Chapter Two relates a continuation of previous work in our lab to synthesize five novel beta-protected hydrazino amino acids. These hydrazines are essential precursors for synthesizing constrained beta-strand mimetics. We showed that we could selectively deprotect the alpha-nitrogen of the hydrazines, and we synthesized several novel examples of polar beta-protected hydrazino amino acids. Chapter Three discusses the design and synthesis of small-molecule and peptidomimetic MDM2 inhibitors, including our work on synthesizing a new class of alpha-helix mimics that have improved water solubility compared with previously reported examples of alpha-helix mimics. As with the constrained beta-strand mimics described in Chapter Two, the synthesis of novel hydrazino amino acid precursors is a key step in synthesizing our alpha-helix mimics. One isoleucine hydrazine derivative was synthesized, and progress was made toward synthesizing two other hydrazines from tryptophan. In addition, the synthesis of three potential small-molecule inhibitors of MDM2 is described. Chapter Four describes the use of the GLIDE program to design and evolve an alpha-helix mimic that will interact with the pro-apoptotic protein Bax. Progress toward the synthesis of this compound is also reported.

Testosterone acts at the cell surface to induce granulosa/theca cell death via an apoptotic pathway in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus)

Zhang, Chenan 08 April 2014 (has links)
The teleost ovarian follicle undergoes extensive remodeling and regression during the reproductive cycle—a process involving apoptosis and cell death. However, the hormonal regulation of these processes remains unclear. In the current study the role of testosterone in regulating regression of Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) ovarian follicles was investigated in co-cultured granulosa/theca (G/T) cells. Testosterone (T) treatment enhanced serum starvation-induced cell death and apoptosis of G/T cells during the mature stage of oocyte maturation. This effect was mimicked by a cell-impermeable T conjugate, T-bovine serum albumin, indicating that this androgen action is initiated at the cell surface. Mibolerone, a nuclear androgen receptor agonist, was ineffective in promoting apoptosis and cell death, which suggests that T actions are independent from the nuclear receptor. Together, the data suggests that T-induction of apoptosis and cell death are through a novel membrane androgen receptor in the croaker ovary. T treatment also increased expression of a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 gene family, Bax, and two Bax upstream regulators, JNK and p53. These results suggest that T induces cell death of G/T cells in croaker through the apoptotic pathway involving JNK, p53 and Bax. An opposite response of cell death protection by T was also observed in G/T cells cultured from late-stage ovaries. This response was accompanied by a rapid increased ERK-1/-2 phosphorylation not seen in Mibolerone treatment. By examining the role of T in croaker follicle cell death and elucidating the corresponding basic mechanisms of androgen action, we are learning more about the regulatory components involved in the breakdown and remodeling stages of the teleost reproductive cycle. / text

The role of the mitochondrial membrane system in apoptosis : the influence of oxidative stress on membranes and their interactions with apoptosis-regulating Bcl-2 proteins

Lidman, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Apoptosis is a crucial process in multicellular organisms in sculpting them, especially during embryogenesis. In addition, apoptosis is responsible for the clearance of harmful or damaged cells which can otherwise be detrimental to the organism. The Bcl-2 family proteins are key players in the regulation of the intrinsic pathway of the apoptotic machinery. This family consists of three subfamilies with B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) protein itself representing anti-apoptotic members, the Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax), and pro-apoptotic BH3-only signaling proteins. The interplay between pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins on the mitochondrial membranes is central to the balance between the life and death decision of whether the membrane should be permeabilized or not. The cytosolic Bax protein can upon cellular stress translocate to the mitochondrial membrane where it can either carry out its action of forming homo-oligomers that cause outer membrane permeabilization or be inhibited there by the anti-apoptotic membrane protein Bcl-2. Upon mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) apoptogenic factors leak out from the intermembrane space (IMS) of the mitochondria, leading to caspase activation and ultimately cell death. A common stress signal initiating apoptosis is an increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS in the mitochondria, who can cause oxidative damage to lipid membranes. This membrane damage presumably influences the lipid landscape and the membrane features and hence the interactions of the Bcl-2 family proteins with each other and the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM). To investigate the significance of membrane oxidation on the behavior of the Bcl-2 family proteins, especially Bax, synthetically produced oxidized phospholipids (OxPls) were incorporated in MOM-mimicking vesicles. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy revealed a major perturbation in membrane organization in the presence of OxPls. These changes in membrane properties increase the affinity of Bax to its target membrane and enable its partial penetration and formation of pores, as fluorescence leakage assays confirmed. However, in the absence of BH3-only proteins these pores are not sufficiently large for the release of apopototic factors such as cytochrome C (CytC). To understand the inhibition of Bax by the full-length Bcl-2 protein, suitable detergent solubilizing conditions were carefully chosen to enable the measurement of their direct binding to each other outside the membrane, by an antimycin A2 fluorescence assay. The observed protein-protein interaction was confirmed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). An established protocol for the reconstitution of Bcl-2 into stable proteoliposomes now paves the way for structural studies of this key protein, in its membrane environment near physiological conditions; information essential for understanding its function, on a molecular level, and its potential as a cancer drug target.

Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization : A Cellular Suicide Stragegy

Johansson, Ann-Charlotte January 2008 (has links)
In the last decade, a tremendous gain in knowledge concerning the molecular events of apoptosis signaling and execution has been achieved. The aim of this thesis was to clarify the role of lysosomal membrane permeabilization and lysosomal proteases, cathepsins, in signaling for apoptosis. We identified cathepsin D as an important factor in staurosporine-induced human fibroblast cell death. After release to the cytosol, cathepsin D promoted mitochondrial release of cytochrome c by proteolytic activation of Bid. Cathepsin D-mediated cleavage of Bid generated two fragments with the apparent molecular mass of 15 and 19 kDa. By sequence analysis, three cathepsin D-specific cleavage sites, Phe24, Trp48, and Phe183, were identified. Moreover, we investigated the mechanism by which cathepsins escape the lysosomal compartment, and found that Bax is translocated from the cytosol to lysosomes upon staurosporine treatment. In agreement with these data, recombinant Bax triggered release of cathepsins from isolated rat liver lysosomes. Conceivably, the Bcl-2 family of proteins may govern release of pro-apoptotic factors from both lysosomes and mitochondria. The importance of lysosomal cathepsins in apoptosis signaling was studied also in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells following exposure to the redox-cycling drug naphthazarin or agonistic anti-Fas antibodies. In this experimental system, cathepsins were released to the cytosol, however, inhibition of neither cathepsin D, nor cysteine cathepsin activity suppressed cell death. Interestingly, cysteine cathepsins still appeared to be involved in activation of the caspase cascade. Cathepsins are often overexpressed and secreted by cancer cells, and it has been reported that extracellular cathepsins promote tumor growth and metastasis. Here, we propose that cathepsin B secreted from cancer cells may suppress cancer cell death by shedding of the Fas death receptor. Defects in the regulation of apoptosis contribute to a wide variety of diseases, such as cancer, neurodegeneration and autoimmunity. Increased knowledge of the molecular details of apoptosis could lead to novel, more effective, treatments for these illnesses. This thesis emphasizes the importance of the lysosomal death pathway, which is a promising target for future therapeutic intervention. / In the last decade, a tremendous gain in knowledge concerning the molecular events of apoptosis signaling and execution has been achieved. The aim of this thesis was to clarify the role of lysosomal membrane permeabilization and lysosomal proteases, cathepsins, in signaling for apoptosis. We identified cathepsin D as an important factor in staurosporine-induced human fibroblast cell death. After release to the cytosol, cathepsin D promoted mitochondrial release of cytochrome c by proteolytic activation of Bid. Cathepsin D-mediated cleavage of Bid generated two fragments with the apparent molecular mass of 15 and 19 kDa. By sequence analysis, three cathepsin D-specific cleavage sites, Phe24, Trp48, and Phe183, were identified. Moreover, we investigated the mechanism by which cathepsins escape the lysosomal compartment, and found that Bax is translocated from the cytosol to lysosomes upon staurosporine treatment. In agreement with these data, recombinant Bax triggered release of cathepsins from isolated rat liver lysosomes. Conceivably, the Bcl-2 family of proteins may govern release of pro-apoptotic factors from both lysosomes and mitochondria. The importance of lysosomal cathepsins in apoptosis signaling was studied also in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells following exposure to the redox-cycling drug naphthazarin or agonistic anti-Fas antibodies. In this experimental system, cathepsins were released to the cytosol, however, inhibition of neither cathepsin D, nor cysteine cathepsin activity suppressed cell death. Interestingly, cysteine cathepsins still appeared to be involved in activation of the caspase cascade. Cathepsins are often overexpressed and secreted by cancer cells, and it has been reported that extracellular cathepsins promote tumor growth and metastasis. Here, we propose that cathepsin B secreted from cancer cells may suppress cancer cell death by shedding of the Fas death receptor. Defects in the regulation of apoptosis contribute to a wide variety of diseases, such as cancer, neurodegeneration and autoimmunity. Increased knowledge of the molecular details of apoptosis could lead to novel, more effective, treatments for these illnesses. This thesis emphasizes the importance of the lysosomal death pathway, which is a promising target for future therapeutic intervention.

