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Glass Ionomer Cements with Improved Bioactive and Antibacterial PropertiesChen, Song January 2016 (has links)
Dental restorative cements are placed in a harsh oral environment where they are subjected to thermal shock, chemical degradation, and repeating masticatory force. The ideal restorative dental cements should have superior mechanical properties, chemical stability, aesthetic, good handling properties, biocompatibility, antibacterial properties, and preferably bioactivity. This thesis presents research on dental restorative cements with enhanced properties. The overall aim was to increase the bioactivity and antibacterial properties of dental restorative cements without affecting their other properties. The effect from adding calcium silicate to glass ionomer cement (GIC) was investigated. The results showed that calcium silicate could increase the bioactivity and reduce the cytotoxicity of conventional glass ionomer cement without compromising its setting and mechanical properties. Hydroxyapatite (HA) with a high aspect ratio and thin nacreous-layered monetite sheets were also synthesized. Nano HA particles with an aspect ratio of 50 can be synthesized by both precipitation and hydrothermal methods. The aspect ratio was controlled via the pH of reaction medium. Thin nacreous-layered monetite sheets were synthesized through a self-assembly process in the presence of an amine based cationic quaternary surfactant. Temperature, pH, and presence of surfactant played essential roles in forming the nacreous-layered monetite sheets. Then the effect from adding silver doped HA and monetite particles was investigated. The results showed that the antibacterial properties of GIC could be increased by incorporating silver doped HA and monetite particles. Further examination showed that the pH change, F- ion release, and concentration of released Ag+ ions were not responsible for the improved antibacterial properties. The quasi-static strengths and compressive fatigue limits of four types of the most commonly used dental restorations were evaluated. In our study, resin modified GIC and resin-based composite showed superior static compressive strength and fatigue limits compared to conventional GIC. The static compressive strength of dental cements increased with the aging time. However, aging had no effect on the compressive fatigue limit of resin modified GIC and resin-based composite. The compressive fatigue limit of conventional GIC even showed a drastic decrease after aging.
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Elaboration et caractérisations de bioverres Si-Ca-Na-O et Si-Ca-Na-O-F dopés à l'azote / No title in englishBachar, Ahmed 15 February 2012 (has links)
L’étude de l’incorporation de l’azote dans des bioverres du système SiO2-Na2O-CaO, a été abordée selon une approche globale de la synthèse des bioverres oxynitrurés et oxyfluoronitrurés jusqu’à leurs caractérisations physico-chimiques, mécaniques et biologiques. Les protocoles de synthèse de ces verres dopés à l’azote ont été mis en place. Les différents verres élaborés ont présenté une structure amorphe et homogène. Des analyses WDS ont confirmé l’insertion de l’azote dans ces verres. L’ajout du fluor dans la composition des verres a permis de conserver le maximum d’azote dans les verres. Des études structurales par RMN-MAS du 29Si pour les verres oxynitrurés (Si-Na-Ca-O-N), et parRMN-MAS du 29Si et du 19F pour les verres oxyfluoronitrurés (Si-Na-Ca-N-O-F), ont permis de mettre en évidence des entités constitutives du réseau silicate, et de confirmer aussi l’insertion de l’azote au sein du verre.L’étude de l’influence de l’azote introduit dans la matrice vitreuse sur les propriétés physicochimiques et mécaniques a également été étudiée, et a montré une augmentation de ces propriétés avec le taux d’azote.Le comportement des différents verres a ensuite été évalué lors de tests in vitro en milieu physiologique simulé pour différents délais d’immersion, en l’absence puis en présence de cellules. L’influence de l’azote inséré dans les verres sur la bioactivité a ainsi été étudiée. Enfin, une étude bactériologique a été réalisée sur les verres oxynitrurés et oxyfluoronitrurés. / This work presents the study of nitrogen addition in bioglasses of the system SiO2-Na2O-CaO. The purpose is to determine the effects of nitrogen addition on the physical and mechanical properties and the structure of oxynitride bioglasses based on the system Na2O-CaO-SiO2-Si3N4.In first time, the protocols of synthesis of these glasses were set up. The various elaborated glasses presented an amorphous and homogeneous structure. Analysis WDS confirmed the insertion of the nitrogen in these glasses. The addition of the fluorine in the composition of glasses allowed to keep themaximum of nitrogen in glasses. The glass transition temperature, density, hardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness were measured and observed to increase linearly with nitrogen content. These increases are consistent withthe incorporation of N into the glass structure in three-fold coordination with silicon with result in extra cross-linking of the glass network. Structural studies by RMN-MAS of the 29Si for oxynitride glasses (Si-Na-Ca-O-N), and by RMN-MAS of the 29Si and the 19F for oxyfluoronitride glasses (Si-Na-Ca-N-O-F) and infrared spectroscopy have shown that all the N atoms are bonded to the Si atoms. The influence of the nitrogen inserted into glasses on the bioactivity was so studied. Finally, a bacteriological study was realized on oxynitride glasses and oxyfluoronitride glasses.
