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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methods to measure mass transfer kinetics, partition ratios and atmospheric fluxes of organic chemicals in forest systems

Bolinius, Damien Johann January 2016 (has links)
Vegetation plays an important role in the partitioning, transport and fate of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in the environment. This thesis aimed at addressing two key knowledge gaps in our understanding of how plants exchange HOCs with the atmosphere: (1) To improve our understanding of the uptake of HOCs into, and transfer through, leaves of different plant species which can significantly influence the transport and fate of HOCs in the environment; and (2) To evaluate an experimental approach to measure fluxes of HOCs in the field. The methods presented in papers I, II and III contribute to increasing our understanding of the fate and transport of HOCs in leaves by offering straightforward ways of measuring mass transfer coefficients through leaves and partition ratios of HOCs between leaves, leaf lipids and lipid standards and reference materials like water, air and olive oil. The passive dosing study in paper III in particular investigated the role of the composition of the organic matter extracted from leaves in determining the capacity of the leaves to hold chemicals and found no large differences between 7 different plant species, even though literature data on leaf/air partition ratios (Kleaf/air) varies over 1-3 orders of magnitude. In paper IV we demonstrated that the modified Bowen ratio method can be extended to measure fluxes of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) if the fluxes do not change direction over the course of the sampling period and are large enough to be measured. This approach thus makes it possible to measure fluxes of POPs that usually require sampling times of days to weeks to exceed method detection limits. The experimental methods described in this thesis have the potential to support improved parameterization of multimedia models, which can then be evaluated against fluxes measured in the field using the modified Bowen ratio approach. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

Balanço de energia, consumo hídrico e coeficiente de cultivo do trigo no sudeste brasileiro / Energy balance, water consumption and crop coefficient of wheat in the southeastern Brazil

Pereira, Rodolfo Armando de Almeida 29 June 2018 (has links)
O trigo é uma importante cultura agrícola no mundo, sendo uma das poucas na qual o Brasil não é autossuficiente, produzindo apenas cerca de 50% da sua demanda interna. Estudos relacionados ao crescimento da cultura e suas trocas de massa e energia com a atmosfera podem auxiliar no planejamento e manejo da cultura. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar o balanço de energia, o consumo hídrico e a recomendação de valores de Kc, com enfoque no acoplamento copa-atmosfera. Para isso foi instalado um experimento na Escola Superior Luiz de Queiroz- ESALQ, semeado no dia 30 de maio de 2017 sob sistema de irrigação. Os resultados indicam que o fluxo de calor latente (LE), calor sensível (H) e calor no solo (G) representaram 81,17 %,14,13% e 4,7% do saldo de radiação (Rn). A evapotranspiração acumulada para a cultura do trigo foi de 301 mm, tendo uma evapotranspiração média diária de 2,8 mm.d-1. A cultura teve um fator de desacoplamento (&Omega;) médio para o ciclo de 0,53, porém variou em relação as fases fenológicas: 0,68 (emborrachamento), 0,55 (floração), 0,26 (formação de grãos) e 0,3 (maturação). O coeficiente de cultura ao longo do ciclo foi 0,58, 1,12, 1,46, 1,23, 1,32 e 0,73 para as fases de estabelecimento, perfilhamento, emborrachamento, floração, formação de grão e maturação, e o valor médio para todo o ciclo foi de 1,08. Os valores de Kc indicaram uma queda quando houve elevação da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo). Assim os valores de Kc para diferentes intervalos de ETo foram: 1,09 (ETo &le; 2); 1,34 (2< ETo &le; 3); 1,25 (3 < ETo &le; 4); 0,77 (ETo > 4). / The wheat is one of the most important crop of the world, and the few one that Brazil is not self-sufficient, producing only 50% of domestic demand. Studies related crop growth and its mass and energy exchange with atmosphere may help to improve the crop planning and management. The objective here was to study on the energy balance and water use of wheat crop, take into account the canopy-atmosphere coupling approach in such study. To do so, an irrigated experiment was conducted in Piracicaba-SP, at the Escola Superior Luiz de Queiroz-ESALQ, sown on May of 2017. The results showed that the latent heat flux (LE), sensible heat (H) and soil heat (G) represented 81.17%, 14.13% and 4.7% of the net radiation (Rn). Cumulative evapotranspiration for the whole wheat crop was 301 mm, with na average daily evapotranspiration of 2.8 mm.d-1. The crop had a mean decoupling fator (&Omega;) for the cycle of 0.53, but varied with the phenological phases as: 0.68 (head development), 0.55 (flowering), 0.26 (grain formation) and 0.3 (maturation). The crop coefficient along the cycle was 0.58, 1.12, 1.46, 1.23, 1.32 and 0.73 for the respective phases establishment, tillering, head development, flowering, grain formation and maturation, with the average Kc for the cycle was 1.08. The values of Kc indicated a decrease when there was elevation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Thus, Kc values for different ETo intervals were: 1.09 (ETo &le; 2); 1.34 (2 < ETo &le; 3); 1.25 (3 < ETo &le; 4); 0.77 (ETo > 4).

