Spelling suggestions: "subject:"botas®"" "subject:"botha®""
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Burbuja del Mapocho. Embarcación ocio temporal para la desconexión urbana en el río Mapocho.Morales Guzmán, Felipe January 2004 (has links)
El proyecto consiste en recuperar el río Mapocho como un elemento urbanístico de importancia para la ciudad, concretamente se plantea la colocación de esclusas o compuertas abatibles de manera de crear lagunas o espejos de agua durante determinados períodos de tiempo, y obras de canalización que permitan recuperar terreno al río, de manera de no solo mejorar el aspecto visual del río sino además generar espacios que permitan a los usuarios realizar distintas actividades, tanto en el río como en sus riberas.
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Artefacto naútico: embarcación para vivenciar la velocidadParraguez Illanes, Nicolás January 2006 (has links)
El presente proyecto, busca abordar la sensación de velocidad que buscan experimentar los navegantes a vela desde otra perspectiva. Pretende asumir esta relación simbiótica a partir de una nueva postura que le permite al navegante vivenciar la velocidad de otra manera, sin dejar de lado también que al zarpar, el navegante busca conectarse con si mismo, con el paisaje y la naturaleza.
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Mapukaylafken: — embarcación de exploración turística que extiende el uso y función de la bicicleta para poder navegar pedaleando en el lagoRocha, Aldrin January 2010 (has links)
Este proyecto se genera principalmente por mi pertenencia a la zona de Los Siete Lagos,
Panguipulli, por lo arraigado que me siento a esas tierras y entendiendo su creciente
potencial eco turístico. La zona de Los Siete Lagos, es una zona privilegiada por la
naturaleza en los paisajes que entrega, es un área de un infinito verde nativo, de bosques
milenarios subrayados por siete lagos que dan el nombre a la zona, todo esto sumado a la
imponente cercanía de la cordillera de los andes, le dan a este lugar un inmenso atractivo,
que ha sido cotizado y aprovechado cada vez más por el turismo tanto a nivel nacional
como internacional. Pero el turismo practicado acá no es del tipo invasivo ni explotador de la naturaleza,
sino al contrario, acá se busca dejar invadir por ella, explorarla y conocerla, es la esencia del
lugar y la razón por la que se mantiene, se busca en cualquier caso un turismo sustentable,
que se condice con el concepto primordial de vida de sus primeros y ancestrales habitantes,
los pueblos mapuches. Entre las actividades turísticas que se desarrollan en la zona, destacan rutas
exploratorias y de reconocimiento de la zona, como la Ruta del Jabalí y la Ruta de la Salud y
sin dejar de lado por supuesto la gran oferta de balnearios y playas que la zona ofrece, pero
casi negando la historia náutica de la zona, desde las primeras canoas hasta los vapores
de inicios de la ciudad, los deportes y actividades náuticas tanto lacustres como fluviales,
han sido hasta hoy poco desarrolladas.
Cabe también destacar la ruta de Los Siete Lagos, en la cual la idea es descubrir,
explorando los lagos y sus alrededores, esta ruta atrae turistas prácticamente de todo el
globo y consiste en recorrer vía terrestre y lacustre la zona.
Esta ruta normalmente es recorrida por vehículos motorizados que pueden ser
trasladados vía lacustre en el lago Pirehueico, camino al paso internacional Hua-Hum a
Argentina. Pero esta zona ha ido de a poco ganando renombre como destino a un turista
especial, uno que gusta de recorrer y conocer lugares especialmente naturales montados
en bicicletas, los llamados “Cicloturistas” que haciendo deporte descubren la aventura de
recorrer y descubrir con otro ritmo la belleza de la naturaleza y en este caso la zona de
Los Siete Lagos.
Para los cicloturistas, este recorrido es de por si un turismo aventura, un turismo de
intereses especiales para quienes se atreven y llegan pedaleando a la zona. Pero los
numerosos lagos de la zona, además de ser un gran atractivo y una razón para llegar, son
también un límite y un obstáculo para el recorrido de la ruta. Es aquí donde nace el proyecto,
donde se genera la oportunidad de ofrecer al cicloturista la ocasión de integrar los lagos a
la ruta y poder pedalearlos con un artefacto náutico que transfiera la tracción y dirección
de la bicicleta a una hélice y un timón.
