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Analyse du contrôle allostérique et prédiction de structure pour une toxine de pathogène : l'apport des simulations de dynamique moléculaireSelwa, Edithe 25 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La protéine CyaA est un facteur de virulence majeur de Bordetella pertussis, impliqué dans la maladie de la coqueluche. Le domaine catalytique AC de CyaA est directement transféré dans la cellule hôte eucaryote, où il est activé comme adénylcyclase par la calmoduline, une protéine ubiquitaire et sensible aux ions calcium. Ainsi, AC transforme l'ATP en AMPc de manière incontrôlée, ce qui conduit à des dérèglements cellulaires. Seule la structure de AC complexé à la calmoduline chargée d'ions calcium avait été résolue par cristallographie aux rayons X. À partir de cette structure, des simulations de dynamique moléculaire de AC libre, et en complexe avec la calmoduline nous ont permis de caractériser l'effet de la calmoduline et des ions calcium sur la plasticité conformationnelle du complexe. Les tendances conformationelles de AC libre ont aussi été étudiées. L'analyse conjointe des influences énergétiques et des liaisons hydrogène a révélé un réseau d'interactions entre AC et la calmoduline, dans lequel trois résidus clés, susceptibles de jouer un rôle allostérique sur l'activité de l'adénylcyclase ont été modifiés par mutagenèse dirigée. Ces tests expérimentaux ont conduits à la mise en évidence d'une région allostérique qui assure la communication de l'information de transition conformationnelle entre le site de fixation de la calmoduline et le site catalytique. Une exploration conformationnelle plus approfondie de AC à l'état non-lié a été entreprise par une méthode innovante de dynamique accélérée par la température (TAMD). Elle nous a conduit à la prédiction de conformations échantillonnées de AC dans son état libre. Ces prédictions pourraient être utilisées à l'avenir pour stabiliser l'état libre et faciliter l'étude expérimentale de sa structure
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Identification Of The New Immunogenic Proteins Of Bordetella Pertussis By ImmunoproteomicsAltindis, Emrah 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The genus Bordetella contains several pathogenic species generally
associated with upper respiratory tract infections in warm-blooded animals.
Bordetella pertussis is the etiologic agent of whooping cough. Whooping
cough is presently one of the ten most common causes of death from
infectious diseases and reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to
cause 50 million cases and 350000 deaths worldwide per year, mainly among
unvaccinated individuals in poor countries.
The term proteome, in analogy to the term genome, was coined to describe
the complete set of proteins that an organism has produced under a defined
set of conditions. Proteomics has been used to identify novel bacterial
vaccine candidates against several human pathogens. Fueled by growing
DNA sequence information, the analysis of the proteome becomes a valuable
and useful tool for antigen discovery. Much of information about
immunogenic component can be derived from proteomics coupled to
Western blotting, namely immunoproteomics.
In the present study, we report first immunoproteomics analysis to identify
candidate antigens of B. pertussis for vaccine development. Different sera
from mice, which were immunized or challenged with B. pertussis, were
analyzed for reactivity by Western blot against whole cell extracts of B.
pertussis Tohama and Saadet strains separated by 2-DE.
We identified 15 immunogenic proteins of Bordetella pertussis as a total (60
kDa chaperonin, heat shock protein, serum resistance protein, putative
substrate-CoA ligase, ATP-dependent protease, preprotein translocase secA
subunit, S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, elongation factor Tu, RNA
polymerase alpha subunit, ketol-acid reductoisomerase, pertactin, lysyl-tRNA
synthetase, serum resistance protein, carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large
chain, 30S ribosomal protein S1 subunit), 6 of which being identified as
immunogenic in a pathogenic microbe (ATP-dependent protease, carbamoylphosphate
synthase large chain, lysyl-tRNA synthetase, putative chromosome
partition protein, preprotein translocase secA subunit, 30S ribosomal protein
S1 subunit) and 5 identified as immunogenic for Bordetella pertussis (RNA
polymerase alpha subunit, S-adenosylmethionine synthatase, putative
substrate-CoA ligase, elongation factor Tu, ketol-acid reductoisomerase) for
the first time.
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Assessment Of Immune Protective Capacity Of The Recombinant Iron-superoxide Dismutase (fesod) From Bordetella PertussisApak, Aycan 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious acute respiratory disease caused by the strict human pathogen Bordetella pertussis, a gram-negative coccobacillus. The worldwide mass-vaccination was started in 1940s and to date, a number of whole-cell (Pw) and acellular pertussis vaccine (Pa) formulations were developed. Yet the current vaccines are incapable of providing sustained, lifelong immunity and eliminating subclinical infections, which pose a threat especially for unimmunized infants as well as adolescents and adults. Thus, finding new protein candidates with high immune protective capacities is necessary to enhance the clinical efficacy of current acellular pertussis (Pa) vaccines.
