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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of supplementing feedlot steers and heifers with Zilpaterol hydrochloride on Warner-Bratzler Shear Force of steer longissimus lumborum and heifer longissimus lumborum, triceps brachii and gluteus medius muscles aged for 7, 14 and 21 days

Claus, Heidi L. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Michael E. Dikeman / The longissimus lumborum (LL) muscle from 117 steers and the LL, gluteus medius (GM), and triceps brachii (TB) from 132 heifers were obtained to evaluate the effects of feeding zilpaterol hydrochloride (Zilmax®; ZH) (7.56g/907kg on a 100% DM basis) on tenderness. Both genders were blocked by initial weight into 6 blocks of 4 pens. Pens were assigned to treatments of either 0, 20, 30 or 40 d on ZH, with a 3 d withdrawal. One steak was removed from each muscle for proximate analysis and three 2.54 cm thick steaks were vacuum aged for either 7, 14 or 21 d. Steaks were cooked to 70 ˚C and six 1.27 cm diameter cores were removed for Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) determinations. All muscles from steers and heifers fed 30 and 40 d with ZH, had higher (P < 0.05) WBSF compared with controls. The WBSF of steer LL and heifer TB from the 20 d treatment was higher (P < 0.05) than controls. There were no treatment by aging interactions (P > 0.05) for WBSF of steaks from steer LL, heifer LL or heifer TB, but there was a treatment by aging interaction (P < 0.05) for WBSF of steaks from heifer GM. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in percent intramuscular fat for any muscle due to treatment. When using percent intramuscular fat as a covariate, differences in WBSF of steer LL and heifer TB were not altered, but there were slight differences in heifer LL and GM WBSF due to treatment when compared with not using percent fat as a covariate. Percentages of steaks with WBSF ≥ 5 kg increased as days on ZH increased and decreased as days of aging increased. Warner-Bratzler shear force values among the three aging times for steer LL control, 20 and 40 d treatments; all heifer LL treatments, and heifer TB 20 d were all positively correlated (P < 0.01) with each other. Feeding ZH for 20 d generally increased WBSF values, but means were still acceptable. Feeding ZH for 40 d was very detrimental to tenderness.

Validade de um protocolo específico para análise de fadiga neuromuscular da musculatura extensora do cotovelo. / Validity of a specific protocol for neuromuscular fatigue analysis of the elbow extensor musculature.

Norberto, Matheus Silva 20 July 2018 (has links)
A utilização da eletroestimulação muscular é uma estratégia utilizada para investigação da fadiga neuromuscular. Entretanto, esta técnica é pouco aplicada na musculatura extensora do cotovelo em função de limitações biomecâncias (atuação de músculos sinergistas), neurais (influência de reflexo neural) e fisiológicas (facilidade em atingir estados de potencialização pós-ativação e fadiga). Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar procedimentos para avaliação neuromuscular da musculatura extensora do cotovelo. Para isso, foram realizados três estudos que envolveram a adequação da técnica de eletroestimulação e um \"estudo principal\" para validar um novo protocolo de avaliação neuromuscular. Após resultados positivos em estudos complementares, a presente dissertação propôs a validação de um protocolo para análise neuromuscular com contrações submáximas para a musculatura extensora do cotovelo. Vinte participantes com idade de 25,1 ± 6,8 anos foram submetidos, em dias diferentes, a dois esforços, um a fim de promover fadiga central e fadiga periférica respectivamente. Antes e após os esforços envolvendo fadiga (periférica ou central) foram realizadas avaliações de fadiga neuromuscular para musculatura extensora do joelho (protocolo já validado) e musculatura extensora do cotovelo (protocolo proposto). Verificou-se que: (i.) o modelo de análise proposto não promove nenhum tipo de fadiga ou potencialização pós-ativação; (ii) a resposta de um pulso controle no início e no fim do modelo de análise proposto promovem respostas diferentes; (iii) o modelo proposto foi capaz de identificar redução da resposta neuromuscular; (iv) o esforço envolvendo fadiga central não promoveu fadiga central significante; (v) a utilização de um modelo matemático para investigação de fadiga neuromuscular (coeficientes resultantes de uma regressão linear) com os valores de estimulação em contrações submáximas foi sensível a fadiga mas não foi capaz de discriminar fadiga central e periférica. É possível concluir que o modelo de análise proposto para a musculatura extensora do cotovelo apresentou sensibilidade para verificar a fadiga neuromuscular. Entretanto, este não foi capaz de discriminar fadiga central e periférica. A utilização da regressão linear parece ser uma boa estratégia para diferenciar os dois modelos de fadiga e deve ser estudada com mais profundidade futuramente. / Muscular electrostimulation is a strategy used to investigate neuromuscular fatigue. However, this technique is poorly applied in the elbow extensor muscles due to the limitations of biomechanics (acting of synergistic muscles), neural (influence of neural reflex) and physiological (easiness to achieve post-activation and fatigue states of potentiation). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to standardize a neuromuscular evaluation strategy for the elbow extensor musculature. Thus, three complementary studies aimed at adjusting the electrostimulation technique and one \"main study\" to validate a new neuromuscular assessment protocol were realized. After positive results in complementary studies, the present dissertation proposed a protocol validation for neuromuscular analysis with submaximal contractions on the elbow extensor musculature. Twenty participants with 25.1 ± 6.8 years old performed, on different days, two efforts, one to promote central fatigue and peripheral fatigue respectively. Before and after the exercise involving fatigue (peripheral or central) there were realized neuromuscular fatigue evaluations for knee extensor muscles (protocol already validated) and elbow extensor musculature (protocol). The results indicate that: (i) the proposed analysis model does not promote any type of fatigue or post-activation potentiation; (ii) the response of a control pulse at the beginning and end of the proposed analysis model promotes different responses; (iii) the proposed model was able to identify reduction of neuromuscular response; (iv) the effort involving central fatigue did not promote significant central fatigue; (v) the use of a mathematical model to investigate neuromuscular fatigue (coefficients resulting from a linear regression) with the values of stimulation in submaximal contractions was sensitive after fatigue but was not able to discriminate central and peripheral fatigue. It is possible to conclude that the proposed analysis model for the elbow extensor musculature presented sensitivity to verify the neuromuscular fatigue. However, it was not able to discriminate central and peripheral fatigue. The use of linear regression seems to be a good strategy to differentiate the two models of fatigue and should be studied in more depth in the future.

