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Channel form, flow and sediment transport in a step-pool streamDudley, John Richard January 2007 (has links)
The influence of channel morphology and hydraulics on sediment transport within steep upland streams is investigated. Step-pools are the most common bedform in such streams. Bedload transport processes operating in a perennial step-pool stream in central England are established using magnetically-tagged particles and bedload pit samplers. Water-surface slope in two step-pool streams is monitored in detail. Water-surface slope measurements show that step-pool bedforms cause large spatial variations in flow depth during floods, and that the temporal variation of watersurface slope during a flood wave differs diametrically from the pattern found in lowgradient rivers that have little roughness. These results demonstrate that it is difficult to estimate the forces acting on the streambed in steep, rough streams and, therefore, conventionally established flow variables cannot be used to predict bedload transport . rates in step-pool channels. Particle tracing experiments are used to determine the control that step-pool morphology and flow hycfraulics have on particle displacements. Step-pool streams exhibit smaller particle travel distance per flood event than low-gradient rivers. This difference reflects the greater flow resistance and bed rugosity of step-pool streams. Bed morphology dictates flood particle displacement at step-pool bedform scale. It is shown that entrainment, pool export rates and transport distances of coarse sediment are dependent on downstream step dimensions, step permeability and pool form. Large variations in bedload transport rates at any given flow strength are associated with variable sediment supply, and particle tracing demonstrates that sediment availability is controlled at unit pool scale. Bedload consists of fine gravel moving over a stable bed surface at low discharges, while, at higher discharges, bedload coarsens, approaching the size of the pool bed material as the bed surface is partially mobilized. Step framework clasts are stable features of the streambed. Results from this study are incorporated into a descriptive model of discharge-related bedload transport phases in step-pool streams.
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Urban Stream Channel Geomorphology: Investigating the Short-Term Channel Stability and Bed-Material Transportation within a Rehabilitated Urban Stream Reach in DeKalb County, GeorgiaShoredits, Andreas 20 December 2012 (has links)
Rivers and streams are sensitive to alterations in their watersheds and one of the greatest disturbances is from urban development. An urban stream channel in the Atlanta metropolitan area in the Georgia Piedmont was studied to establish the nature of adjustment the channel form was experiencing. This study compared a degraded channel with a channel influenced by stabilization efforts in the same stream reach, in order to investigate the behavior of channel adjustments towards a greater stability. Measurements of the short-term changes in channel cross-sectional area and bed-material volume, following a series of threshold flow events, were taken in the reach and the variation in bed sediment texture was also investigated. Results showed that channel banks were stable compared to more mobile beds and that urban effects continued to dictate sedimentation. Rehabilitation measures were aggrading channels in their reaches and were likely perpetuating the instability of upstream channels.
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Propensity of bed materials used in dual fluidized beds to retain ash-forming elements from biomass fuels / Upptag av askämnen i bäddmaterial vid tvåbäddsförgasning av biobränslenFolkeson, Björn January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this work was to investigate the propensity of bed materials to retain ash-forming elements from biomass under conditions relevant to dual fluidized bed gasification (DFBG). The investigation was carried out in a laboratory-scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor in which biomass was gasified with steam and the unconverted char was combusted in the temperature range 800–900 ° C. Three bed materials (sand, olivine and bauxite) and two biomass fuels (forestry residue and wheat straw) were studied. From the results obtained and literature on the ash transformation chemistry during thermal conversion of biomass, it was found that the extent to which ash-forming elements from biomass are retained on bed materials depend among other factors on (1) the abundance of ash-forming elements in the fuel, (2) the ability of the bed material to react and form compounds with ash-forming elements and (3) the atmosphere surrounding the fuel in the reactor. For example, Ca, P and K (which were among the most abundant ash-forming elements in the forestry residues) were also the main ashforming elements retained on sand, olivine and bauxite during thermal conversion of the forestry residues. However, the retention of these elements differed on the three bed materials. With respect to reactor atmosphere, Ca and P were retained on olivine primarily during char combustion while the retention of K on olivine was somewhat similar during gasification and char combustion. In addition to the experimental results, the effect of the retention of ash-forming elements on bed agglomeration tendency and the composition of the product gas is discussed as well as the relevance of the obtained results for the DFBG process.
