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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Razvoj biorazgradivog aktivnog ambalažnog materijala na bazi hitozana: sinteza, optimizacija svojstava, karakterizacija i primena / Development of biodegradable active packaging material from chitosan: synthesis, optimisation of properties, characterisation and application

Hromiš Nevena 17 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Predmet doktorske disertacije je razvoj aktivnog jestivog omotača na bazi hitozana sa dodatkom etarskih ulja začinskog bilja i pčelinjeg voska, kao i njegova aplikacija u cilju produženja održivosti suve fermentisane Petrovačke kobasice.<br />U cilju realizacije programa teze, formirane su tri osnovne grupe filmova: hitozan-etarsko ulje origana, hitozan-etarsko ulje kima i hitozan-etarsko ulje kima-pčelinji vosak. Paralelno sa pripremom filmova, proizvedeni su i odgovarajući kolagen-hitozan laminirani omotači. U pripremi filmova i omotača su primenjena dva vlažna postupka. Filmovi su dobijeni razlivanjem, a laminirani omotači premazivanjem filmogene emulzije preko kolagenog omotača. Tokom razvijanja, ispitivan je uticaj različitih parametara na svojstva dobijenih filmova: viskozitet i koncentracija hitozana, dodatak polietilenoksida kao kopolimera u film, dodatak različite koncentracije etarskog ulja, uslovi me&scaron;anja i temperature, kao i dodatak različite koncentracije pčelinjeg voska.<br />Dobijeni filmovi i omotači su okarakterisani ispitivanjem osobina značajnih za primenu materijala, a to su fizičko-mehanička (debljina, zatezna jačina i izduženje pri kidanju), strukturna (ATR-FTIR spektrometrija i elektron skenirajuća mikroskopija), fizičko-hemijska (sadržaj vlage, bubrenje, rastvaranje), barijerna (propustljivost gasova i brzina propustljivosti vodene pare) svojstva i biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost (antioksidatino i antimikrobno delovanje). Na osnovu detaljne karakterizacije, odabrani su filmovi i omotači optimalnih svojstava za primenu u za&scaron;titi Petrovačke kobasice tokom skladi&scaron;tenja.<br />Ispitano je dejstvo premaza na očuvanje kobasice sa i bez dodate komercijalne i autohtone starter kulture. Efekat primene premaza izučavan je ispitivanjima parametara kvaliteta Petrovačke kobasice i to, praćenjem promene sadržaja vlage, pH vrednosti, boje, oksidacije lipida, kao i senzorne ocene mirisa i ukusa ove kobasice tokom skladi&scaron;tenja.<br />Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je sintetisan aktivan jestivi premaz na bazi hitozana optimizovanih barijernih, fizičko-hemijskih, antioksidativnih i antimikrobnih svojstava. Sintetisani premaz ima manju brzinu propustljivosti vodene pare, uz očuvanu nisku propustljivost za gasove, smanjenu osetljivost na delovanje vlage i izraženiju antimikrobnu i antioksidativnu aktivnost. Upkos optimizovanim barijernim svojstvima za vodenu paru, hitozanski premaz sa dodatkom etarskih ulja i/ili pčelinjeg voska nije imao efekta u očuvanju sadržaja vlage suve fermentisane kobasice tokom skladi&scaron;tenja. Ispitivani premazi su doprineli očuvanju boje preseka kobasice, ali ovaj efekat nije bio potpuno izražen kod svih tipova kobasice i svih premaza. Sva tri parametra za praćenje oksidativnih promena u kobasici ukazuju na to da je nano&scaron;enjem hitozanskog premaza sa etarskim uljem origana ili kima i pčelinjim voskom, kobasica efikasno za&scaron;tićena od nepoželjnih oksidativnih promena. Između eksperimenata se može povući paralela, da hitozanski premaz pokazuje za&scaron;titni efekat prema senzornom profilu mirisa i ukusa, do blizu 5 meseci skladi&scaron;tenja. Na ovom nivou razvoja premaza, on se može preporučiti kao pomoćan ambalažni materijal.</p> / <p>The subject of the doctoral dissertation is development of active edible coating based on chitosan with added herb essential oils and beeswax, as well as its application for dry fermented sausage shelf life extension.<br />In order to realize the program of investigation, three basic groups of films were produced: chitosan-essential oil of oregano, chitosan-essential oil of caraway and chitosan-essential oil of caraway-beeswax. Simultaneously with the production of films, collagen-chitosan laminated casings were produced. In the production of films and laminated casings, two wet methods were applied. Films were produced by casting method, while laminated casings were produced by coating collagen casing with filmogenic emulsion. During production, the influence of different parameters on properties of produced films and casings was investigated: viscosity and concentration of chitosan, addition of poly (ethylene oxide) as copolymer in the films, addition of different concentration of essential oils, mixing and temperature conditions, as well as addition of different concentration of beeswax.<br />Produced films and laminated casings were characterized by the investigation of properties that are important for material application, namely physical-mechanical (thickness, tensile strength and elongation at break), structural (ATR-FTIR spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy), physical-chemical (water content, swelling, solubility), barrier (gas permeability and water vapor transmission rate) properties and biological activity (antioxidative and antimicrobial activity). Based on detail characterization, films and casings with optimal properties were selected for application on Petrovac sausage with and without the addition af commercial or indigenous starter culture for preservation during storage.<br />The effect of coating application was analyzed based on the quality parameters of Petrovac sausage, namely: water content, pH value, color, lipid oxidation and sensory profile of taste and odor of the sausage during storage.<br />Based on presented results, it can be concluded that active edible coating based on chitosan was synthesized, with optimized barrier, physical-chemical, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Synthesized coating has lower water transmission rate with preserved low gas permeability, lowered sensibility to humidity and more pronounced antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. Despite optimized water vapor barrier properties, chitosan coating with addition of essential oils and/or beeswax did not show the effect in preserving the water content in the sausage during storage. Investigated coatings contributed to the preservation of core color of the sausage, but this effect was not fully expressed in all types of sausages and coatings. All three parameters for investigation of oxidative changes in the sausage showed that chitosan coating with essential oils of oregano and caraway and beeswax efficiently preserved sausage from unwanted oxidative changes. Mutual conclusion from the experiments is that chitosan coating shows preservative effect on the sensory profile of taste and odor till approximately 5 months of storage. On this level of coating development, it can be recommended as auxiliary packaging material.</p>

