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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The finite element method analysis for assessing the remaining strength of corroded oil field casing and tubing

Szary, Tomasz 08 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Um die Betriebssicherheit von Förder- und Speicherbohrungen auch nach langjährigem Einsatz zu gewährleisten, ist eine sorgfältige Untersuchung und Einschätzung von Schadensstellen angezeigt. Insbesondere sind dabei die Beanspruchungen der ausgewählten Rohrabschnitte für den weiteren Betrieb zu untersuchen und die Sicherheitsreserven sind nachzuweisen. Für eine spezielle Bewertung von detektierten Korrosionsstellen in der Untertagekomplettierung besonders in Futterrohren, müssen numerische Berechnungen angewandt werden. Es wurde eine Berechnungsprozedur auf Basis der Finite Element Methode entwickelt. Damit wurden umfangreiche Rechnungen für Ölfeldrohre mit Korrosionsmulden durchgeführt. Die erfolgreiche Anwendung des FEM-PS für die Festigkeits- und Stabilitätsberechnungen von ungeschwächten Ölfeldrohren und die Ergebnisse der Nachrechnung der verschwächten Rohre erlaubten die Schlussfolgerung, dass auch Rohre mit Korrosionsmulden richtig modelliert, nachgerechnet und bewertet werden können.

Wellbore completion monitoring using fiber optic distributed strain sensing

Lipus, Martin Peter 12 March 2020 (has links)
Bohrlochintegrität ist unerlässlich für die erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Produktion und Injektion von Fluiden aus Reservoirgesteinen, wie beispielsweise bei der Nutzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen, Geothermie oder Standorten für geologische Speicherung. Um die Integrität einer Bohrung über seine Lebenszeit zu gewährleisten, ist vor allem eine erfolgreiche primäre Komplettierung nötig. Besonders die Zementation der Rohre stellt dabei ein großes Risiko dar, weil durch die natürlichen Gegebenheiten im Bohrloch viele Faktoren Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung und Verteilung der Zementsuspension haben. Diese Studie untersucht das Monitoring-potenzial von faseroptischer ortsverteilter Dehnungsmessung DSS (distributed strain sensing). Ergänzend zu faseroptischer ortsverteilten Temperaturmessung DTS (distributed temperature sensing), welche seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten in der Industrie Anwendung findet, kann jeder Ort einer Glasfaser zusätzlich Informationen über den mechanischen Spannungszustand geben. Experimentelle und analytische Arbeiten wurden durchgeführt, um die Auswirkung von Laständerungen auf einer Faser zu quantifizieren. Desweiteren wurde der Einfluss komplexer mehrschichtiger Bohrlochkabel auf Dehnungsmessergebnisse untersucht. Ein faseroptisches Messkabel wurde im Zuge dieser Arbeit im Ringraum entlang der Produktionsrohrtour einer Bohrung installiert. Die gemessenen Geländedaten zeigen Ergebnisse aus zwei Arbeitsschritten der Fertigstellung der Bohrung - der Filterverkiesung und der Zementation. Aufgrund der Dichtedifferenz von Kies und Bohrspülung wurde am Kabel ein Dehnungseffekt gemessen. Die Teufe, in welcher der Dehnungseffekt auftritt, korreliert mit Wireline Gamma-Gamma-Dichtedaten, welche im gleichen Zeitfenster gemessen wurden. Die anschliessende Kompaktion des Kieskopfes wurde durch das Glasfaserkabel in Form einer zunehmenden mechanischen Belastung erfasst. Während der anschliessenden Zementation der Rohrtour wurde ein Dehnungseffekt in der Mischzone von Flüssigkeiten mit unterschiedlichen rheologischen Eigenschaften gemessen. Anhand eines Experiments konnte bestätigt werden, dass fluidrheologische Parameter (wie die Fluidviskosität) mit einem faseroptischen Messkabel quantifiziert werden können. Hierfür werden Fluidscherspannungen gemessen, welche durch das Fliessen von Fluiden an der Kabeloberfläche hervorgerufen werden (amtliches Zeichen zur Patentanmeldung: EP 19171265.2). DSS-Messungen erweiten das Verständnis von Fluidverdrängungsvorgängen in Bohrlöchern und ermöglichen eine Beurteilung von Komplettierungsvorgängen in Echtzeit. / Borehole integrity is fundamental for the successful and sustainable utilization of hydrocarbons, geothermal energy and sites for geological storage. The success of the primary well completion is necessary to ensure the integrity of a well over its lifetime. In particular, the casing cementation represents a great risk because many factors have an influence on the composition and distribution of the cement suspension due to the natural conditions in the borehole. This study investigates the monitoring potential of fiber-optic distributed strain sensing (DSS) using a measurement cable which is installed in the annulus of a well. Similar to distributed temperature sensing (DTS), which is used for temperature monitoring in industry applications for more than two decades, fibers additionally convey information about their mechanical stress state. Laboratory as well as analytical work was performed to quantify the effect of load changes on a fiber. In addition, the influence of complex multilayered downhole cable on the strain response is examined. The presented field data shows results from two stages of the well completion - the gravel packing and the cementation. Due to the difference in density of gravel and drilling fluid, a deformation is measured on the cable. The depth at which the stretching effect occurs correlates with wire-line gamma-gamma density data measured in the same time window. The subsequent compaction of the gravel head, which was not revealed by the logging measurement, was detected by the fiber optic cable in the form of an increasing mechanical load on the cable. During cement pumping, fluid shear stresses create a measurable load on the cable, especially in the mixing zone of liquids with dfferent rheological properties. Based on this observation, an experiment was designed and conducted which aims at measuring fluid rheological parameters such as fluid viscosity. For this purpose, the fluid shear stresses acting on the fiber optic sensing cable in the flow path are measured (patent application number: EP 19171265.2). DSS measurements extend the understanding of fluid displacements in wellbores and allow an assessment of well completion process in real time.

