Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bränslekostnader"" "subject:"lönekostnader""
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En plats att bo på? : hyresnivåernas nivåfluktuationer 1999 - 2007 / A place to live in? : the fluctuations in rental costs between 1999 - 2007Ibsen Göransson, Tomas January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the yearly expenses for Swedish rental apartments during the period 1999 to 2007. At the end, it will give the reader a general picture of how the cost-level has fluctuated depending on the production year when the apartment building was finished, and where the same building is located. This paper has the following questions as a starting point: - Can there be an identification of regions depending on where people tend to favor renting an apartment? - How are those regions distributed? That is, where are the cost-levels of the yearly rental expenses highest and where are the levels lowest? Nine statistical surveys from the Swedish government agency Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån) have been used as primary sources for this paper. These surveys deal with price pictures of housing in general, but for this paper the only information that has been used is the one about rental apartments. After analyzing the acquired data it can be established that the highest rental level is found in Stockholm, after that come Göteborg, which is followed by Larger municipalities and at the bottom Smaller municipalities can be observed as having the lowest amount of yearly rental expenses. There could also be observed two major raises in the rental expenses that were common in all four geographical categories in addition to the more even, but substantially smaller, raises that could be observed during the surveys course. The earliest raise could be found in the apartment buildings that were produced in Stockholm after the 1940-s. The same pattern could be followed in Smaller municipalities, Göteborg and Larger municipalities the following decades. The second major raise occurred in a simultaneous similar way in the apartment buildings that were produced during the 1980-s. In this case three of the regions that were in the survey, Stockholm, Göteborg and Large municipalities were found to have an unusual amount of raises in the rental expenses during this decade. The exception were Small municipalities whose rental expenses did not experience the same raise as the other categories in the apartment buildings that were produced until the first part of the 1990-s. The rental levels that were extracted from the surveys made by Statistics Sweden are found as an appendix in the end of this paper.
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Traditionella och nya upplåtelseformer av bostadslägenheterArfwidsson, Linnéa, Warg, Alicia January 2018 (has links)
This essays main focus is to further develop the understanding and describe six different types of tenure. The essay investigate similarities and differences between the types of tenure on the Stockholm housing market. The most common types of leaseholds, ownership apartments, and rental apartments will be described but and also new types of leases will be described. Such as cooperative rental apartments, condominiums, low purchase price apartments and rental purchases. The latter two are new forms of types of ownership and have emerged as an attempt by developers to bring young adults and low-wage earners into the housing market. Firstly, The qQuestion formulations in this essay are constructed to investigate similarities and differences which exist between the different forms of submission. Secondly, the questions target what kind of current costs for housing and the non-recurrent costs for purchasing. Finally, the purposes for the introduction of the new forms of leasing. The study has been conducted through literature studies and also interviews with market developers. Therefore, based on the study questions, respondents have answered the basis for our presentation and discussion of a descriptive analysis of the various forms of submission. Based on the results of the study, it can be clarified that the rental apartments can be the most advantageous in terms of the cost. But then it is taken into account that the queue is about 10 years for getting an apartment. Further, the results indicate that individuals that has a capital and the opportunity to purchase a ownership apart, the queue isn’t a matter and the individual has an opportunity to make a profit or loss on a later sale of the residence. Taking account to amortization of loans, an ownership apartment can be most advantageous from an economic perspective. Condominiums has been found to have a relatively low fee but the monthly cost become relatively high depending on the high purchase price. The results of this study shows that co-operative rental apartments have been found to have a low monthly cost. But the problem is that they are bothered by a long queue and also that the individual is dependent of a input gains. The two new types of low purchase price apartments and rental purchases on the market are so newly established which makes it difficult to make an accurately interpret of their impact on the housing market today. / I denna uppsats beskrivs sex olika upplåtelseformer och undersöker likheter och skillnader dem emellan på Stockholms bostadsmarknad. Dels kommer de vanligaste upplåtelseformerna bostadsrätter och hyresrätter beskrivas men även nya upplåtelseformer såsom kooperativa hyresrätter, ägarlägenheter, låginsatslägenheter samt hyrköp. De två sistnämnda är nya upplåtelseformer som uppkommit som ett försök av aktörer att få in unga vuxna och låginkomsttagare på bostadsmarknaden. Frågeställningar som kommer tas upp i arbetet är vilka likheter och skillnader det finns mellan de olika upplåtelseformerna. Vilka olika fasta och löpande kostnader som uppkommer i de olika upplåtelseformerna samt vilka syften som finns med införandet av de nya upplåtelseformerna. Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer med aktörer har studiens frågeställningar besvarats och ligger till grund för presentation och diskussion av en beskrivande analys de olika upplåtelseformerna. Utifrån studiens resultat kan det konstateras att hyresrätten kan vara mest förmånlig med tanke på kostnaden, i beräkningarna bör det dock beaktas att kötiden är ungefär 10 år. Har individen ett kapital och möjlighet att förvärva en bostad är inte individen beroende av någon kötid, då finns det även möjlighet till att göra en vinst eller förlust på en senare försäljning av bostaden. Räknas amortering på lån bort kan en bostadsrätt vara mest fördelaktig från ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Ägarlägenhet har visat sig ha en relativt låg avgift men månadskostnaden har blivit relativt hög beroende av den höga köpeskillingen. Kooperativa hyresrätter har i vår studie visat sig ha en låg månadskostnad men besväras av en lång kötid och individen är beroende av ett kapital för att kunna bosätta sig i den upplåtelseformen. De två nya upplåtelseformerna låginsatslägenhet och hyrköp är så pass nyetablerade att de har varit vanskligt att göra en exakt tolkning av dess påverkan på bostadsmarknaden.