Luminaire Design Using Biodegradable Materials / Armaturdesign med användning av biologiskt nedbrytbara material

Joshi, Kedar Shreekant January 2024 (has links)
Researchers are discovering that the lighting sector is placing more of an emphasis on sustainable resources, cutting-edge technology, and ecological responsibility. The challenge facing today's craftsmen is producing functional items that complement urban growth and lifestyle choices.  The thesis project focuses on designing and developing a wall mounted luminaire product integrating modular design using biodegradable materials such as banana fiber, bamboo cane along with wood. Further, the project discovers the possibility of implementing ‘Do it yourself’ system in the product wherein user gets the unique experience of knitting bamboo cane to create patterns and build the whole luminaire product by themselves. Various mockups and test prototypes have been made to investigate pain points and to undertake various design decisions keeping primary focus on ‘Do it yourself’ kit.  The current project also collates business model by designing a single foldable packaging with the short story of the people and the place about the craft training organization. Packaging also comes with a nicely designed user instruction manual along with all the components have been included. Light source will have LED Opal strip with the corelated color temperature of 2700 K, warm chosen for the decorative purpose and to create ambient and cozy atmosphere in the living spaces. The luminaire product overall conveys sustainable design that allows biodegradable materials to be recycled into a new product that encourages the circular economy or be discarded in a landfill after its intended lifespan has been fulfilled.

Sustainable food packaging based on polyhydroxyalkanoate / Hållbara livsmedelsförpackningar baserade på polyhydroxialkanoat

Al-Ashor, Safana January 2024 (has links)
The Norwegian Food Research Institute (Nofima) and the University of Borås worked together to develop this project. The commonly used packaging materials pose a serious threat to the environment, as they are produced from nonrenewable crude oil and cannot decompose naturally. Despite some manufacturers' claims of their products being eco-friendly or sustainable, they are not entirely made from renewable resources and are not biodegradable. Nevertheless, some bio-based materials have emerged as a viable alternative that can naturally break down and safely decompose in the environment. Despite many studies, biopolymers possess limited mechanical and barrier properties, which restricts their potential for use in products. To overcome this limitation, polymer blending can be employed to enhance their final properties and make them more suitable for various applications. The objective of this project was to design sustainable food packaging using biopolymers. PHBV, one of the PHA’s bio-based polymers, was blended with other polymers to enhance its properties as a sustainable food packaging material. Through blending, PHAs'physical, chemical, and thermal properties can be enhanced to obtain exceptional films for food packaging purposes. Finally, in this work, a bio-based polymer, polyhydroxyalkanoate, was used to producea biodegradable packaging system for potential food packaging applications. The effect of the physical modification of PHBV on mechanical and barrier properties was studied by blending it with biodegradable polymers such as PLA and PBAT. Thermal properties were analyzed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and FourierIItransform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) while the mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile test. Barrier properties were characterized using water vapor transmission rate (WVTR). The mechanical performance of PHBV 50%: PBAT 50% blend has been significantly improved, leading to better tensile properties. The high crystallinity of the PHBV 50%: PBAT 50% blend than other blends have been found to enhance the barrier properties of the polymer film, according to DSC analysis. FTIR investigations have suggested no difference in absorption peaks between the blends and the neat material. Furthermore, WVTR investigations have shown that PHBV50%: PBAT50% exhibits excellent barrier properties against water vapor, making it a highly promising material.

