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L’accompagnement à l’autonomisation d’étudiants de tous niveaux : le cas des étudiants LANSAD de niveau A2/B1 en anglais en première année à l’université / Self-learning support : the case of LANSAD (non-specialist) French (ESP) students with an A2/B1 level of English in their first year at universityMacré, Nicola 07 February 2013 (has links)
La recherche que nous avons menée concerne l'articulation entre les dispositifs de formation en autonomie accompagnée et les conditions nécessaires aux étudiants LANSAD d'un niveau A2/B1 en anglais en première année à l'université pour rendre une expérience d'apprentissage potentiellement favorable à l'acquisition. Elle vise à les aider à retrouver "le bonheur" d'une formation en anglais et à opérer une rationalisation professionnelle qui tienne compte à la fois des besoins spécifiques des étudiants, des difficultés organisationnelles et des exigences de l'institution. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse selon laquelles un dispositif hybride de formation en autonomie accompagnée pouvait être accessible à des étudiants de niveau A2/B1 en anglais au même titre qu'à des étudiants de niveaux supérieurs, et pouvait mener à une formation "de qualité" si l'accompagnement proposé permettait l'aménagement de situations et de contextes entrant "en résonance" avec les dispositions des apprenants. Dans le cadre d'une recherche-Action en trois phases et à partir d'analyses qualitatives puis quantitatives, nous nous proposons, dans une première phase, d'identifier un certain nombre de variables qui favorisent ou bloquent le processus d'autonomisation pour ces étudiants. Ensuite, lors d'une deuxième phase, nous développons un dispositif qui tient compte de ces facteurs. Après une évaluation, nous proposons dans la phase trois une adaptation de la formation pour un plus grand nombre d'étudiants, et conformément au rôle de la recherche-Action nous mesurons la portée et les limites du dispositif et de son transfert vis-À-Vis de l'objectif fixé. Cela nous conduit à de nouvelles propositions. / The research that we have carried out concerns the link between a language learning self-Study environment and the conditions under which ESP first year university French students with an A2/B1 level of English are liable to improve acquisition. Its aim is to help them to "enjoy" learning English and operate a professional rationalization which takes into account the students specific needs, organizational difficulties and the institutions requirements. Our hypothesis is that a "blended" self-Learning environment can provide good quality language training and be accessible to these students, just as it is to be higher level students, if the support coincides with their sate of minds. The research-Action in three parts, based on qualitative and then quantitative data, begins with the identification of a certain amount of variables which favour or block the autonomisation process for these students. Then in the second part, a system is developped which takes these factors into account. After evaluation, in the third part, the transformations are adapted to accomodate a much larger number of students. In keeping with the action-Research cycles, suggestions to improve the environment developed are finally made.
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A Design Based Research On The Use Of A Blended Learning EnvironmentGedik, Nuray 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to examine and describe student and instructor experiences and perceptions of course design, and identify the critical issues regarding the use of a blended learning environment. A design based research (DBR) framework with qualitative approaches was carried out by collecting data from an undergraduate course offered to sophomores. The primary approach was phenomenology using the lens of heuristic inquiry. Interviews, questionnaires, documents, observation notes, instructor diary, and weekly reflection reports were the main data sources. Data were collected in three periods: preliminary study, pilot study, and actual implementation.
The results of instructor experiences revealed that instructor considerations for the analysis period centered on needs and context. The design and development considerations centered
on pedagogical approach, course materials and documents, course organization, interaction, and instructor-student roles. The enablers (benefits and opportunities) of the implementation period included arousing student interest and participation potentially more, having flexibility, saving time, tracking student progress more easily, and increased interaction, collaboration, and communication opportunities. The barriers (challenges and limitations) were increased workload, difficulties related to the course and time management, overlaps, and creating harmony among F2F and online environments. The students mentioned interaction and communication opportunities, increased motivation, opportunity to voice opinions, and reinforcement of learning as enablers of the blended learning environment. The barriers were increased workload, cultural and technical barriers and dependability of environments. The critical issues were found to be context, pedagogical framework, instructor competency, and technical issues.