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Modelling of sediment transport and bed deformation in rivers.Jing, H., Li, C., Guo, Yakun, Zhang, L., Zhu, L., Li, Y. 05 1900 (has links)
yes / A two dimensional (2D) RNG k-ε sediment model including the effects of secondary currents is developed to simulate sediment transport and bed deformation in rivers with continuous bends. Nonuniform suspended and bedload sediment transports and variation of effective bed material size distribution are included in the model. A semi-coupled scheme for sediment model is proposed, which can be used for simulating both the long- and short-term sediment transport whenever riverbed changes. The model is applied to simulate the flow and sediment transport in the Shapotou reservoir in the upper reach of the Yellow River which is a typical natural river reach with continuous bends. River bed deformations caused by suspended and bedload sediment transport are investigated. Good agreement between the numerically simulated results and the field measurements is obtained, indicating that the model is capable of simulating the sediment transport and predicting the bed deformation of rivers having continuous bends with reasonable accuracy. / the Major Research Plan Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.: 91230111 and 51279071); National Key BasicResearch Development Program of China (973 Program, Grant No.: 2010CB429002);Project of Science and Technology of Colleges in Ningxia, China (Grant No.:NGY2012097)
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Simultani uticaj energije površine vlakana, geometrije sloja i prirode uljne faze na obradu zauljenih voda koalescentnom filtracijom / Simultaneous influence of fiber surface energy, bed geometry and nature of the oil phase on the oily water treatment by coalescence filtrationKiralj Arpad 01 February 2017 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja doktorske disertacije je bio ispitivanje mogućnosti primene<br />vlakana od nerđajućeg čelika za koalescenciju kapi mineralnih ulja različite polarnosti<br />pri različitoj permeabilnosti sloja. Pored toga cilj je bio i komparativna analiza efikasnosti separacije ispitivanih ulja vlaknima visoke i niske energije površine. Postavljena je i modifikovana metoda kinetike upijanja tečnosti za ocenu sklonosti ulja ka odabranim vlaknima od kojih se formira sloj. Po prvi put je primenjena i metoda veštačkih neuronskih mreža za simulaciju koalescentne filtracije.<br />Eksperimentalni program koalescentne filtracije je realizovan na model emulziji<br />dispergovanog ulja u vodi konstantne ulazne koncentracije 500 mg/l,<br />pri konstantnoj temperaturi od 20°C, horizontalnoj orijentaciji toka fluida i<br />prosečnoj veličini kapi ulja od 10 μm. Uticaj geometrije sloja ispitivan je variranjem<br />permeabilnosti u opsegu od 0,1810<sup>-9</sup> m2 do 5,510<sup>-9</sup> m<sup>2</sup> za konstantnu<br />debljinu sloja od 5 cm. Testirana su tri uzorka mineralnog ulja velikog raspona<br />viskoznosti i polarnosti. Svi ogledi su realizovani pri konstantnoj brzini fluida u intervalu od 10 m/h do 80 m/h. Izlazna koncentracija dispergovane faze<br />odredivana je FTIR spektrofotometrijom.<br />Značajan doprinos u istraživanju fenomena koalescencije u sloju vlakana<br />ogleda se u utvrdivanju mogućnosti primene vlakana nerdajućeg čelika na<br />separaciju kapi mineralnih ulja, razumevanju simultanog uticaja energije<br />površine, geometrije sloja i prirode uljne faze, kao i uvodenju nove veličine<br />izo-izlazne koncentracije. Test odredivanja kinetike upijanja tečnosti je pokazao<br />da odnos liofilno-liofobne kvašljivosti materijala adekvatno opisuje sklonost<br />nekog filtarskog materijala ka separaciji ulja mineralnog porekla. Ovako<br />sveobuhvatna analiza uticaja različitih parametara na efikasnost koalescentne<br />filtracije, data u ovoj disertaciji, nije zabeležena u dostupnim literaturnim navodima.<br />Rezultati doktorske disertacije omogući će skraćivanje vremena i materijalnih<br />troškova neophodnih za projektovanje koalescera, jer smanjuju potreban<br />obim eksperimentalnih istraživanja potrebnih za uspešno projektovanje.