In this study, iron-superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) protein was investigated for its capacity of conferring protectivity as well as stimulating humoral and cellular responses against B. pertussis infection in a mouse model. For this purpose, sodB gene, which encodes iron-superoxide dismutase FeSOD protein, was amplified from the genomic DNA of the universal B. pertussis strain &lsquo / Tohama I&rsquo / and sequentially cloned to pGEM® / -T subcloning and pET-28a(+) expression vectors. Afterwards sodb/pET28a(+) construct was introduced to E. coli BL21(DE3) cells and the gene was overexpressed therein via IPTG induction. The expressed FeSOD protein was then purified by affinity chromatography and its previously reported immunogenicity was confirmed by Western blot. After filter-sterilization, the protein was adsorbed to alum [Al(OH)3] adjuvant and introduced to BALB/c twice at three weeks intervals intraperitoneally at a concentration of 20 &mu / g purified FeSOD protein/mouse. Another group of mice were immunized in tandem with heat-inactivated whole-cell suspension of B. pertussis. Ten days after the second immunization, mice were intranasally challenged with the local &lsquo / Saadet&rsquo / strain of B. pertussis. Next the lungs of groups of mice were excised, homogenized and plated as serial dilutions on days 5, 8 and 14 post-challenge, and viable lung CFU counts were carried out. Whole cell immunization conferred complete bacterial clearance following B. pertussis intranasal infection while FeSOD immunization failed to attain such protection. In addition to the protectivity assay, ELISA was performed to assess the humoral (i.e. IgG) immune response triggered upon FeSOD- and whole-cell immunizations and a statistically significant increase in anti-FeSOD IgG production was observed in FeSOD-immunized group. Finally, cellular immune response was tested via cytokine (IFN-&gamma / ) assay, in which spleens of mice were excised, splenocytes were cultured and the level of IFN-&gamma / production upon FeSOD addition to the cultures was measured via ELISA. This test showed that whole-cell immunization triggered IFN-&gamma / production at significant levels while FeSOD-immunization did not / indicating the failure of alum-adsorbed FeSOD immunization in inducing cell-mediated immune response.
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Etude de la dynamique conformationnelle de FhaC, le transporteur membranaire de l'hémagglutinine filamenteuse de Bordetella pertussis / Conformational dynamics of FhaC, the TpsB transporter of filamentous hemagglutinin of Bordetella pertussisGuérin, Jérémy 30 September 2014 (has links)
La voie de sécrétion bactérienne de type V permet l’exportation à la surface cellulaire de protéines dont certaines ont été identifiées comme d’importants facteurs de la pathogénicité bactérienne. Le type V regroupe la sécrétion des autotransporteurs et la sécrétion à deux partenaires (TPS). Les autotransporteurs sont constitués d’un domaine en tonneau β; et d’un domaine passager. L’interaction de l’autotransporteur avec le complexe protéique Bam, dont la pièce centrale est le transporteur BamA, permet l’insertion dans la membrane externe du tonneau β; et la sécrétion du passager. En revanche, la sécrétion à deux partenaires fait intervenir deux protéines, l’une appelée TpsA correspondant à la protéine exportée et l’autre, TpsB, formant un tonneau β qui contrôle le transport à travers la membrane externe. Les protéines TpsB sont spécifiques à leur(s) TpsA associée(s), et font partie de la superfamille des transporteurs Omp85 qui effectuent l’insertion de protéines dans la membrane externe bactérienne comme BamA, et dans celles des organites eucaryotes dont les chloroplastes et les mitochondries. Au cours de mon doctorat, je me suis intéressé à la sécrétion de l’hémagglutinine filamenteuse (FHA), qui est l’adhésine majoritaire de Bordetella pertussis, l’agent étiologique de la coqueluche. Cette adhésine qui permet à la bactérie de coloniser le tractus respiratoire de l’hôte est une protéine TpsA de 220 kD. Elle est très efficacement sécrétée par la voie de sécrétion à deux partenaires grâce à son transporteur spécifique TpsB nommé FhaC. L’étude cristallographique de FhaC a révélé un tonneau β; à 16 brins qui forme un canal dans la membrane externe obstrué par l’hélice-α; amino-terminale, H1, partagée par la majorité des TpsB, et par une boucle de surface, L6, conservée dans la superfamille Omp85. Cette conformation suggère un état au repos dans lequel le canal bouché ne pourrait pas transporter son partenaire. Afin de comprendre comment la FHA transite à l’intérieur du