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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a cost effective construction and demolition waste management plan

Jarman, David S. 18 September 2008 (has links)
Concern over construction and demolition (C&D) wastes is becoming a prevalent part of any construction project. Historically, landfilling waste materials was the standard solution for most contractors, but as tipping fees have risen dramatically over the past five to seven years, many contractors are looking for alternative methods, such as recycling or waste minimization, to reduce wastes. This thesis investigates C&D wastes and proposes a methodology to address the problem of assessing waste disposal techniques efficiently and economically. A brief history of C&D wastes is provided to understand how and why costs associated with waste materials have risen over the last several years. Current waste management resources are discussed to demonstrate the availability of alternative disposal methods. An overall waste management plan is developed to provide a contractor with a step by step flowchart for analyzing material wastes, quantitatively assessing all costs associated with waste disposal, and implementing and updating the chosen waste management techniques. A case study is provided to illustrate how the waste management plan is used in an actual project. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the potential for further research in the area of C&D waste management. / Master of Science

Concreto com agregado graúdo proveniente da reciclagem de resíduos de construção e demolição: um novo material para fabricação de painéis leves de vedação / not available

Latterza, Luciano de Mello 18 August 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga o potencial de utilização do entulho de construção e demolição, C&D, triturado na estação de reciclagem de entulhos de Ribeirão Preto - SP, como agregado graúdo no preparo de concretos de baixa e média resistências. A utilização da fração graúda, compreendida entre 4,8 mm < Dmáx < 19,0 mm, para substituir parcialmente ou totalmente o agregado graúdo graduado como brita 0 e brita 1 (NBR 7211/82), pode resultar em uma significativa economia na execução de componentes urbanos e habitacionais para construções de interesse social. O presente trabalho apresenta as características granulométricas e físicas, dos agregados reciclados, em comparação com as do agregado natural, usado como referência. Os resultados obtidos na substituição, parcial (50%) e total (100%), do agregado natural graduado como brita 1 e brita 0, utilizados na região de Ribeirão Preto, pelo reciclado graúdo da mesma faixa granulométrica, também são apresentados. A influência do agregado reciclado na perda do abatimento do concreto fresco e nas propriedades mecânicas do concreto endurecido, foram investigadas. Finalmente, realizou-se avaliação de desempenho à flexão em painéis leves de vedação, com a finalidade de se obter uma aplicação prática ao estudo desenvolvido. Concluiu-se, assim, pela viabilidade do emprego do agregado graúdo reciclado em substituição, total ou em parte, do equivalente natural em concretos estruturais de baixa resistência. / This dissertation researches the potential of the use of construction and demolition debris (C&D), crushed in the recycling station of Ribeirão Preto-SP, as coarse aggregate to make concrete of low and medium strenght. The use of coarse fraction, 4,8 mm < Dmax < 19,0 mm, substituting, partial or totally the natural aggregate, as recommended in NBR 7211/82, can result in a significant economy on the production of urban components and for social interest constructions. The present work presents the physical and granulometric characteristics of the recycled aggregate, comparing with the natural one, used as reference. Experimental results are showed and compared. The influence of recycled aggregate on the loss of the slump of fresh concrete and on the mechanical properties of harden concrete were analyzed. Finally, the flexural behavior of a model of panels was evaluated.

Concreto com agregado graúdo proveniente da reciclagem de resíduos de construção e demolição: um novo material para fabricação de painéis leves de vedação / not available

Luciano de Mello Latterza 18 August 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga o potencial de utilização do entulho de construção e demolição, C&D, triturado na estação de reciclagem de entulhos de Ribeirão Preto - SP, como agregado graúdo no preparo de concretos de baixa e média resistências. A utilização da fração graúda, compreendida entre 4,8 mm < Dmáx < 19,0 mm, para substituir parcialmente ou totalmente o agregado graúdo graduado como brita 0 e brita 1 (NBR 7211/82), pode resultar em uma significativa economia na execução de componentes urbanos e habitacionais para construções de interesse social. O presente trabalho apresenta as características granulométricas e físicas, dos agregados reciclados, em comparação com as do agregado natural, usado como referência. Os resultados obtidos na substituição, parcial (50%) e total (100%), do agregado natural graduado como brita 1 e brita 0, utilizados na região de Ribeirão Preto, pelo reciclado graúdo da mesma faixa granulométrica, também são apresentados. A influência do agregado reciclado na perda do abatimento do concreto fresco e nas propriedades mecânicas do concreto endurecido, foram investigadas. Finalmente, realizou-se avaliação de desempenho à flexão em painéis leves de vedação, com a finalidade de se obter uma aplicação prática ao estudo desenvolvido. Concluiu-se, assim, pela viabilidade do emprego do agregado graúdo reciclado em substituição, total ou em parte, do equivalente natural em concretos estruturais de baixa resistência. / This dissertation researches the potential of the use of construction and demolition debris (C&D), crushed in the recycling station of Ribeirão Preto-SP, as coarse aggregate to make concrete of low and medium strenght. The use of coarse fraction, 4,8 mm < Dmax < 19,0 mm, substituting, partial or totally the natural aggregate, as recommended in NBR 7211/82, can result in a significant economy on the production of urban components and for social interest constructions. The present work presents the physical and granulometric characteristics of the recycled aggregate, comparing with the natural one, used as reference. Experimental results are showed and compared. The influence of recycled aggregate on the loss of the slump of fresh concrete and on the mechanical properties of harden concrete were analyzed. Finally, the flexural behavior of a model of panels was evaluated.

