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Estudo dos riscos apresentados pelos radioisótopos após serem submetidos aos efeitos da detonação de um artefato explosivo / Study of risks presented by radioisotopes be submitted after the effects of detonation an explosive deviceGiovaninni, Adriano 16 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tratou do estudo dos riscos apresentados pelos radioisótopos após serem submetidos aos efeitos da detonação de um artefato explosivo. O estudo permitiu a obtenção de dados baseados em pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais, cálculos e softwares, possibilitando análises das consequências resultantes de artefatos explosivos contendo radioisótopos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção de conhecimentos quanto à potencialidade destrutiva do explosivo denominado emulsão, composto principalmente por nitrato de amônia, bem como das propriedades do cobalto, iodo e do irídio que farão parte da carga destes explosivos. Supomos que à emulsão fossem acrescentadas as atividades de 1,5.102 TBq de cobalto-60, 3,7.10-3 TBq de iodo-131 e 3,7 TBq de irídio-192 que são suas atividades representativas em radioterapia, medicina nuclear e gamagrafia respectivamente. Avaliamos a progressão da pluma radioativa a partir do epicentro da explosão, possibilitando análises dos valores das doses, da distribuição e do alcance, a partir do epicentro, dos radioisótopos estudados. A simulação da progressão da pluma radioativa foi realizada por cálculos e simulação computacional fazendo uso dos programas Blast/FX Explosive Effects Analysis Software e The HotSpot Health Physics Codes - Version 2.07.2. No trabalho só foram estudadas as doses resultantes da exposição externa considerando que todo material radioativo volatizou. Foi deixado para estudos futuros calcular as doses internas e no pulmão bem como as doses resultantes de estilhaços radioativos produzidos na explosão. / This job devotes to the study of the radioisotopes risks, after the effects of an explosion of an explosive device. This study developes data based on bibliographies, documents, calculation and also software, and as a result, could provide analysis of an explosive device blast with radioisotopes. The purpose of this work is to provide knowlegde about the potencial destructive result of a blast of an explosive called emulsion, made with ammonia nitrate, and also with cobalt properties, iodine and iridium of a explosive charge. To this emulsion were added activities of 1,5.102 TBq of Cobalt-60, 3,7.10-3 TBq of iodine-131 and 3,7 TBq of iridium-192. Such activities are seen in radioterapy, nuclear medicine and gamagraphy. It could consider the radioative plume progress from the blast epicenter, in order to analyse the value of the dose, the distribution and the distance from the epicenter of the radioisotope studied. The simulation of the radioative plume progress was made with calculation and computer software, such as Blast/FX Explosive effects analysis software and The Hotspot health physics Codes version 2.07.2. In this study was only possible to check the doses from the external effects, to consider the fact that all radioative material result in volatization. It´s important to say that we left for future studies the calculation of the internal doses and inside the lung, and also the doses of the radioative shrapnel from the blast.