pore, il est donc nécessaire de connaître les changements de conformations que subit FhaC. Durant mon travail de thèse, nous avons apporté une vision plus dynamique de la sécrétion à deux partenaires en utilisant le couple FHA/FhaC comme modèle d’étude. Pour cela nous avons utilisé principalement la Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (RPE). Cette technique de biophysique permet d’étudier FhaC en solution ou réincorporée dans une bicouche lipidique et de rendre compte de la mobilité à un site donné par l’utilisation de sondes paramagnétiques. Ainsi nous avons pu montrer que FhaC est en équilibre entre plusieurs conformations, avec H1 dans le pore ou du côté périplasmique de FhaC. La présence de la FHA déplace cet équilibre, favorisant ainsi la sortie de l’hélice hors du pore. Nous avons, par ailleurs, pu démontrer expérimentalement que la FHA transitait bien à l’intérieur du pore formé par FhaC et que l’hélice H1 se trouvait alors dans le périplasme. L’étude de la boucle L6 nous a permis de montrer que la mobilité de cette boucle était fortement contrainte à l’intérieur du pore même lors de la reconnaissance avec la FHA. Ce ralentissement de mobilité est lié, en autre, à une interaction avec un résidu d’un motif conservé présent sur le brin β13 qui influence la taille du pore. De manière plus générale, cette étude de la dynamique de FhaC contribue à la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de la voie TPS et des transporteurs de la superfamille Omp85. / Type V secretion in bacteria mediates the export to the cell surface of proteins, some of which have been identified as important factors of pathogenicity. Type V includes the secretion of autotransporters and the ‘Two-partner Secretion’ (TPS) pathway. Autotransporters consist of a β barrel domain and a passenger domain. The interaction of autotransporters with the Bam complex, of which the BamA transporter is the central component, allows the insertion of the β; barrel in the outer membrane and the secretion of passenger domain. In contrast, the two-partner secretion involves two proteins, the exported ‘TpsA’ protein and its TpsB partner that controls its transport across the outer membrane. TpsB proteins are specific to their associated TpsA(s) and belong to the superfamily of the Omp85 transporters, which carry out the insertion of proteins into the bacterial outer membrane, like BamA, or in the outer membranes of eukaryotic organelles including chloroplasts and mitochondria. For my PhD work, I have been interested in the secretion of filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), which is the major adhesin of Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. This adhesin allows the colonization by this bacterium of its host’s respiratory tract. This protein corresponds to a 220kD TpsA protein efficiently secreted by its specific transporter TpsB named FhaC. Crystallographic studies have revealed that FhaC harbours a 16-stranded β;-barrel occluded by both the N-terminal α;-helix, H1, shared by the majority of TpsB proteins, and by a surface loop, L6, that carries a conserved, hallmark motif of the Omp85 superfamilly. This conformation suggests that FhaC is in a resting state in which the channel does not transport its partner. To understand how the FHA passes through the FhaC pore, it is necessary to address the conformational changes undergone by FhaC. During my thesis work, we provided a more dynamic view of the TPS pathway using the FHA/FhaC couple as study model. For this we used Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). This biophysical technique allows to study of FhaC in solution or reincorporated into a lipid bilayer and it reports the mobility at specific sites of the protein by using paramagnetic probes. Thus we have shown that FhaC is in equilibrium between multiple conformations, with H1 in the pore or at the periplasmic side of FhaC. The presence of FHA displaces the conformational equilibrium, promoting the exit of the helix going from the pore. We have also experimentally demonstrated that FHA does transit through the pore formed by FhaC while helix H1 is then in the periplasm. The study of the L6 loop enabled us to show that the mobility of this loop is highly constrained in the pore and remains so upon the recognition of FHA. Its slow mobility is linked to an interaction between an invariant L6 residue and a conserved motif present on the β; strand 13 of the barrel. This interaction affects the size of the FhaC pore.More generally, the study of the dynamics of FhaC contributes to the understanding the molecular mechanisms of the TPS pathway and of transporters of the Omp85 superfamily.