The impact of climate and land use on surface fluxes of matter and energy

Brust, Kristina 26 February 2019 (has links)
Changes in climate and land use interact in a complex system with various feedbacks including water, carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) fluxes. In this dissertation, firstly measurements of surface fluxes were conducted via two different measurement systems, a Bowen Ratio (BR) and an Eddy Covariance (EC) system. Over two succeeding years, fluxes and gradients of heat, water vapour, and CO2 over winter barley and rapeseed were simultaneously measured at Klingenberg, a long-term cropland site in eastern Germany. The two independent systems (EC/BR) are compared with respect to energy and CO2 fluxes. Inspection as well as a neutral regression analysis show that differences between the systems were largest for latent heat LE. EC detects apparently lower LE due to the lack of closure of the energy balance of approximately 30%, whereas the fluxes of CO2 show only smaller differences up to 10%. Therefore, Bowen Ratio setups remain an alternative to EC systems when gradients are large and analysers with high measurement frequency are not available. Encouraged by this analysis, the Modified Bowen Ratio system was used to measure the vertical gradients of mixing ratios of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3). Fluxes of these nitrogen species are analysed and associated to the corresponding growth status of two crops within two growing periods. Integration of these nitrogen fluxes results in a net emission into the atmosphere of 1.25 kg N ha-1 for the total measurement period of 77 days, differing in the proportion of NOx and NH3. However, this net emission does not largely reduce the fertilization of the crop site. In a second step, the atmospheric boundary layer model HIRVAC (HIgh Resolution Vegetation Atmosphere Coupler) was improved and applied to three different land uses within the TU-Dresden-cluster for selected time periods in 2009 and 2010. Simulated fluxes of H2O and CO2 with the improved model HIRVAC show good agreement with measurements. Realistic fluxes were obtained with respect to the diurnal cycle as well as the order of magnitude. Modelling of energy and trace gas fluxes also gives the opportunity to assess effects of changing climate conditions on surface fluxes. Since in the improved HIRVAC version a coupled model for stomatal conductance is used, an increase in CO2 concentration is linked with a decrease of stomatal conductance in the simulation. Therefore, simulations of changes in climate condition along with elevated CO2 concentrations and their effect on latent heat fluxes are analysed. The grassland and agricultural site revealed increased evapotranspiration with elevated temperatures and CO2 concentrations, whereas the forest site came up with reduced evapotranspiration rates. Concerning the flux of CO2, all land uses considered here increased the amount of assimilated carbon, whereby the forest site increased the most. Finally, the scenario calculations revealed that regarding evapotranspiration and CO2, differences of land use dominate over differences of climate change. / Veränderungen des Klimas und von Landnutzungen wirken sich in einem komplexen System mit diversen Rückkopplungen auf die Wasser-, Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffflüsse aus. In dieser Dissertation wurden zuerst Flüsse