Strategiska partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. – En studie av Stockholms aktörer. / Strategic Partnerships between banks and developers- A study of Stockholm´s construction market participants

Stürzebecher, Emanuel, Petersson, Robin January 2015 (has links)
This study is an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between banks and developers in Stockholm and its regions. It gives a good impression about the field of construction and project developments in terms of the finance and the negotiations associated with these types of projects. Main actors of the Stockholm’s construction financing market were of major interest for this study. On this regard, the relationships and ramifications of this group were investigated by using a qualitative and quantitative research method. The aim of the study was to analyze the attitudes of banks and developers, their partnerships and individual expectations. This empirical study was conducted between January and April 2015. In order to give a brief overview of the construction market in Stockholm, the study starts with an explanation of different characteristics and unique features of the real estate and construction field. Based on this, the study continues with a detailed presentation of the financing process with its loan terms, negotiations and regulations. In a subsequent chapter, the risk part within construction will be emphasized and explained. The theory part of the study closes with an exposition of the transaction cost theory and strategy as well as with a portrayal of the decision-making process of banks and developers in a construction project, the different types of partnerships and the according advantages and disadvantages. While keeping the above listed aspects in mind, all study participants were asked for their opinion on partnerships between banks and developers. In general, the study results prove the existence of a significant interest in partnerships between banks and developers. For both parties, a close relationship provides many benefits like a lower time-consumption or smoother loan negotiations. However, the following analysis also shows that due to reserved attitudes and a low interest of banks to change their investment strategies in construction and development projects, it seems very difficult to meet the full expectations of both parties on a level where both sides would agree on entering a strategic partnership. / Den här studien är ett inledande försök i att undersöka förhållandet mellan banker och byggföretag i Stockholm och dess tillhörande närområden. Den ger en god överblick i byggande och byggprojekt, framförallt när det kommer till finansiering och förhandlingar associerade med byggprojekt. Huvudintressenterna i studien var de största aktörerna på Stockholms bygg- och finansieringsområde. Dessa grupper undersöktes med hjälp av både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod med mål att analysera deras attityder, partnerskap och individuella förväntningar på närmare sammarbeten. För att ge en bra överblick av byggbranschen i Stockholm så inleds studien med en förklaring av karaktärsdrag hos fastigheter och byggande. Studien fortsätter sedan med en mer detaljerad redovisning av finansieringsprocessen och dess lånevillkor, förhandlingar och regelverk. Sedan i följande avsnitt så presenteras och förklaras de risker som kan kopplas till byggande. Teoridelen av studien avslutas med en utläggning av en teori kring transaktionskostnader, relevanta strategier, en skildring av beslutsfattande av banker och byggföretag samt olika sorter av partnerskap och dess tillhörande för- och nackdelar. Med teorin i bakhuvudet så ställdes aktörer på marknaden frågor om vad de anser kring partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. Sammanfattningsvis, studiens resultat visar på ett tydligt intresse av partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. För både banker och byggföretag så genererar ett nära sammarbete många fördelar så som kortare projekt med smidigare förhandlingar. Dock så visar analysen att på grund av återhållsamma attityder och ett begränsat intresse från banker att ändra på sin investeringsstrategi kopplat till byggprojekt så verkar det svårt att uppfylla de förväntningar som de båda parterna har på ett partnerskap dem emellan.