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Immune resistance mechanisms of the Bordetella pertussis polysaccharide BpsFullen, Audra R. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv vápenatých iontů a cholesterolu na kanálotvornou aktivitu Adenylát-cyklázového toxinu / Effect of calcium ions and cholesterol on channel forming activity of Adenylate-cyclase toxinDoktorová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
1 Abstract Adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) is one of the major virulence factors of bacterium Bordetella pertussis, which is a causative agent of whooping cough. CyaA belongs to the family of RTX toxin-hemolysins. The toxin targets primarily cells expressing integrin receptor CD11b/CD18 but it can also penetrate cells lacking this receptor. CyaA acts on host cells by two independent activities. One is formation of small cation-selective channels, which can lead to colloid osmotic lysis of target cells. The second is disruption of cell signaling through the translocation of the adenylate cyclase (AC) domain to host cell cytosol, which leads to the conversion of ATP into cyclic AMP. It was recently shown that cholesterol affects endocytosis of CyaA. CyaA translocates it's AC domain after relocation of CyaA molecule to the cholesterol-rich lipid raft (Bumba et al. 2010). In this work I examined the effect of cholesterol on channel- forming activity and selectivity of ion channels created by CyaA. For measurements I used artificial membranes enriched with cholesterol. CyaA channels are voltage-dependent. The positive membrane potential on the side of toxin is rquired for incorporation of CyaA molecule into cell membrane. I tried to find out whether the value of voltage has effect on channels opening time....
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Role segmentu 400-500 v biologické aktivitě adenylát cyklázového toxinu bakterie Bordetella pertussis / Role of the segment 400-500 in biological activity of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxinSuková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The adenylate cyclase toxin-hemolysin (CyaA) plays a key role in virulence of the whooping cough agent Bordetella pertussis. It translocates an AC enzyme into cytosol of CD11b+ phagocytes and subverts their bactericidal functions by unregulated conversion of ATP to cAMP. In parallel, CyaA permeabilizes cellular membrane by forming cation-selective pores. The goal of my diploma thesis was an analysis of the mechanism of interaction of the segment linking the invasive adenylate cyclase domain and the RTX hemolysin moiety of CyaA with target membrane. Our data show that the segment linking the AC to the hydrophobic domain of CyaA is directly involved in the interaction of the toxin with the membrane and controls the formation of small cationt-selective pores. Our results generate new knowledge that will be of relevance to the entire field of toxin biology and will enable the design of improved CyaA- based vaccines. Keywords: Bordetella pertussis, adenylate cyclase toxin, membrane translocation, pore- forming activity, black lipid bilayers, liposomes
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Adenylát cyklázový toxin bakterie Bordetella pertussis, jeho konformace a iontová rovnováha v hostitelské buňce. / Adenylate cyclase toxin of Bordetella pertussis, its conformation and ion balance in host cell.Motlová, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
Adenylate cyclase (CyaA, ACT) toxin is one of the major virulence factors of Bordetella pertussis. Although CyaA binds to many types of membranes, it is assumed that the integrin CD11b/CD18 is its receptor which is expressed on the surface of myeloid cells. CyaA belongs to the family of RTX toxin-hemolysins. CyaA acts on the host cells by two independent activities. One of them is the conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP, which is catalyzed by adenylate cyclase (AC) domain after its translocation into the cytosol of the host cell, which leads to the entry of calcium cations into the host cell. Translocation is probably initiated by interaction of CyaA monomer with the target membrane. The second activity is the formation of CyaA channel selective for cations, which probably causes colloid osmotic lysis of target cells. The channel forming activity is provided by RTX hemolysin domain which most probably forms oligomers, although it was found that CyaA as a monomer causes leakage of potassium cations from the host cell. It is also not clear whether the oligomerization of CyaA would occur in solution, or after interaction with the host membrane. The aim of this study was to examine the flow of sodium ions on the membrane of murine macrophages J774A.1, which express integrin CD11b/CD18 on their surface....
