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Atributos de parcerias de sucesso em cadeias de suprimentos: um estudo de caso na relação fabricante-fornecedor na indústria aeronáutica / Success partnerships attributes in supply chains: a case study on buyer-supplier relationship in an aerospace industryCarlos Eduardo Bastos 07 March 2007 (has links)
No contexto atual do ambiente empresarial, a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos surge como um veículo através do qual as empresas podem obter vantagem competitiva. As empresas passaram a ser instadas a alterar o modelo tradicional de relacionamento distante e de curto prazo - mercado puro, com seus fornecedores, por uma relação colaborativa de longo prazo - parceria. A literatura relevante sobre parceria destaca uma série de atributos e características que devem estar presentes neste tipo de relacionamento, para que as empresas possam atingir os resultados a que se propuseram. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolve-se uma análise da literatura relevante em gestão de cadeia de suprimentos e gestão de relacionamentos, e apresenta-se um modelo conceitual, desenvolvido por Mohr e Spekman e revisitado pelo autor, que expõe os fatores associados a parcerias de sucesso. Um estudo de caso foi realizado, durante o ano de 2006, mostrando a evolução do modelo de relacionamento entre fabricante e fornecedor, em uma indústria aeronáutica brasileira, buscando verificar a presença ou não das características do modelo apresentado. O resultado do estudo gera a percepção de que, embora tenha havido uma evolução no relacionamento fabricante-fornecedor em direção ao modelo colaborativo, ainda existe um bom caminho a ser trilhado pela empresa para atingir a relação de parceria preconizada pelo modelo referencial utilizado neste trabalho. / In the current context of enterprise environmental, supply chain management appear as a vehicle through which a company can get competitive advantage. Companies started to be pushed to change the traditional far away and short term relationship model - arm\'s length - with their suppliers for a long term collaborative relation - partnership. The relevant literature about partnership points out a series of attributes and characteristics that should be present in this kind of relationship in order to allow companies to attain proposed results. This research develops an analysis of relevant literature concerning supply chain management and relationship management, and provides a conceptual model, developed by Mohr and Spekman and revisited by this author, that shows the factors associated with successful partnership. A case study is dropped, during 2006, showing the evolution of such buyer-supplier relationship model, in a Brazilian aerospace industry, searching to verify the presence or not of those attributes presented in the conceptual model. Results from the study generates a perception that, although have been noticed an evolution on buyer-supplier relationship toward the collaborative model, there is a long way ahead to meet the partnership referenced at the conceptual model presented in this study.
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Um estudo sobre o comportamento do consumidor ambientalmente favorável: uma verificação na região do ABC paulista / A study of the consumer behavior under the environmentally favorable standpoint: an application in the São Paulo State ABC Region.Maria do Carmo Romeiro 07 December 2006 (has links)
A presente tese teve como objetivo identificar fatores que influenciam o comportamento de consumo ambientalmente mais favorável e, a partir desse processo, evidenciar subsídios às decisões de marketing social voltado para a adoção desse comportamento. Para atender a esse objetivo, buscou-se organizar o referencial teórico inicialmente com um entendimento sobre o relacionamento entre marketing societal e marketing social, passando pelas aplicações de marketing verde e de marketing de idéias. Na seqüência, esse referencial incorporou aspectos teóricos que envolvem o comportamento do consumidor, bem como estudos aplicados à verificação desse comportamento sob a ótica ambiental. A análise exploratória realizada a partir desse referencial teórico-empírico evidenciou a presença de distintas dimensões comportamentais dentro do construto do comportamento de consumo ambientalmente favorável, além das conclusões controversas envolvendo vários fatores de influência sobre essas dimensões comportamentais, o que deu encaminhamento para a realização de uma pesquisa de campo que contribuísse para a identificação dos fatores com influência comum nessas dimensões comportamentais. O modelo de pesquisa de campo foi de caráter descritivo, utilizando o método quantitativo por levantamento amostral junto a 509 consumidores responsáveis pelas compras do domicílio, com idade a partir de dezoito anos, residentes na Região do ABC Paulista. Os resultados gerados, a partir da utilização da técnica de análise multivariada denominada General Linear Models (GLM), mostraram três fatores de influência comum estatisticamente significante sobre as dimensões comportamentais ambientalmente mais favoráveis (interesse ambiental, inconveniência de ser ambientalmente amigável e grau de comprometimento ambiental), do conjunto de vinte e um fatores integrados ao modelo, além de