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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento e qualidade de frutos de banana em função da proteção física dos cachos / Banana development and quality according bunches physical protection

Sakai, Ronaldo Kazuo 17 April 2015 (has links)
No cultivo da bananeira, a proteção física dos cachos é uma das principais técnicas culturais utilizada com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade dos frutos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a influência do uso de diferentes tipos de embalagens para proteção do cacho de banana, cultivar Nanicão, durante o seu desenvolvimento e na pós-colheita dos frutos. Foram realizados dois experimentos em um bananal irrigado, com 8 anos de idade, em clima Cwa. O primeiro experimento foi realizado em duas épocas do ano para verificar a influência dos tipos de embalagens no desenvolvimento dos frutos e na sua qualidade. Os tratamentos foram: 1) testemunha (sem uso de proteção do cacho); 2) saco de polipropileno - TNT; 3) saco de polietileno azul; 4) saco de polietileno transparente), 5) saco de polietileno tratado com inseticida); e 6) saco de polietileno branco. Avaliou-se o período de frutificação (intervalo entre a emissão da inflorescência até a colheita dos frutos), massa do cacho, massa do engaço+ráquis, número de pencas por cacho, massa da 2ª penca, número de frutos da 2ª penca, massa da casca e polpa, relação polpa/casca, densidade dos frutos, lesões causadas por tripes, defeitos ou injúrias nos frutos, coloração da casca, sólidos solúveis, firmeza da polpa, acidez titulável e pH da polpa. No segundo experimento verificou-se a conservação desses frutos após a colheita e amadurecimento em ambiente controlado dos frutos. Avaliou-se a coloração da casca, sólidos solúveis da polpa, acidez titulável da polpa, pH da polpa, firmeza da polpa, perda de massa e relação polpa/casca. O delineamento utilizado em ambos os experimentos foram o inteiramente causalizado. A análise de variância dos dados obtidos foi realizada e no caso de significâncias as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey (5%). Conclui-se que o uso das embalagens para proteção do cacho reduz o período de frutificação, independentemente da época de desenvolvimento do fruto. A massa do cacho, a massa do engaço+ráquis, número de pencas, massa da 2ª penca, número de frutos da 2ª penca, densidade dos frutos e pH da polpa não são influenciados pelo uso de embalagens para proteção do cacho. O uso de embalagens no cacho protege contra o ataque de tripes da erupção. No inverno, todos os tipos de proteção física do cacho de banana tiveram desempenho semelhantes no controle dessa praga. No verão, o melhor controle foi obtido pela embalagem impregnada com inseticida. O uso de embalagens para proteção do cacho interfere nos atributos físico-químicos considerados importantes na maturação dos frutos, tais como coloração da casca, sólidos solúveis, firmeza e acidez titulável. As embalagens confeccionadas de material translúcido propiciam a produção de frutos com menor quantidade de injúrias e maior período de conservação, após o amadurecimento em ambiente controlado dos frutos. Cachos de banana que se desenvolveram no verão apresentaram maior massa e período de frutificação inferior aos frutos desenvolvidos no inverno. / In banana crop, the fruit physical protection is an important cultural technique performed in order to improve fruit quality. The aim of this work was to study the different types of bag influence for banana bunch protection, cv. Nanicão, during fruit development and post-harvest. Two experiments were developed under irrigated conditions in a banana filed with 8 years of cultive, in climate Cwa. The first experiment was conducted in two seasons aiming to verify the influence of different bags types in the fruits development and quality. The treatments were: 1) control (without bunch protection); 2) polypropylene bag - TNT; 3) Blue polythene bag; 4) Transparent polyethylene bag), 5) polyethylene bag Treated with insecticide); and 6) White polyethylene bag. Evaluated variables were: fruiting period (interval between the inflorescence emission until fruit harvest), bunch weight, mass of stems + rachis, number of hands per bunch, mass of the 2nd bunch, number of fruits of the 2nd bunch, mass of peel and pulp, pulp / peel ratio, fruit density, injuries caused by thrips, defects or injuries in fruits, peel color, soluble solids, firmness, titratable acidity and pH of the pulp. In the second experiment was evaluated the conservation of these fruits after harvest and acclimatization. Evaluated variables were: skin color, soluble solids of the pulp, titratable acidity of the pulp, pulp pH, firmness, weight loss and pulp / peel ratio. The experimental design, in both experiments, was completely randomized design. Data variance analyses were performed and in the case of significance means were compared by Tukey test (5%). The use of packaging bunch protection reduces the fruiting period, regardless of the fruit development time. The bunch weight, the mass of stems + rachis, number of hands, mass of the 2nd bunch, number of fruits of the 2nd bunch, fruit density and pH of the pulp are not influenced by the use of packaging bunch protection. The use of packaging in the bunch protects against attack by thrips eruption. During the winter conditions, all kinds of physical protection of the banana bunch had similar performance against this bug. Under summer conditions, the best control was through the use of impregnated with insecticide packaging. The use of packaging bunch protection interferes in physicalchemical attributes considered important in the maturation of the fruit, such as coloring hunting, soluble solids, firmness and titratable acidity. The packaging made by translucent material provides fruit production with less injuries and greater conservation period, after fruit acclimatization. Banana bunches developed in the summer were heavier and fruiting period was shorter than the fruit developed during the winter.