<br />Odabrani uslovi rada, prvenstveno prečnik vlakana materijala u odnosu na<br />ulaznu veličinu kapi, kao i način njihovog pakovanja, uz obezbedivanje poznate<br />i definisane permeabilnosti, obezbedili su željenu separaciju, čija se efikasnost<br />separacije kapi ispitivanih ulja vlaknima od nerdajućeg čelika kreće u<br />opsegu od 91% do 99% za opseg brzina fluida od 10 m/h do 50 m/h. Kod sloja<br />vlakana od nerdajućeg čelika efikasnija separacija je zapažena pri niskim vrednostima<br />permeabilnosti, dok je kod polimernog materijala obrnut slučaj. Zaključeno je da, u postojećim okolnostima, kod posmatranih materijala dominiraju<br />različiti mehanizmi koalescencije u sloju. Oblik zavisnosti izlazne koncentracije<br />od brzine i permeabilnosti za oba ispitivana materijala, nerdajući čelik i<br />polipropilen, je sličan. Polipropilen ima veći radni opseg brzina u odnosu na<br />nerdajući čelik. Medutim, nerdajući čelik uspešnije separiše ulje najniže viskoznosti<br />u oblasti niskih vrednosti permeabilnosti i pri niskim radnim brzinama<br />u odnosu na polipropilen. Zadovoljavajući kvalitet separacije se kod polipropilena<br />ostvaruje pri najvišoj permeabilnosti i u širokom opsegu brzina, dok se<br />kod nerđajućeg čelika najviše vrednosti kritične brzine za ceo opseg ispitivane<br />viskoznosti ostvaruju pri najnižoj permeabilnosti sloja.</p> / <p>The aim of the doctoral thesis was to investigate the possibility of the stainless<br />steel fibers application for the coalescence of mineral oil drops with different<br />polarity varying also the bed permeability. Additional aim was the comparative<br />analysis of the tested oil separation efficiency with fibers that have high<br />and low surface energy. The method for the evaluation of the fiber-liquid wetting<br />kinetic was set up and modified in order to assess the affinity of oil to the<br />selected fiber that was used to form the filtration bed. For the first time, the<br />method of artificial neural networks was applied to simulate the coalescence<br />filtration.<br />Experimental program of coalescence filtration was performed on oil-in-water<br />model emulsion with constant inlet concentration of 500 mg/l, at a constant<br />temperature of 20°C, horizontal fluid flow orientation and average oil drop<br />size of 10 μm. The influence of bed geometry was studied varying bed permeability<br />in the range from 0,1810<sup>-9</sup> m2 to 5,51010<sup>-9</sup> m2 for the constant layer thickness of 5 cm. Three samples of mineral oil that have large range of viscosity<br />and polarity were tested. All experiments were carried out at constant<br />fluid velocity in the range from 10 m/h to 80 m/h. The output dispersed phase<br />concentration was determined by FTIR spectrophotometry.<br />A significant contribution to the research of the coalescence phenomenon in<br />a fiber bed was achieved by determining the possibility to use stainless steel<br />fibers for the separation of mineral oil drops, broadening the apprehension<br />of the simultaneous influence of surface energy, bed geometry and oil phase<br />nature, as well as the introduction of an iso-output concentration as a new<br />parameter. The evaluation of the fiber-liquid wetting kinetic showed that the<br />lipophilic-lyophobic wettability ratio of the material adequately describes the<br />tendency of a filter material for the mineral oil separation. Such comprehensive<br />analysis of the various parameters impact on the efficiency of coalescence<br />filtration, presented in this thesis, was not found in available literature. The results<br />of the doctoral thesis will enable the reduction of time and material cost<br />needed for the design of coalescer, by decreasing the extent of experimental<br />research necessary for successful design.<br />Selected working conditions, primarily the fiber diameter in relation to the input<br />drop size, as well as bed packaging, while ensuring the known and defined<br />bed permeability, provided the desired separation, with the oil drop separation<br />efficiency of tested stainless steel fibers in the range from 91% to 99% for a fluid<br />velocity range from 10 m/h to 50 m/h. When stainless steel was used, more<br />efficient separation was observed for the low bed permeability, whereas for<br />the polymer fibers the reverse order was identified. It was concluded that, in<br />the existing circumstances, different mechanisms of oil drop coalescence dominate<br />for these materials. The dependence of output concentration from the<br />velocity and bed permeability for both tested materials, stainless steel and polypropylene, was similar. Polypropylene has a higher operating velocity range<br />in comparison to stainless steel. However, when compared to polypropylene,<br />stainless steel separates more successfully the oil with the lowest viscosity in<br />the low bed permeability and at low fluid velocity domain. Satisfactory quality<br />of separation with polypropylene is achieved at the highest bed permeability<br />and in a wide fluid velocity range, whereas, with the stainless steel, the highest<br />values of critical velocity, for the entire range of tested viscosity, are realized at<br />the lowest bed permeability.</p>