Regulation of UV induced apoptosis in human melanocytes

Bivik, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
Malignant melanoma arises from the pigment producing melanocytes in epidermis and is the most aggressive type of skin cancer. The incidence of malignant melanoma is increasing faster than any other type of cancer in white population worldwide, with a doubling rate every 10-20 years. So far, the only identified external risk factor for malignant melanoma is UV exposure. Elimination of photodamaged cells by apoptosis (programmed cell death) is essential to prevent tumor formation. Melanocytes are considered relatively resistant to apoptosis, however, the regulation of apoptosis in melanocytes is still unknown. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the apoptotic process following ultraviolet (UV) irradiation in primary cultures of human melanocytes. Focus was on regulation of mitochondrial stability by Bcl-2 family proteins and the possible participation of lysosomal proteases, cathepsins. UV irradiation activated the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, leading to cytochrome c release, caspase activation, and nuclear fragmentation. No change in protein expression of Bax and Bcl-2 was observed in response to UV. Instead, translocation of the Bcl-2 family proteins from cytosol to mitochondia was important in the regulation of survival and death of melanocytes. The findings further demonstrated permeabilization of the lysosomal membrane to occur early in the apoptotic process, resulting in cathepsin release into the cytosol. The cathepsins were potent pro-apoptotic mediators and triggered apoptosis upstream of Bax translocation and mitochondrial membrane permeabilization. In response to both heat and UV irradiation, there was a marked increase in expression of stress-induced heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), which inhibited apoptosis by binding lysosomal and mitochondrial membranes and counteracting the release of cathepsins and cytochrome c. Furthermore, UV irradiation activated c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which triggered apoptosis upstream of cathepsins release from the lysosomes. In addition, JNK mediated apoptosis through phosphorylation of pro-apoptotic Bim, which was released from anti-apoptotic Mcl-1, by UV induced Mcl-1 depletion. This thesis illustrates that permeabilization of mitochondria and lysosomes and release of their constituents to the cytosol participates in UV induced apoptosis signaling in human melanocytes in vitro. The process is regulated by a complex network of pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins, exerting their effects through intracellular translocation and alteration of protein expression.

B-cell Lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) Is an Essential Regulator of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis

Ceizar, Maheen January 2012 (has links)
Of the thousands of dividing progenitor cells (PCs) generated daily in the adult brain only a very small proportion survive to become mature neurons through the process of neurogenesis. Identification of the mechanisms that regulate cell death associated with neurogenesis would aid in harnessing the potential therapeutic value of PCs. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is suggested to regulate death of PCs in the adult brain as overexpression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), an anti-apoptotic protein, enhances the survival of new neurons. To directly assess if Bcl-2 is a regulator of apoptosis in PCs, this study examined the outcome of removal of Bcl-2 from the developing PCs in the adult mouse brain. Retroviral mediated gene transfer of Cre into adult floxed Bcl-2 mice eliminated Bcl-2 from developing PCs and resulted in the complete absence of new neurons at 30 days post viral injection. Similarly, Bcl-2 removal through the use of nestin-induced conditional knockout mice resulted in reduced number of mature neurons. The function of Bcl-2 in the PCs was also dependent on Bcl-2-associated X (BAX) protein, as demonstrated by an increase in new neurons formed following viral-mediated removal of Bcl-2 in BAX knockout mice. Together these findings demonstrate that Bcl-2 is an essential regulator of neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus.

Role of Macrophage Apoptosis in Atherosclerosis.

Liu, June 18 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The presence of apoptotic cells in atherosclerotic lesions has been broadly reported in the past ten years. The majority of these apoptotic cells are macrophages. However, the pathogenic role of macrophage apoptosis in the development of atherosclerosis remains to be elucidated. Elevated expression of Bax, one of the pivotal pro-apoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family, has been found in human atherosclerotic plaques. Activation of Bax also occurs in free cholesterol-loaded and oxysterol treated mouse macrophages. In this study, we evaluated the influence of Bax deficiency on apoptosis in macrophage-like P388D1 cells by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) to suppress Bax expression, as well as in peritoneal macrophages isolated from Bax null mice (Bax-/-). Apoptotic activities in both cell types deficient for Bax were significantly reduced compared to that in control cells. To examine the effect of macrophage Bax deficiency on the development of atherosclerosis, fourteen 8-week-old male LDL-receptor null (LDLR-/-) mice were lethally irradiated and reconstituted with either wild type (WT) C57BL6 or Bax-/- bone marrow. Three weeks later, the mice were challenged with a Western diet for 10 weeks. No differences were found in the plasma cholesterol level between the WT and Bax-/- group. However, quantitation of cross sections from proximal aortas revealed a 49.2% increase (P=0.0259) in the mean lesion area of the Bax-/- group compared to the WT group. A 53% decrease in apoptotic macrophages in the Bax-/- group was found by TUNEL staining (P<0.05). In conclusion, Bax deficiency produces a reduction of apoptotic activity in macrophages and is associated with the accelerated atherosclerosis in LDLR null mice fed a Western diet. These results strongly support our hypothesis that macrophage apoptosis suppresses the development of atherosclerosis.

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