The finite element method analysis for assessing the remaining strength of corroded oil field casing and tubing

Szary, Tomasz 14 December 2007 (has links)
Um die Betriebssicherheit von Förder- und Speicherbohrungen auch nach langjährigem Einsatz zu gewährleisten, ist eine sorgfältige Untersuchung und Einschätzung von Schadensstellen angezeigt. Insbesondere sind dabei die Beanspruchungen der ausgewählten Rohrabschnitte für den weiteren Betrieb zu untersuchen und die Sicherheitsreserven sind nachzuweisen. Für eine spezielle Bewertung von detektierten Korrosionsstellen in der Untertagekomplettierung besonders in Futterrohren, müssen numerische Berechnungen angewandt werden. Es wurde eine Berechnungsprozedur auf Basis der Finite Element Methode entwickelt. Damit wurden umfangreiche Rechnungen für Ölfeldrohre mit Korrosionsmulden durchgeführt. Die erfolgreiche Anwendung des FEM-PS für die Festigkeits- und Stabilitätsberechnungen von ungeschwächten Ölfeldrohren und die Ergebnisse der Nachrechnung der verschwächten Rohre erlaubten die Schlussfolgerung, dass auch Rohre mit Korrosionsmulden richtig modelliert, nachgerechnet und bewertet werden können.

