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Application of Bayesian Inference Techniques for Calibrating Eutrophication ModelsZhang, Weitao 26 February 2009 (has links)
This research aims to integrate mathematical water quality models with Bayesian inference techniques for obtaining effective model calibration and rigorous assessment of the uncertainty underlying model predictions. The first part of my work combines a Bayesian calibration framework with a complex biogeochemical model to reproduce oligo-, meso- and eutrophic lake conditions. The model accurately describes the observed patterns and also provides realistic estimates of predictive uncertainty for water quality variables. The Bayesian estimations are also used for appraising the exceedance frequency and confidence of compliance of different water quality criteria. The second part introduces a Bayesian hierarchical framework (BHF) for calibrating eutrophication models at multiple systems (or sites of the same system). The models calibrated under the BHF provided accurate system representations for all the scenarios examined. The BHF allows overcoming problems of insufficient local data by “borrowing strength” from well-studied sites. Both frameworks can facilitate environmental management decisions.
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Tourbillons anticycloniques dans le golfe du Lion : Modélisation couplée physique-biogéochimique / Anticyclonic eddies in the Gulf of Lion : Coupled biogeochemical-physical modellingCampbell, Rose 10 December 2012 (has links)
L'étude de l'impact que les structures hydrodynamiques à mésoéchelle peuvent avoir sur la distribution spatiale des organismes planctoniques et le transport de matière entre la zone côtière et le large est essentielle à la compréhension du fonctionnement de l'écosystème planctonique dans l'océan côtier. L'influence des tourbillons anticycloniques et des processus physiques associés sur l'écosystème planctonique pélagique est examinée au moyen d'un modèle couplé physique-biogéochimie. Dans un premier temps, les sorties du modèle sont confrontées à des données in situ et satellitales afin de vérifier le réalisme du modèle. Pendant la majeure partie de la simulation, et plus particulièrement sur la partie ouest du golfe de Lion pendant la période estivale, l'erreur commise par le modèle sur l'estimation de la chlorophylle de surface (proxy du phytoplancton) est inférieure à celle donnée par le calcul issu de la télédétection. Ensuite, la distribution du plancton en présence d'un tourbillon a été étudiée. Dans les sorties du modèle, un filament avec une forte concentration en chlorophylle est systématiquement observé sur le bord nord/nord-est de la structure, est confirmé par des données satellitales. Enfin, grâce à une simulation longue sur la période 2011-2004, plusieurs tourbillons ont été comparés du point de vue de leur impacts sur les échanges entre la côte et le large de matière et plancton. L'intensité et la direction de ces échanges sont hétérogènes et dépendent des forçages physiques qui ont donné lieu à la génération de ces tourbillons. / The role that mesoscale physical structures play in driving plankton community shifts and transporting matter is key to the understanding of food web dynamics at the regional scale.
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Devenir de la fixation d'azote et export de carbone dans l'océan Pacifique tropical sud-ouest / Fate of dinitrogen fixation and carbon export in the western tropical South Pacific OceanCaffin, Mathieu 21 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la quantification de la diazotrophie et son influence sur les cycles biogéochimiques dans l'océan de surface Pacifique tropical sud-ouest, une région particulièrement sous-échantillonnée à ce jour. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient (1) de quantifier la fixation de N2 et identifier les principaux acteurs de la diazotrophie dans cette région, (2) d’évaluer l'influence de la fixation de N2 sur la production primaire et sur l'export de carbone, (3) d’identifier les voies de transfert de l’azote fixé dans la chaine trophique planctonique.Il a été mis en évidence que la région du Pacifique tropical sud-ouest était un hot spot de fixation de N2. A l'ouest, les eaux oligotrophes des archipels Mélanésiens présentaient des taux de fixation de N2 élevés et la communauté diazotrophe était dominée par Trichodesmium. A l'est, les eaux ultra-oligotrophes de la gyre du Pacifique sud présentaient des taux de fixation de N2 plus faibles et la communauté diazotrophe était dominée par les UCYN-B.Des bilans d'azote montrent que la fixation de N2 contribuait à plus de 90 % des apports d'azote nouveau dans la couche euphotique, et soutenait donc la quasi intégralité de la production primaire nouvelle. L'étude des voies de transfert de l'azote fixé montre qu’entre 7 et 15 % de la fixation de N2 totale était transféré vers les organismes non-diazotrophes.Ces travaux de thèse démontrent que la diazotrophie soutient la pompe biologique dans l'océan Pacifique tropical sud-ouest, et qu'elle peut jouer un rôle déterminant dans la structure des communautés planctoniques et les cycles biogéochimiques du carbone et de l'azote dans les régions oligotrophes. / This PhD thesis focuses on the quantification of diazotrophy and its influence on biogeochemical cycles in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean, a critically under-sampled region so far. The aim of this work is to (1) quantify N2 fixation and identify the main contributors of diazotrophy in this region, (2) assess the influence of N2 fixation on primary production and carbon export, (3) identify transfer pathways of the fixed nitrogen in the planktonic food web.We have found that the western tropical South Pacific Ocean was a hotspot of N2 fixation. In the western part, the oligotrophic waters of the Melanesian archipelago presented high N2 fixation rates and diazotrophes were dominated by Trichodesmium. In the eastern part, the ultra-oligotrophic waters of the South Pacific gyre presented lower N2 fixation rates, and diazotrophs were dominated by UCYN-B.The nitrogen budgets show that N2 fixation contributed to more than 90 % of the of new nitrogen input in the photic layer. The study of the transfer pathways of the fixed nitrogen has shown that 7 to 15 % of total N2 fixation was transferred to non-diazotrophs.This PhD thesis indicates that diazotrophy sustains the biological pump in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean, and can have a critical influence in the planktonic community structure and in biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen in oligotrophic regions.