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Annedal – Boendekostnader i en helt ny stadsdel och sambandet med upplevd stadskvalitet / Annedal – Living expenses in a brand new neighborhood and the connection with perceived town qualityWestman, Charlotte January 2013 (has links)
Annedal is a brand new neighborhood in the Bromma part of Stockholm. The neighborhood construction has now reached its halfway point. When finished, 5000 people are estimated to live in Annedal. The focus for the new area is variation. Both housing co-operatives and rented apartments have been built and more are under construction. A study about the valuation of town quality in the Stockholm region was produced by the Stockholm County Council in 2011. The aim of the study was to develop the knowledge of what town qualities that are sought when purchasing housing co-operative. With the help of the study’s result they hope to meet the needs of the city planning for the future. "The valuation of town quality in the Stockholm region" has received criticism for being too limited in their approach and not considering the individual values and also only focusing their research on housing co-operatives. For this reason I chose to analyze if rental apartment tenants base their valuation of town quality on the same basis as the housing co-operatives. I also wanted to know how much the ongoing construction affected the residents’ perceived town quality. The opportunity to compare rental tenants living expenses with housing co-operative owners was also taken. In order to gather this information I have interviewed residents of Annedal. The result I reach is that the residents of Annedal base their valuation of the town quality on the same basis, no matter how they live. The construction affects the perceived perception of attractiveness in a negative way. Of the household’s disposable income, an average of 26 % of is paid for housing. There is in reality no significant difference in this between housing co-operative owners and rental tenants. / Annedal är en helt nybyggd stadsdel i Bromma. Byggnationen av området har nu nått halvvägs. När Annedal är klart beräknas 5000 människor bo i området. Fokus i den nya stadsdelen är variation. Här finns och byggs bostadsrätter, hyresrätter och kooperativa hyresrätter. En studie togs 2011 fram av Stockholms läns landsting om värdering av stadskvaliteter i Stockholmsregionen. Studien syftar till att utveckla kunskapen om vilka stadskvaliteter som efterfrågas vid köp av bostadsrätt . Med hjälp av denna studies resultat hoppas de kunna möta det behov som framtidens stadsplanering medför. "Värdering av stadskvaliteter i Stockholmsregionen" har fått kritik för att vara för begränsad och inte ta hänsyn till de individuella värdena samt ha för snäv fokus genom att endast titta på bostadsrätter. Därför valde jag att undersöka om hyresgäster värderar stadskvaliteten på samma grunder som bostadsrättsägarna. Dessutom ville jag ta reda på om den pågående byggproduktionen i området påverkar de boendes värdering av stadskvaliteten. Jämförelse mellan boendekostnader för bostadsrättsägare och hyresgäster var också en intresseväckande fråga som jag valde att behandla i denna uppsats. För att få tag i denna information så har jag intervjuat boende i Annedal. Resultatet jag kommit fram till är att Annedalsborna värderar stadskvaliteten på samma grunder, oavsett boendeform. Byggproduktionen påverkar stadsdelens attraktivitet på ett negativt sätt. Av hushållets disponibla inkomst så erläggs årligen i genomsnitt 26 % av denna på boendekostnader. Skillnaden mellan hyresgäster och bostadsrättsägare i detta avseende visade sig inte vara betydande.
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