Numerical Investigations of Shallow Geothermal Applications Interacting with the Subsurface Environment

Meng, Boyan 08 March 2023 (has links)
Bei oberflächennahen geothermischen Anwendungen kommt es zu Temperaturveränderungen im Untergrund, um Wärme zu gewinnen oder zu speichern. Die dadurch verursachten thermischen Auswirkungen können die thermischen, hydraulischen und chemischen Bedingungen des Untergrunds verändern und sich auf die Systemleistung auswirken. Die Situation wird noch komplizierter, wenn die Grundwasserleiter unterschiedlich gesättigt sind und eine Verunreinigung des Untergrunds vorliegt. In dieser Arbeit werden vollständig gekoppelte Wärme- und Stofftransportmodelle angewandt, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen oberflächennahen geothermischen Anwendungen und der unterirdischen Umgebung besser zu charakterisieren. Es werden drei verschiedene Szenarien untersucht. Zunächst werden die thermischen Auswirkungen und die Nachhaltigkeit einer intensiven oberflächennahen geothermischen Nutzung in einem Wohngebiet über einen Zeitraum von 24 Jahren bewertet. Überwachungsdaten des Standorts werden in das Modell integriert, und die Bedeutung standortspezifscher Kenntnisse für die Planung wird hervorgehoben. Zweitens wird der gekoppelte Feuchtigkeits- und Wärmetransport eines Erdwärmespeichersystems (BTES) untersucht. Es wird eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt und die Wärmeentzugsefzienz zwischen verschiedenen Szenarien verglichen. Bei Austrocknung oder starker Gasphasenkonvektion werden signifkante Änderungen im Wärmetransportverhalten erwartet. Drittens wird ein nichtisothermes Drei-Komponenten-Zweiphasenströmungsmodell abgeleitet und mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode implementiert. Die Validierung des numerischen Modells bestätigt seine Fähigkeit, die gekoppelte Strömung sowie den Wärme- und Stofftransport in einem ungespannten Grundwasserleiter zu simulieren, der einem BTES-Betrieb ausgesetzt ist. Insbesondere wird das Potenzial für die thermisch verstärkte Verflüchtigung von Trichlorethylen (TCE) in wässriger Phase bewertet. Da durch die Wärmezufuhr eine Auftriebsströmung induziert wird, nimmt die Verringerung der Schadstoffmasse erheblich zu und erreicht nach fünf Jahren mehr als 70 %. Die in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können durch die Verbesserung ihrer ökologischen und ökonomischen Leistungen zu einer breiteren Akzeptanz von Technologien der flachen Geothermie beitragen. / Shallow geothermal applications induce temperature changes in the subsurface for heat extraction or storage purposes. Their induced thermal impacts may alter the thermal, hydraulic, and chemical conditions of the subsurface and feedback on the system performance. The situation is further complicated in variably saturated aquifers and when subsurface contamination exists. In this work, fully coupled heat and mass transport models are applied to improve the characterization of interaction between shallow geothermal applications and the subsurface environment. Three different scenarios are investigated. First, the thermal impact and sustainability of intensive shallow geothermal exploitation in a residential area is evaluated over a 24-year period. Monitoring data from the site is integrated into the model and the importance of site-specifc knowledge for planning is highlighted. Second, the coupled moisture and heat transfer of a soil borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) system is explored. A sensitivity analysis is performed and the heat extraction efciency is compared among various scenarios. Signifcant changes in the heat transport behavior are expected when drying out or strong gas phase convection occurs. Third, a non-isothermal three-component two-phase flow model is derived and implemented with the fnite element method. Validation of the numerical model confrms its ability to simulate the coupled flow, heat and mass transport in an unconfned aquifer subject to BTES operation. In particular, the potential for thermally-enhanced volatilization of aqueousphase trichloroethylene (TCE) is assessed. As buoyant flow is induced due to heat injection, reduction of the contaminant mass grows considerably, reaching more than 70% after fve years. The fndings obtained from this thesis can contribute to a wider adoption of shallow geothermal technologies through the enhancement of their environmental and economical services.