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Interactions microorganismes - mercure - composante du sol : des outils pour l'évaluation de la qualité de la restauration écologique des sites miniers aurifères en Guyane française / Interactions between microorganisms - mercury - soil component : tools for assessing the quality of ecological restoration of gold mining sites in French GuianaCouic, Ewan 17 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis plus de 150 l’exploitation aurifère en Guyane française bouleverse le paysage en entrainant une déforestation massive des concessions minières. Les conséquences sont multiples, aussi bien pour l’environnement que pour la santé humaine. Pendant des décennies l’utilisation du mercure dans le processus d’extraction a entrainé une contamination du réseau hydrique et de la chaine trophique. Afin d’inscrire l’exploitation aurifère dans une optique de développement durable le code minier impose depuis 1998 une obligation de réhabilitation des sites exploités. Des méthodes de revégétalisation utilisant différentes essences végétales ont donc été adoptées afin d’accélérer les successions écologiques. Le contrôle de la qualité de restauration écologique est néanmoins difficile à mettre en œuvre et il est nécessaire d’avoir des outils de bio-géo-indications fiables et peu couteux pour estimer le recouvrement des fonctionnalités des écosystèmes et apprécier le risque de mobilités des éléments traces toxiques. Dans ce contexte, les objectifs de ce travail de thèse ont été d’évaluer la qualité de restauration écologique de sites miniers en Guyane française à travers une caractérisation des activités microbiennes, du fonctionnement des cycles biogéochimiques d’éléments majeurs (C,N,P) et de la dynamique du mercure. L’originalité de ce travail réside dans l’évaluation dans le temps et dans l’espace des interactions entre couvert végétal – propriétés physico-chimiques du sol – activités microbiennes – spéciation du mercure après revégétalisation et en faire un outils diagnostic de la réussite de cette restauration. Dans ce but, plusieurs campagnes d’échantillonnages ont été réalisées en Guyane sur un panel de sites miniers réhabilités, avec différents types de couverts végétaux. Des échantillons de sols ont été prélevés sur des sites revégétalisés avec des espèces de fabacées, et sur des sites non revégétalisés. Nous avons évalué les fonctionnalités des communautés microbiennes de ces sites avec plusieurs bio-marqueurs de la qualité du sol. Afin d’estimer le devenir du mercure, des mesures du mercure total ainsi que des spéciations opérationnelles et environnementales ont été réalisées. Ce travail de thèse a permis de mettre en évidence un effet positif de la revégétalisation sur la densité et les activités des communautés microbiennes telluriques. Les sites restaurés ont montré une biomasse microbienne, des taux de minéralisation des macroéléments (C,N,P), une diversité catabolique plus élevées que des sites non restaurés. Nos résultats confirment également que la restauration influence les activités des communautés microbiennes anaérobies. En effet, les travaux portant sur les communautés bactériennes ferri-réductrices (BFR) et sulfato-réductrices (BSR) montrent des activités variantes entre les modalités de revégétalisation. Ces différences sont à mettre en relation avec les propriétés physiques et chimiques du sol ainsi qu’avec la nature et la densité du couvert végétal. Les communautés BFR sont actives sur les sites réhabilités alors que les communautés BSR seraient davantage actives sur les sites faiblement restaurés. Ces différences ont des conséquences sur la mobilité du mercure. Nos travaux montrent également que si dans les sites revégétalisés le mercure est associé à des phases stables du sol alors que dans les sites non restaurés il est sous des formes solubles mobilisable dans le réseau hydrique, biodisponible pour les organismes de la chaine trophique. Pour conclure, l’approche interdisciplinaire proposée dans ce travail a permis d’identifier certains processus d’écologie microbienne fondamentaux impactant le recouvrement des fonctionnalités des écosystèmes miniers dégradés. Ce travail offre un outil d’évaluation de la qualité de la restauration écologique original, appliqué et prometteur, qui pourra intéresser les décisionnaires responsables de la réhabilitation des sites miniers en Guyane française / For more than 150 years, gold mining in French Guiana has disrupted the landscape by causing massive deforestation of mining concessions. The consequences are multiple, both for the environment and human health. Indeed, for decades the use of mercury in the extraction process has led to pollution of aquatic systems, contaminating the food chain. In order to ensure that gold mining is carried out in a sustainable development perspective, the Mining Code has imposed an obligation since 1998 to rehabilitate the sites operated. Several revegetation methods using different plant species have been adopted to accelerate ecological succession. However, quality control of ecological restoration is difficult to implement and it is necessary to have reliable