Desenvolvimento e qualidade de frutos de banana em função da proteção física dos cachos / Banana development and quality according bunches physical protection

Ronaldo Kazuo Sakai 17 April 2015 (has links)
No cultivo da bananeira, a proteção física dos cachos é uma das principais técnicas culturais utilizada com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade dos frutos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a influência do uso de diferentes tipos de embalagens para proteção do cacho de banana, cultivar Nanicão, durante o seu desenvolvimento e na pós-colheita dos frutos. Foram realizados dois experimentos em um bananal irrigado, com 8 anos de idade, em clima Cwa. O primeiro experimento foi realizado em duas épocas do ano para verificar a influência dos tipos de embalagens no desenvolvimento dos frutos e na sua qualidade. Os tratamentos foram: 1) testemunha (sem uso de proteção do cacho); 2) saco de polipropileno - TNT; 3) saco de polietileno azul; 4) saco de polietileno transparente), 5) saco de polietileno tratado com inseticida); e 6) saco de polietileno branco. Avaliou-se o período de frutificação (intervalo entre a emissão da inflorescência até a colheita dos frutos), massa do cacho, massa do engaço+ráquis, número de pencas por cacho, massa da 2ª penca, número de frutos da 2ª penca, massa da casca e polpa, relação polpa/casca, densidade dos frutos, lesões causadas por tripes, defeitos ou injúrias nos frutos, coloração da casca, sólidos solúveis, firmeza da polpa, acidez titulável e pH da polpa. No segundo experimento verificou-se a conservação desses frutos após a colheita e amadurecimento em ambiente controlado dos frutos. Avaliou-se a coloração da casca, sólidos solúveis da polpa, acidez titulável da polpa, pH da polpa, firmeza da polpa, perda de massa e relação polpa/casca. O delineamento utilizado em ambos os experimentos foram o inteiramente causalizado. A análise de variância dos dados obtidos foi realizada e no caso de significâncias as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey (5%). Conclui-se que o uso das embalagens para proteção do cacho reduz o período de frutificação, independentemente da época de desenvolvimento do fruto. A massa do cacho, a massa do engaço+ráquis, número de pencas, massa da 2ª penca, número de frutos da 2ª penca, densidade dos frutos e pH da polpa não são influenciados pelo uso de embalagens para proteção do cacho. O uso de embalagens no cacho protege contra o ataque de tripes da erupção. No inverno, todos os tipos de proteção física do cacho de banana tiveram desempenho semelhantes no controle dessa praga. No verão, o melhor controle foi obtido pela embalagem impregnada com inseticida. O uso de embalagens para proteção do cacho interfere nos atributos físico-químicos considerados importantes na maturação dos frutos, tais como coloração da casca, sólidos solúveis, firmeza e acidez titulável. As embalagens confeccionadas de material translúcido propiciam a produção de frutos com menor quantidade de injúrias e maior período de conservação, após