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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intra-Step Belt-Speed Variation and Horizontal Power Transfer during Treadmill Running

Radstake, Theodore 02 1900 (has links)
<p> The motor driven treadmill is often used in research as a convenient tool for simulating overground running. There has been varied opinion in the literature regarding the accuracy of this assumption. The major difference that has been quantified is the variation in treadmill belt speed as a result of the forces applied by a runner. In comparison, the earth does not vary its speed during overground running. The aim of the present study was to more clearly define the causes of treadmill belt-speed variation and to elucidate its effects on running mechanics. </p> <p> An in-lab fabricated tachometer was used to determine accurate treadmill belt speed while the treadmill was challenged by five subjects weighing 55.2 to 99.6 kg running at four speeds of 2.6, 3.1, 3.5 and 4.0 m/s. The actual running velocity was found on average to be 0.62% higher than the treadmill display setting. The intra-step belt-speed variation ranged from 4.2 to 8.6 % of average belt velocity. Linear regression analysis showed that 86 % of the variance in intra-step belt-speed variation was attributed to total body mass and a further 10 % attributed to running speed. </p> <p> The effect that this variation had on running mechanics was determined from the power transfer between the foot and belt, as calculated from the product of the change in belt speed and the horizontal ground reaction force. The horizontal force, as calculated using a segmental acceleration approach, did not show complete agreement with simultaneously recorded forceplate data. It was found that an average of 4.49 J flowed to the treadmill during the eccentric phase of running and 3.37 J of energy flowed to the runner during the concentric phase of running. Despite inaccuracies in the calculation, the mathematical approach used in this study permitted insight into the theoretical benefit of belt-speed variation in treadmill running. </p> / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy

Land-Use Change in a Selected Area of the Niagara Fruit Belt 1954-1978

Reid, Deborah 09 1900 (has links)
The thesis examines land-use changes in a selected area of the Niagara Fruit Belt between 1954 and 1978. Part of the former township of Louth was chosen for investigation because it is located in the centre of the fruit belt, and is an area affected by several urban influences. Two detailed land-use maps were produced from aerial photograph interpretation. These maps reveal the many exchanges among agricultural land uses and the actual loss to urban and urban-related uses which occurred during the time span investigated. They indicate the loss of fruit land to non-agricultural uses is less than was anticipated. Increases in grape acreages have been implemented relatively close to the city of St. Catharines and the lost peach acreage is not entirely due to urbanization. A land-use change index was developed, based on total change per lot, for use in the quantitative analysis. The 1954 assessment roll provided the data on individual properties. Eight hypotheses were developed to account for the land-use changes. These were rejected, and it was suggested that the study area was undergoing a "normal” process of change, resulting from a combination of agricultural and urban forces. Further research is needed in order to understand more fully, the processes of land-use change in an area such as Louth. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)

Evolución estructural mesozoica para el valle del río Atuel entre el Cerro Sosneado y la Cuchilla de la Tristeza, Mendoza, Argentina