and inexpensive bio-geo-indication tools to estimate the recovery of the functionalities of anthropized ecosystems and assess the risk of mobility of toxic metallic elements.In this context, the objectives of this thesis work were to evaluate the quality of ecological restoration of mining sites in French Guiana through a characterization of microbial activities, the functioning of biogeochemical cycles of major elements (C,N,P) and the dynamics of mercury. The originality of this work lies in the evaluation over time and space of the interactions between vegetation cover - physico-chemical properties of the soil - microbial activities - mercury speciation after revegetation and making it a diagnostic tool for the success of this restoration. To this end, several sampling campaigns were carried out in French Guiana on a panel of rehabilitated mining sites, with different types of vegetation cover. Soil samples were taken from replanted sites with fabaceous species (A. mangium and C. racemosa), and from non-restored sites. We then evaluated the main functionalities of the microbial communities of these sites through the use of several soil quality bio-markers. In order to estimate the fate of mercury, measurements of total mercury as well as operational and environmental specimens were carried out. This thesis work revealed a positive effect of revegetation on the density and activities of soil microbial communities. Sites restored with fabaceous species have thus shown microbial biomass, macro-element mineralization rates (C,N,P), and catabolic diversity significantly higher than sites that have not been restored. The associations of fabaceous plants show more conclusive results than the use of monoculture in terms of microbial functionalities. While the activities of aerobic microorganisms have been impacted by the return of vegetation, our results confirm that restoration influences the activities of anaerobic microbial communities. Indeed, work on iron-reducing (IRB) and sulfate-reducing (SRB) bacterial communities shows varying activities between revegetation modalities. These differences are related to the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the nature and density of the vegetation cover. BFR communities are more active on rehabilitated sites while SRB communities are more active on poorly restored sites. These differences in activities have consequences on mercury mobility and methylation. Our work also shows that while mercury in re-vegetated sites is associated with stable phases of the soil, including iron oxides, in non-restored sites it is in soluble forms that can potentially be mobilized in the water network, bioavailable and assimilated by organisms in the food chain.In conclusion, the interdisciplinary approach proposed in this work made it possible to identify certain fundamental microbial ecological processes that impact the recovery of the functionalities of degraded mining ecosystems. This work provides an original, applied and promising tool for assessing the quality of ecological restoration that may be of interest to decision-makers responsible for the rehabilitation of mining sites in French Guiana
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Avaliação biogeoquímica da contaminação do solo e água subterrânea na área do Parque Ecológico do Tietê - PET, Região Metropolitana de São Paulo - RMSP, SPRocha, Rejane Gonçalves da 19 October 2011 (has links)
O Parque Ecológico Tietê (PET), em Ermelino Matarazzo, a leste da região metropolitana de São Paulo, foi criado com o objetivo de preservar as várzeas do rio Tietê. Antes da criação do parque, a região foi palco de várias atividades antrópicas que levaram ao risco de contaminação do solo e águas subterrâneas. A recuperação iniciou-se com o plantio de espécies nativas, o que também promoveu a recolonização da fauna, composta essencialmente de espécies frugívoras. Dentre as espécies de plantas presentes no parque, a palmeira Jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) é importante por sua ampla distribuição geográfica nos ecossistemas brasileiros. O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender, através de coeficientes de prospecção biogeoquímicos, a interação entre os compartimentos solo, água subterrânea e planta, este último representado pela palmeira Jerivá. Os resultados indicaram que o Jerivá apresentou diferentes coeficientes de absorção entre suas folhas e pecíolos. O estudo também demonstrou que fatores como sazonalidade dentro de um período mínimo de um ano, idade e espécies de plantas devem ser levados em conta em abordagens biogeoquímicas. / The Tietê Ecological Park (PET) in Ermelino Matarazzo, east of the metropolitan area of São Paulo city, was created with the purpose of preserving the floodplains of the Tietê River. Prior to the establishment of the park, the region was scene of several anthropogenic activities which led to high risk of soil and groundwater contamination. Subsequent recovery of the degraded area was aimed through the planting of native plant species, which also promoted the recolonization of the area by the fauna, essentially composed of frugivorous species. Among the plant species introduced in the park, the Jerivá palm tree (Syagrus romanzoffiana) is important for its wide geographical distribution in Brazilian ecosystems. The current study aimed to understand, through biogeochemical prospecting coefficients, the interaction between soil compartments, underground water and plant, the latter represented by the Jerivá palm tree. The results indicated that Jerivá presented different absorption coefficients among its leaves and petioles. The study also demonstrated that factors like seasonality within a minimum period of one year, age and plant species must be taken into account in biogeochemical approaches.