mit zwei unterschiedlichen Methoden erfasst, einem Bowen-Ratio (BR) und einem Eddy-Kovarianz (EC) System. Dafür wurden für zwei aufeinanderfolgende Jahre Gradienten bzw. Flüsse von Wärme, Wasserdampf und CO2 über Wintergerste und Raps an einem langjährigen Agrarstandort im Osten Deutschlands (Station Klingenberg) gemessen. Die zwei unabhängigen Messmethoden (EC/BR) werden in dieser Arbeit in Bezug auf die Energie- und CO2-Flüsse miteinander verglichen. Die genaue Analyse dieser Flüsse ergibt, dass die größten Unterschiede zwischen den Messmethoden im latenten Wärmefluss (LE) vorzufinden sind. Bedingt durch die Schließungslücke von ungefähr 30 % ergibt die EC-Methode einen geringeren latenten Wärmefluss, wohingegen die Flüsse von CO2 nur Unterschiede um 10 % aufweisen. Wie der Vergleich zeigt, ist die Bowen-Ratio-Messmethode besonders dann eine wertvolle Alternative zu EC-Systemen, wenn die Gradienten der gemessenen Komponenten groß sind oder wenn Analysatoren mit hoher Messfrequenz nicht verfügbar sind. Bestärkt durch diese Ergebnisse, wurde das modifizierte Bowen-Ratio-System (MBR) verwendet, um vertikale Gradienten der Mischungsverhältnisse von Stickoxiden (NOx) und Ammoniak (NH3) zu messen. Die ermittelten Flüsse dieser Stickstoffkomponenten werden mit den Entwicklungsstadien der jeweiligen Feldfrüchte innerhalb zweier Anbauperioden in Verbindung gebracht. Die Summe der gemessenen Stickstoffflüsse ergibt eine Nettoemission in die Atmosphäre von 1,25 kg N ha-1 über die gesamte Messperiode von 77 Tagen (mit unterschiedlichen Anteilen von NOx und NH3), wobei diese Emission die Düngung der Agrarfläche nur geringfügig reduziert. Diese Ergebnisse stehen im Einklang mit Messergebnissen an anderen Agrarstandorten. Im zweiten Teil wurde das atmosphärische Grenzschichtmodell HIRVAC (HIgh Resolution Vegetation Atmosphere Coupler) überarbeitet und für drei unterschiedliche Landnutzungen innerhalb des TU-Dresden-Clusters für ausgewählte Zeitscheiben der Jahre 2009 und 2010 angewandt. Die mit dem Modell HIRVAC simulierten Flüsse von Wasser und CO2 zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den Messungen. Bezüglich des Tagesganges sowie auch in ihrer jeweiligen Größenordung wurden realistische Flüsse berechnet. Die Modellierung der Energie- und Spurengasflüsse bietet außerdem die Möglichkeit, Auswirkungen von veränderlichen klimatischen Bedingungen auf die turbulenten Flüsse zu bewerten. Da in der verbesserten HIRVAC-Version ein gekoppeltes Modell für die stomatäre Leitfähigkeit verwendet wird, ist nun innerhalb der Simulation ein Anstieg der CO2-Konzentration mit einem Rückgang der stomatären Leitfähigkeit verknüpft. Somit können Szenariosimulationen von veränderlichen Klimabedingungen zusammen mit erhöhten CO2-Konzentrationen und deren Auswirkungen auf die latenten Wärmeflüsse analysiert werden. Die Grünland- sowie auch die Agrarfläche zeigen verstärkte Evapotranspirationsraten unter erhöhten Temperatur- und CO2-Bedingungen, wohingegen der Waldstandort verminderte Evapotranspirationsraten zeigt. Hinsichtlich des CO2-Flusses reagieren alle drei berücksichtigten Landnutzungen mit erhöhten Aufnahmeraten von Kohlenstoff, wobei der Waldstandort den höchsten Anstieg aufweist. Schlussendlich ergaben die Szenariosimulationen bezüglich Evapotranspiration und CO2, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den Landnutzungen gegenüber denen des prognostizierten Klimawandels überwiegen.