Study on the activation of the biceps brachii compartments in normal subjects

Nejat, Nahal 08 1900 (has links)
Les prothèses myoélectriques modernes peuvent être dotées de plusieurs degrés de liberté ce qui nécessite plusieurs signaux musculaires pour en exploiter pleinement les capacités. Pour obtenir plus de signaux, il nous a semblé prometteur d'expérimenter si les 6 compartiments du biceps brachial pouvaient être mis sous tension de façon volontaire et obtenir ainsi 6 signaux de contrôle au lieu d'un seul comme actuellement. Des expériences ont donc été réalisées avec 10 sujets normaux. Des matrices d'électrodes ont été placées en surface au-dessus du chef court et long du biceps pour recueillir les signaux électromyographiques (EMG) générés par le muscle lors de contractions effectuées alors que les sujets étaient soit assis, le coude droit fléchi ~ 100 ° ou debout avec le bras droit tendu à l'horizontale dans le plan coronal (sur le côté). Dans ces deux positions, la main était soit en supination, soit en position neutre, soit en pronation. L'amplitude des signaux captés au-dessus du chef court du muscle a été comparée à ceux obtenus à partir du chef long. Pour visualiser la forme du biceps sous les électrodes l'imagerie ultrasonore a été utilisée. En fonction de la tâche à accomplir, l'activité EMG a était plus importante soit dans un chef ou dans l'autre. Le fait de pouvoir activer préférentiellement l'un des 2 chefs du biceps, même si ce n'est pas encore de façon complètement indépendante, suggère que l'utilisation sélective des compartiments pourrait être une avenue possible pour faciliter le contrôle des prothèses myoélectriques du membre supérieur. / The latest myoelectric prostheses have several degrees of freedom and therefore require a large number of myoelectric signals to fully exploit their capabilities. Muscle compartments, which are intra-muscular subdivisions innervated by an individual muscle nerve branch, can be exploited to provide additional independent muscle control sites to operate such prostheses. This research presents a work to investigate the activation of the 6 biceps brachii compartments in healthy subjects to see if they have the ability to activate those compartments voluntarily. Therefore, electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded from an array of seven and ten pairs of equally spaced surface electrodes positioned across the short and long head of the biceps of ten healthy subjects. The EMG signals are collected in two positions: 1) with the subject seated, right elbow flexed ~100°, and 2) with the subject standing with the right arm extended horizontally in the coronal plane (90°shoulder abduction). In both positions, the hand is either fully supinated, neutral, or fully pronated. The average root mean square value of the EMG signals obtained from the pairs of electrodes positioned over the short head are compared with the average obtained for the other pairs placed over the biceps long head. Ultrasound imaging also used to visualize the long and short heads of the biceps in flexed and extended arm while the hand was in different postures. Depending on the task to be accomplished, activity was larger in one head or in the other. Being able to activate either head of the biceps, while not yet completely independently, suggests that the selective use of compartments could be a possible avenue for controlling upper limb myoelectric prostheses.