Untersuchungen zur Bohrungsintegrität sowie dem Gasverhalten von Wasserstoff in Salzkavernen unter Berücksichtigung variabler Randbedingungen

Kirch, Martin 19 May 2023 (has links)
Salzkavernen gelten als vielversprechende Möglichkeit Wasserstoff unter Tage zu speichern. Da aktuell keine Salzkaverne zur kommerziellen Wasserstoffspeicherung in Deutschland existiert, wurden Forschungsvorhaben initiiert, um offene Fragen in diesem Bereich zu klären. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Bestimmung der Dichtheit eines ausgewählten technischen Bohrungsbarriereelements: der letzten zementierten Rohrtour. Laborative Permeabilitätsmessungen stellen eine Möglichkeit dar, den Nachweis der Dichtheit zu erbringen. Zur Messung der Permeabilität werden zwei Versuchsanlagen gebaut, die auf einem instationären Messprinzip basieren. Mit Hilfe dieser Anlagen wird die Durchlässigkeit von Einzelmaterialproben und Verbundproben bestehend aus Steinsalz, Anhydrit, Zementstein und Futterrohr bestimmt und bewertet. Zur Auswertung der Versuche wird eine Software programmiert, die die eindimensionale Strömungsgleichung mit Hilfe der Finiten-Volumen-Methode numerisch löst. Die Arbeit beschreibt die weltweiten Erfahrungen im Bereich untertägiger Wasserstoffspeicherung. Weiterhin wird der Stand der Technik von Permeabilitätsmessungen dargestellt und die Eigenschaften des verwendeten Messverfahrens beschrieben. Mit Hilfe der Auswertung von Dichtheitstest kann gezeigt werden, dass die Anlagen zum Nachweis niedrigster Permeabilitäten geeignet sind. Das grundliegende mathematische Modell und dessen numerische Approximation wird hergeleitet. Die numerischen Fehler und der Modellfehler werden mit Hilfe einer Genauigkeitsanalyse bestimmt. Über die Analyse der Messunsicherheiten der Eingangsparameter erfolgt eine Abschätzung der Messunsicherheit der berechneten Permeabilität. Die Ergebnisse der Permeabilitätsmessungen zeigen, dass der untersuchte Zementstein dichte Verbunde mit Steinsalz und Futterrohr gegenüber Wasserstoff ausbilden kann. Als wichtigste Einflussgröße auf die Permeabilität wird der Effektivdruck identifiziert. Ein Einfluss der Messgase (Wasserstoff und Methan) auf das Strömungsverhalten kann, mit Ausnahme des Klinkenberg-Effekts, nicht nachgewiesen werden. Erfahrungen aus dem Bereich der Erdgasspeicherung sind prinzipiell auf die Wasserstoffspeicherung übertragbar. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen sind in die Erstellung eines Leitfadens zur Errichtung von Wasserstoffkavernen für Genehmigungsbehörden und zukünftige Investoren eingeflossen.

Well testing in gas hydrate reservoirs

Kome, Melvin Njumbe 13 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Reservoir testing and analysis are fundamental tools in understanding reservoir hydraulics and hence forecasting reservoir responses. The quality of the analysis is very dependent on the conceptual model used in investigating the responses under different flowing conditions. The use of reservoir testing in the characterization and derivation of reservoir parameters is widely established, especially in conventional oil and gas reservoirs. However, with depleting conventional reserves, the quest for unconventional reservoirs to secure the increasing demand for energy is increasing; which has triggered intensive research in the fields of reservoir characterization. Gas hydrate reservoirs, being one of the unconventional gas reservoirs with huge energy potential, is still in the juvenile stage with reservoir testing as compared to the other unconventional reservoirs. The endothermic dissociation hydrates to gas and water requires addressing multiphase flow and heat energy balance, which has made efforts to develop reservoir testing models in this field difficult. As of now, analytically quantifying the effect on hydrate dissociation on rate and pressure transient responses are till date a huge challenge. During depressurization, the heat energy stored in the reservoir is used up and due to the endothermic nature of the dissociation; heat flux begins from the confining layers. For Class 3 gas hydrates, just heat conduction would be responsible for the heat influx and further hydrate dissociation; however, the moving boundary problem could also be an issue to address in this reservoir, depending on the equilibrium pressure. To address heat flux problem, a proper definition of the inner boundary condition for temperature propagation using a Clausius-Clapeyron type hydrate equilibrium model is required. In Class 1 and 2, crossflow problems would occur and depending on the layer of production, convective heat influx from the free fluid layer and heat conduction from the cap rock of the hydrate layer would be further issues to address. All these phenomena make the derivation of a suitable reservoir testing model very complex. However, with a strong combination of heat energy and mass balance techniques, a representative diffusivity equation can be derived. Reservoir testing models have been developed and responses investigated for different boundary conditions in normally pressured Class 3 gas hydrates, over-pressured Class 3 gas hydrates (moving boundary problem) and Class 1 and 2 gas hydrates (crossflow problem). The effects of heat flux on the reservoir responses have been addressed in detail.