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How the Choice of Bed Material Load Equations and Flow Duration Curves Impacts Estimates of Effective DischargeCope, Michael James 01 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how estimates of an important geomorphic parameter, effective discharge, are impacted by the choice of bed material load equations and flow duration curves (FDCs). The Yang (1979), Brownlie (1981), and Pagosa equations developed by Rosgen (2006) were compared for predicting bed material load. To calculate the bed material load using the Pagosa equations, the bedload and suspended load are calculated separately and the results are added together. To compare the effectiveness of the equations, measured bed material load data from the USGS Open-File Report 89-67 were used. Following the calculations, the equation results were compared to the measured data. It was determined that the Pagosa equations performed the best overall, followed by Brownlie and then Yang. The superior performance of the Pagosa equations is likely due to the equations being calibrated. USGS regression equations for FDCs were compared to a method developed by Dr. David Rosgen in which a dimensionless FDC (DFDC) is developed. Weminuche Creek in southwestern Colorado was used as the study site. Rosgen's DFDC method requires the selection of a streamgage for a stream that exhibits the same hydro-physiographic characteristics as the site of interest. An FDC is developed for the gaged site and made dimensionless by dividing the discharges by the bankfull discharge of the gaged site. The DFDC is then made dimensional by multiplying by the bankfull discharge of the site of interest and the resulting dimensional FDC is taken as the FDC of the ungaged site. The USGS regression equations underpredicted the discharges while Rosgen's DFDC method overpredicted them. Rosgen's DFDC method produced more accurate results than the USGS regression equations for Weminuche Creek. To calculate the effective discharge, the FDC was used to develop a flow frequency curve which was then multiplied by the sediment rating curve. Effective discharge calculations were performed for Weminuche Creek using several combinations of bed material load prediction equations and FDCs. The USGS regression equations, Rosgen's DFDC method, and streamgage data were all used in conjunction with the Yang and Pagosa equations. The Brownlie equation predicted zero bed material load for Weminuche Creek, and was thus not used to calculate the effective discharge. When the USGS regression equations were used with the Yang and Pagosa equations, the calculated effective discharge was approximately 4.5 cms for both bed material load prediction equations. When Rosgen's DFDC method and streamgage data were used with the Yang and Pagosa equations, the effective discharge was approximately 13.5 cms. From these results, it was determined that the bed material load prediction equations had little impact on the effective discharge for Weminuche Creek while the FDCs did influence the results.
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Performance Improvements to a Fast Internally Circulating Fluidised Bed (FICFB) Biomass Gasifier for Combined Heat and Power PlantsBull, Douglas Rutherford January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes the development and experimental testing of a 100 kW dual fluidized bed biomass gasifier (also called a Fast Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed (FICFB) biomass gasifier). This steam-blown gasifier is being studied for its suitability within combined heat and power plant systems for the New Zealand forest products industry. This advanced design of gasifier has the ability to generate producer gas with a lower heating value (LHV) of 11.5-13.4 MJ/Nm3, which is two to three times higher than yielded by conventional gasification systems. This is accomplished because the gasification and combustion processes occur in two physically separated reactors.