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Metabolização de xenobióticos e produção de bioinseticidas por bactérias associadas a insetos / Metabolization of xenobiotics and bioinsecticide production by insect-associated bacteriaAlmeida, Luís Gustavo de 11 July 2018 (has links)
Os insetos são o grupo de organismos multicelulares mais abundantes e diversos, habitando os mais variados ambientes. Muitas de suas adaptações a condições adversas podem estar relacionadas à sua associação a bactérias. O conhecimento da diversidade dessa associação pode elucidar a importância desses microrganismos nas respostas de insetos a fatores bióticos e abióticos. Bactérias também são o principal alvo de exploração para o desenvolvimento de produtos de interesse biotecnológico. Dada à sua diversidade e interações com o ambiente, insetos representam um novo nicho para a exploração de microrganismos com potencial biotecnológico. A longa história de associação dos insetos com bactérias e os dados recentes da participação da microbiota a eles associada na degradação de moléculas orgânicas, naturais e/ou sintéticas, indicam o potencial desses microrganismos de interferir na resposta do inseto a inseticidas. Adicionalmente, simbiontes bacterianos associados aos insetos também podem ser uma fonte promissora de compostos bioativos. A descoberta de novos compostos naturais vem decaindo, surgindo a necessidade de exploração de novos nichos de microrganismos e o uso de novas tecnologias para superar o número reduzido de novas moléculas identificadas. Assim, este trabalho buscou explorar simbiontes de insetos para o estudo da sua participação na metabolização de xenobióticos pelo hospedeiro e a identificação de novos compostos inseticidas, tendo como objetivos investigar i) os mecanismos envolvidos na degradação de inseticidas e sua contribuição na capacidade de sobrevivência do hospedeiro, e ii) a diversidade biológica na busca de novas moléculas inseticidas. Bactérias com potencial de degradação de xenobióticos isoladas da microbiota intestinal de insetos resistentes a inseticidas foram utilizadas para a colonização do trato intestinal de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) suscetível à inseticidas e investigação da sua participação na sobrevivência do hospedeiro quando exposto a inseticidas, assim como a existência de custo adaptativo da associação a bactérias com capacidade de metabolização de inseticidas. O isolado IIL-Cl29 Leclercia adecarboxylata foi capaz de contribuir para a sobrevivência de lagartas expostas a chlorpyrifos ethyl, passando a exigir uma CL50 cerca de 2 vezes superior àquela de lagartas apossimbiontes. Estudo de biologia comparada entre a linhagem apossimbionte e aquela associadas ao isolado IIL-Cl29 demonstrou a existência de custo adaptativo para essa associação, quando na ausência da pressão de seleção do inseticida. A investigação dos mecanismos envolvidos na metabolização de inseticidas por bactérias simbiontes de S. frugiperda resistente ao organofosforado chlorpirifos ethyl, aos piretroides lambda-cyhalothrin e deltamethrin, a espinosina spinosad e a benzoilureia lufenuron revelou, por meio de análises químicas, que essas bactérias são capazes de metabolizar e bioacumular inseticidas interferindo ativamente na atividade de xenobióticos no hospedeiro. O isolado IIL-Luf14 Microbacterium arborescens foi selecionado para a realização de estudos mais aprofundados para a identificação de produtos de degradação e comprovação do mecanismo de bioacumulação de lufenuron. O potencial de simbiontes de insetos para o isolamento de bioinseticidas foi avaliado em estudos da diversidade de bactérias cultiváveis associadas a Acromyrmex coronatus (Fabricius, 1804) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Foram identificados 46 isolados pertencentes a Actinobacteria, Firmicutes e Proteobacteria associados a essa formiga e estudos da atividade inseticida in vivo e in vitro de extratos orgânicos de metabólitos mostraram grande variação nos resultados de atividade. Ensaios in vivo com lagartas de 1º instar de S. frugiperda mostraram-se mais adequados, e o isolado Asp77 Streptomyces drozdowiczii foi selecionado para a identificação de moléculas ativas com efeito inseticida. Dois compostos bioativos com atividade inseticida foram identificados e a atividade inseticida atribuída para duas classes