Seismic Imaging of the Alpine Fault at Whataroa, New Zealand

Lay, Vera 08 April 2021 (has links)
This thesis presents new insights into Alpine Fault structures at the drill site of the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP)-2B at Whataroa in New Zealand. Despite the challenging conditions for seismic imaging within a glacial valley filled with sediments and steeply dipping valley flanks, several structures related to the valley itself as well as the tectonic fault system are imaged. The Alpine Fault at the West Coast in New Zealand is a major plate boundary forming a significant geohazard as large earthquakes (magnitude 7-8) occur regularly and the next earthquake is expected relatively soon. A major effort has been made to study the fault characteristics through scientific drilling in the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP) Alpine Fault with the deepest DFDP-2B borehole located in the Whataroa Valley. A great variety of seismic data are newly acquired. First, the WhataDUSIE (Whataroa Detailed University Seismic Imaging Experiment) data set is a ~5 km long 2D profile acquired in 2011 prior to the drilling. As the 2D profile could not fully explain the 3D structures in the Whataroa Valley, an extended surface and borehole data set was acquired in 2016 after the drilling. This data set consists of shorter 2D lines (< 3 km), a dense 3D-array, and vertical seismic profiling (VSP) using the DFDP-2B borehole including the fibre-optic cable. 3D seismic data proved to be essential to understand the complex 3D structures of the glacial valley and the major fault. First-arrival travel time tomography and prestack depth migration (PSDM) are applied to obtain a P-wave velocity model and seismic images of the subsurface (<5 km). In this complex setting, the Fresnel volume migration (a focusing PSDM method) proved to best obtain structural information about the subsurface. Analysing the results of the seismic data processing, two major outcomes are achieved: improved knowledge about the glacial structures of the Whataroa Valley and structural images of the Alpine Fault zone. The Whataroa Valley is an overdeepened glacial valley with details of the basement topography visible in the seismic images. A deep trough is identified south of the DFDP-2B borehole with horizontal layering of the sediments. Valley flanks are identified in both the seismic images and the P-wave velocity model, particularly the western valley flank. Thus, Quaternary and glacial processes can be analysed with the help of the newly derived seismic images. The Alpine Fault is directly imaged with the seismic data, which is the first time in this region at shallow depths (<5 km). Several shorter fault segments between depths of 0.2 km and 2.2 km dipping 40-56° to the southeast are directly imaged. Further identified reflectors and faults are interpreted to represent Alpine Fault structures in the form of a damage zone and induced faults adding further complexity to the fault zone. In conclusion, the 3D seismic results presented in this thesis provide new insights into the Whataroa subsurface. Hence, the new results form a good basis for a deeper understanding of the Alpine Fault structures and underlying processes which is important for potential future drilling but also for the estimation of the geohazard in the region.

