Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bestuurders""
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Human resources management : the function of the public sector managerPhosa, Lekgolo Lazarus 22 August 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation a study was undertaken of the function of the public sector manager at the central level of government and of the role which the public manager plays in the human resources management. South Africa is a three-tier state, which consists of the central, provincial and local levels of government. The central government is the supreme body of government entrusted with the responsibility of making policies, rules and giving direction to the entire citizenry. The central government is manned by politicians from different political parties who have to decide on behalf of their electorates. It is a given fact and a reality that politicians alone cannot deliver the services to the communities. So public officials are appointed to implement the policies enacted by Parliament. Public managers have to interpret policies and give direction to the various structures of government. Among the activities of government, public managers have also to give direction as to the management of human resources in the public sector. This study investigated the function of the public manager at the central government with a reference to the management of human resources. This research was necessitated by the fact that since the new constitutional dispensation in South Africa, many changes have taken place most of which implied that the management of human resources in the public sector would have to reflect such changes. Public managers perform various functions, including generic administrative functions, auxiliary functions and functional activities. These functions are performed at senior management level. Furthermore, these functions performed by public managers will be viewed from the human resource management. Particular, attention is focused on the staffing in the public sector and how public managers can best perform their function in absorbing proper personnel in the public sector. AFRIKAANS : 'n Studie is onderneem om die funksie van die openbare sektor bestuurder op sentrale regeringsvlak te ondersoek asook die rol wat die openbare bestuurder speel in menslike hulpbronbestuur. Die verantwoordelikheid van die openbare sektor is om dienste te verskaf aan die landsburgers en om dit suksesvol te bereik meet die openbare sektor oor goed opgeleide personeel beskik. Ten einde personeel te kan bestuur behoort openbare bestuurders kennis te dra van die behoeftes, vrese en verwagtinge van die publiek. Een van die vernaamste funksies van die openbare bestuurder is om leiding te gee aan andere. Suid Afrika is 'n driedelige staat, wat bestaan uit die sentrale, provinsiale en plaaslike vlakke van regering. Die sentrale regering is die hoogste regeringsliggaam verantwoordelik vir beleidmaking, die daarsteling van reëls en om rigting te gee aan alle landsburgers. Die sentrale regering word gevorm deur politici van verskillende politieke partye wat namens hul ondersteuners besluite moet neem. Dit is 'n onomstootlike feit en werklikheid dat politici nie alleen die dienste aan die gemeenskap kan verskaf nie. Daarom word openbare amptenare aangestel om die beleid wat deur die Parlement aanvaar is, te implementeer. Openbare bestuurders moet beleid interpreteer en leiding gee binne die verskillende strukture van die regering. Die aktiwiteite van die regering bring mee dat openbare bestuurders leiding moet gee rakende die bestuur van menslike hulpbronne in die openbare sektor. Hierdie studie het die funksie van die openbare bestuurder in die sentrale regering ondersoek met verwysing na die bestuur van menslike hulpbronne. Die navorsing was genoodsaak deur die feit dat sedert die nuwe grondwetlike bedeling in Suid Afrika baie veranderinge plaasgevind het waarvan meeste impliseer dat die bestuur van menslike hulpbronne in die openbare sektor sodanige veranderinge sal reflekteer. Openbare bestuurders voer verskeie funksies uit insluitende generiese administratiewe funksies, hulpfunksies en funksionele aktiwiteite. Hierdie funksies word op senior bestuursvlak uitgevoer. Verder word hierdie funksies wat deur openbare bestuurders uitgevoer word beskou vanuit 'n menslike hulpbron oogpunt. Spesifieke aandag is gegee aan die personeel in die openbare sektor en hoe openbare bestuurders hulle funksies tot die beste van hul vermoë kan uitvoer deur bekwame personeel in diens te neem in die openbare sektor. Die studie toon aan dat daar tydens die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse staatdiens politieke oorweging geskenk sal moet word aan die vervanging van wit persone met swartes, vrouens en gestremdes. In partypolitieke terme beteken dit geensins 'n balans tussen diegene wat die waardes van die ou orde aanhang en diegene wat die waardes van die nuwe orde bevorder nie. Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 volg 'n humanistiese benadering, wat beteken dat die armes, werkloses, verwaarloosde en wanhopige mense gehelp moet word wat in sigself nie 'n partypolitieke kwessie is nie. Verder toon internasionale onderving dat die radikale transformasie van grondwette dikwels vrees, onsekerheid en paniek onder inwoners veroorsaak. Hierdie gevoelens word dikwels op verskillende wyses deur verskillende gemeenskappe tot uiting gebring. S.A. is daarom geen uitsondering nie. Die vermoë van die staatsdiens om dienste te lewer sal nie net afhang van die politieke leierskap en bestuursvaardighede van die politieke ampsbekleders nie, maar ook van die professionalisme van staatsamptenare. Copyright / Dissertation (MAdmin)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / Unrestricted