Valoração do impacto ambiental de cavas de mineração de areia e argila com base na evapotranspiração / Evaluation of the environmental impact of sand and clay mining pits based on evapotranspiration

Cabrera, Manoel Camilo Moleiro 17 March 2016 (has links)
A atividade mineradora causa alterações na superfície, as quais influenciam a perda de água para atmosfera. Antes da instalação das cavas de mineração, há uma perda natural de água &#40;evapotranspiração&#41; da superfície. Com o aprofundamento da cava, essa área se torna uma lagoa, devido à surgência de água na cava proveniente do aquífero, e a evapotranspiração é alterada para evaporação. A quantificação da alteração no balanço hídrico devido às cavas é importante para se avaliar o impacto da mineração nos estoques hídricos subterrâneos e auxiliar no licenciamento e programas de recuperação de áreas degradadas pelas cavas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo quantificar experimentalmente as modificações nas variáveis do balanço hídrico; fornecer uma ferramenta de previsão das perdas evaporativas para o licenciamento ambiental em cavas de mineração e valorar economicamente o impacto dessa perda nas reservas hídricas subterrâneas. Para isso, foi utilizado um experimento composto por um lisímetro de drenagem com nível constante contendo solo argiloso &#40;lis-arg&#41; e outro arenoso &#40;lis-aren&#41;, um tanque de evaporação com nível constante enterrado no solo &#40;tenc&#41;, tanque de 20 m2 e o método de Penman-Monteith FAO-56. O monitoramento dos lisímetros foi feito durante 56 meses. Considerando períodos de quatro meses e fazendo a variação de armazenamento de água nos lisímetros igual a zero, conclui-se que a evapotranspiração da grama batatais nos lisímetros foi inferior a evaporação dos tanques e a evapotranspiração estimada pelo método padrão de Penman-Monteith FAO-56. A taxa de cobertura vegetal na área dos lisímetros que no inverno apresentava baixos índices, 50&#37; da superfície evaporante, e a estimativa do saldo de radiação adotada pela FAO-56 que superestima o valor são as causas. A evapotranspiração do lisímetro com solo arenoso atinge uma relação unitária com a metodologia da FAO-56 quando se muda a forma de estimar o saldo de radiação, adotando este como 48&#37; da irradiância solar global e apenas no período de novembro a fevereiro &#40;exceto março a junho de 2015&#41;. A drenagem dos lisímetros com solo argiloso e com solo arenoso apresentaram valores semelhantes, e ambos foram em média 50&#37; da precipitação. Para a fase de licenciamento ambiental de cavas de mineração a relação linear 0,9ND, sendo ND o número de dias após o surgimento da área alagada na cava, pode ser utilizado para prever a lamina de água perdida do armazenamento subterrâneo para a atmosfera. A relação citada foi obtida em uma superfície gramada com solo arenoso e outra de água livre num clima tropical úmido, com baixa deficiência hídrica no inverno, e com uma evapotranspiração média de 3,3 mm&#47;dia. Durante o licenciamento ambiental essa metodologia pode prever impactos &#40;perdas evaporativas&#41; devido à instalação e aumento das cavas de mineração. Nos programas de recuperação de áreas degradadas o impacto nos recursos hídricos subterrâneos devido à mudança de superfície feito durante a atividade minerária pode ser quantificado com essa simples relação &#40;0,9ND&#41;. O método requer apenas a medição da área convertida em superfície de água livre, para isto podem ser usadas imagens de satélite e a relação acima descrita. Aplicou-se o método nas cavas de mineração de areia na bacia hidrográfica do Paraíba do Sul e em Campo Grande &#8211; MS. O incremento de evaporação &#40;0,9ND&#41; aliado com o valor cobrado de R&#36; 0,02&#47;m3 e a área alagada das cavas permitiram quantificar economicamente o valor do impacto. / The mining activity causes changes in the surface, which influence water loss to the atmosphere. Before installation of the pit mining, there is a natural water loss &#40;evapotranspiration&#41; of the surface. With the deepening of the pit, the area becomes a pond due to water upwelling in the pit from the aquifer, and evapotranspiration is changed to evaporation. The quantification of the change in water balance due to the pit is important to assess the impact of mining on groundwater reserves, and assist in licensing and degraded areas recovery programs for pits. This study aims: experimentally quantify the changes in the variables of the water balance; provide a predictive tool of evaporative losses for environmental licensing in mining pits and economically valuate the impact of that loss on groundwater reserves. For this, we used an experiment consisting of a drainage lysimeter with constant water table containing clay soil &#40;lys-clay&#41; and other sandy &#40;lys-sand&#41;, an evaporation tank with constant water level buried in the ground, 20 m2 tank and the Penman-Monteith FAO-56. The monitoring of lysimeters was made for 56 months. Considering four-month periods and making the lysimeters water storage variation equal to zero, it is concluded that the evapotranspiration bahia grass in the lysimeters was less evaporation tanks and evapotranspiration estimated by the standard method of Penman-Monteith FAO-56. The vegetation coverage rate in the area of lysimeters in winter had lower rates, 50&#37; of the evaporating surface, and estimate the net radiation adopted by the FAO-56 that overestimates the value are the causes. Evapotranspiration the lysimeter with sandy soil reaches a unitary relationship with the FAO-56 methodology when using it changes the way of estimating the net radiation, adopting the net radiation as 48&#37; of global solar irradiance and only in the period from November to February &#40;except March-June 2015&#41;. The drainage lysimeters with clay soil and sandy soil were very similar, and both were on average 50&#37; of the rainfall. For environmental licensing phase mining pits 0.9ND the linear relationship being ND the number of days after the onset of the open water area in the pit, it can be used to predict water lost groundwater blade to the atmosphere. The above ratio was obtained in a grassy area with sandy soil and other free water in a humid tropical climate, with low water deficiency in the winter, with an average evapotranspiration of 3.3 mm&#47;day. During the environmental licensing this methodology can predict impacts &#40;evaporative losses&#41; due to installation and increased mining pits. In degraded areas recovery programs the impact on underground water resources due to surface changes made during the mining activity can be quantified with this simple relationship &#40;0.9ND&#41;. The method requires only the measurement area converted into free water surface, it can be used for satellite images and the above-described relationship. It was used the method in sand mining pits in the watershed of the Paraíba do Sul and city Campo Grande - MS. The increase evaporation &#40;0.9ND&#41; allied with the charge of R&#36; 0.02&#47; m3 and the area flooded the pits allowed economically quantify the value of impact.