Actualmente las actividades náuticas en la zona tienen muy poca incidencia
como fenómeno económico, ya que en su mayoría estas embarcaciones pertenecen a
particulares del sector, aportando en menor medida el arriendo de embarcaciones en las
playas principales. No hay que desconocer, sin embargo, actividades como el rafting y el canotaje que
desde hace un tiempo se han desarrollado en la zona y son, en definitiva, la única oferta
de turismo náutico del sector.
De esta forma se plantea el proyecto como una forma de extender las rutas turísticas
de exploración de la zona o dar pie al cicloturista a descubrir otras nuevas al integrarlas con
circuitos náuticos lacustres, ofreciendo así una nueva alternativa de turismo de intereses
especiales, aportando así al incipiente desarrollo turístico de la zona.
Actualmente en Chile el turismo de intereses especiales crece al orden del 15% anual,
mientras que el turismo tradicional lo hace al orden del 4% y atrae turistas de todo el
mundo, especialmente de Europa y Estados Unidos, turistas con un mayor poder adquisitivo
dispuestos a quedarse e invertir en nuevas experiencias turísticas en lugares favorecidos
por la naturaleza de los que Chile posee en abundancia, y que por consecuencia, dejan
muchas más divisas en los lugares visitados.
Recientemente con la creación de la nueva Región de los Ríos, se está impulsando
la zona de Los Siete Lagos como un eje de desarrollo turístico por el Gobierno Regional,
proyectando a convertir a Panguipulli como la potencia turística de la XIV región, apostando
a competir directamente con otros centros turísticos cercanos y consolidados como Pucón
o Puerto Varas.
Esto al menos es el objetivo para una zona que esta recién explotando su atractivo
turístico y este proyecto pretende de alguna forma aportar a dicho crecimiento, ofreciendo
un nuevo servicio turístico con una novedosa embarcación.
No obstante al uso y contexto que se plantea en el proyecto, se declara que esta
embarcación podría sin problemas navegar cualquier tipo de cuenca lacustre, haciendo
extensible su uso mas allá de solo la zona de los 7 lagos.
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'n Genealogiese studie van die Petrus Johannes-tak van die Botes-stam met besondere verwysing na die Weltevrede-plase in die distrik Prins AlbertBotes, Mariana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1988. / No Abstract Available
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Customer Loyalty and Employee Enthusiasm: An eclectic paradigm for strategic sales improvement at MB Silicon SystemsBotes, J.A. 31 January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine the role that customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm can play as a strategic objective to increase sales at MB Silicon Systems. In order to address these two factors from a strategic perspective, elements from various concepts have been used to gain a new understanding of customer loyalty, employee enthusiasm and strategy. The final goal of the study was to use the knowledge gained throughout the report to propose a management framework which can be implemented to give MB Silicon Systems a competitive advantage in its competitive industry.The literature review suggested that a strategy of customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm will result in above average financial performance. Customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm cannot be separated from each other and they are linked by leadership, the vision and core values of the organisation. It is not possible to achieve customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm without the proper formulation and execution of a strategy. Such a strategy needs to utilize core management tools like the Balanced Scorecard which will bridge the vision of the organisation with goal setting mechanisms of motivation. The Balanced Scorecard will ensure that strategic objectives of the organisation will be mapped into the Balanced Scorecard while employees will be rewarded according to achieved targets of these objectives.Surveys which were conducted with customers and employees have shown that MB Silicon Systems performs below international standards with respect to customer loyalty and that the organisation is failing with its existing strategy. The surveys have also shown that employees are demotivated. This state of demotivation results in a lack of teamwork and mistrust between employees. The lack of teamwork and mistrust is only the symptoms of organisational problems which need to be resolved by organisational redesign, implementation of management principles and healthy corporate governance. The low base of loyal customers and the demotivated state of employees is resulting in below average financial performance.A management framework was recommended that will transform a strategy of customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm by using proven management tools. Implementation of the framework will ensure a competitive advantage to MB Silicon Systems which will result in above average financial performance.