Well testing in gas hydrate reservoirs

Kome, Melvin Njumbe 16 January 2015 (has links)
Reservoir testing and analysis are fundamental tools in understanding reservoir hydraulics and hence forecasting reservoir responses. The quality of the analysis is very dependent on the conceptual model used in investigating the responses under different flowing conditions. The use of reservoir testing in the characterization and derivation of reservoir parameters is widely established, especially in conventional oil and gas reservoirs. However, with depleting conventional reserves, the quest for unconventional reservoirs to secure the increasing demand for energy is increasing; which has triggered intensive research in the fields of reservoir characterization. Gas hydrate reservoirs, being one of the unconventional gas reservoirs with huge energy potential, is still in the juvenile stage with reservoir testing as compared to the other unconventional reservoirs. The endothermic dissociation hydrates to gas and water requires addressing multiphase flow and heat energy balance, which has made efforts to develop reservoir testing models in this field difficult. As of now, analytically quantifying the effect on hydrate dissociation on rate and pressure transient responses are till date a huge challenge. During depressurization, the heat energy stored in the reservoir is used up and due to the endothermic nature of the dissociation; heat flux begins from the confining layers. For Class 3 gas hydrates, just heat conduction would be responsible for the heat influx and further hydrate dissociation; however, the moving boundary problem could also be an issue to address in this reservoir, depending on the equilibrium pressure. To address heat flux problem, a proper definition of the inner boundary condition for temperature propagation using a Clausius-Clapeyron type hydrate equilibrium model is required. In Class 1 and 2, crossflow problems would occur and depending on the layer of production, convective heat influx from the free fluid layer and heat conduction from the cap rock of the hydrate layer would be further issues to address. All these phenomena make the derivation of a suitable reservoir testing model very complex. However, with a strong combination of heat energy and mass balance techniques, a representative diffusivity equation can be derived. Reservoir testing models have been developed and responses investigated for different boundary conditions in normally pressured Class 3 gas hydrates, over-pressured Class 3 gas hydrates (moving boundary problem) and Class 1 and 2 gas hydrates (crossflow problem). The effects of heat flux on the reservoir responses have been addressed in detail.

Development and testing of alternative methods for speeding up the hydraulic data transmission in deep boreholes