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Estudo dos riscos apresentados pelos radioisótopos após serem submetidos aos efeitos da detonação de um artefato explosivo / Study of risks presented by radioisotopes be submitted after the effects of detonation an explosive deviceAdriano Giovaninni 16 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tratou do estudo dos riscos apresentados pelos radioisótopos após serem submetidos aos efeitos da detonação de um artefato explosivo. O estudo permitiu a obtenção de dados baseados em pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais, cálculos e softwares, possibilitando análises das consequências resultantes de artefatos explosivos contendo radioisótopos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção de conhecimentos quanto à potencialidade destrutiva do explosivo denominado emulsão, composto principalmente por nitrato de amônia, bem como das propriedades do cobalto, iodo e do irídio que farão parte da carga destes explosivos. Supomos que à emulsão fossem acrescentadas as atividades de 1,5.102 TBq de cobalto-60, 3,7.10-3 TBq de iodo-131 e 3,7 TBq de irídio-192 que são suas atividades representativas em radioterapia, medicina nuclear e gamagrafia respectivamente. Avaliamos a progressão da pluma radioativa a partir do epicentro da explosão, possibilitando análises dos valores das doses, da distribuição e do alcance, a partir do epicentro, dos radioisótopos estudados. A simulação da progressão da pluma radioativa foi realizada por cálculos e simulação computacional fazendo uso dos programas Blast/FX Explosive Effects Analysis Software e The HotSpot Health Physics Codes - Version 2.07.2. No trabalho só foram estudadas as doses resultantes da exposição externa considerando que todo material radioativo volatizou. Foi deixado para estudos futuros calcular as doses internas e no pulmão bem como as doses resultantes de estilhaços radioativos produzidos na explosão. / This job devotes to the study of the radioisotopes risks, after the effects of an explosion of an explosive device. This study developes data based on bibliographies, documents, calculation and also software, and as a result, could provide analysis of an explosive device blast with radioisotopes. The purpose of this work is to provide knowlegde about the potencial destructive result of a blast of an explosive called emulsion, made with ammonia nitrate, and also with cobalt properties, iodine and iridium of a explosive charge. To this emulsion were added activities of 1,5.102 TBq of Cobalt-60, 3,7.10-3 TBq of iodine-131 and 3,7 TBq of iridium-192. Such activities are seen in radioterapy, nuclear medicine and gamagraphy. It could consider the radioative plume progress from the blast epicenter, in order to analyse the value of the dose, the distribution and the distance from the epicenter of the radioisotope studied. The simulation of the radioative plume progress was made with calculation and computer software, such as Blast/FX Explosive effects analysis software and The Hotspot health physics Codes version 2.07.2. In this study was only possible to check the doses from the external effects, to consider the fact that all radioative material result in volatization. It´s important to say that we left for future studies the calculation of the internal doses and inside the lung, and also the doses of the radioative shrapnel from the blast.
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Hiroshima: a catástrofe atômica e suas testemunhas / Hiroshima: the atomic attack and its witnessesNakagawa, Cristiane Izumi 25 August 2014 (has links)
Ao longo das duas Guerras Mundiais, observou-se o rompimento da humanidade com as normas de conduta inauguradas pelo Iluminismo, legitimando a violência como algo intrínseco à sociedade moderna. Essa mudança de valores foi acompanhada pelo crescente investimento científico e tecnológico, que atingiu um elevado desenvolvimento durante o século XX e trouxe, como um de seus resultados, os maiores genocídios realizados pelos Estados autoritários em nome de seus interesses políticos e econômicos. A barbárie nos leva a considerar um elemento para a reflexão: as testemunhas. Essas corporificam a necessidade de um resgate da humanização, da retomada dos valores morais perdidos com a banalização da violência. Assim, o testemunho confronta a história e demonstra que o desenvolvimento tecnológico não é sinônimo de desenvolvimento humano. Pelo contrário, permitem questionar a verdadeira intenção das nações que, em busca de hegemonia, destroem maciçamente populações inteiras. Nesse contexto, emergem as seguintes questões: o que é o testemunho e qual a sua importância para a sociedade moderna? O que levou, historicamente, ao surgimento das testemunhas? Qual o contexto histórico que proporcionou o desenvolvimento da bomba atômica? Por que houve a necessidade, por parte das nações em guerra, de exterminarem milhares de pessoas, principalmente civis? Qual a consequência do rompimento das normas de civilidade pelas duas Guerras Mundiais? Para responder a essas perguntas, investigou-se o Museu Memorial da Paz de Hiroshima no que diz respeito a sua exposição permanente, seus objetivos no que se refere à luta