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Distributed control of building engineering servicesYong, C. H. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Indoor air quality simulation and feedback controlRatnam, Edward January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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A knowledge-based electronic prototype system (KEPS) for building and services design integrationHew, Ken Ping January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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The application of phase change materials to cool buildingsSusman, Gideon January 2012 (has links)
Five projects improve understanding of how to use PCM to reduce building cooling energy. Firstly, a post-installation energy-audit of an active cooling system with PCM tank revealed an energy cost of 10.6% of total cooling energy, as compared to an identical tankless system, because PCM under%cooling prevented heat rejection at night. Secondly, development of a new taxonomy for PCM cooling systems allowed reclassification of all systems and identified under-exploited types. Novel concept designs were generated that employ movable PCM units and insulation. Thirdly, aspects of the generated designs were tested in a passive PCM sail design, installed in an occupied office. Radiant heat transfer, external heat discharge and narrow phase transition zone all improved performance. Fourthly, passive PCM product tests were conducted in a 4.2 m3 thermal test cell in which two types of ceiling tile, with 50 and 70% microencapsulated PCM content, and paraffin/copolymer composite wallboards yielded peak temperature reductions of 3.8, 4.4 and 5.2 °C, respectively, and peak temperature reductions per unit PCM mass of 0.28, 0.34 and 0.14 °C/kg, respectively. Heat discharge of RACUS tiles was more effective due to their non-integration into the building fabric. Conclusions of preceding chapters informed the design of a new system composed of an array of finned aluminium tubes, containing paraffin (melt temperature 19.79 °C, latent heat 159.75 kJ/kg) located below the ceiling. Passive cooling and heat discharge is prioritised but a chilled water loop ensures temperature control on hotter days (water circulated at 13 °C) and heat discharge on hotter nights (water circulated at 10 °C). Test cell results showed similar passive performance to the ceiling tiles and wallboards, effective active temperature control (constant 24.6˚C air temperature) and successful passive and active heat discharge. A dynamic heat balance model with an IES% generated UK office’s annual cooling load and PCM temperature%enthalpy functions predicted annual energy savings of 34%.
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Quantifying the performance of natural ventilation windcatchersJones, Benjamin Michael January 2010 (has links)
The significant energy consumption of non- domestic buildings has led to renewed interest in natural ventilation strategies that utilise the action of the wind, and the buoyancy of hot air. One natural ventilation element is the Windcatcher, a roof mounted device that works by channelling air into a room under the action of wind pressure, whilst simultaneously drawing air out of the room by virtue of a low pressure region created downstream of the element. A significant number of Windcatchers are fitted in UK schools where good indoor air quality is essential for the health and performance of children. The performance of a ventilation system in a school classroom is determined by its ability to provide ventilation in accordance with UK government ventilation, air quality, and acoustic requirements. However, there is only limited performance data available for a Windcatcher, particularly when operating in-situ. Accordingly, this thesis investigates the performance of a Windcatcher in three ways: First, a semi-empirical model is developed that combines an envelope flow model with existing experimental data. Second, measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and noise levels in school classrooms are assessed over summer and winter months and the results compared against UK Government requirements. Finally, air flow rates are measured in twenty four classrooms and compared against the semi-empirical predictions. The monitoring reveals that air quality in classrooms ventilated by a Windcatcher has the potential to be better than that reported for conventional natural ventilation strategies such as windows. Furthermore, an autonomous Windcatcher is shown to deliver the minimum ventilation rates specified by the UK Government, and when combined with open windows a Windcatcher is also capable of providing the required mean and purge ventilation rates. These findings are then used to develop an algorithm that will size a Windcatcher for a particular application, as well as helping to improve the ventilation strategy for a building that employs a Windcatcher.
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Rule-based integrated building management systemsClark, Gary George January 1993 (has links)
The introduction of building management systems in large buildings have improved the control of building services and provided energy savings. However, current building management systems are limited by the physical level of integration of the building's services and the lack of intelligence provided in the control algorithms. This thesis proposes a new approach to the design and operation of building management systems using rule-based artificial intelligence techniques. The main aim of is to manage the services in the building in a more co-ordinated and intelligent manner than is possible by conventional techniques. This approach also aims to reduce the operational cost of the building by automatically tuning the energy consumption in accordance with occupancy profile of the building. A rule-based design methodology is proposed for building management systems. The design adopts the integrated structure made possible by the introduction of a common communications network for building services. The 'intelligence' is coded in the form of rules in such a way that it is both independent of any specific building description and easy to facilitate subsequent modification and addition. This is achieved using an object-oriented approach and classifying the range of data available into defined classes. The rules are divided into two knowledge-bases which are concerned with the building's control and its facilities management respectively. A wide range of rule-based features are proposed to operate on this data structure and are classified in terms of the data classes on which they operate. The concepts presented in this thesis were evaluated using software simulations, mathematical analysis and some hardware implementation. The conclusions of this work are that a rule-based building management system could provide significant enhancements over existing systems in terms of energy savings and improvements for both the building's management staff and its occupants.
