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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyzing the potential for tourism to promote sustainable economic development on the Lower North Shore of Quebec

Hull, John Sterling. January 1998 (has links)
Over-fishing and poor resource management in the northwest Atlantic have led to a drastic decline in the fishery, forcing many communities in eastern Canada to turn to new sources of livelihood. Residents on the Lower North Shore of Quebec are responding to the fisheries crisis by identifying alternative economic development strategies, including a small scale ecotourism industry centred around some of the oldest seabird sanctuaries in North America. Policy makers and communities hope that this type of tourism will generate revenue and employment while also protecting the natural areas upon which local residents depend. Unfortunately, little is known at this time about the ability of ecotourism to live up to this promise. In this context, the central goal of this thesis is to examine the feasibility ecotourism to act as a mechanism for sustainable economic development In order to meet this objective, this research draws upon and refines past attempts by geographers to grapple with the links between the tourism industry and destination development. The thesis shows that the dominant theoretical frameworks of the 1980s cannot provide us with an adequate understanding of the rapidly evolving tourism industry and its role in regional development processes and protected area management. Instead, this thesis adopts post-Fordist theories of tourism development to conduct a microscale analysis on the impacts and underlying structure of the ecotourism industry and its linkages to protected areas and local communities in the region. By synthesizing quantitative and qualitative evidence in the realist tradition, a systematic methodology is generated to argue that a bottom-up, multi-scale network approach provides the greatest potential for promoting more sustainable forms of tourism development.

Distribution et dynamique du sulfure de diméthyle (DMS) associées à la banquise dans l'Arctique canadien pendant la période de fonte

Gourdal, Margaux 15 February 2019 (has links)
La glace de mer saisonnière représente un environnement dynamique et biologiquement productif des régions polaires. La forte activité microbiologique associée à la glace de mer se traduit par une production de sulfure de diméthyle (DMS) souvent exceptionnelle. Le DMS est un gaz biogène soufré impliqué dans la régulation du climat via l’impact refroidissant de ses produits d’oxydation dans l’atmosphère. Cette thèse a pour objets d’étude la répartition et la dynamique du DMS dans la zone de banquise de première année en Arctique pendant la période de fonte printanière. L’ensemble des travaux de recherche présentés ici met en évidence l’ubiquité du DMS dans cet écosystème au coeur duquel la glace de première année exerce un rôle prépondérant. Mes résultats montrent que la communauté microbienne à la base de la banquise est à l’origine de concentrations de DMS parmi les plus élevées rapportées à ce jour dans les océans polaires. Ce réservoir de DMS dans la glace basale participe à l’enrichissement direct de l’océan sous la banquise, mais aussi potentiellement à un flux de DMS vers l’atmosphère. Suivant le déclin des algues de glace à la fin du printemps, les floraisons de phytoplancton sous la glace peuvent aussi être à l’origine d’une augmentation des concentrations océaniques de DMS. Mes résultats montrent que les mares de fonte qui se forment à la surface de la banquise représentent également des sources importantes de DMS pour l’atmosphère arctique. Les concentrations de DMS mesurées dans ces mares de fonte s’élevaient jusqu’à 12 nmol l-1, soit 4 fois la moyenne globale de l’océan de surface. Mes recherches indiquent que le potentiel de production du DMS par ces mares de fonte repose sur leur salinisation et leur ensemencement en algues via les canaux de saumures de la glace sous-jacente. Dans l’ensemble, les mesures effectuées au cours de cette thèse contribuent à mettre en évidence la diversité et l’importance des sources de DMS associées à la glace de première année au printemps en Arctique. Il est primordial d’inclure l’ensemble de ces flux de DMS de la banquise saisonnière dans les modèles climatiques régionaux et globaux. Enfin, mes résultats suggèrent que le remplacement graduel de la glace pluriannuelle par de la glace saisonnière résultera en une augmentation des émissions de DMS depuis la zone de glace saisonnière. / Seasonal sea ice represents a dynamic and episodically productive environment in the Polar Regions. This high biological productivity translates into the accumulation of exceptionally high concentrations of dimethyl sulfide (DMS). DMS is a biogenic sulfur-containing gas involved in the regional climate regulation through its influence on aerosols and clouds formation. This thesis focuses on DMS distribution and dynamics within the Arctic seasonal sea ice during the melt period. Together, my results highlight the ubiquity of DMS within the ice-associated ecosystem, and the determinant role played by sea ice in the DMS cycle in ice-covered regions. DMS concentrations reported in bottom sea ice are amongst the highest ever observed in polar oceans and throughout the marine environment. This pool of bottom ice-DMS enriches the under-ice ocean and potentially acts as a source of atmospheric DMS as it diffuses upward through interior sea ice. Following the decay of the sea ice algal bloom, phytoplankton growth under the ice may lead to a second increase of pelagic DMS concentrations. My results show that melt ponds that form atop sea ice following snow melt are also sources of DMS for the arctic atmosphere. Melt ponds were observed to accumulate DMS concentrations up to 12 nmol l-1, hence four-fold the global ocean surface average DMS concentration. Results from incubations experiments conducted during my thesis indicate that DMS production in melt ponds is initiated upon algal and salt intrusion via the underlying brine network during the melt season. Together, my results contribute to highlighting the importance and diversity of iceassociated DMS sources within the Arctic Ocean. DMS fluxes from seasonally ice-covered ocean should be accounted for in future global and regional models. Finally, my results suggest that gradual replacement of perennial sea ice with seasonal sea ice in the Arctic would result in an increase of DMS emission from the ice-covered ocean.