outros seis descartados durante o processo de estruturação desse modelo. Esse resultado, acrescido de orientações provenientes da análise exploratória, sugeriu o desenho de um modelo de comportamento de consumo ambientalmente favorável, cuja aplicação poderá ser implementada em novos estudos, bem como um conjunto de subsídios às decisões do composto de marketing social voltado para a adoção do comportamento ambientalmente mais favorável. / This current work has the purpose of identifying factors that influence the most environmentally favorable consumer behavior and, from this process on, evidence support to social marketing decisions oriented to the adoption of such behavior. In order to understand such purpose, an organization of the theoretical references was sought, initially trying to understand the relationship between societal marketing and social marketing, moving on to green marketing applications and the marketing of ideas. After that, these references incorporated theoretical aspects that involve consumer behavior, as well as studies applied to the verification of such behavior under the environmental standpoint. The exploratory analysis carried out after this empirical theoretical set of references evidenced the presence of distinct behavioral dimensions inside the environmentally favorable consumer behavior. Besides that, the controversial conclusions involving several influence factors regarding these behavioral dimensions, led to the performance of a field research that contributed with the identification of factors that bear common influence in those behavioral dimensions. The adopted research model was the one of descriptive character, using the quantitative method by sampling 509 consumers responsible for their household purchases, aged over eighteen, resident in the São Paulo State ABC Region. The generated results, after the use of the multivaried analysis called General Linear Models (GLM), showed three factors of statistically significant common influence over the most environmentally favorable behavioral dimensions (environmental interest, inconvenience of being environmentally friendly and degree of environmental commitment), out of a set of twenty-one factors integrated to the model, besides six others turned down during this model structuring process. This result, added with orientations from the exploratory analysis suggested the drawing of a environmentally favorable consumer behavior model, whose application may be implemented in new studies, as well as a set of inputs to social marketing decisions made in order to adopt the environmentally favorable behavior.
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O comportamento do consumidor organizacional e a influência da tecnologia da informação: um estudo no setor médico-hospitalar brasileiro / Organizational Buying Behavior and the influence of information technology: a study in Brazilian hospitals buying centersEverton Jose Buzzo 14 December 2015 (has links)
A presente tese visou contribuir com a literatura de comportamento do consumidor organizacional por meio de um estudo de compreensão da influência da utilização das novas tecnologias da informação no centro de compras de hospitais brasileiros. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a área de comportamento do consumidor organizacional e o centro de compras, desde os primeiros modelos conceituais propostos até as pesquisas publicadas na atualidade. A revisão bibliográfica realizada possibilitou o desenvolvimento de cinco hipóteses que foram verificadas na pesquisa. Para o atendimento ao objetivo a pesquisa foi dividida em duas partes, uma delas qualitativa, por meio de um estudo com múltiplas unidades de análise, e outra quantitativa, por meio de um questionário enviado a compradores hospitalares. Os resultados demonstraram que os modelos conceituais de comportamento do consumidor organizacional ainda são válidos na atualidade e o uso de tecnologia da informação tem feito a tomada de decisão do centro de compras ser menos participativa e menos influenciável pelo relacionamento entre vendedores e compradores. O trabalho apontou a importância de adequações do papel da venda pessoal no composto de marketing de empresas fornecedoras a este centro de compras. / This thesis aimed to contribute to the literature of organizational buying behavior through a study of understanding the influence of the use of new information technologies in Brazilian hospitals buying centers. It was conducted a literature review on the area of organizational behavior of consumers and the buying centers from the earliest conceptual models proposed to research published today. The literature review enabled the development of five hypotheses were tested in the research. To achieve the objective the work was divided into two parts, one qualitative, by a case study with multiple analysis units and other quantitative by questionnaire sent to hospital buyers. The results showed that the conceptual models of organizational buying behavior are still valid today and the use of information technology has made the decision making of the buying centers being less participatory and less influenced by the relationship between sellers and buyers. The work shows the importance of adaptations in the role of personal selling in the marketing mix of suppliers to these buying centers.
