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Kūno kultūros specialybės ir kitų specialybių studenčių fizinis savivaizdis ir požiūris į savo kūno kontrolę / The physical self-view and viewpoint to theyr body control of physical culture students and students from other specialitiesNarbutytė, Rita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama studenčių požiūris į savo kūno svorio kontrolę ir jai taikomas priemones,studenčių požiūrį į savo kūno vaizdą ir fizinį patrauklumą. Bus nustatomos sąsajos tarp objektyvių fizinio išsivystymo rodiklių ir subjektyvaus kūno vaizdo vertinimo. / The main of this study is to analise viewpoint of students to theyr body-weight control and mains applied, viewpoint to the view and attractiveness of theyr own body. Relations between objective physical development index and subjective body view assessment will be defined.
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Valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimas tarp moterų ir jį lemiantys veiksniai / The occurrence of eating disorders risk among leisure sport involved womenGaigalaitė, Laura 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimas.
Tyrimo problema: Valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimas tarp sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių moterų ir jį lemiantys veiksniai.
Yra tyrimų, rodančių, kad profesionaliai sportuojančios moterys susiduria su didesne valgymo sutrikimų rizika. Tyrimų tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių moterų yra atlikta mažiau. Todėl savo darbe siekėme patvirtinti, ar profesionaliame sporte randamos tendencijos reiškiasi ir tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių moterų. Savo tyrime analizavome 247 anketas (73 nesportuojančių ir 174 sportuojančių moterų). Anketą sudarė 47 klausimai, kurie buvo suskirstyti į demografinių veiksnių bloką, požiūrio į savo išvaizd����� ir kūno svorį bloką, valgymo sutrikimų rizikos nustatymo klausimų bloką, psichoemocinės būklės bloką ir klausimų, susijusiu su sportavimu ir jo motyvacija bloką.
Tikslas- nustatyti valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimą tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių
ir nesportuojančių moterų ir išanalizuoti jį lemiančius veiksnius.
1. Nustatyti valgymo sutrikimų rizikos paplitimą tarp laisvalaikiu sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių moterų bei nustatyti demografinių veiksnių sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimų paplitimu.
2. Išanalizuoti socialinių santykių ir psichoemocinių veiksnių sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimų rizika.
3. Nustatyti su sportavimu susijusių veiksnių sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimų rizika.
Tiriamieji klausimai: Ar sportuojančios moterys yra labiau linkusios į valgymo sutrikimų riziką ir kokie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objectives of work: the risks of eating disorders.
Problem of research: the spread of eating disorders along with physically active and non active women and the factors that determine the spread.
Aim of the work: to investigate the occurrence of eating disorders risk among physically active and non active women and to analyze predictors of eating disorder risk.
1. To conclude the connection between demographical factors and risk of eating disorder. To determine the occurrence of eating disorders risk in physically active and non active women.
2. To analyze the connection of social relations and psycho emotional factors with occurrence of eating disorder risk.
3. To determine the connection between physical activity and eating disorder risk occurrence.
Questions of research: is eating disorder risk higher among physically active women and what factors are related with the risk of eating disorders along with physically active and non active women.
1. The occurrence of eating disorders risk is higher among leisure sport involved women to compare noninvolved (p>0,05). Eating disorder risk is higher among young, single and poor educated women (p>0,05).
2. Women of lower self-esteem and unhappy are at higher risk of eating disorders (p<0,05). Family and friends teasing is not related with higher risks of eating disorders (p>0,05).
Women with suicidal thoughts are at higher risk of eating disorder (p<0,05).