Land surface model simulation on CREST forest sites using measured leaf-scale physiological parameters

Yamazaki, Takeshi, Kato, Kyoko, Kuwada, Takashi, Nakai, Taro, Park, Hotaek, Ohta, Takeshi 26 January 2006 (has links)
主催:JST/CREST,Vrije University, ALTERRA, IBPC

Hydrometeorological behaviour of pine and larch forests in eastern Siberia

Hamada, Shuko, Ohta, Takeshi, Hiyama, Tetsuya, Kuwada, Takashi, Takahashi, Atsuhiro, Maximov, Trofim.C 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Análise da relação entre os componentes do balanço de energia e da evapotranspiração do meloeiro cultivado nas condições climáticas da região de Mossoró-RN

Vanomark, Giulliana Mairana Morais de Sousa 30 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Lara Oliveira (lara@ufersa.edu.br) on 2016-11-14T15:00:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GiullianaMMS_TESE.pdf: 1015558 bytes, checksum: 043e3f2ff9fa60d637da7f4e70b0506a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-01-24T14:33:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GiullianaMMS_TESE.pdf: 1015558 bytes, checksum: 043e3f2ff9fa60d637da7f4e70b0506a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-01-24T14:34:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GiullianaMMS_TESE.pdf: 1015558 bytes, checksum: 043e3f2ff9fa60d637da7f4e70b0506a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T14:55:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GiullianaMMS_TESE.pdf: 1015558 bytes, checksum: 043e3f2ff9fa60d637da7f4e70b0506a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The potential for irrigated orcharding and horticulture in Rio Grande do Norte state is recognized worldwide, and it is shaping as the largest melon producer (Cucumis melo L.) in Brazil. Melon production in this region is predominantly under irrigated conditions, allowing the production all year. The rapid increase in irrigation projects has led to an increase in water demand, leading to sharp downgrades of aquifers so as to generate concerns about water security in the region in periods of long droughts, fact quite common in the Brazilian semiarid region. The objective of this research was to determine the daily crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and the values of crop coefficient (Kc) for the different phenological phases melon crop in the region of Mossoró/RN, using the micrometeorological method of Bowen ratio (BERB). The study was conducted in two areas of commercial melon cultivation, located in the Rural Mossoró/RN Zone. The experiment consisted of the determination of the components of energy balance and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) using the method of Bowen ratio (BERB). The field phase was installed in two consecutive cycles of the harvest 2012. The crop coefficients (Kc) were determined by the ratio between the crop evapotranspiration by BERB method (ETBERB) and reference evapotranspiration (ETo), is being estimated from data collected in the meteorological station of INMET located in one area. The ETo was calculated using the Penman-Monteith parameterized by FAO. Performance indicators were used to compare the ETBERB with ETFAO. It was observed that the LE/Rn values were above 60%, G/Rn averaged 11% and the mean H/Rn was 21%. The ETc varied from 264.79 mm to 362.19 mm. The KC-init ial results were higher, and the Kc-middle and lower Kc-end, compared to KcFAO values of the same phenological stages, and the average differences observed were 43, 8 and 7% for stages initial, middle and final, respectively. Cultivation coefficients generated by the method BERB varied, for the initial stage of 0.27 0.32; to the middle stage of the 0.89 and 0.84 for the final stage of 0.56 0.66. The methodology of BERB enabled the obtaining of evapotranspiration and crop coefficients compatible with the traditional methodology of the FAO Manual 56 for Irrigation and Drainage. However, there was disagreement between the methods in the early stage of culture, which provided full ETBERB be up to 5% higher than the ETFAO / O potencial para a fruticultura e olericultura irrigadas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte é reconhecido mundialmente, e o mesmo já desponta como o maior produtor de melão (Cucumis melo L.) do Brasil. A produção de melão nessa região é predominantemente sob condições irrigadas, permitindo a produção o ano inteiro. O rápido aumento dos projetos de irrigação tem provocado um acréscimo na demanda hídrica, acarretando rebaixamentos acentuados dos aquíferos, de modo a gerar preocupações quanto à seguridade hídrica da região em períodos de longas estiagens, fato bastante comum no semiárido brasileiro. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a evapotranspiração diária da cultura (ETc) e os valores do coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) para as diferentes fases fenológicas da cultura do meloeiro na região de Mossoró/RN, utilizando o método micrometeorológico da razão de Bowen (BERB). O trabalho foi realizado em duas áreas de cultivo comercial de melão, localizadas na Zona Rural de Mossoró/RN. O experimento constou da determinação dos componentes do balanço de energia e da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) utilizando o método da razão de Bowen (BERB). A fase de campo foi instalada em dois ciclos consecutivos da safra de 2012. Os coeficientes de cultivo (Kc) foram determinados pela razão entre a evapotranspiração da cultura pelo método BERB (ETBERB) e a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo), sendo esta estimada a partir de dados coletados na estação meteorológica do INMET localizada em uma das áreas. A ETo foi calculada segundo a equação de Penman- Monteith, parametrizada pela FAO. Indicadores de desempenho foram utilizados para comparar a ETBERB com a ETFAO. Observou-se que os valores de LE/Rn foram superiores a 60%, G/Rn foi em média 11% e a média de H/Rn foi de 21%. A ETc variou de 264,79 mm a 362,19 mm. Os resultados do KC-inicial foram mais altos, e os do Kc-médio e Kc-final mais baixos, quando comparados aos valores do KcFAO das mesmas fases fenológicas, e as diferenças médias observadas foram de 43, 8 e 7% para as fases inicial, média e final, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de cultivo gerados pelo método BERB variaram, para o estádio inicial de 0,27 a 0,32; para o estádio médio de 0,84 a 0,89 e para o estádio final de 0,56 a 0,66. A metodologia do BERB possibilitou a obtenção da evapotranspiração e de coeficientes de cultivo compatíveis com a tradicional metodologia do Manual 56 da FAO para Irrigação e Drenagem. Entretanto, houve divergência entre os métodos na fase inicial da cultura, o que proporcionou a ETBERB total ser de até 5% mais elevada que a ETFAO / 2016-10-26

Teplotně-vlhkostní režim a ukazatele energetické bilance různě obhospodařovaných ploch / Temperature and humidity regime and energy balance characteristics of the stands with different management.

ŠACHL, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The aim of proposed thesis is identification and assessment of the impact of various types of vegetation cover on microclimate and local climate. The thesis study an issue of vegetation cover impact on the solar energy transformation, energy fluxes and an impact of vegetation cover on water cycle, mostly at the landscape level. Temperature-humidity characteristics and energy fluxes and their indicators (Bowen ratio, evaporative fraction) were monitored during the growing season in common types of vegetation cover occurring in agricultural landscapes (red clover - Trifolium pratense L., common wheat - Triticum aestivum L., potatoes - Solanum tuberosum L. and permanent grassland (TTP)) and wetland with predominantly tall sedge vegetation (e.g. Carex acuta L., Glyceria maxima (Hartman). Holmberg.). Results show a direct correlation between solar radiation and the amount of energy converted into latent heat of evaporation or sensible heat flux expressed through evapotranspiration. The results of analyses confirmed the theoretical assumption that the vegetation cover significantly influences microclimate, e.i. air temperature and humidity both of itself and surrounding area. The temperature-humidity characteristics were significantly different in the monitored stands. From this findings is obvious that the different types of vegetation can affect local microclimate differently. Moreover, the results showed that the vegetation well stocked with water probably significantly affects the water cycle in the landscape.