Fortunatti, Natalia Beatriz 27 March 2010 (has links)
Se estudia una porción de la Faja Plegada y Corrida de Malargüe en el sur de los Andes Centrales (Cordillera Principal), Mendoza, Argentina, entre los 34 40 - 35 de latitud sur y 69 - 70 de longitud Oeste. Este área se encuentra regionalmente vinculada en su génesis y evolución al margen continental activo de América del Sur. Se caracteriza por un basamento volcaniclástico-plutónico de edad Permotriásica al que sobreyace una secuencia sedimentaria Triásica a Terciaria diferenciada en los Grupos Cuyo, Lotena, Mendoza, Rayoso, Neuquén, Malargüe y unidades cenozoicas que en conjunto suman un espesor mayor a los 6200 metros. La construcción de este sector del orógeno, asociada a la tectónica andina, involucra al basamento definiéndose a la faja plegada y corrida de Malargüe como epidérmica gruesa. La deformación del basamento y su vinculación con la cubierta sedimentaria permite explicar algunos rasgos notables para las estructuras ándicas de este sector de la Cordillera Principal, como la variación en el rumbo, cambios en la longitud de onda de los pliegues, presencia de múltiples despegues dentro de la cubierta sedimentaria o grandes variaciones de acortamiento entre regiones próximas. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar un modelo cinemático para este sector de la Cordillera Principal argentina, sustentado en un detallado trabajo de superficie y apoyado por los datos disponibles de perforaciones y sísmica. Se interpretan y reconstruyen tres secciones estructurales de 60 km de longitud orientadas en dirección Oeste-Este, subperpendiculares a la dirección relevada para las estructuras tectónicas asociadas a la orogenia andina. Los afloramientos del Grupo Cuyo ocupan la porción occidental de estas secciones, mientras que el Mesozoico medio y alto queda restringido al centro localizándose las unidades terciarias en el borde oriental. Se interpretan dos altos de basamento cuyo rasgo superficial corresponde a importantes sinclinorios, denominados alto del arroyo El Freno y alto del arroyo Blanco, siendo el corrimiento asociado a este último el responsable de la exhumación del Grupo Cuyo desplazándose como falla fuera de secuencia en el último estadio de la evolución del área. La deformación del basamento por fallamiento retrovergente asociado a corrimientos regionales provergentes se revela como una posibilidad altamente confiable para la resolución de problemas tectónicos tanto en este como en otros sectores de la Cordillera Principal. Existe un notable desarrollo espacial de zonaciones estructurales asociadas a la geometría que presenta el basamento para esta porción de la Faja Plegada y Corrida de Malargüe en respuesta al crecimiento y avance del zócalo deformado como resultado de la compresión andina. Se observa una secuencialidad de eventos que permite definir un modelo progresivo en el tiempo, en donde la zonación estructural producida en respuesta a la deformación del zócalo es posteriormente afectada por el desarrollo de una nueva estructura de basamento. Los acortamientos medidos sustentan la imposibilidad de la inversión tectónica como mecanismo de construcción y avance del frente montañoso para esta porción de la Faja Plegada y Corrida de Malargüe, debiendo considerarse aplicar esta posibilidad con mucha cautela en otros sectores de la Cordillera Principal. / This thesis involves the study of the Malargüe Fold and Thrust belt, part of the Central Andes at the southern Cordillera Principal, Mendoza province, Argentina (34 40 35 S and 69 - 70W). The tectonic setting and evolution of the area is controlled by the continental active margin of the South America plate. The Malargüe Fold and Thrust belt is characterized by a volcaniclastic-plutonic Permian-Triassic basement which overlies a sedimentary sequence represented by Cuyo, Lotena, Mendoza, Rayoso, Neuquén and Malargüe Groups and cenozoic units, with more than 6200 meters of thickness. Construction of the mountain front is related to Andean tectonics and involves basement thrust sheets, defining a thick-skinned fold and thrust belt in this particular site of the Central Andes. Relationship between basement and fault and fold sedimentary cover allow us to explain some particular features for Andean structures at the Atuel river valley, such as strike variations, fold wave-length changes, multiple detachments horizons located into the sedimentary cover or different shortening between near localities. The aim of this thesis is to develop a kinematic model for this zone of Cordillera Principal province, supported in a detail field work and well and seismic available data. Three West-East structural sections with 60 km of length are interpreted and reconstructed, subperpendicular to tectonic orientation mapped for Andean structures. Cuyo Group outcrops are located at the western side of the sections, while middle and upper Mesozoic remains restricted to the centre and tertiary deposits are located at the eastern side. According to this, two structural basement highs where interpreted named as arroyo El Freno high and arroyo Blanco high. Regional major thrust involved to the elevation of the arroyo Blanco high is interpreted as responsible of Cuyo Group exhumation, related to an out-of sequence displacement that affects folded Mesozoic sequence in the latest stadium of tectonic evolution of the area. Basement deformation associated to regional master foreland thrusts and the developed of backthrusting appears to be a high confident possibility of resolution of tectonics problems in this area as well in another places of Cordillera Principal Province. There is notable structural zonation related to the basement geometry at this site of Malargüe Fold and Thrust belt in response to the growing and forward movement of deformed crystalline basement as a result of Andean compression. A temporal sequence of events can be observed allowing us to define a progressive model, where the previous structural zonation is affected for a new local basement structure. Shortening measures support impossibility of tectonic inversion of rifting Triassic normal fault system as a viable mechanism of construction y evolvement of mountain front for this part of Malargüe Fold and Thrust belt; a carefully consideration to this option in the study of others sides of Cordillera Principal is suggested.