Several modifications to the gasifier were required after it was first constructed in order to achieve stable and reliable operation. Producer gas yields were measured through the use of helium as a tracer gas. A new simultaneous producer gas and tar sampling system was developed, allowing accurate samples to be obtained in a matter of minutes.
Experimental testing included a cold testing exercise which provided valuable information on the circulation behaviour of the bed material and char within the gasifier. This helped in achieving stable and reliable operation of the plant. Producer gas yields of 14.6 Nm3/h were recorded with a fuel (radiate pine wood pellets) feed rate of 18.9 kgdry/h. The cold gas efficiency ranged from 16-40 % with limited heat recovery in place, but depended noticeably on the plant operating conditions especially gasification temperature.
The amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) tars measured in the producer gas ranged between 0.9-4.7 g/Nm3 with naphthalene and acenapthylene being the most abundant compounds. The moisture content of the producer gas was determined to be 0.9-1.2 g/gdry gas. It was found that a steam to biomass ratio of 0.45-0.7 kg/kgdry was most favourable for generating a 12-13.4 MJ/Nm3 producer gas while limiting the amount of steam generation. Gasification temperatures above 750 °C encouraged higher producer gas yields and higher cold gas efficiencies. The catalytic bed material olivine (forsterite olivine) was found to increase the producer gas yield by approximately 20 % compared to the non-catalytic bed material greywacke. The use of olivine meant higher cold gas efficiencies were achieved for a given wood feed rate.
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Development of a new type of highly porous oxygen carrier support for fluidized bed reactorsvan Garderen, Noémie 03 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The production of fuel and chemicals is expected to be based on renewable energies in the next few years. However, combustion causes CO2 emission. Its reduction is one of the main focuses to regulate greenhouse effect, as expected by the Kyoto protocol. One combustion technology which could reduce CO2 emissions is chemical-looping combustion coupled to a CO2 capture device. This technique involves the use of a bed-material, with a size between 100 and 500 µm, composed of an oxide supported by a porous ceramic. This oxide acts as an oxygen carrier and circulates from a reducing atmosphere reactor, where oxygen reacts with CO to produce CO2, to an oxidising reactor, where combustion occurs. In order to improve the reactivity of this carrier, a fluidized bed reactor is used and involves gas velocity. Attrition resistant granulates are therefore needed because of the high impacts occurring in the reactors. Moreover, large pore network is expected to improve the reactivity of the carrier because of the higher accessibility of the gas.
Granulates studied for oxygen carrier supports are frequently based on γ-alumina, which is highly mesoporous. In order to understand the importance of microstructure, three different routes were studied with samples composed of macropores, mesopores and a sample composed of both type of pores. Pore size could be successfully tailored with addition of diatomite, composed of pores in the micrometer range. This thesis aims to describe the tailoring of microstructure with addition of diatomite and at understanding its influence on attrition resistance. To be able to verify the performance of the developed supports, impregnation of copper oxide and looping experiments were performed.