La présence amérindienne sur la Côte-du-sud aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles à partir des registres paroissiaux

Piché-Nadeau, Katherine 18 April 2018 (has links)
La Côte-du-Sud n’est qu’une zone de passage pour les Amérindiens avant l’arrivée des Européens et même pendant la colonisation. Le contexte de cette région se résume à peu de colons, peu d’Amérindiens, une absence de mission et sans doute peu de relations commerciales. Un tel contexte, contrastant considérablement avec ce qui se passe dans les Pays d’en haut notamment, nuance donc notre perception de cette présence amérindienne et des relations qui en découlent. Les sources utilisées sont principalement les registres paroissiaux, auxquels nous ajoutons quelques sources secondaires. À l’intérieur des registres, de 1679 à 1765, nous avons comptabilisé 382 actes relatifs aux Amérindiens : 213 baptêmes, sept mariages et 162 sépultures. Tout en étudiant les spécificités du contexte de la Côte-du-Sud, nous verrons les individus présents dans les actes, les moments et les paroisses où ils se retrouvent, les relations entretenues avec les Blancs pour terminer avec le métissage.

Changements dans la croissance et dans la reproduction du phoque gris (halichoerus grypus) du Nord-Ouest de l'Atlantique : évidences de densité dépendance?

Dussault, Hélène 12 April 2018 (has links)
La population de phoque gris (Halichoerus grypus) du nord-ouest de l'Atlantique a augmenté de manière exponentielle au cours des quatre dernières décennies, passant de 20 000 bêtes en 1970 à 250 000 en 2000. Les premiers signes attendus d'une régulation dépendante de la densité sont des changements dans la condition physique et dans la croissance des individus, ainsi que des changements dans les paramètres de reproduction. La condition physique et la croissance ont été examinées sur 3 302 phoques gris échantillonnés dans l'Atlantique canadien de 1954 à 2004 en utilisant des courbes de croissance non linéaires. La condition physique n'a pas changé de 1954 à 2004 mais la taille corporelle a diminué depuis les années 50. Les paramètres de reproduction de la population, dont les taux de reproduction selon l'âge et l'âge à la première naissance ont été examinés avec un échantillon de 208 femelles récoltées entre 1993 et 2004 et l'âge à maturité sexuelle a été examiné à partir de mâles récoltés en 2004. Les taux de reproduction ont diminué comparativement aux taux obtenus dans les années 70 et 80 et l'âge moyen des mâles à maturité sexuelle a augmenté, par contre, l'échantillon ne comptait que 15 individus. Ces diminutions de la croissance corporelle et des taux de reproduction suggèrent que des changements dépendants de la densité dans la population du phoque gris du nord-ouest de l'Atlantique se produisent. / The Northwest Atlantic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) population has been growing exponentially over the last four decades, increasing from 20, 000 animals in 1970 to 250, 000 in 2000. Early indications of density-dependent regulation are expected to be reflected as changes in physical condition, individual growth and changes