o amadurecimento em ambiente controlado dos frutos. Cachos de banana que se desenvolveram no verão apresentaram maior massa e período de frutificação inferior aos frutos desenvolvidos no inverno. / In banana crop, the fruit physical protection is an important cultural technique performed in order to improve fruit quality. The aim of this work was to study the different types of bag influence for banana bunch protection, cv. Nanicão, during fruit development and post-harvest. Two experiments were developed under irrigated conditions in a banana filed with 8 years of cultive, in climate Cwa. The first experiment was conducted in two seasons aiming to verify the influence of different bags types in the fruits development and quality. The treatments were: 1) control (without bunch protection); 2) polypropylene bag - TNT; 3) Blue polythene bag; 4) Transparent polyethylene bag), 5) polyethylene bag Treated with insecticide); and 6) White polyethylene bag. Evaluated variables were: fruiting period (interval between the inflorescence emission until fruit harvest), bunch weight, mass of stems + rachis, number of hands per bunch, mass of the 2nd bunch, number of fruits of the 2nd bunch, mass of peel and pulp, pulp / peel ratio, fruit density, injuries caused by thrips, defects or injuries in fruits, peel color, soluble solids, firmness, titratable acidity and pH of the pulp. In the second experiment was evaluated the conservation of these fruits after harvest and acclimatization. Evaluated variables were: skin color, soluble solids of the pulp, titratable acidity of the pulp, pulp pH, firmness, weight loss and pulp / peel ratio. The experimental design, in both experiments, was completely randomized design. Data variance analyses were performed and in the case of significance means were compared by Tukey test (5%). The use of packaging bunch protection reduces the fruiting period, regardless of the fruit development time. The bunch weight, the mass of stems + rachis, number of hands, mass of the 2nd bunch, number of fruits of the 2nd bunch, fruit density and pH of the pulp are not influenced by the use of packaging bunch protection. The use of packaging in the bunch protects against attack by thrips eruption. During the winter conditions, all kinds of physical protection of the banana bunch had similar performance against this bug. Under summer conditions, the best control was through the use of impregnated with insecticide packaging. The use of packaging bunch protection interferes in physicalchemical attributes considered important in the maturation of the fruit, such as coloring hunting, soluble solids, firmness and titratable acidity. The packaging made by translucent material provides fruit production with less injuries and greater conservation period, after fruit acclimatization. Banana bunches developed in the summer were heavier and fruiting period was shorter than the fruit developed during the winter.

Klystrons et IOTs multifaisceaux à fort rendement / High efficient multi-beam klystrons and IOTs