3. Women involved in leisure... [to full text]
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The Relationship between Body Image and Sexual Functioning Among Partnered Heterosexual WomenBenson, Lindsay 25 August 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to determine whether evaluative body image, affective body image, and behavioural body image were predictive of women’s sexual desire, arousal and orgasm. Results are based on self-report and body composition data from 88 women (a subset of a larger data set including men) in heterosexual romantic relationships at the time of data collection. Hierarchical multiple regression indicated that poor evaluative, affective and behavioural body image were detrimental to women’s sexual functioning. Specifically, dissatisfaction with one’s body predicted decrements in desire (β = -.31, p <.05) and arousal (β = -.35, p <.01). Similarly, feeling that others evaluate one’s body negatively, predicted decrements in desire (β = .22, p <.05) and arousal (β = .35, p <.01). Feeling negatively about one’s appearance predicted decrements in arousal (β = .26, p <.05). Negative thoughts and feelings about one’s body that influence sexual behaviours (body image self-consciousness) predicted decrements in arousal (β = -.37, p <.01) and orgasm (β = -.25, p <.05). Implications for public health messages, treatment programs, sexual problem assessments and directions for future research are discussed. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
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Examining the Relationships between Recreational Physical Activity, Body Image, and Sexual Functioning and Satisfaction in MenBreuer, Rebecca 24 July 2013 (has links)
Few studies have examined the relationships between recreational physical activity, body image and sexuality simultaneously. Research has demonstrated that females experience poor body satisfaction to a greater degree than men (Faith & Schare, 1993; Feingold & Mazzella, 1998), however, studies focusing on male body image and sexuality are lacking (Lavender, 2011). The objective of the current study was to investigate the relationships between recreational physical activity, body image and sexual function and satisfaction in 849 emerging adult, heterosexual men. Results indicated that engagement in recreational physical activity predicted better body image but not sexual functioning or satisfaction. Better body image predicted greater sexual function and satisfaction, and sexual function predicted greater sexual satisfaction. Implications and future research are discussed.
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Jaunimo tapatumo raiška: „kūno vaizdo“ sutrikimo atvejis (sociologinė analizė) / Youth identity expression: "body image" disorder case (sociological analysis)Paskačienė, Ineta 04 January 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti jaunimo vertinimą apie tapatumo ir „kūno vaizdo“ nuokrypį valgymo sutrikimų kontekste.
Darbo uždaviniai: ištirti sociologinę tapatumo sampratą, jauno žmogaus tapatumo raidos ir raiškos bruožus; išnagrinėti vartotojiškos visuomenės iššūkius jauno žmogaus tapatumui ir vertybėms, įtaką „kūno vaizdo“ formavimui(si); išanalizuoti jauno žmogaus valgymo sutrikimų ypatumus bei atsiradimo priežastis ir pasekmes modernioje visuomenėje; atlikti sociologinį tyrimą, leidžiantį išsiaiškinti jaunimo požiūrį į valgymo sutrikimų, „kūno vaizdo“ ir asmens tapatumo sąsajas.
Tyrimo objektas: jaunimo tapatumo raiškos ir „kūno vaizdo“ sutrikimo valgymo sutrikimų kontekste.
Tyrimo dalykas: trijų informantų grupių ir vienos sergančiosios valgymo sutrikimų liga vertinimas.
Darbo metodai: Dokumentų analizė; anketinė apklausa ir interviu.
Teorinis tyrimo pagrindas. Jeigu visas gyvenimas panašus į teatrą, kaip teigia E. Goffman, o mes esame nuolatos susikoncentravę į vaidmenį, ar neiškyla pavojus prarasti savo tikrąjį Aš? Nepasimesti tarp įvairių visuomeninio elgesio šablonų, kuriuos mums primeta aplinka, kad patenkintume jos lūkesčius, mums padeda asmens tapatumas. Ši sąvoka išreiškia asmens gebėjimą apibūdinti save, atsakant į klausimą „kas aš esu?" ir gautus įvairius atsakymus derinti tarpusavyje. Asmens tapatumas nusako žmogaus vientisumą. Tyrimo aprašymas. Pasirinktas kokybinis tyrimas, nes jis leidžia giliau pažvelgti į trijų informantų grupių ir vienos informantės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the thesis is to analyze the evaluation youth about deviation of the identity and the “body image” in the context of eating disorders.
The goals of the thesis are to analyze sociological conception of identity, features of development and expression of a young person; to analyze challenges of the consumer-oriented society on the identity and values of a young man and influence on the “body image“ formation; to analyze peculiarities and causes of eating disorders of a young person and the outcomes in the modern society; to make a sociological research allowing to clear out the point of view of youth towards relations among eating disorders, the “body image” and personal identity.
The object of the analysis is expression of a young person and the “body image” in the context of eating disorders. The subject of the analysis is the evaluation of the three groups of informants and one group having eating disorders.
The methods of the thesis are the analysis of scientific, statistic and publicistic literature; questionnaire survey and interview.