Синтеза, карактеризација, оптимизација својстава и примена јестивог, активног амбалажног материјала на бази скроба / Sinteza, karakterizacija, optimizacija svojstava i primena jestivog, aktivnog ambalažnog materijala na bazi skroba / Synthesis, characterization, optimization of properties and application of edible active packaging material based on starch

Šuput Danijela 10 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет докторске дисертације је развој јестивих, биоразградивих, активних филмова на бази скроба са додатком есенцијалних уља зачинског биља и њихова примена за паковање одабраног прехрамбеног производа. Глобални допринос овог рада иде у прилог развоју области биоразградивих, јестивих, активних амбалажних материјала.<br />Основно истраживање се базира на испитивању могућности добијања скробних филмова влажним поступком (&quot;casting&quot; метода), модификацији врста и количина додатих компонената које улазе у састав филмогене смеше и карактеризацији добијених филмова ради побољшања особина формираног филма. Својства значајна за примену добијених материјала су физичко-хемијске особине (садржај влаге, способност бубрења), механичке особине (дебљина, затезна јачина и издужење при кидању), баријерне особине (пропустљивост водене паре), структурне (АТР-ФТИР спектрометрија и дифракција X зрака), термалне, оптичке и биолошке особине (антимикробна и антиоксидативна активност).<br />Обзиром на велики број параметара који утичу на формирање филма, као и на особине формираних филмова, испитано је међусобно деловање више фактора на могућност продукције и особине добијеног филма. Избор и оптимизација процесних параметара и моделовање продукције филмова изведено је имплементирањем компјутерске и аналитичке методологије.<br />На основу приказаних резултата, може се закључити да је синтетисан активан јестиви скробни филм оптимизованих физичко-хемијских, механичких, баријерних, термалних и биолошких карактеристика. Синтетисаном скробном филму смањена је способност бубрења, унапредјене су механичке особине (вредности затезних јачина опадају, уз истовремено повећање вредности издужења при кидању). Значајан је утицај додатка есенцијалних уља на вредности пропустљивости водене паре, а њиховим додатком постигнута је и<br />изражена биолошка активност.<br />На основу детаљне карактеризације, одабрани су филмови оптимизованих својстава за примену у заштити осмотски дехидрираног свињског меса током периода складиштења. Осмотски дехидрирано месо је упаковано у комерцијалан високо-баријеран амбалажни материјал у атмосферским условима и у условима модификоване атмосфере, док је други део узорака претходно заштићен скробним премазом са оптимизованим особинама, а затим упакован на исти начин. Утицај оптимизоване скробне превлаке на осмотски дехидрирано месо испитан је праћењем промена параметара квалитета током<br />складиштења.<br />Резултати су показали да јестиви, активни скробни премаз значајно доприноси стабилности упакованог осмотски дехидрираног меса и то у погледу оксидације липида, микробиолошке стабилности и позитивног утицаја на сензорне карактеристике осмотски дехидрираног меса током периода складиштења.</p> / <p>Predmet doktorske disertacije je razvoj jestivih, biorazgradivih, aktivnih filmova na bazi skroba sa dodatkom esencijalnih ulja začinskog bilja i njihova primena za pakovanje odabranog prehrambenog proizvoda. Globalni doprinos ovog rada ide u prilog razvoju oblasti biorazgradivih, jestivih, aktivnih ambalažnih materijala.<br />Osnovno istraživanje se bazira na ispitivanju mogućnosti dobijanja skrobnih filmova vlažnim postupkom (&quot;casting&quot; metoda), modifikaciji vrsta i količina dodatih komponenata koje ulaze u sastav filmogene smeše i karakterizaciji dobijenih filmova radi poboljšanja osobina formiranog filma. Svojstva značajna za primenu dobijenih materijala su fizičko-hemijske osobine (sadržaj vlage, sposobnost bubrenja), mehaničke osobine (debljina, zatezna jačina i izduženje pri kidanju), barijerne osobine (propustljivost vodene pare), strukturne (ATR-FTIR spektrometrija i difrakcija X zraka), termalne, optičke i biološke osobine (antimikrobna i antioksidativna aktivnost).<br />Obzirom na veliki broj parametara koji utiču na formiranje filma, kao i na osobine formiranih filmova, ispitano je međusobno delovanje više faktora na mogućnost produkcije i osobine dobijenog filma. Izbor i optimizacija procesnih parametara i modelovanje produkcije filmova izvedeno je implementiranjem kompjuterske i analitičke metodologije.