It can be concluded that use of blended learning environments can be regarded as a paramount initiative for the higher education institutions by maximizing the enablers of both environments but also has its unique barriers to consider. The results also implied that it is the decisions on the instructional design approaches for creating balance in the course activities that is critical to blended learning environment designs.
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Teachers’ Views on Digital Tools in the English as a Second Language ClassroomJohansson, Wilhelm, Söderlund, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka lärares och elevers erfarenheter och syn på hur och varför digitala verktyg ska användas i det engelskspråkiga klassrummet för gymnasieskolan. Deras erfarenheter och syn på ämnet blev insamlade genom semi-formella, kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare, samt genom fokusgrupper med elever. Resultaten indikerar på ett flertal fördelar som ökar elevers prestation genom implementeringen av digitala verktyg. Dessa är bland annat individualisering, autonomi och ökat engagemang. Lärares implementering av digitala verktyg är beroende av en god lärarkompetens som i detta arbete baseras på TPACK-modellen. Denna består av de tre olika aspekterna, teknologisk-, innehåll- och pedagogisk kunskap, vilka alla måste behärskas för en optimal implementering av digitala verktyg. Lärarintervjuerna indikerar på att där är ett behov för en mer extensiv och djupgående fortbildning för att uppnå både ett större självförtroende och mer kunskap om hur och varför digitala verktyg ska användas. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate teachers’ and students’ experiences and views of how and why digital tools are used in the English as Second Language (ESL) classroom for upper secondary school. These experiences and views were collected by conducting semi- formal qualitative interviews with teachers, and focus group interviews with students. The results indicate numerous benefits for enhancing student performance by the implementation of digital tools such as individualization, autonomy, and engagement. Furthermore, the teachers’ implementation of the digital tools is dependent on a sufficient teacher competence, which is based on the TPACK-model, consisting of three different aspects technological-, content-, and pedagogical knowledge. These three all have to be mastered for an optimal implementation of digital tools. Lastly, the interviews with the teachers indicate that there is a demand for more extensive and thorough in-service training in order to achieve confidence and greater knowledge in how the digital tools are to be used.
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The Impact of Web-Based Tutorials in One Corporation's Transition to a Blended Learning EnvironmentBoyd, Michelle Anne 21 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
ELM Resources, a not-for-profit, mutual-benefit corporation, provides web-based transmission and data translation services for student loan data between loan providers and schools/universities. This corporation has a relatively new training staff of five to seven employees and over 1,800 client organizations. Because of the heavy demands placed on the training staff, ELM training administrators sought alternatives to their current training program of onsite training and web conferencing. Blended learning was identified as one possible solution. In this project, blended learning is defined as using a combination of face-to-face training and technology-delivered training. By adding web-based, on-demand tutorials, along with other training media, ELM hoped to increase access to training while keeping costs low. This project explores the impact of these tutorials on ELM and its clients. Reported are an interview with the Director of Training and several surveys distributed to school staff, lenders, and ELM training specialists. A critique of the project addresses the need for future research to collect performance data. Evaluation results indicate that the changes to the training program have established a positive relationship between ELM and its clients, and have given ELM a definite competitive edge. The advantages especially noted in the evaluation results include the usefulness of the tutorials as both a reinforcement of previous training and a self-testing tool, their brief and highly visual format which teaches one process at a time, and the convenience in accessing and using the tutorials. Disadvantages include the tutorial's inherent impersonal nature, the loss of the ability to ask questions, and lack of optional narration. This paper discusses unanticipated benefits to the trainers, such as the use of the tutorials within face-to-face training sessions, and to other ELM staff members, including Help Desk personnel. The decrease in training-related Help Desk calls after the introduction of the training changes suggests a positive impact on learning.