Valoração do impacto ambiental de cavas de mineração de areia e argila com base na evapotranspiração / Evaluation of the environmental impact of sand and clay mining pits based on evapotranspiration

Manoel Camilo Moleiro Cabrera 17 March 2016 (has links)
A atividade mineradora causa alterações na superfície, as quais influenciam a perda de água para atmosfera. Antes da instalação das cavas de mineração, há uma perda natural de água &#40;evapotranspiração&#41; da superfície. Com o aprofundamento da cava, essa área se torna uma lagoa, devido à surgência de água na cava proveniente do aquífero, e a evapotranspiração é alterada para evaporação. A quantificação da alteração no balanço hídrico devido às cavas é importante para se avaliar o impacto da mineração nos estoques hídricos subterrâneos e auxiliar no licenciamento e programas de recuperação de áreas degradadas pelas cavas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo quantificar experimentalmente as modificações nas variáveis do balanço hídrico; fornecer uma ferramenta de previsão das perdas evaporativas para o licenciamento ambiental em cavas de mineração e valorar economicamente o impacto dessa perda nas reservas hídricas subterrâneas. Para isso, foi utilizado um experimento composto por um lisímetro de drenagem com nível constante contendo solo argiloso &#40;lis-arg&#41; e outro arenoso &#40;lis-aren&#41;, um tanque de evaporação com nível constante enterrado no solo &#40;tenc&#41;, tanque de 20 m2 e o método de Penman-Monteith FAO-56. O monitoramento dos lisímetros foi feito durante 56 meses. Considerando períodos de quatro meses e fazendo a variação de armazenamento de água nos lisímetros igual a zero, conclui-se que a evapotranspiração da grama batatais nos lisímetros foi inferior a evaporação dos tanques e a evapotranspiração estimada pelo método padrão de Penman-Monteith FAO-56. A taxa de cobertura vegetal na área dos lisímetros que no inverno apresentava baixos índices, 50&#37; da superfície evaporante, e a estimativa do saldo de radiação adotada pela FAO-56 que superestima o valor são as causas. A evapotranspiração do lisímetro com solo arenoso atinge uma relação unitária com a metodologia da FAO-56 quando se muda a forma de estimar o saldo de radiação, adotando este como 48&#37; da irradiância solar global e apenas no período de novembro a fevereiro &#40;exceto março a junho de 2015&#41;. A drenagem dos lisímetros com solo argiloso e com solo arenoso apresentaram valores semelhantes, e ambos foram em média 50&#37; da precipitação. Para a fase de licenciamento ambiental de cavas de mineração a relação linear 0,9ND, sendo ND o número de dias após o surgimento da área alagada na cava, pode ser utilizado para prever a lamina de água perdida do armazenamento subterrâneo para a atmosfera. A relação citada foi obtida em uma superfície gramada com solo arenoso e outra de água livre num clima tropical úmido, com baixa deficiência hídrica no inverno, e com uma evapotranspiração média de 3,3 mm&#47;dia. Durante o licenciamento ambiental essa metodologia pode prever impactos &#40;perdas evaporativas&#41; devido à instalação e aumento das cavas de mineração. Nos programas de recuperação de áreas degradadas o impacto nos recursos hídricos subterrâneos devido à mudança de superfície feito durante a atividade minerária pode ser quantificado com essa simples relação &#40;0,9ND&#41;. O método requer apenas a medição da área convertida em superfície de água livre, para isto podem ser usadas imagens de satélite e a relação acima descrita. Aplicou-se o método nas cavas de mineração de areia na bacia hidrográfica do Paraíba do Sul e em Campo Grande &#8211; MS. O incremento de evaporação &#40;0,9ND&#41; aliado com o valor cobrado de R&#36; 0,02&#47;m3 e a área alagada das cavas permitiram quantificar economicamente o valor do impacto. / The mining activity causes changes in the surface, which influence water loss to the atmosphere. Before installation of the pit mining, there is a natural water loss &#40;evapotranspiration&#41; of the surface. With the deepening of the pit, the area becomes a pond due to water upwelling in the pit from the aquifer, and evapotranspiration is changed to evaporation. The quantification of the change in water balance due to the pit is important to assess the impact of mining on groundwater reserves, and assist in licensing and degraded areas recovery programs for pits. This study aims: experimentally quantify the changes in the variables of the water balance; provide a predictive tool of evaporative losses for environmental licensing in mining pits and economically valuate the impact of that loss on groundwater reserves. For this, we used an experiment consisting of a drainage lysimeter with constant water table containing clay soil &#40;lys-clay&#41; and other sandy &#40;lys-sand&#41;, an evaporation tank with constant water level buried in the ground, 20 m2 tank and the Penman-Monteith FAO-56. The monitoring of lysimeters was made for 56 months. Considering four-month periods and making the lysimeters water storage variation equal to zero, it is concluded that the evapotranspiration bahia grass in the lysimeters was less evaporation tanks and evapotranspiration estimated by the standard method of Penman-Monteith FAO-56. The vegetation coverage rate in the area of lysimeters in winter had lower rates, 50&#37; of the evaporating surface, and estimate the net radiation adopted by the FAO-56 that overestimates the value are the causes. Evapotranspiration the lysimeter with sandy soil reaches a unitary relationship with the FAO-56 methodology when using it changes the way of estimating the net radiation, adopting the net radiation as 48&#37; of global solar irradiance and only in the period from November to February &#40;except March-June 2015&#41;. The drainage lysimeters with clay soil and sandy soil were very similar, and both were on average 50&#37; of the rainfall. For environmental licensing phase mining pits 0.9ND the linear relationship being ND the number of days after the onset of the open water area in the pit, it can be used to predict water lost groundwater blade to the atmosphere. The above ratio was obtained in a grassy area with sandy soil and other free water in a humid tropical climate, with low water deficiency in the winter, with an average evapotranspiration of 3.3 mm&#47;day. During the environmental licensing this methodology can predict impacts &#40;evaporative losses&#41; due to installation and increased mining pits. In degraded areas recovery programs the impact on underground water resources due to surface changes made during the mining activity can be quantified with this simple relationship &#40;0.9ND&#41;. The method requires only the measurement area converted into free water surface, it can be used for satellite images and the above-described relationship. It was used the method in sand mining pits in the watershed of the Paraíba do Sul and city Campo Grande - MS. The increase evaporation &#40;0.9ND&#41; allied with the charge of R&#36; 0.02&#47; m3 and the area flooded the pits allowed economically quantify the value of impact.