Theoretical basis of the analysis. If the whole life is like theatre, as stated by E. Goffman, and we are always concentrated on a role, isn’t there a risk to lose the real I? In order not to get lost among various templates of social behavior, which are imposed by the environment in order to satisfy its expectations, the personal identity helps. This concept expresses the ability of a person to characterize him/her by... [to full text]
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The Meaning of Discontent: A Multi-method Qualitative Investigation of Women's Lived Experiences with Body DissatisfactionRoss, Erin 14 January 2014 (has links)
This study explored adult women’s lived experiences with body dissatisfaction. Using a multi-methods qualitative approach incorporating in-depth semi-structured interviews and arts-based projects, women between the ages of 20-39 engaged in a critical exploration of their body experiences in order to deepen understanding of the psychological construct of body dissatisfaction and its ongoing influence in their lives. Ten women from diverse social and ethnocultural backgrounds took part in the study, completing 1-2 interviews, an in-session drawing exercise, and a creative project. Interview transcripts, drawings, and creative projects were analyzed for themes using an hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Four core categories emerged from the data. The first category contained the women’s understanding of the experience and meaning of body dissatisfaction. The second category captured the external reinforcement of body dissatisfaction and related body beliefs. The third emergent category delineated the impact of body dissatisfaction on daily life, including body-self relationships and interpersonal relationships. The final category captured the difficulties the women encountered as they attempted to overcome their feelings of body dissatisfaction and their negative body beliefs. This research highlighted the complex and multidimensional meaning of body dissatisfaction in adult women’s lives.
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"I wanna be toned I don't want to be muscular" : dominant discourses and women's exercise choicesSheriff, Constance, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores how women who exercise regularly frame their involvement in
exercise with regard to discourses of femininity, fitness, consumerism, and healthism,
and how these contemporary discourses impact women’s exercise choices. Sixteen semistructured
interviews were conducted with women who exercise regularly. The objective
was to elicit detailed information about the types of exercise these women were involved
in, how they came to exercise in particular ways, and with what rationales. A Foucaultian
discourse analysis of the interview transcripts was undertaken to uncover commonalities
and differences in how the sometimes competing discourses of femininity, fitness,
consumerism, and healthism affect the types of exercise engaged in. By examining the
interplay between discourse, power/knowledge, surveillance, discipline, subjectivity, and
the resultant construction of normative feminine and health ideals, this thesis attempts to
determine how women are constructed, and construct themselves, as regular exercisers
and how this construction impacts the ways in which the women chose to exercise. / vii, 149 leaves ; 29 cm
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Do good looking people have an unfair advantage in the workplace?Ross, Praline. January 2010 (has links)
According to studies conducted by Mobius and Rosenblat (2003) attractive candidates are seen to be more productive in the workplace and would be rewarded for it by receiving higher remuneration than less attractive candidates who are just as qualified. The focus of this study revolves around suggestions that good looks play a major role in the workplace. In addition, Fryer and Kirby (2005) report that obese people earn less than people of
average weight with the same set of skills. This study aims to determine the extent to which good looks play a role in recruitment in the workplace and assess the extent to which looks are important to young managers as
opposed to older managers when recruiting employees. It also seeks to identify the extent to which looks play a role between male and female managers when recruiting staff and determine if and to what extent good looks give an interviewee an undue advantage. Lastly, it seeks to determine if and to what extent overweight candidates are discriminated against. The sample is segmented using both male and female managers in Durban as key
respondents of the questionnaire. The research aims to determine if good looks play an important role in Durban, not only in recruitment in the workplace, but also in the workplace as a whole. Interesting conclusions were drawn.
• 71% of the sample population agreed that good looks are based on one’s physical appearance.
• 71% agreed that good looking managers have confidence in themselves.
• 63% of respondents agree that managers are more tolerant of good looking people.
The response overall proved to be that good looking people certainly do have anunfair advantage in the workplace. / Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2010.
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The relationship of perceived sport competence, body attractiveness, physical self worth and social physique anxiety to girls' physical activity participation /Grisé, Suzanne M. January 1997 (has links)
Girls' participation in physical education, sport and other physical activity was examined relative to their levels of Perceived Sport Competence, Body Attractiveness, Physical Self Worth and Social Physique Anxiety. Two hundred and thirteen grade 11 girls from two co-educational and two single sex Toronto high schools completed questionnaires designed to assess physical activity participation and these psychological attributes. T-tests verified that there were no differences on the psychological measures between the two types of schools. On the basis of the girls' responses, they were divided into non, low, medium and high participant groups. The relationships between physical activity participation and the selected psychological measures were analyzed by Pearson correlations. Analysis of Variance's (participant groups x psychological construct) determined where differences existed among participant groups. The results revealed that high level participants had greater Perceived Sport Competence, Body Attractiveness, Physical Self Worth levels than the participants at the lower levels. Social Physique Anxiety was unrelated to physical activity participation. Perceived Sport Competence was the best predictor of participation.
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Kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor med psykiska funktionshinder / Body image at women with mental illnessStrömbom, Katarina January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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