<br />Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je sintetisan aktivan jestivi skrobni film optimizovanih fizičko-hemijskih, mehaničkih, barijernih, termalnih i bioloških karakteristika. Sintetisanom skrobnom filmu smanjena je sposobnost bubrenja, unapredjene su mehaničke osobine (vrednosti zateznih jačina opadaju, uz istovremeno povećanje vrednosti izduženja pri kidanju). Značajan je uticaj dodatka esencijalnih ulja na vrednosti propustljivosti vodene pare, a njihovim dodatkom postignuta je i<br />izražena biološka aktivnost.<br />Na osnovu detaljne karakterizacije, odabrani su filmovi optimizovanih svojstava za primenu u zaštiti osmotski dehidriranog svinjskog mesa tokom perioda skladištenja. Osmotski dehidrirano meso je upakovano u komercijalan visoko-barijeran ambalažni materijal u atmosferskim uslovima i u uslovima modifikovane atmosfere, dok je drugi deo uzoraka prethodno zaštićen skrobnim premazom sa optimizovanim osobinama, a zatim upakovan na isti način. Uticaj optimizovane skrobne prevlake na osmotski dehidrirano meso ispitan je praćenjem promena parametara kvaliteta tokom<br />skladištenja.<br />Rezultati su pokazali da jestivi, aktivni skrobni premaz značajno doprinosi stabilnosti upakovanog osmotski dehidriranog mesa i to u pogledu oksidacije lipida, mikrobiološke stabilnosti i pozitivnog uticaja na senzorne karakteristike osmotski dehidriranog mesa tokom perioda skladištenja.</p> / <p>The subject of the doctoral thesis is the development of<br />edible biodegradable active films based on starch with<br />the addition of herbal essential oils and their<br />application in packaging of selected food products.<br />Basic research is examination of the possibility of<br />obtaining starch films by wet method (&quot;casting&quot;<br />method), modification of the types and amounts of<br />added components that constitute the film forming<br />mixture and characterization of films in order to<br />improve the characteristics. Characteristics important<br />for the implementation of the obtained materials<br />include the physico-chemical properties (moisture<br />content, solubility), mechanical properties (thickness,<br />tensile strength and elongation at break), barrier<br />properties (water vapor permeability), structural (ATRFTIR<br />spectroscopy and X ray diffraction), thermal,<br />optical and biological properties (antimicrobial and<br />antioxidant activity).<br />Considering the large number of parameters that affect<br />the film formation, as well as the properties of the<br />films, interactions of multiple factors on the possibility<br />of production and properties of the produced film were<br />examined. Selection and optimization of process<br />parameters and modeling of film production were<br />performed by implementing computer and analytical<br />methodology.<br />Based on these results, it can be concluded that it were<br />synthesized active edible starch films with optimized<br />physico-chemical, mechanical, barrier, thermal and<br />biological characteristics. Synthesized starch film had<br />reduced solubility, improved mechanical properties (tensile strength values declined, while elongation at</p><p>break increased). There is a significant influence of the<br />addition of essential oils on the water vapor<br />permeability value with expressed biological activity.<br />The global contribution of this investigation favors the<br />development of the biodegradable edible active<br />packaging materials scientific field.<br />Based on the detailed characterization, film with<br />optimized characteristics was selected for protection of<br />osmotically dehydrated pork during storage.<br />Osmotically dehydrated meat is wrapped in commercial<br />high-barrier packaging material in atmospheric<br />conditions and in conditions of modified atmosphere,<br />while the second part of the sample is packaged in the<br />same way, but previously protected with optimized<br />starch edible coating. Influence of optimized starch<br />coating on the osmotic dehydrated meat was examined<br />by monitoring the quality change during storage in<br />order to preserve the quality and shelf life of packed<br />meat.<br />The results showed that an edible starch based active<br />coating contributes significantly to the stability of the<br />packaged osmotically dehydrated meat during the<br />storage period in terms of lipid oxidation,<br />microbiological stability and positive influence on the<br />sensory characteristics of the osmotically dehydrated<br />meat during the storage period.</p>