Advanced Evapotranspiration Measurement for Crop Water Management in the Red River Valley

Niaghi, Ali Rashid January 2019 (has links)
As the main component of terrestrial energy and water balance, evapotranspiration (ET) moves a large amount of water and energy in the form of latent heat flux from bare soil and vegetated surfaces into the atmosphere. Despite the development of many methods and equations through past decades, accurate ET estimation is still a challenging task, especially for the Red River Valley of the North (RRV) that has limited updated information on ET either for landscape or agricultural water management. The overall objective of first study was to evaluate the ASCE-EWRI reference ET (ETo) method by developing an accurate crop coefficient (Kc) using an eddy covariance (EC) system over an unirrigated turfgrass site. The results showed that with mean ETgrass/ETo ratio as 0.96 for the entire growing seasons of turfgrass, the ASCE-EWRI ETo method is valid for guiding the turfgrass irrigation management in cold climate conditions. In a Controlled drainage with subirrigation (CD+SI) field, an EC system was used to measure and quantify energy flux components along with soil water content (SWC) and water table depth (WTD) measurements during four corn growing. This study showed that the subsurface drainage along with the CD + SI system can be used for optimal water management with an improvement of 26.7% and 6.6% of corn yield during wet and dry year, respectively. For the final task, ET was measured using EC, Bowen ratio system (BREB), and soil water balance (SWB) method during the corn growing season. The comparison of the EC and the BREB system illustrated the advantages of using the residual method to close the energy balance closure of EC. Among the different time approaches for SWB method, ET by the SWB method using the average soil water contents between 24:00 to 2:00 time period showed non-significant differences (alpha = 0.05) compared to the BREB system during the observation periods. / USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture project / USDA NCR SARE project / ND Soybean Council / ND Water Resources Research Institute / ND Agricultural Experimental Station / USDA Hatch project / NASA ROSES Project

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