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Transmuting the mundane into transcendence : migrations of myth and its connection to contemporary comic booksOpperman, Susan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the human capacity of modifying established myth in the light of
new circumstances. It focuses on the changing status of myth and mythical cosmologies in
Western culture as advances in telematics and techno-culture has led to the abundant
proliferation of mythic content in modern society. The rise of scientific, secular and rational
tendencies in the Occident has resulted in the demystification and negation of some myths
and the cultural realities they once supported. Mythical symbols, however, do exhibit a
certain degree of independence from their original set ontologies, growing and
transforming continuously within contemporary culture as they are communicated to all
social spheres. A particular focus is placed on the demystification of myth and its ability to
be appropriated within other discourses, most notably fiction. As such, myth tends to
exhibit certain migratory and conservational qualities that this study investigates. This
serves as background for this thesis that is primarily located within the broader theoretical
argument of myth as a system of world-representation in society, the main point of
discussion is the re-appropriation of myth within the narrower field of visual signification,
specifically the comics medium, as exemplified in the works of Neil Gaiman and Conrad
Botes, as well as in my own work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis ondersoek die menslike kapasiteit om gevestigde mites te wysig in die lig van
nuwe omstandighede. Dit fokus op die veranderlike status van mites en mitiese
kosmologieë in die Westerse kultuur, aangesien vooruitgang in die telematiek en tegnokultuur
gelei het tot ’n ryk proliferasie van mitiese inhoud in die moderne samelewing. Die
opkoms van wetenskaplike, sekulêre en rasionele tendense in die Weste het die
demistifikasie en negasie van sommige mites en kulturele realiteite wat hulle eens
ondersteun het, tot gevolg gehad. Mitiese simbole vertoon egter ’n sekere graad van
onafhanklikheid van hul oorspronklike vasgestelde ontologieë en groei wild binne die
kontemporêre kultuur, aangesien hulle deurlopend gekommunikeer word aan verskillende
sosiale sfere. Daar word veral gefokus op die demistifikasie van die mite en sy vermoë om
geapproprieer te word binne ander diskoerse, veral in fiksie. As sodanig is mites geneig
tot migrasie en die vertoon van konserverende kwaliteite, soos ondersoek in hierdie studie.
Alhoewel die tesis eerstens gelokaliseer is binne die breër teoretiese argumentasie
rondom mite as ’n sisteem van wêreldrepresentasie in die samelewing, is die kern van
diskussie die re-appropriasie van die mite binne die smaller veld van visuele
betekenisgewing, spesifiek in strippe as medium, soos uitgelig in die werke van Neil
Gaiman en Conrad Botes, asook in my eie werk.
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Bitterkomix : teks, konteks, interteks, en die literere strokies van Conrad Botes en Anton KannemeyerRheeder, A. O. I. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Phil) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2000 / 230 leaves printed single pages,numbered pages 1-230.Includes bibliography.Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR),using an Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Anton Kannemeyer and Conrad Botes have been publishing Bitterkomix,, their comics magazine,
for nearly a decade in South Africa. These comics are a structured satyrical attack on the South
African and specifically Afrikaans culture. Both artists employ different narrative strategies to
convey their sometimes shocking message. The reaction on their writing and drawing shows an
unwillingness in certain academic circles to analyse their texts critically. As a result Bitterkomix
has drawn very little academic attention. This unwillingness is a product of the modernist
approach to the comic as "low" literature. Modernists didn't regard comics as worthy material
for critical analyses. The literary paradigm shift towards popular culture, and therefore comics,
and the pluralistic reading strategy ofpostmodemism make it possible for an academic approach
towards this previously ill-treated art form.
This thesis is an attempt to suggest an approach strategy to Bitterkomix as a South African
underground comics magazine. As a backdrop the study looks at the development of comics in
general, as well as the changes that took place in the traditional approach strategies to the modem
comic. It also focusses on selected texts by Kannemeyer and Botes to demonstrate how
Bitterlwmix functions as an underground comic in the changing South African society. The
writers draw upon methods and strategies used by underground comix artists in the United States
during the sixties. Their specific employment of the drawing styles and narrative contents of
artists like Robert Crumb, S. Clay Wilson and also the Belgian artist, Herge, makes
intertextuality one of the strongest postmodemist aspects of Bitterlwmix. Botes's and
Kannemeyer's combined use of intertextuality and other postmodemist metafictional narrative
strategies gives Bitterlwmix a literary value that requires an academic approach. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Anton Kannemeyer en Conrad Botes se strokiestydskrif Bitterkomix verskyn reeds bykans 'n
dekade in Suid-Afrika. Hulle strokies, wat van 'n akademiese en literere uitgangspunt getuig, is
'n berekende satiriese aanval op die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing en meer spesifiek die
Afrikanerdom. Beide skrywers span 'n verskeidenheid vertelstrategiee in om hulle somtyds
skokkende boodskap oor te dra. Die reaksie op hulle skryf- en tekenwerk spreek egter van 'n
onvermoe ofonwilligheid by die akademici om die tekste op kritiese wyse te analiseer. Gevolglik
het Bilterkomix tot dusver min akademiese aandag gekry. Hierdie onvermoe stam myns insiens
moontlik uit 'n modemistiese miskenning van die strokie as kunsvorm. Strokies is as "lae"
literatuur gekategoriseer en is volgens modemiste dus nie geskikte materiaal vir 'n diepsinnige
bespreking me. Die literere paradigma ten opsigte van populere kultuur en dus strokies het egter
intussen verander en die pluralistiese leesstrategie van 'n postrnodemistiese benadering maak dit
moontlik om akademiese aandag aan hierdie voorheen miskende kunsvorm te skenk.