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Internal Tar/CH4 Reforming in Biomass Dual Fluidised Bed Gasifiers towards Fuel SynthesisGöransson, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Production of high-quality syngas from biomass gasification in a dual fluidised bed gasifier (DFBG) has made a significant progress in R&D and Technology demonstration. An S&M scale bio-automotive fuel plant close to the feedstock resources is preferable as biomass feedstock is widely sparse and has relatively low density, low heating value and high moisture content. This requires simple, reliable and cost-effective production of clean and good syngas. Indirect DFBGs, with steam as the gasification agent, produce a syngas of high content H2 and CO with 12-20 MJ/mn3 heating value. The Mid Sweden University (MIUN) gasifier, built for research on synthetic fuel production, is a dual fluidised bed gasifier. Reforming of tars and CH4 (except for methanation application) in the syngas is a major challenge for commercialization of biomass fluidised-bed gasification technology towards automotive fuel production. A good syngas from DFBGs can be obtained by optimised design and operation of the gasifier, by the use of active catalytic bed material and internal reforming. This thesis presents a series of experimental tests with different operation parameters, reforming of tar and CH4 with catalytic bed material and reforming of tar and CH4 with catalytic internal reformer. The first test was carried out to evaluate the optimal operation and performance of the MIUN gasifier. The test provides basic information for temperature control in the combustor and the gasifier by the bed material circulation rate. After proven operation and performance of the MIUN gasifier, an experimental study on in-bed material catalytic reforming of tar/CH4 is performed to evaluate the catalytic effects of the olivine and Fe-impregnated olivine (10%wtFe/olivine Catalyst) bed materials, with reference to non-catalytic silica sand operated in the mode of dual fluidised beds (DFB). A comparative experimental test is then carried out with the same operation condition and bed-materials but when the gasifier was operated in the mode of single bubbling fluidised bed (BFB). The behaviour of catalytic and non-catalytic bed materials differs when they are used in the DFB and the BFB. Fe/olivine and olivine in the BFB mode give lower tar and CH4 content together with higher H2+CO concentration, and higher H2/CO ratio, compared to DFB mode. It is hard to show a clear advantage of Fe/olivine over olivine regarding tar/CH4 catalytic reforming. In order to significantly reduce the tar/CH4 contents, an internal reformer, referred to as the FreeRef reformer, is developed for in-situ catalytic reforming of tar and CH4 using Ni-catalyst in an environment of good gas-solids contact at high temperature. A study on the internal reformer filled with and without Ni-catalytic pellets was carried out by evaluation of the syngas composition and tar/CH4 content. It can be concluded that the reformer with Ni-catalytic pellets clearly gives a higher H2 content together with lower CH4 and tar contents in the syngas than the reformer without Ni-catalytic pellets. The gravimetric tar content decreases from 25 g/m3 down to 5 g/m3 and the CH4 content from 11% down below 6% in the syngas. The MIUN gasifier has a unique design suitable for in-bed tar/CH4 catalytic reforming and continuously internal regeneration of the reactive bed material. The novel design in the MIUN gasifier increases the gasification efficiency, suppresses the tar generation and upgrades the syngas composition. / Gasification-based Biorefinery for Mechanical Pulp Mills
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The geomorphology of Southeast Australian mountain streamsThompson, Chris J., Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the morphology and sediment transport dynamics of mountain streams in southeast Australia. Mountain streams represent important geomorphological and ecological systems in Australia which have hitherto been poorly studied. The variability of mountain stream reach morphology was investigated at the regional scale using topographical surveys and sediment sampling techniques. Study sites were stratified by slope and local lithology. Eight channel-morphologies including Bedrock, Cascade, Step-pool, Planebed, Pool-Riffle, Cascade-pool, Riffle-step and Infilled, were identified using an objective statistical approach. Overall, channel types were found to correspond to existing reach-scale mountain stream templates. Five morphologies were associated with a specific lithology type which controlled the size and shape of grains supplied to the channels. Differences in coarse sediment transport processes between morphologies were investigated using stream monitoring techniques and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating. Monitoring results from a 3 year period indicated that channel beds are resistant to entrainment with shear stress thresholds for bedload transport ranging between 64 to 74 N/m2. Transport of reach median grain sizes requires floods that exceed bankfull discharge. Existing competence equations were found to over-predict the hydraulic driving force and consequently, a modified entrainment model was used to account for the regional channel characteristics. OSL dating was investigated as a tool to provide data on long-term sediment transport processes. Minimum age model results from the OSL dates show overall agreement with a selected entrainment model, and indicate differences in sediment transport dynamics between some reach morphology types. A regime model was used to quantify the physical domains of different channel morphologies. Limitations of the model were overcome by modifying the sediment supply surrogate to better reflect the dominant transported bedload size. Morphology types were delineated according to different sediment transport capacity-sediment supply domains. The distribution of channel morphology types within a series of catchments in southeast Australia was modelled within a GIS platform using the diagnostics of reach morphology derived from this study. The model provides a conceptual framework to evaluate the potential link between channel form, potential habitat diversity and aquatic biodiversity within the channel network in mountain streams.
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