Study on the activation of the biceps brachii compartments in normal subjects

Nejat, Nahal 08 1900 (has links)
Les prothèses myoélectriques modernes peuvent être dotées de plusieurs degrés de liberté ce qui nécessite plusieurs signaux musculaires pour en exploiter pleinement les capacités. Pour obtenir plus de signaux, il nous a semblé prometteur d'expérimenter si les 6 compartiments du biceps brachial pouvaient être mis sous tension de façon volontaire et obtenir ainsi 6 signaux de contrôle au lieu d'un seul comme actuellement. Des expériences ont donc été réalisées avec 10 sujets normaux. Des matrices d'électrodes ont été placées en surface au-dessus du chef court et long du biceps pour recueillir les signaux électromyographiques (EMG) générés par le muscle lors de contractions effectuées alors que les sujets étaient soit assis, le coude droit fléchi ~ 100 ° ou debout avec le bras droit tendu à l'horizontale dans le plan coronal (sur le côté). Dans ces deux positions, la main était soit en supination, soit en position neutre, soit en pronation. L'amplitude des signaux captés au-dessus du chef court du muscle a été comparée à ceux obtenus à partir du chef long. Pour visualiser la forme du biceps sous les électrodes l'imagerie ultrasonore a été utilisée. En fonction de la tâche à accomplir, l'activité EMG a était plus importante soit dans un chef ou dans l'autre. Le fait de pouvoir activer préférentiellement l'un des 2 chefs du biceps, même si ce n'est pas encore de façon complètement indépendante, suggère que l'utilisation sélective des compartiments pourrait être une avenue possible pour faciliter le contrôle des prothèses myoélectriques du membre supérieur. / The latest myoelectric prostheses have several degrees of freedom and therefore require a large number of myoelectric signals to fully exploit their capabilities. Muscle compartments, which are intra-muscular subdivisions innervated by an individual muscle nerve branch, can be exploited to provide additional independent muscle control sites to operate such prostheses. This research presents a work to investigate the activation of the 6 biceps brachii compartments in healthy subjects to see if they have the ability to activate those compartments voluntarily. Therefore, electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded from an array of seven and ten pairs of equally spaced surface electrodes positioned across the short and long head of the biceps of ten healthy subjects. The EMG signals are collected in two positions: 1) with the subject seated, right elbow flexed ~100°, and 2) with the subject standing with the right arm extended horizontally in the coronal plane (90°shoulder abduction). In both positions, the hand is either fully supinated, neutral, or fully pronated. The average root mean square value of the EMG signals obtained from the pairs of electrodes positioned over the short head are compared with the average obtained for the other pairs placed over the biceps long head. Ultrasound imaging also used to visualize the long and short heads of the biceps in flexed and extended arm while the hand was in different postures. Depending on the task to be accomplished, activity was larger in one head or in the other. Being able to activate either head of the biceps, while not yet completely independently, suggests that the selective use of compartments could be a possible avenue for controlling upper limb myoelectric prostheses.

Modeling of the sEMG / Force relationship by data analysis of high resolution sensor network / Modélisation de la relation entre le signal EMG de surface et la force musculaire par analyse de données d’un réseau de capteurs à haute résolution