químicas diferentes: um composto pirrolobenzodiazepino e um alcaloide. Nossos resultados comprovam a hipótese de que simbiontes participam da metabolização de xenobióticos em insetos, ao mesmo tempo que possuem potencial para exploração de novos compostos inseticidas. / The insects are the most diverse and abundant group of multicellular organisms, inhabiting a range of environments. Many of their adaptations to restricting conditions are related to their association with bacteria. The knowledge of the diversity of insect associations with bacteria can elucidate their role in insect response to biotic and abiotic factors. Bacteria are also the main target of exploitation for the development of biotechnological products. Insect´s diversity and interactions with the environment turn insects a new niche for the exploration of microorganisms with biotechnological potential. The long history of association of insects with bacteria and the participation of insect-associated bacteria in the degradation of natural and/or synthetic organic molecules indicate the potential of these microorganisms to interfere with insect response to insecticides. Additionally, bacterial symbionts associated with insects may also be a promising source of bioactive compounds. The discovery of new natural compounds has been declining, requiring the exploration of new niches of microorganisms and the use of new technologies to overcome the reduced number of molecules discovered. This work aimed to investigate the role of insect-associated bacteria in the metabolism of xenobiotics in the host and their potential to synthesize insecticidal compounds. Our objectives were to demonstrate i) the mechanisms involved in insecticide degradation by selected microbial symbionts, and to determine their contribution to host survival when exposed to insecticides, and ii) the biological and metabolic diversity of the microbiota associated with a leaf cutting ant. Bacteria that are able to degrade xenobiotics isolated from the gut microbiota of insecticide-resistant insects were used for the colonization of the gut of a susceptible strain of Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Comparisons of larval survival after insecticide exposure and the existence of adaptive costs of the association were done by using a aposymbiotic and infected susceptible lines. Suceptible larvae infected with IIL-Cl29 Leclercia adecarboxylata require twice the dose of chlorpyrifos ethyl to kill 50% of the larave (LC50) when compared to the aposymbiotic larvae. But the association with IIL-Cl29 was shown costly to S. frugiperda, particularly affecting female fecundity. However, no fitness costs were detected to infected larvae in the presence of the selection pressure (insecticide). GC-MS and LC-MS-MS analyses of the bacteria isolated from resistant larvae of S. frugiperda to organophosphate (chlorpirifos ethyl), pyrethroid (lambda-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin), spinosyn (spinosad) and benzoylurea (lufenuron) revealed they are able to hydrolyze, metabolyze and bioaccumulate insecticides, showing they can actively interfere with the efficacy of insecticides against the host. These processes were better characterized for the isolate IIL-Luf14 Microbacterium arborescens. The species and metabolic diversity of culturable bacteria associated with Acromyrmex coronatus (Fabricius, 1804) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were investigated to demonstrated their potential to produce bioinsecticides. A total of 46 isolates belonging to Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were identified. In vivo and in vitro assays to detect insecticide activity in organic extracts of fermentates indicated a great number of active extracts. In vivo assays with 1st instars of S. frugiperda were more adequate in detecting toxic molecules to insects, and the isolate Asp77 Streptomyces drozdowiczii was selected for the identification of active molecules with insecticidal effect. Two bioactive compounds with insecticidal activity were identified and the insecticidal activity attributed to two different chemical classes: pyrrolobenzodiazepine and alkaloid. Our results support the hypothesis that symbionts participate in the metabolization of xenobiotics in insects, at the same time that they have potential for exploration of new insecticides.