Die tesis is 'n poging om 'n benaderingswyse voor te stel tot Bitterkomix as Suid-Afrikaanse
underground-strokiestydskrif. As agtergrondstudie ondersoek dit die ontstaan en ontwikkeling
van die strokie in die algemeen, asook die veranderinge wat plaasgevind het in die tradisionele
benaderingswyses tot die modeme strokie. Daama fokus die bespreking op geselekteerde tekste
uit die oeuvres van Botes en Kannemeyer om te probeer aantoon hoe Bitterkomix as
underground-strokie binne die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing funksioneer. Die
skrywers gebruik onder andere uitgangspunte en strategiee van die underground-strokie, soos dit
veral in die sestigerjare in Arnerika gevind is. Hulle doelbewuste inspeling op beide die
tekenstyle en verhaalinhoude van skrywers soos Robert Crumb, S. Clay Wilson asook die
Belgiese Herge maak intertekstualiteit een van die sterkste postmodemistiese kenmerke van
Bitterkomix. Botes en Kannemeyer se gebruik van intertekstualiteit, metafiksionaliteit, en ander
postrnodemistiese vertelstrategiee verleen aan Bitterkomix 'n literere kwaliteit wat om 'n
akademiese benaderingswyse vra. / Instituut vir Navorsingsontwikkeling van die Raad vir
Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
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Ikonoklastiese strip, polemiek en BitterkomixKannemeyer, Anton 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Visual Arts)) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1997 / 168 leaves printed single pages,preliminary pages and numberd pages 1-70.Includes bibliography and 115 illustrations.Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR),using an Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study considers the history and problematics of the contemporary comic strip,
particularly in regard to issues of controversy and iconoclasm. Special attention is paid
to the local magazine, Bitterkomix as an example.
In Chapter One, the comic medium is identified and discussed as a homogeneous art
form. Its independence from both fine arts and literature is explained and the identifying,
intrinsic characteristics of the medium are used as a basis for the analysis of form and
meaning in selected contemporary comics.
Chapter Two provides a brief history of iconoclasm, subversion and controversy
surrounding selected comics from the 1950's up to the present. The emphasis is placed
on pivotal developments in the medium, particularly in the United States. A link is
suggested between the post-war affluence of the American society and the conservative
values which underpin it.
Because of the many similarities which exist between the value systems of white South
Africa and those of the more conservative states of the U.S., a contextual parallel is
mooted which identifies the development and impact of controversial comics abroad and
the reception which Bitterkomix encountered in South Africa. Chapter Three outlines and
analyses this connection, emphasising that Bitterkomix has to be seen in the wider
historical context and not simply as an expression of a parochial, "alternative"culture
among young Afrikaners.
In the final two chapters, satire and the use of stereotypes in the comic form is
considered. The study pays particular attention to the publications, Gif, Afrikaner
Sekskomix and Loslyf(an Afrikaans skin magazine) in order to establish connections
between deviant sexual behaviour in a repressive society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:In hierdie werkstuk word die geskiedenis en problematiek van die hedendaagse strip,
veral die kontroversieIe en ikonoklastiese aspekte daarvan, aangespreek. As 'n
voorbeeld word die aandag veral toegespits op die plaaslike tydskrif, Bitterkomix.
In Hoofstuk Een word die stripmedium geidentifiseer en as homogene kunsvorm
bespreek. Die medium se onafhanklikheid van beide die Skone Kunste en die
Letterkunde word verduidelik en die identifiserende, intrinsieke kenmerke word basies
toegepas vir die ontleding van vorm en betekenis in gekose, hedendaagse strips.