Al Harrach, Mariam 27 September 2016 (has links)
Les systèmes neuromusculaires et musculo-squelettique sont considérés comme un système de systèmes complexe. En effet, le mouvement du corps humain est contrôlé par le système nerveux central par l'activation des cellules musculaires squelettiques. L'activation du muscle produit deux phénomènes différents : mécanique et électrique. Ces deux activités possèdent des propriétés différentes, mais l'activité mécanique ne peut avoir lieu sans l'activité électrique et réciproquement. L'activité mécanique de la contraction du muscle squelettique est responsable du mouvement. Le mouvement étant primordial pour la vie humaine, il est crucial de comprendre son fonctionnement et sa génération qui pourront aider à détecter des déficiences dans les systèmes neuromusculaire et musculo-squelettique. Ce mouvement est décrit par les forces musculaires et les moments agissant sur une articulation particulière. En conséquence, les systèmes neuromusculaires et musculo-squelettique peuvent être évalués avec le diagnostic et le management des maladies neurologiques et orthopédiques à travers l'estimation de la force. Néanmoins, la force produite par un seul muscle ne peut être mesurée que par une technique très invasive. C'est pour cela, que l'estimation de cette force reste l'un des grands challenges de la biomécanique. De plus, comme dit précédemment, l'activation musculaire possède aussi une réponse électrique qui est corrélée à la réponse mécanique. Cette résultante électrique est appelée l'électromyogramme (EMG) et peut être mesurée d'une façon non invasive à l'aide d'électrodes de surface. L'EMG est la somme des trains de potentiel d'action d'unité motrice qui sont responsable de la contraction musculaire et de la génération du mouvement. Ce signal électrique peut être mesuré par des électrodes à la surface de la peau et est appelé I'EMG de surface {sEMG). Pour un muscle unique, en supposant que la relation entre l'amplitude du sEMG et la force est monotone, plusieurs études ont essayé d'estimer cette force en développant des modèles actionnés par ce signal. Toutefois, ces modèles contiennent plusieurs limites à cause des hypothèses irréalistes par rapport à l'activation neurale. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de relation sEMG/force en intégrant ce qu'on appelle le sEMG haute définition (HD-sEMG), qui est une nouvelle technique d'enregistrement des signaux sEMG ayant démontré une meilleure estimation de la force en surmontant le problème de la position de l'électrode sur le muscle. Ce modèle de relation sEMG/force sera développé dans un contexte sans fatigue pour des contractions isométriques, isotoniques et anisotoniques du Biceps Brachii (BB) lors une flexion isométrique de l'articulation du coude à 90°. / The neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems are complex System of Systems (SoS) that perfectly interact to provide motion. This interaction is illustrated by the muscular force, generated by muscle activation driven by the Central Nervous System (CNS) which pilots joint motion. The knowledge of the force level is highly important in biomechanical and clinical applications. However, the recording of the force produced by a unique muscle is impossible using noninvasive procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a way to estimate it. The muscle activation also generates another electric phenomenon, measured at the skin using electrodes, namely the surface electromyogram (sEMG). ln the biomechanics literature, several models of the sEMG/force relationship are provided. They are principally used to command musculoskeletal models. However, these models suffer from several important limitations such lacks of physiological realism, personalization, and representability when using single sEMG channel input. ln this work, we propose to construct a model of the sEMG/force relationship for the Biceps Brachii (BB) based on the data analysis of a High Density sEMG (HD-sEMG) sensor network. For this purpose, we first have to prepare the data for the processing stage by denoising the sEMG signals and removing the parasite signals. Therefore, we propose a HD-sEMG denoising procedure based on Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) that removes two types of noise that degrade the sEMG signals and a source separation method that combines CCA and image segmentation in order to separate the electrical activities of the BB and the Brachialis (BR). Second, we have to extract the information from an 8 X 8 HD-sEMG electrode grid in order to form the input of the sEMG/force model Thusly, we investigated different parameters that describe muscle activation and can affect the relationship shape then we applied data fusion through an image segmentation algorithm. Finally, we proposed a new HDsEMG/force relationship, using simulated data from a realistic HD-sEMG generation model of the BB and a Twitch based model to estimate a specific force profile corresponding to a specific sEMG sensor network and muscle configuration. Then, we tested this new relationship in force estimation using both machine learning and analytical approaches. This study is motivated by the impossibility of obtaining the intrinsic force from one muscle in experimentation.

Differences in muscle activity during the chin-up versus lat pulldown exercise. An electromyographic study.

