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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza hodu vrchním obloukem v baseballu / Analysis of overhead throw in baseball

Zelený, Michal January 2013 (has links)
 Title: Analysis of overhead throw in baseball  Objectives: to describe the work of muscles musculus trapezius dexter, sinister and musculus pectoralis major dexter, sinister during the classic side overhead throw, the throw without using left arm, the front throw, the pitch from the floor and the pitch from the pitching hill using the surface electromyography; to compare all types of the throws and to determine the differences between them  Methods: surface elektromyography, video content analysis  Results: based on the results of the analysis we can say, that the activity of the chosen muscles during the various types of throws differs in intensity and in the duration of action potencial as well  Keywords: baseball, surface elktromyography, overhead throw, throw without using left hand, front throw, pitch

Inspiration-triggered search: Za vyššími složitostmi napodobováním tvůrčích procesů / Inspiration-triggered search: Towards higher complexities by mimicking creative processes

Rybář, Milan January 2015 (has links)
The trap of local optima is one of the main challenges of stochastic optimization methods from machine learning. The aim of this thesis is to develop an optimization algorithm that is inspired by users interacting with Picbreeder, which is an online service that allows users to collaboratively evolve images via an artificial evolution. The idea is that their behaviours depict creative processes. We propose a general framework on the top of a common optimization technique called inspiration-triggered search, which mimics these processes. Instead of a fixed objective function the search algorithm is free to change the objective within certain constraints. The overall optimization task is to generate complex artefacts that cannot be generated by a greedy and direct optimization approach. The proposed method is tested in the domain of images, that is to find complex and aesthetically pleasant images for humans, and compared with the direct optimization. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Prolínání politické a mediální moci na případu Radka Johna a pořadu Bez cenzury / Blending of political and media power: The case of Radek John and his programme Bez cenzury

Štrup, David January 2016 (has links)
This thesis considers the role of former politician and journalist Radek John in an investigative programme Bez cenzury on TV Barrandov. Even though John was a politician and leader of Czech political party Věci veřejné, he decided to return to journalism. He did so with no intention of resigning his chair in the Chamber of Deputies, part of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. With this in mind, this could be considered as a specific representation of political parallelism. This study describes specific cases where Radek John might have acted contrary to normative journalistic values and journalism ethics. Furthermore, the thesis analyses the possibility that Radek John's own political interests and opinions affected the television programme itself. The research is conducted using the method of a case study which combines qualitative and quantitative content analysis, qualitative interviews and other research methods. Consequently, the analysis found signs of biased reporting in the programme's introduction and some stories, which reflected Radek John's antipathy towards traditional political parties and their leaders. However, the research did not reveal any direct support of Věci veřejné or their representatives. Furthermore, the thesis also presents media, academic and political responses to...

Vývoj (ex)uživatelů metamfetaminu, kteří se rozhodli zanechat užívání bez odborné intervence - follow-up studie / Development of methamphetamine (ex)users that decided to cease without professional intervention - follow-up study

Krejčí, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Title: Development of methamphetamine (ex)users that decided to cease without professional intervention - follow-up study Abstract: BACKGROUND: This work relates to author's research in 2011/2012, in which author captured experience of (ex)users with ceasing drug using without professional help through narrative interviews. Findings shown, that respondents keeps in their narration space for reusing of methamphetamine, so author decided to work with respondents also in future. This work is theoretically based in idiographic and narrative approach, which focus on AIMS: To capture development of methamphetamine (ex)users that decided to cease using methamphetamine without professional intervention after 3 years. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: To capture users' answers about future aiming of individuals, based on preceding research, to catch biography-time development of respondents and to analyze reasoning according to (non)returning to using methamphetamine. METHODS: With those individuals, which were cooperating enough, interviews were held about their current situation. It creates set of interviews from 2011/2012 and from 2015/2016. Interviews were analyzed through narrative-oriented analysis, specifically through categories of values and beliefs. According to demandingness and comprehensiveness of approach, only two...

Sociální služby pro osoby bez přístřeší pohledem zaměstnanců / Social Services for Homeless People from Employees' Perspective