Vuillemin, Quentin 28 August 2017 (has links)
La consommation d'énergie est au centre de nos préoccupations. Quelle qu'en soit la raison, économique, écologique, ou politique, ce problème est aujourd'hui au coeur de notresociété.L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un moyen de réduire le coût énergétique de composants spécifiques: les klystrons et les klystrodes, appelées aussi IOTs pour Inductive Output Tubes. Ces composants sont des amplificateurs utilisés comme source de haute puissance RF (Radio-Fréquence). Ces tubes existent sous plusieurs formes mais l'état de l'art, en matière de consommation d'énergie, sont les tubes multi-faisceaux. Nous nous fixons donc comme objectif d'améliorer ces klystrons et IOTs multi-faisceaux : les MBKs et MBIOTs. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte d'amélioration des accélérateurs de particules, par le biais d'une meilleure production des ondes radiofréquence; plus particulièrement en améliorant le rendement des tubes. Améliorer le rendement signifie simplement diminuer l'écart entre l'énergie fournie pour générer les ondes radios et l'énergie effectivement produite etutilisée dans les accélérateurs. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, la thèse décrit une nouvelle méthode d’analyse des données des simulations (le diagramme de dispersion de vitesse), explique les étapes de conception d’un tube, et approfondit théoriquement la dynamique des électrons et les structures liées au haut rendement. / Nowadays, energy consumption is a capital issue. It is a central problematic in our society for economical, ecological or politicalreasons.The aim of this thesis is to study ways to lower energical costs of specific components : klystrons and klystrodes, also known as IOTs (Inductive Output Tubes). Those components are amplifiers which are used as RF (Radio Frequency) sources in particle accelerators.Various forms of those tubes exist, however themulti-beam tubes are the state of the art regarding energy consumption. Thus, we focus on enhancing the efficiency of multi-beam klystrons and IOTs : the MBKs and MBIOTs.As a result, this thesis is part of the effort to decrease the costs of particle accelerators, by better producing RF waves; and more specifically enhancing the efficiency of tubes.This simply means lowering the gap between the energy needed to produce RF waves and the energy used in accelerators.In order to fulfill this task, the thesis describes a new method to analyse simulated data (the velocity dispersion diagram), explains the steps to develop a tube, and study theoretically beam dynamics and structures in order to reach high efficiency.

Calculation of coupled bunch effects in the synchrotron light source BESSY VSR

Ruprecht, Martin 29 February 2016 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wird die Stärke der Multibunch-Instabilität (MBI), die von longitudinalen Dipol-, transversalen Dipol- und Quadrupolschwingungsmoden höherer Ordnung getrieben werden mithilfe von analytischen Rechnungen und Trackingsimulationen in dem Ausbauprojekt BESSY Variable Pulse Length Storage Ring (BESSY VSR) des Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB) untersucht und mit dem vorhanden aktiven Dämpfungssystem verglichen. Algorithmen für Trackingsimulationen werden hergeleitet und eine halbempirische Formel zur Abschätzung der transversalen quadrupolaren MBI wird präsentiert. MBI Studien bilden einen wesentlichen Teil der Beurteilung der BESSY VSR Hohlraumresonatoren und begleiteten und beeinflussten ihren Entwicklungsprozess. Mit Berechnungen auf Grundlage des neusten BESSY VSR Hohlraumresonatormodels kann Strahlstabilität als wahrscheinlich und unabhängig vom Füllmuster angesehen werden. Des weiteren wurden Messungen der MBI an BESSY II und der Metrology Light Source (MLS) der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt durchgeführt, bei welcher die longitudinale langreichende Impedanz charakterisiert wurde. Transiente Strahllast wird in dieser Arbeit mit analytischen Formeln und neuen, experimentell überprüften Trackingsimulationen berechnet. Für das Standardfüllmuster von BESSY VSR wurde gezeigt, dass die besondere Konfiguration der Hohlraumresonatorfrequenzen zu einer relativ starken Beeinflussung der langen Elektronenpakete führt. Diese verkürzt das Elektronenpaket und vergrößert die Touschekverluste. / In the scope of this thesis, the strength of coupled bunch instabilities (CBIs) driven by longitudinal monopole higher order modes (HOMs) and transverse dipole and quadrupole HOMs is evaluated for the upgrade project BESSY Variable Pulse Length Storage Ring (BESSY VSR) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB), based on analytic calculations and tracking simulations, and compared to the performance of an active bunch-by-bunch feedback (BBFB). Algorithms for tracking codes are derived, and a semi-empirical formula for the estimation of transverse quadrupole CBIs is presented. CBI studies are an integral part of the benchmarking of the cavity models for BESSY VSR and have been accompanying and influencing their entire design process. Based on the BESSY VSR cavity model with highly advanced HOM damping, beam stability is likely to be reached with a BBFB system, independent of the bunch fill pattern. Additionally, measurements of CBIs have been performed at BESSY II and the Metrology Light Source of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (MLS), where the longitudinal long range impedance was characterized. Transient beam loading is evaluated by means of analytic formulas and new experimentally verified tracking codes. For the baseline bunch fill pattern of BESSY VSR, it is shown that the particular setup of cavity frequencies amplifies the transient effect on the long bunch, limiting its elongation and potentially resulting in increased Touschek losses.