U.S. Cities Taking Sustainability Seriously: The Impacts of Sustainability Policies on Economic Growth and Poverty

Moser, Rebecca Elaine 18 July 2016 (has links)
According to Kent Portney's seminal two-part study, cities across the U.S. are taking sustainability seriously by implementing a range of sustainable policies and programs. Yet by doing so, low-income people are seemingly pushed further into poverty. Local government officials and policymakers however, are urged to take sustainability seriously, often by well meaning constituencies that may but do not necessarily include the poor. They thus have significant interest in continuing to implement such practices and policies. This thesis seeks to address the problem of the impacts that result from cities taking sustainability seriously. I ask two main questions: are cities that take sustainability seriously experiencing a boost in economic growth? And are these cities potentially experiencing a negative side effect of a rise in poverty rates? The findings from these research questions are provided through a mixed methods approach, first by quantitative data analysis. Secondly, and to supplement this, the thesis provides a qualitative case study analysis of three U.S. cities in the 'Rust Belt' region. Cleveland, OH, Indianapolis, IN, and Milwaukee, WI all 'take sustainability seriously' while addressing the problems of economic development and poverty. I conclude that these cities are hindered in their efforts to take sustainability, economic development and poverty seriously. The three cities have boosted local economic growth yet also experience an increase in poverty as a result of the economic recession of 2007-'08. The primary hindrance experienced by the cities is state level jurisdictional authority, exercised as 'neoliberalism' that undermines 'interventionist' efforts on the part of city governments to 'seriously' address sustainability, growth and poverty as interwoven problems. / Master of Arts

Effect of Belt Usage Reporting Errors on Injury Risk Estimates

Swanseen, Kimberly Dawn 07 January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of a research effort investigating the effect of belt usage reporting errors of National Automotive Sampling System-Crash Data System (NASS-CDS) investigators on injury risk estimates. Current estimates of injury risk are developed under the assumption that NASS-CDS investigators are always accurate at determining seat belt usage. The primary purpose of this research is to determine the accuracy of NASS-CDS investigators using event data recorders (EDRs) as the baseline for accuracy, and then recalculating injury risk estimates based on our findings. The analysis of a 107 EDR dataset, from vehicle tests conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), was conducted to determine the accuracy of Chrysler, Ford, GM and Toyota EDRs. This accuracy was examined by both EDR module type and vehicle make. EDR accuracy was determined for crash delta-V, seat belt buckle status, pre-impact speed, airbag deployment status and front seat position. From this analysis we were able to conclude that EDRs were accurate, within 4.5%, when comparing maximum delta-V of EDRs that recorded the entire crash pulse length. We also determined that EDRs were 100% accurate when reporting driver seat belt status for EDRs that completely recorded the event and recorded a status for the driver's seat belt. All GM, Ford and Chrysler EDRs in our database reported a pre-impact velocity less than 6 mph different than the NHTSA and IIHS reported pre-impact velocities. We also found that all but 2 (101 out of 103) of the GM, Ford, and Toyota EDRs correctly reported airbag deployment status. Lastly we were able to conclude that seat position status was useful in determining when a smaller sized occupant was the driver or right front occupant. EDRs reported seat position of 5% Hybrid III females as "forward" in every case that seat position was recorded for this smaller occupant size. Based on the analysis of seat belt status accuracy, a comparison of NASS-CDS investigator driver seat belt status and EDR driver seat belt status was conducted to determine the accuracy of the NASS-CDS investigators. This same comparison was conducted on reports of driver seat belt status provided by police. We found that NASS-CDS investigators had an overall error of 9.5% when determining driver seat belt status. When the EDR stated that the driver was unbuckled, investigators incorrectly coded buckled in of 29.5% of the cases. When the EDR stated that the driver was buckled, NASS-CDS error was only 1.2%. Police officers were less accurate than NASS-CDS investigators, with an overall error of 21.7%. When the EDR stated that the driver was buckled, police had an error of 2.4%. When the EDR stated that the driver's belt was unbuckled, police had an error of around 69%. In 2008, NASS-CDS investigators reported that drivers had an overall belt usage rate during accidents of 82%. After correcting for the errors we discovered, we estimate that the driver belt buckle status during a crash is around 72.6%. Injury risk estimates and odd ratio point estimates were then calculated for NASS-CDS investigator and EDR buckled versus unbuckled cases. The cases included only frontal collisions in which there was no rollover event or fire. Injury was defined as AIS 2+. The risk ratios and point estimates were then compared between investigators and EDRs. We found that injury risk for unbelted drivers may be over estimated by NASS-CDS investigators. The unbuckled to buckled risk ratio for EDRs was 8%-12% lower than the risk ratio calculated for NASS-CDS investigators. / Master of Science

A section of the ICUN European Green Belt: the cross-border peace park (Albania/Montenegro/Kosovo)