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The experience of social work supervisors as first-line managers in a welfare organizationNdzuta, Joyce Shonisani 13 April 2010 (has links)
Supervision is an important aspect in the practice of social work. It enhances the service delivery of social workers to clients. Supervision also gives direction to functional workers. A supervisory position in any welfare organization is a managerial position and supervisors are thus managers. It is therefore important to understand the experiences of social work supervisors as first-line managers in a welfare organization. In light of the above, the goal of this study was to explore the experiences of social work supervisors as first-line managers in a welfare organization during and after transition from supervisee to supervisor. The research question arising from the goal of the study was: “What are the experiences of social work supervisors as first-line managers in a welfare organization during and after transition from supervisee to supervisor?” A qualitative, explorative study was conducted, with the following objectives: <ul> <li> To conceptualize social work supervision theoretically, based on available literature.</li> <li> To explore empirically the experiences of social work supervisors as first-line managers, during and after role transition from supervisee to supervisor.</li> <li> To make recommendations regarding the situation of social work supervisors, in order to improve their service rendering.</li> </ul> Nine social work supervisors from the North-Rand Region Service Offices and Institutions of the Department of Social Development formed the sample for the study. After the conclusion of a literature study and pilot study, data collection was based on semistructured interviews with selected supervisors. The main conclusions drawn from the research findings were that social work supervisors go through some difficult experiences when they move from the position of social worker to that of a supervisor. This requires support from their superiors which, according to the study, is currently lacking. The study indicated a need for the generation of more in-depth literature on social work supervision in general. The study was concluded by relevant recommendations to the Department of Social Development in the Gauteng Province. Copyright / Dissertation (MSD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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Evaluation of an employee assistance programme of Sasol Nitro, EkandustriaMonyakeni, Mhlokonya Stuurman 18 January 2012 (has links)
The research was conducted to evaluate the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) of Sasol Nitro, Ekandustria. The researcher used questionnaires to collect information from the managers, supervisors, and employees. The information collected from all respondents indicated that the structure responsible for evaluating the EAP is not representative. The information also indicated that the EAP is appropriate and a better option to assist the employees with addressing their problems which impact on their job performance negatively. The employees are informed about the programme, while managers and supervisors are skilled on EAP procedures. The programme was utilized by the employees and this improved their job performance. The model adopted is rated poor by employees in terms of confidentiality and accessibility. Finally, it is concluded that the EAP is utilized and, therefore, the programme improved the employees’ job performance at Sasol. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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Die verband tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursuksesBadenhorst, Dina Carolina 30 November 2004 (has links)
The primary aim of this research was to determine whether there is a relation between locus of control, transformational leadership and management success. One hundred and one shift overseers completed selfevaluation questionnaires on locus of control and transformational leadership. Thereafter, in turn, the managers completed evaluation questionnaires on the work performance of the shift overseers. The Pearson correlation coefficient showed statistically significant interrelations between internal locus of control, autonomy and transformational leadership. The three scales of management success also showed a strong positive correlation. Canonical correlations indicated that only one variant could be interpreted and that high internal control and high autonomy are associated with high transformational leadership and laissez faire leadership style. According to the literature overview, a positive relation exists between internal locus of control, transformational leadership and management success as well as organisational performance. An attempt is made to account for these diverse findings in terms of the relevance of a performance model within an organisational context. / Die primere doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om te bepaalof daar 'n verband is tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses. Eenhonderd en een skoftoesighouers het selfbeoordelings-vraelyste oor lokus van beheer en transformasionele leierskap voltooi. Daarna het die bestuurders beoordelingsvraelyste oor die skoftoesighouers se werksprestasie voltooi. Die Pearson korrelasietoets het getoon dat daar statisties beduidende verbande is tussen interne lokus van beheer, outonomie en transformasionele leierskap. Die drie skate van bestuursukses het onderling sterk positief gekorrelleer. Kanoniese korrelasies het aangedui dat slegs een variaat interpreteer kan word en dat hoe interne beheer en hoe outonomie geassosieer is met hoe transformasionele leierskap en lae laissez faire-leierskapstyl. Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar 'n positiewe verband is tussen interne lokus van beheer, transformasionele