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Dinâmica biogeoquímica do carbono em ambientes fluviais de águas lênticas da Amazônia Oriental (FLONA de Caxiuanã, Pará) / Biogeochemical dynamic of carbon in slow flowing rivers of Eastern Amazonia (FLONA de Caxiuanã, Pará)Melo, Daniel Marcos Bentes de 03 February 2012 (has links)
A dinâmica do carbono, nas fases orgânica, inorgânica e gasosa, foi analisada em um ponto na Baía de Caxiuanã e em três pontos no seu afluente Rio Curuá (porções superior, intermediária e inferior) um sistema fluvial de escoamento lento na Amazônia Oriental (Brasil estado do Pará) durante 31 campanhas, de janeiro de 2007 até dezembro de 2009. O objetivo foi avaliar mudanças intra e inter-anuais como função da hidrologia neste preservado rio de água preta. Medições em diferentes profundidades mostraram a formação de estratos físico-químicos, evidenciando o aspecto lêntico nos setores médio e baixo do rio Curuá, com eventos de concentrações extremamente baixas de oxigênio dissolvido durante o período de cheia, como conseqüência da entrada de insumos e da decomposição da matéria orgânica dos ecossistemas terrestres. Devido a esse aspecto, o DOC foi a forma dominante das fases orgânica e inorgânica do carbono, mostrando positiva e significativa correlação com o nível do rio, como resultado de um grande controle de entrada de insumos laterais. As formas particuladas orgânicas não mostraram as mesmas características em nenhum ponto, provavelmente em função da reduzida corrente de água que permite a rápida deposição desses materiais logo após sua entrada no sistema fluvial. As concentrações mais elevadas de CPOC e FPOC observadas na Baía de Caxiuanã parecem ser um sinal da presença de comunidade de fitoplâncton assim como da influência do vento, que ressuspende os sedimentos de fundo nesse ambiente. A concentração de dióxido de carbono exibiu altos valores comparados com a atmosfera, ratificando a bem conhecida característica heterotrófica dos rios amazônicos. Além disso, os baixos níveis de oxigênio observados induziram o consumo de matéria orgânica por bactérias anaeróbias, resultando em altas concentrações de metano, como observado no setor médio do rio Curuá. Assim como ocorreu com as formas particuladas orgânicas, os aspectos ecológicos e geológicos singulares da Baía de Caxiuanã distinguem seu habitat pelos baixos valores de dióxido de carbono quando comparados com a atmosfera, revelando um ambiente com diferente dinâmica biogeoquímica. / Dynamic of carbon, at organic, inorganic, and gas phases, was analyzed in one station at Caxiuanã Bay and three stations on its tributary Curuá River (upper, middle and lower sections) a slow flowing river system in Eastern Amazon (Brazil Pará State) during 31 campaigns, from January 2007 through December 2009. The objective was to evaluate intra and interannual changes as function of hydrology in this undisturbed blackwater river. Measures on different depths showed formation of physicochemical strata, evidencing the lentic aspect on middle and lower sections of Curuá River, with events of extremely low concentrations of dissolved oxygen during high water level, as a consequence of inputs and decomposition of organic matter from terrestrial ecosystems. Due to this aspect, DOC was the dominant form of organic and inorganic carbon phases, showed positive and significant correlation with river stage level for all sites, as result of a large control by lateral inputs. Particulate organic forms did not show the same characteristics in any station, probably as function of reduced water current which enable rapid deposition of these materials soon after their entrance on river system. The higher concentrations of CPOC and FPOC observed at Caxiuanã Bay seem to be a signal of presence of phytoplankton community as well as wind influence which resuspend bottom sediments in this environment. Carbon dioxide concentration on river exhibited higher values compared to atmosphere, ratifying the well-known heterotrophic characteristic of Amazon rivers. Furthermore, observed low levels of oxygen induced organic matter consumption by anaerobic bacteria, resulting in high concentrations of methane, as observed in the middle section of Curuá River. As occurred with particulate organic forms, the singular geologic and ecologic aspects of Caxiuanã Bay distinguish its habitat by low values of carbon dioxide when compared to atmosphere, revealing an environment with different biogeochemical dynamic.