contra o esquecimento da catástrofe atômica e à coleta de testemunhos. Após esse primeiro momento da pesquisa, procedeu-se ao estudo do contexto histórico que culminou nas atrocidades cometidas ao longo das duas Grandes Guerras, os resultados dos extermínios em massa para a sociedade moderna e, finalmente, o estudo sobre o trauma e o testemunho em relação aos sobreviventes do bombardeio atômico de Hiroshima / Throughout the two World Wars, a disruption between humankind and the standards of conduct inaugurated by the Enlightenment was observed, legitimizing violence as something intrinsic to modern society. This change in values was followed by the increasing scientific and technological investment, which reached a high development during the twentieth century and brought, as one of its results, the greatest genocides carried out by the authoritarian States on behalf of their political and economic interests. The barbarism leads us to consider an element for reflection: the witnesses. They embody the need for redemption of humanization and the resumption of the moral values, both lost in the trivialization of violence. Thus, the testimony confronts history and shows that technological development is not a synonymous for human development. On the contrary, they allow us to question the true intent of the nations that, in their quest for domination, massively destroy entire populations. In this context, the following questions arise: what is the testimony and what is its importance to modern society? Historically, what had led to the appearance of witnesses? What is the historical context that provided the development of the atomic bomb? Why was there the need, by the nations at war, to exterminate thousands of people, mainly civilians? What is the consequence of breaking the rules of civility by the two World Wars? To answer these questions, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum was investigated regarding its permanent exhibition, its goals regarding the struggle against forgetting the atomic disaster and the gathering of testimonies. After this first stage of the research, it was proceeded the study of the historical context that culminated in the atrocities committed during the two Great Wars, the results for modern society of the mass exterminations and finally, the study of trauma and testimony regarding the survivors of the Hiroshima atomic bombing
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Vi och muslimerna : En kvalitativ studie om hur muslimer porträtteras i två olika nyhetshändelser / We and the Muslims : A qualitative study of how Muslims are portrayed in two different news eventsOmerspahic, Magda, Sunesson, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
Previous research shows that Sweden has developed into a segregated society, although it has never been completely homogeneous. A greater integration led to vast number of diverse cultures and religions; therefore the Muslim custom came closer to the Swedish society. The purpose of this thesis is to study how Muslims were portrayed during the incident in Landskrona in March 29 2010 and the bomb threat in Gothenburg in October 31 2010. The study also focused on what Muslims themselves think about the news reporting that followed. We based our study on a qualitative textual analysis and a dialogue with selected people. Six news articles from various newspapers were analyzed and a total of eight persons were included in the dialogues. The study shows that news reporting has been simplified and misleading. During the incident in Lanskrona the newspapers headlined it as a murder even though the accused had not yet been sentenced at the time. Regarding the bomb threat in Gothenburg the suspects’ ancestry and family status was revealed, while it later turned out that they all were innocent. The participants in our selected group were critical of the content in the articles and felt that the media wrote about Muslims in a stereotypical and negative form of fashion.
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Bayesian Network Analysis of Radiological Dispersal Device AcquisitionsHundley, Grant Richard 2010 December 1900 (has links)
It remains unlikely that a terrorist organization could produce or procure an actual nuclear weapon. However, the construction of a radiological dispersal device (RDD) from commercially produced radioactive sources and conventional explosives could inflict moderate human casualties and significant economic damage. The vast availability of radioactive sources and the nearly limitless methods of dispersing them demand an inclusive study of the acquisition pathways for an RDD. A complete network depicting the possible acquisition pathways for an RDD could be subjected to predictive modeling in order to determine the most likely pathway an adversary might take. In this work, a comprehensive network of RDD acquisition pathways was developed and analyzed utilizing the Bayesian network analysis software, Netica. The network includes variable inputs and motivations that can be adjusted to model different adversaries. Also, the inclusion of evidence nodes facilitates the integration of real-time intelligence with RDD plot predictions.