Placas e parafusos polimericos auto-reforçados para fixação interna rigida de fraturas / Self-reinforced polymeric plates and screws for rigid internal fixation of fractures

Morita, Augusto Teruo 15 March 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Marco-Aurelio De Paoli / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T15:37:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Morita_AugustoTeruo_D.pdf: 5448584 bytes, checksum: b45ea2a6a097d79180fbd6e43996e982 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar placas e parafusos auto-reforçados a partir do copolímero poli(L/DL ácido láctico), para serem utilizados na fixação interna rígida de fraturas. Este copolímero pode ser hidrolisado quando inserido no corpo humano e seus produtos de degradação são expelidos através do ciclo metabólico. Foi construído um aparelho de autoreforçamento que deve ser acoplado a uma Máquina Universal de Ensaios, capaz de orientar uniaxialmente amostras poliméricas através da passagem por uma matriz aquecida de dimensões menores que a amostra. Foram realizados ensaios prévios de auto-reforçamento com amostras de poliestireno. Ensaios de auto-reforçamento com o copolímero poli(L/DL ácido láctico) mostraram que o auto-reforçamento induziu um aumento nas propriedades mecânicas, medidas sob flexão, de ~60% no módulo de elasticidade e de ~90% na tensão máxima. A amostra moldada apresentou linhas brancas quando dobrada a temperatura ambiente, indicando a fragilização. Por outro lado, as amostras auto-reforçadas podem ser dobradas a temperatura ambiente sem que ocorresse ruptura frágil ou fragilização. Através de ensaios de difração de raios-X determinou-se que a amostra é semi-cristalina após o auto-reforçamento, apesar dos ensaios de calorimetria diferencial de varredura não identificarem positivamente a formação desta estrutura semi-cristalina. A esterilização por raios-g causa uma grande queda na massa molar, porém não altera as propriedades mecânicas. Ensaios de degradação in-vitro, com solução tampão de fosfato numa temperatura de 37 °C, das amostras esterilizadas mostraram que a massa molar sofre uma queda durante todo o ensaio de degradação e as propriedades mecânicas sofrem uma pequena queda após 15 semanas. As amostras auto-reforçadas podem ser usinadas na forma de placas e parafusos. As placas usinadas do copolímero de poli(ácido láctico) ainda podem ser dobradas a temperatura ambiente sem que ocorra quebra ou formação de linhas brancas / Abstract: In this work self-reinforced plates and screws to be used for rigid internal fixation of fractures were produced using the poly(L/DL-lactic acid) copolymer. This copolymer can be hydrolyzed when implanted in the human body and its degradation products are expelled by the metabolic cycle. A self-reinforcement module was built. It can be attached to a Universal Mechanical Testing Machine, which is capable to uni-axially orient the polymeric sample though a heated die. Initial tests of processing and self-reinforcement were conducted with polystyrene. Self-reinforcement tests were conducted with the poly(L/DL-lactic acid) copolymer. The results show that the die-drawing process induced an increase in the flexural mechanical properties of ~60% in the elastic modulus and of ~90% in the maximum tension, both measured under flexion conditions. White lines (crazing) appears when the molded sample was bent at ambient temperature, whereas the self-reinforced sample could be bent in the same conditions without fracture or sample fragilization. X-ray diffraction results indicated that the self-reinforced sample exhibits a semi-crystalline structure; notwithstanding the differential scanning calorimetry results do not conclusively identify the sample morphology. g-rays sterilization caused a decrease in the molar mass, but the mechanical properties were not affected. In-vitro degradation test were conducted at 37 °C in a buffered aqueous solution. Sterilized samples show a larger decrease in the molar mass since the beginning of the test, but the mechanical properties exhibits a smaller decrease during the test. The self-reinforced samples can be molded to the form of plates and screws. The final sample could be bent at ambient temperature without fragilization / Doutorado / Quimica Inorganica / Doutor em Ciências

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de metodologias para purificação de biolubrificantes via destilação molecular de filme descendente / Production of biolubrificant for especial uses