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Relações entre fluxos de óxido nitroso (N2O) com umidade e genes associados à desnitrificação em floresta e sistemas agrícolas / Relations between nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes with moisture and genes associated with denitrification in forest and agricultural systemsArnaldo, Marcela 18 September 2014 (has links)
O óxido nitroso (N2O) é um importante gás de efeito estufa (GEE) e, nos ecossistemas terrestres, é produzido principalmente pelo processo de desnitrificação. Esse ocorre em condições anaeróbias e, portanto, é fortemente estimulado pelo aumento do teor de umidade do solo. Entretanto, solos sob diferentes usos podem exibir taxas de emissão de N2O distintas, mesmo quando apresentam teores de umidade equivalentes. Ainda não está claro se isso se deve somente ao fato de os mesmos diferirem quanto a atributos físicos e químicos capazes de afetar a atividade dos organismos desnitrificantes ou se também se deve à diferenças com relação ao tamanho de suas populações. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de compreender as relações entre os fluxos de N2O, a umidade e a abundância de genes bacterianos envolvidos no processo de desnitrificação (nirK, norB e nosZ) em solos de floresta, pastagem e cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, utilizando um experimento de microcosmos. Amostras de solo foram coletadas na fazenda Capuava, situada no município de Piracicaba, SP. Os microcosmos estabelecidos a partir das mesmas foram mantidos com diferentes teores de umidade (original e ajustados para atingir 60% e 90% da capacidade de campo) e incubados a 30 °C por 30 dias. Ao longo do período de incubação, os fluxos de N2O a partir desses solos foram analisados por cromatografia gasosa. Amostras coletadas do interior dos microcosmos, antes e depois da aplicação dos tratamentos, foram comparadas quanto à estrutura de suas comunidades bacterianas, utilizando a técnica de T-RFLP, e quanto à abundância dos genes 16S rRNA, nirK, norB e nosZ, através da técnica de qPCR. Somente os solos que tiveram sua umidade ajustada para 90% da capacidade de campo exibiram incrementos significativos na produção de N2O. Em tais amostras, também foi verificada a alteração da estrutura das comunidades bacterianas e do número de cópias dos genes norB e nosZ. Apenas este último, no entanto, apresentou uma correlação positiva com a umidade do solo. A abundância dos genes avaliados não apresentou correlações significativas com as taxas de emissão do GEE. Por outro lado, as emissões cumulativas de N2O se correlacionaram positivamente com as quantidades de genes desnitrificantes presentes inicialmente nas amostras de solo. Estes genes se mostraram mais abundantes nas amostras de pastagem e floresta, as quais apresentavam maiores teores de matéria orgânica, carbono, nitrogênio, nitrato e argila do que aquelas provenientes da área cultivada com cana-de-açúcar. Tais resultados demonstram que o conteúdo de água do solo afeta a taxa de emissão de N2O, mas que isso não se deve a alterações na abundância das bactérias envolvidas no processo, como as que carregam os genes nirK, norB e nosZ. Aparentemente, no entanto, quantidade de GEE que o solo é capaz de produzir está relacionada ao tamanho das populações desses organismos desnitrificantes. / Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas (GHG) and, in terrestrial ecosystems, it is mainly produced by denitrification. This process occurs under anaerobic conditions and, therefore, is strongly stimulated by the increase of the soil moisture content. However, soils under different uses may exhibit distinct N2O emission rates, even when they have the same moisture content. It is still not clear whether this is due solely to the fact that they differ in relation to physical and chemical properties that affect the activity of denitrifying organisms or whether this is also due to differences in the size of their populations. The aim of this work was to evaluate the relations