leierskap en bestuursukses asook organisasie-prestasie. Verklarings vir hierdie teenstellende bevindings word gegee aan die hand van die relevansie van 'n prestasiemodel binne 'n organisasiekonteks. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Bestuur van organisatoriese stressors en stres by welsynsorganisasiesHanekom, Harriet January 2011 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die doel van die navorsingstudie was om die voorkoms en hantering van stressors
en stres by welsynsorganisasies in die Boland streek te ondersoek ten einde
aanbevelings aan die Bestuur van welsynsorganisasies te maak met die oog op
voorkoming en vermindering van stres in die werksplek. Vyftien (15)
welsynsorganisasies en agtien (18) maatskaplikewerkbestuurders in die Boland
streek is by die ondersoek betrek. Slegs veertien (14) maatskaplikewerkbestuurders
het aan die ondersoek deelgeneem. Die navorsingsproses is deur kwantitatiewe
navorsing gerig en die navorsinginligting is met behulp van literatuurstudie en ‘n
gestruktureerde vraelys bekom.
Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat
Maatskaplikewerkbestuurders in die Boland streek werkstres ervaar en dat die
meeste privaat-; en staatswelsynsorganisasies nie oor programme vir die
voorkoming van stres beskik nie. Daar word aanbeveel dat die Bestuur van
welsynsorganisasies die verantwoordelikheid moet neem om stres in die werksplek
te bestuur deur die daarstelling van stres voorkomingstrategieë. / The purpose of this research study was to investigate the occurrence of stressors
and stress in the private-; as well as government welfare organisation in the Boland
region and to make recommendations to the Management of welfare organisations
regarding the prevention and decrease of stress in the workplace. Fifteen (15)
welfare organisations with eighteen (18) social work managers were approached, but
only fourteen (14) participated in the investigation. The research process was
directed by quantitative research and research information being obtained through
literature study and a structured questionnaire.
With reference to the empirical study, it was established that social workers in the
Boland region experience stress in the workplace and most of the welfare
organisations do not have stress prevention programmes available for social work
personnel. It is recommended that the Management of welfare organisations
institute stress management programmes with the focus on management of stress
through stress prevention strategies. / Social Work / M.A. (SS)
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Beskrywing van die maatskaplikewerksupervisor as laervlakbestuurder se take en verantwoordelikhedeSmit, Karmi 2013 February 1900 (has links)
Hierdie navorsing handel oor die maatskaplikewerksupervisor wat as laervlakbestuurder sekere take en verantwoordelikhede het. Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel of die supervisor toegerus is om die take en verantwoordelikhede verbonde aan die pos van laervlakbestuurder suksesvol uit te voer.
Vir die navorsing is ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering en ‘n beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gevolg. In die eerste gedeelte van die studie (Hoofstukke 1 en 2) is gefokus op onder andere die agtergrond tot die navorsingsprobleem en rasionaal, probleemstelling, navorsingsmetodologie en literatuurstudie. Die tweede gedeelte van die studie (Hoofstukke 3 en 4) hou verband met die bevindinge en dataverifiëring en word afgesluit met gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings wat op die studie van toepassing is. / Social Work / M.A. (Social work)
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Die verband tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursuksesBadenhorst, Dina Carolina 30 November 2004 (has links)
The primary aim of this research was to determine whether there is a relation between locus of control, transformational leadership and management success. One hundred and one shift overseers completed selfevaluation questionnaires on locus of control and transformational leadership. Thereafter, in turn, the managers completed evaluation questionnaires on the work performance of the shift overseers. The Pearson correlation coefficient showed statistically significant interrelations between internal locus of control, autonomy and transformational leadership. The three scales of management success also showed a strong positive correlation. Canonical correlations indicated that only one variant could be interpreted and that high internal control and high autonomy are associated with high transformational leadership and laissez faire leadership style. According to the literature overview, a positive relation exists between internal