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Exit in buyer-supplier relationshipsHabib, Farooq January 2016 (has links)
Exit is an inevitable part of any business relationship. However, despite its importance, exit in buyer–supplier relationships is still a poorly understood phenomenon. Building on previous studies, this thesis addressed these concerns by empirically: a) identifying the economic and social antecedents that influence the exit decision; and b) validating how the antecedents of exit are related with the choice of exit strategies. To achieve these objectives, first, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify 82 studies that documented existing research on exit in buyer–supplier relationships. Second, informed by Transaction Cost Economics and Social Exchange Theory, a set of 88 testable hypotheses was developed and a survey captured data from 505 recently terminated relationships involving UK based firms. Finally, for data analysis, statistical techniques were employed including: a) analysis of variance; b) independent sample t–tests; c) multiple logistic regression; and d) multi–nomial logistic regression. The empirical findings of this thesis validated that: a) there are 8 economic and 14 social antecedents that influence the exit decision; b) lending support to extant research on exit, 57 hypotheses were accepted; c) 12 multiple logit models confirmed the relationship between a set of antecedents and exit strategies; and d) 6 multinomial logit models validated the relationship between a set of antecedents and a choice of one exit strategy over another. The results suggest that the influence of antecedents on the choice of exit strategies was subject to how the antecedents were analysed. The contributions of this research to Supply Chain Management literature are that we know now: a) which economic and social antecedents influence the exit decision; b) how individual antecedents affect exit strategies; c) how antecedents combine to affect exit strategies; and d) how antecedents combine to affect the choice of one exit strategy over another. This work provides an exit management tool box comprising a combination of data collection instrument, empirically derived framework and models that enables the managers to timely review the strength and weaknesses of their business relationships and their management processes.
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Vers un modèle intégrateur de la création de valeur par les acheteurs / Toward an integrative value creation model by purchasersJan, Francois 21 October 2014 (has links)
La modification de l'environnement et l'évolution rapide du monde des affaires ont contraint les entreprises à réorganiser leurs services. Dans ce contexte la fonction Achats se transforme d'une fonction administrative à une fonction stratégique. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'analyser la création de valeur de la fonction Achats en se focalisant sur le rôle de l'acheteur. Elle s'appuie sur l'analyse de la transformation d'une fonction Achats dans le cadre d'un contrat de recherche au sein d'un groupe agroalimentaire international. La méthodologie d'analyse qualitative, s'appuyant sur l'utilisation du logiciel d'analyse Lexicale Nvivo10, a mobilisé des cadres théoriques pertinents aux regards des thèmes issus du cas. La recherche montre que l'acheteur peut à la fois créer de la valeur par les actions de productivité, et par des actions entrepreneuriales pouvant favoriser le développement des ventes. Les résultats conceptualisent l'acheteur et mettent en évidence la nécessité pour l'acheteur de détenir, en complément des compétences techniques, des Méta-compétence qui lui permettront de saisir les opportunités de l'écosystème pour les transformer en produits ou services commercialisables. Ces Meta-compétences différencient les collaborateurs moyens des collaborateurs efficaces, elles permettent de soutenir les compétences techniques et d'en acquérir de nouvelles. Elles s'attachent aux comportements et aptitudes individuelles et sont liées à la personnalité de l'individu. Finalement la thèse propose un modèle intégrateur des compétences de l'acheteur, qui rend compte de la prépondérance des Méta-compétences comme socle de la capacité de l'acheteur à créer de la valeur. / Modification of the environment and the rapidly changing business world have forced companies to reorganize their services. In this context the purchasing function becomes an administrative function to a strategic function, impacting the performance of the company and its ability to create value directly. This thesis aims to analyze the value creation of the purchasing function by focusing on the role of the buyer. Our research is based on the analysis of the transformation of a purchasing function within the framework of a research contract in an international food company. The analytical methodology is qualitative, based on the use of Nvivo10 Lexical analysis software. They were put in perspective with the eyes of relevant themes from the case theoretical frameworks. Research shows that the buyer can both create value through the actions of productivity, and entrepreneurial activities that foster the development of sales. The results conceptualize the buyer and highlight the need for the buyer to hold, in addition to technical skills, Meta-competencies that will seize the opportunities of the ecosystem to transform them into marketable products or services. These Meta-competencies differentiate means employees and effective contributors; they can support the technical skills and acquire new ones. They attach to the behaviors and personal skills and are related to the personality of the individual. Finally, the thesis proposes an integrative skills model of the buyer, which accounts for the preponderance of Meta-skills as the basis of the ability of the buyer to create value.