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Ändamålsdriven överlämning av installationsinformation från projekt till förvaltning med stöd av BIM. : En kvalitativ studie av behoven av installationsinformation i fastighetsförvaltning samt en fallstudie för att beskriva en förvaltningsenhets kommande steg i BIM-mognadsdiagrammet / Purpose-driven handover of building services information from project to facility management with BIM support : A qualitative study of the needs of building services information in facility management and a case study to describe a facility management organization’s upcoming steps in the BIM-maturity diagramJansson, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
From an overview study published in 2014 it is concluded that although new information technology and standards are a strong driving force towards a more efficient and profitable facility management it is just as important to identify what types of information, in which manner, and to what extents the information is supposed to be shared to different business processes and disciplinary actors [1]. In the attempt to achieve a more automated facility management and integrated-life cycle approach of buildings the handover of building information is a major bottleneck [2]. Delimited to building services for HVAC, plumbing and electricity this study aims to investigate which needs related to installation information there are in facility management of buildings and that are possible and should be included in the handover from projects to facility management. Furthermore the study aims at in depth (through a case study) describe current ways of performing installation information handovers. New ways of working for the case study organisation according to higher levels of BIM maturity [3, 4] is described and analysed. From the results of a series of interviews (informants: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) it is concluded that the two most valued sets of information related to building services are: Warranty information: warranty start date, warranty period and warranty terms (description of what types of service and maintenance that are included in the acquisition of the asset). All three properties need to be nationally standardized. Air quality in spaces: Space objects where occupants spend time should include information about the air types, its quantities and how the airflows are controlled over time in that space. Furthermore informants ask for a description of the designed function of the space and some ask for the number of persons the space is designed for. A national standardization of an information model describing the mentioned variables is necessary in the future. To be able to describe installed products regarding what (manufacturer, model and/or type) and where (location in the building) was almost as prioritized. Thereafter was the issue of the expected useful life of the products of concern for products with maintenance actions that would involve substantial costs. 3 The organization in the case study needs to move on to completely digital ways of working for enabling BIM. Additionally they need to state requirements on the structure and content of the objects in both the proprietary formats as well as on the open formats (IFC [11]) of the CAD models that are handed over to them from the projects. There is a possibility (but not utilized) for the organisation today to map IFC files to their facility management software system [12]. In the future they should utilize BIM model servers with cloud services [13] that are integrated with their facility management software system.
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Installationssamordning i projekteringsskedet : Möjligheter till förbättring genom att utveckla en beskedstidplan / Building services coordination during the design phase : Possibilities of improvement by developing a notification planPersson, Oscar, Rosén, Hjalmar January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport redovisar möjligheterna till en förbättrad installationssamordning genom att utveckla en beskedstidplan. Rapporten behandlar problem inom installationssamordning i projekteringsskedet av ett byggnadsprojekt. Arbetet är utfört på uppdrag av teknikkonsultföretaget ÅF. Det har sedan länge funnits stora problem inom installationssamordningen. Utmaningar som finns i branschen är bland annat bristande kommunikation, vilket kan leda till kollisioner, förseningar och i slutändan extra kostnader. Den bristande kommunikationen handlar delvis om avsaknad av besked från beställare eller andra projektörer om beslut som måste tas. Detta kan leda till att konsulternas arbete ej kan fortskrida. Inom ÅF finns det idéer som innebär att problemet kan lösas genom att utveckla en beskedstidplan. För att undersöka denna hypotes har empirisk data, med hjälp av intervjuer, samlats in och analyserats. Parallellt med intervjuerna har även en beskedstidplan utvecklats. Rapporten baseras även på litteraturstudier där böcker och rapporter som behandlar installationssamordning har granskats. Resultatet är baserat på det utkast av beskedstidplanen vi tagit fram och de synpunkter som inhämtats på den under intervjuerna. Analysen av intervjuerna tyder på att många problem inom installationssamordning kan minskas genom att använda en enkelt utformad och användarvänlig beskedstidplan. Våra slutsatser visar att den utvecklade beskedstidsplanen är tillämpbar inom ÅF och andra företag inom branschen. / This thesis focuses on investigating opportunities regarding enhancing building service coordination by developing a notification plan. The thesis addresses problems within building services coordination during the pre-installation phase of a construction project. The thesis is performed at the request of ÅF, a technical consultancy firm. For a long time there have been problems within building service coordination. Current challenges involve lack of communication, which often steers the project towards collisions and higher latency, resulting in higher costs. This lack of communication partly depends on the lack of clearance from the client or other projectors, when there is a decision that has to be made. This might lead to that consultants no longer will be able to work. Current ideas within ÅF to solve this problem involve the development of a notification plan. The method being used in this thesis involves the gathering and analysis of data. Sources are mainly interviews and literature concerning building service coordination. Simultaneously with interviewing a notification plan has been developed. The results are based on the draft of this notification plan and comments given during interviews. The analyses of interviews often concur that a lot of problems within building service coordination can diminish by using a simple and user-friendly notification plan. Our conclusions shows that the developed notification plan is applicable both at ÅF, but also at other companies within this sector.