locus of control, transformational leadership and management success as well as organisational performance. An attempt is made to account for these diverse findings in terms of the relevance of a performance model within an organisational context. / Die primere doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om te bepaalof daar 'n verband is tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses. Eenhonderd en een skoftoesighouers het selfbeoordelings-vraelyste oor lokus van beheer en transformasionele leierskap voltooi. Daarna het die bestuurders beoordelingsvraelyste oor die skoftoesighouers se werksprestasie voltooi. Die Pearson korrelasietoets het getoon dat daar statisties beduidende verbande is tussen interne lokus van beheer, outonomie en transformasionele leierskap. Die drie skate van bestuursukses het onderling sterk positief gekorrelleer. Kanoniese korrelasies het aangedui dat slegs een variaat interpreteer kan word en dat hoe interne beheer en hoe outonomie geassosieer is met hoe transformasionele leierskap en lae laissez faire-leierskapstyl. Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar 'n positiewe verband is tussen interne lokus van beheer, transformasionele
leierskap en bestuursukses asook organisasie-prestasie. Verklarings vir hierdie teenstellende bevindings word gegee aan die hand van die relevansie van 'n prestasiemodel binne 'n organisasiekonteks. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Bestuur van organisatoriese stressors en stres by welsynsorganisasiesHanekom, Harriet January 2011 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die doel van die navorsingstudie was om die voorkoms en hantering van stressors
en stres by welsynsorganisasies in die Boland streek te ondersoek ten einde
aanbevelings aan die Bestuur van welsynsorganisasies te maak met die oog op
voorkoming en vermindering van stres in die werksplek. Vyftien (15)
welsynsorganisasies en agtien (18) maatskaplikewerkbestuurders in die Boland
streek is by die ondersoek betrek. Slegs veertien (14) maatskaplikewerkbestuurders
het aan die ondersoek deelgeneem. Die navorsingsproses is deur kwantitatiewe
navorsing gerig en die navorsinginligting is met behulp van literatuurstudie en ‘n
gestruktureerde vraelys bekom.
Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat
Maatskaplikewerkbestuurders in die Boland streek werkstres ervaar en dat die
meeste privaat-; en staatswelsynsorganisasies nie oor programme vir die
voorkoming van stres beskik nie. Daar word aanbeveel dat die Bestuur van
welsynsorganisasies die verantwoordelikheid moet neem om stres in die werksplek
te bestuur deur die daarstelling van stres voorkomingstrategieë. / The purpose of this research study was to investigate the occurrence of stressors
and stress in the private-; as well as government welfare organisation in the Boland
region and to make recommendations to the Management of welfare organisations
regarding the prevention and decrease of stress in the workplace. Fifteen (15)
welfare organisations with eighteen (18) social work managers were approached, but
only fourteen (14) participated in the investigation. The research process was
directed by quantitative research and research information being obtained through
literature study and a structured questionnaire.
With reference to the empirical study, it was established that social workers in the
Boland region experience stress in the workplace and most of the welfare
organisations do not have stress prevention programmes available for social work
personnel. It is recommended that the Management of welfare organisations
institute stress management programmes with the focus on management of stress
through stress prevention strategies. / Social Work / M.A. (SS)
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Beskrywing van die maatskaplikewerksupervisor as laervlakbestuurder se take en verantwoordelikhedeSmit, Karmi 02 1900 (has links)
Hierdie navorsing handel oor die maatskaplikewerksupervisor wat as laervlakbestuurder sekere take en verantwoordelikhede het. Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel of die supervisor toegerus is om die take en verantwoordelikhede verbonde aan die pos van laervlakbestuurder suksesvol uit te voer.
Vir die navorsing is ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering en ‘n beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gevolg. In die eerste gedeelte van die studie (Hoofstukke 1 en 2) is gefokus op onder andere die agtergrond tot die navorsingsprobleem en rasionaal, probleemstelling, navorsingsmetodologie en literatuurstudie. Die tweede gedeelte van die studie (Hoofstukke 3 en 4) hou verband met die bevindinge en dataverifiëring en word afgesluit met gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings wat op die studie van toepassing is. / Social Work / M.A. (Social work)
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Selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne 'n finansiële instellingEsterhuizen, Petrus Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif handel oor 'n selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne
'n finansiele instelling. Die stand punt word gehuldig dat bestuurders wat reeds hoer
vlakke van selfaktualisering bereik het oor die persoonlikheidskenmerke (intrapersoonlike,
interpersoonlike en werkskenmerke) beskik wat tot bestuursukses lei.
Hierdie standpunt, wat gegrond is op die uitgangspunte van die humanistiese
benadering, is nog nie in finansiele instellings nagevors nie.