Berro, Mouhammed Jandal 15 February 2019 (has links)
For developing the available hydrocarbon reserves and for exploring new reservoirs, deeper and more complex wells are drilled. Drilling such deeper and complex wells requires a constant monitoring and controlling of the well paths. Therefore, the bottom hole assembly, the lower section of the drill string above the drill bit, is equipped with numerous measuring sensors for collecting geological and directional data while drilling. The collected data have to be transmitted to the surface in real time. Prior to transmit the data measured downhole to the surface, they are processed and translated into a binary code. Accordingly, the data will be represented as a series of zeroes and ones. The most common method for data transmission in boreholes is the so called mud pulse telemetry which sends the information through the drilling mud inside the drill string by means of coded pressure pulses. There are two types of devices available for downhole pressure pulses generation. The first type is the (positive or negative) pressure pulser which transmits the data by quasi-static variations of the pressure level inside the drill string. The second type is the (rotating or oscillating) mud siren which transmits the data by generating continuous pressure waves at specific frequencies. The main disadvantage of the mud pulse telemetry is its low data transmission rate which is about 10 bps. This data rate is very low compared to the measured amount of raw data. Therefore, the efficiency of the mud pulse telemetry must be improved, so that the data could be transmitted at higher rates. The present research work presents different developed and tested concepts for increasing the efficiency and the data transmission rate of the mud pulse telemetry. Both, the transmitter and the receiver end, were taken into consideration by developing the new concepts. Different hardware and software tools were used for performing the present research work. The available flow loop test facility and the experimental prototypes of the mud siren and positive pulser were used. The test facility was extended in order to enable the investigation of the new concepts. The available 3D numerical model (ANSYS CFX) was modified and extended in order to study the new concepts. At the transmitter end, a novel concept for a hybrid mud pulse telemetry system was developed and successfully tested. Here, two different types of mud pulse telemetry could be used in a combination, such as a mud siren and a pressure pulser. The developed concept was registered at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for a patent in 2018. Two concepts for a multi-frequency mud siren were developed for simultaneous generation of two frequencies. In the first approach, two sets of stator/rotor were installed in a row connection, while they were installed in a parallel connection in the second approach. The two concepts were registered at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for patents in 2015. An experimental multi-frequency generator was built and used for testing of several new ideas, such as transmitting the data using several carrier frequencies at the same time, transmitting the data with different wave forms (sine, sawtooth, triangle and rectangle), or transmitting the data using the chirp modulation. The innovative design of the experimental multi-frequency generator was registered at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for patents in 2016. At the receiver end, two different methods for processing and analyzing the received multi-frequency signals using the Wavelet and Fourier analysis were drafted and tested. A novel concept for the use of a multi-sensor receiver was developed and successfully tested. The use of a multi-sensor receiver could strongly improve the detection of the received signals.:Table of Contents Declaration ii Abstract iii Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vi List of Abbreviations x List of Symbols xii CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1 CHAPTER 2 Modern Drilling Technology and Low Data Transmission Rate as a Limitation 5 2.1 Introduction to the modern drilling technology 5 2.1.1 Directional drilling technology 5 2.1.2 Steering technology 6 2.1.3 Measuring technology 8 2.1.4 Technology of data transmission in boreholes 9 2.2 Low data transmission rate as a problem with respect to the whole drilling process 13 CHAPTER 3 Fundamentals of Communication Technology 16 3.1 Modulation techniques for data transmission in baseband 16 3.2 Modulation techniques for data transmission in passband 17 3.3 Multiple frequency and chirp spread spectrum modulation techniques 19 3.4 Digital signal processing 21 3.4.1 Fourier transformation 21 3.4.2 Continuous wavelet transformation 23 3.4.3 Filtering 24 CHAPTER 4 State of the Art for Mud Pulse Telemetry Systems 26 4.1 Historical development of mud pulse telemetry including latest improvements applied for increasing its data transmission rate 26 4.2 Available types of mud pulse telemetry devices 30 4.2.1 Negative pulser 31 4.2.2 Positive pulser 32 4.2.3 Mud siren 32 4.2.4 Oscillating shear valve 33 4.3 Limitations of data transmission via mud pulse telemetry 34 4.3.1 Effect of noise sources in the mud channel on the transmission signal 34 4.3.2 Effect of attenuation in the mud channel on the transmission signal 36 4.3.3 Effect of reflections and their interference with the main transmission signal 37 4.3.4 Pass and stop bands 38 4.4.5 Minimum transmission time slot 38 CHAPTER 5 Novel Concepts and Tools for Increased Data Transmission Rates of Mud Pulse Telemetry 40 5.1 Transmitter end 41 5.1.1 Hybrid mud pulse telemetry (HMPT) 41 5.1.2 Multi-frequency generator 43 5.2 Receiver end 45 5.2.1 Investigation of the Wavelet analysis suitability for multi-frequency signal detection 45 5.2.2 Flexible placement of multi-sensor receiver 46 CHAPTER 6 Laboratory Test Facility and Used Hard and Soft Tools 49 6.1 Laboratory test facility for hydraulic data transmission in boreholes 49 6.2 Experimental prototypes of the pressure pulsers and mud siren 53 6.3 3D numerical simulation model for the test facility and mud siren 55 6.4 MATLAB software 58 CHAPTER 7 Hybrid Mud Pulse Telemetry (HMPT) System 59 7.1 Combination of mud siren and negative pressure pulser 60 7.2 Combination of mud siren and positive pressure pulser 63 7.3 Evaluating the laboratory investigations of the hybrid mud pulse telemetry (HMPT) system 66 CHAPTER 8 Mathematical and Numerical Investigation of the Concept of the Multi-Frequency Mud Siren 68 8.1 Preliminary considerations for the concept of the multi-frequency mud siren 69 8.2 Mathematical model investigation of different approaches for the multi-frequency mud siren concept 71 8.2.1 Multi-frequency mud siren with stators and rotors in a row 72 8.2.2 Multi-frequency mud siren with parallel connection of stators and rotors 74 8.3 Numerical model investigation of multi-frequency mud siren with two sets of stator/rotor in a row 77 8.3.1 Numerical simulations for data transmission with a multi-frequency mud siren using two carrier frequencies 79 8.3.2 Evaluation of the simulation results 81 8.3.3 Increasing the transmission reach of the mud siren for deep drilling operations 83 CHAPTER 9 Laboratory Investigations of Multi-Carrier Hydraulic Data Transmission Using an Experimental Multi-Frequency Generator 85 9.1 Laboratory multi-carrier frequency transmission tests 87 9.2 Investigation of the Wavelet analysis suitability for the detection of multi-frequency signal transmitted in boreholes 95 9.3 Initial investigations of hydraulic data transmission using chirp modulation and different pressure wave forms 100 9.3.1 Data transmission using chirp modulation (Chirp Spread Spectrum, CSS) 100 9.3.2 Data transmission using different wave forms 101 CHAPTER 10 Investigation of the Use of a Multi-Sensor Receiver for Improving the Hydraulic Data Transmission in Boreholes 104 10.1 Numerical model investigation of the use of a multi-sensor receiver 104 10.1.1 Data transmission using single-input and multiple-output (SIMO) 104 10.1.2 Data transmission using multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) 107 10.2 Laboratory investigations of the use of a multi-sensor receiver 108 10.3 Evaluating the use of a multi-sensor receiver for improving the hydraulic data transmission in boreholes 112 CHAPTER 11 Conclusion and Outlook 116 11.1 Conclusion 116 11.2 Outlook 120 References 122 List of Figures 129 List of Tables 136 List of Publications 137 List of Patents 138 Appendix- Chapter 7 139 Appendix- Chapter 8 141 Appendix- Chapter 9 142 Appendix- Chapter 10 146