Développement d’un accélérateur laser-plasma à haut taux de répétition pour des applications à la diffraction ultra-rapide d’électrons / Interaction of few-cycle laser pulses with plasmas : application to electron acceleration and generation of attosecond electron bunches

Beaurepaire, Benoit 16 September 2016 (has links)
La microscopie électronique et la diffraction d’électrons ont permis de comprendre l’organisation des atomes au sein de la matière. En utilisant une source courte temporellement, il devient possible de mesurer les déplacements atomiques ou les modifications de la distribution électronique dans des matériaux. A ce jour, les sources ultra-brèves pour les expériences de diffraction d’électrons ne permettent pas d’atteindre une résolution temporelle inférieure à la centaine de femtosecondes (fs). Les accélérateurs laser-plasma sont de bons candidats pour atteindre une résolution temporelle de l’ordre de la femtoseconde. De plus, ces accélérateurs peuvent fonctionner à haut taux de répétition, permettant d’accumuler un grand nombre de données.Dans cette thèse, un accélérateur laser-plasma fonctionnant au kHz a été développé et construit. Cette source accélère des électrons à une énergie de 100 keV environ à partir d’impulsions laser d’énergie 3 mJ et de durée 25 fs. La physique de l’accélération a été étudiée, démontrant entre autres l’effet du front d’onde laser sur la distribution transverse des électrons.Les premières expériences de diffraction avec ce type de sources ont été réalisées. Une expérience de preuve de principe a montré que la qualité de la source est suffisante pour obtenir de belles images de diffraction sur des feuilles d’or et de silicium. Dans un second temps, la dynamique structurelle d’un échantillon de Silicium a été étudiée avec une résolution temporelle de quelques picosecondes, démontrant le potentiel de ce type de sources.Pour augmenter la résolution temporelle à sub-10 fs, il est nécessaire d’accélérer les électrons à des énergies relativistes de quelques MeV. Une étude numérique a montré que l’on peut accélérer des paquets d’électrons ultra-courts grâce à des impulsions laser de 5 mJ et 5 fs. Il serait alors possible d’atteindre une résolution temporelle de l’ordre de la femtoseconde. Finalement, une expérience de post-compression des impulsions laser due à l’ionisation d’un gaz a été réalisée. La durée du laser a pu être réduite d’un facteur deux, et l’homogénéité de ce processus a été étudiée expérimentalement et numériquement. / Electronic microscopy and electron diffraction allowed the understanding of the organization of atoms in matter. Using a temporally short source, one can measure atomic displacements or modifications of the electronic distribution in matter. To date, the best temporal resolution for time resolved diffraction experiments is of the order of a hundred femtoseconds (fs). Laser-plasma accelerators are good candidates to reach the femtosecond temporal resolution in electron diffraction experiments. Moreover, these accelerators can operate at a high repetition rate, allowing the accumulation of a large amount of data.In this thesis, a laser-plasma accelerator operating at the kHz repetition rate was developed and built. This source generate electron bunches at 100 keV from 3 mJ and 25 fs laser pulses. The physics of the acceleration has been studied, and the effect of the laser wavefront on the electron transverse distribution has been demonstrated.The first electron diffraction experiments with such a source have been realized. An experiment, which was a proof of concept, showed that the quality of the source permits to record nice diffraction patterns on gold and silicium foils. In a second experiment, the structural dynamics of a silicium sample has been studied with a temporal resolution of the order of a few picoseconds.The electron bunches must be accelerated to relativistic energies, at a few MeV, to reach a sub-10 fs temporal resolution. A numerical study showed that ultra-short electron bunches can be accelerated using 5 fs and 5 mJ laser pulses. A temporal resolution of the order of the femtosecond could be reached using such bunches for electron diffraction experiments. Finally, an experiment of the ionization-induced compression of the laser pulses has been realized. The pulse duration was shorten by a factor of 2, and the homogeneity of the process has been studied experimentally and numerically.