A sensitivity analysis was first performed to determine which nodes had the greatest impact on successful completion of RDD acquisition. These results detail which portions of the acquisition pathways are most vulnerable to law enforcement intervention. Next, a series of case studies was analyzed that modeled specific adversarial organizations. The analysis demonstrates various features of the constructed Bayesian RDD acquisition network and provides examples of how this tool can be utilized by intelligence analysts and law enforcement agencies. Finally, extreme cases were studied in which the adversary was given the maximum and minimum amount of resources in order to determine the limitations of this model.
The aggregated results show that successful RDD acquisition is mostly dependent on the adversary’s resources. Furthermore, the network suggests that securing radiological materials has the greatest effect on interdicting possible RDD plots. Limitations of this work include a heavy dependence on conditional probabilities that were derived from intuition, as opposed to actual historical data which does not exist. However, the model can be updated as attempted or successful RDD plots emerge in the future. This work presents the first probabilistic model of RDD acquisition pathways that integrates adversary motivations and resources with evidence of specific RDD threats.
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Forward model calculations for determining isotopic compositions of materials used in a radiological dispersal deviceBurk, David Edward 29 August 2005 (has links)
In the event that a radiological dispersal device (RDD) is detonated in the U.S. or
near U.S. interests overseas, it will be crucial that the actors involved in the event can be
identified quickly. If irradiated nuclear fuel is used as the dispersion material for the
RDD, it will be beneficial for law enforcement officials to quickly identify where the
irradiated nuclear fuel originated. One signature which may lead to the identification of
the spent fuel origin is the isotopic composition of the RDD debris.
The objective of this research was to benchmark a forward model methodology
for predicting isotopic composition of spent nuclear fuel used in an RDD while at the
same time optimizing the fidelity of the model to reduce computational time. The code
used in this study was Monteburns-2.0. Monteburns is a Monte Carlo based neutronic
code utilizing both MCNP and ORIGEN. The size of the burnup step used in
Monteburns was tested and found to converge at a value of 3,000 MWd/MTU per step.
To ensure a conservative answer, 2,500 MWd/MTU per step was used for the
benchmarking process. The model fidelity ranged from the following: 2-dimensional pin
cell, multiple radial-region pin cell, modified pin cell, 2D assembly, and 3D assembly.
The results showed that while the multi-region pin cell gave the highest level of
accuracy, the difference in uncertainty between it and the 2D pin cell (0.07% for 235U)
did not warrant the additional computational time required. The computational time for
the multiple radial-region pin cell was 7 times that of the 2D pin cell. For this reason, the
2D pin cell was used to benchmark the isotopics with data from other reactors.
The reactors from which the methodology was benchmarked were Calvert Cliffs
Unit #1, Takahama Unit #3, and Trino Vercelles. Calvert Cliffs is a pressurized water
reactor (PWR) using Combustion Engineering 14??14 assemblies. Takahama is a PWR
using Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 17??17 assemblies. Trino Vercelles is a PWR using
non-standard lattice assemblies. The measured isotopic concentrations from all three of
the reactors showed good agreement with the calculated values.
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Identification and analysis of novel insect head patterning genesSiemanowski, Janna 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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France and the atomic weapon.Stevenson, Ian Garth. January 1965 (has links)
This thesis examines French policies and attitudes towards the problems of national defence in the nuclear age. Its purpose is to explain certain policy outputs in terms of reactions to an environment or milieu. [...]
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Minor Greene eller Major Greene? : En studie av berättarteknik, tematik och intertextualitet i Graham Greenes roman Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The Bomb Party / Minor Greene or Major Greene? : A study of narratology, theme and intertextuality in Graham Greene's novel Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The Bomb Partypaetau, robert henrik January 2013 (has links)
kandidat examen
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The atomic bomb and Hiroshima historical impact and teaching unit /Nicholson, Jack Bertrand. Wray, Harold J. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (D.A.)--Illinois State University, 1980. / Title from title page screen, viewed Feb. 24, 2005. Dissertation Committee: Harold Wray (chair), William Haddad, Mark Plummer, Charles Gray, Hibbert Roberts. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 281-306) and abstract. Also available in print.
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