Young, Antonia January 2008 (has links)
Yes / Nelson Mandela, speaking of peace parks said “I know of no political movement, no philosophy, no ideology, which does not agree with the concept of peace parks … in a world beset by conflict and division peace is one of the cornerstones of the future … in the entire world” The IUCN publication, Transboundary Protected Areas for Peace and Co-operation[1], lists over 600 such regions and defines Parks for Peace as: “transboundary protected areas that are formally dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and to the promotion of peace and co-operation”. The single Prokletije mountain range is divided by three borders. It is one of the most beautiful and untouched areas of high natural habitat in Europe. One of the aims here is to preserve this most outstanding area of natural beauty and value, as well as making a contribution towards peace and stability in the region, promoting the growth of community between ethnic and religious groups. Interest in a peace park for this area has already been activated in Belgrade, Peć, Plav, Podgorica, Shkodra, Tirana, Plav and elsewhere, although, as Franz Stummann observed, “Politicians don’t see what’s happening on the borders” [2]. It has been said that "borders constitute the main cause of wars ... neighboring countries are the most prone to fight. The danger of violence creeps around borders" [3]. Despite considerable skepticism initially, a "peace park", covering a wide geographical area has been developing for the past decade in the area surrounding the meeting point in the high remote mountains of Kosovo/Albania/Montenegro. Each of these aspire to EU membership. There are already many people, NGOs, local and national authorities working on ongoing relevant projects within the area, as well as dialoguing, across the borders.

The Belt And Road Initiative Through The Lens Of Tianxia: Understanding Xi Jinping's Vision For Global Governance

Bellamqaddam, Sara January 2024 (has links)
This essay contributes to the broader academic field aiming to understand China's foreign policy objectives. It highlights the BRI as a manifestation of certain Tianxia ideas and challenges existing assumptions in the IR field. It explores discourse on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) within global governance, focusing on the possible traceability of ideas of Tianxia in Chinese president Xi Jinping’s discourse to international audiences. Drawing on Zhao Tingyang's modernised version of Tianxia, the essay asks how the BRI is positioned and if ideas of Tianxia are traceable, if so, how? The questions are explored through qualitative content analysis of fourteen speeches from international forums and other public gatherings. Moving beyond mainstream IR theories, the essay departs from the small pool of research treating Tianxia as a framework to understand foreign policy. Findings suggest the BRI is positioned under the broad themes: Beneficial partnerships, Peaceful rise, Harmony, and Coexistence, and aligns with Zhao’s version of Tianxia. The essay argues that promotion of global institutions, mutual benefit, and inclusive governance in particular reflect Tianxia. The concept ‘true multilateralism’ emerges as a key phrase encapsulating modern Tianxia ideals in Xi’s discourse warranting more exploration in future BRI scholarship.

Seat Belt Fit a Mechanism of Injury During a Motor Vehicle Crash

Viljoen, Jacoba Hendrika 01 January 2018 (has links)
Seat belts save lives; however, unintentional injuries are still the leading cause of death for those between 1 and 44 years in the United States. Seat belts also cause injuries during motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) and obesity changes how seat belts fit. The purpose of this retrospective causal inference quantitative study was to reduce the knowledge gap in scholarly research on seat belt fit in relation to blunt cerebrovascular injuries (BCVI) during MVCs and seat belt compliance. The theoretical framework used was based on H.W. Heinrich's domino theory. The research questions focused on the following dependent variables: BCVI, compliance, and seat belt fit; and independent variables: the size of the individual and seat belt fit. Secondary and primary data were used and analyzed using Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation. The results yielded no relationship between seat belt fit and BCVI in the secondary data (n = 97). In the primary data (n = 138), there was significance found between seatbelt fit and a) seat belt use, and b) BMI. The study contributed to positive social change by enhancing the awareness of the knowledge deficit regarding seat belt fit, and BCVIs sustained during MVCs, and that comfort was influenced by seat belt fit and had a role in compliance. Seat belts were not used by 5.3% and 9.5% or used incorrectly by 3.2% and 2.9% of the people in the primary data and secondary data sets. This knowledge may contribute to a) future seat belt testing to ensure it is done in such a manner that seat belts fit everyone; b) new seat belt laws to ensure that they are consistent across all states, and c) medical care focusing on seat belt fit as a mechanism of injury (blunt) to ensure screenings are done with the appropriate diagnostic tools.