Diagnóstico para estudo de gestão dos resíduos de construção e demolição do município de São Carlos-SP / Study for C&D wastes debris management in São Carlos-SP

Marques Neto, José da Costa 28 May 2003 (has links)
O crescimento populacional e o acelerado processo de urbanização das cidades de médio e grande porte, têm contribuído para a geração de grandes volumes de resíduos da construção, renovação e demolição (RCD) de edificações e infra-estrutura urbana. A ausência de gerenciamento desses resíduos por parte das administrações municipais tem ocasionado significativo aumento nos custos de limpeza pública e degradação da qualidade ambiental das áreas de descarte. Diante destes fatos, faz-se necessário planejar políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável para o setor de construção civil como forma de minimizar os danos ambientais. Este trabalho apresenta o diagnóstico da situação atual dos RCD da cidade de São Carlos-SP e estudo do modelo de gestão desses resíduos, como primeiro passo para aproveitamento do potencial reciclável dos entulhos de construção. Na elaboração do diagnóstico dos RCD, foram estudados aspectos que cercam sua geração, composição, manejo e descarte. Descrição dos indicadores básicos do município foram importantes na análise do setor gerador e seu desenvolvimento. A caracterização quantitativa forneceu a dimensão da geração, enquanto a composição foi determinada pela caracterização qualitativa. Os sistemas de coleta, transporte e disposição final, apresentaram uma visão da situação do manejo dos entulhos em São Carlos. O mapeamento dos locais de deposição irregular de RCD, revela áreas mais vulneráveis a impactos ambientais com problemas para administração municipal. Todos esses fatores são essenciais na investigação, como subsídios para programa de gestão integrada entre a prefeitura municipal e os geradores. / Large amounts of waste debris (demolition and construction services) from urban infrastructure works has been noticed in the last years due, to increase of population, urbanization process of medium and large cities. The absence of management procedures for the wastes has implied important increase for urban cleaning costs, as well as environmental degradation of dumping areas. The implementation of plans for sustainable development of civil construction area is required in order to minimize the environmental damages. This work presents a diagnosis for the waste debris current situation in São Carlos - SP and the study for a management model, aiming to provide a first contribution for the re-use of recycle materials. Aspects related to generation, composition, collection, and disposal of waste debris were assessed. Basic municipal indexes were used to assess and to characterize the growth and production of the civil construction area. The quantitative characterization provided the generation dimension while waste composition was determined by a qualitative characterization. An overview of the current situation in São Carlos was obtained from the evaluation of collection, transportation and final disposal system. Mapping of legal and no legal disposal sites indicated the most environmentally vulnerable areas that represent a problem for the municipality. All these factors are essential for an integrated management program involving the municipality and the waste debris generators.

Diagnóstico para estudo de gestão dos resíduos de construção e demolição do município de São Carlos-SP / Study for C&D wastes debris management in São Carlos-SP

José da Costa Marques Neto 28 May 2003 (has links)
O crescimento populacional e o acelerado processo de urbanização das cidades de médio e grande porte, têm contribuído para a geração de grandes volumes de resíduos da construção, renovação e demolição (RCD) de edificações e infra-estrutura urbana. A ausência de gerenciamento desses resíduos por parte das administrações municipais tem ocasionado significativo aumento nos custos de limpeza pública e degradação da qualidade ambiental das áreas de descarte. Diante destes fatos, faz-se necessário planejar políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável para o setor de construção civil como forma de minimizar os danos ambientais. Este trabalho apresenta o diagnóstico da situação atual dos RCD da cidade de São Carlos-SP e estudo do modelo de gestão desses resíduos, como primeiro passo para aproveitamento do potencial reciclável dos entulhos de construção. Na elaboração do diagnóstico dos RCD, foram estudados aspectos que cercam sua geração, composição, manejo e descarte. Descrição dos indicadores básicos do município foram importantes na análise do setor gerador e seu desenvolvimento. A caracterização quantitativa forneceu a dimensão da geração, enquanto a composição foi determinada pela caracterização qualitativa. Os sistemas de coleta, transporte e disposição final, apresentaram uma visão da situação do manejo dos entulhos em São Carlos. O mapeamento dos locais de deposição irregular de RCD, revela áreas mais vulneráveis a impactos ambientais com problemas para administração municipal. Todos esses fatores são essenciais na investigação, como subsídios para programa de gestão integrada entre a prefeitura municipal e os geradores. / Large amounts of waste debris (demolition and construction services) from urban infrastructure works has been noticed in the last years due, to increase of population, urbanization process of medium and large cities. The absence of management procedures for the wastes has implied important increase for urban cleaning costs, as well as environmental degradation of dumping areas. The implementation of plans for sustainable development of civil construction area is required in order to minimize the environmental damages. This work presents a diagnosis for the waste debris current situation in São Carlos - SP and the study for a management model, aiming to provide a first contribution for the re-use of recycle materials. Aspects related to generation, composition, collection, and disposal of waste debris were assessed. Basic municipal indexes were used to assess and to characterize the growth and production of the civil construction area. The quantitative characterization provided the generation dimension while waste composition was determined by a qualitative characterization. An overview of the current situation in São Carlos was obtained from the evaluation of collection, transportation and final disposal system. Mapping of legal and no legal disposal sites indicated the most environmentally vulnerable areas that represent a problem for the municipality. All these factors are essential for an integrated management program involving the municipality and the waste debris generators.