between N2O fluxes, moisture and abundance of bacterial genes involved in denitrification process (nirK, norB e nosZ) in soil samples from forest, pasture and sugarcane field, through a microcosm experiment. These samples were collected at Fazenda Capuava, located in Piracicaba, SP. Microcosms established from them were maintained with different moisture contents (original and adjusted to achieve 60% and 90% of field capacity) and incubated at 30 °C for 30 days. During the incubation period, the N2O fluxes from soils were analyzed by gas chromatography. Soil samples from microcosms, collected before and after application of the treatments, were compared regarding the structure of their bacterial communities, by using T-RFLP technique, and the abundance of 16S rRNA, nirK, norB and nosZ genes, through qPCR technique. Only samples that had their moisture content adjusted to 90% of field capacity exhibited significant increases in N2O production. In these samples, changes in the structure of bacterial communities and in the copy numbers of norB and nosZ genes were also detected. Only the latter gene, however, showed a positive correlation with soil moisture. The abundance of the quantified genes showed no significant correlations with the gas emission rates. On the other hand, the cumulative N2O emissions were positively correlated with the amounts of denitrifying genes initially present in the samples. These genes were more abundant in pasture and forest soils, which had higher levels of organic matter, carbon, nitrogen, nitrate and clay than those from sugarcane cropping area. These results indicate that soil water content affects the N2O emission rates. However it is not due to changes in the abundance of bacteria involved in the process, such as those that bear the nirK, norB and nosZ genes. Apparently, it is the size of these organisms\' populations that determines the amount of GHG that the soil is able to produce.
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Dynamique du cycle biogéochimique du sélénium en écosystèmes terrestres : rétention et réactivité dans le sol, rôle de la végétation / Dynamic of biogeochemical selenium cycle in terrestrial ecosystems : retention and reactivity in soil; role of vegetationDi Tullo, Pamela 03 March 2015 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans la problématique d’évaluation de sûreté préalable au possible stockage de déchets radioactifs HAVL en couches géologiques profondes. Afin de consolider les modèles de prédiction à longue terme des risques associés à une contamination potentielle de la biosphère par le 79Se, la biogéochimie du sélénium stable a été explorée, en visant dans un premier temps un éclairage sur la dynamique du cycle global de Se dans un écosystème forestier en terme de stock et flux annuels. Suite aux résultats de la première partie, qui suggèrent l’importance du sol et son pool organique dans le cycle global de Se, deux études basées sur l’utilise des traceurs isotopique stables ont été ensuite menées afin de clarifier les processus impliqués (i) dans la rétention et la réactivité de Se dans les sols et (ii) dans la bio-incorporation de Se inorganique dans la biomasse des plantes au sein d’une fraction organique. / This work was performed in the frame of the safety assessment program prior to the possible construction of an underground repository for nuclear waste (HAVL). To consolidate risk assessment models associated to a potential 79Se biosphere contamination, biogeochemistry of stable selenium was investigated, aiming firstly to highlight the dynamics of Se cycling in a forest ecosystem, in terms of inventories and annual fluxes. Consequently to these first results, which suggest a clay role of soil and its organic pool in the global Se cycle, two studies based on the use of isotopically enriched tracers were further carried out in order to clarify the processes involved in (i) Se retention and reactivity in soils and (ii) incorporation of inorganic Se within organic pool of vegetal biomass.