Löfquist, Isak January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Biceps brachii synergy and its contribution to target reaching tasks within a virtual cube

He, Liang 07 1900 (has links)
Ces dernières années, des travaux importants ont été observés dans le développement du contrôle prothétique afin d'aider les personnes amputées du membre supérieur à améliorer leur qualité de vie au quotidien. Certaines prothèses myoélectriques modernes des membres supérieurs disponibles dans le commerce ont de nombreux degrés de liberté et nécessitent de nombreux signaux de contrôle pour réaliser plusieurs tâches fréquemment utilisées dans la vie quotidienne. Pour obtenir plusieurs signaux de contrôle, de nombreux muscles sont requis mais pour les personnes ayant subi une amputation du membre supérieur, le nombre de muscles disponibles est plus ou moins réduit selon le niveau de l’amputation. Pour accroître le nombre de signaux de contrôle, nous nous sommes intéressés au biceps brachial, vu qu’anatomiquement il est formé de 2 chefs et que de la présence de compartiments a été observée sur sa face interne. Physiologiquement, il a été trouvé que les unités motrices du biceps sont activées à différents endroits du muscle lors de la production de diverses tâches fonctionnelles. De plus, il semblerait que le système nerveux central puisse se servir de la synergie musculaire pour arriver à facilement produire plusieurs mouvements. Dans un premier temps on a donc identifié que la synergie musculaire était présente chez le biceps de sujets normaux et on a montré que les caractéristiques de cette synergie permettaient d’identifier la posture statique de la main lorsque les signaux du biceps avaient été enregistrés. Dans un deuxième temps, on a réussi à démontrer qu’il était possible, dans un cube présenté sur écran, à contrôler la position d’une sphère en vue d’atteindre diverses cibles en utilisant la synergie musculaire du biceps. Les techniques de classification utilisées pourraient servir à faciliter le contrôle des prothèses myoélectriques. / In recent years, important work has been done in the development of prosthetic control to help upper limb amputees improve their quality of life on a daily basis. Some modern commercially available upper limb myoelectric prostheses have many degrees of freedom and require many control signals to perform several tasks commonly used in everyday life. To obtain several control signals, many muscles are required, but for people with upper limb amputation, the number of muscles available is more or less reduced, depending on the level of amputation. To increase the number of control signals, we were interested in the biceps brachii, since it is anatomically composed of 2 heads and the presence of compartments was observed on its internal face. Physiologically, it has been found that the motor units of the biceps are activated at different places of the muscle during production of various functional tasks. In addition, it appears that the central nervous system can use muscle synergy to easily produce multiple movements. In this research, muscle synergy was first identified to be present in the biceps of normal subjects, and it was shown that the characteristics of this synergy allowed the identification of static posture of the hand when the biceps signals had been recorded. In a second investigation, we demonstrated that it was possible in a virtual cube presented on a screen to control online the position of a sphere to reach various targets by using muscle synergy of the biceps. Classification techniques have been used to improve the classification of muscular synergy features, and these classification techniques can be integrated with control algorithm that produces dynamic movement of myoelectric prostheses to facilitate the training of prosthetic control.

Squeezing the Muscle : Compression Clothing and Muscle Metabolism during Recovery from High Intensity Exercise

Sperlich, B., Born, D. -P, Kaskinoro, K., Kalliokoski, K. K., Laaksonen, Marko January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate skeletal muscle blood flow and glucose uptake in m. biceps (BF) and m. quadriceps femoris (QF) 1) during recovery from high intensity cycle exercise, and 2) while wearing a compression short applying ~37 mmHg to the thigh muscles. Blood flow and glucose uptake were measured in the compressed and non-compressed leg of 6 healthy men by using positron emission tomography. At baseline blood flow in QF (P = 0.79) and BF (P = 0.90) did not differ between the compressed and the non-compressed leg. During recovery muscle blood flow was higher compared to baseline in both compressed (P&lt;0.01) and non-compressed QF (P&lt;0.001) but not in compressed (P = 0.41) and non-compressed BF (P = 0.05; effect size = 2.74). During recovery blood flow was lower in compressed QF (P&lt;0.01) but not in BF (P = 0.26) compared to the non-compressed muscles. During baseline and recovery no differences in blood flow were detected between the superficial and deep parts of QF in both, compressed (baseline P = 0.79; recovery P = 0.68) and non-compressed leg (baseline P = 0.64; recovery P = 0.06). During recovery glucose uptake was higher in QF compared to BF in both conditions (P&lt;0.01) with no difference between the compressed and non-compressed thigh. Glucose uptake was higher in the deep compared to the superficial parts of QF (compression leg P = 0.02). These results demonstrate that wearing compression shorts with ~37 mmHg of external pressure reduces blood flow both in the deep and superficial regions of muscle tissue during recovery from high intensity exercise but does not affect glucose uptake in BF and QF. © 2013 Sperlich et al. / <p>:doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0060923</p>

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