PĚKNICOVÁ, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with social services for homeless people from the perspective of their employees. The aim of this paper is to chart the barriers which influence providing social services to homeless people. The main question is asked about what barriers are perceived by social workers whilst working with the homeless. This is followed by four subquestions concerning the ways in which the employees perceive the barriers from their personal, the users' and the society's perspective as well as regarding the employees' work environment. In the theoretical part, the following terms are defined: homelessness, social work with homeless people, social services for the homeless. Furthermore, selected organizations helping the homeless are mentioned. The research is described in the empirical part of the thesis, including the hypotheses, research questions, methodology and results. The research utilizes qualitative methods, survey methodology and the semi-structured interview method. The basic data sample has been comprised of social workers employed in registered social services for the homeless in the town of České Budějovice. The final results show that there is a large number of barriers in all the aforementioned areas. Some of them are e.g. the clients' psychical difficulties, their addiction to alcohol and drugs. According to the social workers, a significant barrier are some prejudices of the society. The homeless are often perceived as the main instigators of their current situation, who do not want to find a solution to the problem, and they are judged by their appearance. Furthermore, the research has shown that, from the social worker's experience, the society's perception of the social services for the homeless and the profession of social workers is rather negative. Other barriers are observed by the social workers in their working environment, primarily in equipment and working space. The workers do not feel as unsafe while working as it may seem, however they sometimes feel helpless and disappointed when their clients do not do what they should. Other barriers found include system barriers connected to deficiencies in providing medical care and deficiencies in social services for homeless people. The results of this thesis can serve as a complementary study material, as feedback for social workers, or as a basis of improving a specific service to a provider of social services.

Herec a dílo / Actor and work

Šmíd, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The thesis brings the definition of an actor, his work or piece and the relationship between them. Then I describe aspects of that relationship, which has direct influence for actor works. The most important are director and partners on the scene and around and next the theatre space and scene space (set design solution etc.). The thesis has also chapter about needs to know yourself for acting. And then I describe the ways with a drama text, undramatic text and without text too. How we were working without text and what it mean for me and my character. Next chapters are about extreme forms of actor‘s work. Which is performance and immersive theatre. The last two chapters are about film acting and acting with text in foreign language.

Pastorační péče u osob bez přístřeší / Pastoral care for homeless people

FERDANOVÁ, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The work deals with pastoral care for the non-prisoners in the asylum house of St. Pavel. The theoretical part deals with issues of homelessness, pastoral work in the broader and closer sense of the word, the outlines of the pastoral milion of the church with reference to the Bible, social encyclicals, but fundamentally centering the excerpt of the Second Vatican Council, especially the constitution of Gaudium et Spes. The purpose of the work has to analyze pastoralism as a spiritual master for homeless people visiting the asylum house of St. Pavel. The partial results are focused on the area of personal life, street life and the spiritual life of homeless people visiting the asylum house of St. Pavel. Qualitative research techniques have been applied in the analyses of interwievs with homeless persons.

Sociální práce s klienty azylových domů z aspektu gender / Social-work with Asylum Shelters´Client from the Point of View of Gender

PRÁŠILOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation deals with homelessnes from the point of view of asylum shelters´clients on gender issue Theoretical part specifies knowledge of the given issue in the area of social work. Practicl part presents qualitative research focused on semi-standardized interviews with asylum shelters´clients.

Systém služeb pro osoby bez přístřeší v Praze / System of services for homeless people in Prague

Havrlíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The Diploma thesis called "The system of services for homeless people in Prague" is focused on answering the main research question: "What is the demographic structure of homeless people in Prague using social services?". The first chapter is devoted to the theory of homelessness, its development, changes and society's responses in according to this socially pathological phenomenon. The second part of the Diploma thesis focuses directly on the situation of homeless people. Firstly, the definition of social services is described, I also focus on social prevention services that help solve the problem. I also describe problematic areas of homelessness and their solutions in the context of social services aimed at minimizing the negative effects of homelessness, preventing its development, as well as preventive action. The third part is focused on explaining the notion of demography, its exploration and interpretation of basic terms, the definition of which is necessary for the understanding of the research part of the Diploma thesis. I present here the results of the first official Census 2011 of homeless people in the Czech Republic. In the last chapter of my thesis, my own research survey is conducted, in which I try to answer the main and partial research questions. A quantitative survey is used,...

Podíly se jmenovitou hodnotou a bez jmenovité hodnoty v kapitálových společnostech / Shares with and without par value in the companies limited by shares

Komárková, Dita January 2018 (has links)
Shares with and without par value in the companies limited by shares Dividing share capital into shares with par value is a traditional approach which has been applied in company law in the Anglo-Saxon and the Continental legal systems. This rule is regarded as a part of the capital formation and maintenance rules which gradually developed mainly in the 19th century in connection with the aim to ensure the protection of creditors and shareholders. Par value originally served as an indicator of the amount which a shareholder was liable to contribute to the company as consideration in exchange for its share. At the same time it served as an indicator of the shareholder's liability. At the end of the 19th century in the United States, there was growing criticism against par value ascribed to shares, which eventually led to the establishment of the concept of no-par value. The removal of the traditional approach and the establishment of the concept of no-par value has become a certain trend or phenomenon, spreading into other jurisdictions in the 20th century, e.g. Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the future of the rule according to which share capital is divided into shares with a fixed nominal value, or more precisely, to evaluate the sustainability...

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