Bältesväska ”Companion” : Utvecklingen av en universell bältesväska, midjeväska och organiseringsficka i samarbete med Lundhags

Lindmark, Alice January 2020 (has links)
På friluftsmarknaden finns det idag ett tomrum i form av personifierbar och modifierbar utrustning. Ett steg mot detta kan vara accessoarer som fungerar som komplement till huvudutrustningen. Ett sådant komplement är bältesväskan, en extra typ av förvaring som enkelt kan sättas på och tas av från ett skärp eller en ryggsäcks höftbälte eller axelremmar.  Produkten som beskrivs i denna rapport är just en sådan bältesväska. Den har universella fästen som fungerar på band och bälten av olika storlek och riktning: både de som sitter vertikalt, likt en axelrem, och de som sitter horisontellt, som ett skärp. Vidare har den en storlek som snabbt kan justeras efter behov vilket gör den unik på marknaden. Med ett medföljande midjebälte är det dessutom enkelt att göra om den till midjeväska när så önskas.  Projektet har utförts som examensarbete i samarbete med det jämtlandska friluftsföretaget Lundhags. Målet med arbetet var att utveckla en prisvärd, funktionell bältesväska som ska fungera på så många ryggsäckar och bälten som möjligt samt upplevas som en attraktiv produkt att använda både i stadsmiljö och inom friluftslivet. Väskan är systematiskt utvecklad via stödmetoder som ingått i övergripande faser. Stödmetoderna gick ut på att först samla information om behov, önskemål och lösningar på funktioner, för att sedan skissa upp möjliga koncept. Därefter eliminerades koncepten tills enbart det mest lovande fanns kvar. Detta syddes upp i prototyper som utvärderades och modifierades, för att slutligen nå en färdig produkt.  Arbetet har varit avgränsat till att enbart handla om utformning, ej pris eller material.

Caracterização estrutural da região do depósito aurífero Sertão, greenstone belt de Faina - GO /

Medeiros, Isabella Da Gama de. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Sérgio Amarante Simões / Resumo: O Terreno Arqueano Paleoproterozoico de Goiás é um fragmento de crosta que contém complexos TTG arqueanos e sequências greenstone belt. A área de estudo está inserida na região sul desse terreno e abrange a porção sudeste do Greenstone belt de Faina (GBF), onde ocorre o depósito aurífero Sertão, a porção norte do Greenstone belt Serra de Santa Rita (GBSSR), e parte dos complexos TTG Uvá e Caiçara. Esses dois greenstone belts são separados pela Falha direcional de Faina com direção N50E e movimentação destral. No GBF, foram identificadas rochas de duas sequências metassedimentares, uma denominada de Inferior e outra de Superior, que apresentam contato tectônico. A Sequência Inferior é constituída de camadas de quartzito, xisto, formação ferrífera bandada e mármore. A Sequência Superior apresenta espesso pacote de clorita-muscovita-quartzo xisto com algumas intercalações de formação ferrífera e quartzito que para o topo grada para uma sequência química com mármore e mármore impuro sobreposta por quartzito. No GBSSR, identificou-se uma Sequência Metavulcânica Ultramáfica sotoposta a uma Sequência Metassedimentar, esta última constituída por xistos muscovíticos e carbonosos, quartzitos, formação ferrífera e metachert. O mapeamento geológico permitiu avanços na definição da estratigrafia da área, como a identificação de rochas da Sequência Metassedimentar Inferior nas porções sudeste e sudoeste do GBF, caracterizando-se que é esta a unidade que hospeda o depósito aurífero Sertão, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Archean-Paleoproterozoic Terrane of Goiás is a crust block consisting of Archean TTG Complexes and greenstone belt sequences. The study area is in the southern region of this terrane comprising the southeastern portion of the Faina Greenstone Belt (FGB), where Sertão gold deposit is located, the northern portion of the Serra de Santa Rita Greenstone Belt (SSRGB), and small portions of Caiçara and Uvá TTG complexes. These two greenstone belts are separated by a strike-slip fault, known as Faina Fault, that strikes N50E showing dextral movement. Rocks of two distinct sedimentary cycles separated by a tectonic contact were identified in the FGB, denominated Lower and Upper Metasedimentary Sequences. The Lower Sequence shows quartzite, schist, banded iron formation and marble. The Upper Sequence shows, at the base, a thick package of chlorite-muscovite-quartz schist, with quartzite and BIF intercalations that grades to a sequence of marble and impure marble overlaid by quartzite. In the SSRGB, a Meta-ultramafic Volcanic sequence and a Metasedimentary Sequence were mapped. The last one comprises muscovitic and carbonaceous schists, quartzite, banded iron formation and metachert. The geological mapping provided advances in the definition of the stratigraphy of the area, such as the identification of rocks belonging to the Lower Metasedimentary Sequence in the southeastern and southwestern portion of the FGB, revealing that the Sertão gold deposit is hosted by this unit, and the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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