among reproductive parameters. Changes in body size and condition were examined in a sample of 3 302 grey seals collected from Atlantic Canada from 1954 to 2004 using nonlinear growth curves. Condition did not change since the 1950s, but body size declined. Reproductive parameters, such as age specific reproductive rates and age at first birth were examined from 208 females collected from 1993 to 2004 and age at sexual maturity was examined from males collected in 2004. Reproductive rates declined compared to the rates obtained in the 1970s and 1980s, and the mean age of male sexual maturity increased, but only 15 males were sampled. The decline in body size and changes among reproductive parameters suggest that density-dependent changes in the Northwest grey seal population are occurring.

Expansion du tourisme de croisière dans l'Arctique canadien : analyse du discours des opérateurs potentiels et actuels

Têtu, Pierre-Louis 19 April 2018 (has links)
Depuis 1995, les changements climatiques accélèrent la fonte de la banquise arctique et laissent entrevoir la possibilité d’un accroissement de la navigation touristique. Dans ce contexte, les médias et certains chercheurs, étant donné l’engouement récent pour les croisières arctique, se sont faits les porte-parole d’un accroissement spectaculaire dans l’Arctique canadien. Cette recherche, donc, a pour ambition d’analyser les perspectives d’évolution de la navigation touristique dans l’Arctique canadien par le biais des représentations qu’elle engendre à différentes échelles. Il ressort, de cette analyse, des opinions mitigées. D’un côté, les armateurs et affréteurs de navires de croisières n'ont pas le souhait d'accroître leurs activités en raison d’une panoplie d’éléments d’ordre logistique, tout comme les passagers qui désirent préserver le caractère intime des petits navires d’expéditions. De l’autre côté, les communautés locales, aux prises avec de graves problèmes socioéconomiques et avides de revenus supplémentaires, voient d’un bon oeil la venue de nombreux navires. / Since 1995, the fast melting of the summer pack in the Canadian Arctic precludes the possibility of increased tourism shipping. In this context of gradual reduction of Arctic Sea Ice, the Medias and some researchers, given the strong popularity of cruises around the Arctic, have been the spokesmen of an inevitable increase in the Canadian Arctic. This research aims to analyse the outlook for the tourist shipping in the Canadian Arctic through representations it generates at different scales. It appears strong mitigated opinions. On the one hand, the owners and operators of cruise ships aren’t interested in expanding their business activities due to a variety of logistical elements, as well as passengers who wish to preserve the intimate of those small expedition vessels. On the other hand, local communities, struggling with serious socioeconomic problems and eager for extra income are strongly interested in the expansion of industry.

The role of Ivorian human rights non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the pursuit of the right to development in Côte D'Ivoire