A Multi-Level Perspective: Construction and Demolition Waste Management System : Case Study: Bengaluru

Ramakrishna, Prashanth January 2023 (has links)
A significant proportion of construction and demolition (C&amp;D) waste is encompassed within the broader category of global waste. The handling of C&amp;D waste is subject to the influence of a tripartite of environmental, social, and economic factors. An extensive comprehension of C&amp;D waste management can be attained by examining the construction industry, waste management, transportation, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The escalating aggregate demand and landfill practices significantly threaten developing nations' natural resources, despite the national government's regulatory measures. The present study employed a qualitative research approach and a multi-level perspective (MLP) framework to investigate the various actors, factors, and levels that impact the management of C&amp;D waste. The present analysis relates independently to investigating lock-in determinants, encompassing exogenous and endogenous pressures and socio-technical transitions. Bengaluru's management of C&amp;D waste encompasses a diverse array of stakeholders, including real estate organizations, urban development agencies, construction firms, both formal and informal markets, a solitary C&amp;D processing plant situated at the periphery of the city, unapproved landfills located in abandoned stone quarries, local transportation providers, governance bodies, and low-carbon building methodologies. Furthermore, it is imperative to note that there exist significant deficiencies in the execution of C&amp;D waste management by established protocols, as well as their enforcement. This is compounded by an acute shortage of facilities for the collection and disposal of such waste, insufficient vehicular resources at the disposal of the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), limited participation from stakeholders, negative attitudes towards the effective use of recycled materials and the repurposing of building components, a lack of incentivisation and punitive measures, inadequate awareness among proprietors and constructors of private edifices, and the indiscriminate dumping of C&amp;D waste, which has led to the obstruction of commuting and communal well being. The effects of landfills on wildlife, such as avian migration and urban inundation, have prompted a transition towards more ecologically sound management of C&amp;D waste in Bengaluru. Formulating sustainable strategies for managing C&amp;D waste in Bengaluru is encouraged to incorporate socio-economic and environmental factors, business models, and governmental cooperation. The importance of sharing information, the power of nudging people to alter their habits, and the value of considering new approaches to building are also highlighted.

Construction And Demolition Debris Recovery And Recycling In Orange County, Fl

Toth, Michael Stephen, II 01 January 2012 (has links)
In 2008, the State of Florida established a recycling goal of 75% to be achieved by 2020. In response to the Florida goal Orange County (OC), Florida has made the development and implementation of an efficient strategy for landfill diversion of its solid waste a top priority. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) estimated that 23 % of municipal solid waste was generated by construction and demolition (C&D) activities in 2009, with only 30 percent of C&D debris being recycled. Therefore, OC decided to create a solid waste integrated resource plan (SWIRP) initially focused on the recovery and recycling of C&D materials (2010). For SWIRP development, OC decision makers need the best available data regarding C&D debris generation and composition and an understanding of the potential markets available for recycled materials. In this investigation debris generation was estimated over the period of 2001 to 2009 for the largest single governing body within OC, unincorporated OC (UOC), representing 65 percent of county population. The debris generation model was constructed for years 2001-2010 using area values for C&D activities in six sectors obtained from building permits and debris generation multipliers obtained from literature values. The benefit of the model is that as building permit information is received, debris generation estimations can also be expediently updated. Material composition fractions obtained from waste characterization studies of landfills in the Central Florida area were applied to the debris generation model resulting in a material iv composition for all sectors for years 2001-2010. The material composition of the debris stream was found to be, on average, concrete (53%) drywall (20%), wood (12%), a miscellaneous fraction (8%), asphalt roofing material (4%), metal (2%), cardboard (1%) and carpet and padding (1%). A market analysis was performed for concrete, drywall, wood, asphalt roofing shingles and residual screened materials (RSM). It was found that statewide, markets existed for 100 percent of the materials studied and could replace significant amounts of natural material feedstocks, but that the development of more local markets was vital to meeting OC’s diversion goal to minimize the cost of transporting recyclables.