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Efeitos da acidificação dos oceanos nos processos biogeoquímicos em sedimentos costeiros: experimentos in situ e em laboratório / Effects of ocean acidification on biogeochemical processes in marine sediments: In situ and laboratory experimentsAlves, Betina Galerani Rodrigues 18 December 2014 (has links)
A acidificação dos oceanos, resultado do aumento das emissões de gás carbônico (CO2), por atividades antrópicas, vem causando uma mudança no equilíbrio químico do sistema carbonato e uma consequente diminuição do pH nos oceanos mundiais. Cerca de 30% das emissões antropogênicas de CO2 é absorvida pelo oceano, o que já reduziu o PH em 0,1 unidade em águas superficiais e são esperadas ainda maiores reduções. A escala de mudanças \"toleráveis\" de pH ainda é incerta para muitos organismos e pouco conhecida para muitos processos biológicos, particularmente no sedimento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar tanto as taxas atuais de remineralização da matéria orgânica e fluxos de nutrientes na interface água-sedimento, como as alterações nessas taxas em resposta a diferentes cenários de acidificação do oceano, usando câmaras de incubação bêntica tanto in situ como em laboratório. Os experimentos in situ e coleta de material para montagem dos experimentos em laboratório foram realizados através de mergulho autônomo, na área rasa de Ubatuba-SP (6-8 m de profundidade). As incubações mostraram alto consumo de O2, variando entre -17 mmol m-2 d-1 em Julho de 2012 e -112 mmol m-2 d-1 em Abril e Junho de 2013. Houve uma dominância da nitrificação, com fluxos entre 0.2 and 0,4 µmol m-2 d-1 (sem variação temporal). As incubações também mostraram fluxos positivos de amônio, sendo os mais altos (1.0 - 1.5 µmol m-2 d-1) observados em Março, Abril e Junho de 2013. No geral, os processos de heterotrofia líquida prevaleceram sobre os processos autotróficos na região de estudo. Esses resultados indicam que os processos que ocorrem nos sedimentos costeiros de Ubatuba são: (1) remineralização aeróbica bêntica, (2) processos de nitrificação maiores que denitrificação e (3) provável excreção de organismos bênticos. O experimento de acidificação in situ indicou um aumento nos fluxos de O2 (de 0.02 para 45 mmol m-2 d-1). Os experimentos com acidificação mostraram efeitos similares: aumento do consumo médio de O2 e liberação de CO2, principalmente na areia. Houve diminuição nos processos de nitrificação em resposta à diminuição do pH. O estudo forneceu resultados importantes e inéditos sobre os processos biogeoquímicos em sedimentos costeiros da região de Ubatuba (SP), assim como os efeitos da acidificação dos oceanos nos processos biogeoquímicos em sedimentos costeiros. / Ocean acidification, a result of an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) anthropic emissions, has caused a change in the chemical balance of the carbonate system and a consequent pH decrease in the world\'s oceans. Approximately 30% of anthropogenic CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, which has already reduced the pH by ∼0.1 units in surface waters (with further reductions expected). The scale of \"tolerable\" pH changes is still uncertain for many organisms and little-known for biological processes, particulary for the sediment. This work aimed to quantify both the current rates of organic matter remineralization and nutrient fluxes at the sediment-water interface and the changes in those rates in response to different ocean acidification scenarios, using benthic incubation chambers both in situ and in the laboratory. The in situ studies and sample collections for laboratory experiments were performed via SCUBA in a shallow area near Ubatuba-SP (6-8 m deep). Incubation experiments showed high oxygen (O2) consumption, ranging from -17 mmol m-2 d-1 in July 2012 to -112 µmol m-2 d-1 in April and June 2013. They also exhibited a dominance of nitrification, with fluxes between 0.2 and 0,4 µmol m-2 d-1 (with no temporal variation). Incubations also exhibited a release of ammonium, with the highest fluxes (1.0 - 1.5 µmol m-2 d-1) in March, April and June 2013. In general, net heterothrophic processes prevailed over autotrophic processes for the study region. The interstitial water parameters (ammonium, phosphate, dissolved iron and total sulfides) exhibited no significant difference between the two kinds of sediment analyzed, silt (station 1) and sand (station 2). These results suggested that the processes occurring in the coastal sediments of Ubatuba are: (1) benthic remineralization mediated by bacterial biota, (2) nitrification prevailed over denitrification and (3) probably excretion by benthic organisms. The experiment in situ indicated an increase in the fluxes of O2 (from -70 to -108 µmol m-2 d-1) and CO2 (from 0.02 to 45 µmol m-2 d-1). The acidification experiments showed a similar effect: a higher O2 average consumption and CO2 release, mostly in the sandy sediment. A decrease in nitrification processes occurred in response to decreased pH. This work has provided a baseline for the biogeochemical processes in coastal sediments in Ubatuba (SP), as well as demonstrated the effects of ocean acidification on biogeochemical processes in coastal sediments.