Combination of Borehole Seismic and Downhole Logging to Investigate the Vicinity of the COSC‑1 Borehole in Western Scandinavia

Krauß, Felix 05 July 2018 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden bohrlochseismsiche Messungen sowohl mit Bohrlochmessungen als auch mit oberflächenseismischen Messungen ausgewertet und verglichen um das bohrlochnahe Umfeld der Forschungsbohrung COSC-1 (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides) zu beschreiben. Die bohrlochseismischen Daten zeigen deutlich hohe Reflektivität und seismische Anisotropie der erbohrten geologischen Einheit, der Seve-Decke. Diese Decke zeichnet sich durch einen häufigen Wechsel von mafischen und felsischen Gesteinen aus, welcher auch durch eine Clusteranalyse der Bohrlochmessungen deutlich wird. Die Ergebnisse der Clusteranalyse korrelieren gut mit den seismisch abgebildeten Untergrundstrukturen und den seismischen Geschwindigkeiten. Abschließend wurde die virtual source method als Beispiel der seismischen Interferometrie an einem Teildatensatz erfolgreich getestet. Mit dem Ansatz wurde eine künstliche Messgeometrie mit seismischen Quellen und Empfängern im Bohrloch erzeugt, welche eine gute Datenqualität aufzeigen. / In this thesis, the vicinity of the scientific borehole COSC-1 (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides) is investigated by the combination of a borehole seismic survey with downhole logging data and a surface seismic survey. The borehole seismic data show a significantly higher reflectivity and seismic anisotropy within the drilled geological unit, the Seve Nappe. This nappe is characterised by frequent changes of mafic and felsic lithologies that are also highlighted by a cluster analysis. The results of the cluster analysis correlate well with structures of the subsurface as imaged by the surface seismic survey and with seismic velocities. Additionally, the virtual source method as example for seismic interferometry is applied to a data subset. This approach created a virtual survey geometry with seismic sources and receivers within the borehole and a good data quality.

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