Britador de resíduos sólidos da construção civil: projeto de equipamento móvel de pequeno porte / not available

Moura, William Miosso 18 December 2015 (has links)
O cenário positivo pelo qual a construção civil atravessou nas últimas duas décadas trouxe incontáveis benefícios ao país, porém alguns aspectos relevantes devem ser avaliados neste panorama de crescimento, principalmente os relacionados aos impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo setor. Uma destas preocupações é a quantidade de resíduos sólidos produzidos e sua respectiva disposição final. O equipamento, objeto deste estudo, propõe que os resíduos produzidos sejam processados, transformados novamente em materiais, e reutilizados dentro do próprio processo construtivo, sem que haja necessidade de transportá-los às áreas de processamento e disposição. Para tanto, foram analisadas amostras de material Classe A, inertes, passiveis de serem reincorporados ao processo construtivo, substituindo o agregado (pedra britada) em determinadas situações. Foram avaliadas ainda as condições conceituais, materiais e mecânicas do equipamento britador, para melhor aproveitamento dos materiais que serão produzidos e reincorporados ao ciclo construtivo da Construção Civil. Os estudos resultaram no projeto de uma máquina britadora de resíduos, de pequeno porte, porém capaz de transformar resíduos sólidos Classe A, em materiais passiveis de serem reutilizados em forma de agregados, sem que haja necessidade de retirá-los da obra para processamento. / The positive scenario which construction has gone through in the last two decades in Brazil brought countless benefits to the country, however, some important aspects must be evaluated in this growth panorama, especially those related to environmental impacts caused by the activity. One of these concerns is the solid waste amount production and its respective final disposal. The device, object of this study, proposes that the produced waste is processed, transformed back into materials and reused in the construction process itself, discarding transportation to processing sites and deposition. For this purpose, inert Class A waste samples were analyzed under certain situations aiming to be able to reincorporation in the construction process, replacing the aggregate (crushed stone). The crusher equipments conceptual, material and mechanical conditions were also evaluated to achieve better results on the use and reincorporation of the processed materials in the construction cycle. The studies resulted in the design of a crusher waste machine, small, but able to turn Class A solid waste, insusceptible materials to be reused in the form of aggregates, with no need to remove them from workplace for processing.

Britador de resíduos sólidos da construção civil: projeto de equipamento móvel de pequeno porte / not available

William Miosso Moura 18 December 2015 (has links)
O cenário positivo pelo qual a construção civil atravessou nas últimas duas décadas trouxe incontáveis benefícios ao país, porém alguns aspectos relevantes devem ser avaliados neste panorama de crescimento, principalmente os relacionados aos impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo setor. Uma destas preocupações é a quantidade de resíduos sólidos produzidos e sua respectiva disposição final. O equipamento, objeto deste estudo, propõe que os resíduos produzidos sejam processados, transformados novamente em materiais, e reutilizados dentro do próprio processo construtivo, sem que haja necessidade de transportá-los às áreas de processamento e disposição. Para tanto, foram analisadas amostras de material Classe A, inertes, passiveis de serem reincorporados ao processo construtivo, substituindo o agregado (pedra britada) em determinadas situações. Foram avaliadas ainda as condições conceituais, materiais e mecânicas do equipamento britador, para melhor aproveitamento dos materiais que serão produzidos e reincorporados ao ciclo construtivo da Construção Civil. Os estudos resultaram no projeto de uma máquina britadora de resíduos, de pequeno porte, porém capaz de transformar resíduos sólidos Classe A, em materiais passiveis de serem reutilizados em forma de agregados, sem que haja necessidade de retirá-los da obra para processamento. / The positive scenario which construction has gone through in the last two decades in Brazil brought countless benefits to the country, however, some important aspects must be evaluated in this growth panorama, especially those related to environmental impacts caused by the activity. One of these concerns is the solid waste amount production and its respective final disposal. The device, object of this study, proposes that the produced waste is processed, transformed back into materials and reused in the construction process itself, discarding transportation to processing sites and deposition. For this purpose, inert Class A waste samples were analyzed under certain situations aiming to be able to reincorporation in the construction process, replacing the aggregate (crushed stone). The crusher equipments conceptual, material and mechanical conditions were also evaluated to achieve better results on the use and reincorporation of the processed materials in the construction cycle. The studies resulted in the design of a crusher waste machine, small, but able to turn Class A solid waste, insusceptible materials to be reused in the form of aggregates, with no need to remove them from workplace for processing.

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