Quintero Perez, Henderson Ivan 27 July 2012 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Regina Wolf Maciel, Cesar Benedito Batistella, Rubens Maciel Filho / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T13:19:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 QuinteroPerez_HendersonIvan_D.pdf: 4930705 bytes, checksum: 6c2a9837f37fde815f53e580b02df9cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O desenvolvimento de biolubrificantes vem sendo estimulado na indústria e na pesquisa, visando diminuir os danos ambientais causados por vazamentos inevitáveis em equipamentos ou motores com utilização principalmente na agricultura e sistemas náuticos. Os biolubrificantes, derivados de óleos vegetais são produtos de grande interesse pela sua elevada biodegradabilidade, além de serem provenientes de fontes renováveis e abundantes na natureza. Atualmente, no Brasil, vem sendo utilizado o óleo de mamona como matéria prima base na síntese de biolubrificantes por ser um produto com valor comercial aceitável e ser abundante na região do nordeste do país e por ter viscosidade e lubricidade adequada para seu uso em lubrificantes sintéticos. No entanto, o óleo de mamona apresenta algumas desvantagens de ordem técnica para a produção de ésteres biolubrificantes pela dificuldade na purificação do próprio éster e na separação dos co-produtos, especialmente quando a reação de transesterificação é feita via catálise alcalina. Visando contornar esses problemas, neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas e avaliadas metodologias de purificação via destilação molecular de filme descendente de um éster biolubrificante produzido por transesterificação do óleo de mamona e álcool isoamílico. Por meio da análise estatística da influência das variáveis operacionais do processo de purificação do biolubrificante foi identificado que é possível obter uma corrente de destilado com teor de éster acima de 97% e um rendimento de éster no destilado de 92% pode ser atingido usando-se temperatura do evaporador de 185°C, temperatura do condensador em 60°C e vazão de alimentação de 10,8 mL/min, quando o processo de separação foi precedido de um primeiro estágio de destilação a vácuo para isolar os componentes mais voláteis. O biolubrificante obtido apresentou valores adequados de viscosidade e índice de viscosidade além de valores do ponto de fulgor e ponto de fluidez promissores para usos em formulas lubrificantes ou como fluido hidráulico. Uma modelagem fenomenológica simplificada do processo de destilação molecular foi implementada no modulo Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM) do software Aspen Tech® versão 7.3, e simulações do processo de purificação de biolubrificantes com análises de sensibilidade das variáveis operacionais foram desenvolvidas para avaliar o rendimento do processo e a pureza do biolubrificante / Abstract: The development of biolubrificants has been stimulated in both industrial and academic environments, aiming to reduce the environmental damage caused by inevitable leakage of mineral lubricating oils in equipment or engines, principally used in agriculture and nautical systems. The biolubrificants derived from vegetable oils are products of great interest for their high biodegradability, and because they are from renewable resources and abundant in nature. Currently, in Brazil, castor oil has been used as raw material in biolubrificant synthesis, as it is a product with acceptable commercial value, abundant in the northeastern region of the country and with adequate viscosity and lubricity for use in synthetic lubricants. However, castor oil has some technical drawbacks for biolubrificant production, such as the difficulty in the ester and co-products separation and purification, especially when the transesterification reaction is done by alkaline catalysts. In order to solve these problems, in this work, purification methodologies through falling film molecular distillation of an ester biolubrificant produced by transesterification reaction of castor oil and isoamyl alcohol were developed and evaluated. Through statistical analysis of the biolubrificant purification process, it was observed that is possible to obtain an distillate stream containing ester above 97% m/m and distillate ester yield of 92% can be achieved using evaporator temperature of 185°C, condenser temperature of 60°C and flow rate of 10,8 mL / min, when the separation process was preceded by a first stage of vacuum distillation for isolate of the most volatile compounds. The obtained biolubrificant showed to have suitable values of viscosity and viscosity index and also the values of flash point and pour point were promising for use in formulate lubricants or hydraulic fluid. Simplified phenomenological modeling of molecular distillation process was implemented in the Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM) from Aspen Tech® 7.3 software and simulations of the molecular distillation process with sensitivity analyses of the operating variables were developed to evaluate the process yield and the biolubrificant purity / Doutorado / Desenvolvimento de Processos Químicos / Doutor em Engenharia Química