Die volgende literatuurdoelstellings is in hierdie navorsing bereik:
'n Ge"integreerde beskouing van die vernaamste humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee,
wat dien as metateoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie navorsing, is daargestel.
- Die konsep selfaktualisering is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die
selfaktualiserende persoon is ge"identifiseer.
- Die konsep bestuursukses is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die
suksesvolle bestuurder is ge"identifiseer.
- Meetbare bestuursukseskriteria asook meetinstrumente vir die meet daarvan is
'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit die Algemene Gesondheidsvraelys,
Verstandelike-helderheidstoets, Sestien-persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys, Persoonlikeorienteringsvraelys,
Rottervraelys, RGN Gevallestudietegniek-enbesluitnemingsvraelys
en die Biografiese vraelys. Hierdie meetinstrumente is as
klassifikasieveranderlikes gebruik om die meetbare komponente van die konstruk
selfaktualisering by bestuurders van 'n finansiele instelling te meet.
Besuursukses, as kriteriumveranderlike, is met die prestasiebestuurevaluering- en
werknemer -effektiwiteitsvraelys gemeet.
Uit die statistiese analise (meervoudigeregressie-analise) blyk dit dat 15
klassifikasieveranderlikes met bestuursukses verband hou. Die meervoudige
korrelasie R (aangepas vir getal gevalle en getal klassifikasieveranderlikes) is gelyk
aan 0,54. Daar is dus in hierdie navorsing 'n verband gevind tussen die konsepte
selfaktualisering en bestuursukses soos gemeet by bestuurders van 'n finansiele
Verskeie klassifikasieveranderlikes toon 'n paraboliese verband met bestuursukses.
Dit dui daarop dat 'n relatiewe aanwesigheid of sterkte van spesifieke
persoonlikheidskenmerke noodsaaklik is vir bestuursukses. lndien 'n sekere
optimale punt egter oorskry word, het dit 'n nadelige effek op bestuursukses.
Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die evalueringstegnieke en psigometriese
instrumente wat in hierdie navorsing gebruik is en wat 'n verband (reglynig of
parabolies) met bestuursukses getoon het, binne die finansiele instelling gebruik kan
word om bestuurders met bestuurspotensiaal te identifiseer.
Aanbevelings is ten opsigte van die gebruikswaarde van die konsep selfaktualisering
vir die praktyk en vir verdere navorsing geformuleer. / This thesis examines the self-actualisation approach to management success within
a financial institution. The premise is that managers who have already reached high
levels of self-actualisation possess the personality traits (intrapersonal, interpersonal
and work traits) that lead to management success. This premise, which is based on
the points of view of the humanistic approach, has not yet been researched in a
financial institution.
The following literature objectives were achieved in this research:
- An integrated view of the major humanistic personality theories, which serve as
metatheoretic framework for this research, has been compiled.
- The concept of self-actualisation has been defined and the personality traits of the
self-actualising person identified.
- The concept of management success has been defined and the personality traits of
the successful manager identified.
- Measurable management success criteria as well as measuring instruments for
measuring these criteria have been identified.
A psychometric test battery has been compiled from the General Health
Questionnaire, Mental Alertness Test, Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire,
Personal Orientation Questionnaire, Rotter Questionnaire, HSRC Case Study
Technique and Decision-making Questionnaire and the Biographical Questionnaire.
These measuring instruments were used as classification variables to measure the
measurable components of the selj-actualisation construct among managers of a
financial institution.
Management success, as a criterion variable, was measured using the performance
management evaluation and employee effectiveness questionnaires.
From the statistical analysis (multiple-regression analysis) it is evident that 15
classification variables relate to management success. The multiple correlation R
(adjusted for number of cases and number of classification variables) equals 0,54.
A relation has therefore been found in this research between the concepts of selfactualisation
and management success as measured in managers of a financial
Several classification variables show a parabolic relation to management success.
This indicates that a relative presence or strength of specific personality traits is
essential for management success. However, when a certain optimal point is
exceeded, this has a detrimental effect on management success.
The conclusion is reached that the evaluation techniques and psychometric
instruments used in this research, which showed a relation (whether rectilineal or
parabolic) with management success, may be employed at a financial institution to
identify managers with management potential.
Recommendations in respect of the usefulness of the self-actualisation concept for
the practical environment and for future research were formulated. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / DCom (Bedryfsielkunde)
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