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La mise en place de dispositifs "hybrides" d'enseignement - apprentissage des langues en milieu universitaire. analyse didactique d'une recherche-action / Designing and setting up a SLA blended learning environment for French ESP learners. case study to investigate action research’s impact on learning and teaching practicesBrudermann, Cédric 07 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à analyser l’interaction des procédés d’enseignement et d’appropriation dans un univers didactique multipolaire [le tuteur, les aides en ligne, les conduites d’auto-apprentissage, etc.], afin de déterminer à quelles conditions l’utilisation d’un environnement mixte rend possible la mise en oeuvre d’expériences d’apprentissage potentiellement favorables à l’acquisition de l’anglais langue étrangère auprès d’un public LANSAD en milieu universitaire. L’ouverture de cette thèse est consacrée à l’apprenant. Etant donné que la mise en place d’un dispositif pédagogique donné revient à mettre à la disposition de ce dernier des outils visant potentiellement à le conduire vers une progression qualitative et quantitative en L-C 2, celui-ci y occupe une place centrale en tant qu’utilisateur. La deuxième partie vise à mettre en évidence comment les logiques de la DLC et de la RAL peuvent être conciliées pour transformer les diverses implications et pédagogiques tirées de la première partie en outils didactiques susceptibles d’influer positivement sur les mécanismes acquisitionnels des apprenants. Ces considérations sont réinvesties dans le cadre de la troisième partie, afin d’étudier à quelle[s] condition[s] un dispositif permettant a priori aux apprenants [ou d’élaborer à leur intention] des tâches [macrotâches] qui répliquent ou simulent les pratiques sociales observées et qui servent d’objectifs aux apprenants ou à l’institution [Demaizière et Narcy-Combes, 2005] peut être mis en place. Enfin, les pratiques apprenantes au sein du dispositif élaboré sont analysées à la lumière des conclusions tirées dans nos trois premières parties. / The perspective of this dissertation is to analyze how the teaching and learning processes are interacting in a multipolar environment [tutor, online help, learning strategies] in order to shed light on the conditions to which a numerical environment is liable to promote English as a foreign language and culture [hereinafter L-C 2] acquisition amongst ESP learners at university level. The first part of the dissertation deals with the learner. If the implementation of a pedagogical environment aims at providing him - her with tools enabling both a potential qualitative and quantitative progression in L-C 2, the learner indeed plays a central role within it, as a user. In order to achieve this objective, a reflection on the L-C 2 learning processes is necessary to take them into account, as far as possible, in the setting up of a pedagogical environment. The second part looks at how the considerations of SLA, second language learning and teaching and the pedagogical implications drawn from the first part can be linked up and turned into tailor-made tools liable to impact positively on the learners’ SLA processes. The third part is about pedagogical engineering with a particular emphasis on how both the pedagogical implications drawn from the first two parts and the various parameters inherent to a pedagogical setting can be taken into account to implement an L-C 2 blended learning environment. Eventually, action research is presented. This part aims at providing an analysis of the learning practices and of the multipolar interaction taking place within a blended environment and at assessing its potential in terms of SLA.