Bioresorbable Magnesium-Based Bone Fixation Hardware: Alloy Design, Post-Fabrication Heat Treatment, Coating, and Modeling

Ibrahim, Hamdy, Ibrahim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Kostní implantáty na bázi železa / Bones implants based on Fe

Hávová, Mariana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis refers to Fe-based biodegradable materials and their potencial aplications in medicine, especially as temporary bone implants. This work generaly summaries aplications of biomaterial in medicine with more interest kept on biodegradable materials and their in-vivo corrosion. The experimental part refers to conduction of porous Fe-based materials with silica addition. The structure of prepared specimens is identified by EDX and XRD analysis. The imersion test and electrochemical studies were conducted to observe corrosion behaviour with respect to different concentration of silica. Potenciodynamic curves were obtained to determine corrosion potencial and corrosion current density of prepared samples.

Förnybara fibrer i textila produkter : en väg mot hållbar utveckling / Renewable fibers in textile products : a path to a sustainable development?

Stenström, Mathilda, Johnsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Den globala efterfrågan på textila produkter ökar ständigt, samtidigt som branschen står inför stora utmaningar gällande dess höga klimat- och miljöpåverkan. Omkring 65 miljoner ton syntetiskt material framställs årligen, där polyester står för 82% och dominerar marknaden. Polyester (PET) tillverkas från fossila råvaror, det vill säga icke-förnybara källor, vilket bidrar till en ökad andel CO2 i atmosfären, vilket i sin tur leder till en förhöjd medeltemperatur. För att lyckas minska koldioxidavtrycket med 30% fram till år 2030 behövs flera åtgärder genomföras. Bioplaster kan komma att bidra till en mer hållbar livscykel, då de jungfruliga polymererna tillverkas av förnyelsebara eller återvunna råvaror. Denna rapport söker svar på effekten av att ersätta konventionell polyester med biobaserade polymera material i textila produkter. Studien ger en inblick i fibervalets klimatpåverkan under framställning, användarfasen och hantering vid end-of-life som en del av vägen mot en cirkulär ekonomi. Arbetet utgår ifrån en produkt tilldelad från uppdragsgivaren BRAV Norway, Lundhags. Med hjälp av en litteraturstudie och Higg MSI, som mäter klimatpåverkan cradle-to-gate, utvärderas och jämförs återvunnen polyester (rPET), polytrimetylenteftalat (Bio-PTT), polyetenfuranoat (PEF), polyetentereftalat (Bio- PET), polymjölksyra (PLA), polybutensuccinat (PBS) och polyhydroxialkanoater (PHA). I teorin kan samtliga biobaserade material som undersökts spinnas till textila fibrer, vissa finns redan på marknaden och andra är under utvecklingsfasen. Resultatet i Higg MSI visar att råvarans ursprung har en inverkan, men att de biobaserade råvaror inte alltid leder till en lägre klimatpåverkan, här kan återvunna fossilbaserade material uppvisa bättre resultat. Biobaserade material är fördelaktiga ur den synpunkt att de utvinns från förnybara källor, vilket bidrar till lägre koldioxidutsläpp längs hela värdekedjan. Konceptet kring bioekonomi stärker tillämpningen av biopolymerer, då materialet kan övergå från den tekniska till biologiska cykeln enligt Ellen MacArthus fjärilsdiagram. Hanteringen när produkten når end-of-life avgör om man kan närma sig ett cirkulärt kretslopp. Bionedbrytningsbara polymerer ingår i en open-loop- För en cirkulär ekonomi eftersträvar man att material skall ingå i en closed-loop samt uppnå så lång livslängd som möjlig för att minska den totala klimatpåverkan, vilket kan var kritiskt för de bionedbrytningsbara material. I detta område krävs mer efterforskning. Bio-PET och PEF är fördelaktiga då de går att framställa och återvinna i samma strömmar som PET. Det är även avgörande hur stor tillgängligheten är, möjlighet för återvinning och materialets egenskaper när det kommer till val av fibrer för en minskad klimatpåverkan. Bland de bionedbrytningbara materialen är PLA den mest lämpade. Polyester är i dagsläget svårt att ersätta med ett annat polymert material som avsevärt förbättrar produkten under användarfasen. Forskningen som bedrivs leder till ökad tillgång av de biobaserade materialen samt förbättrade egenskaper under användarfasen. Biobaserade material är ett bra komplement till återvunna material för att fasa ut tillverkningen av jungfruliga material. / The global demand for textiles is constantly increasing, and at the same time the textile industry is facing major challenges regarding its significant impact on the climate and the environment. Approximately 65 million tons of synthetic materials are produced annually, with polyester accounting for 82% and dominating the market. Polyester (PET) is produced from non-renewable resources, increasing the share of CO2 in the atmosphere and contributing to higher average temperatures. Several measures need to be implemented to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% until 2030. Bioplastics have the potential to contribute to a more sustainable life cycle because they are made from renewable or recycled raw materials. The purpose with this report is to investigate the impact of replacing conventional polyester with bio-based polymeric materials in textile products. The study will provide insight into the climate impacts of fiber choices production, usephases, and waste management as part of the transition to a circular economy. The study is based on products provided by the Norwegian company BRAV (Lundhags). The information is based on a literature review and the Higg MSI, and is based on cradle-to-gate. Recycled polyester (rPET), polytrimethylenephthalate (bio-PTT), polyethylenefuranoate (PEF), polyethyleneterephthalate (bio-PET), polylactic acid (PLA), and polybutenesuccinate (PBS) and polyhydroxyalkanoate(PHA) were evaluated and compared in terms of their impact on the climate, recycled PET and polytrimethylene (BPET) shows the best result. Theoretically, all of the biobased materials considered can be spun into fiber, some are already on the market, and others are still under development. The result from HiggMSI shows that the source of the raw material has an impact, but biobased raw materials doesn't necessarily have a lower impact on climate and conversely, fossil-based recycled feedstock may show better results. Bio-based feedstocks are advantageous in that they are extracted from renewable resources and contribute to lower carbon emissions throughout the value chain. The concept of bioeconomics enhances the application of biopolymers because it allows materials to move from the technological cycle to the biological cycle according to the Ellen MacArthus butterfly diagram. Waste management determines whether a material can be moved closer to a circular cycle or not. Biodegradable polymers are part of an open-loop, and in a circular economy, the goal is for materials to be part of this system. It is also desirable to achieve the longest possible lifetime to reduce the impact on climate, which is critical for biodegradable materials and requires further research in this area. Bio-PET and PEF have the advantage that they can be produced and recycled in the same stream as PET. In addition, availability, recyclability, and properties are important to consider when choosing fibers to reduce climate impact. Among biodegradable materials, PLA is the most suitable. Polyester is currently difficult to replace with other polymeric materialsals can significantly improve products during the usephase. As research continues, access to biobased materials will increase and their properties will improve. Biobased materials are an effective complement to recycled materials and can help phase out the production of virgin materials.

Biodegradable Mono and Multilayer Materials with Antimicrobial Capacity Based on Circular Bioeconomy of Application Interest in Food Packaging