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Bioactivity testing of dental materialsEriksson, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Ever since Hench et al. first discovered bioactive glass in 1969, extensive interest was created because of the materials ability to chemically bond with living tissue. In this project the bioactivity of three different compositions of the bioactive glass Na2O-CaO-SiO2 have been studied. The compositions of the different glasses were A (25% Na2O, 25% CaO and 50% SiO2), B (22.5% Na2O, 22.5% CaO and 55% SiO2) and C (20% Na2O, 20% CaO and 60% SiO2). Their bioactivity was tested through biomimetic evaluation, in this case by soaking samples of each glass in simulated body fluid (SBF) and phosphate buffered saline (PBS). After soaking, the samples were analyzed with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXRD) and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to analyze if hydroxyapatite formed on the glass surfaces. Both the A and B glass showed bioactivity in SBF and PBS, while the C glass did not. Further work is necessary to determine which of the A and B glass has the highest apatite formability and the reason why the C glass were not bioactive.
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Potencial de extratos aquosos de plantas da caatinga sobre o ácaro verde da mandioca Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar (Acari: Tetranychidae) / Potential of aqueous extracts of plants of caatinga on the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar (Acari: Tetranychidae,SIQUEIRA, Felipe Fernando da Silva 28 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar (Acari: Tetranychidae), is a pest of considerable economic importance for cassava in Brazil, with a wide distribution in South America and in some African countries, due to abiotic conditions (high temperature, relative humidity low), which favor their infestation. The acaricides have been used in its control due to the low technological level of culture that does not compensate for the use of these inputs, as well as the possible side effects caused to applicators, wildlife and the environment. For these reasons, efforts are being made in the search for natural compounds with insecticidal properties and/or miticides. Thus, the present work aimed evaluates the acaricidal activity and repellency of aqueous extracts isolated from plants of the Caatinga Serra Talhada, Pernambuco, to M. tanajoa. The aqueous extracts Croton blanchetianus, Myracrodruon urundeuva, Ziziphus joazeiro were investigated using the immersion technique of cassava leaf disks (3.5 cm diameter) in the tails of the products at the concentrations of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%. One evaluated the effects of sublethal extracts using the instantaneous rate of increase (ri) of the population of M. tanajoa, mortality and repellency of adult females. The population growth of M. tanajoa in cassava leaf disks was affected by the aqueous extracts of C. blanchetianus, M. urundeuva and Z. joazeiro at all concentrations tested (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%), which showed population decline. Just control showed population growth in the ascendancy. Concentrations of 20 and 25% of the extracts showed higher mortality, the most promising for pest control. Furthermore, all concentrations of the extracts showed repellent effect. According to the literature, this is the first recorded use of the extracts of these plants for the control of M. tanajoa. / O ácaro verde, Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar (Acari: Tetranychidae), é praga de considerável importância econômica para a mandioca no Brasil, tendo uma ampla distribuição na América do Sul e em alguns países da África, devido às condições abióticas (temperatura elevada, umidade relativa baixa), que favorecerem a sua infestação. Os acaricidas não têm sido utilizados no seu controle, devido ao baixo nível tecnológico da cultura, que não compensa à utilização destes insumos, bem como, aos possíveis efeitos colaterais causados aos aplicadores, animais silvestres e ao meio ambiente. Por esses motivos, esforços estão sendo empreendidos na procura de compostos de origem natural com propriedades inseticidas e/ou acaricidas. Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a atividade acaricida e repelência de extratos aquosos isolados de plantas de caatinga de Serra Talhada, Pernambuco, à M. tanajoa. Os extratos aquosos de Croton blanchetianus, Myracrodruon urundeuva, Ziziphus joazeiro foram investigados utilizando-se a técnica de imersão de discos de folha de mandioca (3,5 cm de diâmetro) nas caldas dos produtos, nas concentrações de 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25%. Foram avaliados os efeitos subletais dos extratos, através da taxa instantânea de crescimento (ri) da população de M. tanajoa, a mortalidade de fêmeas adultas e a repelência. O crescimento populacional de M. tanajoa em discos de folhas de mandioca foi afetado pelos extratos aquosos de C. blanchetianus, M. urundeuva e Z. joazeiro em todas as concentrações testadas (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25%), que proporcionaram declínio populacional. Apenas a testemunha apresentou crescimento populacional em ascendência. As concentrações de 20 e 25% dos extratos proporcionaram maior mortalidade, sendo as mais promissoras para o controle da praga. Por outro lado, todas as concentrações dos extratos apresentaram efeito repelente. De acordo com a literatura consultada, este é o primeiro registro do uso dos extratos dessas plantas para o controle de M. tanajoa.