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Exploitation du potentiel d’Internet pour consolider l’intake dans l’apprentissage du FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) : quelles tâches proposées sur Internet pour améliorer l’acquisition chez des apprenants arabophones de FLE en Égypte ? / Designing online tasks to consolidate the intake and foster second language acquisition of Arabic-speaking learners of French as a foreign language in EgyptKhalil-Akil, Hagar 22 September 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche relève du domaine de la didactique des langues et plus particulièrement de l‘intégration d‘Internet dans l‘enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères (désormais L2). Elle se donne pour objectif de consolider l'intake et d‘améliorer l‘acquisition de L2 (ici le français) chez des apprenants de français, langue étrangère, à travers un dispositif hybride. Celui-ci est fondé sur des macro-tâches réalisées à distance et des micro-tâches administrées en présentiel. Ce dispositif s‘appuie également sur l‘exploitation du potentiel d‘Internet pour concevoir des tâches d‘apprentissage et pour créer un centre de ressources virtuel. Il a été conçu pour répondre aux difficultés particulières que rencontrent les apprenants lors de l‘appropriation de L2 et selon leurs besoins langagiers.Cette recherche-action a été menée en Egypte pour des arabophones égyptiens qui apprennent le français comme deuxième langue étrangère (FLE) au Centre Français de Culture et de Coopération (CFCC) au Caire. Elle m‘a conduite à élaborer ce dispositif hybride de tâches afin de vérifier l‘hypothèse générale de ma recherche qui stipule que les tâches d‘apprentissage fondées sur l‘exploitation du potentiel d‘Internet peuvent consolider l‘intake et améliorer l‘acquisition des apprenants de FLE. Ce dispositif m‘a permis de mettre en œuvre des expériences d‘apprentissage potentiellement favorables à l‘acquisition de L2 à travers la réalisation des macro-tâches à distance et des micro-tâches en présentiel. Celles-ci ont été administrées à travers notre centre de ressources en ligne.J‘ai donc conduit une série d‘études expérimentales destinées à évaluer le potentiel acquisitionnel de différentes tâches, réalisées avec des apprenants égyptiens de L2. La réalisation de ces tâches était en autonomie et/ou en collaboration, et sous différentes conditions. Elles avaient pour objectif de dénativiser, a priori, l‘intake des apprenants de L2 afin de les conduire, a posteriori, à un output compréhensible en L2. L‘exploitation d‘Internet m‘a donc permis de présenter aux apprenants un input authentique dans la conception des macro-tâches et de créer un centre de ressources virtuel pour la réalisation des micro-tâches.Grâce à la méthodologie suivie dans cette recherche, j‘ai pu valider mes hypothèses et rendre ces pratiques transférables à d‘autres contextes. Le contenu des tâches semble déterminant par rapport à leur valeur acquisitionnelle. J‘ajoute que les conditions et le contexte dans lesquels les tâches sont réalisées (la défaillance des technologies et du réseau Internet qui s‘imposent parfois sur le terrain) jouent évidemment aussi un grand rôle, et doivent en ce sens recevoir une attention égale dans la recherche en acquisition des L2. / The objective of this research, which lies within the field of language teaching and especially the integration of the Internet in the teaching/learning of foreign languages (Henceforth L2), is to enhance students‘ intake and improve L2 acquisition (French in this case) in French as a foreign language classes through a hybrid environment based on macro-tasks performed in distance and micro-tasks administered in class. This environment also relies on the exploitation of the Internet to design learning tasks and to create a virtual resource center in order to address the specific difficulties that students faced in their learning of the L2. This action research was conducted in Egypt for Egyptian Arabic-language students learning French as a foreign language (FFL) in the French Culture and Cooperation Centre (CFCC) in Cairo. It helped me develop this hybrid task environment to validate the general hypothesis of my research, which states that! learning tasks based on exploiting the Internet can reinforce the intake and improve the acquisition of FFL. This environment allowed me to implement learning experiences that are potentially favorable to the acquisition of L2 through the completion of macro-tasks performed in distance as well as micro-tasks performed in class. These tasks were administered through our virtual resource center. Therefore, Iconducted a series of experimental studies to assess different tasks‘ learnability when performed by Egyptian learners of L2. These tasks were completed independently and/or in collaboration, under various conditions. They were intended to first denativize the intake of L2 learners in order to then help them produce comprehensible output in the L2. The use of the Internet allowed me to present learners with authentic input in the planning and completion of macro-tasks and to create a virtual resource center for the production of micro-tasks. Thanks to the methodology applied in this research, I was able to validate my initial hypotheses and make this environment transferable and adaptable to other contexts as well. The content of the tasks is relative to its learnability. I would finally add that the conditions and context in which these tasks were performed (the failure of technology and Internet network, which may happen quite often in this setting) obviously played a bi! g role in their successful or unsuccessful completion and those factors must be given equal attention in L2 acquisition research.
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