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Impacto da imunização materna com Bordetella pertussis na resposta celular e nos níveis de anticorpos IgG séricos e IgA secretores adquiridos passivamente pelo recém-nascido / Impact of maternal immunization with Bordetella pertussis in cellular response and in serum IgG and secretory IgA antibody levels acquired passively by the newbornLima, Laila 08 August 2018 (has links)
A imunização materna com a vacina acelular para pertussis (dTpa) é uma intervenção adicional que visa fornecer proteção aos recém-nascidos (RN). No entanto, tem sido relatado que altos níveis de anticorpos adquiridos por transferência placentária podem afetar adversamente a resposta imune desses RN após a imunização ativa, devido ao mascaramento antigênico. Neste estudo, avaliamos a aquisição passiva neonatal de anticorpos específicos para pertussis e sua influência na resposta imune celular dos neonatos. A casuística foi composta por gestantes vacinadas com a vacina dTpa (grupo caso, n=66) ou por gestantes que não receberam a vacina (grupo controle, n=101). As concentrações de anticorpos IgG séricos específicos para Bordetella pertussis total (Bp), toxina pertussis (PT), hemaglutinina filamentosa (FHA) e pertactina (PRN) foram quantificadas em soro materno e de cordão umbilical de seu respectivo RN, e as concentrações de anticorpos IgA específicos para Bp e PT foram dosadas nas amostras de colostro por meio de ensaio imunoenzimático. A responsividade dos linfócitos do sangue neonatal foi avaliada após estimulação ex vivo com Bp inativada por citometria de fluxo com o intuito de detectar a proliferação, produção de citocinas e fenótipo de ativação dos linfócitos T em um contexto de altas concentrações de IgG específicas adquiridas após a vacinação materna. As concentrações de anticorpos IgG anti-Bp, PT, FHA e PRN foram maiores nas amostras de soro materno e de cordão umbilical do grupo caso quando comparadas ao grupo controle (p < 0,0001), com índices de correlação positivos em ambos os grupos para todos os antígenos estudados (p < 0,0001). As vacinações realizadas entre 26 e 31 semanas de gestação foram associadas com as melhores taxas de transferência placentária, embora índices significativamente menores foram detectados no grupo caso (p < 0,01). As concentrações de anticorpos IgA anti-Bp e anti-PT no colostro não foram afetadas pelo estado vacinal da parturiente. Os ensaios de cultura celular revelaram que os RN responderam ao estímulo com Bp, com maior expressão de CD40L, CD69 e proliferação de células T CD4, em comparação com células não estimuladas. Também foi observada uma menor resposta Th1, enquanto a resposta Th2 foi preservada, em comparação com os adultos, mas sem diferenças entre os grupos de neonatos em nenhum dos parâmetros estudados. Nossos resultados indicam que níveis mais altos de anticorpos IgG específicos para B. pertussis no soro dos RN após a vacinação materna não afetam a resposta imune neonatal mediada por células / Maternal immunization with pertussis acellular vaccine (Tdap) is an additional intervention that provides protection to newborns. However, it has been reported that high antibody levels acquired via placental transfer may adversely affect the immune response of newborns after active immunization due to epitope masking. In this study, we evaluated neonatal passive acquisition of pertussis-specific antibodies and their influence on the neonatal cell-mediated immune response. The sample consisted of pregnant women vaccinated with the Tdap vaccine (case group, n=66) or pregnant women who received no vaccine (control group n=101). Whole-cell Bordetella pertussis (Bp), pertussis toxin (PT), filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) and pertactin (PRN)-specific serum IgG concentrations were quantified in paired maternal-cord sera, and Bp- and PT-specific IgA concentrations were evaluated in colostrum samples by immunoenzymatic assay. Ex vivo neonatal blood lymphocyte responsiveness after inactivated Bp stimulation was assessed using flow cytometry to detect the proliferation, cytokine production and activation phenotype of T lymphocytes in the context of high specific IgG concentrations acquired after maternal vaccination. Anti-Bp, PT, FHA and PRN IgG antibody concentrations in maternal and cord serum samples from case group were higher than those in control group (p < 0.0001), with positive correlation indexes in both groups for all pertussis antigens (p < 0.0001). Vaccinations performed between 26 and 31 gestation weeks were associated with the best placental transfer ratios, although significantly lower ratios were detected in case group (p < 0.01). Anti-Bp and anti-PT IgA concentrations in colostrum were not affected by vaccine status. Cell culture assays revealed that newborns responded to Bp stimulation with higher expression of CD40L CD69 and CD4+ T cell proliferation compared to unstimulated cells. It was also observed a lower Th1 response, while a preserved Th2 response compared to adults, but there were no differences between neonatal groups for any of the studied parameters. Our results indicate that higher pertussis-specific IgG levels in newborn sera after maternal vaccination do not affect the neonatal cell-mediated immune response