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Aplikace a energetické hodnocení entalpického výměníku / Application and evaluation of energy enthalpy heat exchangerJetelina, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is solving measuring the efficiency heat recovery and application unit, which includes heat recovery into selected building. In the first part of the thesis are analy-zed the different types of heat recovery system, their behavior and suitability of use in HVAC systems. The second part includes the actual experiment, when were measured parameters of air, which passed through the unit and then were analyzed the results. In the last part, third, was measured unit applied to the selected house and was compared to operation of the unit in case of use by the producer given unit parameters and measured parameters.
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Process för byggservice : Att möta beställarens förväntningar / Process for building services : To meet client expectationsEriksson, Kristoffer, Yousef, Riad January 2014 (has links)
Dipart Entreprenad AB har ett affärsområde som är specialiserat på byggservice och det är verkligen något som de satsar på. Byggserviceverksamhet är något som många företag ute i den svenska byggbranschen håller på med, men i olika stor uträckning och med skillnad i kvalité på utfört arbete. Affärsområde är under ständig utveckling, detta för att både klara beställarnas men även samhällets förväntningar. I och med detta måste företaget förbättra och kartlägga det nuvarande arbetet med olika ramavtalskunder, för att vara mindre känslig för uppsägningar och ge högre kundnöjdhet. Denna rapport kommer hjälpa Dipart att hitta utvecklingsmöjligheter och se saker från en ny synvinkel, men även för att kunna uppfylla beställarnas förväntningar inom byggservice. Vilket i sin tur skall ge företaget chansen att följa med i utvecklingen men även ge en förutsättning för att ligga i framkant i branschen. Syftet med denna rapport är att upprätta en grund för processer speciellt för SigtunaHem, kolla samarbetet mellan entreprenörer och beställare samt lyfta fram svaga aktiviteter inom byggservice. Arbetsmetoden vi använt för att ta fram denna rapport är granskning av dokumentation. Såsom förfrågningsunderlag och diverse handlingar från olika beställare som använder sig av tjänsten byggservice av Dipart. Det har även skett intervjuer med kunniga personer inom området, både inom Dipart och hos deras beställare men även utomstående aktörer har deltagit med deras kunskap. Resultatet av detta arbete är en grund till en process för SigtunaHem och en lathund med frågor till beställaren som skall underlätta samlararbetet mellan parterna. Analysen av arbetet där vi diskuterar olika faktorer som påverkar Diparts byggservice, är ett resultat i sig själv av det som undersökts. Slutsatsen är att detta examensarbete ska vara en hjälp för företaget Dipart att uppnå högre kundnöjdhet samt så ska företaget vara mindre känslig för uppsägningar. / Dipart Entreprenad AB is a company that specializes in building services and it´s really something they are working hard with. Building Service is something that many companies, out there in the Swedish construction industry is doing, but in different large extent a difference in the quality of work performed. The construction business is under constant development, in order both to meet clients' but also the expectations of society. In doing so, the company needs to improve and identify the existing work with current clients , in order to be less vulnerable to layoffs and provide higher customer satisfaction. This report will help Dipart to find development opportunities and see things from a new point of view, but also to meet the client’s expectations in the building service. Which in turn will give the company the chance to keep up with developments but also give a condition for being at front of the industry. The purpose of this report is to establish a basis for processes specifically for Sigtunahem, check cooperation between contractors and clients as well as highlighting weak activities within building services. The work method we have used to develop this report is the examination of documentation. As specifications and various documents from different clients who use the building services of Dipart. There have also been interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the field, both within Dipart and with their clients but also external actors have participated with their knowledge. The result of this work is due to a process of SigtunaHem and a checklist of questions to the client to facilitate collects the work between the parties. The analysis of the work in which we discuss various factors that affect Diparts building services, is a result in itself of what is investigated. The conclusion is that this thesis will be a help to the company Dipart to achieve higher customer satisfaction and Dipart themselves will be less vulnerable to layoffs.
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