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Reservas internacionais ótimas de um país: um estudo do caso brasileiroNevares, Mario Maia January 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-04 / The objective of this paper is to analyze the foreign reserves accumulation among countries such Brazil that builds up international reserves to be protected from externai crises as well as to diminish such probability. We desire to analyze also the determination of optimal levei of reserves. We will approach brief historical of the literature of reserves holdings. In the study of Brazil, we will discuss the optimal levei of Brazilian international reserves using buffer stock model, with temporaries series approach, differing from previous cross-section studies. / O objetivo deste trabalho analisar acumulação de reservas internacionais por parte de países como Brasil, que acumulam reservas na tentativa de se proteger de crises externas bem como diminuir tal probabilidade. Desejamos analisar determinação do nível ótimo de reservas. Apresentaremos um breve histórico da literatura sobre acumulação de reservas. No estudo do Brasil, discutiremos nível ótimo de reservas internacionais brasileiras usando modelo de buffer stock, partir de uma abordagem de séries temporais, diferindo de trabalhos anteriores usando dados cross-section.
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Modelagem das reservas internacionais Ãtimas no BRIC: tÃo heterogÃneos, tÃo dependentes / Modeling of optimal international reserves in BRIC: so heterogeneous, so dependentMÃrcio Heber Medeiros RebouÃas 30 January 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / O presente trabalho agrega à discussÃo da literatura teÃrica-empÃrica, seguindo
conceitualmente Heller (1966), e alinhando-se a Calvo, Izquierdo e Loo-Kung (2012), e
Alfaro e Kanczuk (2007; 2014), ao analisar as reservas internacionais dos paÃses que
compÃem os BRIC, relativamente ao perÃodo de 1997 a 2013, com o intuito de associar o
patamar otimizado de reservas a um instrumento gerencial de proteÃÃo (buffer) dos ativos
pÃblicos, que funcionam como um amortecedor perante os desequilÃbrios do balanÃo de
pagamentos, em funÃÃo de crises e sudden stops, dadas as evidÃncias prÃvias de contÃgio e
integraÃÃo financeira neste bloco. O interesse pelos BRIC Ã pautado no fato de que nos
prÃximos cinquenta anos, estas naÃÃes poderÃo vir a se tornar as maiores forÃas da economia
mundial. Seguindo metodologicamente Frenkel e Jovanic (1981), aplicou-se o modelo
intitulado de buffer stock nas sÃries temporais das reservas, havendo a inovaÃÃo e a relevÃncia
no trabalho em virtude da consideraÃÃo dos possÃveis efeitos cruzados significativos das
volatilidades condicionais e dos respectivos spreads intrabloco, atravÃs de um modelo vetorial
com correÃÃo de erros (VEC). Verifica-se ainda que, sob a aplicaÃÃo deste modelo
economÃtrico, os resultados permitiram identificar o papel relevante desempenhado pela
volatilidade das reservas brasileira e russa, assim como do spread chinÃs na explicaÃÃo da
gestÃo de reservas em alguns dos demais BRIC, que reflete na adoÃÃo de eventuais posturas
conservadoras ou ousadas, por parte dos policy makers integrantes do bloco. / This study adds to discussion of theoretical and empirical literature, conceptually following
Heller (1966), and aligning with the Calvo, Izquierdo e Loo-Kung (2012), and Alfaro e
Kanczuk (2007; 2014), when analyzing international reserves countries that make up BRIC,
for period 1997-2013, with a view to involving optimal level of reserves to a management
tool protection (buffers) of public assets, which act as a buffer before balance of payments
imbalances , due to crises and sudden stops, given previous evidence of contagion and
financial integration in this block. Interest in BRIC is grounded in fact that next fifty years,
these nations are likely to become major forces in the world economy. Following
methodologically Frenkel e Jovanić (1981), we applied model titled buffer stock in time series
of stores, and innovation and relevance in work due to consideration of likely significant cross
effects of conditional volatilities and their bloc spreads, through a vector error correction
model (VEC). It also appears that under application of econometric model, study findings
show important role played by volatility of Brazilian and Russian stocks, as well as Chinese
spread in explaining reserve management in some of other BRIC, which reflects adoption of
any conservative or daring attitudes on the part of policy makers members of the bloc.
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De svenska hushållens sparande : Vilka faktorer påverkar sparkvoten? En reflektion under den rådande Corona-pandemin.Hillefors, Hanna, Isaksson, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
The savings ratio for Swedish households is record-breaking and Sweden, together with the rest of the world, is currently in the middle of a pandemic. What drives individuals to save is based on a number of different factors that previous research has concluded. The purpose of this study is to, with previous research as a basis, investigate which factors affect the savings ratio for Swedish households. Quarterly data for the years 1982–2020 is analyzed in a time series by first processing for unit roots and then cointegration. The data is then estimated in a multiple linear regression in the form of an “Error Correction Model”, with the intention of investigating both the short-term and long-term relationship. The results of the study indicate that the variables that have a significant impact on the change in the household savings ratio are GDP per capita, inflation, unemployment and consumption, while public savings and the development of the stock market have a significant but less considerable effekt. The economic theories that the study findssupport for are the theory of precautionary savings as well as the standard buffer-stock model. / Sparkvoten hos svenska hushåll är rekordhög och Sverige, tillsammans med resten av världen, befinner sig för närvarande mitt i en pandemi. Vad som driver individer till att spara grundar sig i en rad olika faktorer som tidigare forskning kommit fram till. Syftet med denna studie är att, med tidigare forskning som grund, undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar sparkvoten för svenska hushåll. Kvartalsdata för åren 1982–2020 analyseras i en tidsserie genom att först behandlas för enhetsrötter och sedan kointegration. Därefter skattas de i en multipel linjär regressionsanalys i form av en ”Error Correction Model”, med avsikt att utreda både det kortsiktiga- och långsiktiga sambandet. Resultatet av studien indikerar att de variabler som har en signifikant betydande påverkan på förändringen i hushållens sparkvot är BNP per capita, inflation, arbetslöshet samt konsumtion, medan offentligt sparande och utveckling av aktiemarknaden har en signifikant men mindre betydande effekt. De ekonomiska teorier som studien finner stöd i är teorin om försiktighetssparandet samt standard buffertlager-modellen.
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