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Kupní rozhodovací proces na trhu mobilních telefonů / Buyer decision process in the mobile phones marketBicek, Richard January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis inquires into analysis of buyer decision process in the mobile phones market. The thesis is divided in two parts. The theoretical part inquires into the buyer decision process as itself. The practical part then examines the present world market of mobile phones and thanks to performed questionnaire investigation also manner and intensity of usage of mobile phones among czech consumers. Last but not least it covers single phases of the buyer decision process in the Czech Republic.
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Atributos de parcerias de sucesso em cadeias de suprimentos: um estudo de caso na relação fabricante-fornecedor na indústria aeronáutica / Success partnerships attributes in supply chains: a case study on buyer-supplier relationship in an aerospace industryBastos, Carlos Eduardo 07 March 2007 (has links)
No contexto atual do ambiente empresarial, a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos surge como um veículo através do qual as empresas podem obter vantagem competitiva. As empresas passaram a ser instadas a alterar o modelo tradicional de relacionamento distante e de curto prazo - mercado puro, com seus fornecedores, por uma relação colaborativa de longo prazo - parceria. A literatura relevante sobre parceria destaca uma série de atributos e características que devem estar presentes neste tipo de relacionamento, para que as empresas possam atingir os resultados a que se propuseram. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolve-se uma análise da literatura relevante em gestão de cadeia de suprimentos e gestão de relacionamentos, e apresenta-se um modelo conceitual, desenvolvido por Mohr e Spekman e revisitado pelo autor, que expõe os fatores associados a parcerias de sucesso. Um estudo de caso foi realizado, durante o ano de 2006, mostrando a evolução do modelo de relacionamento entre fabricante e fornecedor, em uma indústria aeronáutica brasileira, buscando verificar a presença ou não das características do modelo apresentado. O resultado do estudo gera a percepção de que, embora tenha havido uma evolução no relacionamento fabricante-fornecedor em direção ao modelo colaborativo, ainda existe um bom caminho a ser trilhado pela empresa para atingir a relação de parceria preconizada pelo modelo referencial utilizado neste trabalho. / In the current context of enterprise environmental, supply chain management appear as a vehicle through which a company can get competitive advantage. Companies started to be pushed to change the traditional far away and short term relationship model - arm\'s length - with their suppliers for a long term collaborative relation - partnership. The relevant literature about partnership points out a series of attributes and characteristics that should be present in this kind of relationship in order to allow companies to attain proposed results. This research develops an analysis of relevant literature concerning supply chain management and relationship management, and provides a conceptual model, developed by Mohr and Spekman and revisited by this author, that shows the factors associated with successful partnership. A case study is dropped, during 2006, showing the evolution of such buyer-supplier relationship model, in a Brazilian aerospace industry, searching to verify the presence or not of those attributes presented in the conceptual model. Results from the study generates a perception that, although have been noticed an evolution on buyer-supplier relationship toward the collaborative model, there is a long way ahead to meet the partnership referenced at the conceptual model presented in this study.