Two-Dimensional Bunch-Resolved Optical Beam Diagnostics at BESSY II

Koopmans, Marten 05 April 2022 (has links)
BESSY II ist eine Strahlungsquelle der dritten Generation, die vom Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH für Experimente mit Synchrotronstrahlung betrieben wird. Mehrere Betriebsmodi werden am BESSY II Speicherring angeboten bzw. entwickelt, um die Anforderungen der vielfältigen Nutzergemeinde zu erfüllen. Dazu gehören nicht nur ein komplexes Füllmuster im Standardnutzerbetrieb, sondern auch spezielle Betriebsmodi mit kurzen Pulsen oder das sogenannte Transverse Resonant Island Buckets Separationsschema. Die Komplexität des Füllmusters erfordert eine pulsaufgelöste Strahldiagnose für die Inbetriebnahme und zur Sicherstellung der langfristigen Qualität des Beschleunigerbetriebs. Ferner werden für den Kurzpulsbetrieb Pulslängenmessungen mit ps Auflösung benötigt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird zu diesem Zweck eine neue Diagnoseplattform mit mehreren Strahlrohren aufgebaut. Jeweils ein Strahlrohr ist für transversale Strahlgrößenmessungen und für longitudinale Strahldiagnose vorgesehen. Beide Strahlrohre sind mit Messapperaturen für pulsaufgelöste Messungen ausgestattet. Hauptfokus dieser Arbeit liegen auf dem Design, der Installation und den Verbesserungen dieser Strahlrohre und den zugehörigen Meßgeräten in Kombination mit spezifischen Anwendungen in der Strahldiagnose an BESSY II. Im Allgemeinen erfordern Kopplungen zwischen Zeit- und Raumkoordinaten pulsselektive und korrelierte Detektionsmethoden mehrerer Parameter. Daher sind die longitudinale Diagnose sowie die Streak Kamera so optimiert worden, dass die direkte Abbildung des transversalen Strahlprofils möglich ist und sogar interferometrische Strahlgrößenmessungen durchführbar. Zusätzlich zur Zeitachse der Streak Kamera kann entweder die horizontale oder die vertikale Dimension des Strahls abgebildet werden und dadurch sind 2D-Messungen möglich. Mit dieser Methode wurden mehrere pulsaufgelöste 2D-Messungen durchgeführt und Analysemethoden entwickelt. / BESSY II is a third generation light source operated by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH for experiments with synchrotron radiation. Multiple operation modes are offered or are under development at the BESSY II storage ring to serve the needs of its diverse user community. This does not only include a complex fill pattern in standard operation, but also special operation modes featuring short pulses or the new transverse resonant island buckets separation scheme. The complexity of the fill pattern requires bunch-resolved diagnostics for commissioning and to ensure the long-term quality of accelerator operation. In addition, short pulse operation demands bunch length measurements with ps resolution. For this purpose a new diagnostics platform featuring multiple beamlines is set up. One beamline is dedicated for transverse beam size measurements and one for longitudinal diagnostics. Both beamlines are equipped with fast gated devices for bunch-resolved measurements. Design, installation and improvements of these beamlines and the measuring devices are the main focus of this work, together with specific BESSY II bunch diagnostics applications. In general, coupling between time- and space-coordinates do call for bunch-selective and correlated multi-parameter detection methods. Thus, the longitudinal diagnostics beamline and the streak camera have been made capable of direct transverse beam-profile imaging and even interferometric beam size measurements are feasible. Either the horizontal or vertical beam dimension can be imaged in addition to the time axis of the streak camera and 2D measurements are possible. Taking advantage of these capabilities, multiple bunch-resolved 2D measurements have been performed and analysis methods have been developed.