Hoofstuk Twee bestaan uit 'n kort oorsig van die geskiedenis van ikonoklasme,
ondermyning en kontroverse rondom geselekteerde strips vanaf 1950 tot die hede. Die
k1em word geplaas op deurslaggewende ontwikkelings in die medium, veral in die
Verenigde State. 'n Skakel word voorgestel tussen die na-oorlogse welvaart van die
Amerikaanse gemeenskap en die konserwatiewe waardes onderliggend daaraan.
As gevolg van die baie ooreenkomste tussen die waarde-sisteme van wit Suid-Afrika
en die van die meer konserwatiewe state van die V.S., word 'n kontekstuele parallel
vasgestel wat die ontwikkeling en impak van kontroversieIe strips in die buiteland en
die reaksie op Bitterkomix in Suid-Afrika, identifiseer. Hoofstuk Drie skets en ontleed
hierdie verbintenis en beklemtoon dat Bitterkomix in 'n wyer historiese konteks beskou
moet word en nie slegs as 'n uitdrukking van 'n parogiale, "altematiewe" kuItuur
onder jong Afrikaners nie.
In die laaste twee hoofstukke word satire en die gebruik van stereotipes in die
stripvorm oorweeg. Aandag word veral gegee aan die publikasies Gif: Afrikoner
Sekskomix, en Loslyf( 'n Afrikaanse sekstydskrif) om kwessies van abnormale
seksuele gedrag in 'n repressiewe gemeenskap aan te raak.
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Fokalisasie en vertelinstansie in die representasie van gestremdheid in geselekteerde Afrikaanse romans / Babette Viljoen.Viljoen, Babette January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation the boundaries between normality and disability are investigated, as well as how these boundaries can be represented and changed through literary works. The purpose of this study is to examine the representation of disabled characters according to the theoretical insights of cognitive narratology. In order to analyse the boundary between normality and disability, this study focuses on focalisation and the narration as narrative techniques. The representation of disabled characters is a well-known phenomenon in literature in general but this dissertation analyses and discusses four novels which have been identified as texts in which the representation of disabled characters plays a significant role. These novels are: Is Sagie (1987) by Jan van Tonder, Raaiselkind (2001) by Annelie Botes, Siegfried (2007) by Willem Anker en Een vir Azazel (1964) by Etienne Leroux.
Disablility, as a deviation from normality, is represented in different ways in literature, and has different functions. The theoretical argument is that the investigation and interpretation of the representation of disablilty in literature will provide insight in disability as a social phenomenon, as a literary act and as an act of understanding.
Cognitive narratology uses the theoretical concepts of frames and scripts to describe the way in which human perceptions are structured and may even become fossilised in the human mind. Subsequent expreriences and information are therefore determined by existing codes and rules. The understanding or negotiation of new information is based on preferences that evolve from prior knowledge and programming. Cognitive choices are made on the basis of existing frames and scripts and determine whether a concept is new, standard, stereotypical, unusual, indefinite or ambiguous. This study shows how frames and scripts on disability are undermined within the novels and how disability is used as a functional novel element. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Fokalisasie en vertelinstansie in die representasie van gestremdheid in geselekteerde Afrikaanse romans / Babette Viljoen.Viljoen, Babette January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation the boundaries between normality and disability are investigated, as well as how these boundaries can be represented and changed through literary works. The purpose of this study is to examine the representation of disabled characters according to the theoretical insights of cognitive narratology. In order to analyse the boundary between normality and disability, this study focuses on focalisation and the narration as narrative techniques. The representation of disabled characters is a well-known phenomenon in literature in general but this dissertation analyses and discusses four novels which have been identified as texts in which the representation of disabled characters plays a significant role. These novels are: Is Sagie (1987) by Jan van Tonder, Raaiselkind (2001) by Annelie Botes, Siegfried (2007) by Willem Anker en Een vir Azazel (1964) by Etienne Leroux.
Disablility, as a deviation from normality, is represented in different ways in literature, and has different functions. The theoretical argument is that the investigation and interpretation of the representation of disablilty in literature will provide insight in disability as a social phenomenon, as a literary act and as an act of understanding.
Cognitive narratology uses the theoretical concepts of frames and scripts to describe the way in which human perceptions are structured and may even become fossilised in the human mind. Subsequent expreriences and information are therefore determined by existing codes and rules. The understanding or negotiation of new information is based on preferences that evolve from prior knowledge and programming. Cognitive choices are made on the basis of existing frames and scripts and determine whether a concept is new, standard, stereotypical, unusual, indefinite or ambiguous. This study shows how frames and scripts on disability are undermined within the novels and how disability is used as a functional novel element. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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