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Bioactive glasses react with the human physiological solution in control of their biofunctionality. The stress state in bioactive glasses determines the chemomechanical reaction and their biofunctionality. Using the microindentation technique, the effect of the indentation deformation on the surface damage and material dissolution of 45S5 bioglass was investigated.
The indentation-induced residual stresses were calculated. Complete anelastic recoveries of the indentation depths and the impression marks were observed for the first time, which was likely driven by the stored strain energy over the anelastic deformation zone. The indentation-induced local surface damages were revealed before and after the immersion tests in phosphate buffer solution (PBS). The growth of the cracks in the PBS solution displayed the stress-corrosion behavior with the crack-growth speed being a linear function of the indentation load.
45S5-bioglass was crystallized at temperature of 650 ºC. Microindentation technique also was used to study the localized mechanical behavior of the crystallized 45S5-bioglass. The crystallization had little effect on the indentation hardness, and the indentation hardness of the crystallized 45S5-bioglass is the same as that of the corresponding material in vitreous state. The fracture toughness is about 3 times less than that of annealed 45S5-bioglass in vitreous state, suggesting the preference of using bioactive glasses of vitreous state in the implant applications. Also, the effect of crystallization on the material dissolution was examined in phosphate buffer solution.
We also studied the growth and mechanical behaviors of the Ca-P precipitate layers formed on 45S5 bioglass in simulated body fluid. The thickness of the Ca-P precipitate layers was proportional to the square root of the immersion time, and the ratio of Ca/P in the Ca-P precipitate layers increased with the immersion time and approached 1.67, corresponding to the stoichiometric hydroxyapaptite (HA).Using the indentation technique, the indentation behavior of the Ca-P precipitate layers was investigated. The indentation hardness of the HA layers formed in SBF was found to be 0.40 GPa, and the contact modulus was 12.0 GPa. The contact modulus of 12.0 GPa is close to that of cortical bone. In this thesis, the primary mechanical properties of the non-crystalline and crystalline bioglass 45S5 were revealed. The relationship between the dissolution rate and localized residual stresses are discussed. With such knowledge, the evaluation of implants with respect to manufacturing processes, control, and service conditions now has another variable to consider and evaluate against performance.
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An Ethnobotanical, Pharmacological, and Phytochemical Analysis of Achillea millefolium L. by PartsKachura, Alexandra 30 November 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigated the pharmacology and phytochemistry of Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) flowers, roots, stems, and leaves based on ethnobotanical reports in North America, with a focus on applications in a respiratory model. Seasonal changes in the phytochemical profile of yarrow were also assessed.
A comprehensive dataset of medicinal Asteraceae was created after collecting ethnobotanical reports from the Native American Ethnobotany (NAEB) database. Using residual and binomial analyses, 14 tribes of Asteraceae were quantitatively evaluated and ranked within ten therapeutic categories as either over- or under-selected for treatment by North American indigenous peoples. Flora belonging to the Anthemideae tribe were over-utilized as pulmonary aids, particularly species of Achillea. Yarrow was selected for further analysis in the subsequent chapters of this thesis.
The respiratory pharmacology of yarrow was examined by testing the immunomodulatory effects of four plant parts in an in vitro assay using BEAS-2B human bronchial epithelial cells. Concentrations of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 were quantified using ELISA kits. Flowers demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity at 40 μg/ml in both assays, and also at 20 μg/ml in the IL-8 assay, suggesting a dose-dependent response. Roots displayed significant pro-inflammatory activity at all concentrations. A second mechanism of action via the endocannabinoid system was tested through inhibitory enzyme assays for fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), in which the flowers and roots were most active.
Since extracts of the four plant parts exhibited significantly different bioactivities, active metabolites previously identified in yarrow were quantified in each part through the targeted profiling of phenolics and alkylamides using analytical chromatographic techniques. Phenolic compounds were found at highest concentrations in the flowerheads, while alkylamides were detected predominantly within roots. An accompanying phenological analysis of alkylamide and phenolic levels in all parts was explored.
Collectively, this research provides the first integrated comparison of yarrow ethnobotany, bioactivity, and phytochemistry across different parts of the plant, contributing novel insights into the traditional, contemporary, and future uses of one of North America’s most important medicinal plants.