Modeling of magnetic optic for the short pulse mode operation of Energy Recovery Linac based light sources

Atkinson, Terry 25 September 2015 (has links)
Das Forschungsfeld der Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen hat sich in den letzen Jahren entscheidend weiterentwickelt. Alle Zukunftsideen, unabhängig von ihrer Komplexität, haben dennoch eines gemeinsam: die Erzeugung kurzer Pulse. Die Naturwissenschaften haben die Spitzenbrillanz, die mit Hilfe kürzester Pulse produziert werden kann, als neues Schlüsselwerkzeug entdeckt. Die Nutzergemeinschaft verlangt nicht mehr nur ein statisches Bild, sondern vielmehr eine Reihe von bewegten Aufnahmen atomarer Substrukturen und den dazugehöringen Prozessen. Existierende dritte Generation Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen werden an die neuen Herausforderungen angepasst: Verbesserungen an der Magnet-Optik sowie der Einbau modernster Beschleunigertechnologie ermöglichen die Erzeugung kürzester Pulse mit höchster Brillanz für zeitaufgelöste Experimente. Ein möglicher Kandidat für die Lichtquelle der nächsten Generation ist ein Linear-Beschleuniger mit Energierückgewinnung. Durch die Verwendung langer Beschleunigungsstrukturen kann es, selbst bei hohen Energien, nicht zur Ausbildung des Emittanzgleichgewichts wie in Speicherringen kommen. Durch die Verwendung Impulsabhängiger-Umlaufbahnen und der Rückgewinnung der Strahlenergie ist es mit `Energy Recovery Linac'' (ERL)-basierten Quellen energieeffizient möglich, hochenergetische Elektronen-Pulse im Femtosekundenbereich zu erzeugen. Die longitudinale Elekronstrahldynamik solcher ERLs ist eines der Hauptthemen dieser Arbeit. Umfangreiche Simulationen über die gesamte Maschine wurden im Rahmen der `Femto-Science Factory'' Lichtquellen Studie durchgeführt. Die Begrenzungen des Kurzpulsmodus Betriebes wurden untersucht und mit den Erwartungen verglichen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit lag dabei auf den 6D Elektronenstrahleigenschaften, insbesondere auf der Vermeidung von Strahlaufweitungen, die mit der Erzeugung von Ultra-Kurzpulsen einhergehen können. / Synchrotron light sources are entering a new era. No matter how elaborate, all the next generation proposals share a common necessity; the production of ultra-short electron bunches. There is an evolution in the field of science under investigation using the high peak brilliance generated from such bunches. The user community is demanding not just pictures but videos of atomic substructures and the processes that define them. Existing 3rd generation facilities are modifying their magnetic lattices and upgrading the acceleration schemes in order to keep up with this trend of generating short pulses with ultimate brilliance for time resolved experiments. A possible candidate for the next generation light source is one based on ERL technology. Using long linacs to accelerate to high energies overcomes the present limitation of emittance equilibrium in storage rings. By implementing independent arcs for acceleration and deceleration while recuperating the beams energy, ERL based sources are theoretically capable of efficiently producing high energy femtosecond long bunch lengths. The study of the longitudinal motion of the beam through single pass magnetic optic in combination with linacs is the main topic of this thesis. Dedicated start-to-end simulations in the framework of the Femto-Science Factory large scale light source are undertaken. The expectations and restrictions on the short pulse mode (SPM) operation are comprehensively examined in this work. Particular attention is given to the 6D electron beam properties and with it the beam degradation caused by the production of ultra-short bunches.

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