Vahard, Patrice Ernest 02 1900 (has links)
This work is built on three pillars and seeks to contribute to the understanding of the right to development (RtD) especially from the perspective of human rights non-governmental organisations. First, the right to development, arguably one of the most recent and controversial rights in the architecture of international human rights, shapes the development paradigm in a manner that integrates civil, cultural, economic, social, political and environmental rights of both individuals and groups without distinction. Secondly, in general, social movements – including nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) – play a crucial role as agents for change in any democratic society. Africa, and within it Côte d’Ivoire, is no exception. Thirdly Côte d’Ivoire, an African country once heralded as a success story has been confronted with an internal conflict with impacts which continue to be felt in the form of increased poverty and insecurity. The country strives to resume peace, development and stability but does not appear to have reached the end of the tunnel. The issues confronting this country are similar to those identified by Former South African President, Thabo Mbeki, and others to justify the promotion of the African Renaissance as the vision to pursue. From the perspective of human rights law, these issues are largely covered by the RtD. Therefore, can NGOs in Côte d’Ivoire contribute meaningfully to addressing the challenges facing the country through the pursuit of the RtD? This is the question at the heart of the present work. This thesis establishes two main conclusions. First, in the current context of the Côte d’Ivoire, a shift in focus towards the RtD will enable NGOs be part of the solution to the multifaceted problems Côte d’Ivoire is seeking to overcome. Secondly, no NGO currently has the requisite experience in working on the RtD in Côte d’Ivoire. However, the structural reasons for this vacuum relate in the main to knowledge and capacity. These can be addressed and recommendations are formulated to this end. / Public, Constitutional, & International / LL.D.

Dividing lines, converging aims : a moral analysis of micro-regionalism in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire

Whiteford, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides a moral analysis of micro-regional forces in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, using the framework of the New Regionalism Approach (NRA). It presents an original contribution to the field through the addition of the Ghanaian-Ivoirian case study, as well as a unique application of Martha Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach to the NRA. In an attempt to counter the view that borders in Africa are artificial, arbitrary and the result of colonial imposition, this research employs the Capabilities Approach, providing a narrative of both positive and negative impacts resulting from the opportunity created by borders in West Africa. The way in which the Ghanaian-Ivoirian border is used by individuals in their security strategies in the face of economic deprivation and physical threats represents a positive impact of borders. Conversely, the role of borders in the continued prevalence of human trafficking in West Africa is also questioned in this piece, providing a balanced account of the impact of borders. This research concludes that the Ghanaian-Ivoirian border presents opportunities that can be exploited to both positive and negative ends at the micro-regional level. This interpretation suggests that any complete account of borders in West Africa more broadly ought to employ a moral framework in addition to a multi-levelled scale of analysis.

Rethinking the Migration-Conflict Nexus: Insights from the Cocoa Regions in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana

Mitchell, MATTHEW 29 July 2013 (has links)
In recent years, International Relations scholars have begun to consider migration as an explanatory variable, recognizing its potential role in contributing to the outbreak of violent conflict. Despite the theoretical and empirical contributions resulting from this scholarship, the growing literature privileges a narrow category of migrants – involuntary migrants – failing to capture the role of the millions of voluntary migrants that might be part of the migration-conflict nexus. While some efforts have been made to explore the broader relationship between migration and security, this work focuses on developed countries, national security, and international migration. In short, this has led to the development of a new research agenda that bears little relevance to the African context (and other developing regions) where internal security and internal migration are much more prominent issues. This dissertation addresses these gaps by examining the migration-conflict nexus in the cocoa regions in two West African countries − Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. These countries are excellent candidates for comparative analysis as both have a great deal in common in terms of their natural resources, geographies, cultures and relations to the world market. These countries also provide fertile ground for comparison as although they share similar migration histories, there have been fundamentally different outcomes in terms of migration-producing conflict. Whereas there have been violent outbreaks of conflict targeting migrants in Côte d’Ivoire leading to a protracted civil war, instances of violent conflict in Ghana’s cocoa growing regions are rare. By analyzing and contrasting the different migration-conflict trajectories across these cases, the dissertation develops an empirically-informed model for explaining migration-conflict dynamics in Africa and beyond. While the findings highlight the need to take migration seriously as a security issue in its own right, they also reveal the critical role of the following intervening variables in influencing the diverging outcomes: differences in state-society relations; diverging land tenure regimes; variations in state capacity and exogenous shocks; and contrasting experiences with autochthony discourses. Notwithstanding the empirical focus on migration-conflict dynamics in the Ivoirian and Ghanaian cocoa regions, the model developed herein provides important insights beyond these regional contexts. / Thesis (Ph.D, Political Studies) -- Queen's University, 2013-07-29 15:25:50.931