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Antilisterial bioactivity and /or biofilm-formation by compounds from Plectranthus ecklonii Benth. and Acacia karroo HayneNyila, Monde 22 June 2011 (has links)
Thirteen South African medicinal plants which are used traditionally to treat symptoms associated with Listeria monocytogenes infections, were screened for activity against the pathogen. Different plant parts were extracted separately with ethyl acetate or chloroform. All the extracts were first screened against the bacteria using the disc diffusion method. Zones of inhibition observed in the presence of the chloroform extracts of Eucomis autumnalis, ethyl acetate extracts of Acacia karroo and Plectranthus ecklonii (50 mg/ml) were 12 mm, 14 mm and 15 mm respectively. Active extracts were further tested against the bacteria for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) using the microtitre dilution method. Ethyl acetate extracts of A. karroo exhibited MIC of 3.1 mg/ml and MBC of 6.25 mg/ml. Ethyl acetate extracts of P. ecklonii showed MIC of 0.5 mg/ml and MBC of 1.0 mg/ml. Five samples namely A. karroo (ethyl acetate extract), P ecklonii (ethyl acetate extract), Senecio inonartus (ethyl acetate extract), S. inonartus (chloroform extract) and Aloe arborescens (ethyl acetate extract) showed good MIC against L. monocytogenes and a MBC range from 1.0 to 12.5 mg/ml. The two plants, A. karroo and P. ecklonii were further selected for the isolation of the active compound(s). Column chromatographic purification of ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves of A. karroo led to the isolation of three known pure compounds namely â-sitosterol, epigallocatechin and epicatechin. The MICs of the â-sitosterol and epigallocatechin that were isolated from A. karrroo were found to be 31.25 µg/ml and 62.5 µg/ml respectively against L. monocytogenes. The confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) showed that the biomass of the listerial biofilms were reduced when the isolated compounds were added and slightly reduced when the crude extract was added. The aggregation of cells which were exposed to â-sitosterol and epigallocatechin was reduced from 25 µm as observed in untreated cells to < 10 µm in length. Therefore as one of the local South African plants identified in the present study, the pure compounds isolated from A. karroo, could be used as a potential natural alternative for eliminating L. monocytogenes biofilms from food processing surfaces. This could help in combating the problem of food contamination and food poisoning caused by the pathogen. It could also help in preparing antibiofilm agents that are cost effective and easily accessible to the public. A. karroo should be further be explored in this regard. The present study reports for the first time the isolation of the three compounds, â-sitosterol, and epicatechin and epigallocatechin from A. karroo. Bioassay-guided fractionation of the P. ecklonii ethyl acetate extract led to the isolation of two known compounds, parvifloron D and parvifloron F. Parvifloron D and F exhibited a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 15.6 and 31.25 µg/ml respectively against L. monocytogenes. The MICs of parvifloron D and F against a drug-sensitive strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were found to be 190 and 95 µg/ml respectively. The ethyl acetate extract of P. ecklonii and its isolated compounds were tested for their activity on tyrosinase inhibition. The concentration of plant extract at which half the tyrosinase activity was inhibited (IC50) was found to be 61.73 ± 2.69 µg/ml. The antibacterial activity of the extract of P. ecklonii and its isolated compounds correlates with the traditional use of the plant for various ailments such as stomach-aches, diarrhoea and skin diseases. This is the first report on the bioactivity of an extract of P. ecklonii and its two compounds. The antibacterial activity of the extracts of A. karroo, P. ecklonii and their isolated compounds correlates with the traditional use of these plants for symptoms associated with listeriosis. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Plant Science / unrestricted
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Development of Bio-environmentally Compatible Implant Materials by the Function of Precursors of Apatite / アパタイト前駆体機能による生体環境調和インプラント材料の開発Hasnat, Zamin 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(エネルギー科学) / 甲第22796号 / エネ博第410号 / 新制||エネ||78(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー基礎科学専攻 / (主査)教授 坂口 浩司, 教授 佐川 尚, 准教授 高井 茂臣 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Energy Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Bone bonding ability of a chemically and thermally treated low elastic modulus Ti alloy: gum metal / 生体活性処理を付与した低弾性型チタン合金「ゴムメタル」の骨結合能評価Tanaka, Masashi 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第18164号 / 医博第3884号 / 新制||医||1003(附属図書館) / 31022 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 戸口田 淳也, 教授 妻木 範行, 教授 開 祐司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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