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An investigation of low-income consumer-buying behaviour in the personal-care industry in South AfricaStarkey, Simone January 2017 (has links)
South African companies are said to be mining the so-called "Black Diamond", the emerging middle-class segment that is driving economic growth within the country (Mahajan, 2009:9). The focus on the emerging Middle Class in South Africa (SA) has left a knowledge gap on Low-Income consumers - even though they are still the largest consumer group in SA (Connecting with Survivors, 2014). The Unilever "Connecting with Survivors Report" (2014) highlights the fact that 70% of the SA Market earn less than R6000 per month, while together they have a spending power of R300 Billion per annum. According to Martin (2012:71), 5.8% of Low-Income Consumer Households (HH) spending is prioritised for the purchase of personal care products, while 64.2% of their HH income is prioritised for food and housing expenses. Given the trivial proportion allocated to personal care products, this research has been guided by the problem statement that Low-Income consumers are forced to make trade-offs, when purchasing personal care products, which fall outside their realm of affordability. The primary objective of this study was to investigate Low-Income consumers' buying behaviour in the Personal Care Industry in South Africa. The Theory of Buyer Behaviour was used as a theoretical framework to assist in the understanding of Low-Income consumer behaviour in the Personal Care industry. The phenomenological research paradigm was used in this study, utilising interviews to collect the data from respondents in the Western Cape Province. Inductive reasoning was practised to draw a conclusion on the investigation of Low-Income consumer buying behaviour in the personal care industry in South Africa. The findings from the study indicate that Low-Income consumers do indeed make trade-offs when personal care products fall outside their realm of affordability. The extent to which they do so varies, based on necessity. This research stands to contribute to the body of knowledge by narrowing the knowledge gap on the Low-Income Consumer market in South Africa with the focus on the Personal Care Industry, thereby allowing marketers to develop and implement effective marketing strategies.
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”Det är alltid fel att köpa sex. . .” : En diskursanalys av hur sexköpare framställs i svensk dags- och kvällspress / “It´s always wrong to buy sex. . .” : A discourse analysis of how sex buyers are portrayed in the Swedish daily and evening press.Rakovic, Dijana, Andersson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att analysera hur sexköpare framställs diskursivt i svensk dags- och kvällspress. 25 artiklar har analyserats från Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen under tidsperioden maj och juni 2020. Studien utgår från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv och behandlar de feministiska ideologierna, radikalfeminism och liberalfeminism. Genom en foucauldiansk diskursanalys där det underförstådda, subjektspositioner, utestängningsprocedurer och makt studeras, har studiens frågeställningar besvarats. Fem diskurser om sexköpare identifierades. Dessa är, “Den våldsamma mannen”, “Den otillfredsställda mannen”, “Den kända, framgångsrika och mäktiga mannen”, “Mannen alla tar avstånd från” och “Den ångerfyllda mannen med rädsla för skam”. Resultatet ligger genomgående i linje med den radikalfeministiska ideologin och den svenska sexköpslagen. Studien har relevans för yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete eftersom det är av vikt att vara medveten om språkets makt och påverkan på individen och samhället. / The aim of this study is to analyze how sex buyers are portrayed discursive in Swedish daily and evening press. 25 articles have been analyzed from Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet and Expressen during the timeframe May until June 2020. The study is based on a social constructivist perspective and treats feminist ideologies, radical feminism and liberal feminism. Through a Foucauldian discourse where the implicit, subject positioning, rules of exclusion and power have been analyzed, the studies questions have been answered. Five prominent discourses about sex buyers were found. These are “The violent man”, “The unsatisfied man”, “The famous, successful and powerful man”, “The man everyone distances themselves from” and “The remorseful man with a fear of shame”. The result is consistent with radical feminism and the Swedish sex law. The study has a relevance for professionals in social work because of the importance of being aware of the power of the language and its impact on the individual and society.
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Studie řízení nákupu se zaměřením na zásoby ve vybrané obchodní organizaci / Purchasing Management Study Focused on Inventory in Selected Business OrganizationVaverková, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on defining the purchasing process in the organization. Specifies purchasing management and inventory management. It focuses on the description of information systems in the organization. It contains proposals for the modification of the system facilitating more efficient inventory management and more flexible management of supplier-customer relationships.
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