The role of Ivorian human rights non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the pursuit of the right to development in Côte D'Ivoire

Vahard, Patrice Ernest 02 1900 (has links)
This work is built on three pillars and seeks to contribute to the understanding of the right to development (RtD) especially from the perspective of human rights non-governmental organisations. First, the right to development, arguably one of the most recent and controversial rights in the architecture of international human rights, shapes the development paradigm in a manner that integrates civil, cultural, economic, social, political and environmental rights of both individuals and groups without distinction. Secondly, in general, social movements – including nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) – play a crucial role as agents for change in any democratic society. Africa, and within it Côte d’Ivoire, is no exception. Thirdly Côte d’Ivoire, an African country once heralded as a success story has been confronted with an internal conflict with impacts which continue to be felt in the form of increased poverty and insecurity. The country strives to resume peace, development and stability but does not appear to have reached the end of the tunnel. The issues confronting this country are similar to those identified by Former South African President, Thabo Mbeki, and others to justify the promotion of the African Renaissance as the vision to pursue. From the perspective of human rights law, these issues are largely covered by the RtD. Therefore, can NGOs in Côte d’Ivoire contribute meaningfully to addressing the challenges facing the country through the pursuit of the RtD? This is the question at the heart of the present work. This thesis establishes two main conclusions. First, in the current context of the Côte d’Ivoire, a shift in focus towards the RtD will enable NGOs be part of the solution to the multifaceted problems Côte d’Ivoire is seeking to overcome. Secondly, no NGO currently has the requisite experience in working on the RtD in Côte d’Ivoire. However, the structural reasons for this vacuum relate in the main to knowledge and capacity. These can be addressed and recommendations are formulated to this end. / Public, Constitutional, and International / LL.D.

Association Of Socio Demographic Characteristics With Condom Used At Last Sexual Intercourse Among Adults 15 To 49 Years Between Côte D’Ivoire And Senegal An Examination Of Measure Demographic Health Survey Data 2005

Kingbo, Marie Huguette Kayi Akpedje 17 May 2013 (has links)
Background: HIV/AIDS is one of the world’s most serious health challenges. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region most heavily affected by HIV, with 69% of the people living with HIV in the world. Côte d'Ivoire has a high HIV prevalence rate and Senegal a low prevalence rate. The main research question is whether or not the HIV risk behavior of Ivorian differs from the HIV risk behavior of Senegalese in terms of selected categorical and continuous variables. In other words, if using condoms at last sexual intercourse differs between Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal. Methods: Cross-sectional data from the Measure Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) involving 9,686 Ivorian and 18,363 Senegalese from 2005 were used. The Pearson Chi-square test were performed to determine any significant relationship between the variables across the two countries with respect to socio-demographic and HIV risky behaviors status. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to test the significance of any association between the independent and the dependent variables (Condoms used at last sexual intercourse). Throughout all the analysis performed, a p-value of 0.05 and confidence interval of 95% were used to determine any statistical significance. Results: Logistic regression models showed that Côte d’Ivoire respondents had decrease odds of using condoms during their last sexual intercourse (OR=0.7; 95% CI 0.62 - 0.79) as compared to Senegal and the difference was statistically significant at p < 0.05. In Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal, wealth and education have been consistently found to be positively associated with condoms used at last sexual intercourse. Conclusion: HIV risk behaviors seem to be associated with condoms used and marital status. The results in our study suggest a possible relation with condoms used, HIV prevalence and polygamy in Senegal, so men use condoms less frequently with marital partners. More studies need to assess the role of polygamy in the transmission and/or acquisition of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. Key words: HIV/AIDS, Risky behaviors, Condoms used, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal

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