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Impacto da imunização materna com Bordetella pertussis na resposta celular e nos níveis de anticorpos IgG séricos e IgA secretores adquiridos passivamente pelo recém-nascido / Impact of maternal immunization with Bordetella pertussis in cellular response and in serum IgG and secretory IgA antibody levels acquired passively by the newbornLaila Lima 08 August 2018 (has links)
A imunização materna com a vacina acelular para pertussis (dTpa) é uma intervenção adicional que visa fornecer proteção aos recém-nascidos (RN). No entanto, tem sido relatado que altos níveis de anticorpos adquiridos por transferência placentária podem afetar adversamente a resposta imune desses RN após a imunização ativa, devido ao mascaramento antigênico. Neste estudo, avaliamos a aquisição passiva neonatal de anticorpos específicos para pertussis e sua influência na resposta imune celular dos neonatos. A casuística foi composta por gestantes vacinadas com a vacina dTpa (grupo caso, n=66) ou por gestantes que não receberam a vacina (grupo controle, n=101). As concentrações de anticorpos IgG séricos específicos para Bordetella pertussis total (Bp), toxina pertussis (PT), hemaglutinina filamentosa (FHA) e pertactina (PRN) foram quantificadas em soro materno e de cordão umbilical de seu respectivo RN, e as concentrações de anticorpos IgA específicos para Bp e PT foram dosadas nas amostras de colostro por meio de ensaio imunoenzimático. A responsividade dos linfócitos do sangue neonatal foi avaliada após estimulação ex vivo com Bp inativada por citometria de fluxo com o intuito de detectar a proliferação, produção de citocinas e fenótipo de ativação dos linfócitos T em um contexto de altas concentrações de IgG específicas adquiridas após a vacinação materna. As concentrações de anticorpos IgG anti-Bp, PT, FHA e PRN foram maiores nas amostras de soro materno e de cordão umbilical do grupo caso quando comparadas ao grupo controle (p < 0,0001), com índices de correlação positivos em ambos os grupos para todos os antígenos estudados (p < 0,0001). As vacinações realizadas entre 26 e 31 semanas de gestação foram associadas com as melhores taxas de transferência placentária, embora índices significativamente menores foram detectados no grupo caso (p < 0,01). As concentrações de anticorpos IgA anti-Bp e anti-PT no colostro não foram afetadas pelo estado vacinal da parturiente. Os ensaios de cultura celular revelaram que os RN responderam ao estímulo com Bp, com maior expressão de CD40L, CD69 e proliferação de células T CD4, em comparação com células não estimuladas. Também foi observada uma menor resposta Th1, enquanto a resposta Th2 foi preservada, em comparação com os adultos, mas sem diferenças entre os grupos de neonatos em nenhum dos parâmetros estudados. Nossos resultados indicam que níveis mais altos de anticorpos IgG específicos para B. pertussis no soro dos RN após a vacinação materna não afetam a resposta imune neonatal mediada por células / Maternal immunization with pertussis acellular vaccine (Tdap) is an additional intervention that provides protection to newborns. However, it has been reported that high antibody levels acquired via placental transfer may adversely affect the immune response of newborns after active immunization due to epitope masking. In this study, we evaluated neonatal passive acquisition of pertussis-specific antibodies and their influence on the neonatal cell-mediated immune response. The sample consisted of pregnant women vaccinated with the Tdap vaccine (case group, n=66) or pregnant women who received no vaccine (control group n=101). Whole-cell Bordetella pertussis (Bp), pertussis toxin (PT), filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) and pertactin (PRN)-specific serum IgG concentrations were quantified in paired maternal-cord sera, and Bp- and PT-specific IgA concentrations were evaluated in colostrum samples by immunoenzymatic assay. Ex vivo neonatal blood lymphocyte responsiveness after inactivated Bp stimulation was assessed using flow cytometry to detect the proliferation, cytokine production and activation phenotype of T lymphocytes in the context of high specific IgG concentrations acquired after maternal vaccination. Anti-Bp, PT, FHA and PRN IgG antibody concentrations in maternal and cord serum samples from case group were higher than those in control group (p < 0.0001), with positive correlation indexes in both groups for all pertussis antigens (p < 0.0001). Vaccinations performed between 26 and 31 gestation weeks were associated with the best placental transfer ratios, although significantly lower ratios were detected in case group (p < 0.01). Anti-Bp and anti-PT IgA concentrations in colostrum were not affected by vaccine status. Cell culture assays revealed that newborns responded to Bp stimulation with higher expression of CD40L CD69 and CD4+ T cell proliferation compared to unstimulated cells. It was also observed a lower Th1 response, while a preserved Th2 response compared to adults, but there were no differences between neonatal groups for any of the studied parameters. Our results indicate that higher pertussis-specific IgG levels in newborn sera after maternal vaccination do not affect the neonatal cell-mediated immune response
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