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Efeitos da acidificação dos oceanos nos processos biogeoquímicos em sedimentos costeiros: experimentos in situ e em laboratório / Effects of ocean acidification on biogeochemical processes in marine sediments: In situ and laboratory experimentsBetina Galerani Rodrigues Alves 18 December 2014 (has links)
A acidificação dos oceanos, resultado do aumento das emissões de gás carbônico (CO2), por atividades antrópicas, vem causando uma mudança no equilíbrio químico do sistema carbonato e uma consequente diminuição do pH nos oceanos mundiais. Cerca de 30% das emissões antropogênicas de CO2 é absorvida pelo oceano, o que já reduziu o PH em 0,1 unidade em águas superficiais e são esperadas ainda maiores reduções. A escala de mudanças \"toleráveis\" de pH ainda é incerta para muitos organismos e pouco conhecida para muitos processos biológicos, particularmente no sedimento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar tanto as taxas atuais de remineralização da matéria orgânica e fluxos de nutrientes na interface água-sedimento, como as alterações nessas taxas em resposta a diferentes cenários de acidificação do oceano, usando câmaras de incubação bêntica tanto in situ como em laboratório. Os experimentos in situ e coleta de material para montagem dos experimentos em laboratório foram realizados através de mergulho autônomo, na área rasa de Ubatuba-SP (6-8 m de profundidade). As incubações mostraram alto consumo de O2, variando entre -17 mmol m-2 d-1 em Julho de 2012 e -112 mmol m-2 d-1 em Abril e Junho de 2013. Houve uma dominância da nitrificação, com fluxos entre 0.2 and 0,4 µmol m-2 d-1 (sem variação temporal). As incubações também mostraram fluxos positivos de amônio, sendo os mais altos (1.0 - 1.5 µmol m-2 d-1) observados em Março, Abril e Junho de 2013. No geral, os processos de heterotrofia líquida prevaleceram sobre os processos autotróficos na região de estudo. Esses resultados indicam que os processos que ocorrem nos sedimentos costeiros de Ubatuba são: (1) remineralização aeróbica bêntica, (2) processos de nitrificação maiores que denitrificação e (3) provável excreção de organismos bênticos. O experimento de acidificação in situ indicou um aumento nos fluxos de O2 (de 0.02 para 45 mmol m-2 d-1). Os experimentos com acidificação mostraram efeitos similares: aumento do consumo médio de O2 e liberação de CO2, principalmente na areia. Houve diminuição nos processos de nitrificação em resposta à diminuição do pH. O estudo forneceu resultados importantes e inéditos sobre os processos biogeoquímicos em sedimentos costeiros da região de Ubatuba (SP), assim como os efeitos da acidificação dos oceanos nos processos biogeoquímicos em sedimentos costeiros. / Ocean acidification, a result of an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) anthropic emissions, has caused a change in the chemical balance of the carbonate system and a consequent pH decrease in the world\'s oceans. Approximately 30% of anthropogenic CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, which has already reduced the pH by ∼0.1 units in surface waters (with further reductions expected). The scale of \"tolerable\" pH changes is still uncertain for many organisms and little-known for biological processes, particulary for the sediment. This work aimed to quantify both the current rates of organic matter remineralization and nutrient fluxes at the sediment-water interface and the changes in those rates in response to different ocean acidification scenarios, using benthic incubation chambers both in situ and in the laboratory. The in situ studies and sample collections for laboratory experiments were performed via SCUBA in a shallow area near Ubatuba-SP (6-8 m deep). Incubation experiments showed high oxygen (O2) consumption, ranging from -17 mmol m-2 d-1 in July 2012 to -112 µmol m-2 d-1 in April and June 2013. They also exhibited a dominance of nitrification, with fluxes between 0.2 and 0,4 µmol m-2 d-1 (with no temporal variation). Incubations also exhibited a release of ammonium, with the highest fluxes (1.0 - 1.5 µmol m-2 d-1) in March, April and June 2013. In general, net heterothrophic processes prevailed over autotrophic processes for the study region. The interstitial water parameters (ammonium, phosphate, dissolved iron and total sulfides) exhibited no significant difference between the two kinds of sediment analyzed, silt (station 1) and sand (station 2). These results suggested that the processes occurring in the coastal sediments of Ubatuba are: (1) benthic remineralization mediated by bacterial biota, (2) nitrification prevailed over denitrification and (3) probably excretion by benthic organisms. The experiment in situ indicated an increase in the fluxes of O2 (from -70 to -108 µmol m-2 d-1) and CO2 (from 0.02 to 45 µmol m-2 d-1). The acidification experiments showed a similar effect: a higher O2 average consumption and CO2 release, mostly in the sandy sediment. A decrease in nitrification processes occurred in response to decreased pH. This work has provided a baseline for the biogeochemical processes in coastal sediments in Ubatuba (SP), as well as demonstrated the effects of ocean acidification on biogeochemical processes in coastal sediments.
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