Figueroa López, Kelly Johana 28 June 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El envasado activo es una de las tecnologías emergentes más relevantes de la industria alimentaria. Su objetivo es interactuar con el espacio de cabeza del envase para controlar las reacciones enzimáticas, químicas, físicas y microbiológicas que deterioran los alimentos por medio de la absorción o liberación. La actual tesis doctoral trata originalmente del desarrollo y la caracterización de estructuras de envasado de alimentos activas y biodegradables mono y multicapa basadas en materiales de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) electroestirados derivados de estrategias de bioeconomía circular. Con el fin de dotar con propiedades activas los materiales de envasado, se incorporaron a los PHA aceites esenciales, extractos naturales, nanopartículas metálicas o combinaciones de los mismos mediante electrospinning de soluciones. Las fibras resultantes de PHA por electrospinning se recocieron para obtener monocapas continuas que, posteriormente, se combinaron con películas de polímeros biodegradables fundidas, sopladas o fundidas con disolventes y/o con revestimientos de barrera de nanocristales de celulosa bacteriana (CNC) para desarrollar novedosos sistemas multicapa con propiedades antimicrobianas y de barrera. Estos sistemas multicapas basados en PHA presentaron un buen rendimiento térmico y mecánico, así como altas propiedades de barrera a los vapores y gases. Las películas activas también mostraron mejores propiedades antioxidantes y una alta actividad antimicrobiana contra las bacterias transmitidas por los alimentos tanto en sistemas abiertos como, lo que es más importante, en sistemas cerrados, que pueden imitar las condiciones de envasado en casos reales. Por lo tanto, los materiales y prototipos desarrollados en este trabajo pueden ser muy prometedores como materiales de envasado, para constituir bandejas, flow packs y tapas, siendo completamente renovables y también biodegradables, con una potencial capacidad de aumentar tanto la calidad, como la seguridad de los productos alimenticios en el nuevo contexto de la Bioeconomía Circular. / [CA] L'envasament actiu és una de les tecnologies emergents més rellevants de la indústria alimentària. El seu objectiu és interactuar amb l'espai de cap de l'envàs per controlar les reaccions enzimàtiques, químiques, físiques i microbiològiques que deterioren els aliments per mitjà de l'absorció o alliberament. L'actual tesi doctoral tracta originalment de el desenvolupament i la caracterització d'estructures d'envasat d'aliments actives i biodegradables mono i multicapa basades en materials de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) electroestirados derivats d'estratègies de bioeconomia circular. Per tal de dotar amb propietats actives dels materials d'envasat, es van incorporar als PHA olis essencials, extractes naturals, nanopartícules metàl·liques o combinacions dels mateixos mitjançant electrospinning de solucions. Les fibres resultants de PHA per electrospinning es recocieron per obtenir monocapes contínues que, posteriorment, es van combinar amb pel·lícules de polímers biodegradables foses, bufades o foses amb dissolvents i / o amb revestiments de barrera de nanocristalls de cel·lulosa bacteriana (CNC) per desenvolupar nous sistemes multicapa amb propietats antimicrobianes i de barrera. Aquests sistemes multicapes basats en PHA van presentar un bon rendiment tèrmic i mecànic, així com altes propietats de barrera als vapors i gasos. Les pel·lícules actives també van mostrar millors propietats antioxidants i una alta activitat antimicrobiana contra bacteris transmeses pels aliments tant en sistemes oberts com, el que és més important, en sistemes tancats, que poden imitar les condicions d'envasament en casos reals. Per tant, els materials i prototips desenvolupats poden ser molt prometedors com materials d'envasat, per constituir safates, flow packs i tapes, sent completament renovables i també biodegradables, amb la capacitat potencial final d'augmentar tant la qualitat, com la seguretat de els productes alimentaris en el nou context de l'Bioeconomia Circular. / [EN] Active packaging is one of the most relevant emerging technologies in the food industry. It aims to interact with the packaging headspace to control the enzymatic, chemical, physical, and microbiological reactions that deteriorate food through scavenging or releasing means. The current PhD thesis originally deals with the development and characterization of mono and multilayer active and biodegradable food packaging structures based on electrospun polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) materials derived from circular bioeconomy strategies. In order to provide the packaging materials with active properties, essential oils, natural extracts, metallic nanoparticles or combinations thereof were incorporated into PHA by solution electrospinning. The resultant electrospun PHA mats were annealed to obtain continuous monolayers that were, thereafter, combined with cast-extruded, blown or solvent-casted biodegradable polymer films and/or barrier coatings of bacterial cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) to develop novel multilayer systems with antimicrobial and barrier properties. These PHA-based multilayers systems presented good thermal and mechanical performance as well as high barrier properties to vapors and gases. The active films also showed improved antioxidant properties and high antimicrobial activity against food-borne bacteria in both open and, more importantly, closed systems, which can mimic real case use packaging conditions. Therefore, the here-developed materials and prototypes can be very promising as packaging materials, to constitute trays, flow packs and lids, being completely renewable and also biodegradable, with the final potential capacity to increase both quality and safety of food products in the new Circular Bioeconomy context. / Al programa Santiago Grisolía de la Generalitat Valenciana (0001426013N810001A201) por concederme la beca Predoctoral. Al proyecto EU H2020 YPACK “High Performance Polyhydroxyalkanoates Based Packaging to Minimise Food Waste” (Grant agreement 773872) de la Comisión Europea. Al proyecto RTI2018-097249-B-C21 financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España. A la Unidad Asociada IATA-UJI en “Polymer Technology”. / Figueroa López, KJ. (2021). Biodegradable Mono and Multilayer Materials with Antimicrobial Capacity Based on Circular Bioeconomy of Application Interest in Food Packaging [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168439 / Compendio

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